MIKRO2 - Teori MK Mikrokontroller

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Expertise on embedded system,
biomedical signal processing,
rehabilitation engineering
WA: 081-5512-6883
Email: [email protected]

Introduction to...

This semester: 12 meeting & 2 exam
1. Introduction Arduino (a demonstration video)
2. Instruction (arith., compar., logical, cond., loop)
3. Analog read
4. Analog write
5. Motor (DC/ Servo/ Stepper)
6. Mid Test (UTS)
7. SPI/ I2C
8. DHT11 temp./humidity
9. TCS32000 color sensor
1. Lecturing: 30 minute
10.RTC DS1307
2. Exercise: 20 minute
11.MPU 6050 Acc/Gyro
3. Assignment: 5 minute
12.Student presentation
4. Closing: 5 minute
13.Student presentation
14.Final test

It is a micro-computer.
As any computer it has
internal CPU, RAM, IOs
It is used for control
purposes, and for data

Famous microcontroller manufacturers are MicroChip,

Atmel, Intel, Analog devices, and more.
What is a Development Board

• A printed circuit
board designed to
facilitate work with a
• Typical components include:
• power circuit
• programming interface
• basic input; usually buttons and LEDs
• I/O pins
What is Arduino Not?

• It is not a chip (IC)

• It is not a board (PCB)
• It is not a company or a manufacturer
• It is not a programming language
• It is not a computer architecture

(although it involves all of these things...)

So, what is the Arduino

What is Arduino?
A microcontroller board, contains on-board
power supply, USB port to communicate with PC,
and an Atmel microcontroller chip.
It simplify the process of creating any control
system by providing the standard board that can
be programmed and connected to the system
without the need to any sophisticated PCB design
and implementation.

It is an open source hardware, any one can

get the details of its design and modify it or
make his own one himself.
Arduino – Official Definition
Taken from the official web site
– Arduino is an open-source electronics
prototyping platform based on flexible,
easy-to-use hardware and software.

– It's intended for artists, designers,

hobbyists, and anyone interested in
creating interactive objects or
Why Arduino?
• For whatever reason, Arduino
microcontrollers have become the de facto
– Make Magazine features many projects using
Arduino microcontrollers.
• Strives for the balance between ease of use
and usefulness.
– Programming languages seen as major obstacle.
– Arduino C is a greatly simplified version of C++.
• Inexpensive (35k retail).
Arduino boards:

UNO Mega LilyPad

Arduino BT Arduino Nano Arduino Mini

Arduino UNO:
Digital output
~: PWM. In circuit Serial
0,1: Serial port. programming

USB port

Power input

Analog input.
Power Supply
Arduino Program Development
• Based on C++ without 80% of the instructions.
• A handful of new commands.
• Programs are called 'sketches'.
• Sketches need two functions:
– void setup( )
– void loop( )
• setup( ) runs first and once.
• loop( ) runs over and over, until power is lost or a
new sketch is loaded.
Arduino C
• Arduino sketches are centered around the
pins on an Arduino board.
• Arduino sketches always loop.
– void loop( ) {} is equivalent to while(1) { }
• The pins can be thought of as global variables.
Digital I/0

pinMode(pin, mode)
Sets pin to either INPUT or OUTPUT
Reads HIGH or LOW from a pin
digitalWrite(pin, value)
Writes HIGH or LOW to a pin
Arduino Timing

• delay(ms)
– Pauses for a few milliseconds
• delayMicroseconds(us)
– Pauses for a few microseconds
• More commands:
Compiler Features
• Numerous sample
sketches are included in
the compiler
• Located under File,
• Once a sketch is
written, it is uploaded
by clicking on File,
Upload, or by pressing
<Ctrl> U
Arduino C is Derived from C++
◼ These programs blink an LED on pin 13
• avr-libc • Arduino C
#include <avr/io.h> void setup( ) {
#include <util/delay.h> pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
int main(void) {
while (1) { void loop( ) {
PORTB = 0x20; digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
_delay_ms(1000); delay(1000);
PORTB = 0x00; digitalWrite(13, LOW);
_delay_ms(1000); delay(1000);
} }
return 1;
Basic Electric Circuit
• Every circuit (electric or electronic) must have
at least a power source and a load.
• The simplest circuit is a light.
• Plug in the light, and it lights up.
• Unplug it, the light goes out.
• Electricity flows from the power source,
through the load (the light) and then back to
the power source.
Void setup ()
Putting It Together {
pinMode (13, OUTPUT)

• Complete the sketch

(program) below.
• What output will be
generated by this program?
• What if the schematic were
changed? ➔
Blink Sketch
void setup( ) {
Connected to one
pinMode(13, OUTPUT); end of the circuit
Connected to
other end of the
} circuit
void loop( ) {
digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
digitalWrite(13, LOW);
4 LED Blink Sketch
void loop( ) {
void setup( ) { digitalWrite(1, HIGH);
pinMode(1, OUTPUT); delay (200);
pinMode(3, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(1, LOW); {
pinMode(5, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(1, HIGH)
pinMode(7, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(3, HIGH); digitalWrite(3, HIGH)
} delay (200); digitalWrite(5, HIGH)
digitalWrite(7, HIGH)
digitalWrite(3, LOW); delay (200);
digitalWrite(1, LOW)
digitalWrite(5, HIGH); digitalWrite(3, LOW)
delay (200); digitalWrite(5, LOW)
digitalWrite(5, LOW); digitalWrite(7, LOW)
delay (200);
digitalWrite(7, HIGH); }
delay (200);
digitalWrite(7, LOW);
So What?
• Great. Blinking lights. Not impressed.
• Only covered output thus far.
• Can use analog inputs to detect a physical
• Digital inputs will come to the Arduino as either
on or off (HIGH or LOW, respectively).
– HIGH is 5VDC.
– LOW is 0VDC.
• Analog inputs will come to the Arduino as a range
of numbers, based upon the electrical
characteristics of the circuit.
– 0 to 1023
– .0049 V per digit (4.9 mV)
– Read time is 100 microseconds (10,000 a second)
Analog Input
• A potentiometer (variable
resistor) is connected to
analog pin 0 to an Arduino.
• Values presented to pin 0
will vary depending upon
the resistance of the
Analog Input-Application
• The variable resistor can be replaced with
a sensor.
• For example, a photo resistor.
– Depending upon the light level at the photo
• Turn on a light
• Increase or decrease the brightness of an LED (or an
LED array)
• Most sensors are simply variable resistors,
but vary their resistance based on some
physical characteristic.
1. Sensors can be both binary or a range.
2. Usually, sensors that measure a range
of values vary their resistance to reflect
their detection.
3. Arduinos can only sense voltages, not
4. Sensors that only vary their resistances
require a circuit called a voltage divider
to provide the Arduino a voltage.
Common Sensors

• Dials on a radio are • Infrared sensor & light

simply potentiometers • Hall effect sensor and
• Temperature magnet
• Light • Ball tilt sensor (for
• Angle measuring orientation)
• Switches • Force
– did the user throw a
switch or push a button?
• Accelerometer
(measures motion and
“Competitors”to the Arduino
• PIC controller
– Microcontroller programmed with C or assembler
• Alternatives to the Arduino line
– Pinguino – PIC controller
– MSP430 – Texas Instruments; $4.30
– Others: customs, Teensy, etc.
• Netduino
• Computers
– Raspberry Pi
– BeagleBones – TI; has computer and controller
• Microcontroller and development tools created by
Microsoft to work with the .NET Micro Framework.
• VASTLY better development environment.
– visualmicro.com
– Other alternatives
• Differences
– Pins on a Netduino are 3.3V (not 5).
– Netduinos have a much faster processor.
– 60K of RAM (versus an Uno's 2K).
• Largely compatible with the Arduino, but it is not a drop-
in replacement (can fry it).
Raspberry Pi
• Low end computer, not a controller
• Uses Debian Linux
– Arch Linux ARM, Fedora, FreeBSD, Slackware…
• Programmed with Python
– BBC BASIC, C, Perl
• As it is a computer and not a controller, its role
in these projects is different.
• Hierarchy: computers control controllers,
controllers control hardware.
• Shields are circuit boards that plug into the
top of an Arduino.
• They extend the capabilities of an Arduino.
• Examples:
– Ethernet
– Motor
– Prototype
• shieldlist.org
This semester: 12 meeting & 2 exam
1. Introduction Arduino (a demonstration video)
2. Instruction (arith., comp., logical, cond., loop)
3. Analog read
4. Analog write
5. Motor (DC/ Servo/ Stepper)
6. SPI/ I2C
7. Mid Test (UTS)
8. DHT11 temp./humidity
9. TCS32000 color sensor
1. Lecturing: 30 minute
10.RTC DS1307
2. Exercise: 20 minute
11.MPU 6050 Acc/Gyro
3. Assignment: 5 minute
12.Student presentation
4. Closing: 5 minute
13.Student presentation
14.Final test
Arduino Coding.

Stylize, edit, and animate your media

Data Types and operators
Integer: used with integer variables with value between 2147483647
and -2147483647.
Ex. int x=1200;

Character: used with single character, represent value from -127 to

Ex. char c=‘r’;

Long: Long variables are extended size variables for number storage,
and store 32 bits (4 bytes), from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647.
Ex. long u=199203;

Floating-point numbers can be as large as 3.4028235E+38 and as low

as -3.4028235E+38. They are stored as 32 bits (4 bytes) of
Ex. float num=1.291;
Statement and operators:
Statement represents a command, it ends with ;
int x;
Operators are symbols that used to indicate a specific
- Math operators: [+,-,*,/,%,^]
- Logic operators: [==, !=, &&, ||]
- Comparison operators: [==, >, <, !=, <=, >=]
; Semicolon, {} curly braces,
//single line comment,
/*Multi-line comments*/
Statement and operators:
Compound Operators:
++ (increment)
-- (decrement)
+= (compound addition) data+=data+100
-= (compound subtraction)
*= (compound multiplication)
/= (compound division)
Control statements:
Switch case:
switch (var) {
case 1:
//do something when var equals 1
case 2:
//do something when var equals 2
// if nothing else matches, do the default
while (digitalRead(buttonPin) == HIGH)
{ {
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
} // statement(s)

var = 0;
while(var < 200)
// do something repetitive 200 times
do...while Syntax:
// statement block
} while (condition);

Example Code:
delay(50); // wait for sensors to stabilize
x = readSensors(); // check the sensors
} while (x < 100);
if...else VCC

if (condition)
Buat program agar pada saat {
SW ditekan maka LED nyala //statement(s)
Demikian sebaliknya
PIN0 }


if (digitalRead(0) == HIGH)
digitalWrite(13, HIGH); PIN13

digitalWrite(13, LOW)
Example: VCC

if (digitalRead(0) == LOW) VCC

digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
} PIN0
if else (digitalRead(1) == LOW) VCC
{ PIN1
digitalWrite(12, HIGH);
if (digitalRead(2) == LOW)
{ PIN2
digitalWrite(11, HIGH);
Else {
digitalWrite(13, LOW); (12, LOW); (11, LOW)

digitalWrite(14,LOW) ;0
digitalWrite(11,LOW); pulse
x 7x
digitalWrite(12, LOW);
if...else {

else if(condition2)
for for (condition)
For (int j=0; j<100; j++) {
x = readSensors();
delay(1000); }

for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)

Input and output:

This semester: 12 meeting & 2 exam
1. Introduction Arduino (a demonstration video)
2. Instruction (arith., comp., logical, cond., loop)
3. Analog input
4. Analog output
5. Motor (DC/ Servo/ Stepper)
6. SPI/ I2C
7. Mid Test (UTS)
8. DHT11 temp./humidity
9. TCS32000 color sensor
1. Lecturing: 30 minute
10.RTC DS1307
2. Exercise: 20 minute
11.MPU 6050 Acc/Gyro
3. Assignment: 5 minute
12.Student presentation
4. Closing: 5 minute
13.Student presentation
14.Final test
Analog input

Stylize, edit, and animate your media

Analog Input and Sensors
Reference Voltage (optional) • Six analog inputs:
A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5
• AREF = Reference voltage
(default = +5 V)
• 10 bit resolution:
– returns an integer from 0 to
– result is proportional to the
pin voltage
• All voltages are measured
relative to GND
00 0000 0000 = 0 = 0V
Note: If you need additional
Analog Inputs digital I/O, the analog pins can be
11 1111 1111=1023 = 5V re-assigned for digital use:
pinMode(A0, OUTPUT);
Reading Analog Values
• value = analogRead(pin) ADC --→ 10 bit → 2n
Reads the analog measurement on pin
Returns integer between 0 and 1023
0-5 volt = 00 0000 0000 – 11 1111 1111
• analogReference(type) 0 - 1023
type can be:
– DEFAULT - the default analog reference of 5 volts (on
5V Arduino boards)
– INTERNAL – Built-in reference voltage (1.1 V)
– EXTERNAL – AREF input pin (0- setting)
Note: Do NOT use pinMode(A0, INPUT) unless you want to
use A0 for DIGITAL input.
Binary Desimal

0 00 0000 0000 = 0
0.002 00 0000 0001 = 1
00 0000 1000 = 8
00 0000 1001 = 9
11 1111 1111 =1023
0-2V 0-1023
Ax Void setup()
5V {
Aref analogReference(EXTERNAL)
AREF= Eksternal
= 0-5V
Void setup()
0-1,1V 0-1023 {
Aref=1.1 analogReference(INTERNAL)
= 1,1V Void setup()
0-5V 0-1023 analogReference(DEFAULT)
Aref=5V }

Void loop()
= 5V {
0-2V 0-1023
Ax VRESOLUSI= Vmax/1023
AREF= Eksternal
= 2V
~ 2 mV/bit
Vresolusi = 2/1023 = 0,001955 V/bit atau ~ 0,002 V/bit
Input (V) Output (bit)
0,000 00 0000 0000
0,002 00 0000 0001
0,004 00 0000 0010
0,006 00 0000 0011
2,000 11 1111 1111
0-1,1V 0-1023

= 1,1V
Vresolusi = 1,1/1023 = 0,001075 V/bit
Input (V) Output (bit)
0,000000 00 0000 0000
0,001075 00 0000 0001
0,002150 00 0000 0010
0,003225 00 0000 0011
1,100000 11 1111 1111
0-5V 0-1023
= 5V

Vresolusi = 5/1023 = 0,00488 V/bit

Input (V) Output (bit)
0,004887 00 0000 0000
0,009775 00 0000 0001
0,014661 00 0000 0010
0,019548 00 0000 0011
5,000000 11 1111 1111
LM35 EMAIL: [email protected]
Aref Buffer
?V Non
LM35 Gain= 5 ADC

Gambar 1 Gambar 2

AREF= Eksternal
Fungsi transfer =10mV/ oC
= ?V
ADC tersebut akan digunakan untuk mengukur suhu
0-100 oC. Berapakah tegangan referensi yang harus
0-100 oC = 0 – 1000 mV atau 0 – 1 V
a. Bandingkan resolusi ADC untuk konfigurasi gambar 1
dan gambar 2
b. Listing program sederhana
0-1023 2V


Aside: Potentiometers
(variable resistors, rheostats)
Activity 5 – Volume Knob
• Connect the potentiometer from 5V to GND
• Use analogRead(A0) to measure the voltage on the center pin
• Set the LED blink rate depending on the reading
Activity 6 – Arduino

• Build a circuit and write a sketch to

read and report the temperature at
1 second intervals
Example: analogRead() display to 0-1023
int analogPin = A0;
// potentiometer wiper (middle terminal)
// connected to analog pin 3
// outside leads to ground and +5V
int val = 0; // variable to store the value read
void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600); // setup serial

void loop() {
val = analogRead(analogPin); // read the input pin
Serial.println(val); // debug value
Example: analogRead() display to 0.0 - 5.0

void setup() {
// initialize serial communication at 9600 bits per second:

// the loop routine runs over and over again forever:

void loop() {
// read the input on analog pin 0:
int sensorValue = analogRead(A0);
// Convert the analog reading (which goes from 0 - 1023)
// to a voltage (0 - 5V):
float voltage = sensorValue * (5.0 / 1023.0);
// print out the value you read:
Example: analogRead() and Control LED
const int LED = 13;
Int sensorValue;
void loop()
sensorValue = analogRead(A0); 0 – 1023
suhu = sensorValue * 100/1023
// read input value and store it
// check whether the input is HIGH ( button
pressed )
if (suhu> 37) {
digitalWrite(LED, LOW); // turn LED on
} else {
digitalWrite(LED, HIGH); // turn LED off
This semester: 12 meeting & 2 exam
1. Introduction Arduino (a demonstration video)
2. Instruction (arith., comp., logical, cond., loop)
3. Analog input
4. Analog output
5. Motor (DC/ Servo/ Stepper)
6. SPI/ I2C
7. Mid Test (UTS)
8. DHT11 temp./humidity
9. TCS32000 color sensor
1. Lecturing: 30 minute
10.RTC DS1307
2. Exercise: 20 minute
11.MPU 6050 Acc/Gyro
3. Assignment: 5 minute
12.Student presentation
4. Closing: 5 minute
13.Student presentation
14.Final test
Analog output

Stylize, edit, and animate your media


1. Writes an analog value (PWM wave) to a pin.
2. An analog value ranges from 0 to 255.
3. In Arduino Uno/Nano microcontroller, Only pins 3, 5,
6, 9, 10, 11 can be used as analog output pins as
they have the ~ sign printed beside their pin
4. The ~ sign means that the pin is PWM-enabled
PWM pin on NANO
PWM pin on MEGA16
Analog Output?

• Most microcontrollers have

only digital outputs
• Pulse-width Modulation:
Analog variables can be
represented by the duty-
cycle (or pulse-width) of a
digital signal
Pulse Width Modulation

• PWM, also
known as Pulse
Modulation, is a
technique for
getting analog
results with
digital means.
PWM Duty Cycle
output voltage = (on_time / cycle_time) * 5V

Fixed cycle length; constant

number of cycles/sec
PMW Pins

• Command:

• value is duty cycle:

between 0 and 255

• Examples:
analogWrite(9, 128)
for a 50% duty cycle

analogWrite(11, 64)
for a 25% duty cycle
Image from Theory and Practice of Tangible User Interfaces at UC Berkley
PulseWidth Modulation (PWM)
PWM available on pins 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11
• analogWrite(pin,val)
set the PWM fraction:
– val = 0: always off
– val = 255: always on
• Remember to designate pin
for digital output:
(usually in setup)
• Default PWM frequency:
– 16 MHz / 215 = 488.28125 Hz
Note: the PWM frequency and
resolution can be changed by
re-configuring the timers
PWM LED Dimmer
• Use PWM to control the brightness of an LED
– connect LED to pin 3, 5, 6, 9, 10 or 11
– remember to use 220 Ω current-limiting resistor
• Set the brightness from the serial port, or
potentiometer ADC 0-255 PWM

• newValue = map(oldValue, a, b, c, d)
Converts/maps a number in the range (a:b) to a new number in
the range (c:d)
– newValue = map(oldValue,0,1023,0,255);
//value-→ 0 sd 255 → DC = 0- 100

Duty Cycle = 0-100

Oldvalue = 20//Contoh -> Duty Cycle = 20

newValue = map(oldValue,0,100,0,255);
analogWrite (3, newValue)
ADC 0-255 PWM

const int pwm = 2 ; //naming pin 2 as ‘pwm’ variable 0-1023

const int adc = 0 ; //naming pin 0 of analog input side as ‘adc’
void setup() {
pinMode(pwm,OUTPUT) ; //setting pin 2 as output
void loop() {
int adc = analogRead(0) ; //reading analog voltage and storing it in an integer
adc = map(adc, 0, 1023, 0, 255); /* ----------map funtion------------the above funtion
//scales the output of adc, which is 10 bit and gives values btw 0 to 1023, in values
//0 to 255 form analogWrite funtion which only receives values btw this range */
analogWrite(pwm,adc) ;
This semester: 12 meeting & 2 exam
1. Introduction Arduino (a demonstration video)
2. Instruction (arith., comp., logical, cond., loop)
3. Analog input
4. Analog output
5. Motor (DC/ Servo/ Stepper)
6. SPI/ I2C
7. Mid Test (UTS)
8. DHT11 temp./humidity
9. TCS32000 color sensor
1. Lecturing: 30 minute
10.RTC DS1307
2. Exercise: 20 minute
11.MPU 6050 Acc/Gyro
3. Assignment: 5 minute
12.Student presentation
4. Closing: 5 minute
13.Student presentation
14.Final test

• Standard servo:
– PWM duty cycle controls direction:
– 0% duty cycle → 0 degrees
– 100% duty cycle → 180 degrees
• Continuous-rotation servo:
– duty cycle sets speed and/or direction
Servo Motor Basic Concept (mechanical)
Servo Motor Basic Concept (electrical)
Activity 9 – Servomotor Control

• Build a program that turns a servomotor

from 0 to 180 degrees, based on
potentiometer reading
• Report setting to the serial monitor
Generates a Pulse Width for a servo
Build a connection to arduino
Generates a Pulse Width using delay

#define servoPin 3
void setup() {
pinMode(servoPin, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
// A pulse each 20ms
digitalWrite(servoPin, HIGH);
delayMicroseconds(1500); // ON TIME
digitalWrite(servoPin, LOW);
delayMicroseconds(18500); // OFF TIME
A listing program using SERVO Library
#include <Servo.h>
int servoPin = 3;
Servo Servo1;
void setup() {
void loop(){
Servo1.write(0); // Make servo go to 0 degrees
Servo1.write(90); // Make servo go to 90 degrees
Servo1.write(180); // Make servo go to 180 degrees
Driving a servo using ANALOG (ADC)

ADC 10 bit
00 0000 0000 biner
11 1111 1111 biner

0000 desimal
1023 desimal

Loop ()
data=map(tegangan, 0,1023, 0,180)
#include <Stepper.h>
const int stepsPerRevolution = 200;
// / change this to fit the number of steps per revolution
// for your motor
Stepper myStepper(stepsPerRevolution, 8, 9, 10, 11);
int stepCount = 0; // number of steps the motor has taken
void setup() {
// nothing to do inside the setup
void loop() {
int sensorReading = analogRead(A0);
// map it to a range from 0 to 100:
int motorSpeed = map(sensorReading, 0, 1023, 0, 100);
// set the motor speed:
if (motorSpeed > 0) {
// step 1/100 of a revolution:
myStepper.step(stepsPerRevolution / 100);
This semester: 12 meeting & 2 exam
1. Introduction Arduino (a demonstration video)
2. Instruction (arith., comp., logical, cond., loop)
3. Analog input
4. Analog output
5. Motor (DC/ Servo/ Stepper)
6. SPI/ I2C
7. Mid Test (UTS)
8. DHT11 temp./humidity
9. TCS32000 color sensor
1. Lecturing: 30 minute
10.RTC DS1307
2. Exercise: 20 minute
11.MPU 6050 Acc/Gyro
3. Assignment: 5 minute
12.Student presentation
4. Closing: 5 minute
13.Student presentation
14.Final test
Communication: I2C, SPI
• I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit)
– Developed by Phillips
– Speed = 100 kHz, 400 kHz, and 3.4 MHz (not
supported by Arduino)
– Two bi-directional lines: SDA, SCL
– Multiple slaves can share same bus
• SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface Bus)
– Speed = 1-100 MHz (clock/device limited)
– Four-wire bus: SCLK, MOSI, MISO, SS
– Multiple slaves can share same bus
(but each needs a dedicated SS, slave select)
SPI and I2C on the Arduino

SCK (13) MISO (12) MOSI (11) SS (10)

SPI pins:
• SCK = serial clock
• MISO = master in, slave out
• MOSI = master out slave in
• SS = slave select
I2C pins:
• SDA = data line
• SCL = clock line
SDA (A4) SCL (A5)
Connecting Multiple Devices
(I2C and SPI)

Master with three SPI slaves:

Master (µC) with three I2C slaves:

I2C Communication
Code for Slave Sender - Program for Arduino 2

#include <Wire.h>

void setup() {
Wire.begin(8); // join i2c bus with address #8
Wire.onRequest(requestEvent); // register event

void loop() {

// function that executes whenever data is requested by master

// this function is registered as an event, see setup()
void requestEvent() {
Wire.write("hello "); // respond with message of 6 bytes
// as expected by master
Code for Master Reader - Program for Arduino 1
#include <Wire.h>

void setup() {
Wire.begin(); // join i2c bus (address optional for master)
Serial.begin(9600); // start serial for output

void loop() {
Wire.requestFrom(8, 6); // request 6 bytes from slave device #8

while (Wire.available()) { // slave may send less than requested

char c = Wire.read(); // receive a byte as character
Serial.print(c); // print the character

Basic Arduino I2C Commands
Wire.begin() Join the I2C bus as master (usually
invoked in setup)
Wire.beginTransmission(address) Begin communicating to a slave
Wire.write(byte) Write one byte to I2C bus (after
Wire.endTransmission(address) End transmission to slave device

Note: you must include the Wire library: Note: pinMode() not needed
#include <Wire.h> for I2C on pins A4 and A5
Example: MCP4725 12-bit DAC
MCP4725 write command (taken from data sheet)

7-bit I2C address command power down mode data bits (MSB → LSB)
(1100000) (010) (00)
Note: binary numbers are preceded by B:
B1100000 = 96

Arduino program segment: data >> 4: shift bits left by four positions

Wire.beginTransmission(B1100000); // Byte 1 (Initiate communication)

Wire.write(B01000000); // Byte 2 (command and power down mode)
Wire.write(data >> 4); // Byte 3 (send bits D11..D4)
Wire.write((data & B00001111) << 4); // Byte 4 (send bits D3..D0)

Remember: you must include the Wire library at the top:

#include <Wire.h>
and you must also use Wire.begin() in setup
Additional I2C Commands
Wire.begin() Join the I2C bus as master (usually invoked
in setup)
Wire.begin(address) Join the I2C bus as slave, with address
specified (usually invoked in setup)
Wire.beginTransmission(address) Begin communicating to a slave device
Wire.write(byte) Write one byte to I2C bus (after request)
Wire.write(bytes,length) Write length bytes to I2C bus
Wire.endTransmission(address) End transmission to slave device
Wire.requestFrom(address, quantity) Request bytes (quantity) from slave
Wire.requestFrom(address, quantity, stop)
Wire.available() The number of bytes available for reading
Wire.read() Reads a byte that was transmitted from a
slave. (Preceded by Wire.requestFrom)

Note: you must include the Wire library: Note: pinMode() not needed
#include <Wire.h> for I2C on pins A4 and A5
Activity 12: Sawtooth Wave
• Program the MCP4725 DAC to produce a
sawtooth (ramp) wave:
– What is the frequency of the sawtooth wave?
– Can you make f = 100 Hz?
Note: the I2C bus requires pull-
up resistors on SCL and SDA
board: (provided on the board)

Basic Arduino SPI Commands
SPI.begin() Initializes the SPI bus, setting SCK,
MOSI, and SS to outputs, pulling
SCK and MOSI low and SS high.
byteIn = SPI.transfer(byteOut) Transfer one byte (both send and
receive) returns the received byte

Note: you must include the SPI library:

#include <SPI.h>

Note: pinMode() not needed. It is

automatically configured in SPI.begin()
Additional Arduino SPI
SPI.begin() Initializes the SPI bus, setting SCK, MOSI, and SS to
outputs, pulling SCK and MOSI low and SS high.
SPI.end() Disables the SPI bus (leaving pin modes unchanged) – in
case you need to use pins 10-13 again
SPI.setBitOrder(order) Set bit order for SPI
SPI.setClockDivider(divider) Set the SPI clock divider
divider = {2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128}
SPI clock speed = 16 MHz/divider
SPI.setDataMode(mode) Set the SPI data mode
SPI.transfer(byte) Transfer one byte (both send and receive)
returns the received byte

Note: you must include the SPI library: Note: pinMode() not needed
#include <SPI.h>
Example: AD5206 Digital
Functional block diagram:
• six independent, 3-
wiper potentiometers
• 8-bit precision
(256 possible levels)
• Available in 10kΩ,
50kΩ and 100kΩ
• Programmed
through SPI interface
AD5206 Write Sequence
Note: same as MOSI
(master out slave in)

Note: same as SS
(slave select)

Arduino program segment:

SPI.begin(); // initialize SPI (in setup)
digitalWrite(SS,LOW); // hold SS pin low to select chip
SPI.transfer(potnumber); // determine which pot (0..5)
SPI.transfer(wipervalue); // transfer 8‐bit wiper setting
digitalWrite(SS,HIGH); // de‐select the chip
Activity 13: Programmable
Voltage Divider
• Use the AD5206 to build a programmable
voltage divider
• Allow the user to set the resistance from
the serial port
• Measure resistance with an Ohm meter,
or using analogRead()
AD5206: Summary of Pins and
SCK (13) MISO (12) MOSI (11) SS (10)

Remember: SPI.begin() needed in setup() and #include <SPI.h>

digitalWrite(SS,LOW); // hold SS pin low to select chip

SPI.transfer(potnumber); // determine which pot (0..5)
SPI.transfer(wipervalue); // transfer 8‐bit wiper setting
digitalWrite(SS,HIGH); // de‐select the chip
MCP4725_expected_output = (5.0/4096.0) *
MCP4725.setVoltage(MCP4725_value, false);
adcValueRead = analogRead(analogVin);
voltageRead = (adcValueRead * 5.0 )/ 1024.0;
Serial.print("MCP4725 Value:");
Serial.print("\tExpected Voltage: ");
Serial.print("\tArduino ADC Value: ");
Serial.print("\tArduino Voltage: ");
Serial Communication
Basics of serial communication

Parallel: expensive - short distance – fast – no modulation

Serial :cheaper– long (two different cities by modem)-slow
Basics of serial communication
1. Standart RS232 menyarankan batasan panjang kabel 50
feet ( 1 m = 3,3 feet )
2. Sesungguhnya kita dapat mengabaikan standard ini, karena
kabel dapat lebih panjang dari 10.000 feet pada baudrate
sampai 19200 bps, jika kita menggunakan kabel yang
berkualitas dan terlindungi.
Baudrate Shielded Cable Length Unshielded Cable Length
BPS (feet) (feet)
9600 250 100
4800 500 250
2400 2000 500
1200 3000 500
300 4000 1000
110 5000 1000
The Power of Serial Comm. RS232
1. Dua buah divais diinisialisasi atau disinkronisasi menggunakan clock
yang sama dan secara kontinu dapat mengirimkan atau menerima
karakter untuk tetap sinkron.
2. Komunikasi sinkron mempunyai kecepatan yang lebih tinggi bila
dibandingkan dengan asinkron, karena tidak ada penambahan bit, untuk
menandai permulaan dan akhiran byte data.
3. Port Serial pada PC adalah asinkron divais, sehingga hanya support
untuk komunikasi serial asinkron
DATA D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7


1. Asinkron berarti tanpa sinkronisasi, sehingga tidak diperlukan
pengiriman sinyal clock.
2. Akan tetapi, pada setiap awalan dan akhiran harus ditandai dengan bit
start dan bit stop.
3. Start bit menunjukkan, bahwa data akan segera dikirim atau diterima,
dan bit stop menyatakan akhiran dari sinyal.
4. Keperluan penambahan pengiriman dua bit ini akan menyebabkan
komunikasi asinkron akan lebih lambat bila dibandingkan dengan
komunikasi sinkron.
5. Pada jalur asinkron, kondisi idle dinyatakan sebagai nilai ‘1’ ( yang juga
disebut sebagai keadaan mark )

Asynchronous Transmission Format

• Bit Types
–Start bit
–Data bits
–Parity bit
–Stop bits


• Start Bit
– Signals the beginning of a word
– Is normally a ‚0‘ and is detected as a transition from high
to low
• Data Bits
– The actual data, which should be transmitted
– Sender and receiver have to agree on the number of data
bits (usually 8)
– Always the least significant bit will be send first

Definitions cont

• Parity Bit
– An error check
– Odd or even parity
• Odd parity means the sum of the 1‘s will be odd
• Even parity means the sum of the 1‘s will be even
• You count all bits including the parity bit
– Disadvantage: If two bytes altered by noise, an error
will not be detected by the parity check

Definitions cont

• Stop Bits
– These bits mark the end of a data word
– Is usually high (1)

Asynchronous Data Transmission

• Example 1:
– Hex# 4A16 is to be sent with one start bit, even parity, 8-
bit data length and two stop bits
– 4A16 = 0100 10102

Start Bit Data Bit 0 Data Bit 1 Data Bit 2 Data Bit 3 Data Bit 4 Data Bit 5 Data Bit 6 Data Bit 7 Parity Bit Stop Bit Stop Bit

0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1

Asynchronous Data Transmission

• Example 2:
– Hex# B416 is to be sent with one start bit, even parity, 8-
bit data length and two stop bits
– B416 = 1011 01002

Start Bit Data Bit 0 Data Bit 1 Data Bit 2 Data Bit 3 Data Bit 4 Data Bit 5 Data Bit 6 Data Bit 7 Parity Bit Stop Bit Stop Bit

0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1

Asynchronous Data Transmission

• Example 3:
– Hex# B416 is to be sent with one start bit, odd parity, 8-
bit data length and two stop bits
– B416 = 1011

Start Bit Data Bit 0 Data Bit 1 Data Bit 2 Data Bit 3 Data Bit 4 Data Bit 5 Data Bit 6 Data Bit 7 Parity Bit Stop Bit Stop Bit

0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1

Baud Rate vs. Bit Rate

• Definition Baud Rate:

– Number of changing states per second
– Includes start, data, parity and stop bits
• Definition Bit Rate:
– Number of data bits transmitted per second

Baud Rate > Bit Rate

Baud Rate Calculations

• Example:
– Consider baud rate: 4800 baud
– 12 bits/word = 1 start bit + 8 data bits + 1 parity bit + 2
stop bits

– Bit time = 1/(baud rate) = 1/4800baud = 0.208ms/bit

– Word time = (12 bits)*(bit time) = 2.5ms
– Word rate = 1/(word time) = 400 words/s
– Bit rate = (word rate)*(8 data bits) = 3200 bits/s


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