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PLEASE NOTE: The question types (multiple

choice, fill in, open ended, etc.) and target level

(B1, B1+, B2, B2+) may change at any actual
exam without prior notice.
Spoken Test for ERASMUS Candidates

ERASMUS Yabancı Ek Dil Sınavı

Sözlü Bölümü TASK 1

1. Where is a good place to have fun in your city 15. Some college and university students believe it
or town? Describe this place and explain why it is important to focus solely on their academic
is fun. studies, while others see extracurricular
2. What is your happiest childhood memory? activities such as clubs and sports
spo as a valuable
Describe it and give reasons to explain why it is part of their educational experience. Which
your happiest memory. approach do you think is best?
3. What is your favourite day of the year? Use 16. What is your favourite book or movie? Describe
reasons to support your answer. it and say why it is your favourite.
4. What are some of the advantages and/or 17. Some students believe that it is better to study
disadvantages of having three or more near home. Others believe that to truly become
generations of family living together in one independent they must study away from home.
house? Which approach do you think is better and
5. Some students prefer university in the home why?
region while others prefer studying abroad. 18. Some students believe that revision should be
What would you prefer? done throughout the course to ensure they are
6. What is your favourite kind of food? Describe it ready for exams. Others believe that last
and explain why it is your favourite. minute revision n can improve their results.
7. Some believe that TV programs have a positive Which approach do you think is better and
influence on modern society. Others, however, why?
think that the influence of TV programs is 19. What would you like to accomplish over the
negative. Which of the following statements do next five years?
your agree with? Please give specific reasons 20. What was your favourite movie of the last year?
for your opinion. Use details and examples to explain what you
8. Describe a festival that you celebrate and liked about the movie.
explain why it is important to you. Please 21. Talk about a positive experience with learning
include specific details in your explanation. or using English. Describe the experience and
9. Some people believe that television is a better say why it was a positive one.
way to spend time than reading books. Which 22. Describe a resource that helped you to do
do you prefer and why? something better than before. Describe it and
10. Who is your best friend? Describe this person explain why it was helpful to you.
and say why he/she is your best friend. 23. Talk about an event from the past that you
11. What custom from your home country are you would like to relive. Describe the original event
most fond of?? Describe the custom and explain and say why you would like to relive it.
why you are fond of it. 24. Which place has fond memories for you?
12. What do you miss when you are away from Describe this place and explain why it is
your home? memorable to you.
13. Name a place in your country you would 25. Which country/city would you like to visit?
recommend others to visit. Describe this place 26. Some prefer travelling independently whereas
and explain why you would recommend it. others prefer travelling in a pre-arranged
14. Talk about an important nt national holiday in package tour. Which do you prefer and why?
your home country. Describe it and explain why 27. Your strangest dream.
it is important. 28. Do you like to try new kinds of food or eat the
same kind of food all the time? Use details and
examples to support your answer.
29. Describe a person that you admire and explain
why you admire them. Please include specific
details in your explanation.
Spoken Test for ERASMUS Candidates

ERASMUS Yabancı Dil Sınavı

Sözlü Bölümü TOPIC FOR TASK 2

30. Describe a friend that you feel particularly close 46. Talk about something you and your family enjoy
to. Provide reasons and examples to support doing together. Describe it and explain why you
your explanation all enjoy it.
31. Choose a hobby that you feel will be helpful in 47. Some students believe that reading books is
future life. Provide reasons and examples to better than attending lectures. Others believe
support your explanation. that lectures add real value to their studies.
32. Some companies require people to dress in Which approach to learning do you think is
For you, what are important
suits or ties. Others allow casual dress. Which better for students and why?
one would you prefer? Use examples an andconsiderations in choosing
48. For ayou, what are important considerations in
personal experiences to support your answer. choosing a job/career?
33. What is your favourite way of getting around? 49. Talk about a time when you experienced
Describe it and explain why it is your favourite success. Describe the experience and say why it
means of transportation. was a success for you.
34. Choose a place that you enjoy going to and 50. What is your favourite style of clothing?
explain why you enjoy going there. Please Describe it and explain why it is your favourite.
include specific details in your explanation. 51. What is the best quality of a good son or
35. Who is an important person in your country? daughter? Why? Use specific reasons and
Describe this person and explain why he/she is details to support your choice.
important. 52. Talk about a difficulty you
yo have overcome in
36. Some students believe that the library is the your life. Describe the experience and say why
best place to find research. Others believe that it was difficult to overcome.
the Internet is the best source of information. 53. Which mode of transport do you prefer
Which approach to research do you think is travelling by and why?
better for students and why? 54. Do you prefer to go out to dinner or stay home
37. If you have entire month to do whatever you and cook a meal? Use reasons to support your
want to do. What would it be. response.
38. Which person are you most likely to go to with 55. What would you send to an international
a personal problem? Describe this person and exhibition? Your object should represent your
say why you would go to him/her in particular. country.
39. Where is your favourite place to study? 56. Many universities offer exchange programs that
Describe this place and say why it is a good allow certain students to complete a portion of
place for you to study. their studies in a different part of the world.
40. Talk about an experience in your life that made What do you think nk the value of such a program
you feel embarrassed. Describe it aand say why it is? Would you take part in an academic
was embarrassing. exchange if given the opportunity?
41. What is your favourite recreational activity? 57. Who is the most intelligent person you know?
Describe it and say why you enjoy doing it. Describe the person and say why you think
42. Talk about a pleasant and memorable event he/she is intelligent.
that happened while you were in school. 58. If you could know your future, what would you
Explain why this event brings back fond like to know?
memories. 59. Some people believe that examinations are the
hat is your favourite season of the year?
43. What best way to assess students. Others believe that
Describe the season and explain why you like it coursework is more realistic. Which do you
so much. think is better and why?
44. Where do most like to go to eat out? Describe 60. Some only go to the movies if they know about
this place and say why you like it most. the film, whereas others like
lik to go to get
45. What was your favourite subject at school? surprised and watch movies they know nothing
Describe it and explain why this subject was about. What do you prefer and why?
your favourite one.

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