SDD Example For Android Project
SDD Example For Android Project
SDD Example For Android Project
Version 1.1
3.2 M, Decomposition
Figure 29 -37 Description and
User Interface
Screens are
This document contains the system design information for MOBCOLL project. The
document is prepared according to the “IEEE Standard for Information Technology – Systems
Design – Software Design Descriptions – IEEE Std 1016 – 1998”.
The third chapter of this document will give the user a detailed description of each
function of the system.
The fourth chapter of this document contains data design and data description of the
The fifth chapter of this document contains a general overview of what the user
interface will look like.
The sixth and last chapter of this document includes of requirements matrix of the
Table of Contents
1. Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 6
1.1 Purpose.......................................................................................................................................... 6
1.2 Scope ............................................................................................................................................. 6
1.3 Overview........................................................................................................................................ 6
1.4 Reference Material ........................................................................................................................ 7
1.5 Definitions and Abbreviations ....................................................................................................... 7
2. System Overview ................................................................................................................................. 7
2.1 Technologies Used......................................................................................................................... 7
2.2 Application Overview .................................................................................................................... 8
2.3 Design Languages .......................................................................................................................... 8
3. System Architecture ............................................................................................................................ 8
3.1 Architectural Design ...................................................................................................................... 8
3.2 Decomposition Description ........................................................................................................... 9
3.2.1. Login and Logout Component ............................................................................................... 9
3.2.2 Setting Component............................................................................................................... 13
3.2.3 Social Component................................................................................................................. 16
3.2.4 Trade Component................................................................................................................. 18
3.2.5 Main Functionality Component ............................................................................................ 19
3.2.6 Data Service Component ...................................................................................................... 23
3.2.7 Remote Server Component .................................................................................................. 24
3.2.8 Synchronization Service Component ................................................................................... 28
3.2.9 Local Database Management Component ........................................................................... 30
3.3 Design Rationale .......................................................................................................................... 31
4. Data Design........................................................................................................................................ 32
4.1 Data Description .......................................................................................................................... 32
4.1.1 Data Objects ......................................................................................................................... 32
4.1.2. Relationships and Complete Data Model ............................................................................ 35
4.2 Data Dictionary ............................................................................................................................ 35
5. Human Interface Design .................................................................................................................... 38
5.1 Overview of User Interface ......................................................................................................... 38
5.2 Screen Objects and Actions ......................................................................................................... 38
5.2.1 Register Screen ..................................................................................................................... 38
5.2.2 Login Screen ......................................................................................................................... 39
5.2.3 Logout Screen ....................................................................................................................... 39
5.2.4 User Profile Screen ............................................................................................................... 39
5.2.5 My Book List Screen ............................................................................................................. 40
5.2.6 Add New Book ...................................................................................................................... 41
5.2.7 View Profiles ......................................................................................................................... 41
5.2.8 History .................................................................................................................................. 42
5.2.9 Settings ................................................................................................................................. 43
5.2.10 Book Market ....................................................................................................................... 44
5.2.11 Search Book ........................................................................................................................ 45
6. Requirements Matrix......................................................................................................................... 45
Table of Figures
Figure 1 - General Deployment Diagram ................................................................................................ 9
Figure 2 - Sequence Diagram of LoginHandler .................................................................................... 10
Figure 3 - Sequence Diagram of LogoutHandler .................................................................................. 10
Figure 4 - Sequence Diagram of RegisterHandler................................................................................. 10
Figure 5 - Sequence Diagram of UpdateHandler .................................................................................. 11
Figure 6 - Class Diagram of Login-Logout Component ....................................................................... 12
Figure 7 - Sequence Diagram of SettingsManager................................................................................ 13
Figure 8 – Class Diagram of Setting Component .................................................................................. 14
Figure 9 - Sequence Diagram of socialShare ........................................................................................ 16
Figure 10 - Sequence Diagram of addFriend ........................................................................................ 17
Figure 11 – Class Diagram of Social Manager ..................................................................................... 17
Figure 12 - Sequence Diagram of TradeManager ................................................................................. 18
Figure 13 – Class Diagram of TradeManager ....................................................................................... 18
Figure 14 - Sequence Diagram of ViewController................................................................................ 19
Figure 15 – Class Diagram of ViewController...................................................................................... 20
Figure 16 - Sequence Diagram of addCoverOfBook ............................................................................ 21
Figure 17 – Class Diagram of Create Controller ................................................................................... 21
Figure 18 - Sequence Diagram of BarcodeScanner............................................................................... 22
Figure 19– Class Diagram of Barcode Scanner .................................................................................... 23
Figure 20 – Sequence Diagram of Data Service Component ................................................................ 23
Figure 21 – Class Diagram of Data Service Component....................................................................... 24
Figure 22 – Sequence Diagram of Remote Service Component ........................................................... 24
Figure 23 – Class Diagram of Remote Service Component .................................................................. 25
Figure 24 - Class Diagram of SynchronizationService Component ...................................................... 29
Figure 25 - Sequence Diagram between client and SynchronizationService ........................................ 30
Figure 26 – Class Diagram of Local Database Management Component............................................. 30
Figure 27 – ER Diagram ....................................................................................................................... 35
Figure 28 – Register Screen of Application .......................................................................................... 39
Figure 29 – Login Screen of Application .............................................................................................. 39
Figure 30 – User Profile Screen of Application .................................................................................... 40
Figure 31 – My BookList Screen of Application .................................................................................. 40
Figure 32 – Add New Book Screen of Application............................................................................... 41
Figure 33 – View Profiles Screen of Application.................................................................................. 42
Figure 34 – History Screen of Application............................................................................................ 43
Figure 35 – Settings Screen of Application ........................................................................................... 43
Figure 36 – Book Market Screen of Application .................................................................................. 44
Figure 37 – Search Book Screen of Application ................................................................................... 45
1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose
This document describes the conceptual design of the MOBCOLL Project according
to the document guidelines presented in the IEEE 1016-1998 Recommended Practice for
Software Design Descriptions (SDD).
The SDD shows how the software system will be structured to satisfy the requirements
identified in the software requirements specification. It is a translation of requirements into a
description of the software structure, software components, interfaces and data necessary for
the implementation phase. In essence, the SDD becomes a detailed blueprint for the
implementation activity. In a complete SDD, each requirement must be traceable to one or
more design entities.
1.2 Scope
1.3 Overview
The purpose of this document is to help the reader visualize the solution to the project
presented. This document verifies how the design meets the requirements stipulated in the
SRS document through design viewpoints. The design viewpoints will cover all design
elements presented before.
By using information from IEEE 1016-1998, this document will provide a direct
approach to the development of this project hence reducing feature creep and pointedly
determine the quality of the design.
1.4 Reference Material
IEEE, IEEE Std 1016-1998 Recommended Practice for Software Design Descriptions, 1998-
09-23, The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., (IEEE )
IEEE, IEEE 1016 Software Design Document (SDD) Template for CENG491
Term Definition
2. System Overview
The system is coded with Java programming language by using Eclipse integrated
development environment. We will use MySQL for database. Android SDK will be used for
android application development and Jersey web service library will be used for RESTFUL
web service.
The main goal of the project is to enable user to create a virtual library owned by
him/her. The final product of MOBCOLL project will be a mobile platform for Android
mobile phones or tablet systems that will enable third party mobile application developers to
easily develop Android based collection applications by utilizing the common Android
The Mobcoll project will be an android application that is designed for users who want
to keep the list of owned books. This project gives the user to an application account and by
using this, user can use functionalities of the application easily. For example, Mobcoll project
gives opportunities user to add new friends, add new books, recommend some of his/her
books to friends, sell or buy a book and so on.
3. System Architecture
The Figure 1 shows the general deployment diagram of the MobColl. The MobColl
Android Application will be developed as a single Android Client (apk) and it will:
RESTFUL Web Service will be deployed as a web application. It consist of RESTFUL
web service functionality to response user request. It will act as a bridge between Android
application and database. It is supposed to manage database operations like CRUD.
Database will contain necessary data for users, their book lists, etc.
The connection between these component will be carried on internet with HTTP protocol.
Figure 2 - Sequence Diagram of LoginHandler
Figure 5 - Sequence Diagram of UpdateHandler
In MobColl Application, data exchange between remote server and android client for
login, logout, register and update operations is achieved over JSON. For these operations,
there will be four handler classes named LoginHandler, LogoutHandler, UpdateHandler and
RegisterHandler. These classes are exactly the same classes shown in Figure 1. For login
operation, system sends username, password and URL to the remote Server and receives a
response. Which method will handle our request from Android client and give response to this
request will be determined by this URL. The mechanism is just the same for logout, register
and update operation. Figure 2, 3, 4 and 5 shows the sequence diagrams of these four
Figure 6 - Class Diagram of Login-Logout Component
LoginHandler: Thread to be run when an account is being logged in. User should login
automatically or manually according to the settings that user previously defined. After the
successful login of the user, the normal operation sequence of the service will continue.
LogoutHandler: Thread to be run when an account is being logged out. After the successful
logout of the user, this finishes the application.
RegisterHandler: Thread to be run when user creates a new account.
UpdateHandler: Thread to be run when user updates his/her account.
It inherits Thread class. When we call “login” in “UserController”, we create a
LoginHandler and we use “start” function in LoginHandler class. This function invokes the
“run” function. In “run” function, we send a login request to remote server.
“handleLoginSuccessful” function determines whether the login operation is successful or
not. The remaining handler functions work similar.
This class is used for account operations in android application. When a user logs in,
current user data is kept in “currentUser” variable. Other components use this variable to
execute their operations. It consists of four functions listed below:
- login(String email, String password, String url) : Used for logging in to system. It uses
- logout(String email, String url) : Used for logging out from system. It uses LogoutHandler.
- register(User user, String url) : Used for registering the user. It uses RegisterHandler.
- update(User user, String url) : User for updating the information of the user. It uses
In our project, between SettingsManager and RemoteServer, there will be a data flow
consists of settings of the user. This sequence diagram shows how settings are saved to the
server. These settings are sent to the RemoteServer if there is an available connection.
Moreover, an update operation that changes settings of the user will be done via this
component. The settings that will be available for change and their descriptions are listed
SettingsManager Setting
Setting Class:
We will use setting class in SettingManager to handle managerial incidents. This class
has following attributes:
-boolean isHistoryPubliclyAvailable: Indicates whether the user shares his/her history with
-boolean isHistoryFriendlyAvailable: Indicates whether the user shares his/her history with
-boolean isContactInformationPubliclyAvailable: Indicates whether the user shares his/her
contact information with public.
-boolean isContactInformationFriendlyAvailable: Indicates whether the user shares his/her
contact information with friends.
- setIsHistoryFriendlyAvailable(): Used for whether the user shares his/her history with
his/her friends.
- setIsContactInformationPubliclyAvailable(): Used for whether the user shares his/her
contact information with public.
- setIsContactInformationFriendlyAvailable(): Used for whether the user shares his/her
contact information with his/her friends.
- updateSettings(settings: Setting, url: String): Used to update user information on the server.
This sequence diagram shows sharing a book list on social media like Facebook or
twitter. The application will use SocialMedia API for Facebook or Twitter. With this API,
sharing list of a user's book is handled by sending the information of the audience, type of the
list, list of books and a link. Also, adding or deleting a friend and viewing profile of friends
will also be handled by this component. The sequence diagram of addFriend is shown below
and deleteFriend is the same as this. After this diagram, the SocialMedia class, its methods
and their definitions are listed and explained.
Figure 10 - Sequence Diagram of addFriend
This sequence diagram shows friend adding functionality. Remaining functions are
- share (shareType: String, list: List<Book>, string url) : ShareType determines which
book list will be shared for example, gift request book list.
- viewProfileOfFriends(int friend_id, string url): This function shows up the profile
page of a user who's id is given as a parameter to this function.
We used actors for a better understanding. In real, this event occurs when two people
come together physically. We showed here lending and borrowing a book. Selling and
buying transactions are the same with this representation, so we did not draw it again
18 Trade Component Design
We will user TradeManager to perform trade incidents. There are 4 public functions
this class:
- lendBook (BookOfUser b, int friend, string url): This function keeps track of lending
books own books to a friend.
- borrowBook(Book book, int friend_id, string url): With this function, a user can
borrow a book from his/her friend founded by the friend_id.
- buyBook(Book book, int friend_id, string url): With this function, a user can buy a
book from his/her friend founded by the friend_id.
- sellBook(BookOfUser b, int friend_id, string url): With this function, a user can sell
a book to a user founded by the friend_id. ViewController
This sequence diagram shows how ViewController and RemoteServer are connected
each other. If internet connection is available, user would control some operations like
lending/borrowing book, requesting or searching a book etc. by this controller. The
ViewController class has the methods to handle these operations. They are listed below and
explained one by one.
+getLentBooks(): List<Book>
+getBorrowedBooks(): List<Book>
+giftRequestBooks(): List<Book>
+setForSaleBooks(): List<Book>
+getOwnedBooks(): List<Book>
+search(scope: String, keyword: String): List<Book>
This class is used to view some lists created by a user like owned books, lent books,
gift request books etc. The class consists of six functions listed below:
- getLentBooks(): Returns the list of books which are lent to another user.
- getBorrowedBooks(): Returns the list of books which are borrowed from another
- giftRequestBooks(): Returns the list of books which are gifted request to some user.
- setForSaleBooks(): Returns the list of books which have selected as for sale before.
- getOwnedBooks(): Returns the list of books which are owned by the user, no
operations have been performed on these books like lending, borrowing etc.
- search(scope: String, keyword: String): CreateController
Figure 16 - Sequence Diagram of addCoverOfBook
CreateManager and RemoteServer are connected via DataService again. Adding book
operation is shown in this diagram. While adding new book, cover of the book can be added
by taking a photo from the device's camera. Also, setting lent/borrow books or gift request/for
sale is handled by this manager. These operations are listed in CreateController which is
explained below.
21 CreateController Component Design
This class is used to create or edit some lists to group books of a user and in this way,
the user can keep track of his/her books in more efficient way. The class has six functions
which are following:
- setLentBook(List<Book>, String url) : Edit operations on the list of lent books such as
adding or creating.
- setBorrowedBook(List<Book>, String url) : Edit operations on the list of borrowed
- setGiftRequestBook(List<Book>, String url) : Edit operations on the list of gift
request books.
- addBook(Book, String url) : Used to add a book to owned book list by a user. BarcodeScanner
+scanISBN(): string
This class is intended to be used while adding a book. The barcode of book is scanned
with the camera of android device so that the scanned ISBN will be searched. Therefore, all
information about the book like title, author, category, publish date etc. will be provided. The
only function is;
This diagram shows how DataService and RemoteServer are related with each other.
They use HTTP protocol to handle the server connection. The related class is below and it has
only two methods which will be explained next.
The “params” multivalued parameter container includes user name, lastname, email,
password, and phone number. It firstly checks whether a user with given email already
registered or not. If there is, it returns a negative number. Otherwise, it saves a user entry into
“user” table in database and returns id of this entry.
The “params” multivalued parameter container includes ISBN, title, author, publisher,
publishdate, language, category, type, location, and description parameters for book and user
id parameter for owner of the book.
This method saves a book entry into “book” table and a book id-user id entry into
“books_of_user” table in database.
The “params” multivalued parameter container includes a user id parameter for the
user whom book list is asked.
This method retrieves book entries which belongs the given user and returns it in a
List data structure.
The “params” multivalued parameter container includes a friend user id and a flag
parameter for determining whether adding or deleting friend.
For friend adding, this method saves a user id-friend user id pair into
“friends_of_user” table in database.
For friend deleting, this method deletes the user id-friend user id pair entry in
“friends_of_user” table.
public User getFriendProfileInfo (MultivaluedMap<String, String> params ):
The “params” multivalued parameter container includes a friend user id whom profile
information is asked. This method retrieves given user information, constructs a User object
and returns it.
The “params” multivalued parameter container includes a book id, a friend user id and
a flag parameter for determining the operation. The operation can be lending, borrowing,
buying, and selling.
If the operation is lending, the book entry in the “books_of_user” table is updated such
that the “is_lent” boolean attribute is set to true.
If the operation is borrowing, an entry which includes book id and owner id is saved
into “borrowed_books” table.
If the operation is selling, the book entry in the “books_of_user” table is deleted.
The “params” multivalued parameter container includes a user id parameter for whom
book lists are asked, and a flag for determining which book list is asked. Lent, borrowed,
requested, for sale, and owned book lists can be asked.
This method retrieves required book entries from database, adds into a List data
structure and returns it.
The “params” multivalued parameter container includes a user id parameter for whom
book lists are searched. Moreover, it includes a keyword for searching and a scope parameter
for determining in which list the search operation will be executed. . Lent, borrowed,
requested, for sale, and owned book lists can be searched.
This method searches using given keyword, builds a list of book from search result
and returns it.
public List<Book> setBookLists (MultivaluedMap<String, String> params ):
The “params” multivalued parameter container includes a user id parameter for whom
book lists are set.
Moreover, it includes a XML string that includes input book list and a flag parameter
for determining which list we should set. This list can be lent, borrowed, requested, for sale,
or owned book list.
This method parses the input XML string and extracts the list of books. Then, it saves
the books into database.
The Figure xxx illustrates the class diagram for SynchronizationService component
and related classes. SynchronizationService will also be implemented as an Android Bound
Service that will be accessible by Mobil Book Collector Application. Similar to DataService,
the SynchronizationClient is the helper class to communicate with the service from another
application. Figure 9 shows the sequence diagram to synchronize records with remote Server.
Figure 24 - Class Diagram of SynchronizationService Component
Figure 25 - Sequence Diagram between client and SynchronizationService
book: The record itself. The record is persisted as the JSON serialization of the object model.
lastUpdateTime: Last update time of the record within the android application.
lastUpdateTimeRemote: Last update time of the record from the remote server.
isDirty: The boolean indicator which indicates if the record persisted in the android
application has changed and these changes are not synchronized with the remote server.
It is a helper class for database open operations specific for Android SDK. It can be used to
create tables also.
It is a helper class for database operations like create, delete, read and update. It uses
SQLLiteOpenHelper for opening databases.
We chose Android for mobile platform because aproximately 50% of smartphone in market
uses Android for operating system.
We wanted to use a RESTful web service because a REST service is:
Platform-independent (you don't care if the server is Unix, the client is a Mac, or
anything else),
We chose Jersey library because Jersey makes it easy to build RESTful Web Services in Java.
4. Data Design
id: Identity number given from the database for each book. This attribute is unique for any
title: Title of the book.
author: Author of the book.
description: A small description/summary of the book. The user will be able to edit this text.
isbn: A number consisting of 13-digit-number which is identical for the book in every
cover_image: Cover image of the book.
publisher: The company that has published the book.
publish_date: The date of publishing.
language: Demonstrates the language which the book is written in or translated to.
category: The general type of the book
type: The specified type of the book.
rating: Average score of the book rated by the users.
location: Indicates the place of the book in the bookshelf.
id: Identity number given from the database for each user. This attribute is unique for any
name: The name and surname of the user.
username: User's nickname for the application.
password: The user's password.
e-mail: E-mail of the user that will be used for the communication information.
phone_number: Phone number of the user that will be used for the communication
description: A brief description where the user mentions about his/herself
profil_photo: A picture that may be used to face detection login.
Books-of-User :
user_id: Id number that will be taken from the user table indicating the owner of the book.
book_id: Id number taken from the book table indicating which book is owned by the user.
is_favourite: The user has selected the book as a favorite book.
status: The number demonstrating the status of the book. 0 means “owned” and 1 means “for
is_lent: Is the book lent or not.
lent_date: When the lending action happens.
due_date: Due date for returning the book back.
id: Id of the user that takes the book.
user_id, friend_id: The user with “friend_id” is a friend of the user with “user_id” .
Borrowed-book list:
book_id: Id of the book taken from “book” table.
owner_id: Id of the user that gives the book.
borrowed_date: When the borrowing action happens
due_date: Due date for returning the book back.
id: Primary key.
type_id: Process type id.
date_time: When the process occurred.
description: Detailed explanation about process.
user_id: This is the user id of owner of history entry.
Process_types :
id: Primary key
type: Name of the process. It can be lending, borrowing, adding book, deleting book, selling,
buying, adding friend, favoring, etc.
id: Primary key
sender_id: The user who sends the message.
receiver_id: The user who receives the message.
date: The date of the sent message
message: Information which is sent from a sender to a receiver.
user_id: Primary key
isSearchabilityPubliclyAvailable: Whether user can be reached by public search or not.
isSearchabilityFriendlyAvailable: Whether user can be reached by a friend of that user or
isBookListsPubliclyAvailable: Whether user’s book lists can be reached by public search
or not.
isBookListsFriendlyAvailable: Whether user’s book lists can be reached by a friend of that
user or not.
isHistoryPubliclyAvailable: Whether user’s history can be reached by public search or not.
isHistoryFriendlyAvailable: Whether user’s history can be reached by a friend of that user
or not.
isContactInformationPubliclyAvailable: Whether contact information of user can be
reached by public search or not.
isContactInformationFriendlyAvailable: Whether contact information of user can be
reached by a friend of that user or not.
Figure 27 – ER Diagram
Alphabetically list the system entities or major data along with their types
1. Book:
Parameter: Parameter Type:
author: User
category: String
cover_image: String (path information)
description: String
id: int
isbn: String (13-digit-number)
language: String
location: String
publisher: String
publish_date: String
rating: Float
title: String
type: String
2. Books-of-User
Parameter: Parameter Type:
book_id: int
due_date: String.
id: int
is_favourite: Boolean
is_lent: Boolean
lent_date: String
user_id: int
status: int (0,1 uses generally)
3. Borrowed-book list:
Parameter: Parameter Type:
book_id: int
borrowed_date: String
due_date: String
owner_id: int
4. Friends-of-user:
Parameter: Parameter Type:
friend_id: int
user_id int
5. History
Parameter: Parameter Type:
date_time: String
description: String
id: int
type_id: int
user_id: int
6. Message:
Parameter: Parameter Type:
date: String
id: int
message: String
receiver_id: int
sender_id: int
7. Process_types :
Parameter: Parameter Type:
id: int
type: String
8. Settings:
Parameter: Parameter Type:
isBookListsFriendlyAvailable: Boolean
isBookListsPubliclyAvailable: Boolean
isContactInformationFriendlyAvailable: Boolean
isContactInformationPubliclyAvailable: Boolean
isHistoryFriendlyAvailable: Boolean
isHistoryPubliclyAvailable: Boolean
isSearchabilityFriendlyAvailable: Boolean
isSearchabilityPubliclyAvailable: Boolean
user_id: Boolean
9. User:
Parameter: Parameter Type:
description: String
e-mail: String
id: int
name: String
password: String
phone_number: String
profil_photo: String
username: String
The user will be prompted with the login screen when the application starts. Once the
user logs into the application successfully, the profile page of the user will be prompted to
him/her according to the user type. For the users who have not registered yet, there will be a
button linking to the register screen. By using this application, users can keep their book lists
and manage the information of their owned books.
This section briefly describes the interfaces and interface components of MOBCOLL.
Register screen will be used in case of the user has not been saved to the database yet.
The system will request the basic information of the user.
Figure 28 – Register Screen of Application
Login screen will be the first screen which the users see when MOBCOLL Application starts.
When the logout button is pressed, the login screen will come up and the system waits
for a logging in or registering.
in this screen. The user can also view his/her book list and friend list. These items will be
placed in the screen as shown in the following figure.
This screen consists of the list of books owned by the logged in user. A search tool to
find a book in the list will be above the list. There will be buttons to recommend or selecting
as for sale or gift a book after choosing from the list. Also, when a book is selected from the
list, its information will be shown in the screen. These items will be placed in the screen as
shown in the following figure.
This screen will be shown up when the “add new book” button is pressed. The user
can add a book to his/her book list by gathering information of the book using barcode reader
quality of the application. While adding a new book, there will be a button to add the cover
image of the book. These items will be placed in the screen as shown in the following figure.
A user can search reach the list of users who allow to be found in the search. The
screen consists of list of users, information of the selected user and three buttons which are
“add friend”, “view user history” and “send message”. “Add friend” button sends request to
the selected user to be friends. “Send Message” button sends a message to the selected user.
The other button will show up the transaction history of the user if he/she allows this feature.
A search tool to find a user will be placed above of the user list. These items will be placed in
the screen as shown in the following figure.
Figure 33 – View Profiles Screen of Application
5.2.8 History
All processes that a user make are saved for each user in transaction history. This list
can be viewed by an audience determined by the user. The audience can be friend, everyone
or no one. The history keeps track of the date, type and the users related to the process. The
type of the process can be followings:
- Buying a book
- Selling a book
- Selecting a book as for sale
- Creating book list for sale
- Creating gift request
- Sharing information
- Borrowing a book
- Lending a book
- Adding a friend
- Deleting a friend
- Updating user info
These items will be placed in the screen as shown in the following figure.
Figure 34 – History Screen of Application
5.2.9 Settings
The user will modify the privacy and account settings in this screen. In privacy
settings part, user decides who will be the audience of history, contact information and search
ability. The choices will be friends, everyone or no one. In account settings part, the user can
update the account information like e-mail or password or username and by clicking the “save
changes” button, the system saves the new settings. These items will be placed in the screen
as shown in the following figure.
5.2.10 Book Market
The user handles book transactions in this market tool. Using this tool, a user can:
- buy a book
- sell a book
- lend a book
- borrow a book
- create book list for sale
- view book list for sale
- view list of lent books
- view list of borrowed books
- send gift request
- recommend a book
Instead of the menu on the left, there will be market-related buttons. These items will
be placed in the screen as shown in the following figure.
The user can view and create a for sale list with “view for sale list” button and view
lent and borrowed books list in a joined table with “lent&borrowed books” button.
User can search a book in this search tool by directly writing the title of the book to
this tool. Search results will be shown in the screen. After selecting the founded books, using
some buttons like “add book to my list”, basic operation about a book will be handled. These
items will be placed in the screen as shown in the following figure.
6. Requirements Matrix
UC stands for use case.
Login Main Data Remote
Settings Social Trade
Requirements Logout Functionality Service Server
Component Component Component
from SRS Component Component Component Component
(use cases):
UC10 X X X
UC11 X X X
UC12 X X X
UC13 X X X
UC14 X X X
UC15 X X X
UC16 X X X
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