Financial Statement 1st Paper
Financial Statement 1st Paper
Financial Statement 1st Paper
30000 94000
6000 54000
3000 12000
Maymuna & Sons
Comprehensive Income Statement
For The Year End 31st December 2014
Statement Tk TK TK
Sales 150,000৳
Sub: Sales Return 4,000৳ 146,000৳
Sub: Cost of Goods Sold:
Opening Inventory 50,000৳
Purchase 90,000৳
Sub: Purchase Return 6,000৳
Sub: Goods Drawings 4,000৳ 80,000৳
Wages 14,000৳
Sub: Closing Inventory 50,000৳ 94,000৳
Gross Profit 52,000৳
Add: Operating Income
Discount Received 10,000৳
Sub: Operating Expenses
Salary Expenses 20,000৳
Add: Payable 4,000৳ 24,000৳
Rent Expenses 16,000৳
Sub: Advance 4,000৳ 12,000৳
Discount Allowed 2,000৳
Depreciation on Furniture 15,000৳ 53,000৳
Operating Profit 9,000৳
Add: Non-operating Income
Interest on Investments 30,000৳
Sub: Non-operating Expenses
Interest on Loan 24,000৳
Net Profit 15,000৳
Maymuna & Sons
Owner's Equity Statement
As At 31st December 2014
Statement TK TK TK
Opening Capital 600,000৳
Add: Net Profit 15,000৳ 615,000৳
Sub: Drawings 94,000৳
Closing Capital 521,000৳
Maymuna & Sons
Statement of Financial Position
As On 31st December 2014
Particulars TK TK TK
Current Assets
Bank Balance 40,000৳
Account Receivable 40,000৳
Closing Inventory 50,000৳
Advanced Rent 4,000৳
Receivable Interest on Investment 30,000৳ 164,000৳
10% Investment 400,000৳
Fixed Assets
Furniture 300,000৳
Sub: Accumulated Depreciation 15,000৳ 285,000৳
Total Assets 849,000৳
Liabilities & Owners Equity
Payable Accounts 20,000৳
Accrued Salary 4,000৳
Accrued Interest on Loan 24,000৳ 48,000৳
Long Term Liabilities
12% Loan 280,000৳
Owner's Equity
Closing Capital 521,000৳
Total Liabilities & Owner's Equity 849,000৳
Rofique Brothers
Comprehensive Income Statement
For The Year End 31st December 2014
Statement TK TK TK
Sales 100,000৳
Sub: Discount on Sales 10,000৳ 90,000৳
Sub: Cost of Goods Sold
Opening Inventory 28,000৳
Purchase 60,000৳
Add: Unrecorded Purchase 10,000৳
Sub: Discount on Purchase 6,000৳
Sub: Distrubution of Goods 6,000৳ 58,000৳
Wage 30,000৳
Import duty 4,000৳
Sub: Closing Inventory 80,000৳
Sub: Goods Sold 10,000৳ 70,000৳ 50,000৳
Gross Profit 40,000৳
Sub: Operating Expense
Salary Expenses 18,000৳
Add: Payable 6,000৳ 24,000৳
Advertisement 12,000৳
Add: Distribution of Goods 6,000৳
Sub: Deferred Advertisement 12,000৳ 6,000৳
Bad Debt 6,000৳
Add: Unrecorded Bad Debt 4,000৳
Add: New Provision for Bad Debt 6,000৳
Sub: Old Provision for Bad Debt 10,000৳ 6,000৳ 36,000৳
Operating Profit 4,000৳
Add: Non-operating Income
Apprenticeship Premium 8,000৳
Net Profit 12,000৳
Rofique Brother's Rofique Brother'
Owner's Equity Statement Statement of Financial Po
As At 31st December 2014 As On 31st December 2
Statement TK TK TK Particulars
Opening Capital 300,000৳ Assets
Add: Net Profit 12,000৳ 312,000৳ Current Assets
Sub: Drawings 10,000৳ Cash in Hands
Closing Capital 302,000৳ Accounts Receivable
Sub: Unrecorded Bad Debts
6,000৳ 50,000৳
70,000৳ 226,000৳
10,000৳ 28,000৳
6,000৳ 46,000৳
Polash & Sons
Comprehensive Income Statement
For The Year End 31st December 2014
Particulars TK TK TK
Sales 1200000
Add: Unrecorded Sales 20000
Sub: Sales without Profit 5000 1215000
Sub: Cost of Goods Sold
Opening Inventory 90000
Purchase 1160000
Sub: Sales without Profit 5000
Sub: Destroyed Goods 10000 1145000
Sub: Closing Inventory 400000 835000
Gross Profit 380000
Add: Operating Income
Discount Received 13000
Sub: Operating Expense
Salary 88000
Depreciation on Furniture 5000 93000
Operating Profit 300000
Add: Non-operating Income
Apprenticeship Premium 12000
Sub: Deferred Apprenticeship Premium 8000 4000
Interest on Investment 11250 15250
Sub: Non-operating Expense
Interest on Loan 4000
Interest on Bank Overdraft 30000
Destroyed Goods 10000
Sub: Receivable Insurance Compensation 7000 3000 37000
Net Profit 278250
Polash & Sons Polash & Sons
Owner's Equity Statement Statement of Financial Position
As At 31st December 2014 As On 31st December 2014
Particulars TK TK TK Particulars
Opening Capital 520000 Assets
Add: Profit 278250 798250 Current Assets
Sub: Income Tax 17000 Cash in Hands
Closing Capital 781250 Account Receivable
Add: Provident Fund 60000 Add: Unrecorded Sales
841250 Closing Inventory
Receivable Insurance Compensation
Receivable Interest on Investment
10% Investment
Given Loan
Fixed Assets
Sub: Accumulated Depreciation
Total Assets
Liabilities & Owners Equity
Current Liabilities
Payable Accounts
Accrued Interest on Loan
Deferred Apprenticeship Premium
Long Term Liabilities
10% Loan
Owners Equity
Total Liabilities & Owners Equity
ash & Sons
of Financial Position
1st December 2014
20000 220000
11250 718250
110000 260000
5000 45000
8000 62000
Messrs Meera Traders
Comprehensive Income Statement
For The Year End 31st December 2014
Particulars TK TK TK
Sales 51750
Add: Unrecorded Sales 2300
Sub: VAT 7050 47000
Sub: Cost of Goods Sold
Opening Inventory 10000
Purchase 34500
Sub: VAT 4500
Sub: Destroyed in Fire 4000 26000
Wage 4000
Sub: Closing Inventory 14000
Sub: Destroyed in Fire 4000 10000 30000
Gross Profit 17000
Sub: Operating Expense
Salary 6000
Advertisement 1000
Sub: Deferred Advertisement 500 500
New Provision for Bad Debts 815
Sub: Old Provision for Bad Debts 2500 -1685
Insurance Premium 500
Amortization on Lease Property 3000 8315
Operating Profit 8685
Sub: Non-operating Expense
Interest on Loan 500
Destroyed in Fire 4000
Sub: Insurance Compensation 4000 0 500
Net Profit 8185
Messrs Meera Traders
Owner's Equity Statement
As At 31st December 2014
Particulars TK TK TK
Openin Capital 40000
Add: Net Profit 8185 48185
Sub: Drawings 5000
Closing Inventory 43185
Messrs Meera Traders
Statement of Financial Position
As On 31st December 2014
Particulars TK TK TK
Current Assets
Cash In Hands 15000
Accounts Receivable 14000
Add: Unrecorded Sales 2300
Sub: New Provision for Bad Debts 815 15485
Closing Inventory 10000
Insurance Compensation 4000 44485
Fixed Assets
Leasehold Property 30000
Sub: Amortization on Leasehold Property 3000 27000
Unadjusted Expense
Deferred Advertisement 500
Total Assets 71985
Liabilities & Owners Equity
Current Liabilities
Payable Accounts 5750
VAT Payable 2550
Interest on Loan 500 8800
Long Term Liabilities
Loan 20000
Owners Equity 43185
Total Liabilities & Owners Equity 71985
Sajib Traders Sajib Trade
Comprehensive Income Statement Owners Equity Sta
For the Year End 31st December 2014 As At 31st Decemb
Particulars TK TK TK Particulars
Sales 220000 Opening Capital
Sub: Return 3000 217000 Add: Net Profit
Sub: Cost of Goods Sold Sub: Drawings
Opening Inventory 30000 Cash
Purchase 130000 Goods
Sub: Return 2000 Closing Capital
Sub: Drawings 3000 125000
Wage 7500
Add: Accrued Wage 1500 9000
Carriage on Purchase 10000
Sub: Closing Inventory 50000 124000
Gross Profit 93000
Sub: Operating Expense
Salary 14500
Carriage on Sales 1200
Insurance Premium 2700
Sub: Accrued Premium 1000 1700
New Bad Debts 2000
Add: New Provision for Bad Debts 1900 3900
Depreciation for Furniture 15000 36300
Net Profit 56700
Sajib Traders Sajib Traders
Owners Equity Statement Statement of Financial Position
As At 31st December 2014 As On 31st December 2014
TK TK TK Particulars TK TK TK
210000 Assets
56700 266700 Current Assets
Cash & Bank Balance 50000
20000 Account Receivable 40000
3000 23000 Sub: New Bad Debts 2000
243700 38000
Sub: New Provision for Bad Debts 1900 36100
Accrued Premium 1000
Closing Inventory 50000 137100
Fixed Assets
Furniture 150000
Sub: Accumulated Depreciation 20000 130000
Total Assets 267100
Liabilities & Owners Equity
Current Liabilities
Payable Accounts 21900
Accrued Wage 1500 23400
Owners Equity
Closing Capital 243700
Total Liabilities & Owners Equity 267100
Abir Traders Abir Traders
Comprehensive Income Statement Owners Equity Stateme
For The Year End 31st December 2013 As At 31st December 20
Particulars TK TK TK Particulars
Sales 90000 Opening Capital
Sub: Sales without Profit 2000 88000 Add: Net Profit
Sub: Cost of Goods Sold Closing Capital
Opening Inventory 40000
Sub: Opening Stationary 1000 39000
Purchase 60000
Sub: Sales without Profit 2000 58000
Sub: Closing Inventory 40000 57000
Gross Profit 31000
Add: Operating Income
Discount Received 5000
Sub: Operating Expense
Salary 10000
Rent 10000
Stationary 5000
Add: Opening Statonary 1000 6000
Discount Allowed 4000
Insurance Premium 4000 34000
Operating Profit 2000
Add: Non-operating Income
Apprenticeship Premium 6000
Sub: Non-operating Expense
Apprenticeship Allowance 1000
Net Profit 7000
Abir Traders Abir Traders
Owners Equity Statement Statement of Financial Position
As At 31st December 2013 As On 31st December 2013
TK TK TK Particulars TK TK TK
100000 Assets
7000 Current Assets
107000 Accounts Receivable 34000
Closing Inventory 40000 74000
Fixed Assets
Building 30000
Furniture 20000 50000
Total Assets 124000
Liabilities & Owners Equity
Current Liabilities
Accounts Payable 17000
Owners Equity 107000
Total Liabilities & Owners Equity 124000
Oishi Traders Oishi Trade
Comprehensive Income Statement Owners Equity Sta
For the Year End 31st December 2014 As On 31st Decemb
Particulars TK TK TK Particulars
Sales 240000 Opening Capital
Sub: Return Inward 5000 235000 Add: Net Profit
Sub: Cost of Goods Sold Sub: Drawings
Opening Inventory 40000 Cash
Purchase 130000 Goods
Add: Unrecorded Purchase 4000 Closing Capital
Sub: Return Outward 3000
Sub: Drawings 3000 128000
Sub: Closing Inventory 55000 113000
Gross Profit 122000
Add: Operating Incoeme
Discount Received 5000
Sub: Operating Expense
Marketing Expense 10000
Rents 20000
Add: Accrued Expense 4000 24000
Rates 4000
New Bad Debts 2000
Add: New Provision for Bad Debts 5000
Sub: Old Provision for Bad Debts 3000 4000
Depreciation on Plants 2500 44500
Net Profit 82500
Oishi Traders Oishi Traders
Owners Equity Statement Statement of Financial Position
As On 31st December 2014 As On 31st December 2014
TK TK TK Particulars TK TK TK
220000 Assets
82500 302500 Current Assets
Cash & Bank Balance 181000
10000 Accounts Receivable 52000
3000 13000 Sub: New Bad Debt 2000
289500 50000
Sub: New Provision for Bad Debts 5000 45000
Closing Inventory 55000 281000
Fixed Assets
Plants 50000
Sub: Accumulated Depreciation 2500 47500
Total Assets 328500
Liabilities & Owners Equity
Current Liabilities
Accounts Payable 31000
Add: Unrecorded Purchase 4000 35000
Accrued Rents 4000 39000
Owners Equity 289500
Total Liabilities & Owners Equity 328500
Lota Enterprise
Comprehensive Income Statement
For the Year End 31st December 2014
Particulars TK TK TK
Sales 210000
Sub: Discount on Sales 5000 205000
Sub: Cost of Goods Sold
Opening Inventory 25000
Purchase 115000
Sub: Discount on Purchase 3000
Sub: Distribution of Goods 1000 111000
Sub: Closing Inventory 50000 86000
Gross Profit 119000
Sub: Operating Expense
Advertisement 11000
Add: Distribution of Goods 1000
Sub: Deferred Advertisement 8000 4000
Salary 22000
Rent 30000
Sub: Prepaid Rent 6000 24000
Bad Debt 3000
Add: New Provision for Bad Debt 4000
Sub: Old Provision for Bad Debts 5000 2000 52000
Operating Profit 67000
Add: Non-operating Income
Interest on Investment 13200
Sub: Non-operating Expense
Interest on Loan 2500
Interest on Capital 22000 24500
Net Profit 55700
Lota Enterprise Lota Enterprise
Owner's Equity Statement Statement of Financial Position
As At 31st December 2014 As On 31st December 2014
Particulars TK TK TK Particulars
Opening Capital 220000 Assets
Add: Interest on Capital 22000 Current Assets
Add: Net Profit 55700 297700 Cash in Hands
Sub: Drawings 20000 Accounts Receivable
Closing Capital 277700 Sub: New Provision for Bad Debts
Prepaid Rent
Receivable Interest on Investment
Closing Inventory
Fixed Assets
Office Equipments
12% Investment
Unadjusted Expense
Deferred Advertisement
Total Assets
Liabilities & Owners Equity
Current Liabilities
Accounts Payable
Bank Overdraft
Payable Interest on Loan
Long Term Liabilities
Owners Equity
Total Liabilities & Owners Equity
ta Enterprise
t of Financial Position
1st December 2014
4000 74000
50000 213200
2500 54500