Reconstruction of Susidiary Roads

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Project Name: Reconstruction Work for Susidiary roads & Repairing Work for 2
Toilets & 1 Bathroom, Madampitiya Rd(Infront of CEB), Modara

Allocation: Rs.1,000,000

Project No.:

Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
Removing roof tiles/asbestos sheets and timber frame
1 work, stacking serviceable materials and clearing debris Sqr. 0.80 790.00 632.00
away in single storied building.
Demolishing 9" thick brick walls stacking brick and
2 clearing debris away. Cube 1.70 1,185.00 2,014.50

Chipping cement rendering and clearing debris away.

3 Sqr. 0.60 865.00 519.00

Site preparation, Clearing site vegetation, removing

bushes, shrubs & top soil to a depth not exceeding 6"
4 and removing all debris away from site. Sqr. 3.00 800.00 2,400.00

Manual Excavation for wall foundations in any material

(except rock requiring blasting) up to 5'-0" depth, part
return fill in and ram and surplus depositted within site
5 Cube 1.50 1,720.00 2,580.00
as directed.

Cement concrete 1:3:6 (1 1/2") in foundation (concrete

6 mixer) Cube 0.45 31725.00 14,276.25

Random rubble (6"-9") masonry in cement mortar 1:5 in

7 wall foundation. Cube 1.60 23900.00 38,240.00

Approved earth supplying within 16 Km from the source

8 and piled at site (measured at piled volume) Cube 0.40 2150.00 860.00

Approved hard Earth spreading , leveling watering and

manual compaction, using standered cast iron stamper or
equivalent and filling in 150 mm thick layers (loose
9 volume) in respected area (Earth available at site) Cube 0.40 1185.00 474.00

Page 1
3/4" thick D.P.C. in cement sand 1:2 finished with 2
10 coats of D.P.C. tar and blinded with sand. Sqr. 0.70 7485.00 5,239.50

Cement concrete 1:2:4 (3/4") in beams, slabs, and

11 concrete bedding in floors using mixer and vibrator. Cube 0.80 39075.00 31,260.00

Steps 1' - 1 1/2" in brick in cement and sand 1:5 with

1/2" thick rendering in cement and sand 1:2 including 6"
12 high foundation. L.ft. 8.25 330.00 2,722.50

Brick piers 9" thick in cement and sand 1:5 in ground

13 floor. Cube 0.60 31800.00 19,080.00

Brick work in cement and sand 1:5 in 4 1/2" thick walls

14 in ground floor. Sqr. 2.80 12590.00 35,252.00

Shuttering for sides of slab,beam with 1" thick rubber

15 planking including dismantling Sqr. 1.50 3725.00 5,587.50

Mild steel reinforcement to beams bent to shape, laid in

position and tied with 16 B.W.G. Aneal binding
16 wire. Kg 45.00 169.00 7,605.00

Tor steel reinforcement to slabs & beams bent to shape,

laid in position and tied with 16 B.W.G. Aneal
17 binding wire. Kg 150.00 193.00 28,950.00

Forming drip for sunshade edge cement & sand 1: 2

18 finish semi rough. L.ft. 75.00 82.00 6,150.00

Plastering 3/8" thick to soffit of slab, sunshade, sides

and soffit of beams in cement and sand 1:3 including
19 floating with lime putty. Sqr. 0.40 6345.00 2,538.00

Plastering 3/8" thick to soffit of slab, sunshade, sides

and soffit of beams in cement & sand 1:3 finished semi
20 rough with wooden float. Sqr. 2.50 6045.00 15,112.50

Door/Window ledged, braced & battened with 3 3/4" x 2

3/4" frames and 7/8" thick sash made out of
21 GINISAPU. Rate without brass furniture, painting and Sq.ft. 60.00 855.00 51,300.00

Supplying & fixing polished brass hinges of 4" x 3"

thickness 4.2mm ± 0.2mm with a weight not less than
22 310g ± 5g with a smooth surface finish. No. 6.00 570.00 3,420.00

Page 2
Supplying & fixing polished brass barrel bolt of 4" with
23 a weight not less than 210g ± 5g with a smooth surface No. 3.00 540.00 1,620.00

Supplying and fixing hasp & staple

24 No. 3.00 53.00 159.00

Supplying and fixing 1" padlock

25 No. 3.00 495.00 1,485.00

5/8" thick plastering to plinth wall in cement sand 1:3

26 including cement floating. Sqr. 1.10 4110.00 4,521.00

Plastering 5/8" thick to walls in cement, lime or

equivelent chemical product (Febmix) and sand 1:1:5
27 finished semi-rough with wooden float. (Sand to be Sqr. 3.50 4370.00 15,295.00

Plastering 5/8" thick to reveals width not exceeding 6" in

cement, lime or equivelent chemical product (Febmix)
and sand 1:1:5 finished semi-rough with wooden float.
28 L.ft. 60.00 91.00 5,460.00

Plastering 5/8" thick to walls in cement, lime or

equivelent chemical product (Febmix) and sand 1:1:5
29 finished smooth with lime putty. Sqr. 1.50 5600.00 8,400.00

Plastering 5/8" thick to reveals width not exceeding 6"

in cement, lime or equivelent chemical product (Febmix)
30 and sand 1:1:5 finished smooth with lime putty. L.ft. 120.00 100.00 12,000.00

Cement and sand 1:3 screed of 1/2" thick backing to

31 receive wall tiles. Sqr. 1.60 3645.00 5,832.00

Glazed ceramic wall tiling of size 8" x 12" approved

colour, supplying and fixing to walls on a 1:3 cement
sand mortar layer, and pointed with tile grout to match
the tile. *** (Rate does not include the 1:3 cement sand
32 mortar layer and is separately measured under item L04) Sqr. 1.60 25950.00 41,520.00

Rough porcelain bathroom floor tiles of size 8" x 8" of

Rocell or equivalent, paving on 1:3 cement sand bedding
33 and pointed with tile grout to match the tiles. Sqr. 0.50 27675.00 13,837.50

Page 3
Supply and fix footrest squatting pan and trap including
laying flush pipe laid on concrete base. (Indian Origin)
34 No. 2.00 2590.00 5,180.00

Supplying and fixing 1/2" Bib tap of "Water Tec"

35 brand & model no.6872 or approved equivalent. No. 3.00 305.00 915.00

Supplying and fixing 1/2" Angle valve of "Water Tec"

brand & model no.14548 or approved equivalent.
36 No. 1.00 300.00 300.00

Supplying and fixing Shower rose of "Water Tec" brand

37 & model no.6814 or approved equivalent. No. 1.00 585.00 585.00

Supplying laying and/or fixing 3/4" dia. P.V.C. pipes

38 Type 1000 (With Specials). L.ft. 50.00 88.00 4,400.00

Supplying laying and/or fixing 1/2" dia. P.V.C. pipes

39 Type 1000 (With Specials). L.ft. 25.00 57.00 1,425.00

Supplying and fixing 1/2" stop cock.

40 No. 1.00 540.00 540.00

Supplying and fixing 4" (110 mm) Multi floor trap

41 (Catch pit). No. 1.00 670.00 670.00

Supplying and fixing 2" dia. P.V.C waste pipe (type

42 600) L.ft. 10.00 170.00 1,700.00

Supplying and laying 4" dia.P.V.C. sewer pipes (type

600) Including cement concrete surrounding 1:3:6: ( 1")
as per Drg. No:- WSS 270 - Type I . Including
43 L.ft. 30.00 990.00 29,700.00

Construction of brick sewer manhole internal size of 2'-

0" x 2'-0" & depth vary from 2'-0" - 3'-0", consist of 4"
thick Grade 15 lean concrete base and 9" thick brick
masonry side walls in 1:3 cement sand mix ,with 3"
thick Grade 20 RCC cover slab with 10mm dia.tor steel
@ 6" c/c both ways.Rate to include for excavation,
necessary formwork, lifting hooks, concrete pad and
44 1/2" thick cement & sand rendering in 1:2 mix trowel No. 1.00 11585.00 11,585.00
smooth with neat grey cement to all internal surfaces ,
exposed external surfaces and forming channel with 1:6
benching as per Drawing No:- WSS/10/03

Connecting sewer line to existing man hole

45 Item 1.00 2084.00 2,084.00

Page 4
Painting walls with two coats of enamel paint including
46 preparing surface. Sqr. 1.10 2370.00 2,607.00

Painting walls with one coat of wall primer including

47 preparing surface. Sqr. 5.00 1300.00 6,500.00

Painting walls with two coats of weathershield paint

48 including preparing surface. Sqr. 3.50 2200.00 7,700.00

Painting walls with two coats of emulsion paint

49 including preparing surface. Sqr. 1.50 1810.00 2,715.00

Preparing and painting new wood work with primer and

50 two coats enamel paint. Sqr. 0.70 2820.00 1,974.00

Supply and fixing 1'-0" x 1'-0" cement grill on wall.

51 Sq.ft. 3.00 125.00 375.00
Transporting debris cleared away from site by 3.5 Cubes
capacity heavy vehicle. Rate to inclusive of loading Per
52 with JCB machine (approx.. 20 Miles away). 1.00 4800.00 4,800.00

Cement concrete 1:2:4 (3/4") in Road Pavement using

53 Cube 12.90 39075.00 504,067.50
mixer and vibrator.

Shuttering for sides of foundation with 1" thick Rubber

54 Sqr. 3.35 3725.00 12,478.75
planking including dismantling.

55 Leveling and trimming earth. Sq. m. 479.63 11.50 5,515.75

56 Supply & fixing of hoading board. Item 1.00 6,000.00 6,000.00

TOTAL 1,000,159.25
PAY 1,000,000.00
For Community Contribution DDT 20% 200,000.00
SUB TOTAL 800,000.00
For Administrative Charges ADD 2% 16,000.00
GRAND TOTAL 816,000.00

Prepared By :

Page 5
Project Name:


Description Nos. L B H Qty. Unit
Inch Decimal
0 0.00
1 0.08
2 0.17

3 0.25

4 0.33
5 0.42
6 0.50
7 0.58
8 0.67
9 0.75
10 0.83
11 0.92
12 1.00

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