PPG Annex B-2-Commitment Form For Alternate AAOs - 18mar2021 (Clean)

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Alternate Agency Authorized Officer (AAO)

Commitment Form

I, _______________________________________ (Name of Alternate AAO),

_______________ (Position Title) of ___________________ (Name of Agency)
have been designated as Alternate Agency Authorized Officer of the
___________________ (Name of Agency), and in so doing, I commit to act
responsibly and prudently in performing my functions.

I am aware of my responsibilities as an Alternate AAO and commit to perform the

following diligently to the best of my ability in the absence of the Principal AAO
and/or whenever my assistance is required:

1. Promptly transmit electronically to the GSIS all membership updating request-

forms (Membership Updating Forms A, B, C, D and E) prepared by our
agency’s authorized Human Resource personnel.

The Membership Forms must be transmitted to the GSIS within the month the
information (i.e., newly hired employee, new salary, updated personal
information, change in mobile number and email address, etc.) becomes

2. Endorse to the Membership Department changes in the designated

beneficiaries of members;

3. Check uploaded request for correction of returned Agency Remittance Advice

Forms and transmit corrected forms electronically within two (2) working days
from receipt of notice of deficiency.

4. Monitor feedback from the GSIS Membership Coordinator and submit any
additional requirements within two (2) working days from notice of deficiency;

5. Transmit to the officer or employee concerned of our agency the circulars

and/or information dissemination materials, and requests for data or
information forwarded by the GSIS through the AAO module or my email

6. Employ, at all times, the safety measures in the use, access, disclosure and
processing of the personal and sensitive personal information of employees
under my jurisdiction and control, in accordance with the Data Privacy Law;

7. Attend trainings and re-trainings for AAOs, including orientations on data

privacy and protection, conducted by the GSIS;

8. Certify the loan application of the Principal AAO when he or she applies for a

9. As Alternate AAO, I undertake to ensure that I shall exert all efforts to

immediately inform or communicate to the GSIS circumstances of


suspension, severance from service, or any administrative sanctions that the

employee of our agency is serving; and

10. Assume the other responsibilities of the Principal AAO when the latter is on
leave or unavailable or when the latter is separated, retired, has transferred to
another agency, suspended or dismissed from service or whose designation
as Principal AAO was changed due to an adverse finding and the agency has
not yet assigned a replacement.

I hereby confirm that I have read and understand fully the Privacy Policy of the
GSIS pursuant to the requirements of Republic Act No. 10173, otherwise known
as the Data Privacy Act, and hereby give/grant my consent to the safety
measures to be observed in the use, access, disclosure and processing of the
personal and sensitive personal information of employees under my jurisdiction
and control.

By signing this Commitment Form, I signify that I have read, understood, and
accepted my duties and responsibilities as Alternate AAO and I am fully aware
that it is a legal and binding document containing my duties and obligations, a
breach of which may give rise to accountabilities, liabilities and sanctions under
applicable laws.

Signed: Date:

Name and Signature, Alternate AAO

Endorsed by: Date:

Name and Signature, Head of Agency

Note: All pages must be signed.

The Alternate AAO should sign two copies of this Commitment Form, return one
(1) copy to the GSIS and keep the other for reference.


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