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Compensation; Definition ± Compensation Dimension: Cash compensation ± Base Wage,
Merit Pay, Incentives. Benefits: allowances, income protection measures ± Compensation
System ± A Pay Model. Strategic perspectives: Developing a total compensation strategy,
tests for source of competitive advantage ± Best fit Versus Best Practices ± Obtaining
information from the process of Job Analysis and Job Evaluation.

Internal Structures: Proportions of internal structure - Strategically designing internal
structures ±Tailored Versus Loosely coupled, Egalitarian Versus Hierarchical. Considering
External Competitiveness: External competitiveness ± definition ± Factors shaping external
competitiveness: Labor Market (Demand and Supply), Product Market Factors, organization
Factors, Relevant Markets - Competitive Pay Policy Alternatives ± Consequences of Pay
Level and Mix decisions.

   #$ $
Pay for performance Plan - Types of Pay for Performance: Shop Floor Incentives, Sales
Force Incentive Schemes, Executive Pay, Team based pay ± Profit Sharing ± Gain Sharing ±
Employees Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) ± Role of Performance Appraisals in determining
Performance Pay.

  % !!
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Value of employee benefits ± Components of a benefit plan ± Administering benefit program
-Benefit Options: Benefits to be provided statutorily, Retirement and Savings plan, Life
Insurance, Medical Benefits and Miscellaneous.

Role of Union in determining compensation, Government and legal issues ± Estimations
regarding ability to pay: Managing labor costs, Control Salary Level ± Inherent Controls ±
Change Agent in Restructuring.

Milkovich, G.T., and Newman, J.M., (2005) Compensation (8th edn.), India: Tata McGraw

Richard I. Henderson, (2006) Compensation Management in a Knowledge Based World
edn.), India: Pearson Education
c ,+
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V To provide an exposure about the nuances of creativity and innovation
V To update the participants with the trends and techniques of creativity
V To educate the participants on the management of creativity and innovation for sustainable

Concept of innovation and creativity - Various forms of management creativity ± Creative
Intelligence, relationship of creativity to the human functions - 4 P's of creativity and theories
behind those ideas - 4 stages of creative process - major blocks to creativity.

Creativity in Managerial Roles. Organizational climate and Organizational culture for
creativity and Innovation. Organizational diagnosis: preparation of a report on the
organizational climate for creativity in an organization. Knowledge and power - knowledge
worker ± organizational development

Human relation skills for Managing Innovation Experiential learning program on: - Group
Problem Solving - - Group Decision making - - Group think - - Brain-storming (Individual
and groups)

Concepts of Entrepreneurship ± Attributes and characteristics of a successful entrepreneur -
Synectics - - TA (Transactional Analysis) - - AT (Assertive Training) - - Anxiety education

Creativity Techniques ± Creative HRM practices & growth strategies ± Various Mechanisms
that Stimulate Organizational Creativity ± Creative Overloading, Bench Marking, Knowledge
Discovery, Mind Mapping, Creative Thinking Network, Stake Holders Case studies on
Innovative Management Strategies

1. Kobayashi S., (1971) Creative Management., New York: American Management
2. Pradip N. Khandwalla (2003) Corporate Creativity, (2nd edition) Tata McGraw Hill
Publishing Company Ltd, India.

1. Pradip N. Khandwalla (2003) Fourth Eye: Excellence through Creativity, Wheeler
Publishing, India.
2. Michael A & Chichester., Innovation and Creativity: Psychological and
Organizational Strategies James L (eds) New York: Wiley
3. Robert Steinberg., Handbook of Creativity, Cambridge University Press.
c +. + . 


V To educate the participant on the role of cultural differences in business
V To offer valuable inputs on the diverse cultures existent
V To inculcate sound knowledge on the management of diverse cultures

  2 "&3$&& 
Determinants of culture: Overview, models and critiques ± Cultural Dimensions in Business
±Western Business Culture ± Business cultures in the east

Cultural Dimensions and Dilemma ± Values, ethics, and justice ± Cultures and styles of

Culture and corporate structures ± Cultural diversity in organizations ± Cultural changes in

Culture and Leadership ± Culture and Strategy ± Culture and Marketing ± Negotiating
internationally ± Working with international teams ± Intelligence and Competence

  2% 1#!
Developing intercultural relationships - Business communication across cultures ± Barriers to
intercultural communication ±- Conflicts and cultural differences

Marie-Joelle Browaeys & Roger Price. (2008). Understanding Cross-Cultural Management
(1st edition) Pearson Education, India

1. Tim G Andrews (2009) Cross Cultural Management (1st edition), Routledge, USA.
2. Nigel J Holden (2002) Cross Cultural Management: A Knowledge Management
(1st edition) Prentice Hall Publishers, India
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• To impart knowledge about the structures and designs in an organization
• To offer practical exposure on the systems and processes in HR organization
• To enable the students in designing structures for an organization
• To learn the techniques of implementation of various HR processes

Development as underlying concept of HRS ± Functions of HRS - Structuring HRS ±
Boundaries of HRS )  # !! Business Environment ±
Organizational Context ± Context of Societal culture ± Organizational Culture - Proactive and
Reactive Strategy for design.

Matching the role and person: Recruitment & Placement ± Selection Procedure &techniques
±Role analysis - Key performance areas ± Critical attributes ±Competency Mapping ±
Assessment center approach ± From recruitment and placement to top grading.

 $ & $!
Performance Appraisal ± Developing the person in the role ± Different Appraisal systems to
Performance Management Systems ± Systems to Spiritual Approach
& & Role description ± Qualities required ± Indicator of qualities ±
Organizing the system ± Feedback on potential appraisal for career appraisal ± Introducing
potential appraisal ± linkages with other systems.

% 1&!#&"
Objectives of coaching ± Conditions for effective coaching ± Process of coaching Job
Enrichment ± Quality of working life- Role efficacy ± Development needs of workers

Strong, Corporate Identity ± Building healthy traditions and practices ± Communication ±
Mentoring ± Assimilation and Integration

Udai Pareek and Rao T V (2003) Designing and Managing human resourcesystems,
(3rdEdition) Oxford & IBH publishing Co.

Peter Pruzan (2007) Leading with wisdom, Spiritual-based leadership inbusiness, Tata Mc
Graw Hill, India.
c 5 +

• To offer wide knowledge on HR auditing and Measurement metrics
• To create awareness on the importance of quantitative HR practices
• To enable the participants to develop and implement a score card for HRD practices in an

HR as a strategic partner - What is HR Audit - Need for HR Audit in an organization ± HRD
systems ± What can HR Audit do to an organization? ± Measurement Challenges

Measuring HRs strategic influence ± Auditing of HR systems: Man power planning ±
Recruitment ± Performance Management ± Competency Mapping ± Career Planning ± Job
Rotation ± Training and Development ± Leadership Development

Rationale of Assessment System ± Creating a HR scorecard -± Competency Scores ±
Octapace values ± Total HRD Scores ± Cost benefit analysis of HR Interventions

  2% &
Principles of good measurement ± Tools for measuring HR alignment: Audit questionnaires ±
Self Renewal System ± Assessment and Development Centers ± Checklist ± Competency
Mapping ± HR Climate Survey ± Competencies Checklist

Competency requirements of HR professionals ± Assessment of competencies ± Formula for
successful implementation - Implementing strategies: building acceptance element ± applying
lessons of change

Rao T.V. (2008) HRD Score Card 2500: Based on HR Audit (1st edition) Response Books,

Brian E. Becker, Mark A. Huselid & David Ulrich (2001) The HR Scorecard: Linking
people,Strategy and Performance (1st edition), Harvard Business Press, USA

• To introduce the participant to the fundamentals of negotiation
• To give an exposure on the merits and demerits of conflicts in an organization
• To train the students on various negotiation skills and requirements for negotiation
• To educate the participant on ethical usage of negotiations for conflict resolution

  2 !
Defining Negotiation ± Components of negotiation ± Role of personality in negotiation ±
Distributive and Integrative Negotiation

  )"$ !
Role of norms and values ± Relationships ± Communication and Power in negotiations ±
Identity theory ± Social Interaction theory ± Field theory ± Human need theory ± Rationale
choice theory± Transformation theory ± Mutual gains theory ± Impasse and Alternative
Dispute Resolution(ADR)

Key Negotiating Temperaments ± Interests and goals in negotiation ± Cultural and gender
differences in negotiation ± Importance of perception in negotiation ± Qualities of mind, heart
&courage for successful negotiations

  2% &6+&
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Principles of Persuasion ± Importance of assertiveness in negotiation ± Rules of negotiation
and common mistakes ± Ethics, fairness and trust in negotiation

  2% 6#&#$ !
Negotiation process and preparation ± Styles, strategies and techniques of negotiation ± Team
Negotiation ± Leadership and Public Relations ± Third party Intervention ± Post negotiation

Barbara A Budjac., & Corvette (2007) Conflict Management: A guide to developing
Strategies (1st Edition) Pearson Education, India

1. Michael R Carrell & Christina Heavrin (2008) Negotiating Skills: Theory, Skills and
(1st Edition) Pearson Education, India
2. Michael L Spangle & Myra Warren Isenhart (2008) Negotiation: Communication for
settings (2nd edition) Sage Publications, India
3. Rao S L., (2005) Negotiation made simple (1st edition) Excel Books, India
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• To understand the purpose and operation of key human resource practices
• To attain enhanced critical thinking skills
• To have practical knowledge of job search and career choices
• To have improved skills in problem solving and analysis
• To harness written and oral communication along with teamwork

Concept of SHRM ± Evolution of SHRM ± SHRM Perspectives ± Challenges and
Environment in SHRM ± Strategy defined ± Formulations of strategy ± Strategic fit ±
Resource based strategic HRM ± Intellectual Capital: Human Capital ± Social Capital ±
Organizational Capital

Link between HRM & Performance ± Measuring HR performance ± Role of HR: A new
mandate for HR ± Strategic Partner ± HR Professionals as change agents

Organizational HR Strategies ± Strategies for culture change ± Commitment strategy ±
Strategies for developing a climate of trust ± Functional HR strategies: Strategic HR
Development ±Strategies for managing performance ± Reward Strategy

Efficient utilization of human resources ± Dealing with employee shortages ± Dealing with
employee surpluses Reward and Development System: Strategically oriented performance
measurement systems ± Compensation systems ±

% $!5+
Content of HR strategy ± Integrating the business and HR strategies ± Formulation of HR
strategy ± Implementation of HR strategy - Improving Business Performance through
strategic HRM: Characteristics of HR practices that make an impact on performance ± HR
practice areas that impact on performance

Armstrong M & Baron A (2006) Handbook of Strategic Human Resource Management, Jaico
Books, India

Charles R Greer (2001) Strategic Human Resource Management, A general
managerialapproach, Pearson Education Asia, India.
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• To comprehend the theory surrounding learning
• To provide the application of training methods
• To help prospective trainers to create value through T&D
• To successfully deal with competitive challenges

Introduction: Opportunities and Challenges - The Role of Training - Structure of training
organizations- Strategic planning and training - OD and Training - Motivational and Learning

Training needs analysis (TNA): Conducting Need analysis - Framework for TNA ± TNA
approaches - Outcomes of TNA

Training Design: Identifying constraints - Developing objectives - Facilitation of learning and
transfer -Theories of Training design

Training methods: Traditional Methods - E learning - Technology¶s influence on Training
and learning ±Computer based training ± developing effective online learning ± Technologies
for training support, for training administration

Evaluation: Reasons ± Process - Constraints in Evaluation ± Four level frameworks of
evaluation criteria ± Evaluation designs ± The future of training and development.

Blanchard, P.N., & Thacker, J.W. (2004) „   


 (2ndEdn.), Prentice-Hall, Inc. India

1.Raymond A Noe.(2008) „  

 (4th Edn. ) Tata Mc-Graw

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