Compensation; Definition ± Compensation Dimension: Cash compensation ± Base Wage,
Merit Pay, Incentives. Benefits: allowances, income protection measures ± Compensation
System ± A Pay Model. Strategic perspectives: Developing a total compensation strategy,
tests for source of competitive advantage ± Best fit Versus Best Practices ± Obtaining
information from the process of Job Analysis and Job Evaluation.
Internal Structures: Proportions of internal structure - Strategically designing internal
structures ±Tailored Versus Loosely coupled, Egalitarian Versus Hierarchical. Considering
External Competitiveness: External competitiveness ± definition ± Factors shaping external
competitiveness: Labor Market (Demand and Supply), Product Market Factors, organization
Factors, Relevant Markets - Competitive Pay Policy Alternatives ± Consequences of Pay
Level and Mix decisions.
#$ $
Pay for performance Plan - Types of Pay for Performance: Shop Floor Incentives, Sales
Force Incentive Schemes, Executive Pay, Team based pay ± Profit Sharing ± Gain Sharing ±
Employees Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) ± Role of Performance Appraisals in determining
Performance Pay.
% !!
&#'$ &
Value of employee benefits ± Components of a benefit plan ± Administering benefit program
-Benefit Options: Benefits to be provided statutorily, Retirement and Savings plan, Life
Insurance, Medical Benefits and Miscellaneous.
Role of Union in determining compensation, Government and legal issues ± Estimations
regarding ability to pay: Managing labor costs, Control Salary Level ± Inherent Controls ±
Change Agent in Restructuring.
Milkovich, G.T., and Newman, J.M., (2005) Compensation (8th edn.), India: Tata McGraw
Richard I. Henderson, (2006) Compensation Management in a Knowledge Based World
edn.), India: Pearson Education
c ,+
- %
V To provide an exposure about the nuances of creativity and innovation
V To update the participants with the trends and techniques of creativity
V To educate the participants on the management of creativity and innovation for sustainable
Concept of innovation and creativity - Various forms of management creativity ± Creative
Intelligence, relationship of creativity to the human functions - 4 P's of creativity and theories
behind those ideas - 4 stages of creative process - major blocks to creativity.
Creativity in Managerial Roles. Organizational climate and Organizational culture for
creativity and Innovation. Organizational diagnosis: preparation of a report on the
organizational climate for creativity in an organization. Knowledge and power - knowledge
worker ± organizational development
Human relation skills for Managing Innovation Experiential learning program on: - Group
Problem Solving - - Group Decision making - - Group think - - Brain-storming (Individual
and groups)
Concepts of Entrepreneurship ± Attributes and characteristics of a successful entrepreneur -
Synectics - - TA (Transactional Analysis) - - AT (Assertive Training) - - Anxiety education
Creativity Techniques ± Creative HRM practices & growth strategies ± Various Mechanisms
that Stimulate Organizational Creativity ± Creative Overloading, Bench Marking, Knowledge
Discovery, Mind Mapping, Creative Thinking Network, Stake Holders Case studies on
Innovative Management Strategies
1. Kobayashi S., (1971) Creative Management., New York: American Management
2. Pradip N. Khandwalla (2003) Corporate Creativity, (2nd edition) Tata McGraw Hill
Publishing Company Ltd, India.
1. Pradip N. Khandwalla (2003) Fourth Eye: Excellence through Creativity, Wheeler
Publishing, India.
2. Michael A & Chichester., Innovation and Creativity: Psychological and
Organizational Strategies James L (eds) New York: Wiley
3. Robert Steinberg., Handbook of Creativity, Cambridge University Press.
c +.
V To educate the participant on the role of cultural differences in business
V To offer valuable inputs on the diverse cultures existent
V To inculcate sound knowledge on the management of diverse cultures
Determinants of culture: Overview, models and critiques ± Cultural Dimensions in Business
±Western Business Culture ± Business cultures in the east
Cultural Dimensions and Dilemma ± Values, ethics, and justice ± Cultures and styles of
Culture and corporate structures ± Cultural diversity in organizations ± Cultural changes in
Culture and Leadership ± Culture and Strategy ± Culture and Marketing ± Negotiating
internationally ± Working with international teams ± Intelligence and Competence
2% 1#!
Developing intercultural relationships - Business communication across cultures ± Barriers to
intercultural communication ±- Conflicts and cultural differences
Marie-Joelle Browaeys & Roger Price. (2008). Understanding Cross-Cultural Management
(1st edition) Pearson Education, India
1. Tim G Andrews (2009) Cross Cultural Management (1st edition), Routledge, USA.
2. Nigel J Holden (2002) Cross Cultural Management: A Knowledge Management
(1st edition) Prentice Hall Publishers, India
c 4
To impart knowledge about the structures and designs in an organization
To offer practical exposure on the systems and processes in HR organization
To enable the students in designing structures for an organization
To learn the techniques of implementation of various HR processes
Development as underlying concept of HRS ± Functions of HRS - Structuring HRS ±
Boundaries of HRS ) # !! Business Environment ±
Organizational Context ± Context of Societal culture ± Organizational Culture - Proactive and
Reactive Strategy for design.
Matching the role and person: Recruitment & Placement ± Selection Procedure &techniques
±Role analysis - Key performance areas ± Critical attributes ±Competency Mapping ±
Assessment center approach ± From recruitment and placement to top grading.
$& $!
Performance Appraisal ± Developing the person in the role ± Different Appraisal systems to
Performance Management Systems ± Systems to Spiritual Approach
& & Role description ± Qualities required ± Indicator of qualities ±
Organizing the system ± Feedback on potential appraisal for career appraisal ± Introducing
potential appraisal ± linkages with other systems.
% 1&!#&"
Objectives of coaching ± Conditions for effective coaching ± Process of coaching Job
Enrichment ± Quality of working life- Role efficacy ± Development needs of workers
Strong, Corporate Identity ± Building healthy traditions and practices ± Communication ±
Mentoring ± Assimilation and Integration
Udai Pareek and Rao T V (2003) Designing and Managing human resourcesystems,
(3rdEdition) Oxford & IBH publishing Co.
Peter Pruzan (2007) Leading with wisdom, Spiritual-based leadership inbusiness, Tata Mc
Graw Hill, India.
c 5+
To offer wide knowledge on HR auditing and Measurement metrics
To create awareness on the importance of quantitative HR practices
To enable the participants to develop and implement a score card for HRD practices in an
HR as a strategic partner - What is HR Audit - Need for HR Audit in an organization ± HRD
systems ± What can HR Audit do to an organization? ± Measurement Challenges
Measuring HRs strategic influence ± Auditing of HR systems: Man power planning ±
Recruitment ± Performance Management ± Competency Mapping ± Career Planning ± Job
Rotation ± Training and Development ± Leadership Development
Rationale of Assessment System ± Creating a HR scorecard -± Competency Scores ±
Octapace values ± Total HRD Scores ± Cost benefit analysis of HR Interventions
2% &
Principles of good measurement ± Tools for measuring HR alignment: Audit questionnaires ±
Self Renewal System ± Assessment and Development Centers ± Checklist ± Competency
Mapping ± HR Climate Survey ± Competencies Checklist
Competency requirements of HR professionals ± Assessment of competencies ± Formula for
successful implementation - Implementing strategies: building acceptance element ± applying
lessons of change
Rao T.V. (2008) HRD Score Card 2500: Based on HR Audit (1st edition) Response Books,
Brian E. Becker, Mark A. Huselid & David Ulrich (2001) The HR Scorecard: Linking
people,Strategy and Performance (1st edition), Harvard Business Press, USA
To introduce the participant to the fundamentals of negotiation
To give an exposure on the merits and demerits of conflicts in an organization
To train the students on various negotiation skills and requirements for negotiation
To educate the participant on ethical usage of negotiations for conflict resolution
Defining Negotiation ± Components of negotiation ± Role of personality in negotiation ±
Distributive and Integrative Negotiation
Role of norms and values ± Relationships ± Communication and Power in negotiations ±
Identity theory ± Social Interaction theory ± Field theory ± Human need theory ± Rationale
choice theory± Transformation theory ± Mutual gains theory ± Impasse and Alternative
Dispute Resolution(ADR)
Key Negotiating Temperaments ± Interests and goals in negotiation ± Cultural and gender
differences in negotiation ± Importance of perception in negotiation ± Qualities of mind, heart
&courage for successful negotiations
2% &6+&
Principles of Persuasion ± Importance of assertiveness in negotiation ± Rules of negotiation
and common mistakes ± Ethics, fairness and trust in negotiation
2% 6#&#$!
Negotiation process and preparation ± Styles, strategies and techniques of negotiation ± Team
Negotiation ± Leadership and Public Relations ± Third party Intervention ± Post negotiation
Barbara A Budjac., & Corvette (2007) Conflict Management: A guide to developing
Strategies (1st Edition) Pearson Education, India
1. Michael R Carrell & Christina Heavrin (2008) Negotiating Skills: Theory, Skills and
(1st Edition) Pearson Education, India
2. Michael L Spangle & Myra Warren Isenhart (2008) Negotiation: Communication for
settings (2nd edition) Sage Publications, India
3. Rao S L., (2005) Negotiation made simple (1st edition) Excel Books, India
c 7
To understand the purpose and operation of key human resource practices
To attain enhanced critical thinking skills
To have practical knowledge of job search and career choices
To have improved skills in problem solving and analysis
To harness written and oral communication along with teamwork
Concept of SHRM ± Evolution of SHRM ± SHRM Perspectives ± Challenges and
Environment in SHRM ± Strategy defined ± Formulations of strategy ± Strategic fit ±
Resource based strategic HRM ± Intellectual Capital: Human Capital ± Social Capital ±
Organizational Capital
Link between HRM & Performance ± Measuring HR performance ± Role of HR: A new
mandate for HR ± Strategic Partner ± HR Professionals as change agents
Organizational HR Strategies ± Strategies for culture change ± Commitment strategy ±
Strategies for developing a climate of trust ± Functional HR strategies: Strategic HR
Development ±Strategies for managing performance ± Reward Strategy
Efficient utilization of human resources ± Dealing with employee shortages ± Dealing with
employee surpluses Reward and Development System: Strategically oriented performance
measurement systems ± Compensation systems ±
% $!5+
Content of HR strategy ± Integrating the business and HR strategies ± Formulation of HR
strategy ± Implementation of HR strategy - Improving Business Performance through
strategic HRM: Characteristics of HR practices that make an impact on performance ± HR
practice areas that impact on performance
Armstrong M & Baron A (2006) Handbook of Strategic Human Resource Management, Jaico
Books, India
Charles R Greer (2001) Strategic Human Resource Management, A general
managerialapproach, Pearson Education Asia, India.
c 7,
To comprehend the theory surrounding learning
To provide the application of training methods
To help prospective trainers to create value through T&D
To successfully deal with competitive challenges
Introduction: Opportunities and Challenges - The Role of Training - Structure of training
organizations- Strategic planning and training - OD and Training - Motivational and Learning
Training needs analysis (TNA): Conducting Need analysis - Framework for TNA ± TNA
approaches - Outcomes of TNA
Training Design: Identifying constraints - Developing objectives - Facilitation of learning and
transfer -Theories of Training design
Training methods: Traditional Methods - E learning - Technology¶s influence on Training
and learning ±Computer based training ± developing effective online learning ± Technologies
for training support, for training administration
Evaluation: Reasons ± Process - Constraints in Evaluation ± Four level frameworks of
evaluation criteria ± Evaluation designs ± The future of training and development.
Blanchard, P.N., & Thacker, J.W. (2004)
(2ndEdn.), Prentice-Hall, Inc. India
1.Raymond A Noe.(2008)
(4th Edn. ) Tata Mc-Graw