11 Phe Unit Notes
11 Phe Unit Notes
11 Phe Unit Notes
Meaning & definition of Physical Education
Aims & Objectives of Physical Education
Career Options in Physical Education
competition in various sports at national and international level
Khelo-India Program
There are following types of games played at national and international platform.
Ancient Olympic games, Modern Olympic, Winter Olympic Games
Olympic Symbols, Ideals, Objectives, values ,Olympic flag, Olympic motto & Olympic
International Olympic Committee
Indian Olympic Association
In 2018, the Winter Olympics will be hosted by South Korea and after that in 2022 it will be
held in Beijing (China)
Olympic motto-: Olympic motto comprises three Latin words- ‘’Citius, Altius, fortius’’ which
mean faster- Higher- Stronger, respectively.
Olympic Prize-: In Ancient times the Olympic heroes were awarded with olive crown but in
modern Olympics they are rewarded with medals and certificates first position receives gold
medal, second position gets silver medal and third position gets bronze medal. Up to first six
positions they also get certificates.
Meaning of Physical Fitness & Wellness & Lifestyle
Importance of Physical Fitness & Wellness
Importance of healthy/ positive lifestyle
Components of physical fitness
Components of Wellness
MEANING OF WELLNESS-: Wellness is a vast term related with good health, balance of mind
and body and spirit of overall feeling of well-being. It gives us the motive to live most and
serve the best, thus gives us healthy and happy life. Thus, we can say wellness is the capacity
of a person to lead a well-balanced life relating to physical health, mental health, social
health along with emotionally balanced life.
MEANING OF LIFESTYLE-: Lifestyle is a manner of living that reflects the person’s values and
attitudes. In other words, Life style is a way of life or style of living that reflects the attitudes
and values of a person or group.
(2) ENDURANCE :- It is the ability to sustain or continue activity. In other words, it is the
ability to resist fatigue. It is one of the important components for middle and long distance
races; and is required for almost all major games like football, hockey, basketball, handball,
It is of two types:
(a) Aerobic Endurance :- This endurance is helpful when the activity is done for longer
duration and the intensity or speed slower. This endurance is for longer duration and also
known as Cardio Vascular endurance as activity is performed in presence of oxygen. It
delays fatigue, thus it is required for long distance races, road cycling, cross country,
marathon race, football, etc.
(b)Anaerobic Endurance :- This component of endurance is helpful to perform activity for
short duration with fast speed. Anaerobic activity is performed in absence of oxygen with
the help of stored energy. It produces a lot of fatigue and tiredness as it causes oxygen-
debt. It is required for almost all games and sports like – Tennis, Badminton, Handball,
Basketball, Volleyball, Middle distance races, Swimming, etc.
(3) SPEED :- It is the ability to perform movement at faster rate. In other words, it is the
ability to move as fast as possible.
Types of speed :- There are following types of speed-:
(a)Reaction Time :- It is the time taken by the body to respond immediately after the
stimulus. It can also be said as the first reaction to bring into action.
(b)Acceleration :- It is time taken by the body to reach maximum speed.
(c)Speed of Movement :- It is the quickness of complete action or movement.
(d) Locomotors Ability-: It is the ability to maintain maximum speed for maximum time or
distance. This ability is significant in only a few sports events such as 100m, 200m, 400m,
swimming, etc.
(e)Speed Endurance-: Speed Endurance is the ability to perform movements with high speed
under conditions of fatigue. Speed endurance is a complicated ability which depends upon
explosive strength, speed and endurance.
(5) COORDINATIVE ABILITY OR AGILITY :- It is the ability of the body to perform movement
with perfection and efficiency. It is the ability of the human body to change direction quickly
and effectively. In other words, it is ability to change movement or direction in the shortest
time without getting unbalanced. This provides good balance of body during action. It is
required for almost every game.
Q=1 Explain the Meaning, Aims and objectives of Adaptive physical education.
ANS= MEANING OF ADAPTIVE PHYSICAL EDUCATION-: Adaptive physical education is
basically a specially designed physical education programme for divyang students.
Adaptive physical education provides safe, personally satisfying and successful experiences
of physical activity to children who are differently baled.
Adaptive physical education programmes have variety of modified physical activities for
divyang. Examples of these are given below-:
1- Leg handicapped people participate in throws basketball game, etc. (On wheel chair)
2- Hand handicapped people participate in jump, football game, etc.
3- Blind people participate in throw ball game, cricket with sound ball, etc.
AIMS OF ADAPTIVE PHYSICAL EDUCATION-: The aim of adaptive physical education is to help
differently abled students to achieve physical, mental, emotional and social growth through
regular physical and recreational activities. In fact, its aim is to provide equal opportunity to
the differently abled students to participate in physical education programmes safely and
OBJECTIVES OF ADAPTIVE PHYSICAL EDUCATION-: There are following objectives of adaptive
physical education-:
1- To develop self –confidence of divyang students
2- To encourages the level of divyang students
3- To develop self- esteem
4- To develop respect in society
5- To provide safe, clean and healthy sports environment through physical activity
6- To motivate the divyang students
7- To develop motor skills
8- To develop capacity of the divyang students
9- To improves physical fitness
10- To develop socialization skills
Meaning & Importance of Yoga
Elements of Yoga
Introduction - Asanas, Pranayam, Meditation & Shudhi Kriyas.
Yoga for concentration & related Asanas (Sukhasana; Tadasana; Padmasana ,
Pashimottasana, Bhujangasana & Vajrasana
Relaxation Techniques for improving concentration – Yog-nidra
IMPORTANCE OF YOGA-: The following points clearly show the importance of Yoga.
1-Away From Cardiac Problems;
2-Proper Functioning Of Digestive Organs;
3-Provides Relaxation;
4-Keeps The Correct Posture Of Body.
5-Relaxes Stresses And Tensions.
6-Develops Concentration.
7-Removes Ortho Problems;
8-Prevents Premature Ageing
9-Improves Health;
10-Cure And Prevention From Diseases;
11-Physical Purity;
12-Yoga Can Be Performed Easily;
13Helps In Spiritual Development;
14. Increases Flexibility;
15. Reduces Obesity;
16. Beautifies The Body.
2-:Niyama – These are the basic principles for self. There are five niyamas such
as: (i) Sauch (ii) Santosh (iii) Tapa (iv) Swadhyaya (v) Ishwara Pranidhana
3-Asana – Asana means position or posture of the body.
4. Pranayama – Pranayama is the control of the process of breathing.
5. Pratyahara – Pratyahara is the process of self-control in which an individual
becomes able to control over his senses. Indeed, to introvert the mind and
senses is called pratyahara.
6. Dharana – Fixing the attention on single object i.e., high concentration.
7. Dhayana – Dhayana is a process of complete constancy of mind. It is a stage
prior to Samadhi.
8. Samadhi – The union of individual’s soul with the supreme soul is called
Samadhi. Samadhi is also called the checking or destruction of all the impulses of
PRANAYAM -: The word Pranayam is derived from Sanskrit word which means
breathing air as power of life. Thus Pranayams are systematic rhythmic control of
breathing to provide deep effects over individual.
Pranayams are systematic breathing activities in which inhal (Purak), exhale
(Rechak), and holding of breath (Kumbhak) are controlled. There are various
types of pranayams like Anulom-Velom, KapalBhati, Surya Bhedan, Ujayii,
Bhramari, Sitli, Sitkari etc.
These Pranayams develop a lot of inner strength and cure many chronic health
MEDITATION -: Meditation is a process of complete constancy of mind. Indeed,
the concentration and the process of thinking on any subject of object is called
Benefits Of Tadasana:-
It reduces obesity of the body.
Develop leg muscle.
Increase height in children.
Relieves legs and ankle pain.
It remove constipation problems.
Q=7 Explain the Procedure and Benefits of Padmasana.
ANS= PADMASANA PROCEDURE:- (Lotus Posture) – It is sitting with crossed legs
in such a way that feet should touch the opposite hip while hands are on knees
and the back is straight.
Benefits of Padmasana:
A very good meditation posture.
Improves leg strength and flexibility.
Pranayams are performed in this posture.
Cures Arthritis and Knock-knees.
1-Relieves Diabetic of patient.
2-Controls weight and prevents obesity .
3-Back and leg muscles are strengthened and relaxed.
4-Cures gastric and Constipation problems.
Q=9 Explain the Procedure and Benefits of Bhujangasana.
ANS= BHUJANGASANA: PROCEDURE:- Lie down prone position. Join both the
feet together start raising the upper part of the body places the hands under the
shoulder on the ground. The two hands should not be ahead or behind the
shoulder. The upper part of the waist will appear likecobra.
Benefits of Bhujangasana
It reduces obesity.
Increases flexibility
Strengthens the spine
Strengthens the arms and shoulders.
Improves digestive functioning.
1-Improve leg muscles strength.
2-Cures Gastric problems, Flat foot and Arthritis.
3-It helps in Digestion
4-It helps in getting rid of constipation.
Q= 11 What is Relaxation techniques? Explain about Yoganidra techniques.
Relaxation techniques are a grate way to help with stress management.
Relaxation is not just about peace of mind or enjoying a hobby. Relaxation is a
process that decreases the effects of stress on your mind and body. Relaxation
techniques can help you cope with everyday stress and with stress related to
various health problems.
YOG-NIDRA-Yoganidra (also known as yogic sleep) is a powerful relaxation
technique that you can do when you gain some control over the relaxation
1-Lie down straight on your back like shavasana. Close your eyes and relax. Take
a few deep breaths in and out. Remember to take slow and relaxed breaths.
2-Begin by gently your attention to your right foot. Keep your attention there
for a few second, while relaxing your foot. Then gently remove your attention up
to the right knee, right thigh and hip. Become aware of your whole right leg.
3-Gently repeat this process for the left leg.
4-Take your attention to all parts of your body-genital area, stomach, naval
region and chest.
5-Take a deep breath, observe the sensation in your body and relax in this still
state for a few minutes.
6-Taking your own time, your may then slowly sit up and wherever you feel
comfortable, slowly and gradually open your eyes.
- Leadership qualities & role of a leader
-Creating leaders through physical education.
-Meaning, objectives and types of Adventure Sports( Rock climbing, Tracking,
River Rafting, Mountaineering, Surfing )
- Safety Measures to prevent sports injuries
(b) Democratic leader-: They are chosen by the choice of the people. It is of two
(i) Mature leader-: leader. Mature leader is like a political.
(ii) Amateur leader-: These are leader with voluntary service like student leader,
game leader, captain, group leader, academic leader, etc.
L – Loyalty
E – Enthusiasm
A – Ability of Plan
D – Discipline
E – Energetic
R – Responsibility
S – Sincerity
H – Healthy
I – Intelligent
P – Patience
Q=4 What is the roll of a leader?
ANS= ROLE OF A LEADER-The following points clearly show the role of a leader:
1-OPPORTUNITY TO DIRECT-It provide opportunity to direct and lead the group
for betterment. It improves the command, class or team control in better way.
2-REDUCES STRESS OF TEACGER OR COACH-It enable a teacher and coach to
spend more time for teaching or coaching or other important work. It reduces
the stress of teacher or coach.
3-DEVELOPS SOCIALIZATION-A leader develops social qualities among its team
members and encourages others to do same.
4-BETTER DISCIPLINE-A student leader helps in better utilization of class time as
he assists the teacher or coach in class discipline.
5-INSPIRE OTHER-Student leader encourages and inspires others to perform
6-CLOSE RELATIONSHIP- A student leader provides close and healthy relationship
of a student with the teacher or coach thus better understanding between them.
7-GOOD MEDIUM TO CONVEY- Leader acts as good medium to convey between
students and teacher, thus better understanding.
8-IMPROVE COORDINATION- Leader improves the coordination of group, thus
collective effort of the group.
Q=7 Define Rock Climbing. Write the Safety Measures for Rock Climbing.
ANS= Rock Climbing: - Rock climbing is one of the most dangerous sports activity
which requires a strong mental control, agility, flexibility, endurance and various
coordinative abilities such as balance coordination and rhythm etc.
In fact it is an activity in which participant’s climbs on natural rock formation or
on artificial rock walls. To successfully complete a climb, the participant must
come to the base safely.
Material Required for Rock Climbing :- A rope, a helmet, a harness, good quality
climbing shoes, tight fitting clothing's, tapes for fingers to avoid abrasions, belay
devices etc.
Q=9 Define River rafting. Write the Safety Measures for River rafting.
ANS= RIVER RAFTING -: River rafting is also one of the major activities of
adventure sports. River rafting is also named as white water rafting. It is a
challenging recreational outdoor activity using a boat or raft to navigate over the
flow of river. Raft is lightweight multilayer rubberized boat filled with air; it
chambers enabling it to float on water. This is usually done over fast flowing
river or stream in order to provide thrill and excitement to rafter.
Material Required for River Rafting :- Helmet, life jacket, a swim suit, sun glasses,
raft push etc.
Equipments Required for Surfing-: Good surfing board, swim suit, life jacket, etc.
Define Test, Measurement & Evaluation
Importance of Test, Measurement & Evaluation In Sports
Calculation of BMI & Waist - Hip Ratio
Somato Types (Endomorphy, Mesomorphy & Ectomorphy)
Measurement of health related fitness.
Meaning of Evaluation- The evaluation tells the progress of the individual or group. It is
basically a subjective judgment based upon interpretation or analysis of data/ scores gained
from the test.
Meaning and Importance of Anatomy & Physiology.
Meaning and Importance of Kinesiology
Function of skeleton system
Classification of Bones
Joint and its types
Effect of exercise on cardiovascular system
Effect of exercise on Respiratory System
Effects of exercise on muscular system
Introduction- Our body is a complex functioning of various systems of body. Good working
of body consists of the proper functioning of various systems which make man more
efficient. Each system consists of various Organs. Organs consist of various tissues and
tissues consist of many cells. Thus the functional ability of the body depends upon the
efficiency of each cell. In this chapter we will learn the basic working of various systems.
Meaning & Importance of Psychology in physical Education & Sports
Meaning of growth & development
Developmental characteristics at deferent stage of development
Adolescent Problems & their Management
Introduction: - These days sport competition is very tough. Players are using best
techniques and best training methods for better results during competitions. Even then they
are not satisfied by their results. Thus the importance of Psychology was realized in physical
education to give best possible results of players.
The knowledge of sports psychology helps Coaches, Physical Teachers and Players to stress,
anxiety and methods to control anxiety level. It also helps to tackle various problems of life.
This chapter will help to understand the importance of psychology in our life and especially
in the field of physical education.
Q= 1 Explain the Meaning & Importance of Psychology in physical Education & Sports
ANS= Meaning and Definition of Psychology :- Psychology is derived from Latin word
‘psyche’ and ‘logas’ which means ‘soul study’. Today psychology is considered as the science
of behavior. This definition has passed through many stages. Earlier psychology was
considered as science of soul, later it was believed to be science of consciousness of mind.
Now it is recognized as the science of behavior.
• According to “ McDougall” :- ‘ Psychology is the positive science of conduct of
• According to “ Crow and Crow” :- ‘ Psychology is the science of human behavior and its
Meaning of Sports Psychology :- Sport Psychology is the branch of Psychology which deals
with positive behavior of sportsperson during training and competition period to increase
10- BETTER SELECTION OF PLAYERS-: The knowledge of sports psychology guides the coaches
for better selection of players.
1- Infancy or Babyhood stage (from birth to 3 years)-: During this stage of body, the
development occur in progressive manner. The cognitive development starts as child tries
to balance and tries to gain control over big muscles. The vocabulary of child is with simple
(i) Early Childhood( 3 to 6 years)-:The period of early childhood starts from 3rd year and
continues till 6th year. The motor development during this period takes place rapidly. In this
period a child becomes, perfect in various fundamental movements such as running,
jumping, throwing and acquires the ability to unite or combine these movements.
(ii) Middle Childhood(7 to 10 years)-: The period of middle childhood starts from 7th year
and continues up to the 10th year. In this period children become active and agile. The speed
abilities develop at faster rate. Coordinative abilities also show a higher level of
development in this age group.
(iii) Late Childhood(11 to 12 years)-: The period of early childhood starts from 11th year and
continues till 12 year. In this stage of childhood cross and fine motor development activities
are performed. The activities like football, basketball, badminton, T.T. Tennis, athletic, etc.
develop at a faster rate than in the middle childhood period.
3- Adolescence stage(13 to 19 years)-: This period is delicate period and challenge for
parents . In teen age, children want to live independent . Adolescence age causes many
changes related to physical, mental, emotional and social.
ANS= Meaning of Adolescent-: The word ‘Adolescence’ is derived from a Latin word which
means “grow to maturity” . Adolescence is the growing period from childhood to maturity.
Meaning and concept of sports training
Principles of sports training
Meaning, types and Importance of Warming-Up
Meaning and Importance of Limbering down
Meaning and classification of Doping
Prohibited Substances & their side effects
Passive Active
(Self-performing) (External Sources)
Q= 6 What is Doping?
ANS= Meaning of Doping:-
“ Doping is the word, which is used in the field of sports, when athletes use prohibited
substances or methods to unfairly improve their sporting performance”.
In fact, some athletes take illegal substances to enhance their performance. This activity is
known as Doping.
Q= 7 Write down the classification of doping.
ANS= CLASSIFICATION OF DOPING:- Doping can be classified into the following two types:-