What To Do If A Pressure Relief Valve Is Leaking
What To Do If A Pressure Relief Valve Is Leaking
What To Do If A Pressure Relief Valve Is Leaking
Pressure relief valves ensure efficiency and safety in many chemical, oil, and gas plants,
but they’re susceptible to leaks. If a pressure relief valve is leaking, systems can become
overpressurized and even fail, especially if the valve isn’t addressed or repaired quickly.
To help you prevent system issues and dangerous overpressure conditions, here’s your
guide to what to do if a pressure relief valve is leaking.
Pressure relief valve leaks usually occur when the valve isn’t properly seated or when the
seal is broken or damaged. Leaks can also happen when the pressure relief valve is
operating too closely to the set point.
After you’ve determined the cause of the
leak, you can start repairing the valve.
According to federal leak detection and
repair standards, companies have five
days to perform the first repair attempt.
If the valve isn’t completely repaired after your first attempt, you have up to 15 days to
perform any additional repairs according to the EPA. If the valve still isn’t fixed, then
you can either replace the pressure relief valve or wait until the next shutdown cycle to
do more repairs.
An LDAR program will help to train workers on everything they need to know about
detecting and repairing a leak before system damage can occur. It will also help you
monitor valves more efficiently so you can spot leaks faster and spend less money on
overall valve repair and maintenance costs.
To learn more about pressure relief valves for your company, read our post on how to
choose the right pressure relief valve.