Relation of Jurisprudence With Other Social Sciences - LLB Notes
Relation of Jurisprudence With Other Social Sciences - LLB Notes
Relation of Jurisprudence With Other Social Sciences - LLB Notes
LLB Notes
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However, there are several other Social Science, like Ethics, Political Science, Soci-
ology, Psychology etc. Now, it is logical that these social science should be interlinked
with each other at some point.
Moreover, these social sciences could not studied in isolation. In other words, none
of these sciences can be understand with having a fair knowledge of others. Juris-
prudence, being a social science is, in fact, related with other social sciences.
Jurisprudence is the study of law and sociology is the study of society and it is also
discusses law but from a different stand-point. Therefore there is a link between jur-
isprudence and sociology.
Jurisprudence is concerned with legal rules that actually exists, however, sociology
is studying the effectiveness of those legal rules and their impacts on society.
Moreover, in a political society there exist rules for the regulation of human being
conduct which are the subject-matter of jurisprudence. Hence, there is a close con-
nection between the two.
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8/10/2021 Relation of Jurisprudence with other social sciences – LLB Notes
Ethics is the science of human conduct. It projects an ideal human behavior, in the
light of which it suggests a course of conduct for individuals living in societies.
Whereas, jurisprudence is discussing the imperative rules, actually existing in the
societies. However, those rules are also connected with the behavior of human be-
ings in societies.
Due to the close relationship and interdependency of these sciences, there emerged
a branch of jurisprudence known as Ethical Jurisprudence, discussing the ideal hu-
man behavior or which is the study of law as it ought to be.
Law is aimed to be followed by individuals, and individuals can only follow law if
they intend to follow.
Therefore, intention is the very basic element behind every law, and particularly in
criminal law the concept of mens rea is having immense importance. Therefore, jur-
isprudence and psychology both are closely inter-related human sciences.
Economics studies the production and distribution of wealth and law is responsible
for establishing a fair distribution of wealth through rules.
Moreover, studies show that economic factors are responsible for the increasing rate
of criminal activities, which again brings the two in close relation with each other.
History is the scientific narration of the past events, whereas, jurisprudence is the
science of law.
Law has not come into existence overnight, as a matter of fact, it has developed
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through ages.
Therefore, it may concluded that there is a close relation between jurisprudence and
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8/10/2021 Relation of Jurisprudence with other social sciences – LLB Notes
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