F. EB - Jurnal - Handriyono - The Influence of Organizational
F. EB - Jurnal - Handriyono - The Influence of Organizational
F. EB - Jurnal - Handriyono - The Influence of Organizational
Abstract: This research was conducted on banking employees, and aimed at namely; 1) Analyzing the influence
of organizational culture and work discipline on employee motivation and performance; 2) Analyzing the
influence of motivation on employee performance. The method of determining respondents is using purposive
sampling and a total of 115 employees banking. Data collection uses questionnaire with liqueur measurement.
Data analysis uses path analysis. The results of the study are; 1) Organizational culture has a significant effect
on the work motivation of employees of Bank Jatim Banyuwangi Branch. Organizational culture that has
become a positive behavior of employees in working will increase work motivation; 2) Work discipline has a
significant effect on the work motivation of employees of Bank Jatim Banyuwangi Branch. Work discipline that
becomes a guideline and has been embedded in its employees will increase work motivation; 3) Organizational
culture has a significant effect on the performance of employees of Bank Jatim Banyuwangi Branch.
Organizational culture that has become the basis for behavior and development in the organization will improve
employee performance; 4) Work discipline has a significant effect on the performance of employees of Bank
Jatim Banyuwangi Branch. Work discipline that has become the basis of employees in working will improve
employee performance; 5) Work motivation has a significant effect on the performance of employees of Bank
Jatim Banyuwangi Branch. Work motivation that has become a strong impetus for employees to work will
improve employee performance.
Keywords: Organizational Culture, Work Discipline, Motivation, Employee Performance, Banking Employees
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Dimulyo, U. P., Sularso, R. A. & Handriyono. 2018. The Influence of Organizational Culture ...............
International Journal of Economics & Business Zambrut
Digital Repository Universitas
ISSN:2717-3151, Volume 1, Issue 1, page 29Jember
- 38
Organizational culture is one of the keys to the success of an organization. The role of culture
has an important position in every institution or organization as a pillar that regulates the pattern of
relationships in institutions, regulates the mechanism of the company and equalizes the harmony of
internal factors and external companies. Other efforts that can be taken in order to improve the
performance of company employees are by enforcing discipline in work. Work discipline is an attitude
of obedience of employees who have joined in an organization against work rules, norms, instructions
or provisions that apply in the organization. In addition, motivation as a driving force for individual
workers both from within and from outside that moves a person in realizing needs so that motivation
will improve employee performance will also improve company performance (Sopiah, 2008:13).
Achieving high performance, especially for an employee engaged in financial services in this
case banking, requires provision of adequate knowledge and skills, in addition to having a positive
attitude towards his profession, having professionalism and dedication in carrying out his duties every
day, if he does not want his career foundered or left behind from people who are able to utilize their
creativity. The existence of employees who are not disciplined and lack of work motivation will reduce
the level of employee performance. While improving the overall performance of employees in a
company will also improve the smooth working process and facilitate the achievement of
organizational goals. Suwuh (2015), states that work discipline does not have a positive effect on
employee performance. Harsono (2017), states that employee performance does not have a positive
effect on employee motivation. Irawan; Shehada (2014; 2017), states that organizational culture does
not have a significant effect on employee performance. Muchtar (2016), states that motivation does not
have a significant effect on employee performance.
This research was conducted on financial services, namely the East Java Regional Development
Bank (Bank Jatim), at the Bank Jatim Branch Office, namely the Banyuwangi Branch which has 6 Sub-
Branch Offices and 11 Cash Offices. The main problem in this research is formulated; 1) What is the
influence of organizational culture and work discipline on employee motivation and performance?; 2)
What is the influence of motivation on employee performance?
Organizational culture usually has values and beliefs that support organizational goals.
Sedarmayanti (2013:75) states that organizational culture is a belief, attitude, and value that is generally
owned, which arise in the organization. Value, refers to what is believed to be important about the way
people and organizations behave. Norms are unwritten rules about behavior. Organizational culture is a
subjective aspect of what happens within the organization, this refers to abstraction, such as values and
Rivai (2004:71), there are four perspectives concerning work discipline, namely:1) Retributive
discipline that is trying to punish those who do wrong; 2) Corrective discipline that is trying to help
employees correct inappropriate behavior; 3) Perspective of individual rights that is trying to protect
the basic rights of individuals during disciplinary actions; 4) A utilitarian perspective that focuses on
the use of discipline only when the consequences of disciplinary action outweigh the negative effects.
Sedarmayanti (2013:133) states that motivation is a willingness to issue a high level of effort
towards organizational goals that are conditioned by the ability of the effort to meet individual needs.
The element of effort is an element of intensity. If someone is motivated, then that person will try
strongly. From the limitations that have been stated simply, it can be said that motivation is the
emergence of behavior that leads to a specific goal with full commitment until the achievement of the
intended goal. Maslow in Iskandar (2009:131), states that every human being consists of five levels of
hierarchy of needs, namely 1) physiological needs; 2) The need for security; 3) Social needs; 4) Need
for self-esteem or appreciation, and; 5) The need for self-actualization.
Supriyadi (2012:33) explains that performance can also be interpreted as an achievement
achieved by a company in a particular method that reflects the level of health of the company.
Corporate performance assessment is an activity that is very important because based on the results of
the assessment, the size of the company's success over a certain period can be known. Sedarmayanti
(2013:159) states that performance can be measured by; 1) Actions; 2) Achievement of one's
achievements; 3) The work of a worker; 4) Performance; 5) Work results.
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Dimulyo, U. P., Sularso, R. A. & Handriyono. 2018. The Influence of Organizational Culture ...............
International Journal of Economics & Business Zambrut
Digital Repository Universitas
ISSN:2717-3151, Volume 1, Issue 1, page 29Jember
- 38
Robbis (2002), organizational culture can influence the work environment for mutual respect,
mutual assistance and mutual trust in carrying out their duties. With Employees feeling comfortable
with the organizational culture in a company, this can increase employee motivation. Mukzam (2017),
organizational culture can adjust to changing times that can improve performance. Organizational
culture can help organizations that are growing and developing agencies. Hendrayanti (2010), the
realization of work discipline provides an increase in work motivation, where in the company work
discipline has a positive effect on employee motivation. Sutrisno (2010), work discipline shows an
attitude towards employees towards company regulations and provisions. Discipline of employees in a
company will have an influence on the performance of the organization, the better the discipline of
employees, it can improve employee performance. Anwar (2004), employees who have high
motivation tend to have high performance, and vice versa if those with low performance are possible
due to low motivation.
Culture (X1)
Motivation Performance
(Z) (Y)
Work Dicipline
This study also uses intervening variables, namely variables that affect the independent
variables and the dependent variable, in this study the intervening variables used are motivational
variables. The population in this study was employees of Bank Jatim Banyuwangi Branch at the level
of staff and employees of the informatics department. The sampling method uses purposive sampling.
The determination of purposive sampling is to use the criteria of employees with staff and information
technology levels, totaling 115 employees. Methods in collecting data using questionnaires, an
information collection technique that allows researchers to study the attitudes, behaviors and
characteristics of several people in an organization with measurements using a Likert scale using scores
1 to 5.
The independent variable in this study is the organizational culture and work discipline.
Organizational Culture (X1), 5 indicators (Susetyo, 2014:84); 1) Settings; 2) Distance with superiors; 3)
Trust; 4) Professionalism; 5) Integration. Work discipline (X2), 5 indicators of work discipline (Rivai,
2005:73), namely; 1) Attendance; 2) Compliance with regulations; 3) Compliance with work standards;
4) High alertness level; 5) Work ethically. The dependent variable in this study is employee
performance. Employee performance (Y), 5 indicators (Hasibuan (2012:12), 1) Individual competence
2) Organizational support, 3) Management support, 4) Internal factors, 5) External factors. The
intervening variable in this study is motivation. Motivation (Z) 5 indicators according to Maslow in
Hasibuan (2013:27); 1) Physiology or physical needs; 2) Security, indicated by security and work
safety facilities which include such as the existence of labor social security, pension funds, health
benefits, health insurance, and work safety equipment; 3) Social, shown by interacting with others; 4)
Awards; 5) Self-actualization.
Path analysis is part of linear regression analysis which is used to analyze causal relationships
between variables where independent variables affect dependent variables, either directly or indirectly
through one or more intermediaries (Sarwono, 2006:147).
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Dimulyo, U. P., Sularso, R. A. & Handriyono. 2018. The Influence of Organizational Culture ...............
International Journal of Economics & Business Zambrut
Digital Repository Universitas
ISSN:2717-3151, Volume 1, Issue 1, page 29Jember
- 38
4.1 Characteristics of Respondents
The majority of respondents aged between 25 - 35 years (54.78%), while the minority of
respondents who were employees of Bank Jatim were those who were aged between 36 - 45 years
(26.96%) and more than 45 years (18.26% ) The majority of respondents were male (62.61%), while
the minority of respondents who were employees of Bank Jatim were female respondents (37.39%).
The majority of respondents were married (73.91%), while the minority of respondents who were
employees of Bank Jatim was respondents who were unmarried (23.48%) and widowed (2.61%). The
majority of respondents are Diploma (40%) and Bachelor (49.57%), the minority of respondents who
are employees of Bank Jatim is respondents with high school education (3.48%) and Masters (6.96%).
The majority of respondents are permanent employees (65.22%), the minority of respondents who are
employees of Bank Jatim is those with non-permanent employees (34.78%).
Figure 3, shows that the absence of heteroscedasticity, because the spread of data does not form
a particular line or there is no clear pattern, and the points spread above and below the zero on the Y
Cultue 50,1%
25,6% 54,5%
Motivation Performance
(Z) (Y)
Work Dicipline 41,5%
56,3% 53,7%
a. Direct Effect
1) The direct influence of organizational culture variables and work discipline on motivation is 47%
and 32.9%;
2) The direct influence of organizational culture variables and work discipline on performance is
50.1% and 41.5%;
3) The direct influence of motivation variables on performance is 54.5%.
b. Indirect Effect
1) Indirect influence of organizational culture variables through motivation on employee
performance, 0.470 x 0.545 = 0.256 or 25.6%;
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Dimulyo, U. P., Sularso, R. A. & Handriyono. 2018. The Influence of Organizational Culture ...............
International Journal of Economics & Business Zambrut
Digital Repository Universitas
ISSN:2717-3151, Volume 1, Issue 1, page 29Jember
- 38
The influence of organizational culture on the motivation of employees of Bank Jatim
Banyuwangi Branch is relatively strong with a path influence of 47%. This proves that the existing and
developing organizational culture has become a behavior in the daily lives of employees in working at
the Bank Jatim Office in Banyuwangi. Employees who hold daily meetings during the morning and
evening, the existing employees can provide ideas and inputs that are beneficial to the work system and
operations in the daily activities that will be carried out next. The idea and input in the meeting will
greatly assist the activities of the employees further because it has gone through a series of evaluations
and decision making by the leadership, of course this will also encourage employees to be able to work
better and feel valued for the input and ideas they have given. Leaders also usually give trust to their
subordinates or their employees who have duties and responsibilities that are in accordance with their
ability to work. This will give confidence to employees to continue to be able to carry out the trust
given by their superiors. Employee will feel proud of the trust and tasks that have been given, in
addition to tasks that can be completed with appropriate targets, employees will get a bonus in the
The influence of work discipline on the motivation of employees of Bank Jatim Banyuwangi
Branch is relatively strong with a path influence of 32.9%. This proves that the work discipline that has
been embedded in the pagans who work at the Bank Jatim Office in Banyuwangi Branch. The existing
employees have been very disciplined in entering to work and still follow the rules or work guidelines
that have been determined by the office management. Employees who are disciplined enter work and
uphold the guidelines in working will always feel calmer in their work because the staff will always do
their job in accordance with the rules that have been determined, such as doing tasks or work as early
as possible and this will allow employees to be more motivated in completing tasks faster and better. In
addition, employees also always strive to remain able to work in a disciplined manner in a good and
careful manner in carrying out various archiving and data collection of existing files and their work,
and the existing employees have been able to maintain the good name of their workplace. will give
encouragement to employees to be more motivated to do a lot of positive things for their work
environment and this will also provide a sense of comfort and appreciation in the working relationship
among existing employees.
The influence of organizational culture on the performance of employees of Bank Jatim
Banyuwangi Branch is relatively strong with a path influence of 50.1%. This proves that the
organizational culture by providing and holding training programs and work development in
accordance with the work field in each position in the office, will certainly be very beneficial for
employees in carrying out their duties and responsibilities. The work quality development program to
be able to improve the quality of the work of its employees is really needed by its employees, such as
carrying out various kinds of inputting of existing data and preparations into the internet system and
how to deal with existing customers. Of course, the existing work program will be very useful for
employees, employees become more adept at work, and greatly helped by the work facilities that have
been prepared for their employees. In addition, employees are also required to be able to work together
in the work team, employees will continue to maintain good relations between colleagues and help each
other in solving work problems that exist in their daily lives. Of course, this will also give a positive
outlook among colleagues and not blame each other, but still try to achieve the goals and targets set by
the leadership.
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Dimulyo, U. P., Sularso, R. A. & Handriyono. 2018. The Influence of Organizational Culture ...............
International Journal of Economics & Business Zambrut
Digital Repository Universitas
ISSN:2717-3151, Volume 1, Issue 1, page 29Jember
- 38
The influence of work discipline on the performance of employees of Bank Jatim Banyuwangi
Branch is relatively strong with a path influence of 41.5%. This proves that work discipline that has
become the basis of employees in working existing employees try to remain obedient in working in
accordance with predetermined work standards such as conducting service activities to Bank Jatim
customers by performing fast work processes in service but still in accordance with the standards which
has been imposed by the company. Employees are also constantly vigilant in working more carefully
and carefully in work such as carrying out financial data inputting and reporting activities into the
books and also into the system. In addition, employees continue to work ethically while maintaining
the good name of their company in working and maintaining good relationships among their
employees. All that is available will have a good influence on the existing employee work processes
because with work standards, high vigilance and work ethically, of course the work is there and must
be resolved because it has become a duty and responsibility so it can be implemented more effectively
and efficiently.
The influence of work motivation on the performance of employees of Bank Jatim Banyuwangi
Branch is relatively strong with a path influence of 54.5%. This proves that employee motivation as an
encouragement in an employee to remain able to work well. The work motivation of Bank Jatim
employees with the appropriate facilities in completing various tasks which have become their
obligations, the existing employees have felt greatly helped by the facilities provided by the company.
Employees become faster at work and can better manage time in the work process. In addition, awards
from existing work colleagues also have an important role in encouraging employees to be more
innovative in ideas and implementation in the completion of tasks assigned by the company. The
existing coworkers usually express their gratitude and congratulations to their colleagues for the
success of their efforts. Work motivation is also closely related to leadership, existing leaders have
provided various training programs to improve the work skills of their employees, so employees can be
more skilled and understand more about the various work problems they are facing. This will be a
solution for employees in completing targets that must still be achieved.
The conclusion based on the results of the analysis is; 1) Organizational culture has a significant
effect on the work motivation of employees of Bank Jatim Banyuwangi Branch. Organizational culture
that has become a positive behavior of employees in working will increase work motivation; 2) Work
discipline has a significant effect on the work motivation of employees of Bank Jatim Banyuwangi
Branch. Work discipline that becomes a guideline and has been embedded in its employees will
increase work motivation; 3) Organizational culture has a significant effect on the performance of
employees of Bank Jatim Banyuwangi Branch. Organizational culture that has become the basis for
behavior and development in the organization will improve employee performance; 4) Work discipline
has a significant effect on the performance of employees of Bank Jatim Banyuwangi Branch. Work
discipline that has become the basis of employees in working will improve employee performance; 5)
Work motivation has a significant effect on the performance of employees of Bank Jatim Banyuwangi
Branch. Work motivation that has become a strong impetus for employees to work will improve
employee performance.
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