Course: Digital Business Innovation Project: Hamley'S
Course: Digital Business Innovation Project: Hamley'S
Course: Digital Business Innovation Project: Hamley'S
3.1 Add the three metrics and reasoning behind selecting them here
- no of final sales/no. of foot falls
- 1,60,00,000/1,26,00,000*100
- 126.9%
Average revenue per transaction
- Total revenue/total no. of transactions
- 1,60,00,000/4,00,920
- 39.90 INR
% of repeated transactions
- no. of repeated transaction/ No. of total transaction/*100
- 1,23,894/ 4,00,920*100
- 30.90%
i) no of sales is more than the number of unique visitors
ii) no of sales is more than the no of transactions
iii) no of transaction is more than the repeated transactions
So as we can see we got a little bit of an increase in revenue. We applied
a sustaining innovative method so I think we stood on that basis. Our
main aim was to maintain our value and position in the market. And for
that we tried an online selling method keeping corona, our current
situation in mind so online platform was suitable according to the
surrounding and mainly to our value proposition model it was suitable.
Our main job was to extend our customer segment and through our data
we can understand that there’s an increase in the customer segment.