Student-Dec - 1803214924 - MANISH BHARDWAJ

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I hereby declare that the work being presented in this report entitled “Online
BOOK STORE” is an authentic record of my own work carried out under the
supervision of “Mr. Tarun Kumar Sharma”.

The matter embodied in this report has not been submitted by me for the
award of any other degree.

Date: Signature of Student

Manish Bhardwaj
This is to certify that the above statement made by the candidate is correct
to the best of my knowledge.

Signature of HOD Signature of Internal

Prof. (Dr.) Devendra Kumar Mr. Tarun Kumar Sharma

HOD-MCA Asst Prof. (Senior Scale)

Signature of External

Mr. VIBHOR Tripathi

Sr. Tester (Magic software)



Any software project is not a work of an individual. It combines efforts, ideas,

suggestions, reviews and hard work. We express our sincere gratitude to all
those who initiated and helped us in the successful completion of our project.
One of the most pleasing aspect in collecting the necessary information and
compiling it is the opportunity to thanks those who have actively contributed
to it.
I would like to express thanks to Mr. Vibhor Tripathi for his guidance and
cooperation render for following me to undergo training under his guidance
I’m also thanks to all the other staff of college who had helped me in spite of
their busy schedule.

My special thanks to Mr. Tarun Kumar Sharma, Asst. Prof. (Sr. Scale) for
his active support, affectionate, guidance and constant encouragement.
I’m highly indebted to Prof. (Dr). Devendra Kumar (HOD- MCA) for his
continuous effort in building a good infrastructure and develop a professional
attitude within ourselves during the academic period of MCA.

Signature of Student

Manish Bhardwaj


MCA-VI Semester


This Online Book Store PHP Project follows the concept of e-commerce in

depth. This final year project is designed to sell products online from various

categories of book collections mentioned in the project.

This project definitely helps the user to buy something from the internet

because in the book store the user able to buy anything by selecting the

book details and entering your online payment transaction details. By using

this output design, the user can save their time by buying the product that is

wasting while roaming the market. From here they can probably get all the

things they want as well as fast moving entertainment products.

They have several options in the Single Collection. First of all, I would like to

say that the project is an essential part of our present educational system. If

we are only by theory, it can not give us perfect knowledge. This project

report from the online book shopping website is against you for the project

as a subject in


Sr. No. Content Page No.

1. Introduction 1
1.1 Objective 1
2. Feasibility study 2
2.1 Purpose 2
2.2 Scope 2
3 Software Specific Requirements 3
3.1 Introduction of flow 3
3.2 Methodology & System Analysis 5
3.2.1 Study of Manual 5
3.2.2 Evaluation of form 5
3.3 System Design, Implementation, Testing 6
3.3.1 Output Specification 6
3.3.2 Input Specification 6
3.3.3 Database Specification 7
4 Design 8
4.1 Er-Diagram 9
4.2 Data flow diagram 10
4.3 Screen shots 12
5 Tables 15
6 Coding 18
6.1 GUI 25
6.2 BACK END 39
7 Technological Environment 76
7.1 Hardware Requirements 08
7.2 Software Requirements 08
8 Conclusion 41
9 References 42

S. No. Description Page No.

Table -1 ER-Diagram 9

Table -2 0 level DFD 10

Table -3 1st level DFD 11

Table -4 2nd level DFD 12

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