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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 07 Issue: 11 | Nov 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072


Parag Koche1, Amit V. Bhowate2, Pallavi R. Hemane3, Nanabhau G. Kathane4, Vaibhaw B. Lanje5
Abstract - As global population increasing, the gap between elevated location so that water flow under gravity and
demand and supply of water also widening. Leads to threat for irrigation of desired area is performed through open canal or
human existence. Many scientists finding way to water buried pipe lines. Both the surface and ground water
conservation. While municipal waste water and industrial reservoirs are used as the dependable source of water for
effluents cause major environmental engineers. Recycling irrigation. While common surface water sources are river,
waste water for irrigation is seems to be solution. The paper streams, canals and tanks, ground water resources through
mill effluent for irrigation offers many benefits such as open dug well, the tube well and dug cum bore well can be
conservation of water resources, conversion of barren land used as a dependable source under favourable hydro
into irrigated area. Addition of nutrition to the soil. All this geological condition. LIS can be classified by a number of
reduce the pollution of inland water bodies. The extent to criteria based on it source of water, source of power, size of
which effluent irrigation responsible for problem such as command area, type of energy consumed, type of installation
water logging. Salting of soil, deterioration of surface and and management.
ground water are not estimated in holistic manner. The fact
effluent irrigation become necessity in arid and semi arid
region demonstrate to need the impact assessment .the
evaluation of effluent irrigation system for long term
sustainability and monitoring major to sustain effluent
irrigation is of prime importance to effluent user and public.
The impact of the period of irrigation can also be assessed
more precisely as the four schemes have been introduced at
different periods of time viz. Odapalli Papanpalayam Lift
Irrigation Scheme (OPLIS) in 1983, Odapalli Mukuparai Lift
Irrigation Scheme (OMLIS) in 1986, Kattur Lift Irrigation
Scheme (KLIS) in 1989 and Gravity irrigation (GI) which is Fig -1: Types of Irrigation
more than 25 years old. The various aspects considered for the
evaluation of effluent irrigation are the characteristics of the
effluents and its suitability for irrigation, the long term effect FEATURES OF LIFT IRRIGATION SCHEME (LIS)
of effluent irrigation on soil physical and chemical properties,
nutrient availability, heavy metal accumulation in the soil, the (i) LIS allow irrigation of a specified area as per as
changes in land use, the ground water quality in the effluent availability of water.
irrigated field, river water quality adjacent to the paper mill (ii) Irrigation can be provided in any given area as per as
and above all the socio-economic condition and perception of choice of user.
the beneficiary farmers.
(iii) Irrigation of an elevated area is made possible which
cannot be served otherwise by any normal flow
Key Words: Canal, Irrigation, Pumping House, Lift
Irrigation, Cropping, Discharge, Line Canal
(iv) Scheme based on dependable ground water as source is
1. INTRODUCTION effective during the period drought.
(v) LIS depends entirely upon a timely supply of energy
Irrigation is the Science of applying water to soil by artificial necessary for operating pump.
means for growth of plant. While lift irrigation would simply
(vi) Proper management of LIS is utmost importance, lack of
mean lifting of water for irrigation, the term lift irrigation
which would lead to financial losses and eventually
scheme means a scheme in which an appreciable quantity of
failure of the scheme.
water would be raised by means of pump (Lifting Device)
from a source of water to an appropriate height for irrigation (vii) Decision relating to investment, gestation period,
of an area located at level higher than of the water source. In extends of command area, water sharing, cropping
conventional lift irrigation practice water is released at an pattern, operation and maintenance of scheme etc. can

© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 812
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 11 | Nov 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

be made commensurate to the capabilities of the user of 2.2 LOCATION OF LIFT CANAL IRRIGATION
the scheme.
Canal lift irrigation system to supply water field land, the
2. PLANNING OF LIFT CANAL IRRIGATION choice should be based on the considerations of the capital
cost, operation and maintenance charge. Following point
Planning involved making rational choices among feasible should receive carefully consideration. Before selecting the
courses of investment and other developments possibilities site, it must first be seen whether the canal is to irrigate land
on the basis of socio-economic consideration. In agricultural on one side only or on both side. In many cases the culturable
water is the most critical input .lack of time and adequate land lies on one side and the canal has to be taken off only
water supply not only retard crop growth but also render use one side. If the canal have to take off one both sides of the
of other input in effectives. Planning for LIS therefore dam it much better to site the dam on a straight reach of the
necessarily demands matching of the available water with stream.
crop production in the overall development perspective 3. DETAILS OF NERLA LIFT IRRIGATION SCHEME
(Micro economics). Reliable data on the irrigation potential
develop so far in India through LIS alone is not available
Nerla project was selected of study and design. We have
separately A study of the power consumption pattern can
collected the following data which are required for the design
also indicate the trend in the growth rate of LIS. It has been
estimated that electric power consumption during 1973-74 of Lift Irrigation scheme. Nerla lift irrigation project has been
was 4242 million kilowatt hour which is expected to increase constructed on Wainganga river under Gosikhurd national
to14204 mkw-hr by the year 1988-89. The diesel project scheme. It is situated near Nerla village District
consumption during the corresponding period was expected Bhandara Maharashtra. Water is conveyed through approach
to rise from 559 to 1116 millon-litres. In order to meet the canal from Gosikhurd reservoir to Pump house which is
ever increasing demand of irrigation, progressively higher 43.80 Km away from reservoir and there are 12 vertical
investment are likely to be incurred in the subsequent year. turbine pumps of 1015 HP in the pump house. There are 4
Large amount of investment are called for not only in the outlets of 2500mm dia of 16mm thick having length of
installation of lifting and distribution system but also meeting 0.690KM.Through these outlets a discharge of 37cumec is
the operation supplied to the supply canal. A Project is having total
irrigation potential of 28680Ha out of which 21727Ha is the
2.1 SITE SELECTION FOR LIFT CANAL IRRIGATION irrigation command area. Total water use of the project is
143.77 Mm3. Estimated cost of this project is 158.83 Corers.
The success of lift irrigation scheme depends upon selection We have visited the project and data/information were
of suitable site for canal lift irrigation. Following main points
collected:- (i)Controlling level (ii)Details of gated flood walls
to be consider in selection of suitable site for canal lift
irrigation. 2015-16. (iii)Details of pumps (iv)Rising mains (v)Delivery chamber
(vi)Canal – Main canal bed level (vii) Command area
(i) The site should be preferably below the confluences of
distributaries and main stream so as to have large Table -1: Controlling Levels
supply of water and very few cross drainage work.
(ii) If possible site should just on the upstream side of steep MDDL of Gosikhurd Project 241.29 m
bed slope in the stream. Approach canal bed level 238.98 m.
(iii) It should be within reasonable distance from the Pump house foundation level 234.47 m.
command area to be irrigated.
Motor floor level 251.30 m.
(iv) Hard and sound rock foundation should be available at Delivery floor level 246.80 m.
stream bed level or slightly below the bed level at site.
(v) At the site natural banks of stream should be high Table -2: Details of Pump
enough to be avoid any submergence of marginal during
floods. Capacity 1015 HP
(vi) The supply of water at the site should be dependable as Nos 12 Nos
regards to its quality land duration. Pump RPM 500 RPM
(vii) Availability of good rock at the site giving easy Static Head 18.96 m
foundation condition.
Friction Head 1.43 m
(viii) Availability of some post monsoon flow, Discharge Total Head 20.39 m
observation should be arranged at the place that will be
selected. Size Of Pump House 10.5 x 54 m

(ix) Inclination of people to practice lift irrigation direct

from storage or from well on bank.

© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 813
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 11 | Nov 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

4. COMPONENT PARTS OF LIFT CANAL IRRIGATION energy from an external source is converted into hydraulic
From the source of water, water is to be convey up to the energy. In this project 12 Vertical turbine centrifugal pumps
pumping house for lifting. It is generally conveyed through of 1015HP having 500 RPM are used. The static head
the gravity using canal or the pipe line. In the Nerala project observed at the site is 18.96 m, friction head is 1.43 m and
water is carried from the source i.e. Gosikhurd reservoir to total head is 20.39 m. The size of pump house is 10.5 m x
the Pumping house using the approach canal. Length of 54.00 m. For designing the pump one must known the
approach canal is –km. and bed level of approach channel at pumping head, design discharge, efficiency of pump, frictional
Nerla is 238.98m head losses and formula used for calculating power of pump.


Static Head: The static head sometimes referred as pressure

head. Static head is equivalent to vertical distance from sump
of water to the delivery point.

Friction Head: Friction is a energy required to overcome the

frictional resistance met by water during its flow expressed
in equivalent height of water column and it is given by “Darcy
Weisback Equation”.

hf = 4fLV2/2gD

Where, hf = Head loss due to friction, f = Friction Coefficient,

V = Velocity of water in m/sec, g = Acceleration due to gravity
Fig -2: Elevation m3/sec. D is diameter of pipe.

In the pumping house the water which is at lower level is Total Head: It is the vertical distance between the pumping
lifted to the desired higher level. Pumping create a pressure water level and discharging water level. In other word it is
head which make water move from one point to another. the sum of statics suction lift and static delivery head and is
the total height by which water is to be lifted.


Rising main is the pipeline used for lifting the water from the
sump to the supply canal in LIS. A pipe closed conduit used
for carrying water or any other fluid . A pipe is made of
uniform or different diameter .they join together with the
Fig -3: Plan help of pipe fitting as coupling ,flange ,reducer ,bend ,elbow
and other pipe junction .Long pipe line are used for conveying
In Pumping process extra energy is added into a water to water different kind of water ,oil, gas, in pipe are different.
make it move against gravity. Pump are mechanical device in
Water when flowing through the some losses occur and they
which energy from an external source is converted into
affect on the velocity of water and power, Therefore,
hydraulic energy. In this project 12 Vertical turbine
following points should be kept in mind while designing the
centrifugal pumps of 1015HP having 500 RPM are used. The
static head observed at the site is 18.96 m, friction head is pipes.
1.43 m and total head is 20.39 m. The size of pump house is
10.5 m x 54.00 m. For designing the pump one must known LOSSES OF HEAD IN PIPE LINES:
the pumping head, design discharge, efficiency of pump, A) Constant Velocity Head Loss (i) Loss of head due to friction
frictional head losses and formula used for calculating power in pipe itself (ii) Loss of head at exist
of pump. B) Variable Velocity Head Losses Is Due To, (i) Pipe entrance
(ii) Sudden enlargement (iii) Sudden contraction (iv) Pipe
4.1 PUMPING HOUSE fitting When the pipe is long, the total head loss n account of
entire the pipe fitting is smaller than fictional head loss in the
In the pumping house the water which is at lower level is pipe itself. It is major head loss in pipe line, while loss of head
lifted to the desired higher level. Pumping create a pressure due to variable velocity is major loss. Minor loss generally
head which make water move from one point to another. In neglected for rough estimates.
Pumping process extra energy is added into a water to make (1) HEAD LOSS DUE TO BEND: When the water flow through a
it move against gravity. Pump are mechanical device in which bend its tends to move away toward the outer curve of the

© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 814
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 11 | Nov 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

bend due to centrifugal force. This cause a turbulence .Which [3] Punmia, B. C. & Pande, B. B. L. (2001). Irrigation and
gradually returns to normal as the flow continue beyond the water engineering, Laxmi Publications New Delhi.
bend. h=KbV2/2g Where, kb=coefficient of head loss due to [4] Garg, S. K., (2009). Hydraulics and irrigation, Khanna
bend v=velocity of water kb is depend on the ratio of radius Publishers, New Delhi.
of curvature (r) and diameter of pipe(D) of the bend
(2) HEAD LOSS DUE TO GATE VALVE : Losses due to gate valve
for different position of valve will be different .Naturally loss
is minimum when the gate valve is fully opened .Head loss
due to gate valve is given by, H=kgV2/2g Kg is coefficient of
head loss due to bend
(3) HEAD LOSS DUE TO FOOT VALVE: Head loss due to foot
valve (check valve) and its strainer can be computed as
h=ktV2/2g h=ksV2/2g Where, kt and ks are the coefficient of
head loss due to foot valve and strainer respectively.
(4) HEAD LOSS DUE TO FITTING: The are the losses in head
due to fitting such as coupling, bend etc.
is made to flow a large diameter pipe to a smaller diameter of
pipe ,a sudden contraction of flow takes place. Owing to this
sudden contraction, the velocity of the flow increase abruptly
in the smaller diameter pipe creating a local turbulence .the
energy lost is h=kcV2/2g kc is the coefficient of head loss due
to sudden contraction in flow.
water flow from small diameter pipe to a larger diameter
pipe ,the velocity if the flow in the larger diameter pipe drops
abruptly causing a local turbulence h=KeV2/2g
(7) ENTRANCE LOSS:This occurs when water enter in a pipe
from a larger tank or reservoir .Thus in the following
equation h=KenV2/2g Ken is taken as 0.5
(8) EXIST LOSS: This is the a special case of sudden expansion.
This occur when a pipe discharge into a tank or a reservoir
full of water h=KexV2/2g Since the loss of energy is complete
the value of coefficient of exist loess is taken as 1, Exist loss is
therefore equal to the velocity head in its magnitude.


We have studied the Lift Irrigation Scheme, various

component parts of LIS are observed during the visit to Nerla
scheme, various technical details were noted at the time of
visit. We have design various component such as No. of pump
required, HP required for the pump, supply canal and related
parts of lift irrigation. These designs were compared with
designs given by irrigation department. We found that our
design were similar to the designs were similar to the design
given by irrigation department.


[1] Nathan K K; Sharma RK; Singh A (2001) ‘Irrigation

Development and Future Possibilities’ Yojana. Jul; 45:23-
6 M. Young, The Technical Writer’s Handbook. Mill
Valley, CA: University Science, 1989.
[2] Gadgil D.R. (1954)1 in the paper title ‘The Industrial
Evolution of India in Recent Times’

© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 815

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