Cable Voltage Drop Calculation

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6 Power cable system design


within these limits. Alternative distribution arrange- the 3.3 kV/0.4l> RV trzmstortner secondary voltage
ments must also be considered. being equal to the nominal system voltage at steady
i To enable the system voltage regulations to be deter- state full load output, and is termed a voltage regula- it>~ At-,
' 3' mined, the maximum allowable steady state (this is not tion profile.
' “W15.

necessarily at full load as an allowance is made for To calculate the voltage regulation in a cable it is
diversity) and motor starting voltage regulations for first necessary to determine the voltage drop. For an i . <-.ll~:j’rl
the main switchboards, motor control centres and dis- AC circuit this is as illustrated in Fig 6.34. ' . -/'ik5;9231Ҥ*t
\ .>w~\.t~‘q
tribution boards are set. The permitted voltage regula-
tion for a cable between any two items is the difference t <
s \‘Wi't~:?l1
\:n>'.ptv<Nw!flnsw\%<1iInl\ between the two assigned values of voltage regulation. I ~
As an example, the voltage limits for a 415 V sup-
ply system are shown in Fig 6.33. This is based on
~ ' Q»-s.
1 w T


7 7
\ MOTOR STAFiTtNG + 6% TO -5%
/////. , vs

- 1», I§
‘ (it Op
iue lo l lt 1
I :§€;;
i, .113 :J<i7 ' ~ ».:»;@*>; 4%

5,’ {GT-
11. AS /
g /II t_ 10-/‘ 21%, "'11 iii 5

—< --< .t tiI.
l-‘to. (n34 ("able voltzugc drop
*5°tt\ TO - um am.
MO tort /LQH; *9 t 2;“-/D
_ill/\\lL—.i't_)§‘ it! 2?‘
AV = [l(R eostb + X sinrp) + Vg(i ~ CO$lS,)i%"' ‘ P

IlIt.. where AV re volt.'tg.{e drop, ‘.1 Z

l 1: current,l .2

STEADY S TATE FULL LOAD 4» 6% TO 1 4 5 1: line angle

es 415v SW"-CHEOARD MOTOR STARTFNG + 5% TO -»i!91>
Flt ;Q; s._._<.._
V3 1: supply vnltagze, ‘J £2
~ §i'~; R /\(‘ l'L‘!\i.\LlllllL’<.‘ at \'t‘ll(i:l\‘ltll’, ll atas
. s ."§.i,
3 5“ crimp the power t':n:tur
‘hese ;,j
Ln‘ /i
X I conductor equivalent star reaetzmee at W.. ~.-e. ~
‘ 50 ll/., £2 .1
iinal V ; E5

The term Vg(l ~ c055) is very small and for simpli-
'or " . ;
- tn;
. §§i'
.7 ."
fication can be safely ignored. Therefore: I
nrl TO -10%
ts ‘ll,
. .,.,
.\_¢ 9.?‘
..,X\ O—-'—- — — - M970" :n"t: to -{‘(l"t~ t
> YA
AV -' IR cost/> »t l\' sitn/>‘\,..~" i
t only 3 t
2 tons p X and "/0 R = l()0l (R eosqi + X sine)/\/'_.


-4 am‘in_
‘ ‘ V S—‘lE/\DV st/we FULL tow new to -3.5%
MOTOR st/tntmca +e~/. to -14%
The maximum cable route length for a given size of
r tag r
.\ cubic and voltzigc regulation limit may he determined €_'
1 of by expressing R and X in per unit length values and
re-arranging the voltage regulation formula: n

iglc 1/‘/tree-;2/ruse cr'/‘cum
ach 6) 122212 :;2:>:
oil- ‘ t, 5'0 R
wer L.m,,X = --/-~ -—--~--»-——-~'—~—~————- ,.
tins _ \ '_“l H10 I (R1, e‘o»'r,*- + XL siiirfi, ) I/ be
PIG. 6.33 Voltage regulation ptotilc
465 1;.

3 V ma
R , §~.
4, t

Cabling Chapter 6
Single-phase circuirs T,\[31_[5 6; 20
-H5 V /no/or starring power factor
V "/0 R
Lmax == "' s H s Rated output, kW Starting coso
2 \ltl()l (R1, cost/1 + XL sinda)
l up to 0.26

where Lmax = maximum route length, m 2.5 up to 0,28 9

V = nominal phase to neutral voltage, V 6.3 up to 0.30

16 up to 0.27 l
VL = nominal line voltage, V i
40 up to 0.23
"/0 R = permissible voltage regulation t_ i-
100 up to 0.20
Rt. AC rcsisluucc per metre at conductor
operating temperature, (2/m 4 5
Xi, = conductor equivalent star reactance
per mclrc at 50 llz, S2/m
protection requirements and for the next two larger i §
cable sizes. These are tabulated for each feeder circuit
fuse and motor circuit size for a range of voltage
Values for conductor resistance and equivalent star regulation values.
reactancc for single and multicore cables are given A typical example is shown in Appendix H of this z
in Appendices A and B of this chapter. chapter.
.3 i
Feeder circuits-
When applied to 415 V fused feeder circuits, an allow-
4.6 Cable system design
it tatw| nWWMWWwl
ance of 0.8 is made for load tlivcrsity. 'l‘licrcl‘orc: Having discussed the main technical requirements it l
is now time to scc how tltcsc, along with certain ad- 2
l 0.8 x tusc rating (in) ditional requirements associated with maximum cable
route length, are applied. To assist, circuits are se-
eoso :-= steady state power iuctor parated into circuit types, i.e., Feeder or motor circuits,
and theta: are then gnoupctl uccoulinu to the type oi“ l

Typically cosrp 0.85 tor it rnixed loud and c<>>,</. . fault current breaking device employed. Under each
0.99 for a resistitle load. c.g., heaters. oi‘ the headings, the applicable requirements are given tuw amtw m tr

The crrinductor l'£’5iSlLlllt‘a‘. is determined at the tem- and the basis for determining cable size is described. é
peratur-: corv'espondir;y. to the above current l. First, the cable size for normal full load operation is
determined after the application of any rating factors. <1l a
This cable size is then used to determine compliance i
Motor r"/r<wr'r.\*
with the remaining requirements. ll‘ necessary, the cable
With motor circuits, starting and full load operation are size is increased until a size in the range is found which
given by: complies with all the applicable technical requirements. .t'
Since cables are only available in a range of con-
Motor starting lgy = motor starting current, A ductor sizes it is important to be clear about the term 2

COSq‘)5T -= power factor on motor ‘cable size’. This means the selection, from this range, , %

starting ' of the cable with the smallest conductor size which ;
meets the applicable technical requirements.
Motor full load In‘ = full-load current, A There is an additional requirement for motor circuit an»wM».mn»um.ya<
= Z
cos<bt>;, -= power factor at full load cable sizing so far not discussed. This is that the cable
must be able to withstand a short-circuit fault directly
Values for cosqt are given in Table 6.20. following the second hot start, i.e., the maximum t
For motor starting, the resistance of the conductor short-circuit conductor temperature must not be ex- wavt‘lvWr|Mm<tm»wvytomv
is determined at the temperature attained after two ceeded under these circumstances. It is assumed that ‘~.

hot starts. For feeder circuits to switchboards and the time intervals between the successive starts and
motor. control centres, motor starting voltage regulation between the second start and the short-circuit fault fl iii ( t

is based on the starting requirement for the largest

motor on the switchboard or motor control centre.
are too short to allow conductor cooling. The tempera-
ture rise For this situation is calculated in a series of jug ‘
A ~?,__
As previously stated, because of the repetitive nature steps. wl '
iii ' é»
of these calculations it is convenient to use tables for To a reasonable approximation, the conductor tem- A

cable size selection. To achieve this, the formula is perature at normal full-load running is given by: uprta t a

used to calculate the maximum cable route length for E‘ 5

the minimum cable size to meet the full~load current/ 911 = 9A + (9M " 9A) (IFL/IC)2 9 zsséz. .
.4 ~ ¢';—‘;%s, '


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