Waves - Combine
Waves - Combine
Waves - Combine
1- Introduction T= , t = time
= number of oscillations
A wave is produced by a source of vibration.
Mechanical waves need a material medium or their
2.6- Frequency, f
Examples of mechanical waves include water waves
The number of complete oscillations per second.
,sound waves, shock waves as in earthquakes and waves
The S.I. unit is Hertz (Hz)
in strings, springs and rods.
Electromagnetic waves do not need a material medium for
their propagation.
1 n
f = or f =
Examples of electromagnetic waves are radio waves , T t
light waves , infra-red (IR) and ultra-violet ( UV).
As a wave travels through a medium, there is no transfer
of matter but only transfer of energy from a vibrating
source. 3- Displacement – time graph
2.1- Vibration:
To-and-fro motion from the equilibrium position. (a) the period (b) the frequency
(a)- (b)-
Example 2
2.4- Amplitude
2.5- Period, T
The time taken for one complete oscillation. Based on he graph above, determine the
(a) amplitude (b) period
The S.I. unit is second (s) (c) frequency
(a)- (b)-
4- Natural Frequency
The frequency of the free oscillation of a system without
any external forces are exerted to the system.
Oscillation of a
pendulum 4.3- What is meant by Resonance?
Oscillation of a
jigsaw blade fixed
with plasticine
Example 1:
• A car or a washing machine may vibrate quite violently at
particular speeds. In each case ,resonance occurs when
the frequency of a rotating part ( motor, wheel, drum etc.)
is equal to a natural frequency of vibration of the body of
the machine. Resonance can build up a vibration to a has a magnetic field, so the protons act like small
large amplitude. magnets.
• These are normally aligned in random directions. Placing
Example 2: a patient in a strong magnetic fields keeps these mini
magnets almost in line. Their field axis just rotates , a bite
• The story is told of an opera singer who could shatter a like a spinning top. This is called precessing.
glass by singing a note at its natural frequency.
• The wind ,blowing in gusts, once caused a suspension • Damping is a word used to describe how movement and
bridge to sway with increasing amplitude until it reached vibrations are reduced or slowed down.
a point where the structure was over-stressed and the • Damping is a process whereby oscillations die down due
bridge collapsed. to a loss of energy to friction forces.
• When a system is damped , the amplitude of the of
Example 4: oscillation decreases slowly until the system stops
• Wind instruments such as flute, clarinet, trumpet etc. • Damping is usually caused by external frictional forces
depend on the idea of resonance. Longitudinal pressure such as air resistance . It can also be caused by
waves can be set up in the air inside the instrument. The internal forces , where energy is lost from the system in
column of air has its own natural frequencies at which it form of heat.
can vibrate.
• When we blow, we use the mouthpiece to start some
vibrations. Those which happen to match exactly the
natural frequencies of the instrument are picked out and
Example 5 :
Example 6 :
TUTORIAL 1 4 A child on a swing makes 20 complete swings in 30
seconds. What is the frequency of the oscillation?
1 The figure shows a bob of a simple pendulum is swinging
between point A and point C. A 1 Hz B 1 Hz
3 2
C 2 Hz D 3 Hz
3 2
E 2 Hz
One oscillation is counted when it oscillating from
A A to B
B A to C
C A to C and back C to B
D A to C and back C to A
8 The figure shows P,Q,R and S are four pendulums of
different lengths and masses of the bob.
Which of the pendulums will oscillate with the highest
A Pendulum W B Pendulum X
C Pendulum Y D Pendulum Z
A At point B ,the bob has the highest velocity A the pendulums are oscillated with a maximum
B The time taken to move from to A to B same as speed
from B to C. B the iron rod is replaced by a string
C The gravitational potential energy at A same as at C increase the mass of the bobs
D The gravitational potential energy at A same as the
kinetic energy at B 22 Which of the following phenomenon is not caused by
resonance ?
18 The figure shows five pendulums that are hung from th A The violent vibrations of a washing machine at
wire MN. The pendulum P is displaced and released. some spin speeds
B The tuning circuits in TV and radio sets work at the
frequency of the station you select
C The wind instruments produce sound by forcing the
air inside the tube
D The shock absorbers in cars cause oscillations to
die down after a car has gone over a bump in the
A It remains constant
B It decreases
C It increases
24 As the amplitude decreases the ______________ Which of the following graph shows the vibrations the
decrease. spring while the water droplet drop from the hole?
A period B frequency
C energy D number of oscillations
(ii) period
26 The figure shows a paper cone filled with water attached .........................................................................
to spring. The paper cone has a hole at its end.
(b) What is the frequency of the oscillations of the
pendulum ?
(c) What is the frequency of the oscillations of the (b) What will happen to the nature frequency of the
pendulum when a bob of mass 50.0 g is used? both springs when
(g) State the form of energy when the pendulum 29 A student carries out an experiment to find out the
(i) at B relationship between mass, m and the oscillation period,
T of a piece of jigsaw blade. The jigsaw blade is clamped
.................................................................................. at one end and a plasticine ball with mass, m is fixed at
(ii) between B and C the other end as shown in figure below.
Mass, Time for 20 Period (e) State one precaution that should be taken during
T2 / s2 this experiment.
m /k g oscillations, t / s T/s
0.1 28.0
0.2 40.0 ………………………………………………………….
0.3 50.0
0.4 56.0 ………………………………………………………….
0.5 64.0
30 Each figure below shows a boxer punches the punch-
0.6 70.0 ball with two different sizes. The big punch-ball vibrates
more slowly than the small punch-ball.
(a) Complete the table above.
(b) Base on the graph paper above plot a graph T2
Against m.
Lesson 2 : Understanding Waves
• Definition : Oscillations can produce waves / Energy • Waves in which the direction of vibration of the particles is
Transport. parallel to the direction of wave propagation called a
longitudinal wave.
• Waves transfer energy from one place to another without
permanently displacing the medium through which they
• When we are at the seaside, we can see large as well as • An example of transerve waves is sound waves..
small waves reaching the shore. These waves arise
because of the strong winds in the middle of the sea.The D- WAVE TERMINOLOGY
energy of the winds is carried by the waves to the shore.
The water from the middle of the sea does not reach the D-1 – Amplitude, A:
shore. The maximum displacement of the medium
particles from the equilibrium position.
• The wave motion is regular and repetitive (i.e. periodic
motion). D-2 - Period, T:
The time for one complete oscillations of each
• There are two main types – mechanical waves such as particle in the wave.
sound waves and electromagnetic waves.
D-3 - Frequency, f :
B- TRANSVERSE WAVES The number of oscillations of each particle in the
wave in one second.
• Waves in which the direction of vibration of the partticles is
perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation called a 1
transverse wave. f =
D-4 - Wavelength , λ
• The distance between two consecutive points
which are vibrating in phase.
• The distance from one wave crest to the next.
• The distance from one wave trough to the next.
D-9 - Compression
• Region along a longitudinal wave where the pressure
and density of particles are higher than when no
wave is passing.
Example 1
• For water waves there are two types of wavefront i.e A student moves the end of a long spring from side to side 4
circular wavefront and plane wavefront. times persecond. The wavelength of the wave on the spring is
0.6 m. With what speed do the waves moves along the spring?
Example 2
Radio waves travel at a speed 3 x 108 ms-1. What is the
wavelength of FM radio waves received at 200 MHz on your
Circular Wavefront radio dial?
Example 3
Plane Wavefront A long rope is stretched out on the floor. One end of the rope is
then shaken. The graph shows the rope at a particular moment
D-7 - Crest in time. The rope vibrated at a frequency 8 Hz.
• The point where a wave causes maximum positive
displacement of the medium.
D-8 - Trough
• The point where a wave causes maximum negative
displacement of the medium
(a) the amplitude
(b) the wavelength
(c) the speed
Example 4
The figure shows the sound waves produced by a tuning fork.
• When a continuous stream of waves is used , it is
(a)- sometimes easier to see by using a mechanical
stroboscope to freeze the wave pattern. When the
frequency of the waves same as the frequency of the
(b) stroboscope the pattern will appear stationary.
1 Which of the following is the transverse wave different with the spring
from the longitudinal wave? vibration
A speed A Longitudinal Parallel
B period B Longitudinal Perpendicular
C amplitude C Transverse Parallel
D direction of vibration of the particles and direction of D Transverse Perpendicular
wave propagation
4 In which of the following pairs is the first wave motion
2 The figure shows a cork floating in a water tank. transverse and the second wave motion longitudinal?
Transverse Longitudinal
A Light Radio
B Infra-red Ultra-violet
C X-ray Sound
D Micro Ripples
Which figure shows the movement of the cork when the Which points are one wavelength apart?
wave passes? A P and R B Q and S
C Q and T D P and T
traveling on water. The waves travel at distance 45.0 cm in
3.0 s.
What is the speed of the waves? What is the frequency of the water waves?
A 2 cm s-1 A 8 cm s-1 A 30 Hz B 15 Hz
C 12 cm s-1 D 18 cm s-1 C 7.5 Hz D 2.5 Hz
E 36 cm s-1 E 0.5 Hz
9 The speed of a sound wave is 300 m s -1 vibrates with a 14 A mechanical stroboscope has 12 slits and rotates at a
frequency 0.6 kHz . What is the wavelength of the sound? frequency 5 Hz. The stroboscope is used to observe water
A 0.5 m B 2.0 m waves. The observer notes there are 6 successive bright
C 80 m D 5000 m bands at a distance 20 cm. Calculate the speed of the
E 180000 m water waves.
A 60 cms-1 B 100 cms-1
10 A dolphin emits an ultrasonic wave with a wavelength of C 120 cms -1 D 180 cms-1
0.01 m. The speed of ultrasonic wave in water is E 240 cms -1
increased by 2 times , what happen to the wavelength of
the water wave?
A ¼ of its initial wavelength
B ½ of its initial wavelength
C same as its initial wavelength
D 2 times of its initial wavelength
E 4 times of its initial wavelength
Which of the following is true? ………………………………………………………
A The period of the water wave to vibrating is 25 s ………………………………………………………
B The amplitude of the water wave is 0.4 m
C The frequency of the water wave is 0.05 Hz (ii) Relate the observations in (a)(i) and the
D The wavelength of the water wave is 20 transfer of enegy to deduce a concept in
physics with regard to the wave motion
21 ………………………………………………………
(b) (i) Compare the direction of vibration of the
particles and the direction of wave propagation. -down movement in 2. 5 s, and in each up-and-down
movement the hand moves through a height of 0.4 m.
……………………………………………………… P , Q, R, S and T are the points marked on the cord.
Figure 2 ……………………………………………
(a) Mark on the graph
(i) the direction of vibration of the particles and the (c) Determine
direction of wave propagation . (i) the amplitude
(ii) two points vibrate in phase.
(b) Give one example of the transverse wave . (ii) the frequency
(d) What is the speed of the wave when the frequency is
25 Hz. ……………………………………………………………
(a) Explain why
LESSON 3 The experiment to investigate the relationship between the
Analysing reflection of waves angle of incidence and the angle of reflection of a water
Tabulate the data: Arrangement of the apparatus
Variables in the experiment: TUTORIAL 3 – REFLECTION OF WAVE
Manipulated variable: Angle of incidence
Responding variable: Angle of reflection 1 The figure shows a set of a plane waves arriving at a
Fixed variable: the position of stopwatch from the smooth wall. plane reflector placed in a ripple tank.
By using a protractor , the angle of incidence is measured 2 Which diagram shows how water waves would be
=i reflected by a plane barrier?
The stopwatch is started.
The cardboard tube B is moved around until the watch can
be heard most clearly.
By using the protractor , the angle of reflection is
measured = r
The experiment is repeated 5 times for the other angles of
3 Which figure shows the correct pattern of reflected water 6 The diagram shows a mirror is titled at an angle of 50o to
waves? the bench. A ray of light is directed so that it hits the
mirror at an angle of 20o to the surface of the mirror.
Angle of Angle of
incidence reflection What is the new angle of reflection of the light ray?
-------------- -------------- A 00 B 150
A 35o 55o C 30 0 D 600
B 55o 35o
C 35o 35o 9 The figure shows two plane mirrors JK and
D 55o 55o LM which have been placed at a right angles to each
12 The figure shows a sound wave is reflected from a brick
(iii) Calculate the speed of the water waves.
14 Determine by way of ray diagrams, the cars that can be
seen by the driver through reflection of rays by the rear
view mirror.
LESSON 4 - Analysing Refraction Of
The experiment to investigate the relationship between the Analysis the data:
depth of water and the wavelength of a water wave.
Plot the graph λ against d
The depth of water increases as the wavelength of water
waves increases.
Refraction of water wave of the sea water
Aim of the experiment :
To investigate the relationship between the depth of water and
the wavelength of water waves.
Tabulate the data: When a light wave travels from optically denser
d medium to optically less dense medium , the ray is bent
λ away from the normal.
After entering the less dense medium the speed of light By using a protractor , the angle of incidence is measured
increases. =i
The glass block is replaced again on its outline on the
A ray of light from the ray box is directed along incidence
The ray emerging from the side CD is drawn as line PQ.
The glass block is removed again.
The point O and P is joined and is drawn as line OP.
The experiment is repeated 5 times for the other angles of
Experiment to investigate the relationship between the
angle of incidence and the angle of refraction. Tabulate the data:
The angle of refraction increases as the angle of incidence
Analysis the data:
Plot the graph r against i
Aim of the experiment :
To investigate the relationship between the angle of incidence
and the angle of refraction.
D-1 : Effects Of Refraction Of A Sound Wave At Night TUTORIAL 4 : REFRACTION OF WAVES
At night the air near the ground is often cooler than the air
higher up, because it is close to the cold ground.
3 The figure shows a water waves in a ripple tank 7 The figure shows a stone is thrown by a boy in a pond
with a sloping base. with a sloping base.
5 The figure shows water waves travel from region P to 8 The figure shows the arrangement of apparatus to shows
region Q. a wave phenomenon.
12 A ray of light passes from water to air.
Which labeled arrow shows the direction of the ray in air?
10 The figure shows water waves pass from deep water into
shallow water. The distance PQ = 5 cm , RS = 3 cm and
13 An observer cannot see the coin in an empty glass as
the speed of the water waves in deep water is 4 cm s-1 .
shown in Figure(a). However , he can see the coin when
the glass is filled with water as shown in Figure(b).
(c) Explain why the water waves propagated from the sea
to the beach , the water waves follow the shape of the
What is phenomenon involved?
A Diffraction B Interference
C Refraction D Reflection
18 Which one of the following is true regarding the
refraction of the sound waves?
A When watching a hockey game , we often hear the
stick hitting the ball after we actually see the hit
B Clicking sound is heard clearly when two rocks is
clicked together under water
20 Figure 1 shows a water waves in a ripple tank travels 21 The figure below shows water waves propagated from
over a perspex plat. the sea towards the shore.
Figure 2 shows a water waves propagated from the sea
to the beach.
(c) Name the phenomenon in (b)
(ii) the wavelength of the waves near the
(d) Small obstacle
LESSON 5 Analysing Diffraction Of
• The wider middle bright fringe shows that the light waves Tabulate the data:
diffracted after pass through a small slit.
The experiment to investigate the relationship between the
size of slit and the wide of the middle bright fringe Analysis the data:
Plot the graph x against a
• The wide of the middle bright fringe increases as the size
of slit decreases
• Sound diffracts very readily. This is why we can hear 1 Which of the following figure is true to show the diffraction
sound round a corner , or behind an obstacle. The reason of a water wave?
is the sound waves have long wavelengths in air, ranging
from a few centimetres up to several metres. As we have
already seen, long wavelength waves diffract more
readily than those with short wavelengths.
5 The figure show a listener a student is requested to stand
the other side of the corner of the wall of high building.
The student is able to hear the sound of the radio.
6 The figure shows an observation that occur when a 9 Which of the following diagram shows the patterns of
razor blade illuminated by a point source of diffraction of light waves when a monochoromatic light
monochromatic light. source is passed through a small pin hole.
Figure 1 Figure 2
(a) Observe Figure 1 and Figure 2 and state two 12 The figure shows the bright and dark bands of the wave
similarities of the wave patterns. patterns formed on the screen when plane waves pass
through narrow and wide slits.
(b) Relate your answers in (a) to deduce a relevant
physics concept and name the concept.
A- INTERFERENCE OF WAVES (b) Superposition of two troughs
………………………...interference occurs
……………………….. interference
………………………...interference occurs.
Or 3. Mark with a circle (○) in the figure the points where a
crest coincide with a trough.
(b) A plane water waves passing through two slits.
The points (○) is called as _____________.
displacement is ______________.
C-1 : Analysing Interference Pattern Of Water Waves 4. Connect the points (x) and (*) to produce several lines
that we call as _____________________ lines
5. Connect the points (○) to produce several lines that we
call as _____________________ lines
6. Draw a straight line parallel to sources. We can the line
as ____________________line
7. Measure the distance between the two sources, a =
................................ cm
8. Measure the distance between the sources and the
detector line,D =................................cm.
9. Measure the distance between two successive node
lines, x =................................
10. Calculate the value of a x = .........................cm
11. Measure the wavelength of the water waves, λ
12. Compare the value of λ with a x
Where , λ =
• The figure shows the interference pattern produced by
two sources of water P and Q.
• To analyse the interference pattern of water waves,
please follow this instructions:
Tabulate the data: • The formula for interference of light waves is,
a ax
x λ=
Analysis the data:
Plot the graph x against a Where,
λ = wavelength of light waves
a = slit separation
x = distance between two successive bright or dark
Example 1 D = distance between double slit and screen.
Solution Solution
• For all practical purposes, monochromatic light is used. List of apparatus and materials:
• Monochromatic light which is light of only one colour or Source of light,colour filter, screen, single slit, double slit and
one wavelength. metre rule.
Arrangement of the apparatus: Interference of sound waves
The Procedure Of The Experiment Which Include The λ=
Method Of Controlling The Manipulated Variable And The D
Method Of Measuring The Responding Variable.
• A green filter is placed between the light source and the Where,
slits. λ = wavelength of sound waves
a = distance between two loudspeakers
• The source of light is switched on.
x = distance between two successive loud regions or
• The interference pattern formed on the screen is
quiet region.
observed and drawn.
D = distance between the listener from the loudspeaker.
• By using a metre rule the distance across 6 consecutive
bright fringes is measured. Example 3
• The distance between two consecutive bright fringes is
calculated , x =
L In an experiment on the interference of sound wave a listener
5 at distance 5.0 from the loudspeaker. The distance between
• The experiment is repeated 5 times for with different two loudspeakers is 2.0 m. The loudspeakers are connected to
colour filters an audio-frequency generator to produce sound waves at a
frequency of 0.8 kHz.
Tabulate the data: Calculate
λ (a) the wavelength of sound waves when the speed of sound
x is 320 ms-1
(b) the distance between two successive loud regions
Analysis the data:
Plot the graph x against λ Solution:
The Experiment To Investigate The Relationship Between Tabulate the data:
Distance Of The Listener From The Loudspeaker And D
The Distance Between Two Successive Loud Regions x
the distance between two successive loud regions increases Analysis the data:
as distance between the listener from the loudspeaker Plot the graph x against D
increases .
Arrangement of the apparatus: Which of the following figure shows the pattern of the
impulse waves after passed through point O.
Which of the positions A,B,C or D, does the amplitude of
the water waves is zero.
3 The figure shows two impulse waves travelling towards Antinode points are
each other with a speed 2 cms-1 respectively. A W and X B X and Z
C Y and Z D W and Y
9 The figure shows the fringe pattern obtained in a double 13 The figure shows are the patterns of interference by
slit experiment when a monochromatic light is used. The using red filter, green filter and blue filter which are not
slits are 3 x 10-4 m apart and the screen is 3.0 m away arranged in order.
from the slits.
A 1.25 m B 1.50 m
C 2.00 m D 3.00 m
E 4.50 m
(a) Why is The sodium-vapour lamp is adjusted until
the position of the lamp is at the focus point of the
(b) (i) In the box below ,draw and label the pattern
of image is formed on the screen.
(ii) Name the light phenomenon involved. (a) What happen to the wave of lights when passed
through the slits.
(c) The single slit is replaced by a double slit of slit
separation is 5 x 10-4 m. (b) Explain briefly how the fringes are formed?
(i) In the box below ,draw and label the pattern of
image is formed on the screen. ………………………………………………………
21 The figure shows the pattern of the fringe formed on 22 The figure shows the arrangement of apparatus in the
the screen from Young’s double slit experiment. interference wave of sounds experiment. Two similar
The experiment used and a red filter and then is loudspeakers are placed 2.0 m apart. A source of sound
repeated by using a blue filter to produce a is switched on to produce a sound of frequency 2.4 kHz
monochromatic light. A girl walks slowly along OP parallel to the two
loudspeakers at a distance 5.0 m in front of the
loudspeakers. She hears loud sound at point A ,C and E
and alternately weak sound at point B,C and D.
………………………………… ………………….
…………………………………………………….. ................................................................................
(c) Compare the wavelengths of red light to blue (c) Name the wave phenomenon involved.
(f) When the frequency of the sound waves is
decreased , state two observations will occur.
Explain your answer.
compression is produced where the air pressure is
WAVES higher.
• The bell is vibrating , but there is no surrounding material • If you imagine that in a solid all the atoms are joined
to carry the vibration to our ears. together by springs then the stronger the springs the
faster the sound travels.
• Similarly we cannot hear the nuclear explosions on the
sun because there is no medium in space. • The strong binding between atoms in solids means that
sound will travel much more quickly through solids than
• Astronauts cannot speak to each other on the moon through gases.
without using radio waves, because there is no air on the
moon through which sound waves can travel. • The speed of sound waves in gases increase when the
density of the gases decrease. When the density of the
C- SOUND WAVES IN AIR gases decrease ,the frequency of the vibrations increase
,so the speed of the sounds increase ( v = fλ).
• When molecules pushed forwards (to the right) meet • Typical values for speed of sound are given in the
molecules bouncing backwards(to the left) , after following table.
collisions with other molecules in front, a region of
Medium Speed of sound waves/ ms-1
Air (0 C)
o 331
Oxygen (0oC) 316
Helium (0oC) 965
Hydrogen (0oC) 1284
Water (0oC) 1402
Water (20oC) 1482
Water (50oC) 1543
Aluminium (0oC) 5100
Copper (0oC) 3560
Iron (0oC) 5130
(1) Ultrasonic scanning in medicine involves sending between the sound and the echoes. From this, the
ultrasound waves into the patient’s body and depth of the rock layers can be measured.
detecting the echoes which come back. This can be
used , for example, to see the position of an unborn Example 1
baby inside its mother’s womb. The whole process A Sonar signal sent vertically downwards from a ship is
is completely painless and much safer than using X- reflected from the ocean floor and detected by a microphone
rays. on the keel 0.8 s after transmission . If speed of sound in
(2) Sound waves of high energy are directed to the water is 1 500 ms-1, what is the depth of the ocean?
kidney stones to destroy them in the cavity of the
kidney. The disintegrated particles are removed Solution
during urination by the patient.
(3) Dentist use ultrasonic waves to remove plaque
from the teeth.
(4) Ultrasound spectacles help blind persons to
estimate the distance away of something in front of
Example 2
I-2 : Industry A man stands in front of a fairly large flat wall at a distance
50 m. He claps his hands and the time for 20 intervals
(1) Ultrasonic scanning is used to detect cracks in between claps is 12 s. What is the speed of the sound ?
metal structures . This is how aircrafts parts are
checked for hidden cracks which might prove Solution
dangerous later.
(2) A goldsmith uses high frequency sound waves to
dislodge dirt particles adhering to jewellery and
precious stones.
(3) Ships use echo-sounding equipment to find how
deep the water is. The time interval is measured
between a pulse of sound and its echo from the sea
If the echo-sounders measures an interval of time,t ,
and the speed of sound wave in water is v, the depth
, d can be calculated as follows;
2 Astronauts are in a space-ship orbiting the moon. They Substance Speed of sound Density of
see an explosion on the surface of the Moon. waves/ ms-1 substance / kg m-3
Why can the not hear the explosion? Air 330 1.29
A Explosions cannot occur in space Oxygen 320 1.43
B Sound cannot travel through a vacuum Aluminium 5 100 2 710
C Sound is reflected from the space-ship Iron 5 000 7 870
D Sound travel too quickly through space to affect the Lead 1 200 11 300
ear drum
Which conclusion about the speed of sound can be
3 A place where sound waves cannot travel would be drawn from this information?
A through a balloon filled with helium
B from one spaceship to another one nearby A The speed increases as the density of the
C from a surface ship to a submarine substances increases
D along a railway line B The speed is greater in less dense substances
C The speed is greater in metals than in gases
4 Which of the following medium gives the highest speeds D The speed is greatest in the densest metal
of sound waves?
A Vacuum B Water 9 On what do the pitch and the loudness of a sound wave
C Steel D Air depend?
Pitch Loudness
5 Why putting your ear to a steel railroad track allows you A Amplitude Frequency
to hear the approach of a train long before you can hear it B Frequency Amplitude
in the air? C Frequency Speed
A The speed of sound waves travel in air greater than D Speed Amplitude
in the steel
B The speed of sound waves travel in steel greater 10 Two notes are played on a guitar. The second is louder
than in air and has a higher pitch. The second note is
C Sound cannot travel through air
D Sound cannot travel through steel A higher in amplitude and lower in frequency
B higher in both amplitude in frequency
6 A timekeeper for a sprint event starts the stopwatch as he C lower in amplitude and higher in frequency
sees the smoke from the pistol instead of hearing the D lower in both amplitude and frequency
shot. This action is taken because
11 What would a drummer do to make the sound of a drum
A sound produces echoes give a note of lower pitch?
B light travels in a straight line
C light travels faster than sound A Hit the drum skin with a larger force
D surrounding temperature affects the speed of sound B Hit the drum skin with a smaller force
C Hit the drum skin nearer the edge
D Loosen the drum skin
12 Which of the following corresponds to the highest pitch of
7 The speeds of sound in air, in steel and in water are
Which of the following gives the speeds in increasing
Slowest Fastest
A Air Water Steel
B Steel Water Air
C Water Air Steel
0.1 1 10 100 1 000 10 000 10 0000
A 204 m
B 283 m
C 340 m
D 408 m
E 816 m
E 3 960 m …………………………………………………………..
19 A boy stands at point P between two high walls P and Q. (b) Explain how the waves is used to scan the baby?
The distance between P and T is 100 m and the distance
From T and Q is 500 m. He shouts in front of the high …………………………………………………………...
walls. He hears the echo of his voice from the high wall P
and 2.5 seconds later he hears the echo of his voice from …………………………………………………………..
the high wall Q.
1. They all transfer energy from one place to another.
• Electromagnetic waves are transverse waves, consisting 2. They all transverse, electromagnetic waves
of oscillating electric fields and magnetic fields . 3. They all can travel through a vacuum
• Energy resulting from the acceleration of electric charge 4. They all travel at a speed of approximately
and the associated electric fields and magnetic fields. 3 x 108 m s-1
• The energy can be regarded through space involving 5. They all show the wave properties :
oscillating electric fields and magnetic fields at right angle reflection, refraction, diffraction and interference
to each other to the direction of propagation. 6. The all obey the wave equation v = fλ
• In a vacuum the waves travel with a constant speed i.e. 7. They all carry no charge
speed of light , 3 x 108 m s-1. 8. They all can be emitted and absorbed by matter.
B- THE ELECTROMAGNETIC SPECTRUM Properties : very penetrating
very dangerous causes cancer and
• The electromagnetic spectrum is a continuous spectrum , mutation
with no gaps in it and no frequencies anywhere in the Uses : to kill cancerous growth
range which do not exist. to find flaws in metal castings
• Like the spectrum of light , the different kinds of radiation to sterilise equipment
gradually change from one to another as their properties to control pest in agriculture
gradually change.
• So there is no sharp boundary between one type of (2) X-ray
radiation and the next. There is often a large overlap at
the boundaries. Sources : X-ray tubes
• The following diagram shows all the members of the
electromagnetic family of waves. Detector : photographic film, Fluorescent screen
Properties : very penetrating
very dangerous , damage to cells
Uses : to take X-ray picture;
to treat skin disorders
to study crystal structures
to scan baggage
to scan cracks in building structures
to detect art forgeries
(3) Ultra-violet (UV) photocopiers(thermal)
Sources : the sun, very hot objects , arcs heating
and sparks mercury vapour lamps, remote control for TV / VCR
discharge tube photography through haze and fog
computer and hand phone to connect
Detector : photographic film, photo cells,
fluorescent chemicals (6) Microwave
Properties : absorbed by glass , Sources : microwave transmitter ,
cause many chemical reactions, microwave ovens
damages and kills living cells,
causes sun burn, Detector : wave guide tube
causes blindness
Uses : treatment of skin complaints, Special
killing bacteria, Properties : spread round hills and building
fluorescent lighting by diffraction
burglar alarms internal heating of body tissues
automatic counting in industry Uses : cooking
washing powders radar system to detect objects
to identify counterfeit notes (size ,form and position)
satellite transmissions
6 The letter I,U,R,X and V represents the electromagnetic A Microwave Red light
waves . B Radio wave Infra-red
C Red light Sound
Letter Electromagnetic wave D Sound Ultra-violet
I Infra-red radiation 2 One of the following devices does not make use of
U Ultra-violet radiation electromagnetic waves in its operation.
R Radio wave Which one is it?
X X-ray
V Light wave A A loudspeaker
B A television set
Which of the following arrangement of the C A camera
electromagnetic waves in ascending order of frequency? D A hand phone
C V,R,I,U,X D R,I,V,U,X 13 Which of the following equipment does not use heating
element to operate?
A Bulb
B Toaster
C Hair drier
D Microwave oven
14 At an airport, a passenger’s bag is placed in the baggage C Light wave
scanner. D Sound wave
A X-ray
B gamma rays
C ultraviolet rays
D infrared rays 19 The figure shows the electromagnetic spectrum.
(i) P ………………………………………
(ii) Q
What type of wave is used? (iii) R
21 The diagram represents the electromagnetic
(b) Valuable item can be security marked
using special ink . The ink can only be seen in
ultraviolet radiation
(c) The radar detects the same signal after reflection by …………………………………………………
another aeroplane, Q. The signals from Q arrives
later than the signal from P. …………………………………………………