Easy Link 6 어휘리스트

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The passages provide vocabulary lists and short descriptions of various topics such as places, dances, inventions, and stories.

The vocabulary lists cover topics such as animals, nature, travel destinations, and dances.

Places that are described include Madagascar, Jeju Island, Greenland, and locations around the world in the dances section.

Easy Link L6

Vocabulary List
Easy Link L6

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Lesson 1 Only in Madagascar!

No. Word Meaning

1 forest noun 숲

2 feather noun 깃털

3 tomato noun 토마토

4 swamp noun 늪, 슾지

5 large adjective 큰

6 hunt verb 사냥하다

7 island noun 섬

8 live verb 살다, 거주하다

9 frog noun 개구리

10 bright adjective 밝은

11 different adjective 다른

12 climb verb 올라가다

13 tree noun 나무

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Lesson 2 Our Trip to Jeju Island

No. Word Meaning

1 trip noun 여행

2 field noun 들판, 밭

3 pork noun 돼지고기

4 grill noun 그릴

5 lake noun 호수

6 top noun 정상

7 class noun 학급

8 fun adjective 재미있는

9 green tea noun 녹차

10 ice cream noun 아이스크림

11 sweet adjective (맛이) 단

12 fresh adjective 신선한

13 beautiful adjective 아름다운

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Lesson 3 All About Greenland

No. Word Meaning

1 world noun 세상, 세계

2 between verb ~ 사이에

3 hot spring noun 온천

4 night noun 밤

5 winter noun 겨울

6 rise verb 떠오르다

7 live verb 살다, 거주하다

8 cold adjective 추운

9 many adjective 많은

10 summer noun 여름

11 set verb (해가) 지다

12 dark adjective 어두운

13 ice noun 얼음

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Lesson 4 Atlantis, the Lost City

No. Word Meaning

1 rich adjective 부유한

2 flood noun 홍수

3 sink verb 가라앉다

4 look for 찾다

5 map noun 지도

6 city noun 도시

7 old adjective 오래된

8 story noun 이야기

9 island noun 섬

10 sea noun 바다

11 really adverb 정말로

12 find verb 발견하다

13 picture noun 사진

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Lesson 5 Dancing for Love

No. Word Meaning

1 spread verb 펼치다

2 peacock noun 공작

3 shake verb 흔들다

4 turn verb 돌다

5 male adjective 남자의, 수컷의

6 female adjective 여자의, 암컷의

7 jump verb 뛰다

8 face noun 얼굴

9 feather noun 깃털

10 flamingo noun 홍학

11 large adjective 큰

12 group noun 무리, 그룹

13 quickly adverb 빨리

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Lesson 6 Degas and His Ballerinas

No. Word Meaning

1 painter noun 화가

2 ballet noun 발레

3 pose noun 포즈, 자세

4 raise verb 올리다

5 bow verb 절하다

6 bend verb 구부리다

7 dancer noun 춤

8 show verb 보여주다

9 stand verb 서다

10 behind preposition 뒤에

11 beautiful adjective 아름다운

12 thank verb 감사하다

13 clap verb 박수치다

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Lesson 7 Dances Around the World

No. Word Meaning

1 dress noun 드레스

2 feet noun 두발

3 costume noun 의상

4 makeup noun 화장

5 metal noun 금속

6 ground noun 땅

7 country noun 나라, 국가

8 Spain noun 스페인

9 wear verb (옷을) 입다

10 tap verb 두드리다

11 Japan noun 일본

12 sing verb 노래하다

13 America noun 미국

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Lesson 8 Coyote Dances with a Star

No. Word Meaning

1 watch verb 보다

2 grab verb 잡다

3 fast adjective 빠른

4 tired adjective 피곤한

5 slip verb 미끄러지다

6 hole noun 구멍

7 great adjective 위대한

8 star noun 별

9 climb verb 오르다

10 mountain noun 산

11 paw noun (동물의) 발

12 fall verb 떨어지다

13 shooting star noun 별똥별

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Lesson 9 How Plane Wings Work

No. Word Meaning

1 wing noun 날개

2 blow verb (바람을) 불다

3 pilot noun 비행기 조종사

4 turn on (전등·기계 등을) 켜다

5 forward adverb 앞으로

6 take off 이륙하다

7 bird noun 새

8 paper noun 종이

9 air noun 공기

10 top noun 정상

11 happen verb 일어나다

12 move verb 움직이다

13 finally adverb 마침내, 드디어

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Lesson 10 My Ears Hurt!

No. Word Meaning

1 hurt verb 아프다

2 gum noun 껌

3 chew verb 씹다

4 yell verb 소리치다

5 pinch verb 꼬집다

6 swallow verb 삼키다

7 take off 이륙하다

8 should verb ~을 해야 한다

9 bubble noun 거품, 방울

10 better adjective 더 좋은, 나은

11 drink verb 마시다

12 slowly adverb 천천히, 느리게

13 nose noun 코

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Lesson 11 Da Vinci’s Flying Machine

No. Word Meaning

1 famous noun 유명한

2 inventor noun 발명가

3 machine noun 기계

4 build verb 짓다, 세우다

5 idea noun 아이디어

6 early adjective 이른

7 painter noun 화가

8 fly verb 날다

9 draw verb (그림을) 그리다

10 wing noun 날개

11 bat noun 박쥐

12 engine noun 엔진

13 first adjective 첫째의

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Lesson 12 A Seaplane Tour

No. Word Meaning

1 tour noun 여행

2 shout verb 외치다

3 seat belt noun 안전벨트

4 volcano noun 화산

5 splash noun (물 속에서) 첨벙하는 소리

6 land noun 땅, 육지

7 family noun 가족

8 pilot noun 비행기 조종사

9 fasten verb 고정시키다

10 take off 이륙하다

11 left noun 왼쪽

12 beach noun 해변

13 right noun 오른쪽

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