Classork Activity 5 Nursing Care Plan
Classork Activity 5 Nursing Care Plan
Classork Activity 5 Nursing Care Plan
Subjective: Acute pain related Goal: Determine how the After 8 hours of
to abdominal pain client responds tonursing
The patient as evidenced by After 8 hours of pain. intervention, the
verbalized that her patient facial nursing abdominal pain is
abdominal pain appearance of pain intervention, lessened.
scale is 7 out of 10. and abdominal pain patients pain will Implement The reason of the
scale of 7/10. With be lessened. measures to reduce pain is recognized
examinations, Patient will be able pain: through the result
to display improved of examinations.
Objective: body malaise. And a) Provide
should be able to measures to relieve
-abdominal pain know the cause of pain before it
-facial grimace the pain of the becomes worst.
-body malaise patient, through *Pain Reliever
-with pain scale of examinations. e.g. Paracetamol or
7/10 Ibuprofen
-BT: 36.8
-HR: 98 b) Perform actions
-RR: 20 Objectives: to restore fluid
-BP: 120/80 balance
After 2 hours of
nursing c) Provide
intervention, the examinations to
patient will be able determine the
to discuss the pain cause of the pain
felt by the patient.