Access of E-Resources Through Consortium
Access of E-Resources Through Consortium
Access of E-Resources Through Consortium
International Conference on “Convergence of Libraries, Archives and Museum”-Conference Proceedings- 15-17 February2011. (pp. 629-634)
Abstract: Cooperation and sharing have been transformed by information technology and the move from a
print to a digital environment. The e-resources have become the fastest as well as largest growing areas of
the digital collection for the libraries. Due to static budget libraries are facing a lot of problems. E-
subscription is one of the emerging tool kit for libraries to survive in the present circumstances. The
accessibility to e-resources in higher educational institutions has improved with setting-up of library
consortium. In this paper author focuses on the concept, use, types and objectives of the e-resource and
consortium. UGC-INFONET and INDEST-AICTE consortium are two major initiatives for Indian
academic libraries. The paper also highlights the status of library consortium in Indian scenario and open
access journals.
1. Introduction: The World Wide Web and internet have become inevitable media
to deliver or access the wide variety of information for its users. All types of information
are made available on internet for subscription of e-resources and facilitate sharing of e-
This new way to consolidate global resources amongst the libraries for maximization of
their limited financial resources was thought by Ministry of human resource &
development and is being followed by everyone everywhere in the world was thought by
Ministry of human resource & development. The main methods of resource sharing are:
1. Inter library loan
2. Document Delivery
3. Institutional Membership
4. Consortia
Consortiums are becoming the main platform for resource sharing and thus increase
scientific productivity of member institutions in terms of quality and quantity. These are
formed at the local, regional and international levels and may be grouped around subject
or function. These are now being overheard everywhere because of electronic or digital
form of information. In the West, Consortia is a thing of the past, where there were
models for print journal subscriptions, co-operative resource sharing, etc.
International Conference on “Convergence of Libraries, Archives and Museum”-Conference Proceedings- 15-17 February2011. (pp. 629-634)
2.1 Types of e-resources: The main types of e-resources are given below.
o E-Journals: E-Journals are electronic issues of publications, ranging from articles to
o E-Books: An e-book is the electronic version of a book covering its full contents
(text, tables, diagrams, illustrations, etc.) The collection is usually set up in an e-
database, which supports full-text searching within and across titles, advanced
search and bookmark functions. Users can view text of e-books in HTML or PDF
format online.
o Online Databases: A database is a collection of information categorized by
specific fields. Databases are usually searchable by keywords topics. An e-
database is an organized collection of information, of a particular subject or multi-
disciplinary subject areas. The information of an e-database can be searched and
retrieved electronically.
o Websites
o CD-ROM: CD-ROM is a pre-pressed compact disc that contains data accessible
to, but not writable.
o Diskettes
o Other portable computer databases
2.2 Uses of e-resources - Many of the online resources require usernames and
passwords to access them, especially when accessing them off campus. Some e-resources
can be accessed on specific IP addresses to use in whole campus without any barrier.
Resources allow the user to approach the publications to analyze its content in new ways
by mouse clicking on search mode.
libraries for the purpose of sharing information. Consortia are basically, evolving a form
of cooperation among the libraries which come together to share resources electronically.
The consortium facilitated the libraries to get the benefit of wider access to electronic
resources at affordable cost and the terms of licenses.
Consortia are basically, evolving a form of cooperation among the libraries which come
together to share resources electronically. It has gained momentum even in developing
countries like India. There are many consortiums being run successfully by different
organizations in India. Some of them are:
Apart from the mentioned consortia, there have been efforts to setup similar kind of
consortia by ICAR, ICMR, ICSSR and other governmental agencies to provide and access
to e-resources. Among the above all consortia, UGC-INFONET and INDEST–AICTE
Consortium are proving to be a boon for the academic users. These two major initiatives
have come to the rescue of academic libraries so that they can cater to the needs of
academic depending upon them. These revolutionary steps are providing scholarly
resources including peer reviewed journals, databases, abstracts, proceedings etc. These
efforts will definitely boost the higher education system of our country.
International Conference on “Convergence of Libraries, Archives and Museum”-Conference Proceedings- 15-17 February2011. (pp. 629-634)
Springer Link
IET Digital Library
Emerald E-books (Business
Mgmt & Economics Collection)
INFORMS Pub suite
GALE Gale Cengage Learning,
ICE Publishing(Thomas
6. Conclusion:
In a developing country like India, libraries are facing challenges due to budget cut,
reduced staff and escalation in cost of publication. Due to these factors, academic libraries
are finding it difficult to buy required number of books and periodicals, which has
resulted into the adverse impact on the research and development programmes. In India
libraries have developed many schemes to make optimum use of library resources and to
provide access to increased amounts of information resources through consortia.
Realizing the importance of library consortia activities, a number of participating libraries
in India are increasing day by day. The effort of UGC-INFONET and INDEST–AICTE
Consortium are appreciable and will definitely strengthen higher education system in
India free and or highly subsidized access to scholarly e-resources will help educational
institutions in fulfill their mission in to reality. In the long run consortia approach will be
much more popular in user community and that day is not so far behind when consortia
approach will expand the country’s information base. We suggest that, the professionals
International Conference on “Convergence of Libraries, Archives and Museum”-Conference Proceedings- 15-17 February2011. (pp. 629-634)
have to conduct more awareness program to market the new on- line services at their
institutions to ensure effective utilization of subscribed e-resources.
7. References: