Building by Baumschlager & Eberle
Building by Baumschlager & Eberle
Building by Baumschlager & Eberle
Dietmar EBERLE
Department of Architecture,
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich
This project is characterised by a very specific history: B&E were asked to participate in
the planning after the project had already been awarded to a Swiss architecture office. However,
the construction plan for the entire project had been defined by this time. Therefore, the first
construction segment was completed according to previously established wing depth and length
parametres. Finally, a change in the construction plans was agreed on after all. Hence the second
segment is a radically different, much more useful urban structure. They are housing "dots",
compact structures with interior access and projecting balcony zones. The placement of the
buildings is important: it is a composition based on the view of Lake Constance.
Glass sliding elements are located in front of the apartments, some are transparent, some
aren't. This allows for ideal regulation of two things: spacing and interior view problems between
the residential buildings. If, for example, someone slides two such panels in front of the bedroom,
nobody can look inside, the tenant's privacy is protected. On the other hand, the individual
turbulences of use on the balconies that often disturb public spaces are concealed this way. Thus a
clear separation between public and private interests was achieved with these simple means.
The residents make use of the possibilities this faqade solution offers in a very matter-of-
fact fashion. It should be noted that the specific geometric appearance of these residential
buildings is not affected by the individual behavioural patterns of the tenants. They are never really
closed nor ever really open. This was intended from the beginning and it is what makes this
project's architectural design so special. Somehow, it stands up to everyday use with complete
Figure I Figure 17
Figure 3 Figure 4
F i ~ u r e5 Figure 6
Bauherr I client Beijing Modern Hong Yun Real Estate Dev. Co, Ltd
Planung I planning Baumschlager Eberle Anstalt
Projektleitung I project architect Christian Tabernigg
Mitarbeiter I assistance Stefan Beck, Sabrina Contratto, Marc Fisler, Alexia Monauni,
Marlies Sofia
Haustechnik Konzept I mechanical engineer KellerTechnologies
Grundstiicksflache I site area 10.240 m2
Bebaute Flache ( built up area 4.430 m2
Nutzflache ( floor area 1 00.000 m2
Umbauter Raum I building volume 260.000 m3
Planungsbeginn I commencement of planning Juli 1 July 2002
Baubeginn 1 commencement of work Juni I June 2003
Fertigstellung ( completion Juni I June 2005
Gefordert: drei Hochhauser von grorjer stadtischer Dichte, die an einem neuen
Verkehrsknotenpunkt, am Rand der Innenstadt von Peking errichtet werden. Das Areal
umfaat eine ganze Reihe von Neubauten. Die drei Tiirrne von B&E - hohenmal3ig
differenziert von knapp 100 bis knapp 80 Meter - beinhalten in einer horizontal
geschichteten Zone Shopping und Dienstleistungen, dariiber Wohnungen. Besonderes
Augenmerk wurde der Gebaudetechnologie gewidmet. Peking leidet unvergleichbar
starker unter der Umweitbelastung als jede europaische Stadt. Darauf wurde bei der
Planung besonders geachtet - diese spezifische Qualifikation des Biiros war wohl auch ein
Gmnd fur die Beauftragung von B&E.
Program: three high-rise buildings providing great urban density are to be built for
a new traffic hub at the edge of Beijing's inner city. The space comprises a number of new
buildings. The three B&E towers, of differing heights (approx 100 to 80 metres tall) offer
horizontally layered shopping zones and service areas with apartments above these
sections. Special attention was given to the building equipment and technology. Beijing is
under a much greater environmental strain than any European city. This aspect was given
particular importance during planning - this specific qualification was also presumably the
reason for which B&E was hired.
Figure 7
Figure 8
Figure 9 Figure 10
Munchener Ruck
(Figure 1 1 -22)
Figure 20
(Figure 23-30)
Since a couple of years Mader, originally a poor village close to the border to Switzerland,
is longing to achieve the status of an ,,ecological Community". The urban planning concept
comprises a sequence of public squares and connecting paths. This net, in favour of pedestrian
traffic, becomes more dense around the new center, where one finds all scholastic and cultural
amenities, among them, the community center designed by Baumschlager and Eberle in 1995. The
new building of the ,,Eco-Middle-School" upgraded the center of town tremendously. The
positioning of the two volumes, which are separated above ground, generated not only two new
exterior spaces (public plaza and the school's courtyard) but also defined clear edges.
Both volumes, the above ground four story school building and the flat double-gymnasium
(lowered by one third into the ground), are compact and thus minimize the use of surfaces and
energy. The design orients itself to the close relationships between form, function, economy and
ecology. The on all sides double layer of the facade of the school building consists of a wood and
glass construction, which is wrapped by ventilated, scaled glass panels. Depending upon the
position of the sun, the various conditions of transparency change the appearance of the building:
From dematerialization caused by raking light to becoming a mirror of the surroundings. Extensive
glazing of the facades, in conjunction with a central light well and clerestory windows in the
interior walls made of wood; enable natural lighting of the floors, despite the ground floor area of
approximately 80 by 80 feet. On each regular floor, seven peripheral classrooms group around a
generous, central recess space. Ecological approach, economy and quality of space formed a
synthesis in this building.
Figure 26
Figure 29
The first construction phase of a relatively densely set residential project disposed of a
large green area. Next to it lie residential buildings that are heterogeneous in urban and formal
terms and a university area dating back to the sixties.
Economically and ecologically optimised residential construction was required here. Thus
the decision to build cube-like structures with interior access and a projecting balcony zone that
can be closed off from the outside with copper sun protecting elements. The urban project that
results from this concept and its cube-like shape looks similar to a random chess board pattern,
seemingly. In reality the alignment of the individual structures, the views around and through the
project were carefully composed. This was also the case with the spaces between the buildings: the
open spaces - including small gardens in front of the ground level apartments - make it easy to
forget the density of construction.
Figzrre 34 Figzrre 35
The apartments vary greatly. What is important is: the sun protection elements offered are
used continuously by the residents. Hence the copper cubes envisioned by the architects are really
there and the only openings are those created by residents who have their shutters open. This
interplay between (primarily) closed and (partly) open surfaces is extremely appealing.
There is a second important element: the houses may have been optimised as much as
possible on the outside, but the basic principles of residential construction were adhered to
completely. This is especially the case in terms of access, which was made possible by a truly
attractive hall featuring natural light and glass floor paneling that allows light to reach the lower
level and the subterreanean garage.
Finally, there is a third element: all the ecological possibilities allowed by today's
technology were applied to these houses. These include solar energy panels, heat recovery plants
and rain water use. Thus practically everything that can be achieved without high tech - was
This solution won international awards. The price per square meter ratio is unique. The
residents appreciate this fact.