TEAM 11 INTERNSHIP Weekly Status Report DrDSRao IT

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An Autonomous Institute, NAAC Accredited with ‘A++’ Grade
NBA Accredited for CE, EEE, ME, ECE, CSE, EIE, IT B.Tech. Courses
Approved by AICTE, New Delhi, Affiliated to JNTUH
Recognized as “College with Potential for Excellence” by UGC
Vignana Jyothi Nagar, Pragathi Nagar, Nizampet (S.O), Hyderabad – 500 090,
TS, India.

On-Line INTERNSHIP weekly progress Status Report

Date From : 16-05-2021 Week1

Departmen Information Technology (IT)

A. Basic Information
S.No Student Roll No. Year of College Phone No. E-Mail Id Team/
. Name Study Name Batch
1 B.Divyasri 20075A120 2020-21 VNRVJIET 9347508551 [email protected] 11
2 B.Nikhitha 20075A120 2020-21 VNRVJIET 8341308852 [email protected] 11
3 G.Lavanya 20075A120 2020-21 VNRVJIET 7995527597 [email protected] 11
4 T.Shravan 20075A120 2020-21 VNRVJIET 6281487805 [email protected] 11

B. Faculty Supervisor(s) Details

Dr .D. Srinivasa Rao
Associate Professor
Name of the Supervisor Designation/Department Information Technology

Name of the Co- Supervisor Designation/Department (if any)

C. Internship Details
Research Area AI,ML and DL(Mezzanine Technologies)
Title of the Problem Developing Facebook Friend Recommendation System Using

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D. Internship Status in this Week -W1
D.1. Literature Survey
Paper Title Journal/Conference Details Vol./Issue/Month/ Outcome/How this paper is
Year/pp related to your research work
1.FriendProbe 1. International Journal Of 1.Volume No:4 1.Explored different
-ANew Friend Advanced Research in Issue:7 algorithms
Recommender Computer and Month-Year:July- for friend recommendation
System for Communication 2015 system and understood the
Social Engineering. 2. Volume : 5 whole algorithm for
Networks. 2.International Journal of Issue : 1 implementation of friend
2.Social Science and Research Month-Year : Jan- recommendation system.
Network 2016 2. Explored different social
Friend networks recommendation
Recommendat systems and recommendation
ion System system using Semantic Web
using and understood different
Semantic Web algorithms present behind it.
D.2. Relevant Experimental work carry out , if any
Name of the Equipment Description of the experiment(s) Outcome/How this work
/Software/Hardware conducted on this equipment is related to your
Used /software/Hardware research work

D.3. Research Paper Publications work, if any

Title of the Paper Journal/Conference Vol./Issue/Month/ Credentials
Details ISSN/ISSB : Year/pp

E . Work progress/Feedback
E.1 Supervisor Feedback
1.conducting the survey to explore methodology to be implemented to meet the objective
of the project statement

E.2 Co-Supervisor Feedback

Date : 24/05/2021 Signature of the Supervisor

Department CDC Faculty Coordinator Head of the Department

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