Understanding, Truth, Fairness & Creativity: Routines
Understanding, Truth, Fairness & Creativity: Routines
Understanding, Truth, Fairness & Creativity: Routines
The Idea of Thinking Routines
Visible Thinking makes extensive use of learning routines that are thinking rich. These routines
are simple structures, for example a set of questions or a short sequence of steps, that can be
used across various grade levels and content. What makes them routines, versus merely
strategies, is that they get used over and over again in the classroom so that they become part
of the fabric of classroom’ culture. The routines become the ways in which students go about the
process of learning.
Serve the understanding of ideas and objects. Address claims and their soundness and different
perspectives on claims.
1. Connect Extend Challenge 14. Claim Support Questions: Exploring Truth Claims
2. Explanation Game 15. Hot Spots: Noticing When Truth Is At Issue
3. Headlines 16. Stop Look Listen: Clarifying Claims & Sources
4. See Think Wonder 17. True For Who? Exploring Truth Claims From different Perspectives
5. I Used to Think, Now I Think 18. Tug For Truth: Exploring Evidence On Multiple Sideas Of a Case
6. Question Starts 19. Compass Points: Examining Propositions
7. Think Pair Share 20. Red Light, Yellow Light for Truth: Focusing Students on Signs of
8. Think Puzzle Explore Puzzles of Truth
9. What Makes You Say That?
10. 3-2-1- Bridge
11. Colour, Symbol, Image
12. Generate, Sort, Connect, Elaborate
13. Peel the Fruit
Address issues of fairness, justice, equity Concern functioning creatively and recognizing the
and the like. creative aspects of ideas and objects.
21. Circle of Viewpoints: Exploring Diverse Perspectives 26. Creative Questions: Pictures of Practice
22. Here Now There Then: Considering Presentist Attitudes & 27. Does It Fit? Pictures of Practice
Judgements 28. Options Diamond: Exploring the Tensions of Decision Making
23. Making it Fair-Now Then Later: Finding Actions 29. Options Explosion: Creative Decision Making
24. Reporter’s Notebook: Seperating Fact & Feeling 30. Step Inside - Perceive, Know about, Care About: etting Inside
25. Tug Of War: Exploring the Complexity of Dilemmas Viewpoints
Purpose: What kind of thinking does this
routine encourage?
The routine helps students make connections between new
ideas and prior knowledge. It also encourages them to take
stock of ongoing questions, puzzles and difficulties as they
CONNECT: How are the ideas and information reflect on what they are learning.
presented CONNECTED to what you aready knew? Application: When and Where can it be used?
The natural place to use the Connect-Extend-Challenge routine
is after students have learned something new. It doesn't
EXTEND: What new ideas did you get that matter how much they have learned – it can be a lesson's
worth, or a unit's worth. The routine is broadly applicable: Use
EXTENDED or pushed your thinking in new it after students have explored a work of art, or anything else
directions? in the curriculum. Try it as a reflection during a lesson, after a
longer project, or when completing a unit of study. Try using it
after another routine!
CHALLENGE: What is still CHALLENGING or Launch: What are some tips for starting and
confusing for you to get your mind around? What using this routine?
This routine works well with the whole class, in small groups
questions, wonderings or puzzles do you now have? or individually. Keep a visible record of students' ideas. If you
are working in a group, ask students to share some of their
thoughts and collect a list of ideas in each of the three
categories, or have students write their individual responses
on Post-it notes and add them to a class chart. Keep students'
visible thinking alive over time: Continually add new ideas to the
lists and revisit the ideas and questions on the chart as
students' understanding around a topic develops.
Purpose: What kind of thinking does this routine encourage?
You can apply it to almost anything: a pencil, cell phones, forms of
government, historical documents, and events. Students can work in
This is a routine for understanding why something is the way it is. This
routine can get at either causal explanation or explanation in terms of
purposes or both.
pairs or groups of larger size, even a whole class. The explanation game
can also be used solo. The first time the routine is used, the teacher may
need to take an active role in scaffolding the conversation and modeling
how to ask questions of explanation and clarification if others. Over time,
students can begin to emulate the conversational moves and questioning
The routine focuses first on identifying some
interesting things about an object or idea:
“I notice that...”
they have seen modeled.
Launch: What are some tips for starting and using this routine? And then following that observation
Begin with something “on the table” – an object like a cup or a compass,
a document like a poem, a picture, an historical event, a scientific theory, with the question:
etc. The first person (this might be the teacher initially) points out an
interesting feature of the object: “I notice that... That’s
“Why is it that way?”
interesting. Why is it that way? or “Why did it happen that way?” (or some or
similar why question). The other people in the group try to answer the
question or at least to propose possible explanations and reasons. As “Why did it happen that way?”
these students share their ideas, the person asking the original
question follows up by asking, “What makes you think so?” The group
works together to build explanations rather than merely deferring to an
outside source, the teacher or a textbook, to provide an answer.
Student questions and explanations become visible to the class as they
are shared. Responses to the routine also can be written down and
recorded so that there is a class list of evolving ideas. A few key issues
or puzzles might then be chosen for further investigations. A conversation
could also be recorded as a chart with four columns representing the key
structures of the conversation: 1) the Observation that is initially made,
2) the Question that comes out of that observation, 3) the various Expla-
nations/Hypotheses that the rest of group puts forth, 4) the Reasons /
Justifications that are given in support of the explanations.
This routine draws on the idea of newspaper type
headlines as a vehicle for summing up and
capturing the essence of an event, idea, concept,
topic, etc.
Student responses to the routine can be written down and re-
have said yesterday? corded so that a class list of headlines is created. These could
be reviewed and updated from time to time as the class learns
more about the topic. The follow-up question, “how has your
headline changed or how does it differ from what you would
have said? can be used to help students reflect on changes in
their thinking.
Purpose: What kind of thinking does this routine encourage?
This routine encourages students to make careful observations and
thoughtful interpretations. It helps stimulate curiosity and sets the
stage for inquiry.
Launch: What are some tips for starting and using this routine? What does it make you wonder?
Ask students to make an observation about an object – it could be
an artwork, image, artifact or topic – and follow up with what they
think might be going on or what they think this observation might
be. Encourage students to back up their interpretation with reasons.
Ask students to think about what this makes them wonder about the
object or topic.
The routine works best when a student responds by using the three
stems together at the same time, i.e., “I see..., I think..., I wonder....”
However, you may find that students begin by using one stem at a
time, and that you need to scaffold each response with a follow up
question for the next stem.
The routine works well in a group discussion but in some cases you
may want to ask students to try the routine individually on paper or
in their heads before sharing out as a class. Student responses to
the routine can be written down and recorded so that a class chart of
observations, interpretations and wonderings are listed for all to see
and return to during the course of study.
Remind students of the topic you want them to
consider. It could be the ideal itself – fairness,
truth, understanding, or creativity – or it could be
Purpose: What kind of thinking does this routine encourage?
This routine helps students to reflect on their thinking about a topic
or issue and explore how and why that thinking has changed. It
can be useful in consolidating new learning as students identify
their new understandings, opinions, and beliefs. By examining and
ex- plaining how and why their thinking has changed, students are
developing their reasoning abilities and recognizing cause and
effect relationships.
Now, I want you to think about how your ideas about __________
have changed as a result of what we’ve been studying/doing/dis-
cussing. Again, in just a few sentences write down what you now
think about ___________. Start your sentenes with, “But now, I
think...” Have students share and explain their shifts in thinking.
Initially it is good to do this as a whole group so that you can probe
students’ thinking and push them to explain. Once students become
accustomed to explaining their thinking, students can share with
one another in small groups or pairs.
Purpose: What kind of thinking does this routine
This routine provides students with the opportunity to practice
developing good questions that provoke thinking and inquiry
into a topic. It also helps students brainstorm lots of different
kinds of questions about a topic. The purpose of asking deep
and interesting questions is to get at the complexity and depth
of a topic. The purpose of brainstorming varied questions about
a topic is to get at the breadth, and multi-dimensionality of a
Launch: What are some tips for starting and using this
2. Review the brainstormed list and star the
routine? questions that seem most interesting. Then, se-
Before using “Question Starts,” you might want to ask students
what they think makes a good question. Then, when you show lect one or more of the starred questions to
the Question Starts, explain that this routine is a tool for asking
good questions. Start the routine by providing a topic –
discuss for a few moments.
Stockholm, a compass, the Equator, good sportsmanship. Ask
them to use the Question Starts to generate a list of questions
about the topic. Initially, it’s best to work together as an entire 3. Reflect: What new ideas do you have about the
group. Once students get the hang of the routine, you can have topic, concept or object that you didn’t have
them work in small groups, or even solo. Or mix it up. For
example, do step 1 as a whole class, do step 2 in pairs, and before?
step 3 as a whole class again.
Think Pair Share Involves posing a question to
students, asking them to take a few minutes of
thinking time and then turning to a nearby student
Purpose: What kind of thinking does this routine encourage?
This routine encourages students to think about something, such
as a problem, question or topic, and then articulate their thoughts.
The Think Pair Share routine promotes understanding through
active reasoning and explanation. Because students are listening
to and sharing ideas, Think Pair Share encourages students to
understand multiple perspectives.
Encourage students to make their thinking visible by asking them
to write or draw their ideas before and/or after sharing.
Journals can also be useful. Student pairs can report one
another’s thoughts to the class and a list of ideas can be created
in the classroom.
This routine is adapted from Frank Lyman: Lyman, F. T. (1981). The responsive
class- room discussion: The inclusion of all students. In A. Anderson (Ed.),
Mainstreaming Di- gest (pp. 109-113). College Park: University of Maryland
Purpose: What kind of thinking does this routine
To help students connect to prior knowledge, to stimulate
curiosity and to lay the groundwork for independent inquiry.
things that are truly puzzling or interesting to them.
a broad list of ideas about the artwork or topic on chart paper.
Or students can write their individual responses on Post-it notes
and later add them to a class list of ideas.
1. What’s going on?
The two core questions for this routine can be varied in a number of
ways depending on the context: What do you know? What do you
see or know that makes you say that? Sometimes you may want to
precede students’ interpretation by using a question of description:
What do you see? or What do you know?
or concept, and then support their interpretation with evidence. Because the basic explanations posted in the classroom. As interpretations develop,
questions in this routine are flexible, it is useful when looking at objects such as note changes and have further discussion about these new
works of art or historical artifacts, but it can also be used to explore a poem, make explanations. These lists can also invite further inquiry and
scientific observations and hypothesis, or investigate more searches for evidence. Other options for both group and
conceptual ideas (i.e., democracy). The routine can be adapted for use with almost individual work include students documenting their own
any subject and may also be useful for gathering information on students’ general interpretations through sketches, drawings, models and writing, all
concepts when introducing a new topic. of which can be displayed and revisited in the classroom.
Purpose: What kind of thinking does this routine
This routine asks students to uncover their initial thoughts,
ideas, questions and understandings about a topic and then
to connect these to new thinking about the topic after they
have received some instruction.
that they know a lot about in one context but instruction will 3. THOUGHTS/IDEAS 3. THOUGHTS/IDEAS
focus their learning in a new direction, or it may be a concept
about which students have only informal knowledge.
Whenever new information is gained, bridges can be built 2. QUESTIONS 2. QUESTIONS
between new ideas and prior understanding. The focus is
on understanding and connecting one’s thinking, rather than
pushing it toward a specific outcome. 1. ANALOGY 1. ANALOGY
Launch: What are some tips for starting and using this
This routine can be introduced by having students do an initial
3, 2, 1 individually on paper. For instance, if the topic is
“democracy,” then students would write down 3 thoughts, BRIDGE:
2 questions, and 1 analogy. Students might then read an
article, watch a video, or engage in an activity having to do EXPLAIN HOW YOUR NEW RESPONSES
with democracy. Provocative experiences that push students
thinking in new directions are best. After the experience, CONNECT TO YOUR INITIAL RESPONSES
students complete another 3,2,1. Students then share their
initial and new thinking, explaining to their partners how and
why their thinking shifted. Make it clear to students that their
initial thinking is not right or wrong, it is just a starting point.
New experiences take our thinking in new directions.
As you are reading/listening/watching, make note
of things that you find interesting, important, or
insightful. When you finish, choose 3 of these
Purpose: What kind of thinking does this routine encourage?
This routine asks students to identify and distill the essence of
ideas from reading, watching or listening in non-verbal ways by
using a color, symbol, or image to represent the ideas.
For another one, choose a symbol that you feel best Launch: What are some tips for starting and
using this routine?
represents or captures the essence of that idea. After the class has read a text, you might ask the class to identify
For the other one, choose an image that you feel best some of the interesting, important, or insightful ideas from the text
and list these on the board. Write CSI: Color, Symbol, Image on
represents or captures the essence of that idea. the board. Select one of the ideas the class has identified. Ask
students what color might they use to represent the essence of
With a partner or group first share your color and then that idea? What color captures something about that idea, maybe
share the item from your reading that it represents. it is the mood or tone? Select another idea and ask the class what
symbol they could use to represent that idea. You might define a
Tell why you choose that color as a representation symbol as a simple line representation or uncomplicated drawing,
of that idea. Repeat the sharing process until every such as two crossed lines to denote an intersection of ideas, or a
circle to represent wholeness or completeness. Then pick another
member of the group has shared his or her Color, idea from the list and ask students what image they might use to
represent that idea. You might define an image as a visual image
Symbol, and Image. or metaphor that is more complex and fully developed than just
a symbol.
Purpose: What kind of thinking does this
routine encourage?
This routine activates prior knowledge and helps to
generate ideas about a topic. It also facilitates making
connections among ideas. Concept maps help to
uncover students’ mental models of a topic in a
nonlinear way.
Application: When and where can it be used?
This routine can be useful as a pre-assessment before
the beginning of a unit of study if students already have
a lot of background information about the topic.
Conversely, it can also be useful as a post or ongoing
Tell students that at any point they can add new ideas
any of the ideas/thoughts you have written so far by adding
to their list and incorporate them into their map. If you new ideas that expand, extend, or add to your initial ideas.
are adding to a map over time, you might want to have
Continue generating, connecting, and elaborating new ideas
students use a different color pencil each time they make
additions. Explaining and discussing maps with partners until you feel you have a good representation of your
helps students to consolidate their thinking and gain
other perspectives. understanding.
1. Put some version of the map up in a convenient
location or give learners copies. See example below and
notes about different ways of using the map.
invite students to put up Post-its on the map over time to
mark insights associated with any of the map elements.
Purpose: Why use this map? (see example below)
We often want to develop learners’ understanding of a complex topic over days or weeks. This map
can help. It’s not a routine but a way of planning and tracking over time the exploration of a topic. It
can help in choosing good routines too.
to look at it in different ways – anything from a single long lesson to several lessons or a unit. You can
use it with students collectively, to help them maintain a bird’s eye view of progress through a topic
and to make with them good choices about what to do next. You can use it yourself, to plan topics and
to track progress. You can also give copies to students for their individual self-management in pursuing
a general class topic or individual projects.
Launch: What are some tips for starting and using this thinking map?
Explain that the map is for tracking and guiding the exploration of the topic. Explain the metaphor
briefly. Invite learners to help chart progress by using the map. You can create a giant version of the
map to put on the wall of a classroom, or just put labels up for the categories if it’s easier to organize
on the wall, or personalise the process in some other way. If you’re tracking two or three topics at the
same time or multiple groups you might: have two or three wall maps, color code paths on a single
map, give learners page-size copies to track their own progress, or invent something else. Whatever
works! The main idea is to make visible the developing understanding to mark progress and choose
next steps.
It usually makes sense to start with the ‘skin’ and go to ‘getting under the skin’ with mysteries and then
on from there to ‘substance’ and toward the ‘core’. You need not use all of the ‘substance’
approaches – whatever fits – and there’s no fixed order. You can go back to something and add at any
time of course!
1. Make a claim
about a topic.
>>> Claim: An explanation
or interpretation of some
aspect of the topic.
Purpose: What kind of thinking does this routine encourage?
The routine helps students develop thoughtful interpretations by
encouraging them to reason with evidence. Students learn to identify
truth claims and explore strategies for uncovering truth.
Launch: What are some tips for starting and using this routine?
The routine can work well for individuals, in small groups and for
whole group discussions. Begin by modeling the routine: Identify a
2. Identify support >>> 2. Support: Things you claim and explore support and questions in a whole group discussion.
On the board make one column for SUPPORT and one column for
for your claim. see, feel and know that QUESTIONS. Ask the class for evidence that either supports a claim,
support your claim. or questions the claim and write it in the appropriate column. Take
turns using the routine so that each student makes a claim, identifies
support and asks a question.
3. Ask a question >>> 3. Question: What’s Following each person’s report, take a moment as a group to discuss
related to your left hanging? What isn’t the topic in relation to the claim before moving on to the next person.
Be patient as students take a few moments to think. You may need
claim. explained? what new to probe further by asking: What are some other questions you might
want to ask about this statement? or Can you think of reasons why
reasons does your claim this may be true? Encourage friendly disagreement – once a student
comes up with an alternative perspective about a claim, encourage
other students to follow. The questions can challenge the plausibility of
the claim, and often lead to a deeper understanding of the
reasoning process. Let students know it is fine to disagree with one
another’s reasons and encourage them to come up with creative
suggestions for support and questioning. After everyone has had a
turn, reflect on the activity. What new thoughts do students have about
the topic?
Younger children may respond better to concrete situations, like
a playground fight or an event in the news, than to abstract topics
like nuclear energy. This routine makes thinking visible by helping
students to see thinking opportunities – “thinking hotspots” – in
situations. In particular, it helps students become more alert to situ-
ations where they might think more deeply about the truth of NOTICING WHEN TRUTH IS AT ISSUE
Key Prompts:
Here are the key steps to the routine:
1. Teacher or student identifies a topic or situation. 1. Identify a topic or situation. Is this idea clearly
2. Students identify ideas about the topic or situation as clearly true, or false, or where between the two?
TRUE, clearly FALSE, or uncertain and somewhere in the middle.
And as more or less important to figure out. 2. What makes it so uncertain? (or almost certainly
3. Place ideas on a continuum. First, decide where to place the
idea on the continuum between true and false. Then use a vertical
true or false)
axis to indicate importance, according to the student’s judgment. 3. How important is it? What makes it important?
The teacher asks something like, “What makes this idea this way?”
and draws out characteristics that put an idea “in the middle” rather (important or not so important)
than plainly true or false or make it important or not so important.
The teacher does all this for several ideas from the class. Purpose: What kind of thinking does this routine encourage?
4. NOTE: Some students may reveal misinformation or misunder- A key part of thinking is spotting situations that need more thought, and where more
standings at this stage. As with other thinking routines, while the thought is worthwhile. This spotting routine asks learners to spot “thinking hotspots”
students are thinking together it is not your role to correct them. about truth within a topic or situation that might be worth more attention. It thus helps
Students may correct misinformation or misunderstandings them- them to be more alert to truth hotspots in the future. Also, asking “What makes this
selves during the discussion or as they pursue a topic in the last idea this way?” draws from learners characteristics that make an idea more or less
step, or you may provide better information upon coming back to uncertain and more or less important. This greater awareness helps them to spot
the topic later. Right now, you are functioning as a facilitator, not a truth hotspots in the future.
source of information.
5. Teacher and students discuss disagreements about true-false Application: When and Where can it be used?
and importance and place ideas on the chart, in more than one Spotting truth hotspots can be used on almost any topic or situation. It can be used
place if necessary. You do not have to resolve these to introduce a topic, to draw out students’ initial thoughts. It can be used to review a
disagreements, just acknowledge them. The goal is to raise topic, to look back at something students have studied, in the middle of a topic to take
consciousness of uncertainty and the reasons for it. Some stock. It can be used to get students started on identifying projects or identifying isues
disagreements may get resolved in the last step. for discussion in small groups or to launch a whole-class discussion.
6. If lopsided, say with only some uncertain ideas in the middle or
only important ideas, the teacher prompts to fill out the chart a little Launch: What are some tips for starting and using this routine?
more. Example: “What are some ideas we are sure of?” The spotting hotspots routine is best used for a topic or situation where students
7. Teacher and students select “thinking hotspots” to investigate
have some knowledge already. They may not have studied it formally, but at least
further, maybe right away or maybe later, perhaps using other they have some common knowledge. Otherwise, almost everything would come out
routines. “uncertain” and with little basis for judging its importance.
sources, the perspectives of the source and potential biases they
might represent. Display the chart on the wall and add comments
as each source is investigated. Keep this chart accessible so
students can return to it during the investigation of future truth
claims. Track the instances or types of bias that students identify
and use it as a way to further conversations about new situations
in the classroom.
What we think is true often depends on what we see and care 3. Dramatize. Choose a viewpoint to embody and
about from our own perspective. Like the Circle of Viewpoints
routine in the Fairness Ideal, this routine helps students consider imagine the stance a person from this viewpoint
the roles of context and perspective in shaping what people would be likely to take. Would he or she think the
believe. It can be used at any point in the process of puzzling
about truth, once the truth-claim has been clarified. claim is true? False? Uncertain? Why?
Launch: What are some tips for starting and
Go around in a circle and dramatically speak from
using this routine? the viewpoint. Say:
Begin the discussion by clarifying a claim and imagining various
perspectives on the topic. After the brainstorm, ask each student to -My viewpoint is...
choose one of these viewpoints to embody. Give them time to
prepare to speak about the topic from that perspective and to
-I think this claim is true/false/uncertain because...
elaborate on the viewpoint using the three sentence stems to -What would convince me to change my mind is ...
structure what he or she says. Taking turns, students can go
around the circle and speak briefly about their chosen viewpoint.
The circle of viewpoints can be graphically documented on the
board or on a poster using the formatted sheet on the next page.
4. Stand back. Step outside of the circle of view-
After many different viewpoints are dramatized, ask students to points and take everything in- to account: What
step out of their role playing and reflect on the issue. What do they
think about the claim now? What are some questions about the is your conclusion or stance? What new ideas or
claim now? questions do you have?
1. Identify a question of truth – a controversial claim that
something is true or false – where you know there is some
evidence on both sides that students can bring forward.
they have about the question of truth. Can we decide routine uses a rope or a diagram to represent pulls toward true
or false in evaluating a claim. The tug of war is between True and
now? Do some people lean one way and some the other? False. Help students think about the various factors that tug at
Is the best answer in a “gray area” – most of the time true one side of the rope or the other, as well as other considerations
related to the issue. A natural follow-up to the activity is to have
but not always, or half the time? How could we settle it if we students investigate facts related to the ques- tions written above
had to? the Tug of War.
Purpose: What kind of thinking does this routine encourage?
To help students flesh out an idea or proposition and eventually
evaluate it.
to worrisome and need to know. Students might be asked to write
down their individual stance or suggestion for moving forward after What is your current stance or opinion on the idea
the initial group discussion.
You can also ask students to make an initial judgment or
or proposition? How might you move forward in your
evaluation of this idea or proposition?
evaluation of the idea or proposition before doing the compass
points and then ask them how their thinking has changed after
discussion using the compass points routine.
1. Identify a source or range of experiences to investi-
gate, e.g. the editorial page, a political speech, a pop
science source, rumors on the playground.
Purpose: What kind of thinking does this routine encourage?
In the general clutter of everyday life, moments that need deeper
thinking tend to be invisible. Students have to learn to see them.
This routine focuses students on signs of puzzles of truth, and also
on typical red zones and yellow zones where such puzzles are
common. To build up this sensitivity, use the routine often in deliber-
ately different ways.
ble puzzle of truth, signs like sweeping statements, one-sided argu-
learned about zones to watch out for? ments, obvious self-interest, etc. See the sample chart for others.
Red light, Yellow light only identifies potential issues of Yellow lights are milder versions of the same thing. Naturally stu-
dents may disagree on what‟s red vs. yellow vs. green in particular
truth. You may want to go on to some other truth routines
cases. Have students explain the signs and their judgments briefly,
to dig into a couple of the issues. but mainly the routine is for detecting potential puzzles of truth. The
real way to investigate a couple of the more important red or yellow
lights is to dig further into the issue with another truth routine.
things seem black and white. The routine can be used to open discussions
about dilemmas and other controversial issues.
Launch: What are some tips for starting and using this routine?
After identifying a topic, ask students to brainstorm various viewpoints about
this topic. This can be done solo, or as a class, but make sure to give the ini-
tial brainstorm enough time for students to really stretch and explore diverse
ideas. If students need help thinking of different viewpoints, try using the fol-
lowing prompts: How does it look from different points in space and different
points in time? Who (and what) is affected by it? Who is involved? Who might
After the brainstorm, ask each student to choose one of these viewpoints.
Give them time to prepare to speak about the topic from that perspective and DIVERSE PERSPECTIVES
to embody the viewpoint using the script skeleton to structure what he or she
says. Once students have prepared their “characters”, the class should be Brainstorm a list of different perspectives & then
ready to go around the circle and act out their various perspectives. Taking
turns, ask students to speak briefly about their chosen viewpoint using the use this script skeleton to explore each one:
script skeleton. Invite them to stand up and use gestures and movement if
necessary. The discussion at this point might move fairly quickly, capitalizing 1. I am thinking of (the topic) from the point of
on the immediacy of the experience as each student goes through the script
and presents a perspective. The array of responses will hopefully be broad view of (the viewpoint you’ve chosen).
and distinct, as each student should strive to produce a unique viewpoint. If
some students choose the same character, encourage them to perform dif-
2. I think (describe the topic from your viewpoint).
ferently. For example, if several students choose the viewpoint of an explorer,
one may be trying to seek out wealth through trade, another explorer might be
Be an actor – take on the character of your
adventurous or want to become famous. Ask them to raise different questions
in order to elaborate their viewpoints.
Viewpoints connect to the idea of physical perspective taking and you may
3. A question I have from this viewpoint is (ask a
notice that your students interpret this literally at first by naming and describ- question from this viewpoint).
ing what their characters see. While it is fine to help students get started with
concrete examples, try to move your students to consider thoughts and feel- Wrap up: What new ideas do you have about
ings of characters, rather than describing a scene or object.
the topic that you didn’t have before? What new
questions do you have?
As students perform their viewpoint in the circle, their ideas can be recorded
or written on the board so that a class list of perspectives is created. The last
question of the routine asks students to think of a question they might have Purpose: What kind of thinking does this routine encourage?
from their chosen viewpoint. Collect these questions or ask students to write
This routine helps students consider different and diverse perspectives involved in and around a
them down and answer them as they think more about the topic as it is stud- topic. Understanding that people may think and feel differently about things is a key aspect of the
ied in class. Once everyone in the circle has spoken, the teacher can lead a Fairness Ideal.
discussion by asking: “What new ideas do you have about the topic that you
didn‟t have before?” and “What new questions do you have? Application: When and Where can it be used?
This routine can be used at the beginning of a unit of study to help students brainstorm new perspec-
tives about a topic, and imagine different characters, themes and questions connected to it. It can be
used after reading a book or chapter. Provocative topics and issues are encouraged and the routine
also works especially well when students are having a hard time seeing other perspectives or when
1. Identify a controversial issue or fairness topic that
has changed significant- ly over time and uncover
student’s basic knowledge about the topic. Column A:
Purpose: What kind of thinking does this routine encourage?
The routine encourages students to consider past perspectives and
develop a better understanding of how thinking changes over time
and across cultures. It helps students acknowledge that we have
strong stances regarding controversial issues, and that our stances
are influenced by social and historical context. It is also helps to
uncover stereotypical perceptions as well as ethnocentric and
presentist judgments.
List present stances, values and judgments about the Application: When and Where can it be used?
The routine works best when dealing with issues that at one point
topic. in time or in a different culture were considered controversial. It can
be used with topics about which we have strong stances that are
not necessarily shared by people from other cultures or people in
2. Ask kids to imagine they could travel back to a time the past. Examples of these topics might include: slavery,
when the attitudes about the fairness of this topic holocausts, genocide, human rights, women’s rights, child labor,
war, and so on. This routine works well when students have had
were different. Column B: List past stances, values some experience with the topic and have at least a basic
and judgments about the topic. knowledge of its historical development.
comparing past and present stances acknowledge that certain
way we do today? issues may not be controversial to us today. List how we think
about it presently and ask students to step back and consider how
people thought about the topic during another place and time. What
4. Close the discussion. How could we find out more
was their reasoning? Make these ideas visible. Explore the
about the way people thought back then? possible reasons for our shifts in thinking about this topic. Why do
we view it differently? How could we find out more information?
Purpose: What kind of thinking does this routine encourage?
This routine is about identifying and evaluating specific actions that
might make a situation fair. This routine involves students in
generating and evaluating options. Initially the focus should be on
an open generation of ideas without evaluation. Later, students
1. Frame the task. Present and clarify an issue of
fairness. The class will be thinking about things to
do to make the situation more fair: now, in the
future, or to change the situation so it would have
evaluate their ideas and justify them. This routine helps students
see that fairness and unfairness are not merely judgments that one
been fair in the past.
makes but that these situations also invite direct actions by finding
ways to repair, prevent, or preclude unfairness.
2. Brainstorm. Ask students to brainstorm ideas for
Application: When and Where can it be used?
This routine can be used to with issues of fairness that naturally
things they might do to “make it fair.”
arise in the classroom, around issues of fairness that have been
studied, or as a way of closing a discussion of fairness that you
may have had using one of the other routines. 3. Sort. Sort the list into actions that relate to
making the situation fair in the past, now,
Launch: What are some tips for starting and using
this routine? or for the future.
Present and clarify the dilemma to the class. Everyone should
agree that the situation was not fair, at least from some
perspectives. To facilitate openness in the brainstorming portion, 4. Evaluate. Ask students to pick one idea from the
you might want to have students think in terms of “I wonder might
happen if...” As students talk, record their ideas on the board or list that they think has the most merit and expand on
chart paper. You may want to label the paper “I wonder might
happen if ...” to further encourage students to think about
it, either verbally or in writing.
possibilities. When you begin to sort students’ ideas, if there is a
category where are not many ideas, have students generate
additional ideas for that category.
1. Identify a situation, a story or dilemma for
2. Ask students to identifying the Facts and Events
Purpose: What kind of thinking does this routine encourage?
This routine is about distinguishing facts from thoughts and
judgments. It helps organize ideas and feelings in order to consider
a situation where fairness may be at stake. It promotes the fine
discernment of information and perspective taking in order to clarify
and make a tentative judgment.
disagreement by getting distance from their own perspective or
initial understanding of a given situation. Draw a 4x4 grid. Along the
top write “Clear” and “Need to Check.” Down the side write Facts &
Events and Thoughts & Feelings. List responses in the appropriate
portion of the grid. Make sure kids talk about the characters, not
their own thoughts or feelings. Once the notebook is completed,
routine asks the students to make an informed judgment.
Purpose: What kind of thinking does this routine encourage?
This is routine builds on children’s familiarity with the game of tug
of war to help them understand the complex forces that “tug” at
either side of a fairness dilemma. It encourages students to
reason carefully about the “pull” of various factors that are relevant
to a dilemma of fairness. It also helps them appreciate the deeper A ROUTINE FOR EXPLORING THE
complexity of fairness situations that can appear black and white
Application: When and Where can it be used? 1. Present a fairness dilemma.
This routine can be used in any situation where the fairness
dilemma seems to have two obvious and contrasting ways of being
resolved. Dilemmas can come from school subjects or everyday
life: testing of medicine on animals, adding people to a game once
2. Identify the factors that “pull” at each side of
it has started, censoring a book in a library, and so on. the dilemma. These are the two sides of the
Launch: What are some tips for starting and using tug of war.
this routine?
The routine works well as a whole class activity. Present the
dilemma to the class. Draw or place a rope with the two ends 3. Ask students to think of “tugs,” or reasons
representing the opposing sides of the dilemma and ask students
to think about what side of the dilemma they would be on and why. why they support a certain side of the dilemma.
Students can write their justifications on Post-it notes. Encourage
students to think of other reasons or “tugs” for both sides of the
Ask them to try to think of reasons on the other
dilemma, and then have students add their Post-it notes to the side of the dilemma as well.
Stand back and ask students to generate “What if’s:” questions, is-
sues, factors or concerns that might need to be explored further to 4. Generate “what if?” questions to explore
resolve the issue. Write and post these above the rope. Finish the
lesson by asking students to reflect on the activity. What new ideas the topic further.
they have about the dilemma? Do they still feel the same way
about it? Have they made up minds or changed their minds?
The display of the tugs and What if’s? on the rope helps to make
students’ thinking visible. Most importantly, their ideas are
displayed in a way that shows their interconnectedness. The
collaborative thinking process of the group as a whole is
represented through the “action” of the tug of war. This is a key
point about making thinking visible: It shows the dynamic
interaction of people’s thoughts in a context of a shared inquiry.
Documenting thinking and making it visible in the classroom can
facilitate this interaction in order to make the inquiry richer.
Key Prompts:
What‟s the main purpose here?
What are the parts and their purposes?
Which are especially smart or creative? – star them!
Who is the audience for this?
Purpose: What kind of thinking does this routine encourage?
history. A particular tax or policy might be a good choice if you are
teaching about government. A sextant or telescope might be a good
choice if you are teaching about science. You can pick concrete
things like a sextant or telescope but also abstract things like a
particular tax or policy.
Pick something that the students know enough about so that they
can think some about what it’s for and how it works and who its
audience is. For instance, you would not pick a telescope if
students didn’t know much about telescopes, but you might if you
could bring one in and students could try it out and examine it. You
would not pick an import duty if students had just heard the name
but did not know how it worked, but if they had read and discussed
it in general you might.
An important part of creativity is recognizing how creative things around us are. This is Launch: What are some tips for starting and using
often inspiring. Because we are to used to things, we do not appreciate their this routine?
creativity. It is also often practical: we see better the limitations of things and how they Here are some basic steps for starting the routine:
might be improved. It’s also a good way of understanding things better, by looking into 1. Identify something for students to think about – something
what they are for, how they work, and who their audiences are. Thus, this creativity ordinary like a ballpoint pen or larger and more abstract like a
routine has an “understanding bonus.” hospital. It is natural to pick something from a subject matter being
Application: When and Where can it be used? 2. Set up the target diagram (see example of telescope on next
This routine makes thinking visible by helping students to find the creative thinking page) and label the key elements: main purpose, parts & purposes,
behind ordinary things – doorknobs, pencils, newspapers, toys. It can also be applied audience. Say something like this: “Let’s look at this from a creative
to more important things and more abstract things, like forms of government or viewpoint. Creative things have jobs to do. They need to hit their
hospitals or schools. The routine helps students to appreciate creativity and be more target. So here is the target. Let’s explore how this thing hits its
alert to creative opportunities. target.”
The creativity hunt is a good way to awaken students to the creativity in ordinary 3. Lead students in filling out the target diagram. Let them suggest
objects around them. You can use it on everyday classroom objects, like a blackboard, main purposes (sometimes there is more than one), particular parts
a ballpoint pen, a paintbrush, an article of clothing. You don’t have to stick to concrete and the purposes they serve, and who the audience is. Also, invite
physical objects. You can use it on more abstract things, like the 24-hour day, or them to star (*) any part they think is particularly smart or creative.
recess, or a sport or game. Besides the things around us, you can easily use it to You can conduct this as a general conversation, but another good
connect to the subject areas. Here are some tips about picking a good object: way is to ask students to fill out Post-its individually or in small
Pick something that comes from human beings and human creativity, like a telescope
groups and stick them up on the diagram.
or a form of government or a means of communication. 4. Sum up by looking for what’s creative. Go over the *s and invite
Pick something relevant to the subject matter you are teaching. For instance, a cannon more. Emphasize how this clever object or idea hits its target.
or a musket or a military formation would be a good choice if you are teaching military
Purpose: What kind of thinking does this routine encourage?
Formulating and exploring an interesting question is often as
important than finding a solution. This routine encourages students
to students create interesting questions and then imaginatively mess
around with them for a while in order to explore their creative possi-
bilities. It provides students with the opportunity to practice develop-
ing good questions that provoke thinking and inquiry into a topic.
by imaginatively playing out its possibilities. Writing a story or essay,
drawing a picture, creating a play or dialogue, inventing a scenario,
conducting a thought experiment.
conducting an imaginary interview, or conducting a thought experi-
ment are just some of the possible ways for students to find out 4. Reflect: What new ideas do you have about the topic,
about their questions. At the end of the exploration process be sure concept or object that you didn’t have before?
to take time to reflect on new insights and ideas about the topic,
object or concept.
1. Fit your options to the Ideal Identify what the Ideal solution
would look like and then evaluate each option against it. Ask
yourself: How well does each option fit with the ideal
running a “mental movie” in which you imagine yourself “fits” to see in what kinds of situations each works best. You
might introduce this routine by briefly discussing each one
carrying out the option and try to get a sense of what it would and then have the whole class try out one of fits to make a
feel like. Ask yourself: Which option just feels like the best decision. Initially, you might choose which of the four “fits” is
best for a given situation and then gradually involve
fit for me? students in this process once all the fits have been practiced
on several occasions.
Purpose: What kind of thinking does this routine encourage?
This routine fosters creative thinking. It helps to explore decision
making situations where a tradeoff makes it hard to find a really
good option. It focuses on resolving opposites. Sometimes, but not
always, there are options that partly bring the opposites
somewhat together. All this is also relevant to understanding. It
helps in understanding situations even when you are not the real
decision maker.
combine the opposites. In many classroom situations the point is
to use creative thinking to understand the situation better. Step 3 4. Ask: What have we learned about the situation
is the payoff and a final choice among the options may not matter.
You can decide whether to go on to another routine for choosing
from finding these options? This is a way of
understanding the situation better.
among the options. Or you can just take a quick vote on some of
the likely options. If you want, you can do this before step 3, to
give students a little more to discuss in step 3.
1. List the obvious options. There would not be a
decision unless there were at least two or three
obvious options.
among options.
In many classroom situations the point is to use creative thinking to
understand the situation better, as in step 3. You don‟t need a final
decision. You can decide whether it’s a good idea to go on to another
routine for choosing among the options. Or you can just take a quick
vote on some of the likely options. If you want, you can do this before
step 3, to give students a little more to discuss in step 3.
view. This routine works well when you want students to open up
their thinking and look at things differently. It can be used as an
initial kind of problem solving brainstorm that open ups a topic, is-
sue, or item. It can also be used to help make abstract concepts,
monologue, taking on this point of view, or students can work in following this activity a student might write a poem from the perspective of a soldier’s
pairs with each student asking questions that help their partner stay sword left on the battlefield.
in character and draw out his or her point of view.
Application: When and Where can it be used?
This routine is adapted from Debra Wise, Art Works for Schools: A Curriculum for This routine asks students to step inside the role of a character or object – from a
Teaching Thinking In and Through the Arts (2002) DeCordova Museum and picture they are looking at, a story they have read, an element in a work of art, an
Sculpture Park, the President and Fellows of Harvard College and the historical event being discussed, and so on – and to imagine themselves inside that
Underground Railway Theater.
point of view. Students are asked to then speak or write from that chosen point of
The MYST Routine:
One way to structure reflection on your efforts to make thinking vis-
Me: How do I make my own thinking visible? ible in your classroom is to step into the MYST:
Me, You, Space, Time.
Ask yourself the following questions:
You: How do I make my students‟ thinking visible? How am I (Me) making my own thinking visible for students?
How and when do I display the habits of mind and thinking
dispositions I want students to develop? How is the thinking of
Space: How is space in the classroom organized to students (You) made visible to me and the rest of the class?
When and where do students share their thinking? Do I have a
help facilitate thinking? sense that I know what students’ thinking is on our current topic of
study? Am I able to see their thinking develop? How can I get more
access to this thinking? As a class, do we examine and discuss the
Time: How do I give thinking time? How does think- thinking of others?
ing develop over time? How is thinking displayed in the physical setting of my classroom
(Space)? Could a visitor to my classroom see students’ thinking?
What artifacts of thinking do I put up on the wall? What records of
thinking to I keep? Who has access to these records? Are the ideas
and issues we are exploring and our efforts at developing
understanding on display in the classroom? How can I use the
space to make my thinking and that of students visible for
examination, discussion, and reflection?