Eam - CH 2
Eam - CH 2
Eam - CH 2
2.1 Definition
Energy Audit is the key to a systematic approach for decision-making in the area of
energy management. It attempts to balance the total energy inputs with its use, and serves to
identify all the energy streams in a facility. It quantifies energy usage according to its discrete
functions. Industrial energy audit is an effective tool in defining and pursuing comprehensive
energy management programme.
As per the Energy Conservation Act, 2001, Energy Audit is defined as "the
verification, monitoring and analysis of use of energy including submission of technical
report containing recommendations for improving energy efficiency with cost benefit analysis
and an action plan to reduce energy consumption"
Energy audit means, monitoring the energy of different equipment and process in
plant and looking into way by which the total sum of energy consumed can be cut down
without affecting production.
Energy Audit Chapter 02
“bench-mark" (Reference point) for managing energy in the organization and also provides
the basis for planning a more effective use of energy throughout the organization.
2.3 Scope of Energy Audit
Energy audit includes:
1. Monitoring energy consumptions
2. Considering possibility of savings.
3. Recommending appropriate policies for bringing down energy consumption.
4. Possibility of avoiding losses
5. Detailed analysis of present consumption and past trends.
6. Reviewing lighting requirements.
7. Check capacities and efficiencies of equipment.
8. Check working of controls like Fire alarms etc.
9. Compare standard consumption to actual.
10. Need for publicity campaigns.
11. Examine need of automatic controls.
2.4 Type of Energy Audit
The type of Energy Audit to be performed depends on:
- Function and type of industry.
- Depth to which final audit is needed.
- Type of fuel/energy is being used.
- Potential and magnitude of cost reduction desired and
- Investment and time availability
Thus Energy Audit can be classified into the following two types.
i) Preliminary Audit
ii) Detailed Audit
2.5 Preliminary Audit
Preliminary energy audit is a relatively quick exercise to:
Establish energy consumption in the organization
Estimate the scope for saving
Identify the most likely (and the easiest areas for attention
Identify immediate (especially no-/low-cost) improvements/ savings
Set a 'reference point'
Identify areas for more detailed study/measurement
Preliminary energy audit uses existing, or easily obtained data
Energy Audit Chapter 02
Energy Audit Chapter 02
Contact thermometer:
These are thermocouples which measures
for example flue gas, hot air, hot water
temperatures by insertion of probe into the
stream. For surface temperature, a leaf
type probe is used with the same
Infrared Thermometer:
This is a non-contact type measurement
which when directed at a heat source
directly gives the temperature read out.
This instrument is useful for measuring
hot spots in furnaces, surface temperatures
Combustion analyzer:
This instrument has in-built chemical cells
which measure various gases such as O2,
CO, NOX and SOX.
A hand bellow pump draws the flue gas
sample into the solution inside the fyrite.
A chemical reaction changes the liquid
volume revealing the amount of gas. A
separate fyrite can be used for O2 and
CO2 measurement.
Energy Audit Chapter 02
Speed Measurements:
In any audit exercise speed measurements
are critical as they may change with
frequency, belt slip and loading.
A simple tachometer is a contact type
instrument which can be used where
direct access is possible. More
sophisticated and safer ones are non-
contact instruments such as stroboscopes.
Leak Detectors:
Ultrasonic instruments are available
which can be used to detect leaks of
compressed air and other gases which are
normally not possible to detect with
human abilities.
Lux meters:
Illumination levels are measured with a
lux meter. It consists of a photo cell which
senses the light output, converts to
Energy Audit Chapter 02
• The following Worksheets can be used as guidance for energy audit assessment and
Energy Audit Chapter 02
A typical format for monitoring plant level information is given below in the Table.
All the fuels purchased by the plant should be converted into common units such as kCal.
After conversion to a common unit, a pie chart can be drawn showing the percentage
distribution of energy consumption
Energy Audit Chapter 02
After collection of energy consumption, energy cost and production data, the next stage
of the monitoring process is to study and analyse the data to understand what is happening in
the plant.
The energy data is then entered into a spreadsheet. It is hard to envisage what is
happening from plain data, so we need to present the data using bar chart.
Figure: Energy Consumption: Current Year (2000) Vs. Previous Year (1999)
Energy Audit Chapter 02
• A specific type of flow diagram, in which the width of the arrows is shown
proportionally to the flow quantity.
• Used to visualize energy or material or cost transfers between processes.
Examples of Sankey diagrams
Energy Audit Chapter 02
Case Study:
Energy consumption and production data were collected for a plant over a period of 18
months. During month 9, a heat recovery system was installed. Using the plant monthly data,
estimate the savings made with the heat recovery system. The plant data is given in Table
Energy Audit Chapter 02
• From the above Figure, it can be seen that the CUSUM graph oscillates around the zero
line for several months and then drops sharply after month 11.
• This suggests that the heat recovery system took almost two months to commission and
reach proper operating conditions, after which steady savings have been achieved.
• Based on the above graph (see Table), savings of 44 toe (50-6) have been accumulated in
the last 7 months. This represents savings of almost 2% of energy consumption.
x 100 = 1.8%