ASTM 6751 Spec

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BIODIESEL (B100) – ASTM D6751-07b

March 2007

Biodiesel is defined as the mono alkyl esters of long chain fatty acids derived from vegetable oils or animal fats,
for use in compression-ignition (diesel) engines. This specification is for pure (100%) biodiesel prior to use or
blending with diesel fuel. #

Property ASTM Method Limits Units

Calcium & Magnesium, combined EN 14538 5 max ppm (ug/g)

Flash Point (closed cup) D 93 93 min. Degrees C

Alcohol Control (One of the following must be met)

1. Methanol Content EN14110 0.2 Max % volume

2. Flash Point D93 130 Min Degrees C

Water & Sediment D 2709 0.05 max. % vol.

Kinematic Viscosity, 40 C D 445 1.9 - 6.0 mm2/sec.

Sulfated Ash D 874 0.02 max. % mass

S 15 Grade D 5453 0.0015 max. (15) % mass (ppm)
S 500 Grade D 5453 0.05 max. (500) % mass (ppm)

Copper Strip Corrosion D 130 No. 3 max.

Cetane D 613 47 min.

Cloud Point D 2500 Report Degrees C

Carbon Residue 100% sample D 4530* 0.05 max. % mass

Acid Number D 664 0.50 max. mg KOH/g

Free Glycerin D 6584 0.020 max. % mass

Total Glycerin D 6584 0.240 max. % mass

Phosphorus Content D 4951 0.001 max. % mass

Distillation, T90 AET D 1160 360 max. Degrees C

Sodium/Potassium, combined EN 14538 5 max ppm

Oxidation Stability EN 14112 3 min hours

Workmanship Free of undissolved water, sediment, & suspended matter

BOLD = BQ-9000 Critical Specification Testing Once Production Process Under Control

* The carbon residue shall be run on the 100% sample.

BIODIESEL (B100) – ASTM D6751-07b
# A considerable amount of experience exists in the US with a 20% blend of biodiesel with 80% diesel fuel (B20).
Although biodiesel (B100) can be used, blends of over 20% biodiesel with diesel fuel should be evaluated on a
case-by-case basis until further experience is available.

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