DLP Emergency Response Team

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A Detailed Lesson Plan in HEALTH

I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to:
A. Identify the members of Emergency Response Team,
B. Connect and construct the responsibilities of a teacher in an emergency situation through the
breakout room/groupings,
C. Assume responsibilities in handling emergency situation as a means of initiative in times of
life-threatening circumstances.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: The Emergency Response Team
B. Reference/s: https://disastersurvivalskills.com/pages/school-earthquake-preparedness-guide-
C. Materials: Laptop, Power Point Presentation, No Hands App/Wheel of Names
D. Values Integration: Initiative

III. Lesson Proper

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

A. Preliminary Activities/
Preparatory Activities

1. Opening Prayer

“Okay, class. Before we start, student 1,

please lead us in prayer.” “Okay, ma’am. Are you ready to pray,

“Yes, we are ready.”

“Okay, let us bow our head and close our

Lord, thank you for giving us another day.
Thank you for blessing our teacher, thank
you for blessing our classmates. Please
guide us as we study our new lesson for
We pray that in whatever we do today, you
may be glorified. In Jesus name, we ask in
prayer, Amen.”
2. Greetings

“Thank you, student 1”

“Anyway, good morning, class”

“Good morning, ma’am.”
“How’s your morning?”
“It’s great, ma’am.”
“Well, that’s good.”

3. Checking of Attendance

“Okay, Class Monitor, may I ask who’s

absent for today?” “None, Ma’am. Everyone is present.”

“That’s good. Thank you.”

4. Motivation

“So, before we start, I’d like you to guess

the picture that I’m going to show to you
Tell me something about the picture.”
“Those are superheroes, Ma’am.”
“That’s right. Very good!”

“And what does superheroes do?”

“They save people’s lives, Ma’am.”
“That’s right.”

B. Lesson Proper

“Alright, in relation to the picture that I’ve

shown to you that represents superheroes
who save lives, our topic for today will be
Emergency Response Team.”

“First we’re going to define Emergency

Response Team. Please read the definition
Student 3.”
“Emergency response teams (ERT), also
called incident response teams.
A group of people who prepare for and
respond to emergency incidents such as
natural disasters, security threats, public
health crises, or other potential business
The goal of an ERT is to restore or
maintain operations and minimize losses
“From the definition that you’ve read, can during an emergency incident.”
you give me an example of a specific
incident or disaster that happened and
there is the presence of an ERT?”
“Yes, Ma’am. I believe there’s a presence
of an ERT from a fire emergency
situation. There we could see a Fire
Fighter who is responsible to extinguish
the fire and we also have medical teams in
case there are people being harmed or
“Very good answer, Student 3.” injured at the situation.”

“Now that we understand the definition

itself, we are now going to proceed on the
Emergency Response Team and the role of
each team member.”

“For the first one we have the Incident

Commander or the IC. ICs are responsible
for quickly assessing an incident and
making decisions about what to do, which
team members are needed, and what
actions come next at every stage of the
resolution process. They should be good
listeners, well-versed in gathering,
synthesizing, and prioritizing expert

“In short, they need to have a good-

communication-skills wherein they can
express the situation understandable by the
listeners or experts.”

“Another definition, we have is- please

read the next slide, student 4.”
“Incident Commander is in charge of
providing direction and appoints people to
positions. He/she directly manages the
Group Supervisors, the key personnel who
are assigned to each group function.”
“Thank you.”

“Another side which is under the IC is the

Group Supervisor.”

“Please read, Student 5.”

“Group Supervisor, this person supervises
the team leaders responsible for a specific
task and runs the overall work group's
action plan.”
“Thank you, Student 5.”

“Ofcourse, from the word supervisor, they

are the one who supervise or in layman’s
term, they are the one who look after and
check the team leaders if they are doing
their work efficiently and effectively.”

“Another one, we have, Team Leaders

Groups can be divided into teams for
faster response and easy management.
Each team will have 1 Team Leader that
acts as the safety officer for its team
members and directs the team activities.
This person reports all activities, needs
and accomplishments to the Group

“Next, we have Team Members which

each team must include a minimum of 2
members to maximum of 7 members.
These persons follow the directions of the
Team Leader.”

“Of course, we cannot have team leader if

they don’t lead the people under on their
team which they called as their member.
They are responsible to follow instructions
given by their TL.”

“There are 5 main groups function for the

Emergency Response Team.”

“1. Medical Operations Teams (Triage and

First Aid) - All members of your Medical
Operations Team must have training in
Triage and Disaster First Aid. Unlike the
basic first aid skills, Disaster First Aid
skills is for a mass casualty disaster set up,
your team must prioritize on providing
care and resources to those who need it

“Can you give me an example of Medical

Operations Teams in the Philippines?” “They are the personnel inside the
ambulance and the one who perform CPR,
First Aid and Triage to the victim.”
“Very good. Now, watch this video.”

(Video playing)

“The next one is Search & Rescue Teams,

All members of your Search & Rescue
Team must have training. They must be
able to perform safe search techniques,
forcible entry skills, proper methods of
removal of trapped and untrapped victims
and using various lifts and carries. When
selecting members to your Search &
Rescue Team, choose staff who are
physically fit and capable of lifting heavy

“And to further explain this one we have

here the video.”

(Video playing)

“Your Utility Team must know in advance

where the gas, electric and water meters
are and how to shut them off. Immediately
following an earthquake, the team must
turn off all the utilities. This is extremely
important, this can prevent further
property damage and life safety hazards.”

“I have a question, class. What do you

think will be the damage if the utility
team, for an instance, did not check the
gas, electric, and water meters?” “Ma’am, I think that will cause for more
damage like, if in case it’s an earthquake
and there’s someone in the cafeteria who
is cooking, and because they panicked,
they did not turn off the gas stove, it will
cause a fire.

“Very good answer, Student 6.”

“And for the next one we have the

Assembly/Evacuation Area Team. They
will be responsible for the welfare of all
the students while waiting for their
parents/guardian to pick them up.”

“These are the group of people who guards

and make sure that all of the students
inside the school are all safe while they
wait for their parent.”

“And for the last one we have the Family

Reunification Team. Please read the
definition.” “This team must have access to the records
of all the students and guardians
emergency contact details. You may
assign 1-2 staff per year level. Consider
having a printed list ready in case of
power loss and no internet.”

“Why do you think its important to save

the students’ information?” “It’s important, Ma’am, because it will
help us to monitor the safety of each
students, because we are accountable
whatever happens to the students and we
did not even informed their guardians.”

“So now, let’s proceed to our activity. You

will be grouped into 5. Each group will
discuss inside the break out rooms what
are the role of the Teacher in

“You will be given a 5 minutes to connect

and construct your ideas and choose one
representative in the group to share each of
your ideas inside the class.”

C. Closing Activities

1. Assessment/Evaluation

“Now, let us have a short quiz. Get a ¼

sheet of paper and number them 1 to 10.”

“You will be given 1 minute to answer

each item.”

2. Assignment

“For your assignment, create an

Infographic Poster with the information
you gained from the discussion of
Emergency Response. You can look
online for ideas and guide as you create
this poster. The contents should be focused
on how the people should respond and act
during emergency situation. You also need
to specify the emergency situation.” “Okay, Ma’am.”

3. Closing Prayer

“For our closing prayer, please lead us, “Okay, Ma’am.”

student 7.”
“Classmates, let’s bow our head and feel
“Thank you.” the awesome presence of the Lord. Lord
we thank you for giving us the knowledge
“Good day, class!” and guiding us to learn. We thank you and
we praise you, in the might name of Jesus,
we pray, Amen.”

Prepared by: Moriles, Guinivere C. (17-0252) – BPE-401

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