Medical Versus Surgical Termination of The First Trimester Missed Miscarriage
Medical Versus Surgical Termination of The First Trimester Missed Miscarriage
Medical Versus Surgical Termination of The First Trimester Missed Miscarriage
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2 authors, including:
Abdelrahman Alharazi
Thamar university
All content following this page was uploaded by Abdelrahman Alharazi on 16 March 2015.
Sana’a University, Faculty of Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, Sanaa, Yemen
Thamar University, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Sheraton Street, Sanaa, Yemen
KEYWORDS Abstract Using dilatation and curettage (D&C) without prior cervical ripening in the termination
Medical termination of first of the first trimester missed miscarriage may often cause a concern because of the associated com-
trimester; plications. Our aim of this study was to compare the frequency of complications of dilatation and
Misoprostol; curettage with medical method. A prospective comparison study was carried out in Al-Thawra Gen-
Miscarriage eral Hospital Sana’a over a year (from Dec. 1st 2010 to Nov. 31st 2011). Eligible women were ran-
domized into surgical group (n = 55) and medical group (n = 52). Misoprostol 400 lg was given
for the medical group intravaginally as initial dose followed by 200 lg every 4 h vaginally. Dilata-
tion and curettage was performed for the surgical group. All participants were invited to attend a
follow-up visit one week later. The complications were recorded during the procedure, before dis-
charge and at follow-up. The success rate of medical group was 80.7% (95%, CI: 69.97–91.43) and
100% for the surgical group. Infection had occurred in 3.8% of the medical vs. 1.8% of the surgical
group (p = 0.967), hemorrhage was recorded in 7.7% vs. 5.4% of the medical and surgical group
respectively (p = 0.928). Only one patient of the medical group required readmission for blood
transfusion. The mean induction abortion time was 20.4 ± 8.3 h. No other major complication
was observed in both groups. We concluded that dilatation and curettage is safe and acceptable
in terms of more rapid evacuation and lower complication rates compared to medical method.
ª 2012 Alexandria University Faculty of Medicine. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. All rights
1. Introduction back to the late of the 19th century after the first sharp curettes
were described.3 Although, this procedure was introduced to
Traditionally, the first trimester miscarriage, is terminated by reduce the risk of infection and hemorrhage, it is reported to
surgical evacuation of the uterus.1,2 Surgical method dates be associated with many complications including cervical trau-
ma, perforation of the uterus and endometritis.4 In addition,
* Corresponding author.
uterine synechia, reduced fertility, tubal damage and pelvic
E-mail address: [email protected] (A.H. Alharazi). pain have been reported as long term complications.4 In recent
Peer review under responsibility of Alexandria University Faculty of times as a result of positive experiences with prostaglandin
analog (most commonly misoprostol), the medical termination
of the first trimester miscarriage is accepted as a safe and effec-
tive alternative.5 However, this method is not without its inher-
Production and hosting by Elsevier ent complications like the need for emergency surgical
2090-5068 ª 2012 Alexandria University Faculty of Medicine. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
14 A.A. Shuaib, A.H. Alharazi
evacuation, pain, an increase in induction abortion time, and in both groups were given antibiotics. The antibiotics used
also an increase in the analgesic requirement.3,5 routinely are ampicillin, gentamycin and metronidazole for
3–5 days because of the high incidence of infection associated
1.1. Aim of the study with missed miscarriage in our setting. All cases were observed
in the ward for at least 6 h and then discharged with a 1-week
The aim of this study was to compare the complications of sur- follow-up visit schedule. Rh–anti-D immunoglobulin was gi-
gical evacuation of the uterus with medical method in the man- ven for Rh-negative women. During the follow-up visit, they
agement of the first trimester missed miscarriage. were assessed for infection, bleeding or any other complica-
tions. Also they were asked about their satisfaction of the pro-
2. Methods cedure they had undertaken and the choice of management in
a future miscarriage. The study protocol was approved by the
hospital ethics committee.
This study was carried out in Al-Thawra General Hospital,
Sana’a throughout a year (from Dec. 1st 2010 to Nov. 31st 2.2. Statistical analysis
2011). The diagnosis of missed miscarriage and gestational
age were confirmed by trans-abdominal/vaginal ultrasonogra-
phy whichever was feasible within the department. The exclu- The data were analyzed using SPSS (version 13, Chicago, IL,
sion criteria were previous uterine scar, evidence of cardiac, USA). The continuous variables are presented as mean ± SD,
hepatic or renal disease, and contraindications for misoprostol and proportion as appropriate. Comparisons were carried out
use. Also any woman with bleeding in the past 24 h or severe with the use of independent t-test. The v2 or the Fisher’s exact
lower abdominal pain was excluded. One hundred and seven test was used for independent nominal data. Ninety-five per-
women had met our criteria and given the consent to partici- cent confidence interval (CI) was calculated. A p value of
pate in the study. They received pre-procedure counseling with <0.05 was considered significant.
information about the success rate and side-effects of both
3. Results
surgical and medical methods and their preferences were
noted. Fifty-five women (n = 55) were selected randomly to
undergo surgical evacuation as dilatation and curettage Over the study period, 107 women were diagnosed as having
(D&C) and 52 women to receive medical termination. The missed miscarriage and included in this study. The demo-
two groups were comparable with respect to maternal age, graphic data of both groups were summarized in Table 1.
parity, and weeks of gestational age. Demographic data and There were no significant differences between the two groups
reproductive histories were obtained. as regards the age, gravidity, gestational age or previous his-
tory of miscarriage (p = 0.683). Of the 52 women who were
2.1. Patients allocated to receive intravaginal misoprostol, more than three
quarters (n = 42%, 80.7%, 95% CI = 69.97–91.43) achieved
a successful complete expulsion of the products of conception.
For the first group the surgical evacuation was arranged within
Of these, 11 women (21.15%) were nulliparas and 31women
3–6 h fasting after the diagnosis under general anesthesia. Wo-
(59.6%) were multiparas. The difference between them was
men allocated to medical termination received misoprostol
statistically insignificant (p = 0.249). Ten cases (10/52) re-
(cytotec, Searle) two tablets (400 lg) vaginally into the poster-
quired surgical evacuation. The indication for surgical inter-
ior fornix as an initial dose followed by one tablet (200 lg)
vention was incomplete abortion. The mean induction to
intravaginally every 4 h until the effect was achieved or a max-
abortion interval was 20.4 ± 8.3 h. After 12 h of induction
imum of 48 h had elapsed. Vital signs and cervical status were
the complete abortion was achieved in 21.1% of women and
assessed as standard. Also women were assessed for the medi-
after 24 h in 57.7% of cases. Parenteral analgesia was used
cation’s adverse effects. Analgesia was given as needed in the
in 71.1% of women during the course of medical management.
form of Tramadol intramuscular injection. Induction to abor-
There were no significant differences between the two groups
tion interval was defined as the time in hours from initiation of
as regards infection and bleeding (p > 0.05). Misoprostol side
drug until the expulsion of the products of conception (POC),
effects in terms of vomiting, pyrexia and diarrhea were ob-
and the medical success was defined as complete expulsion of
served in 13.4%. In surgical group, post abortion vomiting
the POC without the need for surgical or manual evacuation
was detected in 20% of cases and anesthesia related transient
and confirmed by ultrasonography. After abortion, all women
hallucination was present in 12.7%. The clinical findings are
summarized in Table 2.
Table 1 Characteristics of the women.
Surgical (n = 55) Medical (n = 52) p value 4. Discussion
Age (years) 27.7 ± 5.7 28.9 ± 5.6 NS
Primigravida 12 (21.8) 15 (28.8) NS Our study shows that the medical management of the first tri-
Multigravida 43 (78.1) 37 (71.7) NS mester missed miscarriage using intravaginally misoprostol
Gestational age (weeks) was a highly effective modality. The success rate of 80.7% re-
7–8 11 (20) 13 (25) ported in our study is in line with the previous study.1 The suc-
9–10 21 (38.1) 18 (34.6) cess rates of medical evacuation vary from 25% up to 97% for
11–12 23 (41.8) 21 (40.3) oral, sublingual or vaginal misoprostol in different studies.6
Previous abortion 17 (30.9) 19 (36.5) NS These variations between studies probably reflect the different
misoprostol regimens used, routes of administration, and the
Medical versus surgical termination of the first trimester missed miscarriage 15
definitions of success rate.6 In our study we used misoprostol In the literature there is growing evidence as regards the safety
alone because it is reported that the addition of mifepristone and efficacy of at home self-administration of misoprostol.13,14
offers no advantage compared with misoprostol as initial treat- However, using of misoprostol in rural settings of the poor
ment.7 Also it is reported that repeated intravaginal doses have countries including Yemen where the facilities are unavailable
higher success rates than single oral route.1 In addition, the for immediate surgical intervention once excessive bleeding oc-
vaginal administration of misoprostol appears to have lower curred could be a concern. Furthermore, in these settings the
rates of medication side effects.8 diagnosis of ectopic or molar pregnancy might be missed
The present study revealed that in surgical evacuation and therefore increased the complication rates.
group only one woman (1.8%) had post abortion infection Our study demonstrated that 78.8% of patients recom-
and no cases had cervical laceration, perforation or required mended medical termination vs. 52.7% for surgical evacuation.
blood transfusion. In contrast, one patient (1.9%) of the med- Several studies have found that most women will choose the
ical group had severe bleeding and required blood transfusion. medical option when it exists because it is non-invasive, safe
These favorable outcomes document the safety of the surgical and assures more privacy and autonomy.15,16 We found that
method, which in part is related to the presence of experienced the patient’s satisfaction following medical abortion was lower
physicians as previous studies reported.9 However, surgical than the success rate reported (38/42). The possible reasons
evacuation offers many advantages compared to medical man- were prolonged period before complete expulsion of the abor-
agement. It is a quick procedure being accomplished in less tion and experienced pain during the course of management.
than 30 min and performed under controlled timing. The pa- The strong point in our study is that we compared the med-
tients commonly return home within a few hours post evacua- ical method of termination with unprimed cervix using sharp
tion and to the work within the next few days.10 Also, the curette (D&C) rather than suction curettage which poses even
controlled timing of the surgical procedure can be of benefit less complications. However, the information derived from this
to women with specific medical disorders.10 It is reported that study will be useful for physicians who may choose the medical
the overall incidence of major complications in surgical evacu- option solely to avoid the complications of surgical method
ation reported is less than 3%.11 and also for the abortion providers to exercise training of
We found that the infection rate associated with medical the procedure so as to offer the patients such option safely.
group was higher than that of surgical group. This finding dis- The weakness of this study should be emphasized. First, the
agreed with the other study that showed medical termination long-term complications such as uterine synechia and fertility
may have a lower infection risk as compared to surgical evac- related problems were not assessed because a prospective
uation.12 It is possible that the small sample size of our study long-term follow-up was impossible for patients who had come
and the chance of selection bias might present. Pain during the from different areas in the country and further research in this
course of medical evacuation was observed in 71.1% of our area is needed. Second, similarly we could not study the cost
series and adequately controlled by analgesia. Misoprostol re- issue because our hospital is not a private and offers most ser-
lated side effects such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea are vices with a low-fee.
well known and presented in 13.4% of our cases. However,
abundant data support the practice of medical management
for early pregnancy failure to avoid the risk of infection, trau- 5. Conclusion
ma, and anesthesia related to surgical evacuation.5 The disad-
vantage of this method is the prolonged induction abortion With appropriate procedure training, surgical evacuation of
intervals which indicate an average of two additional days of the uterus for the first trimester missed abortion is being asso-
vaginal bleeding and pain. The other disadvantage is the need ciated with low rate of complications, shorter evacuation time,
for unplanned surgical intervention for unresponsive women. and therefore a shorter length of hospital stay. The procedure
16 A.A. Shuaib, A.H. Alharazi
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