Test Plan Document - by ANJALI BHARATI

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Test Plan


Shopping at Amazon
(Manual Test Plan)

Prepared by

Version Control
Version Date Updated by Role Details

Draft 23-Jan-2021 Anjali Bharati QA Draft version of Test Plan prepared

1.0 24-Jan-2021 Anjali Bharati QA Details on Test Plan added


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Table of Contents
1. Introduction.......................................................................................................................................3
2. Objectives and Tasks.........................................................................................................................3
2.1 Objectives...................................................................................................................................3
2.2 Tasks...........................................................................................................................................3
3. Scope.................................................................................................................................................4
3.1 In Scope......................................................................................................................................4
3.2 Out of Scope...............................................................................................................................4
4. Roles and Responsibilities.................................................................................................................5
5. Test Strategy......................................................................................................................................5
6. Software / Hardware Requirements...................................................................................................5
6.1 Software.....................................................................................................................................5
6.2 Hardware....................................................................................................................................6
7. Environment Requirements...............................................................................................................6
8. Test Methodology..............................................................................................................................6
9. Test Schedule.....................................................................................................................................7
10. Control Procedures..........................................................................................................................7
10.1 Problem Reporting....................................................................................................................7
10.2 Change Request........................................................................................................................7
11. Dependencies...................................................................................................................................8
12. Risks................................................................................................................................................8
13. Assumptions....................................................................................................................................8
14. Approvals........................................................................................................................................9
15. Appendix.........................................................................................................................................9

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1. Introduction
Amazon is recognised as a leader in providing e-commerce solutions in the all over the world.
Amazon is guided by four principles: customer obsession rather than competitor focus, passion for
invention, commitment to operational excellence, and long-term thinking. They are driven by the
excitement of building technologies, inventing products, and providing services that change lives.
They embrace new ways of doing things, make decisions quickly, and are not afraid to fail. They have
the scope and capabilities of a large company, and the spirit and heart of a small one.

During the process of shopping from Amazon starting from selecting the item, adding it cart till
payment for order confirmation.

Process of Shopping is mentioned below (which need to be Tested end to end):

Go to Search for Add Address Complete Payment

Amazon the Product and Payment to receive Order
URL and Quantity Details Confirmation

2. Objectives and Tasks

2.1 Objectives
Test Plan document would cover the details of the entire flow which is required for shopping through

 Ensure the Application Under Test conforms to functional and non-functional requirements

 Ensure the Application Under Test meets the quality specifications defined by the client

 Bugs/issues are identified and fixed before go live to achieve Customer Satisfaction

2.2 Tasks
Tasks to be performed during Testing would involve the following:

 JIRA Card creation corresponding to each User Story and its Acceptance Criteria

 During Sprint Planning meeting, JIRA Card need to be story pointed to understand the
coverage per Sprint / Iteration

 Depending on the Team’s velocity, each Iteration can accommodate certain numbers of JIRA
Cards with respective story points

 Use of Zeyphr (as per the requirement) for writing Test Condition and Test Cases

 Task in the JIRA board moves from QA Testing to BA review

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3. Scope
3.1 In Scope
Scope of this Test Plan is to cover the online Shopping Journey of a customer. It will comprise of the

 Functional Requirements:

◦ Browsing the URL to search for required Product to be purchased

◦ Adding the Product to the Cart

◦ Option to Login as a Guest User

◦ Adding Address details for Delivery or Pickup

◦ Payment details would be required

◦ Shopping can be completed with Order Confirmation

 Non-Functional Requirements

◦ Time taken by Customer in the entire process

◦ Number of Steps required starting from URL till Delivery of Products

◦ Security features of the Website where customer need to add his/her:

▪ Personal details, as well as

▪ Payment details

◦ Performance or Load testing when many users at the same time are:

▪ looking for same item

▪ making payment

3.2 Out of Scope

All those requirements which are not related to this particular User Journey of Shopping would be
out of scope. It does not mean that these other features are not important. It just implies that these
would be taken care in another User Journey or as a part of some other Feature Test Plan. Please find
the Out of Scope details as mentioned below:

 Customer Login journey would be taken separately and is out of scope of this test plan

 Contents present in dashboard page

 Links present on the page which can take you to social media websites such as Facebook,
Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, LinkedIn

 Customer review on the product

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4. Roles and Responsibilities
Roles and responsibilities of resource across the team are mentioned below:

Role Team Responsibilities

Test Manager E-Commerce Prepare Test Plan and execute Performance Testing

QA E-Commerce End to End Testing of E-Commerce journey

Developer E-Commerce Fix the Bugs

Iteration Manager E-Commerce Co-ordinate between Teams and resolve impediments

Business Analyst E-Commerce Gather, Analyse requirements to prepare User Stories

QA Payments PVT of Customer Payments journey Testing

QA Database PVT of fetching Products from DB

QA API PVT for API calls between Cart, Bank, Payments

5. Test Strategy
Test Strategy would describe the overall approach of our Online Shopping testing at Amazon. For each
step which a Customer would go through, as well as the combination of all the step, approach need
to be specified to ensure that these feature groups are adequately tested. All the major activities,
techniques, and tools which are used to test the designated groups of features need to be specified.

6. Software / Hardware Requirements

6.1 Software
 JIRA for defect management

 Zephyr for test case management

 Confluence for requirement and other documentation

 Microsoft Excel, Word, PowerPoint

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6.2 Hardware
 Laptop/Desktop

 Mouse

 Modems

7. Environment Requirements
When build is ready, then Testing would start from Dev Environment. Once Tested successfully, it
would be deployed in the next higher environment for further testing in the sequence as mentioned
below with URLs (example):

# Environment URL

1 DEV https://dev.amazon/

2 INT https://int.amazon /

3 UAT https://uat.amazon /

4 PROD https://prod.amazon /

8. Test Methodology
Agile Methodology is being used for this e-commerce application at Amazon. Agile methodology is a
practice that promotes continuous iteration of development and testing throughout the software
development lifecycle of an application. Agile is a term used to describe software development
approaches that employ continual planning, learning, improvement, team collaboration. It
encourages flexible responses to change.

Agile methodology would be followed using Scrum which will go iteration wise. Following Agile
ceremonies would be part of the team:

 Daily Stand-up meeting

 Iteration/Sprint Planning Meeting

 Review Meeting

 Retrospective Meeting

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9. Test Schedule
Test schedule is described below with details for identification of the major testing tasks and
estimation of the time required to do each one. One Iteration at the project would be equal to two
weeks. Project would start from 06-Jan-2021.

# Testing Start Date End Date Role Teams Team Member

1 Unit Testing 06-Jan 19-Jan Developer E-Commerce William Jones

2 System 06-Jan 19-Jan QA E-Commerce Anjali Bharati


3 Integration 20-Jan 22-Jan QA E-Commerce Anjali Bharati


4 Performance 25-Jan 26-Jan Test Manager E-Commerce Grace

Testing Macdonald

5 User 27-Jan 02-Feb Client Business Anjali Bharati


6 Production 03-Feb 04-Feb QA E-Commerce Anjali Bharati

Validation Payments Jack Moon
Database Olivia Warne
API Amit Raj

10. Control Procedures

10.1 Problem Reporting
In case an incident which might be encountered during the Testing Process, a proper procedure need
to be in place. For this project, when an incident happens, then a JIRA Card need to be raised and
assigned to QA of e-commerce team. Also, for critical issues, where change is required, then further
Change Request need to be raised.

10.2 Change Request

Change Request would comprise of the process of modifications to the software. Sign off on the
changes would be required by the Business. It contains the criteria for including the changes to the
current product.

If the changes will affect the existing programs, then Amazon’s e-commerce team need to get in
touch with Core team.

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11. Dependencies
E-Commerce team would be dependent on the following teams for the respective work:

# Title Priority Dependent on Team Comment

1 Fetching the Products High Database Products in the Cart

2 Payment Gateway Medium Payments MasterCard, Visa, Paypal etc

3 API Calls Low API Cart, Bank, Payments

12. Risks
E-Commerce team would have the following risks:

# Title Priority Risk Mitigation Team Comment

1 Security of Bank Data High Payments Card and other details

2 Customer Cart items Medium Database Total Number of items left in

Inventory should update

3 API Call failure Low API Proper API to be called

13. Assumptions
 As soon as a customer purchases a product (example: Basketball), then it should be removed
from the Database of total number of respective products present in the inventory.

 While the Customer enters their Card/Bank details and Orders the product, then proper
approval should be required so as to process the payment

 If the customer selects a product which is not present in the inventory, the “Out of Stock”
option should be highlighted and customer should not be able to add that particular item to
their Cart

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14. Approvals
Approvals would be required from the Delivery Managers of each of the below team:

# Team Stakeholder Role Approval

1 E-Commerce Stephen Coles Delivery Manager Approved

2 Payments Robert De Costa Delivery Manager Pending

3 Database Pooja Kaur Delivery Manager Approved

4 API Chang Choi Delivery Manager Pending

15. Appendix
Hands on Test example Scenario:

 Navigate to https://www.amazon.com.au/

 Search for “Basketball” in the “Product Search” box and press the search button (or enter)

 Click on the search result “CV116” and navigate to the product

◦ You end up at https://www.amazon.com.au/s?k=basketball

 Add a qty of 3 to the cart

 Navigate to the cart via the header cart summary

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Continue to checkout button

 You need to Accept the Checkout message if present

 Choose the option for Guest checkout

 Enter details into the page

◦ Select “delivery” option

◦ Enter “test” information into the contact/billing details

▪ (use 836293923 for the phone number, [email protected] for the email etc)

◦ Enter “test” and “test” into the delivery instructions and order comments

◦ Select the cheapest freight option if possible

 Payment details are mentioned below

◦ Test credit card numbers are

▪ 7333 2222 2222 2222

▪ Any expiry in the future

▪ CVC 111

▪ Name on card is “test”

 To complete the order hit “Process Payment”

 You should end up on the Order Confirmation page with a successfully placed order

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