Weighing Indicator Serie Ipe 50: Short Guide For Calibration Only
Weighing Indicator Serie Ipe 50: Short Guide For Calibration Only
Weighing Indicator Serie Ipe 50: Short Guide For Calibration Only
Short guide
for calibration only
see user manual 1/2 for the different functioning mode, analog output and setpoints
See user manual 2/2 for special functioning mode and output RS232/485, this manual is available on our Web
site www.scaime.com
SUPPORT -> product documentation -> product-user-manuals -> NU-IPE50-2-E-….
TO stand by the IPE50, keep the C key pressed until the - OFF – message appears on the display; then
release the key (the power supply of the sensors 5V is always present).
Press the C key to restart the unit.
To TURN OFF the IPE50, switch off the power supply
Indicates that the weight detected on the weighing system is near zero,
within the interval of –1/4 to +1/4 of the division.
~ Indicates that the weight is unstable.
NET Indicates that the displayed weight is a net weight.
SPE Special mode
- Zeros the displayed gross weight, if is within +/- 2 to 50% of the total
capacity. (2% max in trade mode)
- Cancels the negative tare value.
- If pressed for an instant it carries out the semiautomatic tare.
- If pressed at length it allows entering the manual tare from keyboard.
- Cancels the negative tare value.
- In the numeric input phase it increases the digit to be modified.
- It carries out a specific function of the operating mode set in the set-up
- In the numeric input phase it selects the digit to be modified, from left to
- It carries out a specific function of the operating mode set in the set-up
- In the numeric input phase, it confirms the entry made.
- In the SET-UP, it allows to enter a step or to confirm a parameter within a
- It transmits the data from the serial port dedicated to the printer.
- It turns the instrument in the mode stand by.
- In the numeric input phase, it quickly zeros the present value.
- In the set-up environment, it allows to exit a step without confirming the
change made.
- Cancel a tare
To obtain the best results it is recommended to install the indicator and the platform (or transducer) in a place
with the following conditions:
No draughts
Make sure the platform is level or that the loading cells are resting evenly
When the load cells are used with assembling kits under storage bins or the like, connect the upper
and lower supporting plate with a copper wire cable and then earth all the upper plates.
Use waterproof sheaths and couplings in order to protect the load cell cables.
The extension leads of the load cells or signal amplifiers must be screened. In addition they must be
laid on their own in a raceway or metal pipe as far away as possible from the power supply cables.
Connection of the cell or amplifier cables on the electrical panel shall be independent and, if possible,
connected directly to the indicator’s terminal board without laying other cables in the raceway.
Install “RC” filters on the contactor coils, on the solenoid valves and on all devices producing electric
If it is possible that condensation could form inside the weight transmitter it is advisable to leave the
instrument powered at all times.
Electric protections (fuses etc.) are provided by the technician installing the instrument.
All cables must be wound at least once around the ferrite ring before being connected to the terminal
board; the cable screen must be left outside of the ferrite and should be connected to the relevant
ground pin.
Nota :
Only for adjustment the menus in bolt are to be configured.
Modify the parameter ConFIG -> Param. -> Auto-0 to DiSAb if you want to forbidden the autozero at the start
Nota : The manufacter parameters of the IPE50 unit are : 2mV/V -> 10.000 per 0.001
Attention : the default calibration parameters will probably not match with your application requirements. You
have to calibrate the system according to your needs.
If the unit is in trade-approved mode, you must open the unit to insert the jumper (see jumper CAL page 11 or
To enter the SET-UP environment of the scale, switch on the unit and press the ->T<- key for an instant during
the countdown.
To leave the setup environment, press the C key various times until the indicator shows “SAVE? on the
display, confirm with ↵ to memorize and return to weighing.
1) Enter the SET-UP environment of the scale (when turned on, press the ->T<- key for an instant during
the countdown) .
2) TypE is displayed.
Press ↵, ind.Ch. is displayed, press ↵
Ind.Ch. Standard using for 1 to 4 independent channels , for DEP.Ch. Using for the connection of 2
to 4 identical sensors on a same system and TrAnSM. see user manual NU-IPE50-1-E-XX
3) Select SEtuP with key ->T<- then ↵, → ConFiG confirm with key ↵ → select CALib with key ->T<-
and press ↵.
4) NChAn is displayed, press ↵ -> Ch x where x is the channel number which must be adjusted.
(for 1 channel or 1 sensor, choose Ch 1 because the sensor must be connected in channel 1 (CELL1))
10) “rAnGE2” (if the system is a simple range, SET this value to 0) press ↵
Set the capacity of the second range and press ↵
13) “tP0” (scale zero point) step and recording of the signal of the loadcell: unload the scale (position "0")
and wait a few seconds, then press ↵, the unit will go automatically to the next step after recording the
sensor signal.
14) “ddt1” (setting first reference weight) step ; press ↵, enter the weight value that you are applying on
the loadcell and confirm with ↵ key.
15) “tP1” (acquisition of first reference weight) step: put the weight (equal at the value on ddt1) on the
loadcells, wait a few seconds and press ↵, the unit will go automatically to the next step after
recording the sensor signal.
16) If a calibration point has been set, once the weight acquisition has been made, the display shows
for an instant the value of the internal divisions and then the “ntP” step.
If there are various calibration points, repeat the operations for the “ddt2”, “tP2”, “ddt3”, “tP3”
17) Once the calibration has been made of all the necessary points, press the C key various times until
the indicator shows “SAVE? in the display: confirm with ↵ to memorize and return to weighing.
N.B.: the calibration points must be increasing (point 1 < point 2 < point 3).
18) Theorical calibration. Press the key ->0<-, "thEo.CA" is displayed, press ↵. Attention, this type of
calibration is less accuracy than with real load on the system.
19) CEL.SEn , (signal in mV/V of one or many loadcells connected) press ↵. Enter the signal value of one
or many loadcells corresponding at the value which will be setting in the step CEL.CAP, attention if
many loadcell are connected to the IPE50.
Ex : 1 loadcell of 10t with signal of 2mV/V, you enter 2mV/V for 10t in step CEL.CAP
Ex : 3 loadcells of 10t with signal of 2mV/V, you enter 2mV/V for 3x10t = 30t in step CEL.CAP
Press ↵
20) CEL.CAP, (range of one or many loadcells connected) press ↵. Enter the range of one or many
loadcells corresponding to the value entered in step CEL.Sen attention if many loadcell are connected
to the IPE50.
Ex : 1 loadcell of 10t with signal of 2mV/V, you enter 10t for 2mV/V in step CEL.SEn
Ex : 3 loadcells of 10t with signal of 2mV/V, you enter 3x10= 30t for 2mV/V in step CEL.SEn
Press ↵
21) DEAd.ld (dead load)
If you want to enter the value of the system dead load (empty silo weight for ex) press ↵ in other case
press ->0<- (kno.WGt is displayed see paragraph after)
You could enter the weight dead load value with the keys
If no number after the coma has been selected, you could set value from -99999.9 to 99999.9
If 1number after the coma has been selected, you could set value from -9999.99 to 9999.99
If 2 numbers after the coma has been selected, you could set value from -999.999 to 999.999
If 3 numbers after the coma has been selected, you could set value from -99.9999 to 99.9999
Press ↵
22) Kno.WGt (enter the value of the know weight on the system) in another case press the ->0<-
(CEL.Sen is displayed, press key C, th.CAL? is displayed, press ↵ to memorize, rAnGE1 is displayed,
see paragraph 23).
If the system is loaded with a know weight, you can set the unit with this weight (with the keys). The
unit will memorize the loadcells signal and the weight Press ↵, GET.Wt? is displayed, press ↵.
Wait is displayed for several seconds (the unit memorize the loadcells signal) then Kno.WGt which is
blinking and after the unit will go to the step CEN.Sen, press C, th.CAL? is displayed, press ↵,
rAnGE1 is displayed.
23) Press the C key various times until the indicator shows “SAVE? in the display:
Confirm with ↵ to memorize and return to weighing.
While using the indicator, it is possible to incur in the following errors:
Analog/digital convertor doesn't work. Check the wiring of the loadcells. Measure the signal
output of the loadcells between the pins + and - sig, the tension must not exceed 15mV.
It is displayed if one tries to calibrate a point without first having confirmed the number of
calibration points
ERMOT Weight unstable during the acquisition of a point during calibration.
ERPNT During the acquisition of a calibration point a null value has been read by the converter.
Calibration error: a too small sample weight has been used; it is advisable to use a weight
Er – 11
equal to at least half of the scale capacity.
Calibration error: the acquired calibration point (tP1 or tP2 or tP3) is equal to the zero point
Er – 12
The converter points are less than the instrument's internal divisions.
Er – 37 The sensor signal is negative
The load has not been applied on the step TP1
It is displayed when the instrument has not yet been calibrated and initialized.
Press the ->T<- key when the instrument displays “ERR – 85” to enter the technical set-up
Er – 85
environment (with the standard procedure it is not possible) programming of all the
parameters of the set-up environment and the calibration.
During the calibration some internal negative points have been calculated:
C.Er.-36 - the calibration point is less than the zero point
- the signal is negative (check the connections)
During the calibration some internal points less than the minimum value have been
C.Er.-37 - The calibration point is equal to the zero point
- A capacity too high in relation to the division has been set
Nota for IPE50 DIN and XLI:
With the connector CELL1, it is possible to connect a sensor with 4 or 6 wires (with regulation of the sensor
power supply).
With the connectors CELL 2 to 4, the regulation of the sensor power supply can't work (there is only 4
Sensor 4-wire connection
6 wires connection
Pour imprimante
Analog ou PC
output 4/20mA
and 0/10 V
Depending of the model
3 : B-LINE
6 : +5V BUS (active)
8 : A-LINE
1 +24Vdc + 12 to 25Vdc / 3.6 W max
2 GND - 0 Vdc
Sensor : attention, the power supply of the sensors (5Vdc) and the maximum power is 120mA for example 8 sensors 350 Ohm
For a 4 wires sensor, please make 2 jumpers between +EXC and +SEN, -EXC and -SEN
3 jumpers to select on COM1 RS232 or 485 RS232
(2) static relays contact ( power : 48Vdc / 100mA )
48Vdc / 100mA
(option 6 relays)
COM contact commun
OUT 1 contact relay 1
OUT 2 contact relay 2
OUT 6 contact relay 6
IN1 input 1
IN2 input 2
Channel 4 3 2
Channel 1
You must connect at
least 1 sensor
openned :
4/20mA 0/10V
POWER supply 24 Vcc (110/220Vac for IPE50 XLI on the power supply cable)
1 +24Vdc + 12 to 25Vdc / 3.6 W max
2 GND - 0 Vdc
Sensor : attention, the power supply of the sensors (5Vdc) is the same for the 4 channels and the maximum power is 120mA (for all
the channels) for example 8 sensors 350 Ohm connected on a same channel or on 4 channels.
Channel 1 for sensor 4 or 6 wires (at least 1sensor must be connected to this channel)
20 + SEN + SENSE
21 - SEN - SENSE
For a 4 wires sensor, please make 2 jumpers between +EXC and +SEN, -EXC and -SEN
13 UX+
14 UX-
On the same RS485 network, it is possible to connect up to 32 units
On the RS485 network normally one connects 2 termination resistors of 120 Ohm (shown with "R" in figure).
Only on the 2 devices which are at the end of the network.
Use an appropriate cable for RS485 connections, the twisted 2x24 AWG duplex cable, shielded with an
external sheathing + aluminium band. The length of the cable should not exceed 1200m.
If there is a transmission problem (long cable) connect a bias resistor of 390 Ohm between B (-) and GND.
If there is still a problem, put a 2 kOhm resistance between terminal A (+) and + supply (+ Vdc).
NU-IPE50-short guide-E-1214