PENETRON - (Slurry)
PENETRON - (Slurry)
PENETRON - (Slurry)
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Topical Applications
Getting the most out of
existing concrete structures
Topical application solutions
from Penetron
For the best in
concrete protection, repair and renovation
• Comprehensive protection for all newly The effectiveness and reliability of the Penetron System have been
poured and existing structures demonstrated across a wide spectrum of applications,
• Repair leaking cracks, damp spots, honey- including, but not limited to, wastewater treatment plants, parking
combs, construction joints, structural cracks garages, nuclear reactors, chemical storage facilities, mass
and otherwise structurally damaged concrete transit tunnels, basements and other underground structures.
• Concrete slabs showing wear-and-tear from Penetron crystalline materials can be applied to both fresh
road salts and other forms of deterioration
and existing concrete structures – for protection, repair and
• Negative-side repair of leaks in tunnels when renovation – to eliminate cracks, voids and fissures. Non-toxic,
conventional waterproofing methods fail
with no volatile organic compounds (VOCs), our products adhere to
the highest standards of environmental and ecological compliance.
Advantages of
Penetron topical products:
• Provides concrete with a self-healing capability
• Easy to apply; labor-cost effective
• Reduces chloride penetration and carbonation
• Can be applied to moist or “green” concrete
• Can be applied from either the positive or negative side
• Seals hairline and shrinkage cracks up to
0.5 mm (1/51”) wide
• Waterproofing and chemical-resistance are intact even if
the surface is damaged
• Completely effective against high hydrostatic pressure
• Not a coating or a membrane: PENETRON becomes an
integral part of the concrete
• More effective overall and less costly than membranes or
clay panel systems
• Increases concrete’s compressive strength
• Resists chemical attack and protects from freeze/thaw
cycles, aggressive subsoil waters, sea water, carbonates,
chlorides, sulfates and nitrates
• Protects embedded steel (reinforcing steel and wire mesh)
• Inorganic – contains no polymers
• Non-toxic – approved for potable water applications (NSF-61)
The Penetron System:
for durable concrete structures
Ideal for filling cracks and covers at joints and to fill form tie
holes, honeycombed (spalled) areas and routed-out cracks.
PENECRETE MORTAR can be used as a stand-alone repair mortar
or in combination with PENETRON.
A dry-shake powder formulation used for horizontal surfaces
and precast concrete, PENETRON PLUS is designed for an easy
trowel-in application.
A rapid-setting compound, PENEPLUG stops even severe active
leaks under high hydrostatic pressure.
Tropicana City Mall, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
PENETRON INJECT This 12-story office tower, with four retail and
three basement levels, stood abandoned for
Used to fill and seal deeply embedded voids, cracks and fissures, ten years. PENECRETE MORTAR, PENETRON
PENETRON INJECT stabilizes hollow spots in repaired concrete. and PENEPLUG successfully restored and
waterproofed the heavily leaking below-grade
For new concrete: concrete basement structure.
The science behind
Penetron topical applications
Self-healing concrete
A crystalline solution
to concrete problems
1) 2) 3)
Typical concrete structure with PENETRON is applied to The crystalline technology
moisture. positive or negative side. The continuously and permanently
PENETRON chemicals penetrate blocks moisture penetration and
deeply into the concrete. pushes water out of the concrete.
1) 2) 3) 4)
The area to be repaired is PENEPLUG is applied into the PENECRETE MORTAR is used Two layers of PENETRON
opened up. hole to stop the active water flow. to seal the crack and remaining are applied. The crystalline
area of the hole. technology permanently
blocks moisture penetration.
1) 2) 3) 4)
Drill holes up to 3/4” through Fill cavities with PENETRON Coat the surface of the wall As the crystalline technology
the wall at an angle of 40 – 80°. slurry and seal with PENECRETE with PENETRON. Crystals will spreads, it continuously and
MORTAR. penetrate from the inside and permanently blocks moisture
outside of the wall. penetration.
concrete protection
Recommended for all above and below-grade concrete structures,
PENETRON is a surface-applied, integral crystalline waterproofing
material used to prevent penetration of water and waterborne
chemicals, even under high hydrostatic pressure.
Mixed only with water, PENETRON can be applied by brush or spray to either
the positive or the negative sides of the concrete. In the presence of moisture,
it penetrates deeply into the structure. The ensuing chemical reaction fills
micro-cracks, pores and capillaries with an insoluble and permanent
network of crystals.
PENETRON is available in:
CPMC Tissue Manufacturing Plant, South Santiago, Chile • 22.7 kg (50 lb) bag
Numerous repairs were needed on the concrete structures • 25 kg (55 lb) pail
of the CPMC Tissue Manufacturing Plant. PENETRON
and PENECRETE MORTAR were used to repair cracks and
leaks; 6,000 m2 (64,600 ft2) of concrete surface were treated
Used in
combination with PENETRON
Used for filling structural cracks and covers at joints and to fill form tie
holes, spalled or honeycombed areas and routed-out cracks, PENECRETE
MORTAR is a cementitious, ready-mixed repair and sealing mortar.
In combination with PENETRON, PENECRETE MORTAR is recommended
for a wide range of concrete repairs and upgrades.
PENECRETE MORTAR is available in:
• 22.7 kg (50 lb) bag
• 25 kg (55 lb) pail
Stops active leaks even under
high hydrostatic pressure
A rapid-setting, cementitious crystalline waterstop, PENEPLUG is designed
to stop active water leaks and moisture ingress, even under high hydrostatic
pressure. Commonly used as a waterproof plugging mortar, it seals leaking
joints, form tie holes, and cracks in concrete, masonry, earthenware and stone.
PENEPLUG is available in:
• 18 kg (40 lb) bag
• 25 kg (55 lb) pail
Advanced injection grout to seal
deep voids, cracks and fissures
Highly effective, two-component, crystalline injection grout to fill and seal
cracks and fissures, and fill hollow spots and voids. The extremely fine
particle size of its ingredients (for a very low, water-like viscosity) allows
PENETRON INJECT to penetrate into micro-fine, hairline cracks in concrete
or rock fissures and seal them.
Its stable and low heat of reaction allows for controlled injection to completely
fill larger voids. PENETRON INJECT contains no organic or combustible
solvents or other harmful ingredients (such as amines, which can cause
serious skin irritation) unlike other organic-based injection materials. It is
non-toxic and contains no volatile organic compounds (VOCs).
For dry-shake applications
on horizontal surfaces
Specially formulated for dry-shake applications on newly poured concrete slabs or precast
segments, PENETRON PLUS provides enhanced impact and abrasion resistance. Completely
non-toxic and highly resistant to aggressive chemicals, PENETRON PLUS can seal hairline cracks
up to 0.5 mm (1/51”). The dry-shake application method reduces the risk of scaling, dusting,
flaking and delamination commonly associated with coating applications to horizontal slabs.
Once applied, PENETRON PLUS penetrates quickly into the setting concrete.
As an integral part of the concrete surface, PENETRON PLUS eliminates
problems normally associated with coatings (e.g. scaling, dusting, flaking
and delamination). With moisture from the fresh slab, crystal growth takes
place rapidly to ensure a permanent seal against water penetration.
PENETRON PLUS is available in:
• 18 kg (40 lb) bag
• 25 kg (55 lb) pail
Quality control
around the world
All Penetron products are manufactured and tested in our own production
facilities located around the world. They meet all main manufacturing
and environmental compliance certifications, including (but not limited to)
ISO 9001, ISO 14001, NSF 61, DWI, Singapore Green Label, CE mark, GB-18445.
Ideal for
vertical and horizontal concrete surfaces
Surface preparation
• All surfaces must be structurally sound and clean (no dirt, cement
laitance, curing compounds, paints, coatings, etc.).
• Grind-off any paint or coatings to provide an open-capillary structure.
• Smooth surfaces should be water or sand blasted (300 bar or more).
• Construction joints and cracks larger than 0.5 mm (1/51”) should be
routed out to a U-shaped configuration, approximately 19 mm (3/4”)
wide and a minimum of 19 mm (3/4”) deep.
• Remove any honeycomb areas.
• Moisten surface to a dull dampness.
PENETRON Mechanically mix with water to a creamy consistency (like thick oil). Mix
only as much as can be used within 20 minutes and stir frequently. If the
mixture starts to set, do not add more water, simply stir to restore work-
ability. More water can be added for spray application or slurry consistency.
PENECRETE MORTAR Add water until a medium stiff, trowelable consistency is reached. The mix
should be pliable enough to be troweled into cracks with some pressure.
Add only a small amount of water to form tie holes; mix consistency should
be that of “dry earth.” Mix only enough material to use within 20 minutes.
PENEPLUG Add only a little water and mix quickly, about 15 seconds. The mix should
have a dry pack (“dry earth”) consistency and hold shape when squeezed
in your hand. Setting occurs in about 30 seconds. In cold weather, use
lukewarm water. In higher temperatures, use cold water.
PENETRON INJECT Mix Part B (liquid) with water, slowly add Part A (powder) and mix for two
minutes for a smooth, homogeneous, lump-free mix. Pour mixture into
the funnel of the injection pump; it is ready for use. Slightly agitate every
10 – 15 minutes if not used immediately.
Application of
topical materials
Topical Crystalline Products
Penetron International
Phone + 1 631 941 9700
Fax + 1 631 941 9777
Email [email protected]
PENETRON® is a surface-applied, integral crystalline waterproofing material, which waterproofs and protects concrete
in-depth. It consists of Portland cement, specially treated quartz sand and a compound of active chemicals. PENETRON®
needs only to be mixed with water prior to application. When PENETRON® is applied to a concrete surface, the active
chemicals react with moisture and the by-products of cement hydration to cause a catalytic reaction which generates an
insoluble, crystalline structure. These crystals fill the pores and minor shrinkage cracks in the concrete to prevent any
further water ingress (even under pressure). However, PENETRON® will still allow the passage of vapor through the
structure (i.e. the concrete will be able to “breathe”). Even after the concrete has cured, PENETRON® remains dormant
in the concrete and will reactivate in the presence of moisture to seal capillary tracts and hairline cracks. In addition to
waterproofing the structure, PENETRON® protects concrete against seawater, wastewater, aggressive ground water and
many other aggressive chemical solutions. PENETRON® is approved for use in contact with potable water, and is therefore
suitable for use in water storage tanks, reservoirs, water treatment plants, etc. PENETRON® is not a decorative material.
PENETRON® integral crystalline waterproofing can be applied to all structurally sound concrete – new or old. It may be
applied to either the positive or negative sides of the concrete face. Typical areas of application are:
Becomes an integral part of the concrete, forming a complete body of strength and durability; PENETRON®
Penetrates deeply and seals concrete’s capillary tracts and shrinkage cracks
Waterproofing and chemical-resistance properties remain intact even if the surface is damaged
PENECRETE MORTAR™. Surfaces must be carefully pre- Post-treatment: The treated areas should be kept damp for
watered prior to the PENETRON® application. The concrete a period of five days and must be protected against direct sun,
surface must be damp but with no wet sheen on the surface. wind and frost, by covering with polyethylene sheeting, damp
Mixing: PENETRON® is mechanically mixed with clean water burlap or similar.
to a creamy consistency or that resembling thick oil. Mix only as
much material as can be used within 20 minutes and stir SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS
mixture frequently. If the mixture starts to set do not add more Do not apply PENETRON® at temperatures at or below freez-
water, simply re-stir to restore workability. ing or to frozen or freezing surfaces. PENETRON® cannot be
Mixing ratios: used as an additive to concrete or plasters. (PENETRON
ADMIX® should be considered for these applications).
Vertical surfaces Horizontal Surfaces
Application to 2 parts water to 1 part water PENETRON® is available in 50 lb (22.7 kg) bags or 55 lb (25 kg)
Spray 5 parts PENETRON® pails.
Application to 2.75-3.25 parts
Application: When properly stored in a dry place in unopened and undamaged
original packaging, shelf life is 12 months.
Slurry consistency: Apply PENETRON® in one or two coats
according to specification by masonry brush or appropriate
power spray equipment. When two coats are specified, apply
the second coat while the first coat is still “green”. PENETRON® contains cement which is alkaline. Will irritate
eyes and skin and may cause skin sensitization. Wear appropri-
Dry powder consistency (for horizontal surface only): The
ate eye, skin and breathing protection when using this product.
specified amount of PENETRON® is distributed in powder
Avoid contact with skin and eyes. In case of contact with eyes,
form through a sieve or a semi-mechanical barrow spreader
rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice.
and troweled into the freshly placed concrete once this has
For further information please refer to Material Safety Data
reached initial set.
Application Rates:
Vertical Surfaces: Two coats of PENETRON® at 1.25-1.5
lb/yd² (0.7-0.8 kg/m²) applied by brush or spray. Please contact
your Penetron Representative for alternative application meth-
ods that may be applicable to your project and help to increase
production. 001aCPR2013-07-10 Chloride content:
EN 1504-3 < 0,05 % by mass
Horizontal Flatwork: PENETRON® at 2 lb/yd² (1.1 kg/m²) Penetron International, Ltd. Adhesive bond: NPD
applied in one slurry coat to hardened concrete. Alternatively, 601 South Tenth Street, Unit 300 Restrained shrinkage,
PENETRON® can be dry sprinkled at 1.8 lb/yd² (1 kg/m²) and Allentown, PA 18103 expanding: NPD
trowel applied to fresh concrete when it has reached initial set. Elastic modulus: NPD
Thermal compatibility
Construction joints: PENETRON® at 3 lb/yd² (1.6 kg/m²) (Part 1): NPD
for structural and non-structur-
applied in slurry or dry powder consistency immediately prior al repair CC mortar
Corrosion behaviour:
to placing the next lift/bay of concrete. deemed to have
Compressive strength: no corrosive effect
Blinding concrete: PENETRON® at 2.5 lb/yd² (1.4 kg/m²) Class R3 (≥ 25 MPa) Reaction to fire: NPD
applied in slurry or dry powder consistency immediately prior Dangerous substances: NPD
to placing the overlying concrete slab.
PENETRON INTERNATIONAL, LTD. warrants that the products manufactured by it shall be free from material defects
and will conform to formulation standards and contain all components in their proper proportion. Should any of the
Penetron International, Ltd.
products be proven defective, the liability to PENETRON INTERNATIONAL, LTD. shall be limited to replacement of the
material proven to be defective and shall in no case be liable otherwise or for incidental or consequential damages. 45 Research Way, Suite 203
+1 (631) 941-9700
the suitability of the product for its intended use and assume all risks and liability in connection therewith.
T O T A L C O N C R E T E P R O T E C T I O N ® [email protected]
Penetron®, Penecrete Mortar™, Peneplug®,
Penetron Plus®
Safety Data Sheet
according to the Hazard Communication Standard (CFR29 1910.1200) HazCom 2012.
Date of issue: 01/22/1981 Revision date: 10/23/2015 Version: F10
SECTION 1: Identification
1.1. Product identifier
Product name : Penetron®, Penecrete Mortar™, Peneplug®, Penetron Plus®
Product code : Not available.
1.2. Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against
Use of the substance/mixture : Concrete protection and permeability reduction
1.3. Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet
Penetron International, Ltd.
45 Research Way, Suite 203
East Setauket, New York 11733 – USA
T +1 (631) 941-9700
[email protected] -
1.4. Emergency telephone number
Emergency number : CHEMTREC: US and Canada: 1-800-424-9300; International +1 703-527-3887
Signal word (GHS-US) : Danger
Hazard statements (GHS-US) : Causes skin irritation. Causes serious eye damage. May cause cancer. Causes damage to lungs
through prolonged or repeated exposure.
Precautionary statements (GHS-US) : Obtain special instructions before use. Do not handle until all safety precautions have been read
and understood. Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection. Do not
breathe dust. Wash hands thoroughly after handling. Do not eat, drink or smoke when using this
product. If exposed or concerned: Get medical advice/ attention. If on skin: Wash with plenty of
water. Take off contaminated clothing and wash it before reuse. If skin irritation occurs: Get
medical advice/attention. If in eyes: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove
contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. Immediately call a poison
center/doctor. Store locked up. Dispose of contents/container in accordance with
local/regional/national/international regulations.
2.3. Other hazards
No additional information available.
3.2. Mixture
Name Product identifier %
Cement, portland, chemicals (CAS No) 65997-15-1 50 - 70
Quartz (CAS No) 14808-60-7 0 - 50
CTS-15-1 Trade Secret 3 – 37
* The exact percentage (concentration) of composition has been withheld as a trade secret in accordance with paragraph (i) of §1910.1200.
Quartz (14808-60-7)
ACGIH ACGIH TWA (mg/m³) 0.025 mg/m³ (respirable fraction)
OSHA OSHA PEL (TWA) (mg/m³) (10 mg/m3)/(%SiO2+2) (resp)
(30 mg/m3)/(%SiO2+2) (total)
(250)/(%SiO2+5) mppcf (resp)
ACGIH Not applicable
OSHA Not applicable
8.2. Exposure controls
Appropriate engineering controls : Use ventilation adequate to keep exposures (airborne levels of dust, fume, vapor, etc.) below
recommended exposure limits.
Hand protection : Protective gloves made of rubber or PVC.
Eye protection : Wear approved eye (properly fitted dust- or splash-proof chemical safety goggles) / face (face
shield) protection.
Skin and body protection : Wear suitable protective clothing.
Respiratory protection : A NIOSH approved dust mask or filtering facepiece is recommended in poorly ventilated areas or
when permissible exposure limits may be exceeded. Respirators should be selected by and used
under the direction of a trained health and safety professional following requirements found in
OSHA’s respirator standard (29 CFR 1910.134) and ANSI’s standard for respiratory protection
Environmental exposure controls : Maintain levels below Community environmental protection thresholds.
Other information : Do not eat, smoke or drink where material is handled, processed or stored. Wash hands carefully before
eating or smoking. Handle according to established industrial hygiene and safety practices.
Quartz (14808-60-7)
IARC group 1 - Carcinogenic to humans
National Toxicology Program (NTP) Status 2 - Known Human Carcinogens
Reproductive toxicity : Based on available data, the classification criteria are not met.
Specific target organ toxicity (single exposure) : Based on available data, the classification criteria are not met.
Specific target organ toxicity (repeated exposure) : Causes damage to lungs through prolonged or repeated exposure.
Aspiration hazard : Based on available data, the classification criteria are not met.
Symptoms/injuries after inhalation : May cause respiratory tract irritation. May cause burns in the presence of moisture.
Symptoms/injuries after skin contact : Causes skin irritation. Symptoms may include redness, edema, drying, defatting and cracking of
the skin. May cause burns in the presence of moisture.
Symptoms/injuries after eye contact : Causes serious eye damage. Symptoms may include discomfort or pain, excess blinking and tear
production, with marked redness and swelling of the conjunctiva. May cause burns.
Symptoms/injuries after ingestion : May be harmful if swallowed. May cause stomach distress, nausea or vomiting. May cause burns
in the presence of moisture.
Disclaimer: We believe the statements, technical information and recommendations contained herein are reliable, but they are given without warranty or guarantee of any kind. The information contained
in this document applies to this specific material as supplied. It may not be valid for this material if it is used in combination with any other materials. It is the user’s responsibility to satisfy oneself as to the
suitability and completeness of this information for the user’s own particular use.