Section 1. Grounds Upon Which Attachment May Issue. - When To File
Section 1. Grounds Upon Which Attachment May Issue. - When To File
Section 1. Grounds Upon Which Attachment May Issue. - When To File
Section 1. Grounds upon which attachment 2. incurring the obligation upon which the
may issue. — action is brought, or
3. in the performance thereof;
When to file:
1. At the commencement of the action or e. In an action against a party who
2. at any time before entry of judgment, 1. has removed or disposed of his
property, or
Who can file: 2. is about to do so,
1. a plaintiff or 3. with intent to defraud his creditors; or
2. any proper party
f. In an action against a party who
may have the property of the adverse party 1. does not reside and
attached as security for the satisfaction of any 2. is not found in the Philippines, or on
judgment that may be recovered in the whom summons may be served by
following cases: publication.
1. when it appears by the affidavit of the 1. makes a deposit with the court from
applicant, or which the writ is issued, or
2. of some other person who personally 2. gives a counter-bond executed to the
knows the facts, applicant,
against the same, to await the In either case, the cash deposit or the counter-
judgment in the action. bond shall secure the payment of any
judgment that the attaching party may recover
Section 11. When attached property may in the action.
be sold after levy on attachment and before
entry of judgment. — A notice of the deposit shall forthwith be
served on the attaching party.
1. Whenever it shall be made to appear
to the court in which the action is Upon the discharge of an attachment in
pending, accordance with the provisions of this section,
2. upon hearing with notice to both 1. the property attached, or
parties, 2. the proceeds of any sale thereof,
3. that the property attached is
perishable, or shall be delivered to
4. that the interests of all the parties to 1. the party making the deposit or giving
the action will be subserved by the the counter-bond, or
sale thereof, 2. to the person appearing on his behalf,
the court may order such property to be sold at the deposit or counter-bond aforesaid standing
public auction in such manner as it may direct, in place of the property so released.
and the proceeds of such sale to be deposited
in court to abide the judgment in the action. Should such counter-bond for any reason be
found to be or become insufficient, and the
party furnishing the same fail to file an
Section 12. Discharge of attachment upon additional counter-bond, the attaching party
giving counter-bond. — may apply for a new order of attachment.
After due notice and hearing, the court shall plainly spurious claim, in the same or a
order the setting aside or the corresponding separate action.
discharge of the attachment if it appears that:
1. it was improperly or irregularly issued When the writ of attachment is issued in
or enforced, or favor of
2. that the bond is insufficient, or 1. the Republic of the Philippines, or any
3. that the attachment is excessive, and 2. officer duly representing it,
the defect is not cured forthwith.
the filing of such bond shall not be required,
Section 14. Proceedings where property and in case the sheriff is sued for damages as
claimed by third person. — a result of the attachment, he shall be
represented by the Solicitor General, and if
1. If the property attached is claimed by held liable therefor, the actual damages
any person other than the party adjudged by the court shall be paid by the
against whom attachment had been National Treasurer out of the funds to be
issued or his agent, and appropriated for the purpose.
2. such person makes an affidavit of his
title thereto, or right to the possession Section 15. Satisfaction of judgment out of
thereof, property attached, return of sheriff. —
3. stating the grounds of such right or
title, and 1. If judgment be recovered by the
4. serves such affidavit upon the sheriff attaching party and
5. while the latter has possession of the 2. execution issue thereon,
attached property, and
6. a copy thereof upon the attaching the sheriff may cause the judgment to be
party, satisfied out of the property attached, if it be
sufficient for that purpose in the following
the sheriff shall not be bound to keep the manner:
property under attachment, unless the
attaching party or his agent, on demand of (a) By paying to the judgment obligee
the sheriff the proceeds of
1. shall file a bond approved by the court a. all sales of perishable or other
to indemnify the third-party claimant in property sold in pursuance of
2. a sum not less than the value of the the order of the court, or
property levied upon. b. so much as shall be
necessary to satisfy the
In case of disagreement as to such value, the judgment;
same shall be decided by the court issuing the
writ of attachment. (b) If any balance remains due,
a. by selling so much of the
No claim for damages for the taking or keeping property, real or personal, as
of the property may be enforced against the may be necessary to satisfy
bond unless the action therefor is filed within the balance,
one hundred twenty (120) days from the date b. if enough for that purpose
of the filing of the bond. remain in
i. the sheriff's hands, or
The sheriff shall not be liable for damages for ii. in those the clerk of
the taking or keeping of such property to any the court;
such third-party claimant, if such bond shall be
filed. (c) By collecting from all persons
having in their possession
Nothing herein contained shall prevent such a. credits belonging to the
claimant or any third person from vindicating judgment obligor, or
his claim to the property, or prevent the b. owing debts to the latter at the
attaching party from claiming damages against time of the attachment of such
a third-party claimant who filed a frivolous or credits or debts,
Digest of Provisions: Sections 1 – 20 Rule 57
the amount of such credits and debts as Section 18. Disposition of money
determined by the court in the action, and deposited. —
stated in the judgment, and Where the party against whom attachment had
been issued has deposited money instead of
paying the proceeds of such collection over to giving counter-bond,
the judgment obligee.
1. it shall be applied under the direction
The sheriff shall forthwith of the court to the satisfaction of any
1. make a return in writing to the court of judgment rendered in favor of the
his proceedings under this section and attaching party, and
2. furnish the parties with copies thereof. 2. after satisfying the judgment the
balance shall be refunded to the
Section 16. Balance due collected upon an depositor or his assignee.
execution; excess delivered to judgment 3. If the judgment is in favor of the
obligor. — party against whom attachment was
issued, the whole sum deposited
If after must be refunded to him or his
1. realizing upon all the property assignee.
attached, including the proceeds of
any debts or credits collected, and Section 19. Disposition of attached
2. applying the proceeds to the property where judgment is for party
satisfaction of the judgment less the against whom attachment was issued. —
expenses of proceedings upon the
judgment If judgment be rendered against the attaching
3. any balance shall remain due, party,
1. all the proceeds of sales and money
the sheriff must proceed to collect such collected or received by the sheriff,
balance as upon ordinary execution. under the order of attachment, and
2. all property attached remaining in any
Whenever the judgment shall have been paid, such officer's hands,
the sheriff, upon reasonable demand, must
return to the judgment obligor shall be delivered to the party against whom
1. the attached property remaining in his attachment was issued, and the order of
hands, and attachment discharged.
2. any proceeds of the sale of the
property attached not applied to the Section 20. Claim for damages on account
judgment. of improper, irregular or excessive
attachment. —
Section 17. Recovery upon the counter- An application for damages on account of
bond. — 1. improper,
2. irregular or
When the judgment has become executory, 3. excessive attachment
the surety or sureties on any counter-bond
given pursuant to the provisions of this Rule to When it must be filed:
secure the payment of the judgment 1. before the trial or
2. before appeal is perfected or
1. shall become charged on such 3. before the judgment becomes
counter-bond and executory
2. bound to pay the judgment obligee
3. upon demand the amount due under with due notice to the attaching party and his
the judgment, surety or sureties setting forth the facts
4. which amount may be recovered from showing his right to damages and the amount
such surety or sureties after notice thereof.
and summary hearing in the same
action. Such damages may be awarded
Digest of Provisions: Sections 1 – 20 Rule 57