PLD Clasa 3 Limba Engleza Nou
PLD Clasa 3 Limba Engleza Nou
PLD Clasa 3 Limba Engleza Nou
Lesson 1:
Introductory Lesson.
Lesson 2:
2.4. Reproducing certain simple sentences, Meeting Friends
formulas of addressing, greeting people, and other Vocabulary :
basic formulas of politeness in simple and familiar age, classmate, country, hobby
communication situations. Phonetics:
th – /ɵ/
1. 18. Filling out a certain simple form respecting th - /ð/
spelling norms specific to the English language; Speech acts:
Greeting and introducing friends: Ex.
4.3. Reproducing songs which belong to the cultural 1, 2, 5
patrimony of the English speaking countries Giving personal information:
completing one’s profile: Ex. 3, 4
All About Me
“to be” present simple (review): Ex. 5
Singing ABC (review): Ex. 6
All About Me
1. 18. Filling out a certain simple form respecting
spelling norms specific to the English language. Writing: Ex. 7
Lesson 7:
Stay Healthy
1.2.Distinguishing words which contain sounds and Grammar :
groups of sounds specific to the English language in « Wh » questions
simple and familiar contexts; What do you have for breakfast?
1.8. Using words and simple short sentences, which ch – /tʃ/
contain sounds specific to the English language , in ch - /k/
simple and familiar communication contexts, Vocabulary :
following models; tea, milk, juice, fruit, sandwich,
vegetable, drink, healthy
1.9.Using correct grammar structures specific to Speech acts:
the English language according to certain models of New vocabulary (food and drinks):
simple short sentences in simple and familiar Ex. 1, 2
communication contexts. Listening and speaking: Ex. 2, 3, 4,
Reading and responding: Ex. 6
Present simple (negative
sentences): Ex. 7
Writing: Ex. 8
1.2. Distinguishing words which contain sounds
and groups of sounds specific to the English Lesson 8:
language in simple and familiar contexts; I Am Happy
Vocabulary :
1.6. Using certain intonation patterns and other happy, sad, tired, hungry, thirsty,
phenomena specific to the English language in glass, water, smile, cry
simple and familiar communication contexts; Phonetics:
silent h
1.7. Reading aloud certain simple short sentences, Speech acts:
following phonology rules (with appropriate New vocabulary (feelings): Ex. 1, 2,
pronunciation, stress, intonation, sense groups); 3
Listening and speaking: Ex. 4
1.8. Using words and simple short sentences, which Reading and responding: Ex. 5
contain sounds specific to the English language , in Writing: Ex. 4
simple and familiar communication contexts,
following models.
Lesson 9: Summative
Let’s Test Our Skills Test
Time for self assessment Evaluation:
Lesson 10:
PROJECT: My Busy Day Project