Referance 9
Referance 9
Referance 9
Abstract— Interline Power Flow Controller (IPFC) is one of section-3. Section-4 explains the proposed methodology. Case
series - series controlled Flexible Alternating Current study and results are illustrated in section-5.
Transmission System (FACTS) devices, which has the capability
of controlling the power flow in multi transmission lines. In this
paper, the effect of installing an IPFC in the system for
contingency ranking has been given under single line outage CONTROLLER
condition. The contingency ranking is done based on the active This section explains the steady state model of IPFC to
power flow in the transmission line through the Active Power incorporate in NR load flow solution as developed in [9].
Performance Index (APPI). The severe transmission line has
been ranked with and without incorporating IPFC in the system.
IEEE-6 and IEEE-30 bus system has been considered for
simulation purpose.
The study of contingency is an essential activity during
power system planning, operation and control. In some cases
of contingency, the effects may lead to transmission line
overloads or bus voltage limit violations. To overcome such
issues, there is a need to identify such contingencies.
Contingency selection is one such study which has the ability
to identify the critical contingency in the system [1]. Fig-1: Conceptual hardware configuration of IPFC
Active Power performance Index (APPI) uses the active Fig-1 shows the basic circuit diagram of Interline Power
power flow in the transmission line, the result of AC power Flow Controller (IPFC). The power injection model has been
flow method for ranking the contingency [2-7]. The largest derived from the Fig-1.
value of APPI for a particular transmission line results in
The injected active and reactive power at bus i is (1) & (2)
severity of the system.
Installation of Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) Pi ,inj = −2.r.bse .Vi 2 sin γ (1)
controllers in the system has made engineers to reselect the
most critical transmission line under any outage condition for Qi ,inj = −2.r.bse .Vi 2 cos γ (2)
the security of the system. Among many FACTS controllers
Interline Power Flow Controller (IPFC) has the capability of The injected active and reactive power at bus j is (3) & (4)
controlling the active power and reactive power of one line
and the reactive power of second line simultaneously while Pj ,inj = r.bse .Vi .V j sin (δ i − δ j + γ ) (3)
connected between two transmission lines [8-9]. The effect of
Q j ,inj = r.bse .Vi .V j cos (δ i − δ j + γ )
installing IPFC in the system on the system stability based on
condition number is presented in[10]. (4)
The organization of the paper is as follows: Section-2 The injected active and reactive power at bus k is (5) & (6)
gives the steady state model of IPFC. The contingency ranking
based on the Active Power Performance Index is shown in Pk ,inj = r.bse .Vi .Vk sin (δ i − δ k + γ ) (5)
Qk ,inj = r.bse .Vi .Vk cos (δ i − δ k + γ ) (6) § Qj ·
φ = tan −1 ¨ ¸¸
¨ Pj
The injected powers are used for rewriting the N-R © ¹
The modified Jacobian matrix is given below in (7) Q j = reactive power at receiving end bus j
ª ∂Pi ∂Pi ∂Pi ∂Pi ∂Pi ∂Pi º Pj = active power at receiving end bus j
« + 2Pi,inj »
∂ δ ∂δ j ∂δk ∂Vi ∂Vj ∂Vk
« i »
« ∂Pj ∂P ∂Pj ∂Pj ∂Pj ∂Pj »
« + Qj ,inj j − Qj ,inj + Pj ,inj + Pj ,inj » (7) IV. PROPOSED ALGORITHM
« ∂δi ∂δi ∂δi ∂Vi ∂Vj ∂Vk »
« » The computational methodology has been carried out
∂P ∂P ∂Pk ∂Pk ∂Pk ∂Pk
« k
+ Qk ,inj k − Qk ,inj + Pk ,inj + Pk ,inj » through following steps.
« ∂δi ∂δ j ∂δk ∂Vi ∂Vj ∂Vk »
« » 1) Read line and bus data of the given system and assume that
« ∂Qi ∂Qi ∂Qi ∂Qi ∂Qi ∂Qi »
+ 2Qi,inj
« ∂δi ∂δ j ∂δk ∂Vi ∂Vj ∂Vk » system angle, load (MW & MVAR) and generator (MW
« » & MVAR, Qmin & Qmax) data are constant.
« ∂Qj ∂Qj ∂Qj ∂Qj ∂Qj ∂Qj »
« ∂δ − Pj ,inj ∂δ ∂δk ∂Vi
+ Qj ,inj
+ Qj ,inj
∂Vk »
« i j » 2) Run the load flow without line outage contingency and use
« ∂Qk ∂Qk ∂Qk ∂Qk ∂Qk ∂Qk » the results as base case.
« − Pk ,inj + Pk ,inj + Qk ,inj + Qk ,inj »
«¬ ∂δi ∂δ j ∂δ j ∂Vi ∂Vj ∂Vk »¼
3) Connect N-1 line outage contingency among any two
4) Calculate APPI for each line outage condition.
PERFORMANCE INDEX (APPI) 5) Rank the more sensitive line under each line outage
condition as explained in chapter III.
The contingency ranking has been performed based on the
real/active power flow in the transmission line through the 6) Connect IPFC in the system and calculate the value of
Active Power Performance Index (APPI). The overloaded line APPI.
will have the highest value of APPI. The highest value of
APPI will be the most severe transmission line which has to be 7) Compare APPI with and without IPFC.
protected first for the prevention of system collapse.
Computation of Active Power Performance Index (APPI)
is shown below in (8). In this section, numerical results are carried out on IEEE 6-
bus system and IEEE 30-bus system [11].
§ P · L
APPI = ¦ Wi ¨ i ¸ (8) A. IEEE 6-bus system
i =1 © Pi max ¹ This system consists of 1-slack bus, 2-generator buses, 3-
load buses and 11-transmission lines. Initially, the load flow
L = total number of transmission lines in the system
solution using Newton - Raphson (NR) method without
n = specified exponent contingency was carried out & voltages at each bus were
obtained. Next, for the same system the load flow solution is
Pi = active power flow in line i obtained using the NR method with contingency. IPFC has
been connected between the three load buses 4, 5 & 6 at 5-4
Pi max = maximum active power flow in the line i and 5-6 keeping bus-5 as a common bus. The transformer
reactance considered is 0.1p.u.
Wi = weight or a scalar number
Vi 2YL cos φ SYSTEM
Pi max =
2 ª¬1 + cos (θ − φ ) º¼ CR Line APPI without IPFC Line APPI with IPFC
1 3-6 0.05627 3-6 0.05661
YL = voltage at from N-R solution 2 1-4 0.049812 1-4 0.049803
3 2-4 0.044383 2-4 0.044437
Vi = magnitude of admittance of line i -j
4 1-5 0.039957 1-5 0.040124
θ =angle of admittance of line i -j 5 1-2 0.039003 1-2 0.039026
6 2-6 0.034865 2-6 0.034923
7 2-5 0.032442 2-5 0.032538
8 3-5 0.031743 3-5 0.031873 Figs-2, 3 & 4 shows the voltage profile of IPFC installed
load buses 6, 4 & 5 respectively, of IEEE-6 bus system under
9 4-5 0.031093 2-3 0.030068
line outage conditions. The voltage profile of all three load
10 2-3 0.030055 buses has been enhanced after installing IPFC in the system.
11 5-6 0.02965
B. IEEE 30-bus system
This system consists of 1-slack bus, 5-generator buses, 24-
Table-I shows the contingency ranking based on the APPI load buses and 41-transmission lines. Initially, the load flow
with and without incorporating IPFC for IEEE-6 bus system. solution using NR method without contingency was carried
The most critical line with and without IPFC is 3 to 6 and out & voltages at each bus were obtained. Next, for the same
APPI is 0.05627 & 0.05661 respectively. As the largest system the load flow solution is obtained using the NR method
Active Power Performance Index leads the line over loading with contingency. IPFC has been connected between the three
condition, it can be observed that after incorporating IPFC, the load buses 12, 15 & 16 at 12-15 and 12-16 keeping bus-12 as
system capability has increased. a common bus. The transformer reactance considered is 0.1p.u
30 22 - 24 0.10421 10 -17 0.10386 under line outage conditions. The voltage profile of all three
load buses has been enhanced after installing IPFC in the
31 12 – 14 0.10396 29 - 30 0.10323
32 10 -17 0.10360 5-7 0.09992
33 29 - 30 0.10305 4-6 0.09812
34 5-7 0.09972 6-7 0.09371
35 4-6 0.09798 6 - 10 0.09276
36 6-7 0.09353 9 - 10 0.08912
37 6 - 10 0.09266
38 9 - 10 0.08908
Fig-5: Voltage for bus 12 The authors are grateful to the management of the Sree
Vidyanikethan Engineering College, Tirupati and also to the
management of Bapuji Institute of Engineering and
Technology, Davangere.
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