Development of Hollow Titanium Connecting Rod: 2.2. Mechanism of Diffusion Bonding
Development of Hollow Titanium Connecting Rod: 2.2. Mechanism of Diffusion Bonding
Development of Hollow Titanium Connecting Rod: 2.2. Mechanism of Diffusion Bonding
It is necessary to reduce the reciprocating mass in order to increase the engine speed and power of Formula One
engines. The project discussed in this paper therefore set out to increase the section modulus of the shaft of the
connecting rod while maintaining its rigidity and achieving weight savings. To this end, the diffusion bonding method
was optimized, and a process of manufacturing a hollow connecting rod was developed. The developed connecting
rod is lighter in weight and higher in rigidity than a rod with a conventional I-type section produced by forging, and
has contributed to enabling engines to be increased in speed.
1. Introduction phase, and therefore does not affect the base material by
heating. In addition, titanium displays a high oxygen
As one of the main kinetic components enabling the solubility limit, so oxide layers easily diffuse and
operation of high-speed and high-power Formula One disappear on titanium surfaces. Diffusion bonding was
engines, connecting rods (conrods) are the subject of a therefore focused on, and manufacturing methods for the
constant quest for weight reductions and increases in component were studied on this basis.
strength and rigidity. For this reason, titanium alloys
displaying high specific strength were applied in their 2.2. Mechanism of Diffusion Bonding
manufacture. In 2000, weight savings were achieved Diffusion bonding is a bonding method in which the
through the use of a β-rich α+β titanium alloy, SP-700(1), temperature of the materials to be bonded is maintained
which possesses 25% higher fatigue strength than that at 0.7 Tm (Tm = melting point) or more in a vacuum
of the formerly used 6A14V titanium alloy. However, or reductive gas environment, and pressure is applied in
responding to demands for further weight savings order to promote diffusion. Figure 1 shows a model of
exclusively by means of increasing strength was bringing the diffusion process(2). In the initial stage of the process,
materials close to the limit of rigidity design, a situation the asperities on the surface to be bonded are deformed
which necessitated a new technological breakthrough. and their close adherence promoted by increasing
The potential for the use of a hollow conrod structure pressure and heat. Next, diffusion causes the grain
as a means of achieving weight savings while boundaries at the interface between the materials to
maintaining a geometrical rigidity was therefore studied. migrate and vacancies to disappear. In the final stage of
the process, the remaining vacancies disappear through
2. Developed Technology
volume diffusion, and bonding is completed. Figure 2 The level of roughness and cleanliness of the bonding
shows the bonded microstructure realized in the conrod surface affects the mechanical properties of the bonded
in this project. A continuous metallic microstructure with section. Tests were therefore conducted to determine the
no remaining asperities at the bonding interface has been effects of these factors using tensile test pieces bonded
obtained. by means of two joint types (Fig. 4). Figure 5 shows
tensile properties for different levels of bonded surface
2.3. Conrod Bonding Process roughness. The level of surface roughness had a
Because the conrod is solution-aged at a temperature particular effect on the elongation and reduction area of
lower than the β transformation temperature (870 °C) in the T-joint, and was therefore set at Rt1.6 or below in
order to obtain a predetermined level of strength, the order to obtain tensile properties equivalent to those of
bonding temperature was set at 830 °C, equivalent to the the base material.
solution treatment temperature. The maximum pressure
was set at 4.0 MPa, and the diffusion time kept for 5.0
hr. A hot press vacuum furnace owned by Kinzoku
Giken Co., Ltd., capable of independent load control in
16 axes, was employed in the diffusion bonding.
Figure 3 shows the process of manufacture of the 17
10 10 L-joint piece
hollow conrod. A rolled sheet is roughly blanked using
a water jet, after which it is machined into a half blank, 45 T-joint piece
forming a hollow shaft. These half blanks are
superimposed and diffusion bonded. Fig. 4 Diffusion bonded tensile test piece
The use of dowels positioned at the big and small
ends controls relative displacement during bonding to
within 0.13 mm at the upper limit of standard deviation.
1200 60
The amount of crushing in the direction of thickness was
set at 4% of the initial thickness of the material, based 1000 50
on the height of the carbon stopper plates during hot
0.2%YS / UTS [MPa]
pressing. 800 40 0.2%YS-L
EL / RA [%]
600 UTS-L
400 20 RA-T
200 10
Fig. 2 Microstructure of diffusion bonded area of Fig. 5 Effect of surface roughness on tensile
connecting rod properties of diffusion bonded test piece
Developed Rolled plate Blanking Half-blank machining Acid Diffusion bonding
(hollow) (t19) (water Jet) (dowel at S/B end) cleaning (hot pressing)
Stopper plate
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Honda R&D Technical Review 2009 F1 Special (The Third Era Activities)
3. Achieved Performance
bonded area
4. Conclusion
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