IATF Checksheet

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Department : HOT SHOP AUDIT REF.: IQA Date :

Time : NC

Auditee : Auditor : Shift : Remarks

CL.NO. Checkpoints Confirmation Observations Major/Minor/OI


7.5.1 Is there a documented procedure for HOT SHOP Departmental

Department Procedure

Are the Quality objective deployed in the HOT SHOP

6.2.1/6.2.2 Department Departmental
i.e. Same Objective as determined along with the quality objectives.
policy or supporting departmental objectives. Is there a formal process available for risk analysis? Risk Analysis

Are there any risks and opportunities identified? Any Risk Analysis
Mitigation actions for risks identified?

Status of Mitigation actions implementation and

6.1.2 Risk Analysis

1.Is there job setup perform such as Initial run of a Job, material change over or job change required a new setup?
2.Is there maintained documented information for setup Setup Approval
personal? request & Setup
Approval Report is there Verification after machine shut down?

Are the process inspection & testing is being carried out as

8.6.1 per defined frequency in PQCS / OPS/Inspections Inspection Report

Is there any concession approved from designated Deviation Record

1.Is there suspected status is classified & controlled as non-confirming product Rework Instruction/
2.Is there documented information available for verification Rework Record
of compliances to original specification

Is the material and parts flow secured against mix-ups /

8.5.2/ Traceability System
exchanges by mistake and traceability guaranteed.

Do you have trace ability system - batch codification if heat

8.5.2 treatment is done, production month/year labelling or Traceability System
marking for final product (any process)

Are the Production Equipment ( Machine / Jig / Fixture / Master List, Die ) that effect quality , and identify critical spare needed Critical Spare Part
as per replacement for expendable supplies List

Are tools, equipment and inspection, measuring and test Equipment
equipment stored correctly. Handling

Abnormal conditions / unexpected change ( Contingency

Plan ) Abnormal Conditions / Unexpected change to satisfy Contingency Plan
customer requirements in event of an emergency such as
labour shortage ,utility intruptions,key equipment failure

Is Contingency Plan tested for suitability and reviewed Contingency Plan
annualy with CFT including top management?

Are the products / components appropriately stored and

Material Handling
8.5.4 are the transport means / packaging equipment tuned to
System Product
the special properties of the product / components.

Is there special charecteristics define in all operational PFD/CP/PFMEA/O document such as ( PFD /PFMEA/ Control Plan/Work PS/Inspections
Instructions ) are specified by special symbol standards

Are the appearance item identify and displayed at the

required location.
Control of Limit Sample includes following information
1.Date of production of the limit sample
master List of Limit
2.Control No.
8.6.3 Sample/Identificatio
3.Inspection Items ( Scratch, Roughness, unevenness
n Tag
etc. )
4.Applicable Part Name & Part No.
Effective Period
6.Significant field.

master List of Limit

Are Limit sample retain considering damage,deteorition
8.6.3 Sample/Identificatio
n Tag

Operator Instructions & Standards

1. Is the work instruction language understood by responsible person Work Instructions
2. Is the accessible for use at the designated work area.
3. Is the legible work instructions.

1.) Is there maintenance & repair facilities and personnel? Unloading/Breakdo
2). Is there storage of tooling system appropriate? wn Intimation/Tool,
3). Is the Tooling modification & change records available? Die, Fixture Service
4). Is the tool/Die Identification system available? report, Tool History

Lux Level for

8.6.3 Required lighting facilities provided for visual inspection

Poke Yoke
10.2.4 Audit of poke-yoke whether it is in working condition

Is the Process Qualification made for process Validation/

8.2.3 PQS/SPC
Process Capability carried out for special characteristics

1). Is there change point Identification requirement

1). Is there verification & validation activity as per
Noticem,Validation plan/customer requirement?
plan & Record,
2.)Is there validate change before Implementation?
Change point
3.) Is there evidences & retention record available for
verification & validation?

Is there Non-Confirming Product disposition system Rejection Record

Control of Record
Is the record have following requirement
7.5.3/ Records
identification,storage,Protection,retrivel,retention and
disposal of records
Records Retention Is the statutory ,regulatory and customer requirement Retention system

Is the competence defined for the personnel performing

7.2.2/7.2.1 Skill Matrix
Production process & Revaluate as defined interval
Corrective Action
●Is the Reviewing the nonconformities ( Including Customer
10.2 Customer Complaints ) Complaints/
●Verification of Nonconformity Implementation C'Measure
●Is the effectiveness of Corrective action review. Implementation

Score Guide lines :

0 Major NC
1 Minor NC
2 Opportunity for Improvement ( OI if Trend is improving )
3 Full fill the system Requirements

Auditee Signature : Auditor Signature :


Department : CNC SHOP AUDIT REF.: IQA Date :

Time : NC

Auditee : Auditor : Shift : Remarks

CL.NO. Checkpoints Confirmation Observations Major/Minor/OI


7.5.1 Is there a documented procedure for CNC SHOP Departmental

Department Procedure

Are the Quality objective deployed in the CNC SHOP

6.2.1/6.2.2 Department Departmental
i.e. Same Objective as determined along with the quality objectives.
policy or supporting departmental objectives. Is there a formal process available for risk analysis? Risk Analysis

Are there any risks and opportunities identified? Any Risk Analysis
Mitigation actions for risks identified?

Status of Mitigation actions implementation and

6.1.2 Risk Analysis

1.Is there job setup perform such as Initial run of a Job, material change over or job change required a new setup?
2.Is there maintained documented information for setup Setup Approval
personal? request & Setup
Approval Report is there Verification after machine shut down?

Are the process inspection & testing is being carried out as

8.6.1 per defined frequency in PQCS / OPS/Inspections Inspection Report

Is there any concession approved from designated Deviation Record

1.Is there suspected status is classified & controlled as
non-confirming product Rework Instruction/
2.Is there documented information available for verification Rework Record
of compliances to original specification

Is the material and parts flow secured against mix-ups / Traceability
exchanges by mistake and traceability guaranteed. System

Do you have trace ability system - batch codification if heat

8.5.2 treatment is done, production month/year labelling or
marking for final product (any process)

Are the Production Equipment ( Machine / Jig / Fixture / Master List, Die ) that effect quality , and identify critical spare needed Critical Spare Part
as per replacement for expendable supplies List

Are tools, equipment and inspection, measuring and test Equipment
equipment stored correctly. Handling

Abnormal conditions / unexpected change ( Contingency

Plan ) Abnormal Conditions / Unexpected change to satisfy Contingency Plan
customer requirements in event of an emergency such as
labour shortage ,utility intruptions,key equipment failure

Is Contingency Plan tested for suitability and reviewed Contingency Plan
annualy with CFT including top management?

Are the products / components appropriately stored and

Material Handling
8.5.4 are the transport means / packaging equipment tuned to
System Product
the special properties of the product / components.

Is there special charecteristics define in all operational PFD/CP/PFMEA/O document such as ( PFD /PFMEA/ Control Plan/Work PS/Inspections
Instructions ) are specified by special symbol standards

Are the appearance item identify and displayed at the

required location.
Control of Limit Sample includes following information
1.Date of production of the limit sample
master List of Limit
2.Control No.
8.6.3 Sample/Identificati
3.Inspection Items ( Scratch, Roughness, unevenness
on Tag
etc. )
4.Applicable Part Name & Part No.
Effective Period
6.Significant field.

master List of Limit

Are Limit sample retain considering damage,deteorition
8.6.3 Sample/Identificati
on Tag

Operator Instructions & Standards

1. Is the work instruction language understood by responsible person Work Instructions
2. Is the accessible for use at the designated work area.
3. Is the legible work instructions.

1.) Is there maintenance & repair facilities and personnel? Unloading/Breakdo
2). Is there storage of tooling system appropriate? wn Intimation/Tool,
3). Is the Tooling modification & change records available? Die, Fixture
4). Is the tool/Die Identification system available? Service report,
Tool History Card

Lux Level for

8.6.3 Required lighting facilities provided for visual inspection

Poke Yoke
10.2.4 Audit of poke-yoke whether it is in working condition

Is the Process Qualification made for process Validation/

8.2.3 PQS/SPC
Process Capability carried out for special characteristics

Is there Non-Confirming Product disposition system Rejection Record

1.Is there any special characteristics identified for process
capability as per PFMEA/Control Plan? Processs Capabilty
2. Is there process capability carried out as per plan & Plan & Record

1). Is there change point Identification requirement

1). Is there verification & validation activity as per
Noticem,Validation plan/customer requirement?
plan & Record,
2.)Is there validate change before Implementation?
Change point
3.) Is there evidences & retention record available for
verification & validation?

Control of Record
Is the record have following requirement
7.5.3/ Records
identification,storage,Protection,retrivel,retention and
disposal of records
Records Retention Is the statutory ,regulatory and customer requirement Retention system

Is the competence defined for the personnel performing

7.2.2/7.2.1 Skill Matrix
Production process & Revaluate as defined interval
Corrective Action
●Is the Reviewing the nonconformities ( Including Customer
10.2 Customer Complaints ) Complaints/
●Verification of Nonconformity Implementation C'Measure
●Is the effectiveness of Corrective action review. Implementation

Score Achieve 0 Score Guide lines :

0 Major NC
Total Score 78 1 Minor NC
2 Opportunity for Improvement ( OI if Trend is improving )
3 Full fill the system Requirements
Score % 0.00

Auditee Signature : Auditor Signature :


Department : PAINT SHOP AUDIT REF.: IQA Date :

Time : NC

Auditee : Auditor : Shift : Remarks

CL.NO. Checkpoints Confirmation Observations Major/Minor/OI


7.5.1 Is there a documented procedure for PAINT SHOP Departmental

Department Procedure

Are the Quality objective deployed in the PAINT SHOP

6.2.1/6.2.2 Department Departmental
i.e. Same Objective as determined along with the quality objectives.
policy or supporting departmental objectives. Is there a formal process available for risk analysis? Risk Analysis

Are there any risks and opportunities identified? Any Risk Analysis
Mitigation actions for risks identified?

Status of Mitigation actions implementation and

6.1.2 Risk Analysis

1.Is there job setup perform such as Initial run of a Job, material change over or job change required a new setup?
2.Is there maintained documented information for setup Setup Approval
personal? request & Setup
Approval Report is there Verification after machine shut down?

Are the process inspection & testing is being carried out as

8.6.1 per defined frequency in PQCS / OPS/Inspections Inspection Report

Is there any concession approved from designated Deviation Record

1.Is there suspected status is classified & controlled as

non-confirming product Instruction/
2.Is there documented information available for verification
Rework Record
of compliances to original specification

Is the material and parts flow secured against mix-ups / Traceability
exchanges by mistake and traceability guaranteed. System

Do you have trace ability system - batch codification if heat

8.5.2 treatment is done, production month/year labelling or
marking for final product (any process)

Are the Production Equipment ( Machine / Jig / Fixture / Master List, Die ) that effect quality , and identify critical spare needed Critical Spare Part
as per replacement for expendable supplies List

Are tools, equipment and inspection, measuring and test Equipment
equipment stored correctly. Handling

Abnormal conditions / unexpected change ( Contingency

Plan ) Abnormal Conditions / Unexpected change to satisfy Contingency Plan
customer requirements in event of an emergency such as
labour shortage ,utility intruptions,key equipment failure

Is Contingency Plan tested for suitability and reviewed Contingency Plan
annualy with CFT including top management?

Are the products / components appropriately stored and

Material Handling
8.5.4 are the transport means / packaging equipment tuned to
System Product
the special properties of the product / components.

Is there special charecteristics define in all operational PFD/CP/PFMEA/ document such as ( PFD /PFMEA/ Control Plan/Work OPS/Inspections
Instructions ) are specified by special symbol standards

Are the appearance item identify and displayed at the

required location.
Control of Limit Sample includes following information
1.Date of production of the limit sample master List of
2.Control No. Limit
3.Inspection Items ( Scratch, Roughness, unevenness Sample/Identificat
etc. ) ion Tag
4.Applicable Part Name & Part No.
Effective Period
6.Significant field.

master List of
Are Limit sample retain considering damage,deteorition Limit
etc. Sample/Identificat
ion Tag

Operator Instructions & Standards

1. Is the work instruction language understood by responsible person Work Instructions
2. Is the accessible for use at the designated work area.
3. Is the legible work instructions.

1.) Is there maintenance & repair facilities and personnel?
2). Is there storage of tooling system appropriate? Intimation/Tool,
3). Is the Tooling modification & change records available?
Die, Fixture
4). Is the tool/Die Identification system available?
Service report,
Tool History Card

Lux Level for

8.6.3 Required lighting facilities provided for visual inspection

Poke Yoke
10.2.4 Audit of poke-yoke whether it is in working condition

Is the Process Qualification made for process Validation/

8.2.3 PQS/SPC
Process Capability carried out for special characteristics

Is there Non-Confirming Product disposition system Rejection Record

1). Is there change point Identification requirement

1). Is there verification & validation activity as per
Noticem,Validatio plan/customer requirement?
n plan & Record,
2.)Is there validate change before Implementation?
Change point
3.) Is there evidences & retention record available for
verification & validation?

Control of Record
Is the record have following requirement
7.5.3/ Records
identification,storage,Protection,retrivel,retention and
disposal of records
Records Retention Is the statutory ,regulatory and customer requirement Retention system

Is the competence defined for the personnel performing

7.2.2/7.2.1 Skill Matrix
Production process & Revaluate as defined interval
Corrective Action
●Is the Reviewing the nonconformities ( Including Customer
10.2 Customer Complaints ) Complaints/
●Verification of Nonconformity Implementation C'Measure
●Is the effectiveness of Corrective action review. Implementation
12, ISSUE 01 July Score Achieve 0 Score Guide lines :
2017 0 Major NC
Total Score 78 1 Minor NC
2 Opportunity for Improvement ( OI if Trend is improving )
3 Full fill the system Requirements
Score % 0.00

Auditee Signature : Auditor Signature :


Department : Store AUDIT REF.: IQA

Auditee : Auditor :

CL.NO. Checkpoints Confirmation Document

Is there a documented procedure for Store Departmental Procedure

Are the Quality objective deployed in the Store

6.2.1/6.2.2 Departmental objectives.
i.e. Same Objective as determined along with the
quality policy or supporting departmental objectives.

Is There a documented procedure for material Departmental Procedure
receiving, identification & Storage

Are the raw materials/Parts identified, handled ,packed and stored adequately to preserve the Preservation of product
nonconformity of product?

Are the Quality objective deployed in the HOT SHOP

6.2.1/6.2.2 Departmental objectives.
i.e. Same Objective as determined along with the
quality policy or supporting departmental objectives. Is there a formal process available for risk analysis? Risk Analysis

Are there any risks and opportunities identified? Any Risk Analysis
Mitigation actions for risks identified?

Status of Mitigation actions implementation and

6.1.2 Risk Analysis

Is the condition of materials/product laying in stocks Daily Stock Assessment
assessed? Is there FIFO system Implemented? FIFO System Followed

Is frequency of such assessment defined and what is Inventory assessment
the basis taken for the same?

Do you take any action to prevent the dust ,rust,moiture& rain etc. for stock & unfinished Action plan/ Work Instructions

Is there Preservation, pacakging & labeling as per Packing condition
requirement of customer? Is system for inventory management defined? Inventory management

is there Min-Max inventory level defined Min-Max inventory level

How are the obsolete products/components/materials

lying in stores dealt? Are these considered and Incoming Rejection Material
controlled as per nonconforming materials disposition
( Disposal )?

Control of Record
7.5.3/ Is the record have following requirement Records
identification,storage,Protection,retrivel,retention and
disposal of records

Records Retention Is the statutory ,regulatory and customer requirement Retention system

Is the competence defined for the personnel

7.2.2/7.2.1 performing Production process & Re-evaluate as Skill Matrix
defined interval

MS/WFIM 09 FO 12, ISSUE 00 DEC 2015 Score Achieve

Total Score

Score %

Auditee Signature :

Date :
Time : NC

Shift : Remarks

Observations Major/Minor/OI
0 Score Guide lines :
0 Major NC
1 Minor NC
2 Opportunity for Improvement ( OI if Trend is improving )
3 Full fill the system Requirements

Auditor Signature :

Department : HR AUDIT REF.: IQA Date :

Time : NC

Auditee : Auditor : Shift Remarks

CL.NO. Checkpoints Confirmation Observations Major/Min

Document or/OI

Is there a documented procedure for training / competency

7.2/7.3/7.5 & motivation of employee Departmental

Are the Quality objective deployed in the HR Department

6.2.1/6.2.2 i.e. Same Objective as determined along with the quality policy or Departmental
supporting departmental objectives. objectives.

6.1.1 Is there a formal process available for risk analysis? Risk Analysis

Are there any risks and opportunities identified? Any

6.1.2 Mitigation actions for risks identified? Risk Analysis

Status of Mitigation actions implementation and

effectiveness? Risk Analysis

7.2 Do you make the education plan for employee ( by class, Training Plan
speciality , external or contractual, beginners )?

Do you implement the education as planned and keep the

7.2 records?

Is education given to managers and supervisor?

Training Plan &
Do you perform the practical training ( On job ) of Workers.

Do you record the education history of each individual?

7.2.2 Do you make skill sheet ( Matrix ) of each individual? Skill Matrix

7.2.2 Is there Guidance available for operator training Training Manual

is there any selection criterion available for contractor / Recruitment

7.2.2 agency providing contractual labour Procedure

7.1 Are resource required for the process available Recruitment


Abnormal conditions / unexpected change ( Contingency

Plan ) Contingency Abnormal Conditions / Unexpected change to satisfy Plan
customer requirements in event of an emergency such as
labour shortage ,utility intruptions,key equipment failure Is Contingency Plan tested for suitability and reviewed Contingency

annualy with CFT including top management? Plan

7.2.1 is there any system to allow operations only by qualified Training

operator Methodology

7.2.1 Is internal training environmental material regulation carried Training Manual


5.3 is there roles & Responsibility defined for each employee. Chart

Are criteria determined to ensure that the HRD Process are Competency effective ( No of Retraining required, gap between
competency required vs Actual ) Matrix

Departmental Are the method available for above criteria. Procedure
Departmental Are performance indicator measure & analysed. Objective

Corrective &
6.1/ 10.2 Are corrective & Preventive action taken when criteria's are Preventive
not met. Action

Dose the organization have a process for motivating the

7.3.2 employees to achieve the quality objective and continuous Training
improvement ( Kaizen awards , attendance awards etc. ) Procedure

7.4 What are the inputs communicated to various department Communication

and how they are communicated. Matrix

Is there any process established at all levels for promoting

7.3.1 Quality Technological awareness throughout the Training
organization ( Quality Circle, Visual aids ) Procedure

Are the area of continuous improvements identified for Improvement
6.2 improving effectiveness of QMS in HRD Department. Procedures

7.2.1 Is the competence defined for the personnel performing Skill Matrix
Production process & Re-evaluate as defined interval

MS/WFIM 09 FO 12, ISSUE 01 July 2017 Score Achieve Score Guide lines :
0 Major NC
Total Score 1 Minor NC
2 Opportunity for Improvement ( OI if Trend is improving )
3 Full fill the system Requirements
Score %

Auditee Signature : Auditor Signature :


Department : Quality Control AUDIT REF.: IQA Date :


Time : Remarks
Auditee : Auditor : Shift : G
CL.NO. Checkpoints Confirmation Document Observations Major/Minor/OI

Are the process inspection & testing is being carried out as per defined frequency in
8.5.1 Inspection Report
PQCS / OPS/Inspections standards/WI

is there setup approval done as per defined standards Setup approval report

Are rejects, rework, and adjustment parts, as well as internal residues strictly separated
8.7.1 Reject , Rework Record
and identified & Record Maintain

Is the material and parts flow secured against mix-ups / exchanges by mistake and
8.7.1 Identification & Traceability
traceability guaranteed. Are tools, equipment and inspection, measuring and test equipment stored correctly. List of Tools & Equipments

Abnormal conditions / unexpected change ( Contingency Plan ) Abnormal Conditions / Unexpected change to satisfy customer requirements in event of Contingency Plan
an emergency such as labor shortage ,utility intruptions,key equipment failure

6.1.1 Is there a formal process available for risk analysis? Risk Analysis

6.1.2 Are there any risks and opportunities identified? Any Mitigation actions for risks identified? Risk Analysis

6.1.2 Status of Mitigation actions implementation and effectiveness? Risk Analysis

Are the special characteristics identified in the PFMEA , PQCS,Operations standards , OPS,Inspections standards
Inspections standards, etc.

6.2 Are the Quality Objectives deployed in the department? PI data Are correction and Preventive actions taken in case the Criteria are not met? Action plan

Are the appearance item identify and displayed at the required location.
Control of Limit Sample includes following information
1.Date of production of the limit sample
8.6.3 2.Control No. master List of Limit
3.Inspection Items ( Scratch, Roughness, unevenness etc. ) Sample/Identification Tag
4.Applicable Part Name & Part No.
Effective Period
6.Significant field.

master List of Limit

8.6.3 Are Limit sample retain considering damage,deteorition etc.
Sample/Identification Tag

Is there understanding of statistical concepts variation ,stability , process capability& over Training Record

8.6.2 Are Layout Inspections at specified frequency included in control plans being carried out? Layout Plan

Does the verification of effectiveness of layout inspection functional testing has done?
8.6.2 Layout Reports & Records
Records for the same are maintained?

Are the instruments / Gauges / Test Soft Wares used for testing / verification in quality
7.1.5 Calibration History Card/ Plan
calibrated or verified?

Is MSA carried out for such instruments, which are referred in Control Plans?
7.1.5 MSA Plan / MSA Report
What are improvement plans for enhancing Measurement Systems?

Reject , Rework Record / Defect Do work instructions for re-inspection of re-work products for the type of defects exist?

Is there a system for taking concessions on Non-conforming Products from customer prior Deviation Request
to further processing? Do records of concessions mention Quantity or Expiration period by customer? Deviation Request What type of Marking / Identification is provided to customer “Concession” Products”? Identification & Traceability

Is there any customer complaints closed or not Customer Complainst

is there customer complaints tracking record available customer complaints tracking sheet

Is there customer return record available Customer return register

Is there customer return rejection analysis available Customer return analysis record

Is there a system for utilizing a process for Problem Solving, leading to root cause
10.2 8D/ CAPA Report
identification and elimination?

Is the Process Qualification made for process Validation/ Process Capability carried out
8.2.3 PQS/SPC
for special characteristics Is there Non-Confirming Product disposition system available/followed? Rejection Record

is there inhouse daily shop wise rejection review record available Rejection Record/Analysis

Control of Record
7.5.3/ Is the record have following requirement identification,storage,Protection,retrivel,retention Records
and disposal of records

Records Retention Retention system
Is the statutory ,regulatory and customer requirement follow

Is the competence defined for the personnel performing Production process & Revaluate
7.2.2/7.2.1 Skill Matrix
as defined interval
Corrective Action
●Is the Reviewing the nonconformities ( Including Customer Complaints )
●Verification of Nonconformity Implementation Customer Complaints/ C'Measure
●Is the effectiveness of Corrective action review. Implementation

MS/WFIM 09 FO 12, ISSUE 00 DEC 2015 Score Achieve 0 Score Guide lines :
Total Score 72 0 Major NC
1 Minor NC
Score % 0 2 Opportunity for Improvement ( OI if Trend is improving )
Auditee Signature : Auditor Signature :
3 Full fill the system Requirements

Department : Recieving Quality AUDIT REF.: IQA Date :

Time : NC

Auditee : Auditor : Shift : Remarks
CL.NO. Checkpoints Document Observations Major/Minor/OI

Is there a documented procedure for Quality Assurance of Received Departmental

material Procedure

Are the Quality objective deployed in the Quality Department for

Incoming Quality Departmental
i.e. Same Objective as determined along with the quality policy or Objective
supporting departmental objectives.

Are the Quality objective deployed in the HOT SHOP Department

6.2.1/6.2.2 i.e. Same Objective as determined along with the quality policy or
supporting departmental objectives. Is there a formal process available for risk analysis? Risk Analysis

Are there any risks and opportunities identified? Any Mitigation actions Risk Analysis
for risks identified?

6.1.2 Status of Mitigation actions implementation and effectiveness? Risk Analysis

Abnormal conditions / unexpected change ( Contingency Plan )

Abnormal Conditions / Unexpected change to satisfy customer Contingency Plan
requirements in event of an emergency such as labour shortage ,utility
intruptions,key equipment failure

Is the acceptance criteria estabilished and implemented to ensure that

8.6.6 Incoming Standard
purchased product meet the specified product requirement

Are there any customer supplied inspection tool /gauge? List of Gauges
if Yes,how these tools / gauges are identified for tool ownership?

Are all the inputs available for monitoring & Measurements of product (
8.4.2 Receving inspection standards , drawing ,sample plan, Gauge Standard/Drawings
,Instruments )

Are the instrument/ Gauges used for testing / verification in quality Calibration Record
calibrated or varified?

Is there a documented procedure for Non conforming of Received

material ?
Are the responsibility and authorities for dealing with non-conforming NC Product
product defined in the procedure ? Handling
Does the procedure address identification and control of non-
conforming product prevent unintended use or delivery?

Do the procedure address the way of disposition of the non conforming Rework Record
product in form of rework, use as it ,alternate use?

Are records of nature of non conformities and concessions Deviation Record

Is there continually improve the suitability, adequacy and effectiveness Improvement

of the Quality Management system? Records Is there any supplier evaluation plan? Supplier Audit Plan

Is there any system for measurements of supplier perormance

●Supplier Performance rating Supplier Rating
●Best Supplier in a month
●Worst Supplier in a month

Is there any rule or procedure defined for product / process/ plant Change point
change from supplier? Control Procedure

1). Is there change point Identification requirement available? 1). Is there verification & validation activity as per plan/customer Technical
requirement? Noticem,Validation
2.)Is there validate change before Implementation? plan & Record,
3.) Is there evidences & retention record available for verification & Change point

Control of Record
Is the record have following requirement
7.5.3/ Records
identification,storage,Protection,retrivel,retention and disposal of

Records Retention Retention system
Is the statutory ,regulatory and customer requirement follow

Is the competence defined for the personnel performing Quality

7.2.2/7.2.1 Skill Matrix
process & Re-evaluate as defined interval

Corrective Action
●Is the Reviewing the nonconformities ( Including Customer
10.2 Complaints )
●Verification of Nonconformity Implementation
●Is the effectiveness of Corrective action review.

MS/WFIM 09 FO 12, ISSUE 00 DEC 2015 Score Guide lines :

Score Achieve 0 Major NC
1 Minor NC
Total Score 2 Opportunity for Improvement ( OI if Trend is improving )
3 Full fill the system Requirements

Score %
Auditee Signature : Auditor Signature :

Department : R&D AUDIT REF.:

Auditee : Auditor :

CL.NO. Checkpoints Confirmation Document

Is there a documented procedure available for R&D Department
Departmental Procedure

Are the Quality objective deployed in the R & D

6.2.1/6.2.2 Department Departmental objectives.
i.e. Same Objective as determined along with the quality
policy or supporting departmental objectives. Is there a formal process available for risk analysis? Risk Analysis

Are there any risks and opportunities identified? Any Risk Analysis
Mitigation actions for risks identified?

Status of Mitigation actions implementation and

6.1.2 Risk Analysis

1). Is there development plan/ timing plan available?

2). Is there development plan/ Timing Plan reviewed
Timing Plan/APQP
timely? 1). Is there manufacturing process risk analysis available

such as FMEA's, Process Flow, control plan & standard
FMEA, Process Flow,
work Instructions?
Control Plan & standard
2). Is there review of manufacturing process risk analysis
work instructions
such as FMEA's, process flow, control plan & standard
work instructions?

Manufacturing Feasibility
1).Is there special characteristic identified? 2). Is there targets for productivity, process capability, Feasibility Study
timing & cost available?
3). Is there past problems included?

1). Is there special Characteristics identified in drawings,

FMEA, Control Plan & standard work/operator
Plan/Standard Work Instructions?
Instruction/List of Special
2). Is special characteristics identified with specific
1). Is there Validation plan available?
2). Is there validation records available?
3). Is there any abnormality or problem during validation Validation
8.3.4 activity? plan/Record/Action Taken
4). Is there action taken against problem found during
validation activity?

Is there measurement & analysis results available & reviewed in MRM?
Records & MRM

Is there validation according to customer requirements Customer & regulatory including regulatory requirements? requirements

Identification and traceability

8.5.2 Is the traceability system included in all Operational Traceability System

8.3.6 Is there any change point control system available? Change Point Control

1). Is there change point Identification requirement

1). Is there verification & validation activity as per
Technical Noticem,Validation plan/customer requirement?
plan & Record, Change point
2.)Is there validate change before Implementation?
3.) Is there evidences & retention record available for
verification & validation? Is there any temporary change in process control? Document Issue Records

Is the Record available of issue Mass Production

8.5.1 Transition Declaration prior going to Mass Production
Mass Production Declaration

Is the competence defined for the personnel performing

7.2.2/7.2.1 Skill Matrix
Production process & Revaluate as defined interval

Control of Record
7.5.3/ Is the record have following requirement Records
identification,storage,Protection,retrivel,retention and
disposal of records

Records Retention Is the statutory ,regulatory and customer requirement Retention system

Corrective Action
●Is the Reviewing the nonconformities ( Including
Customer Complaints/
10.2 Customer Complaints )
C'Measure Implementation
●Verification of Nonconformity Implementation
●Is the effectiveness of Corrective action review.

MS/WFIM 09 FO 12, ISSUE 00 DEC 2015 Score Achieve

Total Score

Score % #DIV/0!

Auditee Signature :

Date :
Time : NC
Shift : Remarks

Observations Major/Minor/OI
Score Guide lines :
0 Major NC
1 Minor NC
2 Opportunity for Improvement ( OI if Trend is improving )
3 Full fill the system Requirements
Score Guide lines :
0 Major NC
1 Minor NC
2 Opportunity for Improvement ( OI if Trend is improving )
3 Full fill the system Requirements

Auditor Signature :

Department : Purchase AUDIT REF.: IQA Date :

Auditee : Auditor : Shift :
CL.NO. Checkpoints Confirmation Document O

Are the process identified and established ?

8.4 i.e. Supplier ,Performance monitoring, Purchase -local, Purchase- Departmental Procedure
Imports, Supplier Development, etc.

Are the Quality objective deployed in the Purchase

6.2.1/6.2.2 Departmental objectives
i.e. Same Objective as determined along with the
quality policy or supporting departmental objectives.

Supplier Selection Dose they have a process for supplier selection Procedure Is there a formal process available for risk analysis? Risk Analysis

Are there any risks and opportunities identified? Any Risk Analysis
Mitigation actions for risks identified?

Status of Mitigation actions implementation and

6.1.2 Risk Analysis

Abnormal conditions / unexpected change

( Contingency Plan )
Abnormal Conditions / Unexpected change to Contingency Plan
satisfy customer requirements in event of an
emergency such as labour shortage ,utility
intruptions,key equipment failure

Is Contingency Plan tested for suitability and reviewed annualy with CFT including top Contingency Plan
are records maintained as a result of necessary actions taken for improvement in supplier performance & its supplier performance
effectiveness ? Is statutory and regulatory requirements implemented at Declaration from Supplier

supplier end?

1)Is Approved Supplier List available? 2.) Is supplier compliance to ISO 9001 through Second Approved Supplier List/ISO
Party Audits.
Are the supplier selected on base of following
1). An assesment of the selected supplier's risk to product confirmity Supplier Selection
2).relevant quality & delivery performance Procedure
3). An evaluation of the supplier's quality management

Are the frequancy of supplier visit/audits are defined to Supplier Selection know their status of system development?are records Procedure

Actions plan are prepared in joint discussion with your supplier for estabilishing / upgrading the system as per Supplier Selection
IATF 16949:2016 Procedure

Has customer prescribed any source to purchase Supplier Selection products,materials ,tools or services under contractual Procedure

Is supplier performance been monitored based on

●Delivery product confirmity to requirements Supplier Performance ●Customer disruptions at the receiving plant Rating Procedure
●Delivery schedule performance
●Number of occurences of Premium Freight
●Customer Notification on quality / Delivery Issues

Are they any outsource process identified in the

organization? E.g Casting ,Machining,painting Job Responsibility
Note : Are any technical responsibility with in the
organization delegated for outsource process are control of these outsource process identified in the Supplier QMS
QMS? Improvement Plan

Is there a system exist for process/plant change request Change management from supplier?are the responsible person defined for
approval of chage request? System

Control of Record
7.5.3/ Is the record have following requirement Records
identification,storage,Protection,retrivel,retention and
disposal of records

Records Retention Is the statutory ,regulatory and customer requirement Retention system

Corrective Action
●Is the Reviewing the nonconformities ( Including Customer Complaints/
10.2 Customer Complaints ) C'Measure
●Verification of Nonconformity Implementation Implementation
●Is the effectiveness of Corrective action review.
Is the competency defined for the personnel performing Competency
purchase process ?
Are input for Purchase process identified in terms of Training Need
training needs? Identification

Score Achieve 0 Score Guide lines :

MS/WFIM 09 FO 12, ISSUE 00 DEC 2015 Total Score 0 Major NC
Score % #DIV/0! 1 Minor NC
2 Opportunity for Improv
Auditee Signature : 3 Full fill the system Requ

Date :
Time : NC
Shift : Remarks

Observations Major/Minor/OI
Score Guide lines :
0 Major NC
1 Minor NC
2 Opportunity for Improvement ( OI if Trend is improving )
Auditor Signature :
3 Full fill the system Requirements

Department : Maintenance AUDIT REF.: IQA

Auditee : Auditor :
CL.NO. Checkpoints Confirmation Document

Is there a documented procedure available for Departmental Procedure
Maintenence Department

Are the Quality objective deployed in the Maint.

6.2.1/6.2.2 department. Departmental objectives
i.e. Same Objective as determined along with the
quality policy or supporting departmental objectives. Dose they have a process for supplier selection Supplier Selection Procedure Is there a formal process available for risk analysis? Risk Analysis

Are there any risks and opportunities identified? Any Risk Analysis
Mitigation actions for risks identified?

Status of Mitigation actions implementation and

6.1.2 Risk Analysis

Abnormal conditions / unexpected change

( Contingency Plan )
Abnormal Conditions / Unexpected change to satisfy Contingency Plan
customer requirements in event of an emergency such
as labour shortage ,utility intruptions,key equipment

Is Contingency Plan tested for suitability and reviewed Contingency Plan
annualy with CFT including top management?

Is there Identification of process equipment necessary List of Machines/Equipments
to produce confirming product

Is there avaialability of parts for the List of critical parts
equipment/machines identified?

Preventive and predictive maintenance - plan and Preventive Maintenance Plan &
records PM Report Is there provision for packaging & preservation of

Equipment Handling
5.4 equipment, tooling & gauges? Maintaining history card for Machine Machine History card

Is there MTBF (Mean Time Between Failures) & MTTR MTBF & MTTR
calculated as defined frequency What action taken to prevent the breakdown Action plan

How machine is approved after Planned & unplanned Machine check sheet & Product
shut down period? approval Is the Breakdown intimation record available BD Intimation Slip

Is there Maintenance logs for each piece of equipment Maintenance log book

Control of Record
7.5.3/7.5.3 Is the record have following requirement
.1 identification,storage,Protection,retrivel,retention and
disposal of records

Records Retention Is the statutory ,regulatory and customer requirement Retention system

Corrective Action
●Is the Reviewing the nonconformities ( Including
Customer Complaints/
10.2 Customer Complaints )
C'Measure Implementation
●Verification of Nonconformity Implementation
●Is the effectiveness of Corrective action review.

Is the competency defined for the personnel performing

Maint. process ? Competency
Are input for Maint. process identified in terms of training Training Need Identification

MS/WFIM 09 FO 12, ISSUE 00 DEC 2015 Score Achieve 0

48 Total Score 48

Score % 0

Auditee Signature :

Date :
Time : NC
Shift : Remarks

Observations Major/Minor/OI
Score Guide lines :
0 Major NC
1 Minor NC
2 Opportunity for Improvement ( OI if Trend is improving )
3 Full fill the system Requirements

Auditor Signature :

Department : Marketing AUDIT REF.: IQA

Auditee : Auditor :

CL.NO. Checkpoints Confirmation Document

Is there a documented procedure available for

8.2 Departmental Procedure
Marketing Department

Are the Quality objective deployed in the Purchase

6.2.1/6.2.2 department. Departmental objectives
i.e. Same Objective as determined along with the
quality policy or supporting departmental objectives. Dose they have a process for supplier selection Supplier Selection Procedure Is there a formal process available for risk analysis? Risk Analysis

Are there any risks and opportunities identified? Any Risk Analysis
Mitigation actions for risks identified?

Status of Mitigation actions implementation and

6.1.2 Risk Analysis

Abnormal conditions / unexpected change

( Contingency Plan )
Abnormal Conditions / Unexpected change to satisfy Contingency Plan
customer requirements in event of an emergency such
as labour shortage ,utility intruptions,key equipment

Is Contingency Plan tested for suitability and reviewed Contingency Plan
annualy with CFT including top management?
Is method of measurement of customer
satisfaction/Perception determined?
●Customer Feedback
●Customer Audit
●Customer Survey
●Feedback to obtaine product image in the market
8.2.1 Customer Satisfaction index
●Handling customer complaints
●Increase market share
●Repeative order
●Cost effective
●Enhance met in product properties
●Product development and inovation etc.

Is following consider in customer satisfaction,as a

Delivered part Quality Performance Customer Line Distruptions Customer Satisfaction index
Delivery Performance
Incident Premium fraight
Customer notification ( Including penalty etc ) on
Quality / Delivery issue

8.2.1 Are corrective action identified if the customer Corrective & Preventive action
requirement are not full filled?

Are the requirement reviewed and necessory input from

8.2.3 various departmrnt obatined prior to organization

Are the record of above reviews and action arising due

to this review maintained?

Are the relavent document amended and

communicated to the relavent department in case of
amendment to the order?

Is the output from the marketing department

communicated to the relavent department

Control of Record
7.5.3/7.5.3 Is the record have following requirement
.1 Records
identification,storage,Protection,retrivel,retention and
disposal of records
Records Retention Is the statutory ,regulatory and customer requirement Retention system

Corrective Action
●Is the Reviewing the nonconformities ( Including
Customer Complaints/
10.2 Customer Complaints )
C'Measure Implementation
●Verification of Nonconformity Implementation
●Is the effectiveness of Corrective action review.

Is the competency defined for the personnel performing

MKT process ? Competency
Are input for MKT process identified in terms of training
needs? Training Need Identification

MS/WFIM 09 FO 12, ISSUE 00 DEC 2015 Score Achieve 0

Total Score 39
Score % 0
Auditee Signature :

Date :
Time : NC
Shift : Remarks

Observations Major/Min
Score Guide lines :
0 Major NC
1 Minor NC
2 Opportunity for Improvement ( OI if Trend is improving )
Auditor Signature :
3 Full fill the system Requirements

Department : Quality Control AUDIT REF.: IQA Date :


Time : Remarks
Auditee : Auditor : Shift : G
CL.NO. Checkpoints Confirmation Document Observations Major/Minor/OI

Are the process inspection & testing is being carried out as per defined frequency
8.5.1 in PQCS / OPS/Inspections standards/WI Inspection Report

is there setup approval done as per defined standards Setup approval report

Are rejects, rework, and adjustment parts, as well as internal residues strictly
8.7.1 separated and identified & Record Maintain Reject , Rework Record

Is the material and parts flow secured against mix-ups / exchanges by mistake and
8.7.1 traceability guaranteed. Identification & Traceability

Are tools, equipment and inspection, measuring and test equipment stored correctly. List of Tools & Equipments

Abnormal conditions / unexpected change ( Contingency Plan )

Abnormal Conditions / Unexpected change to satisfy customer requirements in event of an emergency such as labor shortage ,utility intruptions,key equipment Contingency Plan

6.1.1 Is there a formal process available for risk analysis? Risk Analysis

Are there any risks and opportunities identified? Any Mitigation actions for risks
6.1.2 identified? Risk Analysis

6.1.2 Status of Mitigation actions implementation and effectiveness? Risk Analysis

Are the special characteristics identified in the PFMEA , PQCS,Operations standards , Inspections standards, etc. OPS,Inspections standards

6.2 Are the Quality Objectives deployed in the department? PI data Are correction and Preventive actions taken in case the Criteria are not Action plan
2 met?

Are the appearance item identify and displayed at the required location.
Control of Limit Sample includes following information
1.Date of production of the limit sample
2.Control No. master List of Limit Sample/Identification
8.6.3 3.Inspection Items ( Scratch, Roughness, unevenness etc. ) Tag
4.Applicable Part Name & Part No.
Effective Period
6.Significant field.

8.6.3 Are Limit sample retain considering damage,deteorition etc. master List of Limit Sample/Identification

Is there understanding of statistical concepts variation ,stability , process capability& over adjustment? Training Record

Are Layout Inspections at specified frequency included in control plans

8.6.2 being carried out? Layout Plan

Does the verification of effectiveness of layout inspection functional

8.6.2 Layout Reports & Records
testing has done? Records for the same are maintained?

Are the instruments / Gauges / Test Soft Wares used for testing /
7.1.5 verification in quality calibrated or verified? Calibration History Card/ Plan

Is MSA carried out for such instruments, which are referred in Control
7.1.5 Plans? MSA Plan / MSA Report
What are improvement plans for enhancing Measurement Systems? Do work instructions for re-inspection of re-work products for the type of Reject , Rework Record / Defect
defects exist? Matrix,WI Is there a system for taking concessions on Non-conforming Products from Deviation Request
customer prior to further processing?

Do records of concessions mention Quantity or Expiration period by customer? Deviation Request What type of Marking / Identification is provided to customer Identification & Traceability
“Concession” Products”?

Is there any customer complaints closed or not Customer Complainst

is there customer complaints tracking record available customer complaints tracking sheet

Is there customer return record available Customer return register

Is there customer return rejection analysis available Customer return analysis record

Verify identification of the stages (Production & Delivery) and frequency of Product Audit? Product Audit Plan Is ‘Process Audit” carried out at each Manufacturing Process? Verify Process Audit Plan
frequency and check List.

10.2 Is there a system for utilizing a process for Problem Solving, leading to 8D/ CAPA Report
root cause identification and elimination?

Is the competence defined for the personnel performing Quality process &
7.2.2 Re-evaluate as defined interval Skill Matrix

MS/WFIM 09 FO 12, ISSUE 00 DEC 2015 Score Achieve 0 Score Guide lines :
Total Score 72 0 Major NC
Score % 0 1 Minor NC
2 Opportunity for Improvement ( OI if Trend is improving )
Auditee Signature : Auditor Signature :
3 Full fill the system Requirements

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