Doh Thrust
Doh Thrust
Doh Thrust
Group V
Confirmed measles cases have increased from only 453 in 2007 to 1840
in 2011. More than 70% of these cases were among children who had not been
vaccinated against measles. A total of 30 children died in 2010 and as of the
February 19,2011 two children have children died from measles. It is alarming
because no child should die from measles because measles vaccines is free and
available nationwide.
Building up the child’s resistance will help him/her prevent sickness and
promote health for proper growth and development. Immunization is one way of
doing this. The vaccine gives the child an immunity (protection) against measles
and rubella.
(1) Reduce the number of children who are at risk of getting measles
DoH urges mothers, fathers, and caregivers of children to open their doors to the
vaccination teams and have their children vaccinated during this special