Lte Cost 231 Hata
Lte Cost 231 Hata
Lte Cost 231 Hata
Barrera Morales Ángel Rodrigo Amaguaya Uvidia Edison Fernando Torres Clavijo Diego Andrés
Telecommunications School Telecommunications School Telecommunications School
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
Now, the valid frequency range for the above equation Table I: Modeling measurements and parameters.
is between 1500 and 2000 MHz, leaving the range for the
other parameters of the equation equal to the previous general Comparison of measured and predicted route loss. The loss of
case.[13] route measured in what is investigated. Routes are compared
to the COST-231 Hata. This model has been selected for
COST-231 Hata method was developed, which provides inline comparison with the frequency range for which it is
an expression for calculating propagation losses at higher most valid.
Figure 1: Comparison of measured pathloss against free Figure 4: Comparison of measured and predicted pathloss
space loss. along route 3.[14]
The COST-231 Hata model showed the least ingrained mean The coordinates of the measurement points (Red Dots)
square errors of 7.42dB, 7.63dB, and 9.64dB along routes 1, were found through a free mobile application called GSM
2, and 3, respectively. This model was selected and modified, Field Test. BTS (Green Points) data to identify CID and LAC
using the least squared algorithm. The model was seen to pre- was performed using cell phone and GSM Field Test app.
dict the loss of path of data measured with enhanced RMSEs
of 5.20dB, 4.89dB, and 8.78dB, for investigated routes 1, 2,
and 3, respectively. Nearer-zero RMSEs show improvements
in model prediction accuracy, and the modified model could be
very useful for renewing network planning, system design, and
the deployment of wireless networks on and around selected
roads in Lagos, Nigeria.
B. Scenario II
It is a Master’s thesis whose theme is ”Statistical Adjustment
to Propagation Models for Mobile Networks”
Figure 7: GSM Field Test mobile mobile app.
The radio spectrum measurement campaign was carried
out in the city of Bogota D.C, it took a time of 72h in the
South and West [15] area. In total, the measurement campaign
was conducted over thirteen days. Spectrum occupancy was
measured in the range of 824 MHz to 849 MHz and also at
1700 MHz to 1900 MHz.[16]
Figure 10: COST-231 Hata model and measurement Figure 13: View of drive test routes.
regression line.
Figure 11: Study area. Figure 15: Comparison of Predicted and Measured Path loss
in suburban environment.
II and Aggrey Road classified as urban and suburban areas
The COST-231 Hata Model was shown to show considerable
respectively, to evaluate the best propagation model for the
performance and can be tuned for better performance. It can
study area.[17]
be said that the performance of the propagation model depends
on the environment. Therefore, the influence of environmental
factors should be emphasized and properly accounted for
when considering base station sites. Therefore, one of the
best possible ways to get better channel characteristics is to
optimize existing path loss models based on measured data
collected from a specific area.[17]
Table VII:Empirical and Measured Path loss values for
Urban Environment.
1) For a good prediction of propagation losses it is
recommended first to have the information of the
territorial distribution so that the model can be
characterized and therefore decide whether or not it
is applicable to the specific conditions of the city in
which you want to work.
[1] E. A. D.-R. y. J. L. L.-B. Sergio Vidal-Beltrán, “Simplified propagation
model for lte on the 2.1ghz frequency,” 2017.
[2] K.-E. D. Suneetha Rani, Subrahmanyam VVRK Behara, “Comparison of
standard propagate cntion model (spm) and stanford university interim
radio propagation models (suis) for long-term evolution (lte),” 2018.