Lab Test Analysis
Lab Test Analysis
Lab Test Analysis
A test used to determine the amount of hemoglobin in the blood. Hgb is the pigment
part of the erythrocyte, and the oxygen-carrying part of the blood.
Normal Values:
males: 12-17 grams/100ml
females: 11-15 grams/100ml
Clinical Implications:
A Low hemoglobin level indicates anemia. Estimates of Hgb in each RBC are
moderately important when determining the total blood Hgb. However, hemoglobin
findings are even more dependent upon the total number of RBC's. In other words, for
the diagnosis of anemia, the number of RBC's is as important as the hemoglobin level.
Blood hemoglobin level has become a "routine" lab test for most patients admitted to
hospitals today. Hgb is obviously important for the diagnosis of anemia and
hemorrhage. It is equally important for diagnosing many lesser known diseases.
The test can be performed upon capillary blood, such as drawn from the finger stick.
The test is often performed along with other tests, thereby requiring a larger specimen
of blood, as from venipuncture. Hemoglobin in the body is dependent upon amounts of
iron. A lack of available iron causes one type of anemia, due to the reduced production
of hemoglobin. Remember that in the strictest sense, anemia is not in itself a
diagnosis, but rather a symptom that there is something else wrong in the body. For
example, malnutrition (low iron levels), would be the diagnosis of the patient, not just
the anemia. The secondary diagnosis would be anemia, but malnutrition must be
treated in order to "cure" the anemia.
*Note--Fetal Hemoglobin:
Fetal Hb (Hb F), is a normal Hb product in the red blood cells of a fetus and in smaller
amounts in infants. It constitutes 50% to 90% of Hb in a newborn; the remaining Hb
consists of Hb A1 and Hb A2 the Hb in adults.
Under normal conditions, the body ceases to manufacture fetal Hb sometime during
the first year of life, and from that point on manufactures adult Hb. If this changeover
does not occur and fetal Hb continues to constitute more than 5% of the Hb after age
six months, an abnormality should be suspected, particularly thalassemia.
Percentage of total
hemoglobin Clinical Implications
The hematocrit measures percentage by volume of packed red blood cells in a whole
blood sample. For example, a HCT of 40% indicates that a 100-ml sample of blood
contains 40 ml of blood cells. Packing is achieved by centrifuging anticoagulated
whole blood in a capillary tube so that the cells are tightly packed without hemolysis.
Normal Values:
males: 40 to 50 percent
females: 37 to 47 percent
Clinical Implications:
Two small specimens of blood are obtained and compared. They are the same
amount of blood exactly. One specimen is then centrifuged and subsequently
compared to the first specimen. A percentage is then obtained from that comparison.
This comparison is the hematocrit, Hct. The value of the hematocrit is dependent upon
the number of RBC's. If the Hct is abnormal, then the RBC count is possibly abnormal.
If the RBC count turns out to be normal, then the average size of the RBC is probably
too small. Shock, hemorrhage, dehydration, or excessive IV fluid administration can
reduce the Hct.
As you can see, there are many factors which can influence the results of the
hematocrit test. However, this is still a good baseline lab test for the patient. It helps
the physician to diagnose and to treat the patient with any disease which will lower or
raise the Hct levels.
A count of actual (or estimated) number of RBC's per cubic mm of whole blood.
Normal Values:
males: 4.5 to 6.0 million/cu mm blood
females: 4.0 to 5.5 million/cu mm blood
Clinical Implications:
The RBC count is useful for determining such problems as anemia and hemorrhage.
In combination with other hematology tests, it can be quite useful for diagnosis. This
test can also give an indirect estimate of the hemoglobin levels in the blood. RBC's are
actually "Red Blood Corpuscles," (non-nucleated cells). The term corpuscle indicates
that it is a mature Red Blood Cell. Once the immature cell has matured, it is then, and
only then, capable of carrying oxygen. It is then also not "technically" a cell anymore.
Once it has matured, it loses its nucleus and can no longer be properly termed a cell. It
would be called a corpuscle. However, everyone still refers to them as RBC's (cells).
The source of the specimen is whole blood, capillary, or venous blood.
A report of the individual characteristics of the RBC. The following are those
characteristics which are used to indicate anemia. If abnormal findings are present, the
anemias can be defined as macrocytic, microcytic, hypochromic, others. When this is
discovered, the exact cause of the anemia can be determined more easily.
1. MCV
2. MCH
calculated by:
Hct x 10 = MCV
# of RBC's
Clinical Implications:
The MCV indicates the relative size of the RBC's. It does not indicate anything else
about the cell. Several different types of anemias can be classified as micro- or
macrocytic anemias. This test can direct the MD toward those types of anemias which
alter the MCV results.
calculated by:
Hgb x 10 = MCH
# of RBC's
calculated by:
Hgb x 10 = MCHC
Clinical Implications:
The MCHC is dependent upon the size of the RBC as well as the amount of
hemoglobin in each cell. Certain diseases and anemias will alter the RBC count and/or
the amount of hemoglobin in the cell. The MCHC is not as dependent upon the RBC
count as the other tests in this section. Therefore, the MCHC can be useful for the
diagnosis of such conditions which are not dependent upon the number of RBC's.
The nursing implications for these tests are numerous. To the nurse, most cases of
anemia are quite apparent. They are caused by hemorrhage, malnutrition, etc.
However, the Indices can be used to help diagnose the less common types of
anemias. Nursing care will then be determined according to the needs of that
particular patient.
This is a test for the estimation of the actual numbers of reticulocytes in the blood.
Reticulocytes are the immature RBC's.
Normal Values: approx 1% of normal RBC count (50,000); Results vary; range 0.5% to
Clinical Implications:
The retic count is an indication of the production of RBC's by the bone marrow. An
increase from the normal, usually indicates the body is responding to such pathologies
as hemorrhage, anemia, hemolysis, or other such disease process. Decreased retic
count may be indicative of aplastic anemia or any related disease.
The retic count is also examined for those persons working near any type of
radioactive materials. The nurse should remember that the body tries to compensate
for such conditions as the hemolytic and macrocytic conditions mentioned above. A
large number of retics will be seen after the treatment has begun for pernicious
anemia, in which large numbers will be produced as an attempt to bring to maturity,
large numbers of RBC's.
The sickle cell test, also known as the Hb S test, is used to detect sickle cells, which
are severely deformed, rigid erythrocytes that may slow blood flow. Sickle cell trait
(characterized by heterozygous Hb S) is found almost exclusively in people of African
ancestry. It is present in nearly 8% of African Americans.
Although this test is useful as a rapid screening procedure, it may produce erroneous
results. Hb electrophoresis should be performed to confirm the diagnosis if sickle cell
disease is strongly suspected.
Iron is essential to the formation and function of hemoglobin, as well as many other
heme and nonheme compounds. After iron is absorbed by the intestine, it is distributed
to various body compartments for synthesis, storage, and transport. Serum iron
concentration is normally highest in the morning and declines progressively during the
day. Thus, the sample should be drawn in the morning.
An iron assay is used to measure the amount of iron bound to transferrin in blood
plasma. Total iron-binding capacity (TIBC) measures the amount of iron that would
appear in plasma if all the transferrin were saturated with iron.
Serum iron and TIBC are of greater diagnostic usefulness when performed with the
serum ferritin assay, but together, these tests may not accurately reflect the state of
other iron compartments, such as myoglobin iron and the labile iron pool. Bone
marrow or liver biopsy, and iron absorption or excretion studies may yield more
Normal Values:
Serum Iron:
males: 50 to 150 u/g/dl
females: 35 to 145 ug/dl
males and females: 14% to 50%
Test: Ferritin
Normal Values:
Men: 20 to 300 NG/ml
Women: 20 to 120 NG/ml
6 mo to 15 yr 7 to 140 NG/ml
2 to 5 months 50 to 200 NG/ml
1 month old 200 to 600 NG/ml
Neonates 25 to 200 NG/ml
Normal serum Ferritin values will vary with age. Remember to check with your lab, as
normal values may be different in different labs. The blood is collected via
venipuncture in a standard 10-ml red-top tube. A random blood specimen is used. No
special instructions need to be given to the patient except for explaining the procedure.
Recent blood transfusions may elevate serum ferritin levels.
Increased Serum Ferritin Levels: may indicate acute or chronic hepatic disease, iron
overload, leukemia, acute or chronic infection or inflammation, Hodgkin's Disease, or
chronic hemolytic anemias.
Slight increase, or normal Ferritin Level: may indicate chronic renal disease
The ESR measures the time required for erythrocytes from a whole blood sample to
settle to the bottom of a vertical tube. Factors influencing the ESR include red cell
volume, surface area, density, aggregation, and surface charge. The sample must be
examined within 2 hours of collection and it must be handled gently, no clotting of
sample must take place.
The ESR is a sensitive, but nonspecific test that is frequently the earliest indicator of
disease. It often rises significantly in widespread inflammatory disorders due to
infection or autoimmune mechanisms. Such elevations may be prolonged in localized
inflammation and malignancies.
Decreased ESR: may indicate polycythemia, sickle cell anemia, hyperviscosity, or low
plasma protein.
Test: Osmotic Fragility
Osmotic fragility measures red blood cell (RBC) resistance to hemolysis when
exposed to a series of increasingly dilute saline solutions. The sooner hemolysis
occurs, the greater the osmotic fragility of the cells.
Purpose of test - The purpose of this test is to help diagnose hereditary spherocytosis
and to supplement a stained cell examination to detect morphologic RBC
A laboratory test that counts the actual number of WBC's in the blood.
neutrophils (granulocyte)
lymphocytes (non-granulocyte)
monocytes (non-granulocyte)
eosinophils (granulocyte)
basophils (granulocyte)
Clinical Implications:
As we all know, WBC's are our body's first line of defense against invading bacteria
and most other harmful organisms. This test (WBC), measures the total number of all
types of WBC's. Further examination of the different types and numbers of cells
present, could tell much about the state of the body's defense system. WBC count will
normally vary as much as 2,000 on any given day.
Clinical Implications:
The following chart gives the normal values for each type of WBC. Interpretation of the
results of the differential must always be done with the total number of WBC's in mind.
The WBC differential evaluates the distribution and morphology of white blood cells.
Therefore, it provides more specific information about a patient's immune system than
the WBC count alone. In the differential test, the lab classifies 100 or more white cells
in a stained film of peripheral blood according to two major types of leukocytes. They
are: (1) Granulocytes (neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils); (2) non-Granulocytes
(lymphocytes, monocytes). The percentage of each type is then determined.
The differential count is the relative number of each type of white cell in the blood. By
multiplying the percentage value of each type, by the total WBC count, the lab obtains
the absolute number of each type of white cell. Although little is known about the
function of eosinophils in the blood, abnormally high levels of them are associated with
various types of allergic disorders and reactions to parasites. In such cases, the
eosinophil count is sometimes ordered as a follow-up to the white cell differential. This
test is also appropriate if the differential WBC count shows a depressed eosinophil
In order to interpret the results of the WBC and the Differential, the nurse must
consider both relative and absolute values of the differential. Considered alone,
relative results may point to one disease while masking the true pathology that would
be revealed by considering the results of the white cell count.
For example, consider a patient whose white blood cell (WBC) count is 6000/ul and
whose differential shows 30% neutrophils and 70% lymphocytes. His relative
lymphocyte count would seem to be quite high (lymphocytosis), but when this figure is
multiplied by his white cell count (6000 x 70% = 4,200 lymphocytes/ul), it is well within
normal range.
The patient's neutrophil count, however, is low (30%), and when this is multiplied by
the white cell count (6,000 x 30% = 1,800 neutrophils/ul), the result is a low absolute
number. This low result indicates decreased neutrophil production, which may mean
depressed bone marrow.
Increased by:
Decreased by:
Increased by:
Decreased by:
Increased by:
Decreased by:
Increased by:
Decreased by:
Increased by:
HEMATOLOGY................In Summary
RBC lab values, along with the indices, are used to diagnose anemia and to define the
type of anemia present. The lab values are calculated and compared for the individual
characteristics of the blood cells.
When the individual characteristics of the cells are determined, you can then decide if
the condition is hemorrhagic or another type of anemia.
One should ask the following questions in order to isolate the type of anemia:
Coagulation Studies
1. Platelets are the smallest formed elements in the blood. They are vital to the
formation of the hemostatic plug in vascular injury. They promote coagulation
by supplying phospholipids to the intrinsic thromboplastin pathway.
o Thrombocytopenia - decreased platelet count, below approx 100,000
o Spontaneous bleeding - if platelets decreased below approx 50,000
o Fatal GI bleeding or CNS hemorrhage - if platelets below approx
2. When the platelet count is abnormal, diagnosis usually requires further
studies, such as CBC, bone marrow biopsy, direct antiglobulin test (direct
Coomb's test), and serum protein electrophoresis.
3. Use a 7-ml lavender-top tube for collection. A random specimen is used. Mix
the blood GENTLY with the anticoagulant in the tube. Rough handling will
interfere with the results.
4. Hemolysis due to rough handling or to excessive probing at the venipuncture
site may alter test results.
5. Many medications will decrease platelet count; they include acetazolamide,
acetohexamide, antimony, antineoplastic drugs, brompheniramine maleate,
carbamazepine, chloramphenicol, furosemide, gold salts, isoniazid,
mephentoin, methyldopa, sulfonamides, thiazide, and many others.
Platelets normally increase in persons living at high altitudes for extended periods of
time. They also increase with persistent cold temperatures, and during strenuous
exercise and excitement. The count decreases just prior to menstruation.
This test is a measure of phase III of the clotting process. The PT may give false
readings due to some other clotting defects. However, it is usually indicative of a
phase III problem.
Clinical Implications:
A test similar to the PT, the PTT is also used to detect clotting abnormalities. APTT,
Activated PTT, similar to PTT but is more sensitive than PTT test; it will help to identify
the defective factor, if one is defective.
Normal Values:
PTT: 60-70 seconds
APTT: 30-45 seconds
Clinical Implications:
The PTT is very similar to the PT. It is used to detect Phase II defects in the clotting
process. It will usually detect deficiencies in all clotting factors except factors VII and
XIII. It is usually performed for monitoring Heparin therapy. Heparin doses are usually
adjusted according to the PTT test results. The PTT is usually more sensitive than the
PT test.
A raw measurement of the time needed for an artificially produced skin puncture to
stop bleeding.
Normal Values:
Ivy method: 1-6 minutes
Duke method: 1-3 minutes
Clinical Implications:
This test is usually inconclusive. It can however, be helpful for diagnosing capillary
abnormalities and other disorders. For detecting other clotting problems, this test will
usually show a normal result. This test is usually just a general screening test.
A test for phase II clotting defects. It tests the ability of the patient to produce
Clinical Implications:
This test is very complicated and only a few large laboratories will perform this test.
The TGT has the ability to exactly pinpoint the defect in the clotting process. This fact
can make the TGT a very valuable test under certain circumstances.
Clinical Implications:
This test can be very valuable for helping diagnose disorders which can cause lowered
levels of the fibrinogen. It is also useful for detecting substances which destroy
fibrinogen (fibrinolysins).
The tests mentioned here are commonly used in hospitals today. There are many
other coagulation tests available, most of which are complicated, expensive, and
usually only performed at large medical centers. Many of those specialized tests are
used only after simpler screening tests are performed.
The nurse should always remember to obtain a very detailed history from the patient.
The history can be most useful in helping the MD make an accurate diagnosis.
Many times the patient may not speak freely with the physician or may have forgotten
some important detail or symptom. An observant nurse can possibly help with the
medical diagnosis and possibly save the patient extra hospitalization and/or
unnecessary testing.
As far as the mechanics of the tests are concerned, there is little for the nurse to do in
order to prepare the patients. The nurse should always "warn" the patient that the
blood will be drawn, or that they will be injected with something, if it is part of the test.
However, most coagulation studies are done with a specimen of blood drawn either
randomly or at a special time of the day.
The specimen of blood will probably have an anticoagulant in it or in the collection tube
and most specimens will either have to be iced or brought to the lab quickly for