This document discusses various topics related to human anatomy and the central and peripheral nervous system. It provides descriptions of 95 cases involving patient symptoms, diagnoses, and relevant anatomical structures. For example, case 94 describes a 50-year-old patient hospitalized for suspected gallbladder inflammation who was prescribed fibrogastroduodenoscopy to examine the major duodenal papilla located in the pars descendens of the duodenum. The document tests knowledge of anatomy and pathologies.
This document discusses various topics related to human anatomy and the central and peripheral nervous system. It provides descriptions of 95 cases involving patient symptoms, diagnoses, and relevant anatomical structures. For example, case 94 describes a 50-year-old patient hospitalized for suspected gallbladder inflammation who was prescribed fibrogastroduodenoscopy to examine the major duodenal papilla located in the pars descendens of the duodenum. The document tests knowledge of anatomy and pathologies.
This document discusses various topics related to human anatomy and the central and peripheral nervous system. It provides descriptions of 95 cases involving patient symptoms, diagnoses, and relevant anatomical structures. For example, case 94 describes a 50-year-old patient hospitalized for suspected gallbladder inflammation who was prescribed fibrogastroduodenoscopy to examine the major duodenal papilla located in the pars descendens of the duodenum. The document tests knowledge of anatomy and pathologies.
This document discusses various topics related to human anatomy and the central and peripheral nervous system. It provides descriptions of 95 cases involving patient symptoms, diagnoses, and relevant anatomical structures. For example, case 94 describes a 50-year-old patient hospitalized for suspected gallbladder inflammation who was prescribed fibrogastroduodenoscopy to examine the major duodenal papilla located in the pars descendens of the duodenum. The document tests knowledge of anatomy and pathologies.
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A. Bronchial. 92. During the examination of a pa- 94. A 50-year-old patientwashospi-
O. tn th. pyloric part. E. In th" area of the lessercurva- B. Pharvnscal. tient the presenceof suppurativeexu- talizedwith gall-bladderinflammation tu re. dationin the straightrectouterine pouch suspected.He was prescribedfibrogas- @nor tic.- D. Diaphragmatic. wassuspected. Throughwhat anatomic troscopyof digestivetract with obliga- E5. A patient has pain in epigastric E. Cardiac. formationis it better to puncture the tory examination of the majorduodenal region.What organsdiseasecan it indi- pouch? papilla.In what part of the duodendum caLe? 89. A 45-year-old patient was hospi- @ Posteriorvaginalfornix. is the papilla located? talized to a surgical department with B. Anteriorvaginalfornix. A. Parsascendens. @ Stomach,duodenum. C . R e c t aal m p u l l a . B. Srnatlintestine,liver. complaints of sudden acute pain in epi- @. eo.r dcscendens. C. Spleen,kidney. gastric region. After the examinationthe D. Pelvicdiaphragm. C. Parshorizontalis. D. Colon,gallbladder. perforated ulcer of the posteriorrvall of E. Anteriorvaginalwall. D. Parssuperior. E. Fundusof stomach,transverse co- the stomach was diagnosed.Where did E . A m p u l l ad u o d c n i . lon. stomach contents issue at the moment 93. A 35-year-oldpatientcomplained of perforation? of pain and edemain the site of oral ca- 95. A 4O-year-old patienthasan ul- 86. Du ring a duodenalintubationthe @ t n t o t h e o m e n t a lb u r s a . vity floor. After examinationthe inflam- cer perforationof the posteriorwall of probedoesnot passto the stomachfrom B. Into the hepatic bursa. matoryprocessin the sile of the excreto- the stomach.Into u'hat anatomicstruc- C. Into the pregastric bursa. ry ductof submandibular glandrvasdiag- ture will blood and stomachcontents thc gullet. What part of the stomachis an obstacle(tumor) in? D . l n t o t h e l e f t m e s e n t e r i cs i n u s . nosed.Wheredoesthis duct opento? geti E. Into the right mesentericsinus. A. Plicasumlingualis. ($j Into the omentalbursa. @ln the cardial. B. Vestibulum oris. B. In the pyloric. B. Into the pregastricbu rsa. C. In the fundus area. 90. A 60-year-oldpatient's malignant C. Foramencaecurnlinguae. C. Into the right paracolicgutter. D.ln the body area. tumor of the major duodenal papilla @ Curun.ulasublingua'iis. D.Into the left paracolicgutter. E. In the greatercurvature area. causedobstructive jaundice. The lumen E. Recessus gingivalis. E. Into the hepaticbu rsa. of u,hat anatomicstructure squeezes the E7. During fibrogastroduodenoscopy tumor? a doctor has to examine the major duo- A. Cvstic duct. Central and peripheralnervoussystem denat papilla.What anatomic formation @ I{LpaticopancreaticamPulla. can serve as a landmark for its reveal- C . C o m m o n h e P a t i cd u c t . 96. After a fracture of the upperthird tary movenrentsof musclesof head and ing? D. Right hepatic duct. of the humerusthe paralysisof the pos- neck. Brain examination with the help A. Duodenalglands. E. Irft hepatic duct. terior group of musclesof the shoulder of NMR detected that hematoma is in B. Circular folds of the duodenum. andforearmdeveloped. Which nervewas the knee of the internal capsule.Which C. DuodenalcaP. 91. Necrotic form of acute pancreati- damaged? conduction tract has been damaped? A-:^ fold of the duode- tis of a patient is diagnosed.Into what A. Ulnar. @ Corticonuclear. @)Longitudinal num. periloneal formation does serous fluid @. Rrdiul. B. Corticospinal. E. Hepatoduodenal ligament- exudation spread? C. Median. C. Corticothalamic. @ tnto the omental bursa. D. Musculocutaneous. D. Frontopontine. 88. X-ray examinationhas shou'n a B. Into the hePatic bursa. E. Axillary. E. Thalamocortical. foreignbody in the gullet at T,r level. C. Into the pregastric bursa. In what field of gullet constrictiondid D.lnto the left paracolic gutter. 97. After a stroke (cerebralhemor- 98. Examination of a patient with the foreign body stoP? E. Into the right paracolic gutter. rhage) a patient does not have volun- a knife right hand wound has shown