F 1. 50 KG For 5 Min 2. 150 KG For 5 Min F 22 KN For Type A F 18 KN For Type B
F 1. 50 KG For 5 Min 2. 150 KG For 5 Min F 22 KN For Type A F 18 KN For Type B
F 1. 50 KG For 5 Min 2. 150 KG For 5 Min F 22 KN For Type A F 18 KN For Type B
Low stretch kernmantel rope: A rope for use by people in rope SHEATH SLIPPAGE TEST
access and all kinds of work positioning and restraint. Apply 5 kg using steel plates.
The core is usually the main load bearing element and typically The plates must have an opening with a diameter
of 12 mm when testing ropes up 12 mm diameter.
consists of parallel elements which have been pulled and twisted The plates must have an opening with a diameter
of 16 mm when testing ropes from 12 mm to 16
together in single or several layers, or of braided elements. mm diameter.
1. Apply a load of 50 kg to the The low stretch kernmantel rope must be able to withstand a force
rope; for 5 minutes of at least 22 kN for type A ropes and at least 18 kN for type B
2. Apply a load of 150 kg to ropes.
52 copyright by EDELRID
EN 1891
A 100 kg mass is suspended The following compulsory information is provided by the manufac-
for type A ropes, or a 80 kg turer on the product:
mass for type B ropes from
the rigid structural anchora- - Reference to user manual;
ge point, by connecting the - Permanent markings at both ends of the rope:
sample between them for 60 - Letter A or type A;
100 kg / 80 kg
seconds. - Letter B for type B;
2000 mm
and allowed to free-fall. - Internal markings repeated at least every 1 000 mm over the
The peak force is measured. entire length as follows:
- Manufacturer;
The peak force must not - EN 1891 + year of issue rope type A or type B;
exceed 6 kN. - Year of manufacture;
- Name of the material(s) from which the low stretch
kernmantel rope is made
- CE mark with 4-digit identification number.
2. DYNAMIC PERFORMANCE TEST For additional information, see either the labelling or the user
A 100 kg mass for type A ro-
pes is suspended, or a 80 kg
mass for type B ropes, from
100 kg / 80 kg the anchorage point.
The mass is released and de-
scends into free-fall.
The test is repeated five times,
2000 mm
Rope diameter of a rope with low elongation must not be less than
8.5 mm and not greater than 16 mm.
Source: EN 1891:1998. Persönliche Schutzausrüstung zur Verhinderung von Abstürzen. Kernmantelseile mit geringer Dehnung. copyright by EDELRID 53