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Characteristics of Quantitative Research 1. Systematic

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Data analysis Data analysis

- The course aims to develop critical methods include methods discourse
thinking and problem-solving skills common patterns analysis
of Grade 12 students through the in the data
conduct quantitative research
relative to their interests and senior CHARACTERISTICS OF QUANTITATIVE
high school track and strand. RESEARCH

Quantitative Research 1. Systematic

- Quantitative Research is explaining - A researcher follows a
phenoma by collecting numerical pre-determined series of steps
data that are analyzed using
mathematically based methods 2. Builds on the works of others
(Aliaga & Gunderson, 2021) - All research is anchored on previous
- Quantitative Research collects and studies
uses numerical data to explore, - That is the reason why a researcher
describe, explain, or predict conducts a review of related
phenomena. literature. Reviewing related
- Quantitative Research is a research literature allows the researcher to be
method that is used to generate knowledgeable about what is already
numerical data by employing known about the topic of his study.
statistical and mathematical
techniques. 3. Generalizable
- Findings of quantitative research
should be applicable to people and
setting other than those who
Deals with Deals with words
numbers and and meanings 4. Controlled
statistics - Quantitative research requires
Requires many Requires few creating situations to minimize bias.
respondents respondents - In research, bias occurs when
“systematic error [is] introduced into
Data collection Data collection sampling or testing by selecting or
methods include methods include encouraging one outcome or answer
surveys, interviews and case over others”
experiments and studies
5. Empirically Verifiable
Used close-multiple Used open-ended - Quantitative research involves
choice questions questions numerical data that can be gathered
through different methods of data IMPORTANCE OF QUANTITATIVE
collection. RESEARCH
- through observation, interview, use of
questionnaires, document analysis, Science and Technology
experiments, and other methods of - Quantitative research is used to
data collection. innovate new devices and systems to
improve the quality of life.
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES OF - research is used to innovate new
QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH devices and systems to improve the
quality of life. Conducting research
can lead to a more responsible and
STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES accountable operation of the different
components of technology.
It can be replicated Responses of
or repeated in participants are
other contexts. strictly limited to Medical and Health Allied sciences
what has been - Scientific investigations on healthcare
asked. procedures are continuously
It provides findings It cannot - scientific investigations on healthcare
that are adequately provide
procedures are continuously
generalizable to a in-depth
conducted. New medications and
large population. information
necessary for treatments for various diseases are
describing and being discovered through research.
explaining a Research on health care can
complex accumulate a body of evidence
phenomenon. regarding the effectiveness of
different treatments.
It has a low degree Self-reported data
of subjectivity. may not be very
accurate as
respondents may - Quantitative research are used to
have the tendency assess the effectiveness of teaching
to underestimate or methods used and different programs
overestimate their offered in schools and universities.
skills and behavior - results of quantitative research are
during used to assess the effectiveness of
self-assessment teaching methods used and different
tasks. programs offered in schools and
universities. They are also used to
determine the satisfaction of
stakeholders like students and
parents. Through this research, the
interest of these different groups can
be advanced or enhanced by
implementing the best practices in the another group. It also involves the
field of education. random assignment of the subjects to
study groups.
Business Ex.
- Quantitative research is used to - Use of Mushroom in Degrading
improve marketing strategies. Bioplastics
- quantitative research is used to
improve marketing strategies. It is Quasi-Experimental
also used to determine measures on - Similar to experimental design except
how to improve products and that it uses intact groups as study
services. This type of research helps groups.
in the advertising, production, and Ex.
marketing of goods and services. - Effect of Use of Virtual Laboratory
Skills of Senior High School Students

Experimental Design Non- experimental design

- When a researcher is able to - A study when a researcher cannot
manipulate the subjects to identify a control, manipulate or alter the
cause and effect relationship. subject.
3 KINDS Descriptive
Ex-post Facto - Seeks to describe the current status of
- Its goal is to infer the causes of a an identified variable.
phenomenon which has already - The goal of a descriptive study is to
occurred. observe and report on a certain
- is also called retrospective. Groups phenomenon. It describes a
exposed to the presumed cause are phenomenon as it exists. It does not
compared with those who are not involve the manipulation of variables.
exposed to it. The researcher does In other words, the researcher does
not introduce intervention to study not introduce a treatment or
subjects. intervention to the subject.
Ex. Ex.
- Effect of Preschool Attendance and - Biological Quality of Drinking Water
Their Social Maturity at Grade 1 in Centro
- Nurses’ Competency in Caring for
Experimental COVID-19 Patients
- Uses the scientific method to establish
the cause-effect relationship among a Corellational
group of variables. - Attempts to determine the extent of a
- The researcher introduces relationship between two or more
intervention to a study group and variables.
withholds that intervention to Ex.
- The Relationship of Dental Anxiety any value between a certain set of real
and Dental Health among School Aged numbers.
Children in City of Malolos - Also called interval variables

- The term “variable” refers to the 1. Height of individuals
measurable characteristics, qualities, 2. Weight of a new born baby
traits, or attributes of a particular 3. Time
individual, object or situation being 4. Age
studied. 5. Temperature
- Numeric
- Categorical Categorical
- Experimental - Variables with values describing a
- Non-Experimental characteristics or quality which
answers the questions “what type” or
Numeric “which category”
- Variables with values describing a
number or quantity that can be Nominal
measured and answers the questions - Variables are used to classify or
“how many” or “how much” categorize
- whose values cannot be organized in
Discrete sequence or logical manner
- Data is counted Ex.
- Can take only integer value 1. Eye color
- Never include fractions of decimals. 2. Business types
- variables that are countable in a fixed 3. Kind of Religion
amount of time and can only assume 4. Various Languages
any whole value within the limits of 5. Types of learners
the given variables.
Ex. - Variables are used to indicate rank or
1. Number of children in a family order.
2. Toss of a coin Ex.
3. Population of students 1. Academic grades (A,B,C,F)
4. Number of registered cars 2. Clothing Size (S,M,L,XL)
5. Number of business locations 3. Measures of Attitudes (Strongly agree,
Agree, Disagree, or Strongly Disagree)
- Data is measured Dichotomous
- Can take values including fractions or - Variables that represent two
decimals categories
- variables that take an infinite amount Ex
of time to be counted and can assume 1. True or False
2. Yes or No Non-experimental
3. Male and Female Predictor
- Variables that change the other
variables in the study
Independent Criterion
- Variable manipulated in an - variables are usually influenced by the
experiment and causes the change/s predictor variable
to the other variable/s in the study
- also known as manipulated or Ex.
explanatory variable “Conduct of Guidance Counseling Programs to
the Degree of Absenteeism and Drop-Out Rate
Dependent among Grade 8 Classes”
- Variable affected by the manipulation
of the independent variable. PRE: Conduct guidance counseling programs
- also known as response or predicted CRIT: Degree of absenteeism,drop-out rate
“Competencies of Teachers and Students’
Extraneous Behavior in Social Private Schools”
- Variables already existing in the
experiment that could affect the PRE: Competencies of Teachers
results of the study CRIT: Students’ Behavior
- Also known as mediating, intervening,
or covariate variable “The Type of Facilities, Administrator’s
Profile, and Parents’ Support Towards
School Effectiveness Among Public Senior
“Use of Gardening Tools and types of
High Schools’
Fertilizer: Their Effects on the Amount of
PRE: Type of Facilities, Administrator’s
IND: Use of gardening tools, types of fertilizer
Profile, and Parents’ Support
DEP: Amount of Harvest CRIT: School Effectiveness
EXT: Humidity level, types of plants
Research Title
- Is the fewest possible words that
“An Experiment on the Methods of Teaching adequately describes the content of
and Language Achievement Among the paper (Day, 1983).
Elementary Pupils” The title should:
- Sumarize the main idea of the paper;
IND: Methods of Teaching - Be a concise statement of the main
DEP: Language Achievement topic;
EXT: Ventilation facilities; Physical ambiance - Include the major variables;
- Show the relationship of the problem. The research questions
variables in the study; make the more general statement
- Mention the participants and easier to address and provide a
setting. framework for the research.
Formulating these questions can be a
CHARACTERISTICS OF A GOOD challenge, particularly specifying
RESEARCH PROBLEM them at the right level of abstraction.
Research is defined as the scientific
investigation of phenomena that includes 3.) It is grounded in theory
collection, presentation, analysis, and - Good problems have theoretical
interpretation of facts that line an individual’s and/or conceptual frameworks for
speculation with reality. But to qualify as good their analysis. They relate the
research, the process must have certain specifics of what is being investigated
characteristics and properties: it must, as far to a more general background of the
as possible. theory which helps interpret the
results and link it to the field.
1.) The Problem can be stated clearly
and concisely. 4.) It relates to one or more academic
- Unless the problem can be stated fields of study.
clearly and concisely it is probably a - Good problems relate to academic
poor problem or a non-problem. fields which have adherents and
- The best way to test the problem boundaries. They typically have
statement is to write it into a concise journals to which adherents relate.
sentence or paragraph and to share it Research problems that do not have
with others. If the problem cannot be clear links to one or two such fields of
stated in a clear paragraph it has study are generally in trouble.
difficulties and will not endure as a Without such a field it becomes
suitable problem. Of course, it is not impossible to determine where, in the
easy to express complex issues in universe of knowledge, the problem
simplistic terms and it may take many lies.
weeks and countless drafts before the
statement is satisfactory. Good critics 5.) It has a base in the research literature.
are essential. If your spouse or mother - Related to the former points, a
cannot understand it, it is probably well-stated problem will relate to the
flaky. research literature. Tight problems
often relate to a well-defined body of
2.) The Problem Generates Research literature, written by a select group of
Questions. researchers and published in a small
- The problem should generate several number of journals. With some
more specific research questions. problems, it might at first be difficult
These turn the problem into a to establish the connections and
question format and represent literature base, but there should be a
various aspects or components of the base somewhere.
6.) It has potential distant country unless you can go
significance/importance there and collect local data. One
- This is the important ‘so what’ under-used approach is to use an
question: Who cares once you solve existing database. Some data banks
the problem? Assume that you have have been developed over many years
solved the problem and answered the and contain many opportunities for
questions and then ask yourself if you the exploration of new questions and
are any further ahead. At the very issues.
least, the problem must have
importance to the researcher, but 9. ) The researcher’s methodological
ideally, it should also be of strengths can be applied to the problem.
consequence to others.
10.) The problem is new; it is not already
7.) It is do-able within the time frame, answered sufficiently.
- There are logistic factors in terms of SOURCES OF RESEARCH PROBLEM
your ability to carry out the research.
There is no point in pursuing a 1.) Personal or professional
problem that is not feasible to experience
research. Do not do a study of - Everyday personal or professional
education in India, Japan, Canada, or experience may lead us to identify a
any other country, unless you have the problem for which we would like a
means to go there and collect data ̶ solution. Alternatively, we may
which may require years to collect. encounter a question or questions
This factor helps explain why few that we would like to try and answer.
theses relate to longitudinal data. The
only exceptions come from research 2.) Theory
shops where there is a long history of -Theories can also be a source of
collecting and studying data on a research problems. It gives an idea
defined population. Terman’s study of about how things relate to each other.
genius (1954) in which a defined
sample was traced over 30 years is a 3.) Literature and the media
good example. - There are many sources of literature,
such as books, journal articles, and
8.) Sufficient Data are available or can be newspapers. When searching and
obtained. reading literature, it is possible to
- In some cases, there are insufficient encounter gaps in information and
data to address the problem. knowledge and problems for which
Historical persons may have died, there is currently no solution. These
archival materials may be lost, or may provide a good basis for research.
there may be restrictions on access to We are also flooded with the
certain environments. As noted, it is information presented by the media,
difficult to conduct research on a
such as television, which again might topic which you can consult
give rise to research ideas. throughout the course of the study.


RESEARCH TOPIC 1. Summarizes the main idea of the
Relevance 2. Be a concise statement of the main
- is relevant when it relates to the topic;
needs of your study’s target audience 3. Include the major variable/s;
or when it is considered important in 4. Show the relationship of the main
peoples’ daily lives. Variables of the study;
5. Include the main task of the
Interest researcher about the major
- Gives motivation and should be variables under study
fascinating to the researcher. 6. Must have 10 to 15 words;
- it is important to find out your specific 7. Refrain from using abbreviations
area of interest. To know what unless they are commonly known;
interests you, you should consider 8. Refrain from indicating the year the
over the course of studies what topics study has been conducted;
did you study with passion. 9. Use the declarative form in
formulating your title, but take note
Significance that the question form is used less
- provides solutions to problems frequently in research; and
should have significance to your 10. Use the current acceptable
strand/specialization terminology in your field of study
when writing your research title.
Current 11. Not WORDY/VERBOSE;
- Must be based on current problems
and related to specialization.
Manageability - Chapter 1 - The Problem and Its
- a topic that you can easily justify Background
within the given time frame. - Chapter 2 - Review of Related
Literature and Studies
Feasibility - Chapter 3 - Methods and Procedures
- must be able to determine the - Chapter 4 - Presentation, Analysis and
considerations/factors to pursue the Interpretation of Data
study - Chapter 5 - Summary of Findings,
Conclusions and Recommendations
Availability of Resources
- There should be enough references,
sources, and participants about the
Chapter 1: The Problem and Its INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING:
Background 1st - find a theory as a basis for the study
- This sections briefly describe the 2nd - Provide a summary of what the theory
nature of the study and how the study is all about
will contribute to different fields. 3rd - A paragraph simply explaining the
connection of the theory to your research
PARTS study.
1. Background of the Study
2. Theoretical Framework CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK
3. Conceptual Framework - It outlines the possible course of
4. Statement of the Problem actions throughout the study
5. Hypothesis of the Study - A visual presentation that shows the
6. Assumptions of the Study flow of data in the study
7. Significance of the Study - Input - Process - Output Model will be
8. Scope and Delimitations used to your study.
9. Definition of Terms *INPUT
- Number of respondents
BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY - Demographic Profile of Respondents
- Should contain the situation, reason *Process
and even the history for why the - MEthods used to gather the data
researchers pursued on the study. *Output
- It provides understanding of the - Your proposed problem
issue/problem from previous studies
which give information to the current THEORETICAL AND CONCEPTUAL
- Must be 3-5 pages CHARACTERISTICS
INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: 1. Both of them provide a comprehensive
- problems/lapses involving the understanding of a phenomenon.
concepts/s 2. They both provide a theory that underpins
- Successes/opportunities resulting in your study.
the application of the concepts 3. They help justify the methods you will use
- National and international and assumptions that you will make in your
developments in the meaning of the research.
concepts 4. They help you refine your objectives,
develop relevant research questions, choose
THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK appropriate methods, and identify possible
- It indicates the proponents or basis of threats to validity.
your research study to which 5. They both guide you in exploring and
theory/theories did you anchor your interpreting your data to arrive at your
study. desired results.
- Two theories for a proposed study.
PARADIGM OF THE STUDY PC Model (Predictor- criterion model)
- The result of a clear understanding of - This model is used when relating and
the conceptual or theoretical assessing the influence between two
framework is a diagrammatic or more variables. Studies that focus
presentation of the study called the on relationships, associations,
paradigm. differences, and impacts will benefit
- Merriam-Webster (2006) defines a from this model.
paradigm as a pattern, model, or set of
forms that contain particular -P model
elements. It is the researcher’s - This model is used in research studies that
scientific imagination expressed propose a program or any intervention
graphically by drawing or sketches. In measure. It fits situation producing level of
scientific work, the symbols must be questioning.
specific in meaning. The usual figures
used are regular shapes (rectangles, POM (proposed original model)
circles, and squares), lines, and - This model is used when the
arrows. Irregular shapes are researcher presents as original
sometimes utilized and there must be paradigm. The requirement is that it
an acceptable rationale for them. The must be scientific.
paradigm is something like a visual
representation of the entire thesis. It STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM
is considered the heart of the research - It outlines the problem addressed by a
paper. A title is needed to encapsulate study
the whole paradigm. - A combination of general problem and
COMMOM PARADIGMS OR MODELS - What is the problem that the research
will address?
IPO model (Input - process - output)
*All Questions must start with “WHAT”:
- This model is largely used when the
1. Demographic Profile of the
research attempts to isolate the factor
or major variable that causes the
2. Main Problem of the Research
problem, subject, or phenomenon
3. 1 QUestion anchored on the Main
under investigation. This model is
used when the statements of the
4. Recommendations and Suggestions at
problem are all factor-isolating
the end of the study
IV - DV model (Independent variable -
dependent variable model)
- This model is used in
1. Non - researchable
experiment-based studies. The
- questions are questions of value.
questions raised are higher order and
These are questions that are
classified as situation-relating.
answerable by “yes” or “no.”
2. Researchable 4. Situation-producing questions.
- questions are questions of value, ● (“How can I make it happen?”)
opinions, or policy raised to gather ● These questions establish explicit
data. Formulating clear and significant goals for actions, develop plans or
questions prepares the researcher for prescriptions to achieve goals, and
subsequent decision-making over specify the conditions under which
research design, data collection, and these goals will be accomplished.
data analysis.
- The basic form of a research question HYPOTHESIS OF THE STUDY
involves the use of question words - It describes what will be the
such as who, what, where, when, why, findings/outcomes of your research
and how. study
- An educated guess of the
Research questions result/finding of your research study.
- is the direct rewordings of statements - One hypothesis only for your study.
of purpose which phrased - is a statement that defines the
interrogatively rather than testable relationship you expect to see
declaratively. from examining the variables in your
1. Factor-Isolating or Factor-Naming TYPES OF HYPOTHESIS
Questions 1. Null Hypothesis (H0)
● (“What is this?”) - It states that there is no relationship
● They isolate, categorize, describe, or between variables.
name factors and situations. - In correlational studies, a Null
Hypothesis merely states that this
2. Factor-Relating Questions relationship is, indeed, absent.
● (What is happening here?”). - In experimental quasi-experimental,
● Their goal is to determine the and ex-post facto studies, however, a
relationship among factors that have Null Hypothesis states that the
been identified. independent variable has no effect on
● These are usually questions for a the dependent variable.
non-experimental type of research.
2. Alternative Hypothesis (HA)
3. Situation-relating questions. - It states that there is a relationship
● (“What will happen if. . ?”) between variables.
● These questions usually yield - Similar to the Null Hypothesis,
hypothesis testing or experimental Alternative Hypotheses in
study designs in which the researcher correlational studies merely express
manipulates the variables to see what the existence of this relationship.
will happen. - This statement changes in
experimental, quasi-experimental,
and ex post facto studies. In these
studies, an alternative hypothesis 1st - the coverage and extent of the
states that the independent variable study/purpose of conducting the study
has an effect on the dependent 2nd - things that are not cover/scope of the
variable. study


- It will describe the credibility of - An alphabetical list of important
information and reference that will terms or acronyms that is being
support the study. defined. Particularly ambiguous terms
- Statements given by the researcher or those used in a special way.
that the contents of research are true
- These assumptions are considered to Per Term, define it with (1) conceptual and
be true, eventhough they have not (2) operation meaning.
been scientifically proven.
Conceptual definition
SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY - universal meaning attributed to a
- It elaborates the beneficiaries of the word
research and their benefits from the - Abstract definition of variable
study. - Dictionary Meaning
- Bullet list of beneficiaries from - - Theoretical Definition
group of people who will get the most
benefit to group of people who will Operational definition
get the least benefit - the way the concept is measured in
- Different group of people or the investigation
organization. - Concrete Meaning of a variable
- Indicates how Variable is measured or
SCOPE AND DELIMITATION observed in the study
- It contains the aspects of the study
that is to be discussed and not to be
- The scope of the study determined the
major variables and objectives while
sub-variables and their
characteristics, attributes, or
indicators serve as delimitations. It is
also beneficial to mention the locale
or setting of the research, when the
data will be gathered, and the
characteristics of the population.


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