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Serological and molecular findings during SARS-CoV-2

infection: the first case study in Finland, January to
February 2020
Anu Haveri¹ , Teemu Smura² , Suvi Kuivanen² , Pamela Österlund¹ , Jussi Hepojoki2,3 , Niina Ikonen¹ , Marjaana Pitkäpaasi¹ , Soile
Blomqvist¹ , Esa Rönkkö¹ , Anu Kantele⁴ , Tomas Strandin² , Hannimari Kallio-Kokko⁵ , Laura Mannonen⁵ , Maija Lappalainen⁵ ,
Markku Broas⁶ , Miao Jiang1,7 , Lotta Siira¹ , Mika Salminen¹ , Taneli Puumalainen¹ , Jussi Sane¹ , Merit Melin¹ , Olli Vapalahti2,5 ,
Carita Savolainen-Kopra¹
1. Department of Health Security, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL), Helsinki, Finland
2. University of Helsinki, Medicum, Department of Virology, Helsinki, Finland
3. Institute of Veterinary Pathology, Vetsuisse Faculty, University of Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland
4. Inflammation Center, Infectious Diseases, Helsinki University Hospital (HUSLAB) and University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
5. Department of Virology and Immunology, Helsinki University Hospital (HUSLAB) and University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
6. Infection-Hospital Hygiene Unit, Lapland Central Hospital, Rovaniemi, Finland
7. Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
Correspondence: Anu Haveri ([email protected])

Citation style for this article:

Haveri Anu , Smura Teemu , Kuivanen Suvi , Österlund Pamela , Hepojoki Jussi , Ikonen Niina , Pitkäpaasi Marjaana , Blomqvist Soile , Rönkkö Esa , Kantele Anu
, Strandin Tomas , Kallio-Kokko Hannimari , Mannonen Laura , Lappalainen Maija , Broas Markku , Jiang Miao , Siira Lotta , Salminen Mika , Puumalainen Taneli ,
Sane Jussi , Melin Merit , Vapalahti Olli , Savolainen-Kopra Carita . Serological and molecular findings during SARS-CoV-2 infection: the first case study in Finland,
January to February 2020. Euro Surveill. 2020;25(11):pii=2000266.

Article submitted on 06 Mar 2020 / accepted on 18 Mar 2020 / published on 19 Mar 2020

The first case of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Clinical presentation and laboratory
Finland was confirmed on 29 January 2020. No sec- confirmation of the case
ondary cases were detected. We describe the clini- The first COVID-19 case in Finland was a female Chinese
cal picture and laboratory findings 3–23 days since tourist in her 30s, who had left Wuhan on 22 January
the first symptoms. The SARS-CoV-2/Finland/1/2020 and arrived in Finland on 23 January. Her first symp-
virus strain was isolated, the genome showing a sin- toms were a runny nose on 26 January and nausea on
gle nucleotide substitution to the reference strain 27 January. Because of high fever (39 °C), weakness
from Wuhan. Neutralising antibody response appeared and cough she sought medical attention on 28 January.
within 9 days along with specific IgM and IgG response, Suspicion of COVID-19 led to her direct transfer to the
targeting particularly nucleocapsid and spike proteins. Lapland Central Hospital in Rovaniemi, where she was
isolated and sampled on 28 and 29 January for labo-
On 31 December 2019, a cluster of pneumonia cases ratory confirmation of SARS-CoV-2 infection (Figure 1).
of unknown aetiology was reported in Wuhan, Hubei SARS-CoV-2 infection was confirmed from nasopharyn-
Province, China [1]. Severe acute respiratory syndrome geal samples on 29 January by the Helsinki University
coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) was isolated by Chinese Hospital Laboratory (HUSLAB), and further confirmed
scientists on 7 January 2020. To date, the SARS-CoV-2 at the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL)
virus causing the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pan- (Table). Both laboratories performed real-time RT-PCR
demic is spreading throughout the world. testing for three targets: the envelope (E), the RNA-
dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) and the nucleocap-
Here we describe the timeline of events around the first sid (N). Primers and probes were based on the Corman
COVID-19 case imported to Finland, and summarise the et al. method [2]. Cycle threshold (Ct) values above 37
clinical, molecular and serological data. Successful were considered negative.
SARS-CoV-2/Finland/1/2020 isolation enabled us to
use the cytopathic effect (CPE)-based microneutralisa- The case had mild symptoms throughout the isola-
tion (MN) assay to detect SARS-CoV-2-specific neutral- tion period. She was tested PCR-negative in 3 and 4
ising antibody levels. Diagnostic serum samples of the February samples and, as considered asymptomatic,
case and three close contacts were analysed and com- discharged from hospital on 5 February. One additional
pared with serum samples from the Finnish population sample for serology and PCR was taken on 14 and 17
collected in 2019. February, respectively.
Altogether 21 close contacts were identified of whom
we could reach 17. Fourteen were still in Finland and 1
Figure 1
Timeline of events around the first COVID-19 case imported to Finland, January–February 2020

High fever,
Left to hospital and
Wuhan isolated

Arrived Onset of Discharged

in Finland respiratory COVID-19 from
by flight symptoms confirmation Asymptomatic hospital

22 Jan 23 Jan 26 Jan 28 Jan 29 Jan 30 Jan 2 Feb 3 Feb 4 Feb 5 Feb 6 Feb 8 Feb 14 Feb 17 Feb

Most likely period of communicability of the index case

Sampling of the index case
Sampling of the close contacts (asymptomatic)

COVID-19: coronavirus disease.

placed in quarantine for 14 days. Information about SARS-CoV-2/Finland/1/2020 whole-genome

three close contacts that had left the country was com- sequencing 
municated to the competent authorities in their respec- Nearly the complete coding region of SARS-CoV-2
tive countries. For the remaining four close contacts, (GenBank accession number: MT020781) was
we had no contact details. Two of the 21 close con- sequenced from the NPS collected on Day 4 (Table)
tacts were closely co-exposed and therefore sampled and the complete coding region was sequenced from
on Days 4, 10, 12 and 14 after the first symptoms of the virus isolate obtained after three passages in Vero
the index case. Follow-up of all contacts ended on 11 E6 cells. The virus had 1 nt substitution C21707T com-
February without secondary transmission events. pared with the reference strain Wuhan-Hu-1 collected
in Wuhan China, December 2019 (NC_045512) [3] which
SARS-CoV-2/Finland/1/2020 virus isolation had led to a histidine to tyrosine (H49Y) substitution in
The SARS-CoV-2 virus SARS-CoV-2/Finland/1/2020 was the N-terminal domain of the spike glycoprotein.
isolated in a biosafety level 3 (BSL-3) laboratory in Vero
E6 cells from the Day 4 nasopharyngeal swab (NPS) Antibody response during the SARS-CoV-2
and nasopharyngeal aspirate (NPA) specimens (Table). infection
The samples were inoculated into the cells for 1 h at Serum samples were collected from the index case on
37 °C and 5% CO2  and fresh culture medium (Eagle›s Days 4, 9, 10 and 20 from onset of the first symptoms
minimum essential medium (EMEM) supplemented (Figure 1). Presence of serum IgM and IgG antibodies
with 2% fetal bovine serum (FBS), 0.6 μg/mL penicil- against SARS-CoV-2 was analysed by immunofluores-
lin, 60 μg/mL streptomycin, 2 mM L-glutamine, 20 mM cence assays (IFA) based on Vero E6 cells infected
HEPES) were added for incubation. On the 4th day of with passage 4 of the patient’s isolate SARS-CoV-2/
incubation, half of the cultures were blind-passaged Finland/1/2020 virus and transferred onto microscope
onto fresh Vero E6 cells and the rest of original pas- slides and fixed with acetone (Figure 2). Serum sam-
sages were incubated further. After 4 days incubation ples from the index case were serially diluted and incu-
a clear CPE was detected in the NPA-originated pas- bated for 2 h for IgM and 30 min for IgG. Antibodies
sage 2. The propagation of stock virus was done by were visualised with fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-
passaging a low virus dose once again in Vero E6 cells, conjugated anti-human IgM or IgG antibodies. While
and virus culture was harvested on the 3rd day. Virus the antibodies were undetectable on Day 4 after onset
concentration was followed by RT-PCR. The Ct value for of symptoms, IgG titres rose to 80 and 1,280 and IgM
virus passage 1 on the 6th day of incubation was 17.65 titres to 80 and 320 on Days 9 and 20, respectively
and for passage 2 on the 2nd day, before any CPE was (Table). Random serum samples from staff members of
20.63, whereas those of the NPS specimen remained at the University of Helsinki (n = 19) did not show specific
Ct values between 35 and 36. binding at dilutions greater than 20 (Figure 2).

Mock- and SARS-CoV2-infected Vero E6 cells collected

on Day 6 post infection were lysed in Laemmli sample

Laboratory data of the first case of SARS-CoV-2 infection, Finland, January–February 2020

Sampling day
Specimen PCR done at E RdRp N MN IgM IgG
Day since the first symptoms
28 Jan 2020 HUS ND ND ND
Day 3 THL 30.49 30.48 31.59
HUS 31.18 27.56 28.29
THL 27.13 28.43 28.73
29 Jan 2020 HUS 28.15 27.13 28.82
Day 4 THL 29.59 30.87 31.78
THL Neg Neg Neg
Serum < 4 < 20 < 20
UH Neg Neg Neg
HUS Neg Neg Neg
03 Feb 2020 NPS NA NA NA
THL Neg Neg Neg
Day 9
Serum UH ND Neg Neg 60 80 80
HUS Neg Neg Neg
04 Feb 2020 NPS NA NA NA
THL Neg Neg Neg
Day 10
Serum ND ND ND ND 72 160 160
14 Feb 2020
Serum UH Neg Neg Neg 160 320 1,280
Day 20
17 Feb 2020 HUS Neg Neg Neg
Day 23 THL Neg Neg Neg

E: envelope protein gene; HUS: Helsinki University Hospital Laboratory; IgG: immunoglobulin G; IgM: immunoglobulin M; MN:
microneutralisation test; N: nucleocapsid protein gene; NA: not applicable; ND: not done; Neg: negative; NPA: nasopharyngeal aspirate; NPS:
nasopharyngeal swab; RdRp: RNA-dependent RNA polymerase gene; RT-PCR: reverse-transcription PCR; THL: Finnish Institute for Health and
Welfare; UH: University of Helsinki.

buffer, and Western blotting (WB) of lysates was per- Day 4 and 9, with the titre increasing to 160 on Day 20
formed as described previously [4]. At 1:200 dilution, (Table). The serum specimens were confirmed not to be
the convalescent serum on Day 20 identified SARS- toxic or infective to the cells as such.
CoV2 N, S and E protein bands (Figure 3). At higher
exposure, all bands were detectable even at 1:1,600 Serum samples taken from the three close contacts
serum dilution (Figure 3). tested negative in MN test. We also tested serum sam-
ples collected in 2019 from 83 Finnish subjects aged
SARS-CoV-2-specific neutralising antibody levels were 4 to 89 years and all tested negative. Sera known to
measured in duplicate with the MN test in a BSL-3 labo- be positive for IgG against human coronavirus OC43
ratory. The serum samples were heat-inactivated at and 229E [5] and rabbit or guinea pig antibody against
56 °C for 30 min and 2-fold serially diluted starting from SARS-CoV N protein [6] could not neutralise the virus.
1:4 in EMEM supplemented with 2% of heat-inactivated
FBS and antibiotics. Fifty plaque‐forming units (PFU) Ethical statement
of the SARS-CoV-2/Finland/1/2020 strain were added The investigations were carried out in accordance with
to the serum dilutions and incubated for 1 h at 37 °C. the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation
Vero E6 cells (5 × 104/well) were added to the virus– (EU) 2016/679 and Directive 95/46/EC) and the Finnish
serum mix, and the mixture was incubated in 96-well Personal Data Act (Finlex 523/1999) The Finnish
plates for 4 days at 37 °C with 5% CO2. Neutralisation Communicable Diseases Act (Finlex 1227/2016) allows
was assessed by CPE. The neutralisation endpoint was sampling for diagnostic and surveillance purposes.
determined as the 50% endpoint of the serum that
inhibited the SARS-CoV-2 infection observed by CPE of The convalescent serum sample was obtained on 14
inoculated cells. February through informed consent of the patient and
research permits (TYH2018322, TYH2019263) from the
Diagnostic serum samples from the index case and Helsinki University Hospital Laboratory.
her three asymptomatic close contacts were studied Finnish population serum samples were collected dur-
with the MN test. During the acute phase of infection, ing 2019. The study protocol was approved by the Ethics
no neutralising antibodies were detected. The patient Committee of the Department of Medicine, Helsinki
seroconverted for neutralising antibodies between University Hospital (Permission 433/13/03/00/15). 3
Figure 2 Figure 3
Immunofluorescence assay of serum samples, COVID-19 Western blot of mock- and SARS-CoV-2 infected Vero E6
index case, Finland, January–February 2020 cells using patient serum collected 20 days after onset of
symptoms, Finland, January–February 2020

COVID-19: coronavirus disease 2019.

Anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgM and IgG antibodies were detectable by

immunofluorescence assay in samples from Days 9, 10 and 20 Top left panel: total protein staining (Ponceau S) of the
after onset of illness. Both IgM and IgG were found at a titre nitrocellulose membrane before probing. Top right panel:
of 80 on Day 9, titres on Day 20 were 320 and 1,280. As an strips probed with different dilutions of the patient serum at
example, dilutions 1:20 and 1:160 from the Day 20 sample are low exposure. Bottom panel: the same membranes individually
shown for, respectively, IgM and IgG of the index case. Dilution contrasted for higher band intensity. The arrows indicate SARS-
20 shown for the control serum. CoV-2 proteins, the labelling assumes that the migration of SARS-
CoV-2 proteins was similar to that of Vero E6-expressed SARS-CoV
proteins [23]. The bands migrating at ca 110 and 90 kDa probably
represent S1 and S2, respectively. Marker M: Precision Plus Dual
Serum samples of University of Helsinki staff members Colour Standards (Bio-Rad). The detection was done using Odyssey
were used under informed consent. Infrared Imaging System (LI-COR) using goat anti-human IR800
conjugate at 1:10,000 dilution.

In the early phase of the COVID-19 outbreak, confirmed
cases outside China were mostly imported among trav-
ellers from Wuhan [7]. The first case in Finland was Current guidelines from the World Health Organization
detected on 29 January among the first imported cases for testing COVID-19 recommend collection of both
in Europe. The case presented mild symptoms without acute and convalescent serum samples from patients
pneumonia: runny nose, nausea, high fever, cough, for serological testing, which can support the iden-
muscular weakness and fatigue. No secondary trans- tification of the immune response to a specific viral
mission events were detected despite active follow-up pathogen [10]. The SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid has been
by the Lapland Hospital district and THL. found also in anal swabs and blood [11], however we
did not detect it in serum samples in this case. As yet,
As at 17 March 2020, 358 additional laboratory- only limited data are available on antibody responses
confirmed cases of COVID-19 have been detected in during SARS-CoV-2 infection [11,12]. Further studies
Finland. Many of them are travel-related (mostly from are needed to better understand the seroprevalence of
northern Italy and Austria) but there is also local trans- antibodies to different corona viruses in populations
mission from the travel-related cases. The risk of wide- and the role of these antibodies in the risk of disease.
spread national community transmission of COVID-19 In accordance with earlier findings [11], we found that
infection in the European Union, European Economic both IgM and IgG titres were low or undetectable at
Area and the United Kingdom in the coming weeks is on Day 4 (the second day after admission to hospital)
considered high by the European Centre for Disease yet increasing on Day 9–10, i.e. 5–6 days after the first
Prevention and Control [8]. sampling. Using other detection methods beyond IFA
as well as recombinant antigens and analysing sam-
The sequence of the viral genome of the patient was ples from a larger number of patients will shed more
nearly identical to the reference strain from Wuhan, light on this. The time of first appearance of anti-SARS-
reflecting an early importation from China. Later CoV antibodies has ranged from Day 3 to 42 and Day 5
sequence information in Finland (up to 2 March) to 47 for IgM and IgG antibodies, respectively [13].
showed clustering with strains circulating in Italy (see [9]. The WB of the serum sample collected at convales-
cence showed a prominent response against the N
and S protein, confirming their role as main candidate

diagnostic targets for antibody tests. However, the After understanding better the kinetics, specificity
patient serum appeared to recognise also the E pro- and sensitivity of the assays in development, the sero-
tein and the processed S1 and S2 proteins. Although logical testing may help contact tracing of clusters and
WB detects mainly linear epitopes, the strong antibody have a role in diagnosing acute and past SARS-CoV-2
response against the S protein correlated well with the infections.
results of the MN assay.

Monitoring of the binding antibodies is suggested Acknowledgements

to be a more sensitive method than measuring func- We gratefully thank Mira Utriainen, Sanna Mäki, Minna
tional neutralising antibodies for serological detection Haanpää, Marja-Liisa Ollonen, Johanna Rintamäki, Hanna
of human coronavirus (hCoV) infections [14]. However, Valtonen, Riitta Santanen, Katri Keino, Alena Kaijalainen
hCoV OC43 and 229E samples can also cross-react and Johanna Mustajoki for their expert technical assistance.
Christel Pussinen and Mervi Nosa are thanked for their con-
with SARS-CoV ELISA testing [15]. The SARS-CoV-2 CPE- tribution to Finnish population sera collections. We also
based MN test using live virus appeared to be very want to thank the anonymous patient for her help and col-
specific, while laborious to conduct requiring a BSL-3 laboration throughout the study.
laboratory. An increase of at least 4-fold in the neu-
tralising antibodies indicating a positive response was Funding: The study was supported by funds from the Finnish
Institute for Health and Welfare (THL), Helsinki University
detected at Day 9–10 after the first symptoms and at Hospital (HUSLAB) and University of Helsinki. The funding
Day 20, the antibody levels were still increasing. Our organisations had no role in the study design, data collec-
findings indicate that the MN assay is specific for func- tion and analysis, decision to publish or preparation of the
tional SARS-CoV-2 antibodies and could be applied manuscript.
in surveillance of population immunity for this virus.
The assay can be used as confirmatory tool for SARS-
CoV-2 specificity in the development of more accessi- Conflict of interest
ble diagnostic tools such as assays based on detecting LS is a co-investigator in an unrelated study, for which
binding antibodies. Previous studies on patients with THL has received research funding from GlaxoSmithKline
SARS-CoV infection indicated that the median time for Vaccines. The other authors report no potential conflicts of
seroconversion was 20 days, by which time 60–75%
of patients had IgG against the virus [13,16]. That IgM
and IgG antibodies were present within 2 weeks from
Authors’ contributions
the onset of symptoms in our study suggests that early
convalescent patients may be suitable sources of ther- All authors attest they meet the ICMJE criteria for authorship.
All authors have contributed to, seen and approved the final
apeutic antibodies [17]. In accordance with our finding,
version of the manuscript.
a recent preprint report on patients admitted to hos-
pital with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection in China
indicated that the median time to seroconversion was AH set up and performed MN tests, participated in labora-
11–14 days, depending on the immunological assay tory confirmation of COVID-19 suspicions, coordinated and
participated in the collections of the Finnish population
used [18]. sera, and wrote the manuscript.

No neutralising SARS-CoV-2 antibodies were detected

in the close contacts nor in the control population TS performed the whole genome sequencing and genetic
samples collected during 2019 in Finland. A low prev- characterisation.
alence (0.21%) of antibodies against Middle East res- SK and JH performed the IFA and WB analysis, respectively.
piratory syndrome coronavirus was reported in the
general population of Qatar [19]. A meta-analysis of PÖ isolated the virus and was responsible of the SARS-CoV-2
seroprevalence to SARS-CoV among different human related biosafety level 3 laboratory work at THL.
populations yielded an overall low seroprevalence
MP, MS, TP and JS participated in THL COVID-19 situation
(0.10%), although it was slightly higher (0.23%) among monitoring group work of THL.
healthcare workers and others who had close contact
with SARS patients [20]. Binding and neutralising HCoV SB and MM participated in serological analysis planning
antibodies were found to be higher in older adults [14]. group of THL. SB contributed in the interpretation of MN
In total 97% and 99% of serum samples from healthy results.
adults had antibodies to HCoV-229E and HCoV-OC43, ER set up the real-time RT-PCR method at THL and partici-
respectively [21], and 75% and 65% of the children in pated in laboratory confirmation of COVID-19 suspicions.
the age group 2.5–3.5 years were found to be seroposi-
tive for, respectively, HCoV-NL63 and HCoV-229E [22].
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version in most SARS patients reduces the value of rum. AK had a significant role to organising convalescent se-
rum sampling.
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