RS232 Is A Standard Protocol Used For Serial Communication)
RS232 Is A Standard Protocol Used For Serial Communication)
RS232 Is A Standard Protocol Used For Serial Communication)
Data Link-----Fiber Cable[Fiber cables are used for data storage as well as transmission]
The OSI Model is a logical and conceptual model that defines network
communication which is used by systems open to interconnection and
communication with other systems
In OSI model, layer should only be created where the definite levels of
abstraction are needed.
OSI layer helps you to understand communication over a network
UDP or the User Datagram Protocol is used to create a low-latency and loss-
tolerating communications between applications connected over the internet.
UDP enables process-to-process communication and communicates via
datagrams or messages.
The TCP/ IP Model is a compressed version of the OSI Model. This Model
contains 4 layers unlike the OSI Model which are:
1. Process(Application Layer)
2. Host-to-Host(Transport Layer)
3. Internet Layer (Network Layer)
4. Network Access(Combination of Physical and Data Link Layer)