The Dilgar War
The Dilgar War
The Dilgar War
You might think so, anyone who goes to school, watches a vid, downloads a book or asks
about the war would arrive at much the same answer. The first name that comes up is
always mine. Nobody remembers the victors of that war until later, Hamato, Stro’kath,
Brocat, Hauser, all of these names come after mine. That I suppose is some small victory.
Speak my name and you will see the same reaction on the face of the person before you. It
doesn’t matter if they are Human or Drazi, Abbai or Hyach, Brakiri or if you can find one
these days Alacan. Their eyes widen, their jaws tense, muscles pulse at their temples. They
hate me, across half the galaxy they hate me. But you know something else? They fear me
too. Even after all this time they still fear me. That is a lasting power, something the victors
of that war never had.
You may call me a monster, most do. I am a fable, a fairy tale told to scare children into
going to bed or eating their vegetables. Today I am the main cause of bedrooms being tidy
and medicine being taken, almost a parody for the new generation. Young children will shy
away from my name because their parents have turned me into an avenging demon from
the sky. They fear me because they do not know any better. Their parents fear me because
they do.
I have been studied and scrutinised, my life opened to scholars on hundreds of worlds.
They look for clues, little titbits of information to try and explain me, to rationalise my
actions and lend meaning to my decisions. They want to understand me, to define me in
terms they know and derive some comfort in the knowledge that I am an aberration, that I
was never normal and simply the product of a depraved and sadistic race.
They are wrong of course. Certainly my people were harsh, brutal, even sadistic. But we
were more beside. We are the villains, the enemy, directly opposite to the heroes who were
good and pure and virtuous. Yet we too could be good, and pure, and virtuous. We had
those noble qualities too yet none now understand that for there is no one left to defend
us. Just me, and I am no longer much of a public speaker.
I was idolised by many, and I know that even today small sects on various worlds still
honour my legacy. Tiny cells of ultra xenophobes who try to kill all who are different, who
promote the purity of their species just as I did mine. They do not understand, but I take
their dedication as a compliment, misguided as it is.
So am I monster or martyr? Saint or slayer? Visionary or false prophet? I am all those things,
and I am none of those things. And yes, I do quite like being cryptic.
You ask why I did what I did? What else was I to do? My world was doomed, we were
outnumbered and outgunned, our only hope of victory, or survival, was to be utterly
ruthless. We did what we needed to do, what I needed to do. We fought with ingenuity, with
fearlessness, we sacrificed without hesitation and we won victories no race has ever
equalled. We defied odds no one else has dared face, and for a long time we won. Even in
the end we nearly won.
As to my methods, well I could talk for hours about them. I can tell you I advanced medical
science by decades, that my discoveries are used across the galaxy though never credited
of course. I could tell you we needed living space, that it was nothing personal and merely
the most efficient way of clearing a planet for colonisation. I could tell you we had no
choice, that it was a sad task but one I reluctantly performed for my people.
Of course I’d be lying.
Why did I kill all those people? Why does a painter paint? Why did I experiment on living
beings? Why does a singer sing? Why did I wipe out whole worlds with biological weapons?
Why does a sculptor sculpt? It was my art, it was what I was good at and it was a good
feeling. I had in my hands more power than any other individual has ever held. Whole
worlds lived or died on my word, and I relished it. Judge me all you want, nobody else will
ever achieve what I achieved, nobody else would dare. That is why I am remembered first
before all others, why I am used to scare people into obedience. Everyone who fought in
that war was just a man or a woman, everyone who died just a victim or maybe a hero. But
not me, I am a myth, I am a legend, and just maybe I will be the face of fear for as long as
people cower.
I am not evil, I was not born evil. I am a normal person just like you, just like your family
and friends, like the people you pass every day in the street. My life was not supernatural,
my existence not prophesied. I am you, I just made different decisions. But you see, that
means that you are also me, all of you are as much like me as I am you. It is easier to
believe we are different, comforting to call me a monster, but in truth I am a reflection of
what you could easily become.
Oh, and one final point. It wasn’t the Dilgar War. It was mine.
Warmaster Jha’dur,
Babylon 5,
Introduction 5
Background 6
New Rules 7
The Dilgar 10
The League 33
Abbai 34 Balosians 41
Brakiri 51 Cascor 59
Descari 68 Drazi 72
Hurr 83 Hyach 88
Scenarios 202
Timeline 214
Acknowledgements 216
This pack is intended to give you the opportunity to recreate on the table top the events and battles of
the Dilgar War, so evocatively portrayed in the novel by James Harnet (often referred to as LC or
Lightning Count). For those as yet unaware of this wonderful work, I would strongly suggest that they
visit the link below (or contact me for a copy on pdf).
In addition I am honoured that Mr Harnet has written several pieces especially for this work.
My intention is for this pack to be used instead of the standard fleetbook as some adaptations to the
ACTA system and in particular the fleet lists were required to even attempt to fully realise the novel.
There are a considerable amount of additional ships for previously (in ACTA) unrealised races and
established fleets alike.
One other indulgence I have taken is to use new models (from Ground Zero Games) for the Dilgar
fleet as I don’t like the present models. This is more of a personal preference and in no way should
be seen as prescriptive – But I think they look better (especially as Kickaha painted them so
The Lady Nemesis under Captain Tennant shows exactly why his ship was so feared
First contact with the galactic community had been a difficult experience for the Dilgar. They had
been marked by age-old conflicts on their own homeworld, and so were suspicious and wary when
meeting and dealing with other races. Initial encounters with aggressive Drazi, rapacious Centauri
and expansionist Narn proved this to be a wise choice.
Despite the best attempts of the Abbai, they stood aloof from the League but their attempts to expand
across the stars met with only limited success. Several small colonies were established on barely
habitable planets and became little more than prisons rather than brave new worlds.
The Dilgar had always been a belligerent and combative race, which found them lucrative
employment with the Centauri Republic as mercenaries. Continued clashes with raiders and
especially the Drazi meant they needed a competent and powerful space based military to defend
their limited assets. Tried and tested homegrown designs were liberally mixed with weapons
purchased from the Brakri, Centauri and even the Drazi to equip their first true warships.
By the time they discovered that the Omelos star had become unstable, the Dilgar Navy was already
of considerable size and ability with many veterans amongst its ranks. As the population was being
groomed for the forthcoming war of conquest, the warship building programme was massively
accelerated with many new designs coming of the production line in record time.
Weapons development continued, with little regard for safety, and although a number of disasterous
accidents did happen, the trademark pulsar and bolter weapons were brought to their apex. At the
other extreme, Dilgar warships were seldom fitted with escape pods or defences beyond thick
armour, losses were acceptable, indeed in the minds of many officers, it would thin out the
In a stunningly short time, the Dilgar fleet numbered thousands of vessels, the equal of any other
League race, crewed by a core of hardened veterans and filled out by thoroughly indoctrinated
volunteers. The harsh training regimes had produced a well co-ordinated and impressive war
machine, which had mostly remained concealed from the neighbouring powers of the League.
The Alacans were the first to feel its power as the limited resistance the younger race could muster –
a few obsolete Abbai ships, was smashed aside. One ship, the Pyrotinia did manage to escape to
seek assistance, but tragically, few cared about the fate of their world. Even the destruction of
several Vree trading vessels during the invasion was smoothed over by Dilgar diplomatic agents.
The Alacan people would suffer years of the most hellish treatment and only a few would survive to
see their devastated planet liberated.
The next tragedy befell the Balosians – another young race, but one who had both a history of
successfully resisting invaders and had a capable fleet of ships to help defend themselves.
Consequently a massively overwhelming force was designated to annihilate the defenders, starting
with the new carriers that the Balosians were so proud of.
As the last vessels were destroyed, the Dilgar made their first mistake of the campaign. Warmaster
Len’char, in charge of the operation, had allowed several Abbai vessels already in the system to
observe the destruction. Jha’dur dismissed his arrogant assertion that this would only seek to cower
the marine race and ordered them destroyed, but it was too late – the ships had fled to report to their
The Abbai and the Drazi began to prepare, despite the obstinance of the other League races, and the
invasion would be that much harder.
New Rules
I recommend using the following alternative Beam system:
When using a Beam Weapon, roll a D6 for each attack dice and consult the following table:
1-2 Miss, 3-4 1 hit 6 1 hit and re-roll on this table
Fighter Combat
Dogfighting in the Atmosphere
Certain fighters are either designed to operate exclusively in the atmosphere of planets or are able to cope with the vast
differences in fighting within it and in the vacuum of space. Others are only really at home in the void and can be at a
disadvantage when trying engage targets in the sky. A few fighters, like the Starfury, are designed for space superiority
missions only.
All fighters now have a second dogfighting score listed, which represents their performance when fighting in a planetary
For instance a Thorun Dartfighter has a score of +1 (0) which means that whilst it is a formidable opponent in space with
+1, it is less effective in the confines of the atmosphere with a score of 0 in dogfights
At this time in galactic history (2225-2232) fighters were considered by most to be a tactical afterthought rather than a
primary weapons system. Only three powers fully and effectively dedicated themselves to fighter operations on a massive
scale, the Cascor, EarthForce and the Dilgar. EarthForce explored and refined this to an even greater extreme with the
Starfury program.
• Any Cascor, EarthForce or Dilgar ship with the Fleet Carrier trait will lend a +2 to the dogfight rating of its fighters,
rather than the normal +1.
• For EarthForce fleets, any additional ships beyond the first with the Fleet Carrier trait will add another +1 to the
dogfight rating, to a maximum of +4 (+2 for one Fleet Carrier, and +1 from two more ships with Fleet Carrier).
• After the year 2232 all of the other races followed suit and included improved co-ordination of their fighter flights,
essentially removing this special advantage.
New Special Actions
If it contacts the base of an enemy ship, you may try to ram it. Only one enemy ship can be targeted in this way. Both
ships must make an opposed Crew Quality check unless the targeted ship is Adrift or Immobile. Ships with the
Lumbering trait suffer a –1 penalty to this roll, ships with the Agile trait gain a +1 bonus, whilst Super-Manoeuvrable ships
gain a +2 bonus to this Crew Quality check. If the enemy ship passes, it avoids being rammed and your ship must
continue its move, to its full extent. If you succeed or draw, your ship has successfully made a ram. Fighters may not be
rammed. If you ram the enemy, both ships suffer an attack using as many Attack Dice as half the opposing ship’s starting
Damage points, with the Super AP and Triple Damage traits. Dodge, Interceptors and Stealth traits do not apply to
ramming attacks. All other traits do apply as normal.
Aircraft: A few races depend on purely atmospheric craft to defend planets such as the Earth Alliance Banshee. These
craft have the new trait Aircraft representing ships, which are designed purely for combat within the atmosphere. Ships
with the Aircraft trait may not exit the Atmosphere of a planet and if forced to do so are considered destroyed. They may
only be used to attack enemy troops, emplacements and ships on or within the atmosphere of a planet.
Elite Crew (X) This ship is crewed by some of the best the race can offer and hence has CQ X in one off scenarios and
campaigns as well as in general play. If this trait is lost during play the CQ immediately becomes 4, modified by any other
effect acting on the ship as usual.
Fleet Auxiliary: In a Campaign, a Fleet containing one or more ships with the Fleet Auxiliary trait may ignore the 5 RR
point premium required for repairing Crippled ships.
Admirals can be split into two categories; Named Leaders, those individuals whose exploits are known to people outside
their own race (for example: Warmaster Jha'dur) and Admirals, those individuals who have risen through the ranks and
distinguished themselves time and time again.
Admirals of varying ability are available for free. However, they are simply too important to be present in every skirmish or
have better things to be doing with their time then patrolling a trade route.
Using a Named Leader will replace any free Admiral you may be entitled to use in addition to paying the extra FAP cost
as outlined in the Rule Book. If an Admiral is present in the fleet they must be placed on the ship of highest PL, or on any
ship with the Command +X trait.
During battle the Admiral is located on the Bridge of the ship, and as such, any critical hit to the Bridge location (6-1) has
a chance of injuring or killing the Admiral or members of their staff. Any time the Bridge location is hit roll a dice. On a 1-4
the Admiral is unharmed and continues issuing orders. On a roll of 5+ the Admiral has been disabled for the remainder of
the game (and will be unavailable for the following campaign turn as they recuperate from their injuries). The enemy
scores half VPs for destroying a ship of the same PL as the Admiral.
Should the Admiral’s vessel be captured, then there is a possibility of the Admiral falling into enemy hands, roll a dice. On
a 1-4 the Admiral has been captured by the boarding parties. On a roll of 5+ the Admiral and their aides have been
successfully evacuated from the ship before they are captured. The enemy scores double the VPs for destroying a ship of
the same PL as the Admiral.
Should the Admiral’s vessel be reduced to 0 crew (including by destroying it), then there is a possibility of killing the
Admiral, roll a dice. On a 1-4 the Admiral has been killed with his ship. On a roll of 5+ the Admiral has been successfully
evacuated from the ship (and may be recovered after the battle in the same way as an adrift hull). A killed Admiral scores
equal VPs for destroying a ship of the same PL.
Each player receives a free FAP to spend on Admirals (broken down as normal from the list above). For example, in a 10
Battle campaign, you could have a single Battle level Admiral, or two Raid level Admirals.
Admirals may be swapped between ships in the players roster in the same way as fighters (at the end of a campaign
turn). Should the original Admiral(s) be killed, a replacement commander may be requested from Homeworld. The new
Admiral will be at Raid level (possessing one trait) and cost the same as a Raid level ship (12RR). The higher ranking
Admirals are rare, and are either too busy serving elsewhere, or pull enough strings to ensure they are not placed in a
position where they may meeting the same fate as their predecessors.
The Dilgar Imperium
“We are Dilgar.” She said proudly. “War is our nature, we will win in the end, but the quicker
the better, we can do that, you can chart new hyperspace routes to move our fleets quickly
into battle.”
“And you sister, what about your contribution?” he said with a hint of accusation. “He was
talking about mass murder, genocide. Could you do that?”
“Yes.” She said without hesitation or emotion. “If that’s the price of keeping our race alive
then I will personally kill every other sentient in the galaxy.” She regarded her brother with
a cold stare. “You know what is at stake, you know what we are risking. Whatever happens
we must work for the survival of our people in their hour of need.”
“No it won’t,” Jha’dur smiled. “Because history is written by the victors, and we will be the
victors brother, and when we are done and our people safe, there won’t be anyone left to
contradict us.”
The Dilgar were feline in appearance, their population predominately made up of the so called
“Prime” race and a number of “sub” races who had been conquered in the many brutal wars that
made up their more recent history.
These races had evolved from a common ancestor, which had survived the splitting of the landmass
of the world into three main continents. Over millennia they had established themselves as the
dominant predator as they began to advance in social structure and technology.
When they had reached the point at which could reach their lost cousins on the other continents, it
immediately started a conflict for dominance that would last for centuries, ever increasing in ferocity,
as the weapons available became more powerful.
Finally one race, the Thrazan’s, produced and liberally used nuclear weapons, ending the cold war
deadlock and establishing them as the ruling or “Prime” race on the planet. By this time, much of the
planet had however, suffered from the residue of the weapons used and its ecology had been badly
damaged. The Thrazan Emperor continued to increase the power of the military, enslaving the losing
races to reclaim the damaged areas. Increasingly brutal measures were implemented and these
would shape the nature of Dilgar society.
Technological advances continued and to the Dilgar horror, they discovered alien satellites
monitoring them from orbit. Suspicion about the nature of these devices helped fuel a secret space
program that saw them first destroy the observers and then begin to explore and exploit the Asteroid
belt and several other planets that orbited the Omelos sun
Like so many races, they discovered a Jump Gate at the edge of their star system and began
sending heavily (if primitively) armed probes to other systems. These local systems were
disappointing – except for Immata, which contained one world with Quantimum-40 deposits.
The Dilgar were fortunate that their first contact was with the Abbai, whose satellites had been
monitoring their world. Their own primitive vessels were no match for the aquatic races craft, and
after a few unfortunate incidents, the Dilgar resigned themselves to trading with the Abbai.
Other races were less tolerant of aggressive young races – the Drazi – fellow predators, gleefully
joined battle with them and hostilties continued on and off all the way up to the conflagration later
known as the Dilgar War. At the same time, raiders of a number races preyed on the fledgling space
faring race.
Seeking technology to both defend themselves and to impose their will on other races, the Dilgar
traded their services as formidable warriors. Many served with the Centauri, who asked no questions
about the methods they used, and could supply the desired armaments. The Dilgar intelligence
services honed their skills across the League, gathering information and technology to empower the
By the time that the doom hanging over Omelos was discovered, the Dilgar military were able to
adapt rapidly to the situation. They decided that they would have to either take a new homeworld for
themselves or perish. A new Empire would be carved out from the nearby races which would need
be strong enough to resist any larger powers like the Centauri or Narn who might attempt to take
advantage of the Dilgar as they fled their homeworld.
To accomplish this task the Dilgar Navy formed ten large fleets, Three Strike Fleets, three Line
Fleets, three Guard Fleets and one Home Fleet. Each fleet was commanded by a Warmaster with
the exception of the Third Guard Fleet which was larger than the other forces but never deployed as
one unit, rather it was split up to garrison those systems captured or placed under siege during the
The Strike Fleets had the three most talented Warmasters in command, Jha’dur, Sha’dur and
Dar’sen, whilst the Line Fleets had competent, if less innovative Warmasters. They were often used
as support elements in battle, their commanders preferring a more traditional method of warfare
involving steady advances and grinding their enemies down through attrition and superior firepower.
Finally the Guard or Defence Fleets were used to occupy key areas of the front line, support ground
invasions or act as a reserve. They were mainly made up of light ships and transports, commanded
by Warmasters more associated with the Army than the Navy, including Len’char. The final Home
fleet was deployed at Omelos and acted as a strategic reserve under the authority of the Supreme
Warmaster, but under the day to day command of War Captain Tor’han.
In battle, the Dilgar were superbly trained and capable of executing lightning changes of formation to
fulfil the plans of their leaders. The willingness of the Dilgar military to sacrifice themselves was both
an asset and a weakness. Coupled with the lack of provision for lifepods, this often meant that
veteran crews were lost when other races would have retained their abilities.
The Dilgar Imperium Fleet List
The following forms the entire fleet list for the Dilgar Imperium.
Dar’sen, Jha’dur, Sha’dur
Flights of smaller craft may be purchased separately and used as units in their own right.
Some ships are noted as carrying one or more flights of fighters on board. One or more of these flights may be deployed
as normal at any time before or during the battle and do not cost anything extra – the cost of these flights is included in
that of their parent ships.
Any ship carrying one or more Thorun Dartfighter flights may replace any number of them for Thorun Torpedofighter
flights or Breaching Pods. Breaching Pods swapped in this way will carry a Troop from the ship – they do not include
Troops of their own in the way Breaching Pod Wings do.
Dilgar Imperium Fleet Special Rules
The following special rules apply to all Dilgar Imperium fleets.
Pentacon Formations: Dilgar can form squadrons of up to five ships, following all the normal rules for squadrons. A
squadron of five ships is known as a Pentacon, a specialised formation used by well-trained Dilgar pilots to support one
another in battle. The Dilgar player can select a Pentacon whenever it is his turn to move a ship but instead of moving it
as normal, he can force an enemy ship to move instead. Each Pentacon can only be ‘skipped’ once like this in each turn
and it must be moved by the end of the turn. If a Pentacon is reduced to three or less ships, it becomes a normal
Fighter Support: Dilgar fighters also adopt a very loose form of the Pentacon formation, allowing them to support one
another very effectively. Any flight of Dilgar fighters may support a dogfight happening within 2” of their position as if they
were in base contact with it, so long as the Dilgar fighter actually dogfighting moved into contact with the enemy this turn
and not vice versa. They may not attack normally while doing this and count as being involved in the dogfight, following
the usual rules.
Suicide Fighters: As the war started to turn against the Dilgar, they redoubled their efforts, with many fighter pilots willing
to relinquish even their lives if it meant an enemy could be turned aside or destroyed. Any Thorun Dartfighter flight may
intentionally crash into an enemy ship, simply by moving into contact with its base. This will automatically destroy the
flight at the beginning of the Attack Phase but will yield the enemy no Victory Points. In return, the enemy ship will suffer
a 1 AD attack, with the Triple Damage and Super AP traits. It ignores the Interceptor trait when making this attack and
the fighter may not be recovered by the Fleet Carrier trait.
Masters of Destruction: The Dilgar excel at displays of terribly destructive power, tearing apart enemy vessels as much
for the gesture as to earn victory. Many Dilgar weapons are designed specifically for this purpose. Any hits from any
Dilgar bolter (light bolters, bolters, heavy bolters) which score a critical hit cause triple damage to the target, exactly as if
the weapon had the Triple Damage trait. All other hits are resolved normally (typically, this will mean Double Damage);
only those hits which inflict a critical cause triple damage. A similar rule applies to Dilgar pulsars (light pulsars included).
Any hits from Dilgar pulsars which score a critical hit cause double damage to the target, exactly as if the weapon had the
Double Damage trait. All other hits are resolved normally.
“The Dilgar will either live as conquerors or die fighting, we have no other fate.”
Athraskala Class Heavy Assault Ship (Wahant variant) Battle
Prior to the onset of the Dilgar War, the Dilgar had not often used assault ships and so the discovery that its star
threatened the Dilgar’s homeworld called for a subtle change in tactics. This resulted in the development of several new
assault ship classes and the refitting of almost all of the Wahant class superheavy transports to the Athraskala
Speed: 4 Turn: 1/45 Hull: 6 Damage: 50/8
Crew: 56/8 Troops: 8 Craft: 2 Thorun Dartfighter flights
Special Rules: Anti-Fighter 2, Jump Engine, Lumbering, Shuttles 4
In Service: 2211-2232
The Fire of Retribution, a Sekhmet Class Battlecruiser captained by Battlemaster Sal’sur, a veteran of the Second Strike
Fleet. He had been badly injured at Markab and had only just recovered in time to join his new ship in the Grand Fleet.
Deathwalker (Mishakur Class Dreadnought) War
Jha’dur’s dreadnought was a unique design different from the other ships of the Mishakur class. Most noticeable was its
black and red colour scheme familiar galaxy wide but the ship had more to commend it that just that. It had more
weapons, better engines allowing it to turn like a cruiser, superior sensors, much heavier armour and various internal
additions such as labs and hermetically sealed storage rooms. Probably the most obvious difference was the Mass
Drivers. All Dreadnoughts carried one but in the case of the Dreadnought Deathwalker it had a unique ‘double barreled’
design which was essentially two drivers mounted side by side.
Speed: 8 Turn: 1/45 Hull: 6 Damage: 64/8
Crew: 72/10 Troops: 8
Craft: 2 Thorun Dartfighter flights
Special Rules: Anti-fighter 4, Command +2, Elite Crew (6), Jump Engine, Shuttles 2, Unique,
In Service: 2230-2232
Pentacon Leader: So long as this ship is within a Pentacon, all other ships within the Pentacon gain a +1 bonus to all
Crew Quality checks. This ability is not cumulative within a Pentacon.
Delegaor Suicide Frigate Patrol (Special)
Whilst most races had occasions when ships performed the ultimate sacrifice and rammed enemy vessels, these were
usually acts of desperation or defiance in the face of certain death. Only the Dilgar created vessels specifically designed
to ram. Well built for their role, they were fast, agile and hard to hit, and the thick armour often shrugged off any impacts.
Packed with nuclear weapons, they proved horribly difficult to counter, especially as at Balos where they jumped into the
middle of the Liberation Navy. Jha’dur considered them a great success - she could lose ten thousand people attacking a
Dreadnought conventionally, or just a hundred attacking like this.
Speed: 10 Turn: 2/45 Hull: 6 Damage: 18/3
Crew: 8/1 Troops: 0 Craft: None
Special Rules: Agile, Anti-Fighter 1,
In Service: 2232
Delegaor suicide frigates automatically pass the CQ check required to attempt the Give Me Ramming Speed! Special
Action. In addition they automatically explode after a successful ram.
Both players should agree the use of Delegaor suicide frigates in advance.
Blood Wind – In researching the human race, Jha’dur had noted a number of similarities in the
histories of the two races. One of these was the human willingness to carry out sacrificial attacks –
historically known as “Blood Wind” in the Dilgar culture.
As the war turned against them, the number of suicidal attacks carried out by the Dilgar rose
exponentially reaching a terrible crescendo at the decisive battle over Balos when the Delegaor
frigates were first unleashed. The majority of these frigates were crewed by volunteers – usually
cadets commanded by older, wounded veterans who were not able to serve on board the ships of the
“Let no exultation precede us and no wailing follow behind. Let no mercy stay our hand and
let no pity weigh in our hands. Let our enemies know who comes for them, let them know
death rides on swift wings of steel.”
She allowed the ancient poem to stir her blood and set her will, whatever the consequences.
“We are the Prime Dilgar, we are Deaths Hand and Hells Gates, and we come to sow the
flames of perdition and spill the blood of the unworthy. For we are Dilgar Warriors, and let
the gods themselves quake at our passing.”
Garasoch Class Heavy Carrier Raid
The Garasoch was, like the dreadnought classes and many of the Dilgar’s other latter day vessels, designed specifically
with their aim of conquest of a new homeworld in mind. A powerful ship, it offered everything that could possibly be
required for full-scale planetary assault including waves of dartfighters and many troops.
Speed: 8 Turn: 1/45 Hull: 5 Damage: 48/7
Crew: 56/9 Troops: 6 Craft: 10 Thorun Dartfighter flights
Special Rules: Anti-Fighter 2, Carrier 3, Fleet Carrier, Jump Engine, Lumbering
In Service: 2230-2232
Pentacon Leader: So long as this ship is within a Pentacon, all other ships within the Pentacon gain a +1 bonus to all
Crew Quality checks. This ability is not cumulative within a Pentacon.
Jashakar Class Frigate Patrol
The Jashakar Frigate was commonly seen in the Dilgar navy, operating in large numbers and using pack tactics. Whilst
small, it packed a decent amount of firepower, married to a manoeuvrable hull.
Speed: 12 Turn: 2/45 Hull: 4 Damage: 14/2
Crew: 16/4 Troops: 2 Craft: None
Special Rules: Agile, Anti-Fighter 1
In Service: 2218-2232
Special: Any Kahtrik may replace its Forward Heavy Bolters with a Mass Driver with the following stats:
Kahtrik So Class Cruiser (Kahtrik Variant) Raid
With up-rated engines and weapons array designed specifically to counter enemy shipping, this variant was often
deployed alongside squadrons of other Kahtriks to escort them to an enemy-held world.
Speed: 6 Turn: 1/45 Hull: 6 Damage: 50/8
Crew: 56/8 Troops: 4 Craft: 2 Thorun Dartfighter flights
Special Rules: Anti-Fighter 2
In Service: 2227-2232
Hull: 4
Damage: 110/54/25
Troops: 40
Craft: 4 Thorun Dartfighter flights
Special Rules: Anti-Fighter 6, Command +1, Carrier 4, Immobile, Space Station,
In Service: 2231-32
Mankhat Class Dreadnought Battle
The main Dilgar ship of the line, the Mankhat was intended to smash the defences of enemy ships at range before
sweeping majestically forward to finish them off with heavy bolters.
Speed: 8 Turn: 1/45 Hull: 5
Damage: 54/6 Crew: 56/8 Troops: 6
Craft: 1 Thorun Dartfighter flight
Special Rules: Anti-Fighter 1, Jump Engine, Lumbering, Shuttles 2,
In Service: 2228-2232
Pentacon Leader: So long as this ship is within a Pentacon, all other ships within the Pentacon gain a +1 bonus to all
Crew Quality checks. This ability is not cumulative within a Pentacon.
Ochlavita Class Destroyer Skirmish
Developed as a destroyer, the Ochlavita actually laid the groundwork for the Dilgar’s later strike and heavy cruisers.
Pulsars and the Dilgar’s trademark heavy bolters were incorporated, making the Ochlavita a consummate all-rounder.
Speed: 10 Turn: 2/45 Hull: 5 Damage: 22/4
Crew: 18/4 Troops: 3 Craft: 1 Thorun Darfighter flight
Special Rules: Agile, Anti-Fighter 3
In Service: 2228-2232
Pentacon Leader: So long as this ship is within a Pentacon, all other ships it leads gain a +1 bonus to all Crew Quality
checks. This ability is not cumulative within a Pentacon.
Omelos Class Light Cruiser Raid
The Omelos was the original Dilgar cruiser and proved itself a capable design both before and during the War
Speed: 10 Turn: 2/45 Hull: 5 Damage: 28/5
Crew: 35/6 Troops: 3 Craft: 1 Thorun Dartfighter flight
Special Rules: Agile, Anti-Fighter 2
In Service: 2202-2232
Two Thoruns raced low over the Sulith, spitting fire from their bolters and tearing holes in
the armoured surface before the ships defences managed to down one of them and send
the other fighter fleeing back towards its mother ship. On board the bridge of the doomed
vessel, the Abbai commander watched in horror as the smaller Dilgar cruiser approached,
its weapons having already worn down their shields and which were now concentrating on
their engines. The Sulith shuddered again as the rest of the Dilgar fighters returned to
begin strafing the wounded medical frigate, having slaughtered the Kotha fighters
desperately attempting to screen their ship.
Aboard the Oras cruiser, The Purity of Purpose, its commander smiled as the enemy vessel
began to drift out of control, the small cloud of fighters harassing it mercilessly as they
prepared the way for the boarding parties. The Warmaster would be most pleased with the
offering that he would be able to bring her shortly…………….
If an Oras takes part in a battle and is still in play at the end of the battle, you may choose one ship (including the Oras)
and immediately apply a refit to that ship.
Orbital Command War
A massive star shaped fortress well equipped with weapons and command
facilities. Destroying it meant the end for the Omelos defence grid, as with its
powerful transmitters gone, the few remaining defence satellites were
uncoordinated and easily mopped up.
Hull: 4
Damage: 235 / 115 / 45
Troops: 50
Craft: 4 Thorun Dartfighter flights,
Special Rules: Anti-fighter 8, Carrier 4, Command +3, Immobile, Space Station,
In Service: 2228-2232
Sekhmet Class Battlecruiser Battle
The most advanced ship produced by the Dilgar, sporting weapons and defences reverse engineered or in the case of its
main armament simply recovered from wrecked Hyach ships. Devastating war machines, they were priority targets for
the allies and none survived the conclusive battle of the war at Balos.
Speed: 12 Turn: 2/45 Hull: 5
Damage: 31/6 Crew: 29/8 Troops: 3
Craft: 2 Thorun Dartfighter flights
Special Rules: Flight Computer, Jump Engine, Shields 8/4, Scout
In Service: 2231-2232
“As ordered we’ve been focusing on the Sekhmet issue.” He began. “After the loss of the last convoy we have to
track down and destroy these ships before they take more lives. I’m afraid the news is quite bad. The Dilgar
didn’t spare any expense on these vessels, they are going to be a hard ship to kill.”
Hamato made sure Patel was listening. “What are we dealing with?”
“The Sekhmets have the best sensors available taken from Abbai and Hyach vessels. Powerful, long ranged
and accurate. Our estimate suggests in terms of targeting ability it exceeds any known vessel, including the
newest Centauri ships.”
“So when this thing fires, it isn’t going to miss?”
“Probably not sir, no.”
“Propulsion?” Hamato rattled.
“A hybrid ion and gravitic system. The principle is the same as that we believe the Centauri use, but utilising
mostly Abbai and Hyach technology again. Because the systems are forced together we think it will be very
power intensive, but offer better performance than a Centauri ship of equal size. It will outrun anything we
have without breaking a sweat.”
“So we can’t chase it down. Can our weapons kill it?”
“I believe so, but there are some problems. First she’s equipped with Gravitic shields which we have to break
through first. Basic Abbai modules, but looking at the number that went missing we expect these ships have at
least five generators each, instead of the single generator Abbai Heavy Cruisers mount.”
“That is indeed a problem.”
“In addition to that the ship has a new type of hull armour.” Francis continued.
“Now this I have nothing on, it looks like a pure Dilgar development. We know its harder than our own armour
ton for ton, but we don’t know how much these ships pack.”
“That’s the other problem she has two advanced laser batteries far more powerful than our own equivalents,
taken straight from a Hyach Dreadnought.”
“Which means she can beat our dreadnought armour.”
“Fortunately sir she only has two, plus a heavy secondary armament of pulsar cannons. In terms of pure
weight of fire she doesn’t come close to a Nova, but with those advanced sensors, pinpoint targeting and high
grade lasers…”
“She can carve up ships at range and mission kill our dreadnoughts before they can reply.” Hamato concluded.
Stinger Light Fighter Patrol (Wing of 5 flights)
The precursor to the much feared Thorun dart fighter was a reasonable craft, easily able to hold its own against the
majority of League opponents, but hopelessly outclassed by the Starfury. Untrained pilots flew them in droves in the last
stand at Omelos, with predictable results.
Thorun Torpedofighter Patrol (Wing of 4 flights)
Downgrading the Thorun’s bolt cannon but adding a centreline anti-shipping torpedo resulted in an effective counter to
the League’s light cruisers and patrol ships. It was less impressive when entering a planetary atmosphere but large
numbers were still capable of overwhelming enemy emplacements.
Vendetta, Sekhmet Class Battlecruiser War
The Battlecruiser Vendetta was the last ship commanded by Jha’dur, its hull decorated with the markings of her own
family, a proud clan that had done its share to advance the Dilgar race in the past. No effort was spared preparing this
ship for the climatic battle at Balos including heavier armour, enhanced weapons and even salvaged interceptors.
Speed: 12 Turn: 2/45 Hull: 6
Damage: 38/6 Crew: 30/8 Troops: 4
Craft: 2 Thorun Mk III Dartfighter flights
Special Rules: Command +2, Elite Crew (5), Flight Computer, Interceptors 2, Jump Engine, Shields 10/4, Scout, Unique,
In Service: 2232
The Vendetta, whilst not crippled or skeleton crewed, is commanded by Jha’dur and has the Admiral Ability: Vindictive:
Jha’dur will accept nothing less than the complete destruction of her enemies. Whenever a ship in the Dilgar fleet
cripples an enemy, it may immediately fire one weapon system against it again. If used in a fleet, you may not use
Jha’dur as an Admiral on this or another ship.
Wahant Class Super Heavy Transport Raid
The Wahant was originally designed to carry huge amounts of cargo and colonists in relative safety. Unfortunately for the
Imperium, the new worlds they claimed were of limited use as colonies and only a few were produced.
Speed: 4 Turn: 1/45 Hull: 5 Damage: 50/8
Crew: 56/8 Troops: 6 Craft: 2 Stinger flights
Special Rules: Anti-Fighter 2, Jump Engine, Lumbering, Shuttles 4,
In Service: 2211-2232
Warmaster Dar’sen
Like most of his peers Dar’sen was aware that a Warmaster was as much a politician as a soldier, but unlike the majority
of them, he was far happier fighting then talking. That had earned him a friend in the shape of the Supreme Warmaster
and his little circle which included Jha’dur, and gained him command of one of the three Strike Fleets in the Imperium.
Inspired Command: as long as Dar’sen’s ship is on the table and not crippled or reduced to Skeleton Crew, the fleet
gains an extra +2 bonus to its Initiative rolls. This is cumulative and may be added to the bonus granted by ships with the
Command trait if Dar’sen is placed on the ship bestowing the bonus. Legendary Tactician, Revered Leader, Skilled
Duellist: Dar’sen is as adept in single combat as he is in commanding fleets, add +1 Troops to the ship whilst Dar’sen is
onboard. This troop may not leave the ship. Dar’sen may be placed on any Dilgar ship. When placed in a ship,
Warmaster Dar’sen raises its Priority Level by one, so a Raid level ship will become a Battle level ship, a Battle level ship
will become a War-level ship, and so on.
Warmaster Jha’dur
Jha’dur was the most infamous leader of the Dilgar War and her exploits in the war would take hours to repeat, for those
that could bear to listen. Warmaster Jha’dur was a specialist in biochemical, biogenetic, and cyber-organic weaponry,
and was responsible for many of the atrocities committed by the Dilgar during the war, having personally conducted some
of the most horrific experiments. These activities helped earn her the title ‘Deathwalker’ along with her tactical skills and
ability to confound the most powerful of enemies.
A Dilgar ship with Warmaster Jha’dur gains the following benefits in battle. Inspired Command, Vindictive: Jha’dur will
accept nothing less than the complete destruction of her enemies. Whenever a ship in the Dilgar fleet cripples an enemy,
it may immediately fire one weapon system again at it. Survivor: A mere ship exploding beneath her is no impediment to
Jha’dur. If her ship is destroyed, roll one dice. On a 4 or more, she may be transferred to the nearest Dilgar ship by
escape craft in the next End Phase. Her original ship still yields Victory Points normally, as if she were still on board. In a
campaign, Jha’dur will stay in this new ship unless transferred using the usual rules. Warmaster Jha’dur may be used in
any Dilgar ship. When placed in a ship, Warmaster Jha’dur raises its Priority Level by one, so a Raid level ship will
become a Battle level ship, a Battle level ship will become a War-level ship, and so on.
Warmaster Sha’dur,
Brother to Jha’dur, Sha’dur was impulsive, tenacious and driven where his sister was cold and calculating. Together they
cut a swathe through the League forces before they faced the Earth fleet at Markab, which would be their first major
defeat of the war. He was killed shortly after at Bestine when a Markab cruiser rammed his command dreadnought,
Inspired Command, Instil Fervour, Forward into the Fire – Sha’dur leads from the front and is eager to enter battle
with his foes. If his ship starts on the table at the beginning of a scenario, the Dilgar player must move all of his ships 6”
forward towards the enemy table edge immediately after the deployment of both fleets. Operational Control,
Warmaster Shad’dur can be placed aboard a Mankhat or Mishakur Dreadnought (or variants). When placed in a ship,
Warmaster Sha’dur raises its Priority Level by one, so a Raid level ship will become a Battle level ship, a Battle level ship
will become a War-level ship, and so on.
Never!” he roared. “They have sprung their surprise and we still live! We have survived their
worst and come through breathing! We will take the war to them, they have nothing else
left, attack now!”
“With what, our fleet is tattered!” the voice of doubt kept talking.
“We are still Dilgar! While we have our bodies we have a weapon, our courage is all we
need!” he snarled. “All I ask you to do is follow me!”
“Orders sir?” his helm officer asked formally,
“All ahead full, hit them with whatever is left and if we die, then we die well.”
Combat Captain Ari’shan
He was not a soldier, and he was certainly not a murderer, he was a duellist and he only accepted combat with those who
could meet him with weapons in their hands. That was honourable combat and the reason for his existence. Anything
else was a squandering of his talents and it cheapened him and the beliefs he felt best represented his race
Due to their skill they retain their dodge score against Anti-Fighter weapons (but not Advanced Anti-Fighter weapons).
They may also re-roll their dogfighting dice once per dogfight, but if they do so must accept the results of the second roll.
The Dilgar fighters split into their subgroups evading the Cascan fire without difficulty, they
waited until the range closed and then engaged, pivoting through space to keep their noses
on the enemy fighters. Knight squadron didn’t miss, each of the groups passing outside the
Cascan formation in a semi circular pattern and fired inwards and downwards at their
enemies, destroying the inexperienced pilots without needing to slow down or alter course.
Dagger Squadron Patrol (2 flights)
After the squadron he had trained so well were slaughtered in mere moments in their first encounter with EA Starfuries,
Ari’shan formed a new unit, amongst the best in the Dilgar fleet. Jha’dur gifted him with captured Starfuries to train on
and his recommendations as to how to counter the human fighters were spread through the fleets.
Due to their skill they retain their dodge score against Anti-Fighter weapons (but not Advanced Anti-Fighter weapons).
They may also re-roll their dogfighting dice once per dogfight, but if they do so must accept the results of the second roll.
(*) You may not have both Knight and Dagger Squadron in the same fleet.
“I am reinstating you.” The Warmaster replied. “Close your mouth, it is conduct unbecoming
an officer. Something I will not tolerate from you.”
“I…I don’t understand?” She smiled thinly. “You are many things Ari, but first of all you are
a pilot. Specifically you are the best pilot in this navy, I have fought alongside the best and
from what I have seen you have a natural ability that even veterans cannot match. That is
an asset that is not easily thrown away, and that is why you are still alive.”
“Jha’dur, I want to than…”
She cut him off with a hand wave. “Don’t you dare thank me.” She said curtly. “You are alive
because you are useful, not because of our family friendship. You are on my watch now
pilot, you will fly from this ship and answer directly to me. If you pull anything even slightly
insubordinate you will not enjoy the consequences. Are we clear?”
“As crystal Warmaster.”
“Refuse my order and die a thousand deaths. Simple as that.” She said. Then without a word
turned and walked out of the cell, leaving the door open behind her.
Campaigns: Refits and Other Duties
Dilgar Imperium Fleets use the following tables for Refits and Other Duties when playing campaign games.
The League of Non Aligned Worlds
In the face of the brutal aggression, the League of Non-Aligned worlds, a structure
formed by the Abbai to resist the Centauri and maintained in the face of the Narn
expansion, did not unite. It did not join together in resisting the invaders as they
crushed the Balsoians and the Alacans, and no great allied fleets met the Dilgar in
battle as the invaders swept into the regions claimed by more powerful races.
Only the Abbai and the Drazi, unlikely allies, made any moves to build a united
front, but these efforts were to be stymied by the speed and ferocity of the simultaneous assault on both races. The other
races trusted to their own fleets, their Gods or simply hoped the Dilgar would not direct their wrath upon them.
As the great powers of the League were defeated and imprisoned in their home systems, bombarded by Dilgar warships,
the only chance to unite the scattered remnants of power was a small battered convoy of ships led by Captain Cashik on
the Syonar. Even then, as the Dilgar continued their relentless advance, killing billions of civilians, most of the remaining
free races stood aloof, concerned with they’re own defences. Only the Vree struck back, with mixed results and it would
take the intervention of another race, untested on the galactic stage, to help bring about the unification of the League
against the feline predators.
Earth had been watching the unfolding conflict on the other side of known space and had even sent ships to observe the
unfolding war, both overt and covert. One of these, the Persephone, had been destroyed attempting to protect refugees,
but Jha’dur had ensued that at that time, Earth had been placated rather than bring them into the war. With the Narn and
Centauri preoccupied with each other as ever, the Syonar and its charges entered Earth Alliance space as a last resort
The meeting of the two races in battle seemed predestined, as EarthForce prepared for battle and the Dilgar closed the
distance in blood and fire. A line was drawn with Earth’s trading partners, the Markab and when the Dilgar did not
hesitate to cross it, retaliation was swift, overwhelming and decisive. The rightly feared First Strike Fleet under Jha’dur
fell to human tactics and firepower and the League had new hope………..Yet many battles were still to be fought and the
death toll would only escalate.
You may choose to field an allied fleet of EarthForce and the remaining League fleets by using the following rules:
• You may select ships from any of the following fleets in this pack: Any League (except Ipsha), Earth Alliance and Belt
• The overall Initiative of the fleet will be +0 unless any of the fleets used have a lower Initiative. If this is the case, use
the lower Initiative.
• Only the following fleet special rules can be used and then only if at least one ship from the relevant fleet list is
included in the Allied fleet: Aggression (Drazi ships only), Anger of the Righteous (Markab ships only), Comms
Disrupters, Civilians (Belt Alliance ships only), Extraction Beams (Vree ships only), Fighter Recovery (Cascor ships
only), Gentle Beings (Pak ships only), Give us the weapons (Free Balosian ships only), Plasma Armour (Markab
ships only), Plasma Web (Pak ships only), Rad Cannon (Cascor ships only), Redundant Systems (Pak ships only),
Sky Hook Catapult (Drazi ships only), Super Manoeuvrability (Vree ships only), Telepathy (Vree ships only), Veterans
(Free Balosian ships only)
Any racial specific Special Actions may still be used by the relevant ships of that race.
• You may not place Fighters from one fleet into the hangers of a ship from a different fleet list.
• In campaign games, ships use the Refits and Other Duties from their own fleet list.
This was the fleet Hamato had brought with him, every ship he could scrape together from across
dozens of worlds. Most were human, but virtually every race in the League had some representation
including the Abbai and Alacans. Gleaming new ships from the Sol defence fleet held formation with
the battle scarred veterans of General Hernandez’ survivors. Brakiri ships took their place escorted
by human corvettes. Vree and Markab vessels held station near the ranked guns of Nova
dreadnoughts while multicoloured fighters from across the galaxy launched from their bays and
formed into protective screens or well armed attack groups.
It was a smaller fleet than the one that had fought at Balos a month before, but it was a more solid
fleet. It felt somehow stronger to Hague, more focused and determined. It was permanent,
unshakeable, a concentration not just of metal and weaponry but of will and courage. These ships
had been beaten, they had known defeat as well as victory, tasted both and came away wiser and
more prepared. Jha’dur could no longer surprise these ships and crews, they knew the worst she
could do and they were ready for it.
Abbai Matriarchy
The co-founders of the League of Non-Aligned Worlds, the Abbai were quite possibly the most stable culture in the galaxy
amongst the spacefaring races – even including the Minbari. Aquatic and technologically advanced, the Abbai served as
the cement between the constantly shifting cornerstones of the League. Without their constant efforts in the meeting halls
and on the jump routes the League would have fallen apart decades before the Dilgar War.
While not intentionally offensive, the Abbai perfected the powerful particle array turrets used by many other races.
Designed to put out an oppressive rate of fire, the Abbai quad array was capable of filling the space around most Abbai
vessels with a cloud of deadly charged particle bursts. When forced to turn these weapons against fighters or small ships
there was little hope for them, which is why most Abbai fleet Shaath (their admiral-level military officers) would broadcast
well in advance that a quad array armed vessel was about to fire upon a given target. Should the attackers continue, it
was at their own risk.
The majority of major advancements that the Abbai had added to their fleets were primarily defensive. Rapid-firing
particle impeders, streams that triggered ballistic impacts or altered particle blast routes (much like the Earth Alliance’s
interceptors) were considered basic ideas to the research scientists of the Abbai. Augmenting many of their ships were
sophisticated situational gravitic shields. The generators were able to throw up a gravitic anomaly and stop incoming fire
but were very complex and extremely sensitive to abuse. A single misaligned crystal matrix could cause the anomaly to
speed up instead of slow down incoming attacks, or even collapse of the generator in a spectacular and expensive
Those who looked upon the Abbai as a weak race of pacifists had never been on the receiving end of an Abbai blockade
fleet, or tried to argue with them over the defence of an installation. No one protected better than the Abbai, even if it
meant actively seeking out the threat and ending it well before it got the chance to take even one more life than it already
had. Some might make the mistake of underestimating their fleets’ ability, but never more than once. Never.
Flights of smaller craft may be purchased separately and used as units in their own right. Some ships are noted as
carrying one or more flights on board. These flights may be deployed at any time before or during the battle and do not
cost anything extra – the cost of these flights is included in that of their parent ships.
Comms Disruptors: Upon a successful hit, the comms disruptors used by some Abbai ships will not cause any damage.
Instead, it will inflict a –2 penalty on all Crew Quality checks made by the target for the rest of the turn and all of the next.
Additionally, it forces a ship to make a Crew Quality check against a difficulty of 9 to attempt any Special Action while
affected. A ship hit by a comms disruptor may not use the Pentacon Leader ability while affected.
Pacifists: The Abbai, as a whole, are pacifistic in nature and do not enjoy fighting. In a campaign game, the Abbai fleet
is never required to attack another player – they can opt not to stake a claim to any Strategic Targets. In addition,
whenever they are able to play through an entire campaign turn without playing any scenarios, they gain a bonus of 15
RR points. In addition, they may pick one ship in their fleet to receive a free roll on the Abbai Matriarchy Other Duties.
Speed: 8
Turn: 2/45
Hull: 5
Damage: 30/6
Crew: 45/9
Troops: 2
Craft: None
Special Rules: Anti-Fighter 4, Escort, Interceptors 1, Shields 10/2
In Service: 2228+
Lakara Class Cruiser Battle
The most recent addition to the fleet, the Lakara continued the Abbai tradition of warfare through superior defence. The
shields on the Lakara were the strongest in the Abbai fleet and Ship-Mothers soon learned to trust to the advanced
defences of their ships, giving them time to either retreat or destroy the enemy.
Speed: 6 Turn: 1/45 Hull: 6 Damage: 42/9
Crew: 58/12 Troops: 2 Craft: None
Special Rules: Anti-Fighter 4, Interceptors 1, Jump Engine, Lumbering, Shields 12/2
In Service: 2230+
Speed: 9
Turn: 1/45
Hull: 5
Damage: 16/4
Crew: 25/5
Troops: 1
Craft: 4 Kotha flights
Special Rules: Anti-Fighter 2, Shields 8/1
In Service: 2230+
Pirocia Class Battlestation (Utriel) War
Unfortunately for the Abbai, the formidable battlestation at their Utriel colony was unfinished when the Dilgar arrived.
Despite lacking the reactors to fully realise its potential, it still claimed numerous victims from the attacking fleet before
succumbing to the Dilgar guns. Once the battlestation had been destroyed, there remained no hope for the colony.
Hull: 4
Damage: 205/101/45
Troops: 25
Craft: 4 Kotha flights
Special Rules: Anti-Fighter 8, Command+1, Escort, Immobile, Interceptors 10, Shields 10/1D6, Space Station,
In Service: 2230
Medbay module,
Hull: 4
Damage: 310/154/75
Troops: 45
Craft: 10 Kotha flights
Special Rules: Anti-Fighter 14, Carrier 5, Command+1, Escort, Fleet Carrier, Immobile, Interceptors 11, Scout, Shields
20/2D6, Space Station,
In Service: 2211+
Shyarie Class Jammer Frigate Patrol
Lacking any offensive weaponry at all, the Shyarie was a fleet support vessel with unusual capabilities. Sometimes used
as a scout, its main role was intended to fly into enemy formations and completely disrupt their manoeuvres, throwing
entire fleets into disarray at times. Lacking weaponry, it was of little use against the Dilgar and many surviving vessels
were converted to the Fetula configuration.
Speed: 10
Turn: 2/45
Hull: 5
Damage: 12/3
Crew: 13/3
Troops: 1
Craft: None
Special Rules: Anti-Fighter 1, Scout, Shields 8/2
In Service: 2180+
Speed: 10
Turns: 1/45
Hull: 5
Damage: 30 / 6
Crew: 45/9
Troops: 3
Craft: 1 Kotha Flight,
Special Rules: Anti-Fighter 4, Interceptors 2, Jump Engine, Shields 16/2,
In Service: 2215+
Weapon Range Arc AD Special
Quad Particle Array 8 F 6 Twin Linked
Quad particle Array 8 P 8 Twin Linked
Quad Particle Array 8 S 8 Twin Linked
Quad particle Array 8 A 6 Twin Linked
If a Sulith takes part in a battle and is still in play at the end of the battle, may replace 16 lost Crew points for every RR
point spent on recruiting new crew for a ship.
Captain Cashik,
Captain Cashik was the commanding officer of the cruiser Syonar, one of the new Lakara class ships of war
which had recently been added to the Abbai police and patrol fleets when the Dilgar attacked Utriel. She and
her crew survived the devastation of that assault, fighting hard to allow a number of civilian ships to get to the
jump gate and escape. They helped to hold the line at Ssumssha, the Abbai homeworld. Cashik was the
officer selected to lead a breakout from the Dilgar siege to contact their allies among the League powers and
to try and pull together a coalition to liberate Sshumssha. The long and dangerous journey would end at the
Eridani system bringing new hope for the beleaguered League worlds.
An Abbai ship with Captain Cashik on board gains the following benefits in battle: Defensive Skill,
Engineering Genius, Lucky, Saviour – the Syonar had survived the worst that the Dilgar could throw against
it, fighting in many of the major actions of the war and saved many an allied or civilian vessel. In turn these
ships may come to her aid in desperate times. If Captain Cashik and the Syonar are on your fleet roster you
may add one ship of skirmish level or lower priority level to your fleet roster. This ship may come from any
League or Belt Alliance fleet lists but not from a fleet you are currently fighting against in the campaign. The
ship will depart if the Syonar and its Captain are lost. Captain Cashik must be placed in a Lakara class Cruiser
– the Syonar and raises it to War level.
Campaigns: Refits and Other Duties
Abbai Matriarchy Fleets use the following tables for Refits and Other Duties when playing campaign games.
You look at these numbers, two billion on this world, five billion there, twelve billion here, what are
they but numbers? The human mind can’t comprehend it, it just doesn’t make sense, it’s impossible
to visualise. I think its some sort of defence mechanism, a little gap in your brain which stops you
realising the truth of those figures because if you ever figured out what they really meant, if you
ever felt that much tragedy you would just cry for the rest of your life.
Try this, think of everyone you know and make them disappear, gone, just like that. Now imagine
the town you live in or city just emptying. Think of everyone that you have ever seen, when you go
on holiday, or commute to work, or serve in a shop all just going. Then take everyone you ever saw
on TV or heard speak on the radio or read about in a book. Take every fictional character, every
name you have ever heard, even if you make it up on the spot right now and get rid of them all.
That still isn’t even one percent of the people who died in this war. Just think about that for a
For me, I’m not going to talk about the thing I remember most from the war. I can’t talk about it,
and if I did feel like opening up it sure wouldn’t be here. So I’ll talk about the second. It was on
Balos after the landings when the Dilgar were hitting back hard. Tough time for us all and nobody
really expected to make it, lot a people were scared. But not the Balosian soldiers who were
supporting us, and I couldn’t figure it out. They had a lot more to lose than we did, but they never
flinched and in battle I swear those guys were the bravest creatures in this galaxy bar none. You
haven’t seen courage until you see a Balosian taking on a whole company of Dilgar single-handed.
So one day I ask them, I tell them I want to know why they don’t fear death. Their leader took me
outside to a valley, huge valley miles long and it’s white. I didn’t understand, the rocks should have
been yellow, and then I see that they aren’t rocks. They’re bones, just bones stretching for miles. He
tells me they were all Balosians, dumped there by the Dilgar early in the war, the people who were
trapped on the surface and poisoned. Millions of them, tens of millions, maybe more. He said he
still feared death and that he wanted to live, but far more than that he wanted to kill Dilgar for what
they had done to his world, and if that meant dying that was fine by him.
That was the war for me. I saw plenty of action, fought in a lot of battles, did stuff you’ll never hear
about that would make a good adventure vid. But none of it means anything next to seeing that
valley. Lot of humans look back fondly on the war, see it as our moment of destiny. They didn’t see
what I saw, if they did they’d never be able to sleep again.
Several hundred thousand years ago, Balos was transformed from a lush tropical paradise into a dry
blasted world when a large asteroid crashed into its surface. A primitive reptilian race, superficially
similar to the Narn, managed to survive by retreating underground into an extensive cave system.
Surviving the dangers of the underground world, they prospered.
Then the Centauri arrived, to many races often a disaster of similar proportions to the asteroid strike,
but the Balosians were lucky. Whilst the planets battered surface offered lucrative mining
opportunities to House Ardo, the seldom seen primitives were considered of no interest. Although
curious about the new arrivals on their planet, the Balosians wisely stayed hidden, watched their
activities and crucially did not interfere with the mining operations.
In late 2170, an internal conflict within House Ardo bled them of resources forcing several operations
on alien worlds to be prematurely abandoned, including the one on Balos. In the exodus, an
incredible amount of equipment was left behind, including factories, vehicles, weapons and several
spacecraft under repair. A small space station was even abandoned in orbit!
The Balsoians were therefore gifted with a huge, if unintended technological boost and by the time
the Narn arrived in late 2218, they had a substantial presence throughout their home system. The
Narn announced they had come to liberate them from the Centauri and began operations to provide
“protection“ should the oppressors come again. The Balsoians, who bore no real grudge against the
Centauri, quickly recognised the newcomers as invaders and a short sharp conflict ensued.
Unprepared for the tenacity of the natives, the Narn forces were driven from the world in disarray and
the Balosians fortified their position as best they could. Conscious that they needed a space borne
force to match their formidable ground forces they approached their previous, if unknowing,
benefactors, the Centauri.
Again they were lucky, by this time the Centauri Republic was reeling from numerous blows struck by
the Narn and despite their appearance, the Balosian emissaries found a Noble House willing to assist
(or at least exploit) them.
Setaena Hessius, despite her tender years, was already pulling most of the strings of House Hessius,
her husband being in an almost permanent state of inebriation. It would be more than decade before
she felt secure enough to have him killed, but in the meantime she saw the possibilities of this alien
race who sought to purchase Centauri defence technology and also considered the Narn enemies.
She successfully arranged for her House to receive an Imperial decree allowing them to deal with
aliens in the Emperors name. Further negotiations quickly brought her House both currency and
Balosian mercenary forces to help safeguard Hessius holdings on alien planets and on their
exploratory missions.
The Balosians, for their part, were extremely pleased and proud of the ships they had obtained - a
variety of older Centauri cruisers and destroyers. In late 2225 they expanded their capabilities by
purchasing several old Balvarin carriers and were confident that they could cope with any potential
invader. Then, on August 8th 2229, the Dilgar came.
The Dilgar had seen the small but relatively potent Balosian Navy as a chance to fully test their ships
and crew. They had carried out extensive intelligence gathering and had benefited from the fact that
some Dilgar officers had even served alongside the Balosians as mercenaries to the Centauri.
Consequently they did not underestimate the fighting spirit of their opponents and the level of power
needed to crush it.
Almost the entirety of the First and Second Strike Fleets carried out a well planned and executed
assault on the Balosian fleet, its infrastructure and the planets fixed defences. The Balosian Navy,
caught off guard, fought hard but was massively outgunned, outnumbered and quickly destroyed in
detail. A few squadrons, on patrol in the outer reaches of the system or away serving with other
races survived, but the planet was rendered helpless.
The Dilgar took the opportunity to test their new massdrivers, crushing the majority of the surface
cities and installations before invading. Despite the widespread devastation and carnage, the Dilgar
had not finished with the unfortunate inhabitants of Balos. Jha’dur herself took the opportunity to test
some of her new biological weapons on those survivors who had not fled underground.
Yet the Balosians were not completely defeated, even as the remaining warships began a remarkably
successful raiding campaign against the Dilgar across the League, the people still on the planet
fought the invaders every way that they could.
When the liberating forces finally appeared, only to be caught by a Dilgar counter offensive, the
Balosians brought them into the cave systems and continued the fight.
Balosian Pre War fleet
Breeching Pod Wing (5 flights) Shasi Light Fighter Wing (8 Flights)
Athasa Scout Esthasa Destroyer Sarassa Patrol Cruiser
Sussha Frigate
Seffensa, Thosaisi Heavy Carrier
Speed: 10
Turn: 1/45
Hull: 6
Damage: 35/8
Crew: 38/8
Troops: 6
Craft: 4 Shasi flights
Special Rules: Anti-Fighter 1, Command +1, Jump Engine, Shuttles 3,
In Service: 2220-32
Sussha Frigate (Morgrath Variant) Skirmish
Several old and battered Morgrath Frigates found their way into the Balosian navy – the valued plasma stream weapon
having become un-repairable. The Centauri re-equipped them and sold them at exorbitant cost with the precursor to the
battle laser – the assault laser.
Speed: 10
Turn: 2/45
Hull: 5
Damage: 16/5
Crew: 18/6
Troops: 2
Craft: None
Special Rules: Agile,
In Service: 2220-30
Balosian Space Stations may use the following modules
Balosian Refits
2d6 Refit
2 Jump Engines: The ship gains the Jump Engine trait if it did not have it before and has at least 20 Damage
points. If the ship already possesses the Jump Engine trait, it gains the Advanced Jump Engine trait instead.
3 Point Defence: The ship gains the Anti-Fighter 2 trait or gains a +2 bonus on the Anti-Fighter trait if it already
possess it. This may only be applied once
4 Guardian Array: Engineers manage to reactivate forgotten Centauri technology: The ship gains Interceptors 1.
This may only be applied once.
5 Hardened Structure: The ship is specially braced to ward off the effects of the most devastating hits. Reduce its
Damage threshold (the point at which it becomes crippled) by two points.
6 Long Range Targeting Systems: Choose one weapon system. It has its range extended by 50%. However,
when using this extra range, halve the number of AD used (rounding down).
7 Additional Weapons Fitted: Choose one weapon system that has at least 6 AD. It gains an additional 2 AD.
This may only be applied once per weapon system.
8 Advanced Sensor Arrays: The ship gains a +1 bonus to any attempts it makes to target an enemy with the
Stealth trait. This may only be applied once.
9 Reinforced Hull: Add +10% to the ship’s Damage score but reduce Speed by –1.
10 Supercharged Thrusters: The ship gains a +2 bonus to its Speed score.
11 Extra Hanger: The ship immediately gains a flight of fighters (or an extra flight if it already possesses fighters).
12 Flight Computer: The ship gains the Flight Computer trait if it did not have it before.
Balosian Duties
2d6 Other Duty
2 Secret Centauri Contract: A Noble House is prepared to sell a old reconditioned ship for a “reasonable” price –
you may purchase one Centauri ship of your choice of Raid or lower Priority Level at twice the normal RR cost.
3 New Captain: A skilful new Captain takes command of the vessel. Once per battle, the ship may attempt to take
two Special Actions in the same turn. These may not be the same Special Action and all effects of both Special
Actions apply. Therefore, a ship cannot combine the Run Silent! action (which requires no turning) with the
Come About! action (which increases turning). It could combine Run Silent! and All Power to Engines! as neither
invalidates the other, effectively allowing the ship to run silent at full speed.
4 Mercenary Contract: You have provided military forces for a lucrative employer – perhaps a Brakiri corporation
or a Centauri Noble House. Gain 2D6 RR points Immediately.
5 Dedicated Repair Crew: Immediately repair 2D6 damage points.
6 Veteran Fighter Pilots: A squadron of top guns volunteer to serve on your ship. Up to two on board flights of
fighters may increase their Dogfight score by +1.
7 Alien Telepath: For one reason or another, an alien joins the crew, aiding them with their telepathic abilities.
Once per battle your ship has the Scout trait for the duration of the turn. This must be declared at the start of the
turn, before initiative is rolled.
8 Veteran Engineers: The elite engineering crew of another ship have volunteered to serve aboard this vessel.
Add a +1 bonus to any Crew Quality checks made during Damage Control. This may only be applied once.
9 Hardened Soldiers: Veteran troops serve aboard your ship. Add +2 to the troops score.
10 Diverting Raid: Launching a lightning strike, the ship strikes at the heart of an enemy, causing him to draw ships
away from his main force. Choose another player’s fleet. In its next battle, it will have one less Fleet Allocation
Points available.
11 Superior Strategic Position: A routine patrol uncovers a Strategic Target previously thought to be worthless.
Immediately generate a new Strategic Target on the campaign map and mark it down as being under your
12 Assistance Rendered: A timely rescue mission to an allied ship in distress is well rewarded. You may
immediately add any one ship of your choice of Skirmish or lower Priority Level to your fleet roster. This ship
may be chosen from Earth Alliance, Narn, any League, or Centauri fleet lists but it may not come from a fleet that
your are currently fighting against in the campaign.
Free Balosian Navy
Free Balosian Ships will never surrender to Dilgar ships – in the unlikely event they are given the opportunity.
This list represents the Balosians after they are rearmed and re-equipped by the Earth Alliance
Delta-V Wing (8 Flights)
Athasa Scout Esthasa Destroyer Sarassa Patrol Cruiser
Commander Kanos
Give us the weapons…..: Free Balosian ships roll on the Earth Alliance refits table to represent the limited support they
receive from the humans. They continue to roll on their own Other Duties table.
Veterans: The Free Balosian Navy is one the most experienced fleets fighting the Dilgar, having survived both the
invasion and many months of desperate guerrilla warfare. All Free Balosian Navy Ships receive a +1 bonus to their Crew
Quality Score, to a maximum of 6.
Esthasa Destroyer (Altarian Variant) Skirmish
Purchased as support vessels, the Esthasa proved to be a useful fire support platform. Several escaped the massacre at
Balos to fight on and one vessel even survived to the end of the Dilgar War, forming the core of their new Navy.
Speed: 8
Turn: 1/45
Hull: 5
Damage: 30/6
Crew: 32/7
Troops: 4
Craft: none,
Special Rules: Anti-Fighter 1, Jump Engine, Shuttles 2,
In Service: 2220+
Speed: 10
Turn: 1/45
Hull: 6
Damage: 35/8
Crew: 38/8
Troops: 6
Craft: 2 Delta-V flights
Special Rules: Anti-Fighter 1, Command +1, Jump Engine, Shuttles 3, Unique
In Service: 2230-32
Commander Kanos
Demon Slayer: Whenever a ship with Kanos aboard fires at a Dilgar ship, fighter or station, it may re-roll any attack dice
used by the ship that miss the target. Weapons with the Beam, Energy Mine or Twin-linked traits may not benefit. Help
Unlooked for: On many occasions Kanos and his ships struck at the Dilgar, saving their victims from the fate that had
overtaken their own world. So long as the scenario allows at least one ship to be placed in hyperspace, any number of
Free Balosian ships may be held in hyperspace. Inspired Command. He may be placed on any Free Balosian ship and
raises its Priority Level by one, so a Raid level ship will become a Battle level ship, a Battle level ship will become a War-
level ship, and so on.
Brakiri Syndicracy
“Brakiri society is based on corporations, their government and military is owned by various
companies each more concerned with their own profits than they are with working together.
There is jealousy, there is rivalry, there is betrayal. Its all very delicious.” Jha’dur grinned.
“We will exploit these divisions in our attack, we make sure that they are so busy
confronting each other they do not confront us until it is too late.”
“You want to try and sow some discord before we arrive?” An’jash wondered.
“There are two main companies handling Brakiri defence, Ak Habil builds and operates the
main Brakiri ships of the line while Ly Nakir handles carriers and fighters. Together they
form a well-rounded combat group, but separated they are meat for the wolves. I will leak
evidence that one of the companies is in league with us, that they are collaborating in
exchange for profit. It should divide them at this crucial moment before we attack and
mean their planning of a defence is incomplete when we arrive.”
One of the founding members of the League of Non-Aligned Worlds with the Abbai and Hyach, the Brakiri became one of
the most powerful and financially influential spacefaring governments in the entire galaxy. Through a series of culturally
significant incidents, they went from primitive water clans in the caverns of their desert homeworld of Brakos to interstellar
power brokers capable of literally buying or selling entire planets.
Brakiri military vessels used pulsar technology mixed liberally with Centauri gravitic generators to power most of their
weapons. Dozens of silicon-lenses were used to focus gravitic bursts called graviton pulsars, using minuscule torrents of
ultra-high gravity to crush the hulls of targets. Although powerful, they were short-ranged.
The Brakiri created the graviton beam as the laser focused light at great distance, so their new weapon did the same with
gravitons. Fitted mainly to their larger vessels (as the weapons had a massive power draw) the beam was capable of
crushing hull armour, quite literally drilling deeper into a target. It was this creation of the graviton beam that forged the
most recognisable hull in the Brakiri fleet
The Avioki cruiser was built separately and commonly by all of the major companies in the Krona, was both the
cornerstone of every fleet that left a Syndicracy starbase and the symbol of Brakiri power. Whilst oddly shaped and
expensive to create, the Avioki was built to be equally effective on extremely long-ranged trips or hastily planned combat
jumps. There were several variants of the hull, each employed by whatever Krona Company constructed it, but the most
common version brought a deadly quartet of graviton beams to its engagements.
Brakiri fleets were designed to have a high degree of centralised command and control meaning it should act as one fluid
unit designed to support each other. Warships and fighters would work in mutually supporting squadrons to drive forward
and strike the aggressors with powerful long-range weapons. When the Brakiri set out to engage the Dilgar agressors,
they thought an overwhelming show of force would first crush and then force them to retreat and sue for peace. At which
point the Brakiri could secure the freedom of the captured League worlds single-handed - For a price of course. It was a
beautiful theory, but nothing more than that. In truth their fleets were a mess, as despite having all the components of a
formidable war machine they were left unassembled by petty rivalries and company policy.
As the Dilgar prepared to assault the Brakri home system, a rumour surfaced that Ly-Nakir industries had sold secrets to
the Dilgar. This soured the company’s reputation and drove a wedge between them and Ak-Habil, the other great space
faring company. In practical terms this meant the main carrier and fighter units of the Brakiri navy operated exclusively by
Ly-Nakir would not take orders or indeed go anywhere near the fleet warships of Ak-Habil, thus stripping the Brakiri forces
of their organic fighter support and splitting the chain of command.
The first large-scale engagement between the Dilgar and Brakiri at Comac was a complete disaster for the Brakiri.
Jha’dur released a majority of her fighter pentacons to cause immense damage to the heavy combat units of Ak-Habil,
whilst the fighters of Ly-Nakir expended themselves to little effect against her ships and remaining fighters. Few ships of
either corporate fleet were able to retreat intact and prepare for the inevitable assault on their homeworld.
The Brakiri Syndicracy Fleet List
The following forms the entire fleet list for the Brakiri Syndicracy.
Flights of smaller craft may be purchased separately and used as units in their own right.
Some ships are noted as carrying one or more flights of fighters on board. One or more of these flights may be deployed
as normal at any time before or during the battle and do not cost anything extra – the cost of these flights is included in
that of their parent ships.
Any ship carrying one or more Falkosi flights may replace any number of them for Pikatos flights or Breaching Pods.
Breaching Pods swapped in this way will carry a Troop from the ship – they do not include Troops of their own in the way
Breaching Pod Wings do.
Pack Rats: Wherever there is a deal to be made, you can be sure that a Brakiri entrepreneur has already got there first.
In campaign games, whenever a ship from any other fleet makes a roll on their Refits table, the Brakiri fleet gains 1 RR
point. Somewhere down the line, a Brakiri corporation is making money from the war, no matter who is winning.
Breaching Pod Patrol (Wing of 4 flights)
Capable of transporting a platoon of assault troops across the war zone and on towards an enemy ship, breaching pods
are dangerous vehicles to deploy but a clever Admiral will balance the risk with the potential to keep an enemy on the
back foot. Plasma Cutters allow the breaching pod to cut through metres thick armour plating once latched onto the hull
of a target, gaining entry for the troops carried on board.
Deveskar Class Battle Carrier Battle
The Brakiri were rightfully prideful of their carriers, one of the few races who built very large ships from the ground up with
the sole purpose of moving smaller craft into battle. The primary large carrier was called the Deveskar class and
performed very well in its given role, however without its
fighters or adequate warship escort these great ships
were extremely vulnerable.
Speed: 6
Turns: 1/45
Hull: 5
Damage: 67/12
Crew: 69/12
Troops: 5
Craft: 12 Falkosi or Pikatos flights
Special Rules: Anti-Fighter 4, Fleet Carrier,
Interceptors 3, Jump Engine, Lumbering,
In Service: 2213-2231
The Turael, the flagship of the Ly-Nakir Industries carrier fleet, commanded by Admiral Lorilla. Like
the majority of the Brakiri fleet she was lost with all hands at the disastrous battle for Comac.
Falkosi Light Interceptor Patrol (Wing of 6 flights)
Nicknamed the ‘flamer’ by EarthForce fighter pilots, the Falkosi retained a good degree of mobility, having been designed
primarily as a fleet interceptor. Using its great speed, it could rapidly close with any enemy escorting heavier strike craft
or mass with other flights to ward off any attacks on capital ships. At least that was the theory, in practice inter-corporate
rivalry made a mockery of inter service actions.
Lakros Interceptor Patrol (Wing of 8 flights)
The Lakros was designed to be used as an atmospheric trainer and interceptor by the Brakiri. The Falkosi quickly
superseded it, as atmospheric fighters were considered inferior and unnecessary. It did however prove attractive to a
number of minor worlds and was still in production as an export model when the Dilgar assaulted the Brakiri home
system. As the situation became desperate, they were flung at the Dilgar, with predictable results.
Riva Super Heavy Fighter Wing Patrol (Wing of 3 flights)
Using its powerful weapons, the Riva could cause significant damage to even a capital ship whilst proving deadly to a
lightly armoured vessel. The Riva made a good account of itself against the Dilgar where massed wings made
devastating attack runs, but few of the pilots survived the vengeance of the Dilgar fighters.
Admiral Dokan
The senior military officer of the Ak-Habil Corporation, Dokan was placed in an unenviable position when the Dilgar
smashed into Syndicracy space.
A ship with Admiral Dokan aboard has the following abilities: Engineering Genius, Instil Fervour, Lucky, The Master
Plan, Admiral Dokan can be placed aboard any Brakiri ship. When placed in a ship, Admiral Dokan raises its Priority
Level by one, so a Raid level ship will become a Battle level ship, and so on.
“In an hour the Dilgar will arrive. By the end of the day the Brakiri race will be a memory
unless we put every available gun into the defence. I don’t care about tactical manoeuvres
or jump engines or getting the ship fully operational, I just want it up there killing Dilgar. Is
this clear enough for you?”
Campaigns: Refits and Other Duties
Brakiri Syndicracy Fleets use the following tables for Refits and Other Duties when playing campaign games.
Cascor Commonwealth
“Magnificent aren’t they?” Jha’dur said with a wistful smile. “Remarkable precision and
“I meant the Cascor.” Jha’dur chuckled. “You’ll never see a sight like this again, a tide of
fighters with such unity of purpose. They awe me, almost scare me, it is a sight we
ourselves should aspire to.”
“As you say Warmaster.” An’jash said, not entirely sure she agreed.
“I do not consider them better than us.” Jha’dur continued. “But they have such spirit it
demands some respect. A worthy enemy.”
She nodded quietly as the ranges came ever closer. “You know what the Cascor call their
main fighters? Star skaters.” She smiled widely. “Star skaters, what a wonderful name, so
full of imagery don’t you think?”
“Yes Ma’am.”
“It is a pity to destroy such talent and vision.” Jha’dur sighed. “All units fire at will, ignore
escape pods and capsules, we’ll make sure there are no survivors after primary objectives
have been achieved.”
As a Warmaster of the Dilgar she did what was necessary, and for all their promise it was
necessary to remove the Cascan species from the universe. She had no hesitation in making
that decision, and had no regrets afterwards.
The Cascor were a race of fur-covered mammals that moved equally well on two legs as on all fours. Their dextrous
fingers ended in retractable claws, allowing them to work with small machine parts as easily as they could climb trees or
dig tunnels in bare earth.
Omnivorous, the Cascor were a curious people, causing humans to refer to them as "racoons in space." This was
something of a misnomer physically, as they lacked the well-known mask, banded tail, and nocturnal nature of the
terrestrial critter. However, their curiosity and nimbleness were certainly a good match. The Cascor took their inquisitive
nature to the stars, and became known as explorers and surveyors. Often, upon arriving in a previously uncharted
system, an Earth scout ship would discover evidence that Cascor survey teams had preceded them by years or even
Cascor history is one of peaceful competition and relatively little conflict. They had several subraces, recognisable by the
darkness of their fur, though it is unlikely any non-Cascor could readily tell the difference. These were originally at odds,
exploring and expanding to the corners of their homeworld, Cascar, but over time interbreeding left their sub-species lines
so diluted that the old prejudices died away. Instead, what few wars broke out did so over living space, food sources, or
other resources. The development of population control programs and high-tech farming solved most of these problems,
and when space travel finally became possible, they took to exploring the new frontier with great vigour.
It is fortunate for many that the Cascor were not a belligerent or colony-building people, for otherwise they may well have
expanded to the ends of the Galaxy. In fact, they seemed to have no interest whatsoever in conquest or massive growth,
instead content to learn what they could and enjoy life. By 2230 they had only established a single colony, on Zechar, a
fertile world in a nearby system, and that one only because population pressures forced their expansion. The Cascor
made every effort to defend their colony, but in the end it fell to the Dilgar, forcing their surviving ships to retreat. Over a
million Cascor lives were lost in the resulting holocaust on Zechar, and the world itself was devastated.
Cascan fighter pilots were legends in the League, their natural quick reflexes and daring nature made them nerve
wracking to keep up with and very hard to stop, especially as the skilled pilots were matched with well designed fighters
and strike craft. They had the best of both worlds and understood how to use their advantages wisely in battle. The fleet
was built with Carriers in mind, the main offensive power of any Cascan force were the waves and waves of strike craft
held in the bellies of the larger ships. Cascan capital ships tended to be slow with poor firing arcs and limited types of anti
ship weaponry, in a stand up fight they weren’t going to do well against an enemy like the Dilgar. So naturally Admiral
Himmat had a plan to avoid such an even battle. He resolved to meet and defeat them in one decisive clash, relying on
the prodigious strength of their fighters to devastate the enemy.
Their full defence fleet met Jha’dur’s First Strike Fleet in deep sapce, an area of space which had been very carefully
selected by Jha’dur, who had leaked the co-ordinates of her supply fleet as a lure. It was about halfway between the
Cascan border and their homeworld in utterly featureless deep space. No planets, no nebula or asteroids, no jump gates.
Just empty void. By removing any natural cover Jha’dur was inviting the Cascor to fight her head on and in empty space
that favoured a battle of manoeuvre, something both she and the Cascor had made themselves expert at. The lanes of
fire were long and uninterrupted and the lighter craft could sweep through space at full acceleration which she knew the
Cascor would take full advantage of, hopefully luring them from their Carriers and tempting their wilful and risk taking
The battle was hard-fought, with the Dilgar taking large casualties in ships and especially fighters, but Jha’dur’s
pentacons finally reached and annihilated the enemy carriers and capital ships. As the battle raged and the Cascor strike
ships and horde of remaining fighters regrouped to avenge their Admiral, Jha’dur fleet of ships jumped out. Her objective
had been achieved – for all of the jump capable Cascor ships were destroyed or damaged beyond repair. Thousands
were left to freeze and starve in the expanse of the void, as the Dilgar pressed their attack on the Cascor homeworld.
During the war, the Cascor were one of many races that suffered from the most horrible of Dilgar atrocities. In addition to
losing millions on their colony, which was of considerable size, they lost millions more to Dilgar bombardment. Since the
Cascor by this point were depending almost solely on fighters for defence, the Dilgar found they could fly ships past the
homeworld at high speeds, dropping one or two bombs as they passed. Fighters rising from the surface or launched from
nearby carriers could intercept, but the shots they took were never able to disable the attacking vessel, which almost
always escaped relatively unscathed. The Dilgar took great sport in this, dropping all manner of nuclear and biological
agents into Cascar's atmosphere and killing millions of civilians. Only the construction of huge numbers of ion cannon
satellites put a stop to Dilgar "buzzing" tactics.
At the last engagements of the war, the Cascor were present in large numbers, their fighters carried by every freighter,
liner or ore haulier they could lay their hands on and convert into auxiliary carriers. It was a weird and wondrous collection
of ships, but each brought squadrons of the lethal Cascan Star Skaters to the field, hordes of expertly designed craft that
were arguably the best-balanced fighters in the galaxy.
She was ready for death, the Black Thorun had surprised her with the most suicidal stunt
she had ever seen and crippled her Skater. She had engines and life support, but her
weapons were offline and totally destroyed. She had recovered and seen the fighter looming
over her, its systems armed as the Dilgar fled battle.
Then it had fired, not its guns, but a grapple. It had towed her with it through the vortex of
a Dilgar cruiser and into Hyperspace away from the doom that had fallen on her friends and
had pointed her towards the Cascan home beacon.
She was speechless, shocked beyond words that a race so cruel that had just condemned all
her friends would do something like this for her. The Pilot of the Black Thorun had come in
close to get a look at her through the canopy, he saluted, bowed his head and then left.
Tullaq was too stunned to do anything more than watch him go.
She had recovered, locked onto the beacon and with her surviving engine set course for
home. It would be tight but she should make it. She thought today would define her life, ,
and in a way she didn’t expect, it had. After today everything had changed, and Tullaq cried
because of it.
Behind her the Cascan Navy went to a slow death, and ahead the planetary bombardment
ships that they had been hunting were taking a circuitous route to the Cascan homeworld,
armed with Jha’dur’s latest weapons of evil. The great hope of the Cascan people had failed,
like the Hyach, Brakiri, and Abbai before them. The old powers of the galaxy were falling
one after the other before the onslaught of these upstart Dilgar, and nobody had the skill or
willpower to stop them.
Fighter Recovery: The Cascor are masters at recovering damaged fighters and sending them back into action, in
addition their command and control structure means that they can quickly reform scattered fighters into viable squadrons.
When attempting to recover lost fighters using the Fleet Carrier trait, Cascor gain a +1 bonus to the roll.
Speed: 8
Turns: 1/45
Hull: 5
Damage: 24/6
Crew: 28/7
Troops: 1
Craft: none
Special Rules: Anti-Fighter 1, Atmospheric
In Service: 2231+
Speed: 16 Turns: SM
Hull: 3 Damage: -
Crew: - Troops: -
Dogfighting: +0 (+0) Craft: -
Special Rules: Atmospheric, Dodge 2+, Fighter
In Service: 1978+
Caeris Class Adventurer Raid
One of the most common Cascor ships produced, the Caeris is a comfortable and well-constructed vessel designed to
provide an exploration and trading base for several extended families. Often found in unlikely places across the galaxy,
ships of this class have found great wonders and dangers- often together and on occassion stumbled across the secret
installations of many races – with varied reactions. Consequently these ships were well defended and most surviving
vessels could overload their drives in an
emergency to allow them to escape from
dangerous situations.
Speed: 10
Turns: 1/45
Hull: 5
Damage: 34/10
Crew: 50/8
Troops: 4
Craft: 2 Caccar Flights,
Special Rules: Afterburner, Anti-Fighter 2, Atmospheric, Jump Engine, Scout, Shuttles 2,
In Service: 2000+
Speed: 8
Turns: SM
Hull: 5
Damage: -
Crew: -
Troops: -
Dogfighting: -1(-2)
Craft: -
Special Rules: Anti-Fighter 1, Atmospheric, Dodge 5+, Fighter
In Service: 2200+
Crocti Patrol Carrier Skirmish
This was one of the earliest Cascor designs and it was operated in large numbers. Although not a heavy combat vessel,
the Crocti had two hangar bays capable of deploying 6 heavy and 6 ultralight fighters each. Naturally, it paid a premium
for this ability, operating very few weapons save light ones for its own defence.
Speed: 8
Turns: 1/45
Hull: 5
Damage: 24/6
Crew: 28/7
Troops: 1
Craft: 1 Calaq Flight, 1 Caccar flight
Special Rules: Anti-Fighter 4, Atmospheric,
In Service: 2219+
Speed: 6
Turns: 1/45
Hull: 5
Damage: 44/10
Crew: 68/12
Troops: 4
Craft: 4 Calaq Flight, 6 Caccar flights,
4 Tiqincc flights,
Special Rules: Anti-Fighter 2, Atmospheric, Carrier 6, Command +2, Fleet Carrier, Jump Engine, Lumbering,
In Service: 2228+
Norsca Battlecruiser (Norqacci variant) Battle
This class of cruiser was constructed to safeguard the large Cascor carriers. Decently armed, it could not hope to stand
up to any other race’s cruiser in a duel. Instead, it still depended on the fleet’s fighters to engage the enemy. The hangar
bay in the centre of the ship is designed to hold heavy fighters, though it could hold smaller ones if needed, whilst the
other two bays carrying only medium or smaller fighters. Typically, a Norsca operated one squadron of Calaqs, a flight of
Tiqinccs, and a squadron of Caccars.
Other arrangements were certainly possible, though it
was rare to see anything other than a wing of Calaq
fighters in the primary hangar
Speed: 8
Turns: 1/45
Hull: 5
Damage: 34/8
Crew: 48/10
Troops: 1
Craft: 2 Caccar flights, 2 Tiqincc flights,
Special Rules: Anti-Fighter 2, Carrier 2,
In Service: 2210+
Tiqincc Medium Fighter (Wing of 4 flights)
One of the few League designs that could match the Thorun in combat, this impressive fighter, referred to as the
“starskater” by its pilots, was designed to fight and win dogfights. Its two forward ionizers
were linked and it also had a third one in the tail, to prevent opponents from sneaking up
on its rear.
Speed: 14 Turns: SM
Hull: 3 Damage: -
Crew: - Troops: -
Dogfighting: +2 (+1) Craft: -
Special Rules: Atmospheric, Dodge 2+, Fighter
In Service: 2223+
Space Stations
The following Modules may be used by Cascor space stations
Admiral Himmat
Admiral Himmat was an aged but virile commander, having spent most of his adult life in the void, enjoying the adventure
of exploration before joining the Cascorian navy and quickly rising through the ranks. He met the threat of Jha’dur head
on, gambling that his vaunted fighters would defeat her before her ships tore his own fleet apart. Despite sacrificing the
entire carrier force including his own flagship the Sky Queen to give his fighters time to prepare for a second and decisive
strike, he was unable to conceive that this was all part of his enemies plan.
Admiral Himmat has the following abilities: Fighter Commander: Himmat relies on his powerful fighter wings to deliver
devastating blows to his opponents. In a scenario where your fighters may begin deployed, you may deploy any/all
carried Cascor fighters at the start of the game. Inspired Command, Top Gun, He may be placed on a Norqacci Fleet
Carrier – the Sky Queen. When placed in a ship, Admiral Himmat raises its Priority Level by one, so a Raid level ship will
become a Battle level ship, and so on
“Defeating fools is no challenge.” Himmat scoffed, his view on the League allies was not
particularly high.
“The Cascor take risks and we understand that aggression is the path to victory. We spring
her trap, then counter with our own and drive her fleet to ruin.”
She was what the Cascor natives called a ‘Redliner’ a pilot of near supernatural skill and daring who might lack some of
the graceful precision of her comrades but more than made up for it on the battlefield. She had engaged raiders and
pirates as well as Narn pilots and had looked forward to the challenge the Dilgar would bring.
Due to her skill she retains her dodge score against Anti-Fighter weapons (but not Advanced Anti-Fighter weapons).
She may also re-roll her dogfighting dice once per dogfight, but if she does so she must accept the results of the second
roll. One Tiqincc flight in a Cascor fleet may be designated as being led by Tullaq and uses the profile and special rules
above. If it is destroyed (and not recovered by the fleet carrier trait) she gives away VP as a Patrol level ship.
As Squadron leader Ari’shan had earned the right to take first choice of any challenges that
crossed the squadrons path. He had engaged and beaten the enemy squadron leader while
the rest of his unit quickly and efficiently disposed of the remainder. They had been
excellent pilots, but just couldn’t compete with a fighter as well made as the Thoruns
Knight squadron was using, coupled with the skill and determination of the pilots.
Only this one Cascan pilot had survived, destroying Ari’shans third in command. Not an
easy task. While Ari’shan was sad at the loss and calculated how it would effect the fighting
efficiency and combat power of the unit, he did not begrudge the Cascan pilot the victory. It
was well earned and his squad mate had met a noble and honourable death as good as any
Dilgar could wish. Now he would try and prove himself against the Cascan ace to see how
good she was and whether he had the right to lead this squadron.
Cascor Refits
2d6 Refit
2 Jump Engines: The ship gains the Jump Engine trait if it did not have it before and has at least 20 Damage points.
If the ship already possesses the Jump Engine trait, it gains the Advanced Jump Engine trait instead.
3 Upgraded Hanger: You may replace any amount of carried Caccar flights with Tiqincc or Calaq flights.
4 Increased Radiation Yield: Choose one weapon system, it gains the Double Damage against crew (only). If it is
already Double Damage it becomes Triple Damage against Crew (only). This may only be applied once
5 Launch Bays: The ship gains Carrier 1 or +1 to its Carrier trait, if its carrier rating is already equal to maximum
carried craft it gains the Fleet Carrier trait instead
6 Long Range Targeting Systems: Choose one weapon system. It has its range extended by 50%. However, when
using this extra range, halve the number of AD used (rounding down).
7 Additional Weapons Fitted: Choose one weapon system that has at least 6 AD. It gains an additional 2 AD. This
may only be applied once per weapon system.
8 Advanced Sensor Arrays: The ship gains a +1 bonus to any attempts it makes to target an enemy with the Stealth
trait. This may only be applied once.
9 Reinforced Hull: Add +10% to the ship’s Damage score but reduce Speed by –1.
10 Supercharged Thrusters: The ship gains a +2 bonus to its Speed score.
11 Extra Hanger: The ship immediately gains a flight of fighters (or an extra flight if it already possesses fighters).
12 Flight Computer: The ship gains the Flight Computer trait if it did not have it before.
Cascor Duties
2d6 Other Duty
2 Contact Made: A diplomatic mission to the local Raiders has paid off well. You may immediately add one Raiders
ship (or wing) of your choice of Skirmish or lower Priority level to your fleet roster.
3 New Captain: A highly decorated new Captain takes command of the vessel. Once per battle, the ship may attempt
to take two Special Actions in the same turn. These may not be the same Special Action and all effects of both
Special Actions apply. Therefore, a ship cannot combine the Run Silent! action (which requires no turning) with the
Come About! action (which increases turning). It could combine Run Silent! and All Power to Engines! as neither
invalidates the other, effectively allowing the ship to run silent at full speed.
4 Fighter Strike: This ship leads a swarm of fighters in striking against an enemy fleet of your choosing. Deduct 2D6
RR points from the enemy fleet.
5 Vital Mission: This ship receives new directives. Double any Victory Points earned by this ship (and this ship
alone) for the rest of the campaign.
6 Veteran Fighter Pilots: A squadron of top guns volunteer to serve on your ship. Up to two on board flights of
fighters may increase their Dogfight score by +1.
7 Elite Marines: The ship is joined by a special forces unit. Add +1 Troops.
8 Veteran Engineers: The elite engineering crew of another ship have volunteered to serve aboard this vessel. Add
a +1 bonus to any Crew Quality checks made during Damage Control. This may only be applied once.
9 Warrior Seer: The ship is joined by a telepathic warrior, one of a rare breed within the Cascor race. Once per battle
you may automatically win Initiative for the turn. This may be declared after you have rolled dice for Initiative.
10 Diverting Raid: Launching a lightning strike, the ship strikes at the heart of an enemy, causing him to draw ships
away from his main force. Choose another player’s fleet. In its next battle, it will have one less Fleet Allocation
Points available.
11 Superior Strategic Position: A routine patrol uncovers a Strategic Target previously thought to be worthless.
Immediately generate a new Strategic Target on the campaign map and mark it down as being under your control.
12 Assistance Rendered: A timely rescue mission to an allied ship in distress is well rewarded. You may immediately
add any one ship of your choice of Skirmish or lower Priority Level to your fleet roster. This ship may be chosen
from Earth Alliance, Narn, any League, or Centauri fleet lists but it may not come from a fleet that your are currently
fighting against in the campaign.
The Descari homeworld was unusually attractive given the harsh attitude most of its inhabitants displayed. The planet had
truly enormous forests with some of the biggest trees on record reaching high into the thin powder blue sky. Like the
Cascor the Descari had foregone cities for the most part and built up their homes in the immense trees, grand
communities constructed of the hard wood of their environment. In many instances they had shaped the growth of the
trees themselves forming great arches and buttresses from the living branches surrounding them.
The Descari were large ape like creatures, not dissimilar to Earths Neanderthal species in overall appearance but with
more advanced brains allowing them to grasp the concepts of stellar technology. Amongst the League races the Descari
were not advanced and could offer very little in terms of naval forces, their ships generally based on scavenged
technology and which fell apart quite quickly when taking on a real enemy like the Dilgar.
A big problem was the Descari attitude, they had an insular and distrustful view of things around them to the point of
Xenophobia. Their involvement with the League was entirely mercenary and they contributed the bare minimum to the
group, just enough to benefit from the name and what it meant for their protection.
The Descari ships were a mix of their own designs and larger vessels copied from captured Narn heavy ships. While the
Descari ships looked like Narn cruisers on the outside they had far less firepower and protection, plus their crews didn’t
have the single-minded dedication to fighting and winning as their Narn counterparts
When the Liberation Navy finally came together, at the rear came the support ships, protected by the slow moving
Descari fleet. While certainly dedicated, the Descari simply didn’t have the quality or quantity to stand on the battle line
with the other forces. They protected the carriers and missile ships, the dozens of human and alien ships not suited for
front line action but still essential to battle.
Flights of smaller craft may be purchased separately and used as units in their own right.
Some ships are noted as carrying one or more flights of fighters on board. One or more of these flights may be deployed
as normal at any time before or during the battle and do not cost anything extra – the cost of these flights is included in
that of their parent ships.
Any ship carrying one or more flights may replace any number of them for Breaching Pods. Breaching Pods swapped in
this way will carry a Troop from the ship – they do not include Troops of their own in the way Breaching Pod Wings do.
Descari Initiative -1
Speed: 6
Turn: 1/45
Hull: 4
Damage: 74/15
Crew: 90/21
Troops: 12
Craft: 4 Nospa Assault Shuttle flights,
Special Rules: Lumbering, Shuttles 4
In Service: 2226+
Nospa Assault Shuttle Patrol (Wing of 5 flights)
When the Narn arrived in the Bestine system and launched a planetary invasion, they were met by a wave of Croscotu
frigates and assault shuttles. The shuttles were primitive in nature, but their sheer numbers made them a match for the
Goriths and Narn assault shuttles that were present at the time. After the assimilation of Narn tech, these shuttles were
relegated to pilot training and ferrying passengers between surface and orbit. They were often disarmed. However when
the Dilgar invasion seemed imminent the shuttles were re-armed and put into place as part of the defence net around
Bestine. They proved woefully inadequate against the Dilgar Thoruns. Some were also used to ferry refugees either to
orbiting transports or in a last ditch flight from Bestine, but the cramped conditions and limits to atmosphere that could be
stored aboard resulted in several becoming tombs rather than vessels
Space Stations
Descari Refits
2d6 Refit
2 Jump Engines: The ship gains the Jump Engine trait if it did not have it before and has at least 20 Damage
points. If the ship already possesses the Jump Engine trait, it gains the Advanced Jump Engine trait instead.
3 Extra Hanger: The ship immediately gains a flight of Nospa Assault Shuttles.
4 Quick Loading Torpedoes: If the ship has Plasma Torpedoes, it immediately loses the Slow-Loading trait on all
such weapon systems. However, it will have its Plasma Torpedo Attack Dice reduced by half, rounding up.
5 Superior Helm Control: Add a +1 bonus to any Crew Quality checks made during a Come About! Action.
6 Long Range Targeting Systems: Choose one weapon system. It has its range extended by 50%. However,
when using this extra range, halve the number of AD used (rounding down).
7 Additional Weapons Fitted: Choose one weapon system that has at least 6 AD. It gains an additional 2 AD.
This may only be applied once per weapon system.
8 Advanced Sensor Arrays: The ship gains a +1 bonus to any attempts it makes to target an enemy with the
Stealth trait. This may only be applied once.
9 Reinforced Hull: Add +10% to the ship’s Damage score but reduce Speed by –1.
10 Supercharged Thrusters: The ship gains a +2 bonus to its Speed score.
11 Extra Hanger: The ship immediately gains a flight of Nospa Assault Shuttles.
12 Flight Computer: The ship gains the Flight Computer trait if it did not have it before.
Descari Duties
2d6 Other Duty
2 Contact Made: A diplomatic mission to the local Raiders has paid off well. You may immediately add one
Raiders ship (or wing) of your choice of Skirmish or lower Priority level to your fleet roster.
3 New Captain: A highly decorated new Captain takes command of the vessel. Once per battle, the ship may
attempt to take two Special Actions in the same turn. These may not be the same Special Action and all effects
of both Special Actions apply. Therefore, a ship cannot combine the Run Silent! action (which requires no
turning) with the Come About! action (which increases turning). It could combine Run Silent! and All Power to
Engines! as neither invalidates the other, effectively allowing the ship to run silent at full speed.
4 Powerful Fighters: The crew is joined by a group of doughty if ill-tempered warriors, add +2 Troops.
5 Vital Mission: This ship receives new directives. Double any Victory Points earned by this ship (and this ship
alone) for the rest of the campaign.
6 Veteran Fighter Pilots: A squadron of top guns volunteer to serve on your ship. Up to two on board flights of
fighters may increase their Dogfight score by +1.
7 Powerful Fighters: The crew is joined by a group of doughty if ill-tempered warriors, add +2 Troops.
8 Veteran Engineers: The elite engineering crew of another ship have volunteered to serve aboard this vessel.
Add a +1 bonus to any Crew Quality checks made during Damage Control. This may only be applied once.
9 Desperate Repairs: The crew of this vessel is especially skilled in carrying out emergency repairs. After every
battle, the ship will now repair 1D6 Damage points for no cost.
10 Diverting Raid: Launching a lightning strike, the ship strikes at the heart of an enemy, causing him to draw ships
away from his main force. Choose another player’s fleet. In its next battle, it will have one less Fleet Allocation
Points available.
11 Superior Strategic Position: A routine patrol uncovers a Strategic Target previously thought to be worthless.
Immediately generate a new Strategic Target on the campaign map and mark it down as being under your
12 Assistance Rendered: A timely rescue mission to an allied ship in distress is well rewarded. You may
immediately add any one ship of your choice of Skirmish or lower Priority Level to your fleet roster. This ship
may be chosen from Earth Alliance, Narn, any League, or Centauri fleet lists but it may not come from a fleet that
your are currently fighting against in the campaign.
The Drazi Freehold
Possibly the most controversial species in the League of Non-Aligned
Worlds, the Drazi were single-handedly responsible for well over a hundred
border conflicts, political wars and acts of aggression since their admittance
to the organisation. They could be relied on to always jump to the short
conclusion, be the first to swing punches and to bring warships to bear on
what would be an otherwise peaceful moment. To the other members of
the League, there was no such thing as a peaceful Drazi, unless you
counted the dead!
Drazi as a race were driven instinctually to be aggressive hunters, ready to pounce on any scrap of prey that could be
found on their harsh homeworld of Zhabar. Evolving amongst so many dangers as they did, it was the only way to ensure
survival when so many of your peers wanted to crowd you out of the gene pool. Thick-scaled warriors with stout frames
and strong muscles, growing up in Drazi society there was one skill that would define all others – the ability to fight.
The everyday battles in Freehold space were rarely deadly and even more rarely even paid much attention to. Only
extremely important duels or challenges might be scrutinised, even going as far as televising the details. On occasion
this led to riots in the streets as one side’s supporters begin to mix with the other. Inherently pack creatures, battles like
this filled the void that civilisation had opened in their instincts. When the dust cleared and the infirm or inept combatants
had been removed, Drazi society was that little bit stronger and tighter knit than before. The weak fell away to leave the
strong and capable in power – the Shadows would be proud.
The Drazi lived and died by the code of a warrior. They fought for what they believed in and no race in the galaxy was so
dedicated to the advancement of warfare than they. The Drazi Freehold might have been a loose cannon and the cause
of strife to more than a few of its allies and galactic neighbours, but they could be depended upon to do one thing: battle
any enemy until it must admit defeat or they were dead. It was up to everyone else to stay out of the way. When the
Dilgar fell upon the League, only the Drazi were able to fight them as equals, launching their own offensives whilst other
races were trapped behind their defences. Only the Drazi responded to the Abbai call for unity and their ambassador’s
pragmatic attitude and resources helped save the Abbai homeworld in the early dark days of the invasion.
Drazi technology was quite advanced, which to many was even more remarkable because they had received little or no
aid in its development from any one else. Unlike the Centauri, no alien ships had crashed on their world to give them the
secrets of space travel. They had not put together the technological left overs from Centauri occupation like so many
other races – all that they had – they had achieved alone.
Weapons technology was usually at the forefront of their developments, for instance discovering particle acceleration as a
weapon long before figuring that it could be used in any other field. Small, easy to operate and efficient for the amount of
power they used, particle weapons made up the majority of the Drazi fleets armament. Over the centuries they found
several ways to modify, augment or enhance its effects a dozen times over. From particle streaming repeaters to high-
impact heavy cannon beams, the Drazi preferred particle technology to even highly efficient lasers. Other forms of attack
used too much energy, drawing away necessary thrust from engines – the foundation of any Drazi vessel!
The Drazi were an old spacefaring race with a healthy level of technology similar to the Centauri. If they had a desire to
they could build very large and very powerful warships fitted out with innovative systems includingfull artificial gravity. But
that just wasn’t how the Drazi fought. They were pack hunters, a throwback to their most primordial instincts where the
ancient Drazi had hunted together to bring down the massive and vicious reptilian prey of their stone age. Drazi ships
were small, agile, well armed, easy to build and remarkably fast.
Like the Dilgar the Drazi excluded everything that was unnecessary on their ships, the accommodation was spartan at
best, food supplies were the simplest they could produce or buy and artificial gravity, though available, was rarely fitted to
warships. Not that the crews complained. Many Drazi Captains were quick to tell any who would listen
‘it is better to have an extra cannon or three to kill an opponent than even a dozen bulkheads to shelter you from his
attack. A dead enemy cannot strike you.’
Unfortunately this did make Drazi ships easy to kill, a well-commanded Dilgar Dreadnought could kill a dozen Drazi
Sunhawks in minutes. Their armour was weak and redundant systems something of an unknown concept. The crews
were too small to allow effective in battle repairs and a handful of solid hits would destroy the biggest Drazi ship.
Considering how well armed even the smallest Dilgar ships were it came as no surprise that Drazi casualties were so high
in the conflict.
The Drazi Freehold Fleet List
The following forms the entire fleet list for the Drazi Freehold.
Flights of smaller craft may be purchased separately and used as units in their own right.
Some ships are noted as carrying one or more flights of fighters on board. One or more of these flights may be deployed
as normal at any time before or during the battle and do not cost anything extra – the cost of these flights is included in
that of their parent ships.
Any ship carrying one or more Star Snake flights may replace any number of them for Breaching Pods. Breaching Pods
swapped in this way will carry a Troop from the ship – they do not include Troops of their own in the way Breaching Pod
Wings do.
Aggression: Drazi are an aggressive and belligerent race with a love of brawling and violence. More than any other
race, they actively enjoy combat for combat’s sake and are slow to surrender or flee even when a battle goes against
them. The Drazi thus gain a +1 bonus to all Crew Quality checks made for Give Me Ramming Speed! or Stand Down
And Prepare To Be Boarded! Special Orders, whether the Drazi are the instigators or subjects of such an order.
Sky Hook Catapult: The Drazi make use of a catapult system to launch their Sky Serpent fighters from carriers, literally
hurling the craft into space at high velocity. When deploying Sky Serpents, a ship will place them up to 8” away in its front
arc. Star Snakes are deployed normally.
Tactics – Quick & Decisive: The Drazi mindset, tactics and ships all favour quick, decisive strikes, hitting first and hitting
hard. In any scenario where the Drazi are designated as the attacker, their Initiative bonus increases to +2. However, in
any scenario where the Drazi are designated as the defender (or where this is not specified), their Initiative bonus
decreases to +1.
Darkhawk Class Missile Cruiser (Sunhawk Variant) Skirmish
The Darkhawk, based on the extremely common and effective Sunhawk, was a missile carrier with the ability to put a
remarkable number of projectiles into space and guide them with some of the most sophisticated computer systems the
Drazi had at their command. When a squadron of Darkhawks managed to get a
target lock on an enemy vessel, they were practically assured a kill if its missiles
survived long enough to reach their target.
Speed: 12 Turn: 2/45 Hull: 4
Damage: 12/3 Crew: 14/4 Troops: 3
Craft: None
Special Rules: Agile, Atmospheric, Dodge 5+
In Service: 2214+
Eyehawk Class Scout Cruiser (Sunhawk Variant) Patrol
Like most Drazi ships, the Eyehawk brought little subtlety to the battlefield and the Freehold never explored stealth tactics
to any great extent. The Eyehawk required a jump-capable ship, such as the Jumphawk, to play escort to it in order to
bring its powerful sensors to areas the Freehold wanted reconnaissance data from.
Speed: 14 Turns: 2/45 Hull: 4 Damage: 12/3
Crew: 14/4 Troops: 1 Craft: None
Special Rules: Agile, Atmospheric, Dodge 5+, Scout
In Service: 2202+
Each Raptor that takes part in a battle and is still in play at the end of the battle generates 12RR, which can be used for
repairs only; any unspent RR following the repair phase is lost.
“Defeating a weak minded enemy is degrading, it’s practice. But this, this Captain is true
Warfare. Death here is a true honour and nothing to be ashamed of, it is not a failure, just
“But to earn victory against such an opponent, that my friend is to live as a Drazi of old.
The Sunhawk Battlecruiser Bloody Blade, a veteran of the initial Dilgar campaigns against the Drazi.
Its commander, Droka’thal had fought and triumphed over both Narn and Centauri in his years of
service to the Freehold and had by the time of the final assault on Omelos, numerous Dilgar kills.
Despite the loss of sixty percent of its crew in this climatic battle, the Bloody Blade achieved two
additional kills including a veteran destroyer of the Third Strike Fleet, the Durva’sla.
Stormhawk, Command Cruiser Battle
The command ship from which Warleader Stro’kath conducted his devastating campaign against the Dilgar, leading them
to many victories. Whilst Warmaster Dar’sen was a formidable enemy, his fellow fleet leaders were an even bigger thorn
in his side.
Commanded by Warleader Stro’kath, the Stormhawk has the following Admiral abilities whilst not crippled or skeleton
crewed: Meticulous Planner, Operational Control, You may not place an Admiral aboard the Stormhawk.
“A Drazi who would fight strategically. It must be Stro’kath, the warrior Dar’sen
encountered and actually came to respect.”
“He’s more trouble than a whole fleet of other Generals.”
“Far more trouble.” Jha’dur agreed. “A worthy candidate for assassination.”
Star Snake Light Attack Fighter Flight Patrol (Wing of 5 flights)
A fast fighter with a fine balance of capabilities, the Star Snake was a ubiquitous sight in the Drazi fleet. Produced each
year by the hundreds. Star Snakes were fielded in large numbers when the Drazi went into combat, their pilots acting with
both reckless abandon and deadly precision.
Shala’dan, Drazi Warrior
“If the Dilgar attack you, my people will strike them with all our
might.” Shala’dan resolved.
A wise and respected Drazi warrior, he stood with the Abbai at the defence of
their homeworld, taking command of the defences with enough skill to hold
and finally repulse the initial Dilgar assaults. His tactical deployment for the
battle also included a quantity of nuclear missiles, which was a surprise for
both the Dilgar and his Abbai hosts.
Legendary Tactician, Prepared for War – Before the battle, roll twice on the
Drazi refits table and choose one of the results to apply to the ship that
Shala’da commands, The Master Plan, He may be placed in any Abbai or
Drazi ship. When placed in a ship, Shala’dan raises its Priority Level by one,
so a Raid level ship will become a Battle level ship, and so on
The two senior officers began to walk through the rubble-clogged streets, the honour
guards standing down and mingling, fascinated by the collection of weapons and
equipment each side used.
“As I say Admiral,” Stro’kath spoke more conversationally. “We have examined your battles,
and the great success you have achieved.”
Stro’kath huffed. “Our government is not so open and sharing, they did not even want you
here you know? They said we could win alone and did not need help.”
“I convinced them to agree to Earth ships fighting with us. You have proven yourselves and I
say openly I am honoured to fight with the victors of Markab. You wiped out Deathwalker’s
fleet! That alone made me smile for two weeks solid!”
“Traditional Drazi method.” He answered earnestly. “I hit them. In the face. Very hard until
they agreed, or were unable to vote against me because they were unconscious.”
“It takes some effort.” Stro’kath nodded. “But is very great fun!”
The two Commanders laughed, to Ferguson it was an insane system but it seemed to have
delivered a worthy result in the squat but powerful shape of Stro’kath. Sometimes he
concluded it did seem to work.
Campaigns: Refits and Other Duties
Drazi Freehold Fleets use the following tables for Refits and Other Duties when playing campaign games.
For a Drazi war is the reason for life. Strife, conflict, struggle, the things other worlds avoid we
embrace and we are made stronger for it, in both body and spirit. Because of this we are strong in
mind and body, and we are fearless, but sometimes this is not enough. Sometimes we must also be
smart, we must pick our fights and if necessary we must withdraw and wait until the terms are in
our favour. We must be part hunter as well as warrior, we must become predators.
This I learned from the war, from watching my people fight bravely but futilely in the opening
stages. We Drazi battled like Lions, but the Dilgar were cunning enemies. They could not match our
courage, but could match our skill and far exceeded our discipline. When I took control of our forces
discipline was the first thing I installed, usually by hitting people who disagreed with me. After that
it wasn’t so hard to win battles, the spirit of the Drazi warrior carried the day, all I did was make
sure I picked the right time and right place to unleash the fury of our people!
I do not regret what happened, the Dilgar were demons who deserved to die and the fate they
suffered was clearly the will of the gods. Their sun going Nova was an act of fate, from my limited
understanding of science it could not have been natural. They were destined to die, and good
riddance to them all!
Well, maybe not all of them. As there are some Drazi who are pitiful beings, so there were some
Dilgar who were noble ones. I had the great privilege to battle one such man, the Warmaster
Dar’sen, as brave and intelligent an opponent as any Drazi could wish for! He did not bomb worlds
or use disease, he let his warships fight freely and with honour, his fleet was the best they had,
better even than Deathwalkers! Yes, they were a good enemy, worthy of the title warriors, and they
each fought to the death valiantly as it should be. Not one of them survived.
I said I had no regrets, but that isn’t true. I met many great leaders during the war, human, Abbai,
Cascor, all of them good warriors and I was proud to stand beside them as an equal. But I would
have liked to have met Dar’sen, in person face to face, just the two of us. There is a story of two
great Chieftains of legend meeting at dawn and spending the whole day talking of their battles until
sundown, where they draw swords and fight to the death. I am an old fashioned Drazi, stories have
meaning for me, and I would have enjoyed being able to face Dar’sen that way.
We never found his body, his flagship was torn to pieces, ripped up by Earth Dreadnoughts before I
was given the supreme honour of delivering the killing blow from my flagship. I believe the humans
cut short their attack to give me that chance, and I owe Admiral Ferguson of Earth a debt of honour
for that. But it was not how I would have preferred it.
Stories say Dar’sen was a great swordsman, an expert in the traditional art of fencing in the style of
his race and he once bested a boarding team that stormed his bridge. They say he practised the
ancient arts to clear his mind and view the modern battlefield differently, more clearly, something I
myself try to do whenever I can. It seems we were perhaps different sides of the same coin as the
Earthers say, destined to be either great comrades or greater opponents.
Today I rule the Drazi, my victories in the war have granted me this chance to reform my people and
give them a new, greater, direction. But I would surrender it all, everything I have for just one
meeting with Dar’sen. One day to speak of our battles and share our tales, and then as the sun sets
to take up our blades and fight to a glorious death. It would not matter if I lived or died, to die at
the hands of such an enemy would be a supreme honour, and I can only hope Dar’sen understood
the reverence I felt when I sent him to the next world.
The Dilgar race burns in hell, as it deserves, but not all Dilgar are there in the pits of damnation.
Some brave few have gone to the place where Drazi Warriors go upon their death, where they will
meet their opponents in peace and understanding, be they human or Balosian or league or whoever.
Dar’sen is there standing as the greatest of them, and when my time comes I hope he will be the
one to greet me. Then, we can finally share our stories.
Leader of the Drazi Freehold,
Hurr Republic
The Hurr hailed from Androma, a planet on the border of Drazi, Grome, and Tal'kona-sha space. They were humanoid
with many similarities to Homo sapiens, including an aggressive and expansionistic nature. Unfortunately for them, their
belligerence was not backed up by any significant amount of military technology.
The only reason the Drazi had not crushed them utterly was that the Freehold was more involved with defending their
colonies near Dilgar, Narn and Centauri space (plus the usual Drazi internal conflicts). The Hurr homeworld itself
consisted of a single huge landmass occupying 65% of the surface of the planet (the remainder being water or icecaps).
Much of the land was made up of inhospitable mountains, desert plateau’s, and jagged cliffs, a fact that caused a number
of separate civilisations to form and grow in the few fertile areas of the world. As resources were scarce, wars between
these nations became common, eventually turning the various factions into huge, walled city-states. Each was an
independent bastion unto itself, though alliances and wars were frequent, the latter complicated by the incredible
difficulties in supplying armies across vast distances and through difficult terrain.
The sudden development of air power changed Androma rapidly. For the first time, a nation could attack another without
any fear of reprisal and could perform heretofore undreamed-of feats of reconnaissance. Air forces could attack an
unprepared city-state almost at will, and wars that might previously have been lost for lack of support now succeeded with
the help of early aircraft. Many cities that had remained independent for centuries fell to invading forces that possessed
this new technology. The application of air power allowed an unprecedented rate of conquest, and soon the entire world
was controlled by just two nations, each holding approximately an equal amount of territory.
These persisted in a state of constant warfare for decades until one faction, the Republicans, developed jet power. With
faster and more agile planes, plus the later developments of missiles and powered bombs, this nation conquered the
other in the space of half a decade. The Republicans had opposed the Monarchists on a number of levels, the primary
one being a fundamental disagreement with a hereditary right to rule. The Republican ideal was a government led by
publicly elected representatives from each of the different city-states. Considering that in the Monarchy, the average
citizen had no power whatsoever to affect the government, the Republic was far more popular to the average Hurr than
the alternative. It was in part the Republican citizen's higher morale and motivation that led to the development of jet
technology and the defeat of the Monarchy.
Most Hurr were, by the time the Dilgar war erupted, fairly content with their lot in life. Their ultimate goal, again like many
humans, was to accumulate as much wealth as possible, for this bought them power and comfort within their society. A
sufficiently talented and skilled Hurr could rise to power regardless of his status at birth, an advantage not shared by
many other races in the Galaxy. The Hurr Republic portrayed itself as a benevolent group of elected representatives from
the 35 city-states. In reality, powerful crime lords in the city-states worked directly with the government instead of in
conflict with it. Many Hurr who attempted to become politicians found that there was is simply no way to advance without
either extreme wealth or criminal connections, and the former was far harder to come by. In addition male Hurr were
completely dominant, with females relegated to servant status and lacking even the right to vote.
When the war began, the Hurr had not had interstellar space flight for long - less than a century, in fact. During their first
tentative explorations of hyperspace, they had initially blundered into the nearby Tal'kona-sha space. This taught them
the valuable lesson that not only were there other races who were not necessarily friendly but they had bigger ships and
better guns! The Hurr began to construct a brand-new space navy, although one based on an extremely low level of
technology. Fortunately for them, the next race to encounter them was far less advanced than the middle-born Tal'kona-
The Drazi of the early 2200s were expanding into nearby space and fell to fighting the Hurr almost from their first
encounter. After Narn (and later Dilgar) aggression against the Drazi forced an end to that war, the Hurr continued to
advance their research, purchasing a number of systems and technology from the Centauri and Brakiri. Generally, their
ships used simple particle, plasma and missile weapons, primarily because the Hurr had found those systems to be not
only affordable but also simple to maintain.
The Dilgar War seemed to offer the Hurr a new opportunity to make their mark on the galaxy when they joined with their
old enemy, the Drazi against the feline invaders. Almost the entirety of the Hurr fleet travelled to the Latig system where
they managed to achieve their first true victory in decades, assisting the defending forces to drive off the Dilgar Home
Filled with pride they awaited the Dilgar response, which was not long in coming. Jha’dur arrived with her veteran First
Strike Fleet and quickly managed to split the two forces, allowing the Home Fleet to tear into the Hurr warships as she
screened them with her own forces. Suffering huge casualties, the Hurr abandoned the fight and fled allowing the Dilgar
to concentrate on the remaining Drazi forces.
Sadly for the Hurr, the Dilgar followed them back to their home system, smashed aside the limited resistance and
proceeded to bombard the planet with massdrivers and nuclear weapons.
Hurr Republic
The following forms the entire fleet list for the Hurr Republic.
Flights of smaller craft may be purchased separately and used as units in their own right. Some ships are noted as
carrying one or more flights of fighters on board. One or more of these flights may be deployed as normal at any time
before or during the battle and do not cost anything extra – the cost of these flights is included in that of their parent ships.
Any ship carrying one or more Koeth flights may replace any number of them for Breaching Pods. Breaching Pods
swapped in this way will carry a Troop from the ship – they do not include Troops of their own in the way Breaching Pod
Wings do.
(*) You may purchase two Anroeth Assault Shuttles for one Patrol slot.
Boroca Gunship Raid
The principal capital ship of the Republican Fleet, the Boroca was slow and only moderately armed as compared to the
warships of other races. The Boroca was hampered not only by its poor manoeuvrability and firepower, but also by the
inclusion of a jump engine, overtasking the ship's already weak power systems. Consequently the Boroca was not
considered a significant threat by most races. It was, however, extremely easy to build and modify, and the Hurr
operated it (or its variants) in relatively large numbers.
Admiral Tak
Tak was a confident man, he firmly believed that numbers and warrior spirit would compensate for his race’s lack of
technological advancement, after all the Dilgar were fairly primitive and had brought slaughter to powers hundreds of
years more advanced. He admired the Dilgar example, the victory of spirit over odds, of courage and determination over
technology. Admiral Tak has the abilities: Defensive Skill, Inspirational Leader, Master of Deception, Operational
Control and may be placed in any Hurr ship. When placed in a ship, Admiral Tak raises its Priority Level by one, so a
Raid level ship will become a Battle level ship, and so on
“Tell Captain Solak to launch his fighters, those craft will join us in defending Androma.”
“Yes sir.”
It was a seemingly callous order and sealed the cruiser’s fate, it would not be helped but
while the ship was lost Tak could still use its fighters. It was a cold thing to do, but one that
reflected the practicality of war. Tak had to save what he could and sacrifice what he could
not. He could mourn later.
“Their fighters are launching, Captain Solak wishes us luck.”
“Offer him my praise and tell him the Hurr will not forget his honourable finish.”
“He says he will try and engage the Dilgar and do damage before death takes his ship and
“Tell him he dies as a hero of Androma and will be glorified.”
In all likelihood the scores of ships that fell out of formation probably just vanished into
hyperspace without even seeing the Dilgar, and those that did get close enough were
probably ignored. Owing to the cruelty of their race Tak believed the Dilgar would rather let
a Hurr ship drift into oblivion than destroy it and give the crew a quick death. He hated
fighting these people, not just because they were vicious and cruel but because they were
such effective warriors.
Hurr Space Stations
The following Modules may be used by Hurr Space Stations
Particle Cannon 15 T 6
Campaigns: Refits and Other Duties
Hurr Republic Fleets use the following tables for Refits and Other Duties when playing campaign games.
Hyach Gerontocracy
The Hyach were among the oldest of the League races having
been in space longer than even the Abbai. Their civilisation
was over 7,000 years old and steeped in tradition and history.
Rituals, for example, covered almost every facet of Hyach life,
and were carefully followed at all times. Their lives were guided
by the Rules of Order, which numbered in the thousands.
Not withstanding the age, accomplishments and advancement of their civilisation, the Hyach were a
race in decline. For many years their birth rates had been slowly falling, so that more of them were
dying each year than were born. The reason for this was a secret known only to their Elders. Once
there were two races on Shri-shraba, the other referred to as Hyach-doh in the ancient texts. Over
the centuries, these were slowly purged by Hyach religious pogroms until no more were left, and then
all records of their existence were erased. Unfortunately, what the Elders did not know at the time
was that part of their genetic structure depended on occasional interbreeding with the Hyach-doh.
Unless something was done to restore that missing element, the Hyach would eventually die out.
As a race, the Hyach were not aggressive and had no interest in conquest, but were able to fight well
if forced to do so. Hyach ships were powerful, tough, heavily armed, and sported excellent sensors
and computer controls. They tended to be poorly manoeuvrable, however, as the Hyach had not
advanced their engine and thruster technologies beyond the gravitic levels. The Hyach used a dual
naming convention for their ship classes (but not fighters). The first word in any ship name was the
class; usually named after a particularly influential Elder from Hyach history. The second word
identified the ship’s abilities or mission. These conventions are used for both base hulls and variants.
A variant will not receive a new class name, but used the mission identifier that best described its
abilities. For example the Irokai Kon is the fleet carrier variant of the Irokai Kam battlecruiser.
In addition to their formidable ships and weapons, their tacticians were brilliant, and Hyach military
training was unequalled amongst the League. As the Hyach were very advanced in the area of
computers, robotics, and communications, their ships tended to reflect these advantages, with better
fire control, enhanced sensors, and efficient construction.
Although the Hyach had interstellar flight capability for centuries, they had not been interested in
exploration or travelling. While they had no colonies as such, they operated outposts on a few
planets, mostly for research and mining. One of these, in the Yonog system, had nearly reached
colony status when it was attacked and destroyed by the Dilgar during the early years of the Invasion.
Horrified, the Hyach quickly abandoned their other outposts and retreated under their homeworld's
defence grid. Though they were outnumbered, their technology was better than anything the Dilgar
could put into the field, so they were able to fight off attacks thereafter. Once Shri-shraba was finally
freed from its blockade, the immensely powerful Hyach ships were a welcome addition to the growing
League armada.
Jha’dur kept her eyes fixed on the battlestation, now just a ball of blazing debris in the
colony’s atmosphere. Mass driver bombardment rained down across the planet and Hyach
ships died behind her. It was an almost religious depiction of a hellish underworld of
smoke, fire and death. All wrought by her own orders. She felt only pride at the notion.
“There is no one and no thing left in the galaxy that can prevent us gaining victory now, the
galaxy will belong to us.”
Hyach Initiative: +3
Alichi Kav Stealth Cruiser Raid
Designed around the spinal laser, the ship’s purpose in combat was to lurk on the fringes of a battle, waiting for an
opportune moment to move in and unleash a devastating volley of laser fire. It depended on its stealth systems to avoid
detection and escape reprisals because if it was detected before it could deliver its shot, it was usually swarmed and
destroyed by enemy fighters. Needless to say, life on board during combat could be dangerous, stressful, and very short.
Speed: 8 Turn: 1/45 Hull: 4 Damage: 26/6
Crew: 20/4 Troops: 1 Craft: none
Special Rules: Flight Computer, Scout, Stealth 5+
In Service: 2106+
(*) The Alichi Kes Scout has no range limit on the use of its Scout trait, instead of the usual 36” range. In addition, when
using its Scout trait, an Alichi Kes will reduce a targets Stealth trait by two rather than the usual one.
Breaching Pod Patrol (Wing of 4 flights)
Capable of transporting a platoon of assault troops across the war zone and on towards an enemy ship, breaching pods
were dangerous vehicles to deploy but a clever Admiral would balance the risk with the potential to keep an enemy on the
back foot. Plasma cutters allowed the breaching pod to cut through metres thick armour plating once latched onto the
hull of a target, gaining entry for the troops carried on board.
Irokai Kam Heavy Cruiser Battle
This ship was relatively slow, but was built to fight hard, whilst standing up to any punishment an opponent could deliver.
In battle, its typical role was to deliver a crushing blow from its spinal laser, then survive long enough to fire it again, using
its smaller weapons to keep enemy fighters and light vessels at bay.
Speed: 6 Turn: 1/45 Hull: 6
Damage: 58/10
Crew: 60/11 Troops: 4
Craft: 2 Dartha flights
Special Rules: Anti-Fighter 4, Flight Computer, Interceptors 1, Jump Engine, Lumbering, Scout,
In Service: 2000+
Irokai Kon Fleet Carrier Battle
The vast space that was liberated by removing the spinal laser meant that a tremendous amount of Dartha fighters could
be carried. A capable vessel, only a few were made and little attempt was made to train for co-ordinated operations with
the capital ships.
Speed: 6
Turn: 1/45
Hull: 6
Damage: 58/10
Crew: 60/11
Troops: 4
Craft: 16 Dartha flights
Special Rules: Anti-Fighter 4, Carrier 6, Fleet Carrier,
Flight Computer, Interceptors 1, Jump Engine, Lumbering, Scout,
In Service: 2150+
Irokai Tal Assault Cruiser Battle
An unusual vessel for the reclusive Hyach, the Tal variant of the Heavy Cruiser was capable of being filled with marines,
ready to be dispatched in Laricha assault shuttles and Achilat breaching pods. The installation of the maser weapon
system had been installed to give the ability to disable enemy vessles beofre overwhelming them with marines. Two of
these huge vessels accompanied the Liberation Navy in the final attack on Omelos but neither survived the detonation of
the Omelos jump gate.
Speed: 6
Turn: 1/45
Hull: 6
Damage: 58/10
Crew: 60/11
Troops: 8
Craft: 2 Breaching Pod flights
Special Rules: Anti-Fighter 4, Flight Computer, Interceptors 1, Jump Engine, Lumbering, Shuttles 4,
In Service: 2051+
Mkan Hasz Logistics Ship Skirmish
An efficient but rare vessel designed to provide support to both the warships and merchant vessels of the Hyach, the
Mkan Hasz was by no means a combat vessel. Its primary method of surviving combat was to use its superior engine
technology to escape as quickly as possible. One such ship formed part of the rag tag fleet that managed to reach the
Eridani system carrying the League Ambassadors.
Speed: 8
Turn: 1/45
Hull: 5
Damage: 28/7
Crew: 24/6
Troops: none
Craft: none
Special Rules: Advanced Jump Engine, Anti-Fighter 4, Fleet Auxiliary, Flight Computer,
In Service: 2031+
The Olox Lam commanded by Captain Shiree had been re supplying a small squadron on long range
patrol when the Dilgar hammer blow fell on Yonog. Over the new few weeks the Hyach flotilla was
harassed and whittled down by enemy hunter killer pentacons until only the Olox Lam was left.
Damaged, she managed to reach the Cascor territories ahead of the Dilgar but found this was no
safe haven. As the feline aggressors reached the Cascor homeworld, Captain Shiree fled again with
other jump capable ships to the Gaim homeworld.
Whilst making repairs and contemplating his next move, Shiree and the other captains sheltering at
the Pak’Ma’Ra outpost were joined by the Syonar – itself seeking safe haven and new allies against
the Dilgar.
Okath Kat Fast Frigate Skirmish
These vessels were originally built to fight Raiders, atask at which they excelled. Armed primarily with short-ranged
weapons, they would seize the initiative, dart in close to the opponent, and deliver a deadly volley of laser fire. Even if the
enemy could get off a good shot, the Okath Kat was a tougher than average ship for its size, well suited to absorbing
Speed: 12 Turn: 2/45
Hull: 5 Damage: 24/6
Crew: 28/8 Troops: 1
Craft: none,
Special Rules: Agile, Anti-Fighter 3, Flight Computer,
In Service: 2100+
Ships of the Hyach Third Attack Squadron “Embodiment of Law” are bathed in light and radiation
from the exploding Omelos jump gate, shortly before the blast wave reaches them. A few survivors
were later found in the wreck of the Dreadnought Ulaks Thulm – ‘Spear of light’ but sadly most would
quickly succumb to radiation sickness despite the best efforts of the doctors aboard the Abbai
medical frigates.
Stellar Fortress Armageddon
The Hyach defence grid was the most powerful of its kind in known space, even in later years it was outmatched only by
the Minbari home defences. The Abbai had invested heavily in preventing enemy ships breaching their orbit, each station
and satellite was heavily shielded and screened by centuries worth of built up mine fields. The Hyach could not match the
solid wall of the Abbai, so had elected the more logical approach of preventing enemy ships getting into orbit by simply
overwhelming them with staggering amounts of firepower. The defences were built around space stations known
throughout the League as Stellar Fortresses and as the Dilgar forces that engaged them discovered it was not hyperbole.
Hull: 4
Damage: 315/156/75
Troops: 80
Craft: 6 Dartha flights
Special Rules: Anti-Fighter 12, Carrier 6, Command+1, Fleet Carrier, Immobile, Scout, Space Station,
In Service: 2211+
Tachila Kor Scout Carrier Raid
This ship served a dual purpose, both as a carrier and an ELINT ship. Though lightly armed, its role in combat was not to
fight, but to support its fighters and the other ships in the fleet, and it proved capable of performing both tasks equally
Speed: 8 Turn: 1/45
Hull: 5 Damage: 32/8
Crew: 38/10 Troops: 1
Craft: 8 Dartha flights
Special Rules: Anti-Fighter 2, Carrier 4, Fleet Carrier, Flight Computer, Scout,
In Service: 2176+
Uratha Kal Dreadnought War
One of the few true dreadnoughts operated by a League race, the Uratha Kal was one of several Hyach ships that used
the feared spinal laser weapon. With this, two flights of fighters, and a number of other offensive lasers at its command, it
was a powerful opponent. As might be expected, the Hyach did not operate a tremendous number of these vessels, as
they were expensive to construct and maintain. Tragically more than half of the vessels were lost during the war.
Speed: 6
Turn: 1/45
Hull: 6
Damage: 68/12
Crew: 77/14
Troops: 4
Craft: 2 Dartha flights
Special Rules: Advanced Jump Engine, Anti-Fighter 4, Command +2, Flight Computer, Interceptors 2, Jump Engine,
Lumbering, Scout,
In Service:
The Hyach Dreadnought, Mlavir Ux, ‘Contemplation of Victory’, here shown shortly before it left the
Hyach home system transporting Eldar Jaushu to join the gathering fleet at Yonog. Problems with
the new ships jump engines meant that it and its escorts arrived late, entering the doomed system as
the Dilgar were tearing the Hyach fleet apart. Jaushu ordered the small squadron to engage, hoping
to turn the tide but only succeeded in joining his compatriots in death.
Yalat Kes Exploration Cruiser Raid
A majestic ship, the Yaltat Kes class cruiser was the equivalent of the vast Explorer ships of Earth Force, but its sleek
lines betrayed its creator’s far superior technology. By the time of the Dilgar War, these ships rarely ventured out of their
home system as the Hyach population continued to decline.
Speed: 8
Turn: 1/45
Hull: 4
Damage: 68/12
Crew: 47/8
Troops: 1
Craft: none,
Special Rules: Advanced Jump Engine, Anti-Fighter 4, Flight Computer, Interceptors 2, Jump Engine,
In Service: 2018
Hyach Space Stations
The following Modules may be used by Hyach Space Stations
Hyach Refits
2d6 Refit
2 Jump Engines: The ship gains the Jump Engine trait if it did not have it before and has at least 20 Damage points. If
the ship already possesses the Jump Engine trait, it gains the Advanced Jump Engine trait instead.
3 Advanced Beam Technology: Choose one Boresight weapon system. It immediately changes to a Fore firing arc.
If it is a Spinal Laser, add +2AD instead.
4 Increased Defences: Add +1 to the ships Interceptor score, if interceptors are not present, the ship gains Interceptors
1 Trait. This may only be applied once.
5 Enhanced Point Defence: If the Ship has the Anti-Fighter trait it becomes Advanced Anti-Fighter, the score remains
the same. If not it gains Advanced Antifighter 1.
6 Long Range Targeting Systems: Choose one weapon system. It has its range extended by 50%. However, when
using this extra range, halve the number of AD used (rounding down).
7 Additional Weapons Fitted: Choose one weapon system that has at least 6 AD. It gains an additional 2 AD. This
may only be applied once per weapon system.
8 Advanced Sensor Arrays: The ship gains a +1 bonus to any attempts it makes to target an enemy with the Stealth
trait. This may only be applied once.
9 Reinforced Hull: Add +10% to the ship’s Damage score but reduce Speed by –1.
10 Supercharged Thrusters: The ship gains a +1 bonus to its Speed score.
11 Extra Hanger: The ship immediately gains a flight of Dartha fighters (or an extra flight if it already possesses fighters).
12 Ambush Predator: The ship is modified to super stealthy, but this comes at the expense of energy output. Increase
the ships Stealth score by +1, but reduce its speed by –2. Re-roll if the ship has no Stealth trait.
Hyach Duties
2d6 Other Duty
2 Contact Made: The Hyach prefer not to engage with aliens unless they need to, often using proxies. Some of these
contacts are less than honourable: You may immediately add one Raiders ship (or wing) of your choice of Skirmish or
lower level to your fleet roster.
3 New Captain: A skilled new Captain takes command of the vessel. Once per battle, the ship may attempt to take two
Special Actions in the same turn. These may not be the same Special Action and all effects of both Special Actions
apply. Therefore, a ship cannot combine the Run Silent! action (which requires no turning) with the Come About!
action (which increases turning). It could combine Run Silent! and All Power to Engines! as neither invalidates the
other, effectively allowing the ship to run silent at full speed.
4 Telepaths: The ship is granted the honour of conveying an Elder who has fully developed his telepathic potential.
Once per battle, you may automatically win the Initiative for the turn. Ths may be declared after you have rolled dice
for Initiative.
5 Vital Mission: This ship is chosen to carry out a series of important missions. Double any Victory points earned by
this ship (and this ship alone) for the rest of the campaign.
6 Veteran Fighter Pilots: A squadron of top guns volunteer to serve on your ship. Up to two on board flights of fighters
may increase their Dogfight score by +1.
7 Advanced Repair Facilities: The Hyach have substantial and highly specialised repair facilities. Immediately repair
3D6 points of damage on any ships in the fleet.
8 Veteran Engineers: The elite engineering crew of another ship have volunteered to serve aboard this vessel. Add a
+1 bonus to any Crew Quality checks made during Damage Control. This may only be applied once.
9 Superior Strategist: An Elder makes his presence felt as he considers the most effective use of the fleet. You gain
+2 Initiative for the next Campaign turn.
10 Diverting Raid: Launching a lightning strike, the ship strikes at the heart of an enemy, causing him to draw ships
away from his main force. Choose another player’s fleet. In its next battle, it will have one less Fleet Allocation Points
11 Superior Strategic Position: A routine patrol uncovers a Strategic Target previously thought to be worthless.
Immediately generate a new Strategic Target on the campaign map and mark it down as being under your control.
12 Assistance Rendered: A timely rescue mission to an allied ship in distress is well rewarded. You may immediately
add any one ship of your choice of Skirmish or lower Priority Level to your fleet roster. This ship may be chosen from
Earth Alliance, Narn, any League or Centauri fleet lists but it may not come from a fleet that your are currently fighting
against in the campaign.
Ipsha Baronies
The Ipsha were a unique species in many ways, in appearance most closely resembling a huge starfish, with a number of
thick tentacle-like arms extending out from a lumpy central hub. There were several sub-species of Ipsha with different
numbers of arms, so an individual might have anywhere from 5 to as many as 16 of them. Ipsha were asexual and
reproduced by budding, a process which took several weeks and left the Ipsha incapacitated and vulnerable until
Being extremely long lived and capable of rapidly expanding their population, Ipsha history was punctuated by terrible,
globe-spanning wars. Throughout the millennia they had devastated their civilisation on several occasions, regressing
them into new dark ages. As technology advanced, the Ipsha became more adept at killing each other and conquering
their defeated foes. Varied forms of government were tried but all failed to prevent the incessant warring. Slowly, five
powerful ”baronies” evolved, absorbing lesser groupings and each becoming quite skilled at infiltrating and stealing from
the other.
When the inevitable space race began, each succeeded almost simultaneously, and wars in space rapidly followed.
Despite the potential for racial annihilation, the Ipsha managed to not only survive such wars, but prospered and grew as
a people. The five baronies remained, never merging or uniting under a single government, whilst they had treaties with
each other, they would not hesitate to break them when it served their own purposes.
Interstellar relations had proved similarly difficult. Since the baronies seemed so similar, many races failed to realise they
were making treaties or agreements with only one-fifth of the Ipsha race. What's more, a race with a trade agreement
might find itself under attack should they be seen as giving aid and comfort to an embattled barony during a civil war. Few
races risked signing permanent agreements with the Ipsha, instead preferring short term deals or including termination
clauses should a war erupt.
When the Dilgar swept across the League, the Ipsha seemed to ignore the threat, indeed they actually began another civil
war while the enemy was massing on their borders! Throughout the war, the Baronies refused to operate joint forces,
each counting on their own fleets to protect their holdings. Only the fact that their warriors were hardened from constant
fighting, and the sheer number of powerful ships at their disposal kept the Dilgar from crushing the Ipsha outright.
Ipsha science had specialised in electromagnetic technologies, in part because intense EM fields surrounded their world
which made space travel difficult. The effort to overcome this required understanding the phenomena, which in
turn led to weapons utilising its effects. Some of these devices were quite powerful, but usually required large amounts of
energy to operate. The Ipsha star system was located in a region of space where black holes and similar phenomena
were relatively common. When the Ipsha began to explore space, they discovered these dangerous objects and put their
minds to learning how to harness their energy, in the process discovering more about black holes than any other race
save perhaps the Ancients. A major breakthrough in late 2123 enabled them to actually capture pinhead-sized black
holes within electromagnetic fields, which they quickly put to use in their starships, bases, and other facilities.
The black hole that drove an Ipsha vessel was microscopically small but produced enough energy to power an entire
ship. The engine system completely encased the singularity but if the engine was ever destroyed, the ship was also
immediately annihilated. The implosion of the containment field usually destroyed the black hole in the process––there
was little danger that it would remain behind as a menace to navigation.
The Ipsha did not have a traditional officer or enlisted system, but arranged ship crews solely by social standing. This did
mean that individuals with more arms were placed in senior positions, even if they were incompetent at their job. During
the Dilgar War, this problem surfaced time and time again as Ipsha ships, despite their advanced technology, found
themselves beaten by inferior enemy forces.
Ipsha Fleet Special Rules
Resonance Generator: This unusual short-ranged device is employed against enemy ships and stations, the larger the
better. It fires a fan-shaped, glowing beam across the target, using opposing EM fields to set up resonating vibrations in
the affected unit. Though these last only a short time, they can cause significant damage, as the resulting shock waves
reverberate throughout the ship. The AD of the weapon is equal to starting damage of the target divided by 10 (rounded
up) to a minimum of 1. This is however effected by criticals acting on the ship, which could then take it below 1 AD.
Singularity Drive: Ipsha ships use the Shadows’ Superb Manoeuvrability special rules but are vulnerable to damage to
the drive. If an Ispha ship suffers a Engines Disabled critical hit and it is not prevented by the Power of the Singularity,
roll a further D6 – if a 6 is rolled then the ship immediately explodes.
Power of the Singularity: Ipsha ships (not fighters) use the massive energies of their constrained singularity to protect
them. For every point of damage they take (from whatever source), roll a dice. On a 5 or more, it is completely ignored.
Critical hits are completely ignored on another dice roll of 6 or more.
Reso Hex Raid
The ship was used to examine the effectiveness of the powerful new resonator weapon and was significantly smaller than
the later War Globe, which quickly led to problems when being field-tested. The asteroids it targeted where quickly
destroyed but feedback from the weapon began to cause serious structural damage to the ship itself. A significant part of
the singularities power was required to prevent serious damage and this consequently restricted the effectiveness of the
primary weapon. The lessons learnt meant that the later, much larger vessel was able to deal with the energy fluctuations
the weapon caused.
(*) = The starting damage of the target divided by 10 (rounded up) to minimum of 1. This is however affected by criticals
acting on the firing ship, which could take it below 1 AD.
The Reso Hex was deployed against Dilgar forces when they approached the Ispha home system.
Unfortunately as it attempted to target a Dilgar Dreadnought, its escorts were destroyed and it fell
victim to a fast destroyer pentacon.
Resonator (War Globe Variant) Battle
Created shortly before the Dilgar fell upon the League, the Resonator was a new class of vessel designed to eliminate the
largest of targets and which came as a nasty surprise to several Dreadnought captains. Never combined into squadrons,
they were picked off individually and only one was still serviceable by the
end of the war.
Speed: 6 Turns: SM
Hull: 5 Damage: 68/4
Crew: 72/5 Troops: 1
Craft: None
Special Rules: Flight Computer, Jump Engine,
In Service: 2228+
(*) = The starting damage of the target divided by 10 (rounded up) to minimum of 1. This is however effected by criticals
acting on the firing ship, which could take it below 1 AD.
Tetraship Patrol
This small patrol craft was a pyramid-shaped craft, employing a single surge blaster at the apex. Equipped with electro
magnetic pulsars at the base of the tetrahedron it was underpowered for its size and struggled to be able to unleash
Urchin Heavy Fighter Wing Patrol (Wing of 4 flights)
The largest fighter operated by the Ipsha, designed to fit neatly into a carrier cube or similarly shaped vessel. The fighter
was so ubiquitous that it, or almost identical variants, was employed by all the baronies. Employing two light surge
blasters, it remained formidable in battle with non-Ipsha craft.
Speed: 8 Turns: SM
Hull: 5 Damage: 68/4
Crew: 72/5 Troops: 1
Craft: None
Special Rules: Flight Computer, Jump Engine,
In Service: 2217+
Surge Blaster 18 T 4 AP
Ipsha Refits
2d6 Refit
2 Jump Engines: The ship gains the Jump Engine trait if it did not have it before and has at least 20 Damage
points. If the ship already possesses the Jump Engine trait, it gains the Advanced Jump Engine trait instead.
3 Enhanced Energy Field: The powerful energies from the Singularity are channel into the defensive energy field
that surrounds the ship. If the ship has a Spark Field, it becomes a Lightning Field - gains the AP trait, if it already
has a lightning field, increases its range to 8”.
4 Resonance Generator: The ship is used as a testbed for an experimental weapon system. It gains a Resonance
Generator with a range of 8”, B(f) arc and the Beam trait.
5 Advanced Sensor Arrays: The ship gains a +1 bonus to any attempts it makes to target an enemy with the
Stealth trait. This may only be applied once.
6 Long Range Targeting Systems: Choose one weapon system. It has its range extended by 50%. However,
when using this extra range, halve the number of AD used (rounding down).
7 Additional Fitted: Choose one weapon system. It gains an additional 2 AD. This may only be applied once per
weapon system.
8 Energy Arc: The ship’s engineer is able to divert energy into the defensive field. Declare that you will be using the
energy arc in the movement phase, this ships Spark or Lightning field immediately gains the Double Damage and
Slow-Loading traits until the end of the next turn.
9 Reinforced Hull: Add +10% to the ship’s Damage score but reduce Speed by –1.
10 Singularity Focus: The ship gains a +1 bonus to its Speed score.
11 Extra Hanger: The ship immediately gains a flight of fighters (or an extra flight if it already possesses fighters).
12 Superior Weapons Control: Choose one weapon system on the ship. It gains the Precise trait.
Ipsha Duties
2d6 Other Duty
2 Contact Made: The Ipsha have often found alien mercenaries and raiders useful pawns in their conflicts: You may
immediately add one Raiders ship (or wing) of your choice of Skirmish or lower level to your fleet roster.
3 More Arms! A new Captain takes command of the vessel – blessed with more than the average amount of arms!
Once per battle, the ship may attempt to take two Special Actions in the same turn. These may not be the same
Special Action and all effects of both Special Actions apply. Therefore, a ship cannot combine the Run Silent!
action (which requires no turning) with the Come About! Action (which increases turning). It could combine Run
Silent! and All Power to Engines! as neither invalidates the other, effectively allowing the ship to run silent at full
speed. A ship may only gain a New Captain once!
4 Telepath: One of the rare 17 limbed telepathic Ispha serves aboard this ship. The ship immediately gains three
re-rolls, which may be used in subsequent battles.
5 Scouting Enemy Positions: Many Ipsha crews are used to spending long periods evading enemy patrols and
scouting their positions. You gain a +2 bonus to your Initiative for the next Campaign Turn.
6 Veteran Fighter Pilots: A squadron of top guns volunteers to serve on your ship. Up to two on board flights of
fighters may increase their Dogfight score by +1.
7 Hidden Resources: The Baronies are careful to maintain stockpiles of resources for times of need. Immediately
gain 2D6 Resource points.
8 Veteran Engineers: The engineering crew are incredibly skilled in the maintainance of the Singularity. Add a +1
bonus to any Crew Quality checks made during Damage Control. This may only be applied once.
9 Diverting Raid: Launching a lightning strike, the ship strikes at the heart of an enemy, causing him to draw ships
away from his main force. Choose another player’s fleet. In its next battle, it will have one less Fleet Allocation
Points available.
10 Lightning Assault: The Ipsha are particularly adept at pinpoint and deadly strike on their enemies. Choose one
enemy fleet – it immediately loses 2D6 RR points. An enemy fleet may only be targeted once per campaign turn in
this way.
11 Superior Strategic Position: A routine patrol uncovers a Strategic Target previously thought to be worthless.
Immediately generate a new Strategic Target on the campaign map and mark it down as being under your control.
12 Assistance Rendered: A timely rescue mission to an allied ship in distress is well rewarded. You may
immediately add any one ship of your choice of Skirmish or lower Priority Level to your fleet roster. This ship may
be chosen from the Centauri, Earth Alliance, Narn or any League fleet lists but it may not come from a fleet that
your are currently fighting against in the campaign.
Markab Confederacy
The Markab Confederacy was made up of the homeworld
and the Markab's three colony worlds. A large council of
elders on each planet would elect their leaders - the Kor
(a male) and the Girda (a female), whom the council
could remove at any time from their positions. Once
elected, the Kor and Girda of each world would appoint
seven representatives to the Homeworld Council. Each
planet within the Confederacy was allowed to govern
itself as it wished, provided that they did not go against
the collective interests of the Markab race as a whole,
which would be determined though a vote of the
Homeworld Council.
Bipedal humanoids, the Markab could be distinguished from other races by their distinctive patterns
of darkened indentations over the top of their heads and their flat, nose-less faces. Like humans,
Markab had five fingered hands although their feet featured three toes and their hairless skin came in
several shades of colour between pink and grey.
The Markab were a deeply spiritual people who believed that there was wonder and beauty in all of
the Great Makers creations, but none more so than light. They considered that even something as
simple and everyday as sunlight had a complexity and meaning that extended beyond the obvious,
They believed in the dichotomy of the universe, that there was good and evil, light and dark. They
saw the eternal battle between light and dark played out everywhere they looked, from the cycles of
day and night to the to and fro of League politics. The Markab considered themselves denizens of the
light, pure in soul and purpose and that their religion made them strong
As one of the older races in the League, they retained legends of the war against the Darkness,
having been lead into battle by the Minbari. Apart from this divinely inspired foray, the Markab had
never fought beyond their own borders.
Somewhat surprisingly, they had formed strong trading links with humanity, which would be a source
of salvation in years to come. When the Dilgar erupted out of their area of space, carving their way
across the League worlds, the Markab refused to aid first the Alacans and the Balosians and later the
Abbai, trusting to their God and their military to stop the servants of Chaos.
The “Demons” arrived in Markab Space, led by Deathwalker herself, and several colonies were
quickly overwhelmed. Yet this would be a step too far for the Dilgar as they had crossed the line that
Earth had drawn across the League and the humans responded with overwhelming force.
EarthForce first cleared the space around the Markab home system and then began operations to
remove the Dilgar ground forces on the colonies. Understandably the Markab saw this as a form of
Divine Intervention and welcomed them as saviours.
Anger of the Righteous: When roused to fury the Markab have no care for their own survival – they gain +1 bonus to all
Crew Quality checks made for the Give Me Ramming Speed! Special Order if the Markab are the instigators.
Plasma Armour: The Markab have mastered many forms of plasma technology including using the energy to help
protect their ships. The energy field that is generated around the hull helps dissipate enemy fire and gives the Markab
ships increased survivability which was tested to its limits and beyond by the Dilgar. Whilst the plasma field is active,
weapons fired at the ship may not benefit from the Armour Piercing or Super Armour Piercing traits. In addition, roll a D6
for each hit by a beam weapon – on a 6 it is deflected and ignored. This defence has no effect on Mass Drivers,
explosions or collisions. For each point of damage inflicted on a ship also reduce the ships Plasma Armour by one.
Plasma Wave Battery: By concentrating the energy stream, Markab gunners can increase the range of their weapons.
When firing a Plasma Wave, choose both the normal range and AD or that in brackets – you may not use both. Any
reductions to the Plasma Wave Attack Dice by, for instance by critical hits, reduce both.
Markab Initiative: +0
“Two hundred and fifty Demon ships, heading straight for us.”
It took a few moments, but the search turned up positive. “There it is Master, sheltering
behind the enemy fleet!”
“Laden down with evil plagues to sow on our holy world.” Valna snarled.
“They have left their bombardment ships behind, that vessel is their only method of
attacking our world with true devastation. Let it be known across the fleet, that
ship is our priority. Nothing else matters. Destroy it.”
“Then stand tall my brothers and sisters, do not flinch or faint from the task
before us. Fight well my friends, then farewell.”
Blessed Sword Fighter Patrol (Wing of 4 flights)
The elite of the Markab navy flew even better protected fighters than the regular navy, which were already durable and
reliable in battle.
Fomaer Class Carrier Raid
Several older Shafeb Cruisers were converted into basic carriers after the development of the Drofta Medium fighter.
Less advanced than its counterparts in other races navies, the Fomaer was a solid basic vessel but provided little support
for its fighters once launched.
Speed: 6
Turn: 1/45
Hull: 6
Damage: 46/6
Crew: 44/8
Troops: 1
Craft: 10 Drofta Flights
Special Rules: Carrier 6, Lumbering,
In Service: 2218+
Speed: 10
Turn: 2/45
Hull: 4
Damage: 30/5
Crew: 34/6
Troops: 1
Craft: None
Special Rules: Anti-Fighter 1, Fleet Auxiliary, Lumbering,
In Service: 2201+
Romak Escort Frigate Skirmish
Designed purely as a dedicated support ship, the Romak was able to clear enemy strike craft from the path of the fleet
cruisers, as long as it avoided enemy fire which could shatter this small frigate.
Speed: 8 Turn: 2/45 Hull: 4 Damage: 16/3
Crew: 18/4 Troops: 1 Craft: None
Special Rules: Agile,
In Service: 1965+
The Theocrat nodded. “I expected this, you wish me to send the warriors of Markab to war?”
“It is a hard request to ask.”
“And a harder one to grant.”
“I can only tell you the cause is just, and from a practical point of view a wise move.”
“In what way is this war practical?” The Theocrat asked.
“The Dilgar are on your border, even now their fleets are gathering, probing Yolu space and
building their forces.”
“We are aware of this, but they will not attack us.”
Itala frowned. “How do you know this?”
“Because the Maker protects us of course.”
Shafab Heavy Cruiser Raid
An adequately armed and particularly well-armoured class of ship designed to absorb a lot of punishment.
Speed: 6
Turn: 1/45
Hull: 6
Damage: 46/6
Crew: 44/8
Troops: 6
Craft: 1 Drofta flight,
Special Rules: Lumbering,
In Service: 2200
Speed: 6 Turn: 1/45
Hull: 5 Damage: 46/6
Crew: 44/8 Troops: 6
Craft: None
Special Rules: Command+1, Jump Engine, Lumbering, Plasma Armour (10),
In Service: 2231+
Talafat Class Scout Skirmish
The Talafat is a large vessel, originally created to provide the Markab with a vessel capable of long duration exploratory
missions. Initially called upon to provide jump capability for patrols, it proved extremely vulnerable to Dilgar vessels.
Speed: 8 Turn: 1/45
Hull: 5 Damage: 46/8
Crew: 34/8 Troops: 1
Craft: 1 Drofta flight,
Special Rules: Anti-fighter 4, Jump Engine, Scout,
In Service: 2101+
Grand Master Valna
Grand Master Valna was a religious man of course, as unwavering in his faith as any Markab,
but he saw the gods differently. He believed that they did not aid the Markab by manifesting
physically and smiting enemies with thunderbolts, rather they placed strength in Markab hearts,
wisdom in Markab minds and strength in Markab arms. If there was to be help from heaven it
would be manifested within his warriors and within himself.
Valna commanded the Order of the Blessed Sword, a relatively small but dedicated cadre of
warriors who specialised in both space and ground warfare. His force was a decent mix of
cruisers and frigates, with crews well versed in their operation. In addition they housed some of
the most competent and utterly lethal boarding troops in the League. They trained with the
single-mindedness of Holy Warriors for that is in essence what they were, fighting monks not
dissimilar to the Military Orders of Earth history such as the Knights Templar and Hospitallier.
Carrying Grand Master Valna on board, the Paragon of Virtue, unless Crippled or Skeleton Crewed, has the following
Admiral Abilities: Engineering Genius, Instil Fervour, Revered Leader. You may not place an Admiral aboard the
Paragon of Virtue.
Markab Space Stations
The following Modules may be used by Markab Space Stations
Markab Confederacy Fleets use the following tables for Refits and Other Duties when playing campaign games.
“Can’t reason with fanatics.” Tullaq sighed. “Pity, I bet that faith makes them good soldiers.”
“They never retreat.” Kalika agreed. “Never surrender, never stop fighting. Good allies to
“Only if they bother getting into their ships!” The Brakiri said. “Well, we’re all dead. Nice
work people, we really helped the situation.”
Largely ignored by the Dilgar as harmless and too far away to bother
with, the Pak’Ma’Ra managed to maintain their merchant and military
fleets through much of the conflict. Indeed, by the time the tide
turned, they still had almost their pre-war strength having suffered only
a few losses to the Dilgar. With their homeworld’s atmosphere
unbreathable to most races and their military disorganised on a scale
which made the rest of the League look like elites, the Pak'Ma’Ra had
used the time to build defences and mass resources to help the other
As a race they were often looked down upon, at best called sullen and unresponsive, at worst denounced as
xenophobic parasites, yet from day one of the war they had taken in refugees from affected worlds and worked
actively to save lives. The Pak’Ma’Ra believed in experiencing life, in going beyond their world and looking at
other planets, meeting other races and learning all they could about them before returning home and sharing
their discoveries with their people. A Pak’Ma’Ra was defined by many things, but first and foremost was
The Dilgar threatened that. The Dilgar did not share with the Pak’Ma’Ra, answering questions with bolter fire
before the explorer ships could come much closer. They ravaged the galaxy, burned down things the
Pak’Ma’Ra would have liked to savour and enjoy, in time there would be nothing left to experience, no more
sensations to enrich their lives and sate their curiosity. Something had to be done. They had no true standing
navy, though warships did exist and were surprisingly formidable the Pak’Ma’Ra had absolutely no concept of
central control. There were no Admirals, no politicians, no chain of command. Even if they had wanted to they
could never have integrated into the Earth led Liberation Navy or even their neighbours the Drazi.
But what they did have in huge numbers were freighters. These ships had spared countless refugees from a
gruesome fate and had helped fuel the Drazi counter offensives. They had crossed known space countless
times and flew supplies in to Brakir. They were the veins of the League delivering what was needed when it
was needed where it was needed. They had saved millions of lives and continued to support millions more.
They didn’t even ask for thanks and sadly their generosity would be quickly forgotten………….
Gentle Beings: The Pak’Ma’Ra have never really been distinguished as warriors, whether it is due to their psychology or
the complicated design of their ships. All Pak’Ma’Ra ships suffer a –1 penalty to their Crew Quality scores.
Plasma Web: When multiple Pak’Ma’Ra ships co-ordinate their attacks, they can create spectacular plasma displays that
cover huge areas of space, trapping multiple enemies in a nightmarish web of energy. If a squadron of pak’ma’ra ships
with plasma cannon or heavy plasma cannon target the same area of space (this need not be an enemy ship, and may
just be an empty space on the table), then these weapons will have their combined AD halved (rounding down) but will
gain the Energy Mine trait. Heavy plasma cannon will only retain their Double Damage trait if no plasma cannon are used
in the construction of the web.
Redundant Systems: Pak’Ma’Ra ships are a bewildering mess to the eyes of aliens, filled with refuse, junk and multiple,
competing systems. While a nightmare for the uninitiated to fly, Pak’Ma’Ra ships are exceptionally durable. Whenever a
pak’ma’ra ship loses either Crew or Damage, roll one dice for every point lost. On a 6 or more, the damage is ignored.
This does not nullify the special effects of critical hits, though Damage and Crew lost because of them are rolled for as
normal. If a pak’ma’ra ship takes the Close Blast Doors and Activate Defence Grid! Special Action, then this roll will be
increased to a 5 or more as usual – it does not get two rolls for every point of Crew or Damage!
Scavengers: Pak’Ma’Ra are the original scavengers, and where other races see junk, they see profit. In campaign
games, if a pak’ma’ra fleet wins a scenario and has at least one ship on the table at the end of the game, he may opt to
scavenge any enemy ships that are running adrift or left as burned out hulks (results 7–11 on the Damage table) and
which are still on the table. The Pak’Ma’Ra fleet will immediately receive a number of RR points for each running adrift
enemy ship left on the table, according to their Priority Level, as shown on the table below.
Destroyed enemy ships (not those that have exploded) will yield half the number of RR points listed on the table above,
rounding down.
Simple Traders: No one really takes notice of the Pak’Ma’Ra and their movements throughout the galaxy, until it is too
late. In a campaign game, no one may attack a Strategic Target that has been claimed by a Pak’Ma’Ra fleet in the same
or previous turn, unless the pak’ma’ra defeated them in the previous turn. In addition, a Pak’Ma’Ra fleet may pick one
ship in their fleet to receive a free roll on the pak’ma’ra Refits table on page.
Pak’Ma’Ra Initiative: -3
Porfatis System Patrol Boat (Wing of 3 flights)
Classified by other races as a super heavy fighter, the Pak’Ma’Ra regarded it more as a small warship, with plenty of
room inside for its crew. It was used to escort allied traders through friendly space and was often to be seen flying
alongside short-ranged convoys.
Campaigns: Refits and Other Duties
Pak’ma’ra Fleets use the following tables for Refits and Other Duties when playing campaign games.
Pak’ma’ra Refits
2d6 Refit
2 Jump Engines: The ship gains the Jump Engine trait if it did not have it before and has at least 18 Damage
points. If the ship already possesses the Jump Engine trait, it gains the Advanced Jump Engine trait instead.
3 Turbo Weapons: Choose one weapon system. It immediately gains the Double Damage trait but has its Attack
Dice reduced by half (rounding up) +1.
4 Miniature Plasma Torpedo: A small plasma torpedo launcher has been fitted to the ship. The ship gains a new
weapon: A Miniature Plasma Torpedo with a Range of 15, Fore arc, 1 AD, and the AP, Slow-Loading and Double
Damage traits. This may only be applied once to the ship.
5 Enhanced Interceptors: If the ship has Interceptors as a trait, it gains a +1 bonus to its Interceptor score. If
Interceptors are not present, the ship gains Interceptors 1. This may only be applied once.
6 Long Range Targeting Systems: Choose one weapon system. It has its range extended by 50%. However,
when using this extra range, halve the number of AD used (rounding down).
7 Additional Weapons Fitted: Choose one weapon system that has at least 6 AD. It gains an additional 2 AD.
This may only be applied once per weapon system.
8 Advanced Sensor Arrays: The ship gains a +1 bonus to any attempt it makes to target an enemy with the Stealth
trait. This may only be applied once.
9 Reinforced Hull: Add +20% to the ship’s Damage score but reduce Speed by –1.
10 Supercharged Thrusters: The ship gains a +1 bonus to its Speed score.
11 Auxiliary Hanger: The ship immediately gains a Porfatis system patrol boat, so long it is of Raid level or higher.
12 Flight Computer: The ship gains the Flight Computer trait if it did not have it before.
Pak’ma’ra Duties
2d6 Other Duty
2 Contact Made: A diplomatic mission to a local government has paid off well. You may immediately add one
League ship (or wing) of your choice of Skirmish or lower Priority level to your fleet roster.
3 Expert Engineers: The engineers of this ship know their vessel inside out and have built multiple redundant
systems. Once during every battle, this ship may ignore the effects of one critical hit, even if it is to Vital Systems.
4 Just a Simple Merchant: This ship is a known trader and, as such, has a tendency to be ignored. Whenever this
ship makes a Tactical Withdrawal, it will not yield any Victory Points for doing so.
5 Hard Workers: Efforts are redoubled to patch up this ship. It immediately repairs 2D6 Damage points.
6 Rich Q-40 Vein: The ship is entrusted to carry a large and valuable shipment of Q-40. Roll a dice. On a 1, the
ship is intercepted by Raiders and is heavily damaged – it must be sent back to High Command for repair, missing
two full Campaign Turns as usual. On a 2 or more, you immediately gain 2D6 RR Points.
7 Watching While Unseen: The ship has been put on scouting missions, unnoticed by the other fleets, as it travels
on trade routes. You gain a +2 bonus to your Initiative for the next Campaign Turn.
8 Veteran Engineers: The elite engineering crew of another ship have volunteered to serve aboard this vessel. Add
a +1 bonus to any Crew Quality checks made during Damage Control. This may only be applied once.
9 Devout Believers: The crew of this ship believes they are unusually blessed – and they may be right! The ship
gains a free re-roll for every battle it takes part in. This re-roll must be used during the battle, or it will be lost.
10 Are They Attacking?: Few give pak’ma’ra war fleets serious consideration, particularly if they have traded with
them in the past. Whenever this ship is present in a battle, the pak’ma’ra will automatically win the Initiative on the
first turn.
11 Superior Strategic Position: A routine patrol uncovers a Strategic Target previously thought to be worthless.
Immediately generate a new Strategic Target on the campaign map and mark it down as being under your control.
12 Assistance Rendered: A timely rescue mission to an allied ship in distress is well rewarded. You may
immediately add any one ship of your choice of Skirmish or lower Priority Level to your fleet roster. This ship may
be chosen from Earth Alliance, any League, Narn or Centauri fleet lists but it may not come from a fleet that your
are currently fighting against in the campaign.
Vree Conglomerate
Withdrawn and mysterious, the Vree had been amongst the stars long before most of the other spacefaring races. They
were generally considered an enigma, using technologies that baffled the other League races to ends that seemed
unbelievable and unknowable to onlookers. Although they were secretive and purposefully vague on all matters, the Vree
had been involved in nearly every major war or conflict the galaxy had seen in over a thousand years.
The Vree were short, grey-skinned humanoids with natural telepathic abilities that allowed them to communicate well with
the many species they had investigated over the centuries. Their brightly-lit saucers had landed on a thousand different
planets for a hundred different and secret reasons. They were secretive, but seemingly had no issue meeting new
species on their own terms. Vree were creatures of logic, and once an equation had been laid to work it would only be
deviated from in cases of true emergencies.
The particular nature of the Vree made for a stable government based upon the business dealings of the varied Guilds.
Similar to the Syndicracy of the Brakiri, but based not on power but on results and intimations, the Vree Conglomerate did
what was right for the race as a whole rather than any single Vree in particular. This was mainly due to their constant
telepathic link with one another, making lies and misdirection impossible in everyday society. As a race ruled by logic,
unfettered by emotions, the Vree had few crimes or laws to truly be broken, they merely adopted a set code of accepted
etiquette and a complex equation that every Vree fitted into in some way. Rather than having books worth of laws that
may never need enforcing, the Vree dealt with any sort of breach of the etiquette in a fitting way at the time. Logically, it
was what worked for them.
A requirement to structure and confirm the cause and effect of anything a Vree planed to do made them seem cold and
mathematical to many other races, who saw this lack of emotional steerage as a lack of moral conviction. Linked by their
innate telepathic abilities, the Vree were aware of what was best for their Guild as a whole and they did not need to ask
why or why not. Vree society contained a staggered number of large Guilds that worked more or less in harmony and
unison for the common goals of the Conglomerate.
Vree war saucers were capable of firing their weapons in all directions at the same time as being able to manoeuvre in all
three axes without fail. With little or no margin of error, the Vree could bring any number of their weapon arrays to target
multiple enemy ships at once. Consequently, Vree ships were best served in the centre of an engagement where they
could unleash their antimatter shots upon several targets, relying on their partners and allies to make up for their own
wartime misgivings. They had good fighters with impressive levels of co-ordination between the telepathic pilots, but
extremely inefficient carriers. This meant that very few Vree engagements before the Dilgar War included many of their
own fighters, as they would much rather not risk their own kind when they can pay to bring other governments’ carriers to
their battles.
The Vree had had more dealings, more old contracts and agreements in place within the League than even the Brakiri,
and were far more quiet about who they did and did not owe. Leverage was just another card to be played when the time
was right. They were powerful, not answering to anyone – especially the other members of the League. Ever present in
matters of trade and commerce, policing the mapped routes and the void between the spaces, their distinct saucer ships
were seen all over the galaxy. No one knew when and where the Vree might be sent to parlay, scout or attack.No one
ever knew what the Vree were going to do. They preferred it that way.
The Dilgar assault on the League upset a number of Vree assumptions and equations and they decided to interfere.
They pledged to break the siege of the Brakiri homeworld, as long as the League was able to recompense them for their
services. Whilst they quickly proved the power of their weapons against the Dilgar Second Strike Fleet at Bestine, this
battle also revealed the limitations of the Vree way of making war - their manoeuvres and tactics were predictable – a
lethal weakness against such a foe.
Conglomerate Backing: When the Vree undertake a major military action, they do so with the support of their entire race
and all their resources. The Vree player has 10 bonus RR points each campaign turn, but these bonus points can only be
used to repair and re-crew damaged ships. Any bonus points the Vree player does not use during the Repair and
Reinforcements step are lost at the end of the current campaign turn.
Extraction Beams
The Vree are able to abduct individuals or even small groups by using extraction beams – these are not designed for use
in combat but on occasion they have been used in battle and have proved suprisingly effective. Extraction Beams may
only be used against ships or stations with the Immobile trait, that are Running Adrift or have not moved during the turn in
which the Extraction Beam is used. These weapons do not inflict damage or critical hits, but cause crew loss as normal.
Extraction Beams do not affect the Shadows, Vorlons or the Ancients in any way and do not affect ships with operating
Shields or GEGs. Any Vree ship may exchange its Antimatter Cannon for Extraction Beams (these can also be reverted
back to Antimatter Cannons in Campaigns for free in the Repairs and Reinforcements phase of the campaign turn).
Super Manoeuvrability: Vree ships are incredibly agile. All Vree ships may move less than half their Speed if this wish.
If they do so, they may also move as if they had the Super Manoeuvrable trait.
Telepathy: Due to their intra-species mental communications, all Vree gain a +1 bonus on all Crew Quality checks.
Tzymm Heavy Fighter Patrol (Wing of 3 flights)
An extremely deadly heavy fighter, the Tzymm was a match for any fighter of its class. Despite its size it was agile to a
degree that few other craft could hope to achieve and carried enough firepower to be a major threat to frigates and even
capital ships.
Speed: 10
Turn: 2/90
Hull: 4
Damage: 10/3
Crew: 12/4
Troops: 1
Craft: None
Special Rules: Anti-Fighter 4, Jump Engine, Scout, Stealth 5+
In Service: 2200+
Speed: 10
Turn: 2/90
Hull: 4
Damage: 10/3
Crew: 12/4
Troops: 1
Craft: None
Special Rules: Anti-Fighter 5, Escort, Jump Engine, Scout, Stealth 4+
In Service: 2230+
Xorr Class War Saucer Skirmish
One of the oldest ships in the Vree Conglomerate military, the war saucer was outclassed by most modern capital ships
but still retained the agility to keep it in service. The flat saucer shape often confused enemies in battle and, like most
Vree spacecraft, the Xorr could quickly change direction to face new
threats with ease.
Speed: 10
Turn: 2/90
Hull: 4
Damage: 18/6
Crew: 20/6
Troops: 1
Craft: None
Special Rules: Anti-Fighter 4
In Service: 2195+
Campaigns: Refits and Other Duties
Vree Conglomerate Fleets use the following tables for Refits and Other Duties when playing campaign games.
The Lost and the Damned
Several of the races conquered by the Dilgar suffered the most appalling atrocities and at worlds like Mitoc and Alacan,
near extermination at their hands. A few “lucky” members of these peoples escaped, but as they came to terms with what
had befallen the rest of their race, some were left to consider exactly how lucky they had been in surviving.
Commander Lelant and the Pyrotina can be used in any League or Liberation Navy fleet until 2232. Whilst not crippled or
skeleton crewed, the Pyrotina has the Admiral abilities: Inspirational Leader and Lucky.
Officers, crew and soldiers of the Combined Fleets, You are about to embark upon
the Great Crusade, toward which we have striven these many months.
In company with our brave Allies and brothers-in-arms on other Fronts, you will
bring about the destruction of the Dilgar war machine,
the elimination of their tyranny over the oppressed peoples of the League,
and security for ourselves in a free galaxy.
Good luck!
And let us beseech the blessing of Almighty God
upon this great and noble undertaking.
Admiral Hamato,
EAS Hannibal, Flagship, Earth Expeditionary Force, Transfer point Atlantis, Comac system.
Earth Alliance
At the dawn of the Earth Alliance, humanity had a limited view on
space travel and starship combat. They built their ships along the
same lines as their terrestrial navies, and packed them with the best
weapons their research scientists could manage. Particle weaponry,
laser cannon, gauss-principle projectiles and the ever-popular missile
systems that had dominated their planetside battles for centuries –
these were the tools they had to work with.
Their ships were large, bulky and lacked many of the pleasantries that other races employed as a standard, but when
their call to duty came in the form of the rampaging Dilgar they acquitted themselves well. The ‘flying bricks’ of
EarthForce heard the echoing calls for aid of the League of Non-Aligned Worlds and hammered the warships of the Dilgar
with a ferocity not seen in the galaxy for many generations. Their so-called ‘low technology’ warships pushed the Dilgar
all the way back to Omelos, destroying the war machine that had caused so much devastation.
The nature of victory as it is, the Earth Alliance saw a decade of golden advancement following their success. They
learned a great deal from the Dilgar ships they managed to salvage, and received many technologies and scientific
advancements from the grateful League members who saw the valiant Earthers defeat the Dilgar. Their ships evolved
where they could, and many projects concerning what they had discovered filled the labs of research scientists all over
the Earth Alliance.
“Heavy Metal”, a Nova Starfury of the 28th Tactical Fighter Squadron “Fire Falcons”– deployed on the
Dreadnought Nelson with the Sixth Fleet. This particular fighter was piloted by Lieutenant Cassandra
Summers, a veteran who survived the entire Dilgar War campaign, including the attack on Omelos.
The Earth Alliance Fleet List
The following forms the entire fleet list for the Earth Alliance.
Ferguson, Hamato
Flights of smaller craft may be purchased separately and used as units in their own right.
Some ships are noted as carrying one or more flights of fighters on board. One or more of these flights may be deployed
as normal at any time before or during the battle and do not cost anything extra – the cost of these flights is included in
that of their parent ships.
Any ship carrying one or more Starfury flights may also replace any number of them for Breaching Pods. Breaching Pods
swapped in this way will carry a Troop from the ship – they do not include Troops of their own in the way Breaching Pod
wings do.
The Action must be declared when this ship is activated in the movement phase.
When it is activated in the attack phase it may use its Interceptors in an offensive
mode. It no longer benefits from its own interceptors for the rest of the turn -
Fighters on support duty may intercept as normal. It gains the following
additional weapon system until the end of the turn when it reverts to the
Interceptor trait.
Artemis Class Heavy Frigate Skirmish
The Artemis was an early frigate design initially produced after the arrival of the Centauri on Earth. Despite having to
deal mostly with raiders and Belt Alliance miscreants, it was, then, one of the heaviest armoured cruisers built in
EarthForce spacedocks and carried an impressive amount of weaponry for close in-fighting.
Speed: 10 Turn: 2/45 Hull: 5 Damage: 18/5
Crew: 22/6 Troops: 2 Craft: None
Special Rules: Anti-Fighter 4, Interceptors 2
In Service: 2190+
Dionysus Medium Space Station Raid
The station was far from perfect, while its big brother the Orion was a thickly built and heavily armoured fortress, the
Dionysus was much weaker being built to civilian standards for speed and ease of construction and armed with just point
defence interceptors. It was also somewhat smaller and suffered from less internal space meaning only the most vital
cargo was stored inside. Less expensive or sensitive loads were simply kept in the cargo pods the arrived in and were
clumped together on a tether below the stations axis of rotation like a thousand mile long chain. It couldn’t defend a
world, wouldn’t survive even a single Dilgar heavy cruiser attack and even by human standards was bleak and poorly
finished inside. But it was exactly what Earth needed and delivered exactly when Earth needed it. Several of the stations
that formed the supply chain survived the war and were sold to League governments rebuilding their shattered worlds.
Hull: 4
Damage: 110/62/30
Troops: 10
Craft: none
Special Rules: Anti-Fighter 6, Escort, Immobile, Interceptors 11, Space Station,
In Service: 2228+
The Fuji class tender EAS Yu Shan taking on supplies before it rejoins Earth’s Eighth Fleet at Brakir.
The Yu Shan served throughout the campaign, but was lost in action against unknown forces shortly
before the final assault on Omelos.
Delphi, (Oracle Class Scout Cruiser) Raid
The ship’s structure was classic Earth Force, long, slender, blocky and with a hefty but inefficient engine block dominating
the back of the ship. It had support braces near the bow and a modest hangar bay at the front. Paul and his people had
recognised it as an Oracle class cruiser, certainly not what they would have called a front line warship or feel particularly
happy trusting their lives to. However the EIA modifications made it a much more formidable vessel than it appeared.
Speed: 12 Turn: 2/45 Hull: 4 Damage: 16/5
Crew: 22/6 Troops: 3 Craft: 1 Nova Starfury flight,
Special Rules: Anti-Fighter 3, Elite Crew (5), Interceptors 2, Jump Engine, Scout, Stealth 4+, Unique,
In Service: 2231-32
Each Fuji that takes part in a battle and is still in play at the end of the battle generates 3RR, which can be used for
repairs only; any unspent RR following the repair phase is lost.
Ghost Rider Squadron Patrol (2 flights)
During the Dilgar War, the Thirteenth Tactical Squadron stood out as elite among the professional Earth Force pilots.
They were led by Commander Sinclair, a true master pilot with an astonishing sixty kills to his credit among Narn and
Raider skirmishes prior to the outbreak of the war. The squadron badge depicted a hooded skull with scythe, a typical
representation of the Grim Reaper with his crooked grin and hollow eyes. Around the top was the squadrons official title
and at the bottom the name ‘Ghost Riders.’ The unit motto was written on a banner across the Reaper, ‘Live and Let Die.’
Each fighter displayed a unique wing art ranging from simple shapes and colours to some incredibly artistic renditions of
people and creatures, for instance Lieutenant April Green had a stunningly imagined male Angel emblazoned across her
craft. Embarked aboard the Nova Dreadnought, Nemesis with Banshee squadron, they cut a swathe through the cream
of the Dilgar fighter corps, much as their mother ship did to the Dilgar warships.
Due to their skill, they retain their dodge score against Anti-Fighter weapons (but not Advanced Anti-Fighter weapons)
They may re-roll their dogfighting dice once per dogfight, but if they do so they must accept the results of the second roll.
Hecate Class Battlecruiser (Hyperion Variant) Battle
Outwardly the Hecate resembled the Hyperion from which it was developed but it was a very different beast. Equipped
with much more powerful weaponry and heavier armour it was able to stand in the line of battle against any alien vessel
with a fair chance of winning. A more flexible ship than the huge Nova dreadnoughts, the Hecate often co-ordinated the
powerful Earth Alliance squadrons.
Speed: 8
Turn: 1/45
Hull: 6
Damage: 45/8
Crew: 45/12
Troops: 4
Craft: 1Tiger Starfury flight
Special Rules: Anti-Fighter 4, Command +1, Interceptors 3, Jump Engine,
In Service: 2226+
Hyperion Class Cruiser Raid
The Hyperion cruiser, launched in many forms and variants across the years, made its combat debut during the Dilgar
War. It saw many revisions as it progressed through the years and was Earth’s first real multi-role ship – acting as an
escort, frontline offensive warship, tactical platform and even patrolling defender.
Speed: 8 Turns: 2/45 Hull: 5 Damage: 28/6
Crew: 32/6 Troops: 3
Craft: 1 Tiger Starfury Flight
Special Traits: Anti-Fighter 2, Interceptors 2, Jump Engine
In Service: 2230+
Lady Nemesis (Nova Class Dreadnought) Armageddon
One of the most famous ships in the war, the Lady Nemesis participated in the all the major engagements and was the
ship that finally destroyed Jha’durs flagship the Vendetta.
Speed: 6 Turn: 1/45 Hull: 6 Damage: 80/14
Crew: 90/16 Troops: 4
Craft: Ghost Rider Squadron, 2 Nova Starfury flights
Special Rules: Elite Crew (6), Interceptors 4, Jump Engine, Lumbering,
In Service: 2226+
(*)Plasma Mortars – The two oblong cannons slung beneath the prow of the Dreadnought were massively powerful, the
largest energy weapons in the human arsenal but due to their size defied any attempts to mount them on turrets. They
had to be fixed in place, needing the whole ship to turn in order to aim them. Considering how sluggish the Nova was it
was very rare to have an opportunity to use those weapons, but against an unmoving target like a space station they
were perfect. They may only be used against planetary targets and ships / stations that have the immobile trait, that are
running adrift or have not moved during the turn in which the Plasma Mortar is used. They ignore Interceptors.
Resilience – the Lady Nemesis appeared unstoppable in battle, scything through Dilgar cruisers and Dreadnoughts alike,
on several occasions literally. Any additional crew or damage inflicted from critical hits are ignored, although the effects
are applied as normal. The Dilgar “Masters of Destruction” rule has no effect on the Lady Nemesis.
The Lady Nemesis, whilst not crippled or skeleton crewed has the following Admiral Ability: Deathdealer: The Lady
Nemesis is well known for the trail of destruction it leaves in its wake. Whenever the Lady Nemesis cripples an enemy
ship it may immediately fire one weapon system again at it.
“A ship has a crew, guns and paint, but this isn’t a ship, this is the Lady Nemesis, and she has spirit,
and soul. That bit of paint, that is spirit Commander. Guns and armour don’t win battles, spirit
does, and my girl here has more spirit and pride than the entire Dilgar navy. We’re going to kick
some major arse this time.”
Nova Class Dreadnought War
The most powerful vessel in the EarthForce inventory at the outbreak of the war, the Nova class Dreadnought was
designed purely for war making no compromises for aesthetics. One ship was a terror to any that ventured within range
of its powerful guns, but when formed into squadrons they proved
almost unstoppable.
Speed: 6 Turn: 1/45
Hull: 6 Damage: 76/12
Crew: 80/14 Troops: 2
Craft: 4 Nova Starfury flights
Special Rules: Interceptors 4, Jump Engine, Lumbering,
In Service: 2226+
(*)Plasma Mortars – The two oblong cannons slung beneath the prow of the Dreadnought were massively powerful, the
largest energy weapons in the human arsenal but due to their size defied any attempts to mount them on turrets. They
had to be fixed in place, needing the whole ship to turn in order to aim them. Considering how sluggish the Nova was it
was very rare to have an opportunity to use those weapons, but against an unmoving target like a space station they
were perfect. They may only be used against planetary targets and ships / stations that have the immobile trait, that are
running adrift or have not moved during the turn in which the Plasma Mortar is used. They ignore Interceptors.
Example: the Captain of the Hannibal, a Nova Dreadnought, decides to concentrate its fire to starboard to engage an
approaching Dilgar Dreadnought – he therefore declares a Nova Broadside. The Hannibal has 18AD of Heavy Plasma
Cannon and so adds 9 AD to its Starboard arc, giving it a mighty 27AD to crush the approaching Dilgar warship. It can
not however fire its Heavy Plasma Cannon into its starboard arc.
Orion Class Space Station War
The Orion was a thickly built and heavily armoured fortress with enough plasma cannons and nuclear missiles to take on
any ship that dared approach it in anger.
Hull: 5
Damage: 225/113/56
Troops: 50
Craft: none
Special Rules: Anti-Fighter 8, Command+1, Immobile, Interceptors 5, Space Station
In Service: 2228+
Sagittarius Class Missile Cruiser Skirmish
The Sagittarius was not an excellent ship, it was cramped and uncomfortable even by human standards. It was slow,
ugly, poorly armed and so specialised in its role it was useless in anything other than a full-scale battle. Unloved by its
crews and held in contempt by the Senate the ship did not have a happy life. However it did have one advantage,
something which had made it vital in the early days of Earth Force. It was capable of deploying a vast array of anti ship
missiles and strategic weapons and its deadly barrages helped win several battles.
Speed: 6 Turn: 1/45 Hull: 4 Damage: 25/6
Crew: 26/6 Troops: 1 Craft: None
Special Rules: Anti-Fighter 1, Interceptors 2
In Service: 2228+
The Sagittarius and Earth Alliance Space Stations may use the following missile variants:
Each missile rack on a ship may have just one missile type though a single ship with multiple missile racks may have a
different missile variant in each rack system. When a missile variant is used, it will replace certain characteristics of the
normal missile rack, as detailed below in its description, as well as possibly grant some special rules which are used
when a ship is equipped with it. Each missile variant will retain the fire arc and Attack Dice of the original missile rack, as
well as the Slow-Loading trait, if applicable. Each Missile type also has a second range to reflect their use by space
Flash Missile
A development from the standard explosive warhead of the anti-shipping missile, the Flash used a plasma-based
warhead for devastating effect. A well-guided shot was capable of damaging critical systems of the largest capital ship.
Heavy Missile
Sacrificing fuel load for a heavier warhead, Heavy Missiles were typically used when fleets closed the range. Their
massive payloads could deal incredible amounts of damage, without forgoing the normal accuracy of missile systems.
(*) Any ship successfully hit by a Nuclear Bombardment missile is treated as if it had been hit by a
Comms Disruptor
Tantalus Troop Transport Battle
The Tantalus was a monstrous ship that served as the main form of transport for Earth ground forces. Armed only for self-
defence they were not meant to fight through to their targets and actively support the ground troops like the assault ships,
but instead deploy huge numbers of troops to a previously secured landing zone. Like all EA vessels it was incapable of
landing on a planet but instead held squadrons of assault shuttles and heavy lift transports in its cavernous interior. The
huge ships could carry a full armoured division in their long and ungainly hulls making them essential for any planetary
assault. Even more usefully they operated fighter squadrons and could deploy Banshee atmospheric fighters for close air
support of troops. All ten of the Tantalus then in service with EarthForce fought in the Dilgar War campaign.
Speed: 6 Turn: 1/45 Hull: 4 Damage: 76/10
Crew: 81/14 Craft: 8 Tiger Star Fury or Banshee flights, Troops: 18,
Special Rules: Carrier 4, Interceptors 1, Shuttles 12, Lumbering,
In Service: 2215+
* A Tantalus may deploy Banshee flights directly into the atmosphere of a planet it is in orbit of using specially designed
re-entry pods.
* You may purchase two Tethys Cutters for one Patrol slot.
“You offer help and ask for nothing in return? This is unusual to us.”
“Well it isn’t without reward.” Ferguson corrected. “We get to kill Dilgar and split their
forces by punching through on this front.”
“Your reward is to kill Dilgar?” Stro’kath beamed before roaring once more.
“Where has your race been all this time? Oh, it’s about time we found some allies like you.
Killing Dilgar, this is going to be great!”
The unsung heroes of EarthForce by James Harnet
The Banshee Atmospheric Strike Fighter
Designation: Mikoyan-Sukoi/BAe/Dassault F/A 51-E Banshee Atmospheric Strike Fighter.
Engines: Two Rolls Royce Turbojets, rated at Mach 3.6,
Two Wright RAM jets rated at Mach 17.6
(To be used for high speed travel without missiles)
Optional rocket propulsion pods for trans orbital flight
After meeting the Centauri, EarthForce quickly realised the Delta series was inadequate. While the Belt Alliance favoured
upgrading the triangular craft, EarthForce decided it was impossible to build a fighter that could compete with the older
powers but also be atmosphere capable. They instead created the highly successful Starfury programme, which did
indeed create a superb space only fighter.
While the Starfury was entirely satisfactory for the Navy, the Army had to manage with handed down Delta fighters that
while useful did not carry the sort of warload necessary for supporting ground forces. They were sluggish in an
atmosphere, weakly armed and suffered from poor agility. The Army requested a new fighter. Recognising that the Delta
series represented the best dual region fighter Earth could build they reached the same conclusion as the Navy, they
needed a pure atmospheric fighter that sacrificed space flight for the ability to dominate within an atmosphere.
With resources funnelled into Starfuries it took decades before the Army was allocated a budget for its own refinements.
The first decade of the twenty third century finally saw the Army receive the attention it deserved with a massive
modernisation and standardisation that brought the disparate national armies into a single functional EarthForce. Beside
the new types of vehicles, tanks, artillery and VTOL’s funding also went towards two new aircraft. One was the Wraith
Bomber, the other came to be known as the Banshee.
Earth had a long experience to draw on regarding fighters. While pure atmospheric fighters had largely died out after the
creation of the Raptor, the Russian Consortium was swift to resurrect their archaic knowledge and begin work on an
evolution of their WWIII HALO interceptors. The scale of the project required both Sukoi and Mikoyan to join forces, along
with Dassault and British Aerospace. The resulting fighter would be a direct counterpart to the Starfury, which was
produced largely by the American Mitchell and Japanese Hyundyne corporations.
The requirements laid down by the Army were substantial. The Banshee was required to operate in a swing role,
engaging enemy aircraft and acting as a ground attack plane with no modifications. It had to carry a range of weapons
ranging from anti ship torpedoes, aerial interception missiles, dumb bombs, cluster munitions, guided bombs, anti armour
missiles and nuclear weapons to name just a few. It was also expected to perform recon missions in the absence of
satellites or UAV’s.
The fighter was expected to match or exceed atmospheric speeds for the Centauri Sentri, the best known fighter of the
era, and out manoeuvre it at any speed or altitude. The fighter also needed trans continental range with the ability to
reach any point on a planet within two hours, necessitating a high altitude/Low orbit capability. All of this had to be
provided in a fighter small enough to be stored and deployed from current naval units and rugged enough to operate from
the most basic of forward airstrips. It was a daunting challenge.
The designers met the specifications with enthusiasm, working tirelessly to build a craft that would be to ground warfare
what the Starfury was in space. Highly specialised the designers pulled out all the stops, testing several innovative
techniques to produce a fighter without equal.
The prototype Banshee took flight in 2219, utilising brand new Rolls Royce turbojets that were similar in principle to
engines built hundreds of years earlier. These engines were widely spaced for greater stability and turn control, with full
mechanical and magnetic thrust vectoring. Inboard of these engines on the centreline were two Majestique SCRAM jet
engines which were activated once the fighter hit a certain altitude and speed.
The Banshee used an extremely efficient fuel of highly concentrated chemicals. A relatively small amount produced more
power than hundreds of gallons of old fossil-based aviation fuel and was simpler to store than liquid oxygen. A Banshee
could circumnavigate the Earth twice on internal fuel alone if required, though combat situations vastly reduced its
effective range. The turbojets could push the jet to mach 3.6 with a full combat load, while in clean configuration the
SCRAM jets gave a maximum safe speed of mach 17.6 at low orbit.
The Banshee is rated for space travel, and can be fitted with disposable solid rocket boosters to launch it into orbit.
However once there the fighter’s air breathing engines will be useless and the Banshee will rely on friendly forces for
recovery. It does however provide a means of escape from a fallen planet. On the other hand a banshee is not rated for
re-entry. For planetary insertions the Banshee is encased in a protective drop pod that absorbs the heat and friction of re-
entry before breaking apart in the upper atmosphere allowing the fighter to engage immediately in battle. These pods are
usually deployed ahead of landing shuttles to provide immediate air cover during landings. Some experiments were
conducted to add ion engines to the design in place of the turbojets, but these did not provide adequate thrust in a gravity
well and were abandoned.
Primary armament for the Banshee is centred on two plasma cannons, later upgraded to pulse cannons. The prototype
flew with rail guns, though plasma cannons were always planned due to issues with ammunition storage. The guns are
powered by a micro fusion reactor and mounted in the forward fuselage ahead and below the cockpit. Due to atmospheric
ablation these weapons have a much shorter range than their Starfury mounted cousins, but pack a considerable punch.
They are effective against any known fighter and make short work of all but the heaviest vehicles.
Secondary armament can be carried on 15 hardpoints, three of which are ‘wet’ allowing for the carriage of drop tanks for
extended range. In the air to air role the Banshee carries a mix of short range ‘Starburst’ and long range ‘Starblaze’
missiles. Both types of weapon use a multi seeker warhead capable of locking a target with Radar, thermal, optical or
tachyon returns. The missiles are also capable of being fired blind, programmed to seek out a particular target profile by
the pilot. In such a mode they will hunt down their targets, communing with each other to avoid overkill. The variety of
sensor inputs make the missiles very difficult to spoof and only the best ECM has proven effective, and even then rarely
In an atmosphere an aircraft is subject to gravity, friction and drag making Starfury style manoeuvres impossible.
However due to several complex innovations a Banshee can perform a series of brutal twists and turns once considered
only possible in space. A Banshee’s atmospheric agility is considered better than the space based agility of the latest
Narn and League craft, barring the Cascor. Thrust vectoring accounts for much of this, especially at low speeds, but the
Banshee utilises several other techniques to improve agility. The first is using very large control surfaces. All parts of the
tail plane, horizontal, vertical and diagonal are fully articulated. The Banshee does not have traditional flaps but rather
moves the full wing area. The entire outer halves of the main wings are also articulated, with only the inner half of the
main wing being fixed to provide a rigid support for the hard points. Nozzles on the engine sides used for Vertical Take
Off can also be employed in dogfights giving the Banshee excellent deceleration and roll characteristics.
These systems were all present in WWIII era fighters, but the Banshee adds to this with an articulated main fuselage. The
main body can arch along its centreline changing from a flat profile to a more triangular shape, while the nose and cockpit
can angle up to thirty degrees in any direction. This movement fundamentally shifts the centre of gravity in the aircraft
altering its stability dependant on speed and mission profile. The turning of the forward fuselage, shifts in the centre of
mass, thrust vectoring and large control surfaces all add up to a massively effective dogfighter.
While the Wraith is normally used for bombing fixed targets, the Banshee is used to strike enemy troop and armour
formations. The normal load out is anti tank ‘Hammer’ missiles for close range work identical to those used by ground
forces, or longer ranged ‘Yellow Jacket’ multi role stand off missile for larger jobs. The Yellow Jacket is normally used
against bunkers or heavy armour. For a more direct attack the Banshee can be loaded with Cyclone gun pods. The
Cyclone cannon is a rotary barrelled plasma weapon used on the Valkyrie gunship and the most fearsome gun ever taken
into the air. It was too large for internal installation on Furies or the Banshee, but can be carried in a large dedicated pod
consisting of the cannon and its reactor. One centreline pod is usually carried but a maximum of three are supportable,
though one is usually enough for any job. On one occasion during the battle of Balos an anti tank flight was jumped by
Thorun fighters and were forced to turn their Cyclone cannons on the dart fighters. The results convinced Earth Force to
install the Cyclone cannon on its next superiority fighter, codenamed Thunderbolt.
In addition to anti armour weapons the Banshee is cleared to drop anti personnel devices including sub munition cluster
rockets, frag rockets, guided freefall bombs, thermobaric weapons and lately incendiary weapons. While the Wraith is
better in this type of action the Banshee is more than capable of wiping out massive numbers of infantry and levelling
swathes of urban areas.
The Banshee is also expected to operate in an anti shipping role, engaging ocean going vessels and if necessary gravity
propelled space ships entering an atmosphere. This has only occurred once when a Banshee flight intercepted a Dilgar
assault ship trying to land a mechanised brigade behind human lines. Standard anti ship load out comprises of either
Mjolnir cruise missiles, Sun Storm plasma warhead torpedoes (Similar to those used by Furies) or Blue thunder kiloton
yield tactical nukes. The Banshee is also cleared to operate strategic weapons, namely Kinetic kill vehicles dropped from
low orbit at extreme speed, or the Red Dawn multi megaton fusion device.
While again this is mainly the domain of the Wraith, a Banshee will be used in high threat environments where a Wraith
would be destroyed. The superior agility and low level performance will often allow a Banshee to break through enemy air
defences and perform a risky ‘Toss’ attack. Essentially pulling up sharply and releasing an unguided nuclear weapon on
the upward curve allowing gravity to arc the bomb over the thickest defences and down onto the target without exposing
the jet.
The Banshee can also carry sensor pods for recon missions or to act as improvised AWAC nodes. With the sensor pods
also able to function as extensive jammers usually the lead fighter in any mission will usually carry a sensor pod on its
centreline mounting. The fighter can also ferry UAV’s to their deployment zones to increase their range. The fighter also
uses its own internal ECM suite designed to disrupt enemy sensors. After human stealth methods were found ineffective
against most alien technology more active jamming was devised. In addition to the disruption transmitters the Banshee
also carries the multi-countermeasure system identical to those on Starfuries. These release a small package that
detonates in a large cloud of black smoke, the particles in the smoke being effective at masking heat and sensor
signatures along with blocking optics. Some Recon craft can deploy long streams of disruptive smoke to continuously fool
enemy scans or mask an approaching attack. Coupled with its other abilities this makes the Banshee an excellent SEAD
unit, with the ‘B’ and ‘D’ variants specifically optimised for ‘Wild Weasel’ missions. The hull is relatively thin to allow
greater speed and agility, but is aided by an E-Web system to disrupt or degrade incoming weapons fire.
The Banshee entered service in 2222 and a few years later saw its first action defending the border worlds against Narn
incursions. The standard Narn Gorith fighter had little chance against the Banshee, and arguably improved its chances of
survival by taking on Tiger Furies in orbit. The Banshee also engaged Raider owned Delta V fighters, the aircraft that was
considered to fill the Banshee role by certain senators. Those engagements proved decisively that the Banshee was the
only rational choice.
The Dilgar invasion firmly established the Banshee as a crucial element of the EA warmachine. The fighter experienced
its first combat deployment from orbit at Tyree in Markab space, flying straight into action within hours of war being
declared and clearing the skies around Earth’s first landing points. The Banshee made short work of Thoruns, but
ironically found the older Dilgar Stinger fighters a more respectable challenge. Where the Thorun was optimised for space
the Stinger was a pure dual role fighter armed with bolters and missiles in a similar manner to the Banshee. Even so the
Earth Fighters remained the better design though the well-trained Dilgar pilots did score numerous kills.
The hardest fight of the war was the surprise Dilgar counter attack against Balos. Many Banshees were destroyed on the
ground with the majority of the rest destroyed facing overwhelming odds in the air. A few survived and were hidden
across the planet in caves or caverns where they took part in humanity’s attempts to retake the world. Only three
Banshees survived that campaign and currently reside in museums.
Despite these achievements the Banshee was completely over shadowed by the success of its more glamorous cousins
in the Starfury squadrons and relatively few civilians came to understand the remarkable story of the Banshee. Earth
Force however was duly impressed and introduced the ‘C/D’ series in 2235 incorporating lessons from the war, mainly
around maintenance ease and newer engines.
Valkyrie Gunship Flight Patrol (Wing of 3 flights)
The primary support craft for EarthForce ground forces, the Valkyrie was designed to be able to engage a variety of
targets with a good chance of destroying them.
Admiral Donald Ferguson
The Commander of the Sixth Fleet, he famously sported a shock of red hair and a formidable beard. His Scottish
heritage remained obvious, despite his North American upbringing and during the war he formed a striking partnership
with the Drazi Warleader Stro’kath. Admiral Ferguson has the following abilities: Finish the Job: Admiral Ferguson is
loath to risk leaving an enemy in any condition to respond to his attacks – Whenever his ship cripples an enemy ship it
may fire one weapon system again against it. Inspired Command, Instil Fervour, Admiral Ferguson can be placed on
any EarthForce vessel. When placed in a ship, Admiral Ferguson raises its Priority Level by one, so a Raid level ship will
become a Battle level ship, a Battle level ship will become a War-level ship, and so on
“Feed the reports through as soon as we get them.” Ferguson ordered. “Prep the landing
forces and tell the twenty second Cruiser squadron to prepare for orbital bombardment.”
Beneath the red beard a hard smile formed. “I feel like there’s a smiting coming on.”
An image came to life on her screen, that of a human male from the region she knew to be
Asia. He seemed fairly old but in good condition with short grey hair and a very sombre and
even expression. He maintained an utterly straight face when he spoke giving her nothing
to work with.
“Dilgar fleet this is Admiral Hamato of the Earth Alliance. You are ordered to surrender
your ships at once and prepare to be boarded.”
“This is your only warning Warmaster, stand down or we will use lethal force.”
He knew who she was, which meant he likely also knew her reputation. He wasn’t going to
let them simply jump away.
“Then you have my apologies Admiral, but I’ll see you in hell first.”
What? Me a hero? Ah hell no, I’m just a normal guy doing a job. I was just a GROPOS, A
Ground Pounder, First to go last to know, that was us. Sometimes in a fight you can try to
stay out of danger, let the air force or the artillery do the hard work, some battles you
might never even see a live bad guy. But not in that war, with the Dilgar you were always in
for a stand up fight. Those kitties just couldn’t play dead, I mean even years later we were
still mopping them up. Guys say there’s still bunches of them hiding in hills and tunnels.
Situation like that is pretty simple, you have a gun, he has a gun. There’s nothing heroic
about it, it’s all survival instinct. One of you isn’t going home anymore and the only thing to
decide is who that’s going to be. If you got something worth fighting for, well it makes you
sharper. The Dilgar, well they had plenty worth dying for, our guys had stuff worth living
for, and I reckon that’s why we won.
I mean you know about the Dilgar, you know what they did to places they invaded. One day
they’d have done it to us too, no one ever believed they’d reach our border and just stop. I
saw first hand what they did to civilians, and that wasn’t going to happen to Earth. I gotta
wife and I gotta kid, and I still do because a lot of ordinary people went out there and did
something pretty damn extraordinary. We took on the best military in the galaxy, the best
force in history. Before us they’d taken apart every fleet in the League, outnumbered ten to
one they still took names. Pretty tall order, but we knew we were going to win, we just knew
it because there wasn’t any other choice. We had to win, we just had to.
I’m no hero, just a guy from New York. I wasn’t even a born soldier, I wanted to be a cop
like my mom or chef like my dad. But the Army was the only place that’s have me, so there I
was, right on the eve of a major war. Not like you could say no when they give you a rifle
and tell you you’re gonna be in the first wave of Earth’s first ever landing on an alien held
Well I guess you could, but then it was up to guys like me to yell at you and if necessary tie
you to the shuttle.
I just got paid to do a job, and I did it to keep people I love safe. If that makes me a hero, I
guess we all were.
Alfredo Garibaldi
Sergeant Major (Retired)
Merchants, Raiders and Traders
Across the galaxy, ships owned by many races plied their trade – legal or illegal. As the Dilgar War
swept through the League and beyond, hundreds of these vessels and their crews became victims of
the Dilgar aggression.
Usually having only the most basic defences and armaments - even late in the war they were
extremely vulnerable to roving hunter killer packs of Dilgar warships cut off from their fleets. The Belt
Alliance was particularly active during the war, operating the standard but now dangerous trade
routes. In addition they provided much needed support to the huge EarthForce fleets far beyond
Alliance space including moving huge prefabricated space stations into the war zone.
A Belt Alliance protection squadron heads for the jump gate, formidable in the defence of their
convoys, Dilgar fighter pilots quickly learnt to respect their ability to produce a curtain of fire. They
were not however, a match for true Dilgar warships and where possible would try to retreat from
battle to protect their ships, crew and cargo.
The Belt Alliance
The Belt Alliance was a commercial organisation, which had a similar structure to a workers union but was run for the
profit of its members and to facilitate trade, shipping and mining across Earth Alliance space and more recently beyond its
borders. Created during the first years of asteroid mining in the early twenty second century to provide mutual protection
for miners against pirates in the time before Earth had a united space navy, the Belt Alliance had grown to be one of the
most powerful organisations in human space. They offered membership to every freight crewmember from independent
ships like the Space Race right up to the massive multi planetary fleets of huge corporations.
Belt Alliance ships, whilst built to mercantile standards rather than Military grade, could still weather a respectable barrage
of fire. Their gunships were considered superior to Earth Force’s equally sized but more expensive patrol units and the
newest Star Fox fighters were direct copies of early model Starfuries. Whilst the Belt Alliance were restricted to primitive
weapons and small hulls by Earth, their skill at turning out designs within the rules that were still excellent light war ships
had annoyed many EA Senators and impressed many EA Generals.
Most ships used Blast Cannons, no more than starship grade shotguns ideal for swatting squadrons of fighters or pelting
enemy ships with armour piercing bolts of heavy metals. Earth Force had abandoned this design even before First
Contact with the Centauri, but the Belters had made it their own.
Likewise the Belt Alliance fighters had nowhere near the power of a Starfury but compensated with cheap, easy to build
and maintain designs. The famous triangular Delta-V Zephyr was the most widely known, often flying under Raider
colours, but the Star Fox was more effective. With a stand up cockpit, multiple directional thrusters and uniquely a slug
based chain gun with fearsome armour penetration they were not craft to take lightly.
Under their contracts, and for a substantial fee, the Belters could request armed escorts from the Belt Allaince private
navy if they were heading to a risky location. Belt Alliance ships in battle formed up in a tight cover formation so their
defensive batteries could create a terrifying crossfire for any force to try and fly through. The fleet’s carriers stayed in the
centre as their lighter armour made them slightly more vulnerable than the smaller Harrier and Vindicator gunships
forming the main force. The basic formation was similar to the ancient bomber formations used by the Allied air forces
back in World War Two.
Delta-V Fighter Wing (8 flights) Star Fox Fighter Wing (6 flights) Harrier Class Gunship
Vindicator Class Gunship Eyrie Class Fighter Carrier Heavy Freighter
Dionysus Medium Space Station
Civilians: Whilst they are quite dedicated and formidable in defence of their ships, cargo and passengers, Belt Alliance
crews are not trained military personal. Belt Alliance Ships start with a CQ of 3 (unless otherwise noted) or have a –1 to
randomly generated CQ in campaigns (to a minimum of 2)
Dionysus Medium Space Station Raid
The Belt Alliance were able to build pre–fabricated space stations that could be moved through hyperspace and
reassembled at their destination to provide a supply base and a repair facility. Extremely expensive, they were vital to the
war effort and after the war the Alliance made a good profit selling them to the League nations attempting to rebuild.
Hull: 4
Damage: 110/62/30
Troops: 10
Craft: none
Special Rules: Anti-Fighter 6, Escort, Immobile, Interceptors 11, Space Station,
In Service: 2228+
Eyrie Class Fighter Carrier Skirmish
The Belt Alliance relied heavily on the skill of its fighter pilots to help ensure the safety of their cargo’s . Some were
former EarthForce with even a few Alien fighter jocks flying with the best of Alliance pilots from dedicated carriers. The
Eyrie class carrier was a excellent vessel that had provided security for many Belt Alliance convoys prewar. They would
be pushed well beyond their capabilities when engaging the
Speed: 6
Turn: 1/45
Hull: 4
Damage: 35/6
Crew: 36/8
Troops: 1
Craft: 4 Starfox flights
Special Rules: Anti-Fighter 4, Carrier 2, Interceptors 2, Jump
Engine, Lumbering
In Service: 2220+
Speed: 10 Turn: 2/45
Hull: 4
Damage: 10/4 Crew: 12/3
Troops: 1 Craft: 1 Delta V flight
Special Rules: Anti-Fighter 4, Escort, Interceptors 1, Jump Engine,
In Service: 2224+
Speed: 10
Turn: 2/45
Hull: 4
Damage: 10/4
Crew: 12/3
Troops: 1
Craft: 1 Delta V flight
Special Rules: Anti-Fighter 4, Escort, Interceptors 2, Jump Engine,
In Service: 2224+
Starfox fighter Patrol (Wing of six flights)
The Starfox was based on a shrunken version of the old Flying Fox class Starfuries used by Earth Force all of three
decades ago. For all their training and enthusiasm the Belter pilots were still mainly civilians with only a tiny handful of
former EA veterans in their ranks.
Speed: 8
Turn: 2/45
Hull: 5
Damage: 22/6
Crew: 28/6
Troops: 1
Craft: 1 Delta V flight
Special Rules: Anti-Fighter 6, Escort, Interceptors 2, Jump Engine,
In Service: 2222+
Raiders – The years of blood and opportunity
The period know as the Dilgar War was exactly that for the many and varied Raider groups – a time
when there were many dangerous but lucrative opportunities. Some hit convoys and traders still
operating outside the war zone, whose normal escorting warships were often needed at the front.
Others found ways to make massive amounts of money from attempting daring blockade runs or
strikes against the Dilgar logistics train. Still more made raids on various races look like the work of
the murderous Dilgar before they vanished into the darkness.
Most such groups were the opposite of the Raiders of the later era, being based around fast attack
ships and acquired warships from across the galaxy. Often strike ships would blaze into a convoy
and draw off the escorts, whilst another “friendly” warship led the convoy to presumed safety. Other
Raiders employed sturdy, fast blockade-runners to get their cargoes to wherever they were needed.
Flights of smaller craft may be purchased separately and used as units in their own right. Some ships are noted as
carrying one or more flights of fighters on board. One or more of these flights may be deployed as normal at any time
before or during the battle and do not cost anything extra – the cost of these flights is included in that of their parent ships.
Any ship carrying one or more Fighter flights may replace any number of them for Breaching Pods. Breaching Pods
swapped in this way will carry a Troop from the ship – they do not include Troops of their own in the way Breaching Pod
Wings do.
Destroyed enemy ships (not those that have exploded) will yield half the number of RR points listed on the table above,
rounding down.
Raiders Initiative: +2
Battlewagon Raid
Battlewagons were often civilian ships (usually bulk transports or ore freighters) bought or stolen by Raiders and then
upgraded with heavier armour, particle weaponry and laser cannon. Used primarily as a base of operations for pirating
fleets they could also act as a frontline warship should the Raiders ever be confronted by military cruisers. Though slow,
the Battlewagon was well armoured with enough weaponry to defend itself and any allies before jumping to hyperspace to
avoid destruction.
Speed: 6 Turn: 1/45 Hull: 6 Damage: 35/8
Crew: 40/10 Troops: 4
Craft: 3 Fighter flights
Special Rules: Anti-Fighter 2, Interceptors 2, Jump Engine, Lumbering
In Service: 2190+
Breaching Pod Patrol (Wing of 5 flights)
Capable of transporting a platoon of assault troops across the war zone and on towards an enemy ship, breaching pods
are dangerous vehicles to deploy but a clever Admiral will balance the risk with the potential to keep an enemy on the
back foot. Plasma cutters allow the breaching pod to cut through metres thick armour plating once latched onto the hull
of a target, gaining entry for the troops carried on board.
You may choose any three of the following (but you may only select each choice once) customisations to represent the
work of the salvage crews.
Customisation Benefit
Reinforced bulkheads and additional crew quarters +8/0 Damage, +8/0 Crew.
Heavy armour plating +1 Hull.
Powerful manoeuvring thrusters (*) Dodge 5+
Interceptor Network Interceptors 2.
Point Defence System Anti-Fighter 2, Escort.
Weapons upgrade and enhanced targeting Light Ion Cannons gain Twin-Linked.
Missile battery Missile Racks 20" 3AD Front, Super AP, Precise, Slow-Loading.
Combat Laser mount Laser Cannon 18" 1AD Boresight, Beam, Double Damage.
Salvaged railgun battery Railgun 12" 2AD Front/Aft, AP, Double Damage.
Refurbished Plasma weapons Plasma Cannon 8" 3AD Front, 2AD Port/Starboard, AP.
Hanger Bay Auxiliary Craft: 2 Fighters.
Enhanced Bridge and Communication system Command +1.
Engine refit (*) Speed 9, Turns 2/45, Dodge 6+.
Assault ship Atmospheric, Troops 4, Shuttles 2
(*) If both Engine refit and Powerful manoeuvring thrusters are chosen, the ships dodge remains at 5+.
Strike Ship Patrol
Recovered Havens, salvaged Sho’Kos, bought Warbirds and other ships were often found forming the strike wings of
Raider attacks, speeding into the attack and boosting out of danger - those that survived. Whatever their pedigree or
condition they were often given the classification of strike ship.
Speed: 12 Turn: 2/45 Hull: 3 Damage: 12/4
Crew: 14/5 Troops: 2 Craft: none
Special Rules: Agile, Dodge 5+
In Service: 2190+
Notable Pirates and Renegades of the Dilgar War
Captain Irsult of the Independence Raid
Irsult was the son of senior man of wealth and power on the Hurr homeworld who travelled out to view the worlds of the
League, hoping to learn their secrets and use them to increase his family’s power. He bought a commission in the Brakiri
military and proved a capable commander, dealing with Drazi and other raiders. Later, using the substantial resources of
his family, he outfitted an ancient Maximus System Defender he had acquired and led his own raider group, finally
returning to blackened and burned Hurr in triumph to begin a new criminal empire.
Lu-Chor of the Soul Trader Skirmish
The Soul Trader was an unusual sight amongst the many raider groups that arose during and after the Dilgar War. Vree
vessels were normally both too difficult and dangerous to catch and also their crews had a habit of self destructing the
ship when faced with capture. Vree themselves seldom resorted to piracy, for despite their racial sociopathic tendencies,
their unique social structure usually restrained these impulses.
Lu-Chor and his crew were caught in the initial Dilgar onslaught on the Alacans and became obsessed with examining the
dangerous felines. Repeated telepathic examinations of captured Dilgar gave them an unexpected insight into their
motivations. Initially cut off from the League, the Soul Trader and its crew remained beyond its restrictions and began to
investigate the new possibilities of life as a Raider.
Speed: 10 Turn: 2/90 Hull: 5
Damage: 18/6 Crew: 20/6 Troops: 1
Craft: None
Special Rules: Anti-Fighter 4, Unique,
In Service: 2229+
Prosperity Raid
Fleet Captain Saphak was a veteran officer contracted to Ly-Nakir Industries, one of several clandestine agents of the
Corporation who were tasked with acquiring alien technology by any means necessary during the war. Saphak had
always enjoyed the ancient tales of the nomad raiders that used to roam the deserts of his world and took to the life of a
pirate with ease. He was a harsh taskmaster and kept his veteran crew honed – which served him well in several
skirmishes with Dilgar warships. The Prosperity had been constructed secretly by his Corporation, and its durable
structure, powerful weapons and reliable jump engine made it a huge asset to raider groups.
Speed: 8 Turn: 1/45 Hull: 6 Damage: 29/6
Crew: 32/7 Troops: 6 Craft: None
Special Rules: Anti-Fighter 2, Elite Crew (5), Jump Engine, Shuttles 2, Unique
In Service: 2220+
Tsuma’raa Kalreen, Raid
Tsuma’raa Kalreen – Gift of the Dark Father was unlike any other raider vessel of the period, noted not just for the
incredibly vicious nature of its crew, but for the fact that they were predominately Abbai. Cultists of an unknown deity or
deities, they moved from area to area, attacking other raiders as often as they joined them. Plunder meant nothing to
them; they would rather claim the crew and passengers of any captured vessels in return for lending the assistance of
their powerful vessel. During the Dilgar War they preyed upon League vessels as often as Dilgar and seemed to seek out
refugee convoys of Abbai.
Speed: 8 Turn: 1/45 Hull: 5 Damage: 32/6
Crew: 40/9 Troops: 8 (*)
Craft: None
Special Rules: Anti-Fighter 2, Interceptors 1, Jump Engine, Shields 8/2, Shuttles 3, Unique
In Service: 2210+
(*) The interior of the Tsuma’raa Kalreen is a strange and confusing place whose atmosphere and even dimensions seem
unnatural – any troops boarding this ship must immediately roll a D6 – on a 6 they join the defenders, add them to the
troops score of the Tsuma’raa Kalreen.
Campaigns: Refits and Other Duties
Raiders Fleets use the following tables for Refits and Other Duties when playing campaign games.
Raiders Refits
2d6 Refit
2 Fighter Rails: The ship immediately gains a flight of fighters (or an extra flight if it already possesses fighters).
These may always be launched in addition to any existing fighters, as they use external rails.
3 Turbo Weapons: Choose one weapon system. It immediately gains the Double Damage trait but has its Attack
Dice reduced by half (rounding up) +1.
4 Point Defence: The ship gains a small weapon system designed to destroy close in attackers. The ship gains
Anti-Fighter +1.
5 Hardened Structure: The ship is specially braced to ward off the effects of the most devastating hits. Reduce its
Damage threshold number (the point at which it becomes Crippled) by two points.
6 Long Range Targeting Systems: Choose one weapon system. It has its range extended by 50%. However,
when using this extra range, halve the number of AD used (rounding down).
7 Additional Weapons Fitted: Choose one weapon system that has at least 4 AD. It gains an additional 2 AD.
This may only be applied once per weapon system.
8 Enhanced Interceptor Network: If the ship has Interceptors as a trait, it gains a +1 bonus to its Interceptor score.
If Interceptors are not present, the ship gains Interceptors 1. This may only be applied once.
9 Reinforced Hull: Add +10% to the ship’s Damage score but reduce Speed by –1.
10 Supercharged Thrusters: The ship gains a +1 bonus to its Speed score.
11 Extra Hanger: The ship immediately gains a flight of fighters (or an extra flight if it already possesses fighters).
12 Flight Computer: The ship gains the Flight Computer trait if it did not have it before.
Raiders Duties
2d6 Other Duty
2 Contact Made: A diplomatic mission to another Raiders group has paid off well. You may immediately add one
Raider ship (or wing) of your choice of Skirmish or lower Priority level to your fleet roster.
3 Lightning Attack: With typical Raider aggressiveness, the ship launches a blinding assault on an enemy fleet
before quickly withdrawing. Choose one enemy fleet – it immediately loses 2d6 RR points. An enemy fleet may
only be targeted once per campaign turn in this manner.
4 Now You See Me…: This ship has been conducting scouting exercises all over the system, forcing other fleets to
chase it as it gathers crucial information. You gain a +2 bonus to your Initiative for the next Campaign Turn.
5 Raiding Force: This ship carries a raiding force against an enemy fleet of your choosing. Deduct 2d6 RR points
from the enemy fleet and add them to your total as you pillage and wreck his supply lines.
6 Veteran Fighter Pilots: A squadron of mercenary pilots volunteer to serve on your ship. Up to two on board
flights of fighters may increase their Dogfight score by +2.
7 Time in Orbit: The crew finds time to give their ship a distinctive paint job, visible even across the gulf of space.
This grants a +1 bonus to Crew Quality checks when the ship performs the Stand By and Prepare to be Boarded!
action. Yes, you should paint this on your model if you are using miniatures!
8 Veteran Engineers: Mercenary engineering crew have joined this vessel. Add a +1 bonus to any Crew Quality
checks made during Damage Control. This may only be applied once.
9 Raiding Force: This ship carries a raiding force against an enemy fleet of your choosing. Deduct 2d6 RR points
from the enemy fleet and add them to your total as you pillage and wreck his supply lines.
10 Diverting Raid: Launching a lightning strike, the ship strikes at the heart of an enemy, causing him to draw ships
away from his main force. Choose another player’s fleet. In its next battle, it will have one less Fleet Allocation
Points available.
11 Superior Strategic Position: A routine patrol uncovers a Strategic Target previously thought to be worthless.
Immediately generate a new Strategic Target on the campaign map and mark it down as being under your control.
12 Compatible Goals: A large government begins to secretly support your fleet. You may immediately add any one
ship of your choice of Skirmish or lower Priority Level to your fleet roster. This ship may be chosen from Centauri,
Narn or League fleet lists but it may not come from a fleet that your are currently fighting against in the campaign.
The Calypso lurched as the smaller gunship connected to its docking port. A trio of other
Raider warships, their weapon locks ensuring the submission of the freighter and its crew,
monitored the two vessels.
Four large Drazi barrelled into the interior of the big transport, clad in padded armour and
aiming large handguns at the nervous looking human who awaited them. The heaviest built
of the four grasped him by the neck, raising him to eye level.
“Take me to Bridge” he rasped in heavily accented English before allowing the human to
drop back to his feet. When he failed to respond quickly enough the Drazi backhanded the
man and repeated his words.
This time the young crewman responded, leading them down the long grey corridor
towards the front of the ship. As he did so, the Drazi switched to his own language and two
of the boarders dropped back to guard the entrance.
In less than an hour the big transporter had been stripped of anything valuable, from its
cargo to the crew’s personnel items and even the ships reaction fuel. The crew were
confined in the now empty primary cargo bay and were relived that they had suffered little
more than a few bruises when they had failed to respond to barked orders quickly enough.
The sounds of the raider vessel disengaging sent a palpable wave of relief through the
fifteen men and two women. Even when the cargo bay opened and three Abbai in dark
robes walked in there was still hope, then the captives noticed that whilst two of them held
PPGs, the other bore a serrated Luurtaa knife in her left hand. Hope died entirely when
they saw the madness in the eyes of the advancing Abbai female.
The Space Race Skirmish
In appearance the Space Race was a rather small and unimpressive ship but it had quickly became noted for its speed
and ability to evade raiders on even the most dangerous routes. Its master, Paul Calendar had become quite famous in
the freighter community and had a knack for finding the best jobs in the sector and turning a tidy profit. It survived the
carnage of the Dilgar war intact despite being involved in some of the fiercest actions and encountering the most deadly
Dilgar Warmasters including Jha’dur!
Speed: 6 Turn: 2/45 Hull: 5
Damage: 10/4 Crew: 12/3 Troops: 1
Craft: none,
Special Rules: Afterburner, Anti-fighter 2, Elite Crew (5), Dodge 5+, Interceptors 1, Jump Engine, Unique,
In Service: 2224+
Speed: 6 Turn: 2/45 Hull: 5
Damage: 10/4 Crew: 12/3 Troops: 1
Craft: none,
Special Rules: Afterburner, Anti-fighter 2, Elite Crew (5), Dodge 4+, Interceptors 2, Jump Engine, Unique,
In Service: 2231+
Civilian Ships
The main rulebook features corporate freighters as the ‘standard’ ship to protect or destroy when
civilian vessels are involved. However, there is an immense range of ships in the galaxy, and you
might like to swap the corporate freighters out from time to time.
A single corporate freighter is worth 1 Civilian Fleet Point (CFP). All the civilian ships detailed in this
section have a Civilian Fleet Point cost listed, and you may freely swap and replace ships as you see
fit. For example, in a War level Convoy Duty scenario, you would normally have ten corporate
freighters – or 10 Civilian Fleet Points. You could spend those Civilian Fleet Points on any ships
listed in this section, if you would prefer not to use corporate freighters.
Corporate Freighter (Any), Corporate Tanker (Any), Lias Class Supply Ship (Centauri)
Arcismus Class Supply Ship (Narn), Ecamron Tek Freighter (Hyach),
Eskrafat Refuelling Barge (Dilgar), Faskur Spy Freighter (Dilgar),
Noloshan Class Trade Frigate (Minbari), Orinthar Class Commercial Transport (Drazi),
Patrol Boat (Any), Pilum Class Fast Courier (Centauri), Space Liner (Any),
Callos Class Wartime Freighter (Centauri), Hollas Class Heavy Freighter (Brakiri),
Shyairel Class Outpost Lander (Abbai)
Arcismus Class Supply Ship (Narn) 2 CFP
The Narn had a constant need to rearm and re-supply their warships, which were generally too slow or dedicated to the
war effort to turn back for a supply run. By the time they reached a supply point and got back, they would likely need to be
re-supplied again! The Kha’Ri funded the creation of the Arcismus from captured and scrapped Lias supply ships from
Centauri shipyards they had sacked. The new vessel proved perfect for running supplies back and forth from the fleet
gatherings without losing a potent warship to do so.
Speed: 4
Turn: 1/45
Hull: 5
Damage: 16/4
Crew: 14/4
Troops: 2
Craft: none,
Special Rules: Lumbering
In Service: 2224+
Corporate Tanker 1 CFP
Similar in construction to the freighter, the tanker replaced cargo pod hangers with vast tanks capable of carrying a
variety of different gases or liquids. Such vessels were the lifeline to many desolate worlds with few resources of their
own. Attackers attempting to pirate a tanker had to be careful care, lest an over zealous shot penetrate a tank and
destroy the entire vessel.
* If a tanker is destroyed, it will automatically explode, as detailed on p9 of the main rulebook. Tankers that are merely
running adrift after being reduced to zero Damage will not explode in this fashion.
Speed: 4 Turn: 1/45 Hull: 4
Damage: 30/12 Crew: 20 / 6 Troops: 1
Craft: None
Special Rules: Lumbering
In Service: 2014+
Hollas Class Heavy Freighter (Brakiri) 3 CFP
As a mercantile race, the Brakri had a variety of space going vessels to conduct trade with. The Hollas was a large and
flexible ship, able to deliver its cargo to the surface of a planet using its advanced gravitic
Patrol Boat 2 CFP
Not every government could afford to keep frontline military vessels in every system under its control without stretching its
military to breaking point. Even in the heart of great empires, it was quite common to see small patrol boats, small and
cheap armed vessels designed to keep light raiding activity and criminals under control, as well as stall larger invasions.
These craft had no chance against a true warship but their presence stretched the capabilities of fleets for little extra cost.
Speed: 8 Turn: 2/45 Hull: 5 Damage: 8/2
Crew: 9/2 Troops: 1 Craft: None
Special Rules: Anti-Fighter 1
In Service: 2100+
Speed: 4
Turn: 1/45
Hull: 3
Damage: 30/12
Crew: 32/12
Troops: 1
Craft: None
Special Rules: Anti-Fighter 2, Lumbering
In Service: 2000+
The fortunate timing of the death of the Centauri Emperor meant that the Republic would likely to be
concerned with its own internal power struggles for some time, but the Narn were another matter. A
two pronged approach was implemented by Imperium Intelligence.
Contacts within the Regime formulated secret agreements granting worlds to the Narn in exchange
for their lack of intervention. In addition an “incident” was arranged to provoke increased hostilities
between the two powers with a Narn cruiser accidentally jumping into Centauri space and being
quickly destroyed by a Centauri patrol.
The Minbari were dismissed as a threat, the Dilgar War Council confidant that they would maintain
their disdain for interference in the affairs of other races. They were almost correct in this judgement
but the Minbari would carry out several secret actions that influenced the course of the war and would
lead to the survival of one of the most notorious members of the Dilgar race.
The Vorlons, at this time were little more than a Legend and the Shadows slept on with only tales and
fables of ancient wars against the Darkness to even hint at their existence. Their servants, the Drakh,
worked behind the scenes, assisting the Dilgar in their own way to increase the conflagration.
The Drala Fi - Black Star, one of the most powerful ships in the Minbari inventory and secretly
responsible for the failure of the Dilgar attack on Earth
Centauri Republic – Fading Glory
By 2230, The Centauri Republic was in turmoil – Emperor Deraini had just died,
perhaps through poison. The “Great Game” of politics and intrigue was at its
height as the Noble Houses attempted to establish a pecking order. The Narn
were growing in power, watching their ancient oppressors with barely concealed
fury for signs of weakness. The Gorash Star System was, once again, to be a
flashpoint between the two races.
The Centauri fleet of this period used far less of the then unreliable battle lasers and retained much more confidence in
the sheer weight of conventional firepower that they could bring to bear on an enemy. Captains of larger ships such as
the Primus or even the gigantic Octurion were able to treat themselves as mobile fortresses. With heavy weaponry on all
sides, and defensive turrets and fighters ready, these metal giants could sail carelessly into the centre of an engagement
drawing fire away from the more fragile hunting ‘flight packs’ circling the outer edges of a conflict.
Fighters like the Razik and the newer Sentri were rarely used to attack enemy vessels due to their lack of punch, but
rather dealt with enemy attack craft. Great dogfighters, supremely agile in the hands of the right pilot, they were fragile
and could not withstand much damage. Clouds of Sentris could theoretically hinder larger vessels, but most Centauri
pilots were more interested in duelling with their opposite numbers than making suicidal charges at capital ships.
When the Dilgar began their invasion of the League, the Centauri Republic was already embroiled in a growing conflict
with the Narn. Unbeknownst to them this was part of a plot by the Dilgar, who with the co-operation of elements of the
Kha’Ri looked to divert any attention from their invasion. This was more a final safeguard than anything else as the Dilgar
were well aware that that the Centauri were very unlikely to provide any assistance to either their former slave races or
those that had successfully resisted them in the past.
Flights of smaller craft may be purchased separately and used as units in their own right. Some ships are noted as
carrying one or more flights of fighters on board. One or more of these flights may be deployed as normal at any time
before or during the battle and do not cost anything extra – the cost of these flights is included in that of their parent ships.
Any ship carrying one or more Sentri flights may replace any number of them for Razik or Breaching Pod flights.
Breaching Pods swapped in this way will carry a Troop from the ship – they do not include Troops of their own in the way
Breaching Pod Wings do.
Centauri Republic Fleet Special Rules
The following special rules apply to all Centauri Republic fleets.
Fighting Narn: Centauri vessels will never surrender to the Narn and are immune to any effects that would require them
to surrender to Narn vessels, such as the Stand Down and Prepare to be Boarded! Special Action.
Guardian Array: Ships with both the Escort and Interceptor traits are often used to safeguard friendly vessels from
enemy attack. The Escort ship may lend any or all of its Interceptor dice to any friendly ship within 8” and in line of sight.
These dice may be passed onto another ship after an attack has been declared, but once you start rolling Interceptor dice
for one ship, they may not be ‘taken back’ by the Escort ship, nor may they be added to. The Escort ship can continue to
provide anti-fighter protection whilst using the Guardian Array.
Mass Drivers: Any Primus may be freely given a single mass driver by losing 5 AD from its forward facing ion cannon.
Any Octurion may be freely given two mass drivers by losing 8 AD from its forward facing ion cannon. Mass drivers have
the following scores.
A Centauri Ship of the Line (as defined above) may, when acativated, declare it is using its gravitic engines and ignore
the Lumbering trait for the turn. The ship can either make one more turn than normal (following the usual rules for turning)
or may increase one existing turn by an extra 45 . After completing its movement, immediately roll 1D6 and apply an
appropriate single damage Engines critical hit.
The attack ship swung onto course and without even a warning or demand to surrender locked its weapons on
the Narn cruiser. Captain Andune said a quick ‘thank you’ to the gods for this glorious opportunity to prove
his prowess, and then opened fire. The ion and matter pulses hammered the port side hull of the Narn cruiser,
sending black debris and puffs of atmosphere erupting into space. The Narn cruiser fired back with its plasma
cannons but they had no chance of hitting a fast moving ship like the Demos at such range. Andune brought
the destroyer tightly around and locked torpedoes on the Narn ships drive and power plant.
“This’ll discourage the Narn from raiding our space!” he grinned widely, imagining the praise and laurels
which waited for him. “Destroy them!”
The Centauri ship opened its bow doors and from them dropped a number of small spheres crammed with
explosives, they flared into life and raced for the back of the Narn ship, its point defence guns failing
miserably to intercept them, and in turn burned into the ships armoured hull, shredding engine connections
and containment systems for the ships fusion reactor. Bright orange flames blossomed from the ruptured
engines, the force of their escape acting like uncontrollable manoeuvring thrusters and shunting the vessel
sideways as secondary explosions wracked the cruiser.
Andune watched with pride as the enemy ship folded in on itself and then ripped like paper, bending its
structure and hurling sections of hull across space as its reactors detonated. It was a flawless victory, quick
and painless for his ship and worthy of a promotion to a combat fleet, with a little luck.
“Inform base the enemy raider is destroyed, then hold position until reinforcements arrive to confirm our kill.”
“Absolutely sir.” Kentan replied enthusiastically, this was why he had joined the navy, to achieve a swift victory
and progress in social standing based on the attached praise. “I’m glad we stayed for another pass.”
“Devotion to duty is always rewarded Commander.” Andune smiled. “And today proves that, well done crew,
today we proved that we are still Lions.”
The Balvarin class fleet carrier was the epitome of Centauri strengths and weakness. A huge vessel,
luxuriously appointed, its ability to co-ordinate battles with sophisticated communications equipment
in comfort, meant that senior officers, who had often lost their lust for charging the enemy, could
frequently be found using them as flag vessels.
Consequently its formidable ability to carry fighters to support and defend the rest of the fleet became
increasingly secondary. Stories were also told of at least one Centauri admiral converting one of the
two cavernous hangers into a grand ballroom. This was in stark contrast to the integrated carrier,
warship and fighter operations that were such a hallmark of Dilgar and EarthForce fleets. With only
major capital ships carrying their own fighters, it was fortunate that the Royal Navy had not had to
engage in any conflicts with either race.
This glaring issue would not be fully addressed until well after the war and this was due significantly
to good relations with Earth and some horribly embarrassing joint manoeuvres.
The Centauri were not alone in using the Balvarin, several ageing examples had been sold to the
Balsoians and the Narn had captured one Balvarin intact when they liberated their homeworld.
Whilst it had hanger bays full of fighters which would serve the Regime well, the carrier previously
known as the Exultation of Kiros was ripped apart by its badly maintained jump engine whilst
attempting to leave the home system on manoeuvres. The Narn blamed Centauri spies and claimed
it was sabotage, whilst the Centauri predictably countered by pointing to Narn ineptitude. In truth,
whilst the Narn had trouble with some of its systems, the engine had been in a terrible state ever
since they had seized it.
Breaching Pod Patrol (Wing of 4 flights)
Capable of transporting a platoon of assault troops across the war zone and on towards an enemy ship, breaching pods
were dangerous vehicles to deploy but a clever Admiral would balance the risk with the potential to keep an enemy on the
back foot. Plasma cutters allowed the breaching pod to cut through metres thick armour plating once latched onto the
hull of a target, gaining entry for the troops carried on board.
Dargan Class Attack Cruiser Battle
The Dargan was designed with swift assault runs in mind. Built on a classic Centauri hull, the Dargan was fast, agile and
carried enough firepower to make its lighting attack runs devastating. It was often in the first wave of ships to penetrate
enemy space as a commerce raider, usually in concert with Demos class raiders.
Speed: 14 Turn: 2/45 Hull: 5 Damage: 40/10
Crew: 44/11 Troops: 3
Craft: 2 Sentri flights
Special Rules: Agile, Anti-Fighter 2, Jump Engine,
In Service: 2228+
The Flames of Li, a Dargan class cruiser, was one of several Royal Navy warships that carried out
“reconnaissance” missions into Narn space after the battle of Gorash. Lord Amaris Durnado
commanded the ship on several long excursions whith much more success than his younger
On his return to the Court, the reluctant recognition of his deeds by the Emperor gained him many
new friends and unfortunately for him, a new wife.
Demos Class Raider (Vorchan Variant) Skirmish
An update of the Vorchan, the Demos featured a lighter, but more flexible, weapons fit and was used primarily as a
commerce raider, though it proved fully capable of facing larger warships when organised into squadrons. The Demos
quikcly became a favourite among young nobles looking for quick opportunities for glory.
Speed: 14 Turn: 2/45 Hull: 5 Damage: 19/5
Crew: 24/6 Troops: 1 Craft: None
Special Rules: Agile, Interceptors 1, Jump Engine
In Service: 2220+
* You may purchase two Haven patrol boats for one patrol slot.
Speed: 10
Turn: 2/45
Hull: 6
Damage: 16/5
Crew: 18/6
Troops: 1
Craft: none
Special Rules: Agile, Atmospheric, Interceptors 1,
In Service: 2150+
Hull: 4
Damage: 71/35/9
Troops: 6
Craft: none
Special Rules: Anti-Fighter 3, Immobile, Space Station
Hull: 4
Damage: 75/37/15
Troops: 15
Craft: none
Special Rules: Anti-Fighter 4, Escort, Interceptors 5, Immobile, Space Station
Octurion Class Battleship War
The Octurion was a massive vessel, the largest in the Centauri fleet, and served many roles. It was a mobile firebase, a
planetary bombardment ship, a command centre for an entire battle group, and anything else its firepower and auxiliary
systems would support. An Octurion present in an area automatically makes it the fleet’s command ship and it was rare
to see two in the same sector of space. The latest version of the venerable battleship saw it being equipped with new
long-range torpedoes to engage enemy cruisers at range.
Speed: 6 Turn: 1/45 Hull: 6 Damage: 70/18
Crew: 85/24 Troops: 8 Craft: 4 Sentri flights
Special Rules: Anti-Fighter 3, Command +2, Interceptors 1, Jump Engine, Lumbering
In Service: 2202+
The flagship of the House Mollari fleet, the Pride of Immolan had served for many years in the
Centauri Royal Navy and still retained mass driver rails. Its vast hanger bays had been rebuilt and
converted into a sophisticated command and control centre which allowed the House Patriarch to
communicate fully with his holdings whilst commanding the fleet. As befitted the chosen conveyance
of the head of a Noble House, its fittings were more than sumptuous and its crew extremely well
It had a number of battle honours from both its Navy days and more recently from its service to
House Mollari. Following the victory at Gorash, it spent much of its time in that system co-ordinatiing
a series of raids on the Narn border worlds and then helping organise the defence against that races
retaliatory strikes.
Razik Light Fighter Flight Patrol (Wing of 4 flights)
The forerunner of the Sentri, the Razik was rarely seen in frontline fleets though some Admirals still favoured it. It
possessed a greater agility than the Sentri but remained inferior in nearly every other way, making it unsuitable when
matched against most frontline fighters of other races. However, when crewed by veteran pilots the Razik could mount a
fearsome defence of Centauri warships.
Sulust Class Escort Destroyer Raid
In combat against the Centauri, a number of races learned to screen their more valuable command ships with smaller
escorts. This shielded the fleet vessels from the powerful guns and battle lasers of the Republic fleet. Rather than waste
time and energy ripping these smaller craft apart with battleship and battlecruiser class weapons, escort destroyers were
called in to shatter these defensive lines and punch a hole through which the Centauri’s bigger guns could deal with their
priority targets.
Speed: 10 Turn: 1/45 Hull: 5 Damage: 35/6
Crew: 38/7 Troops: 3 Craft: None
Special Rules: Anti-Fighter 2, Interceptors 2
In Service: 2218+
Virlisi Logistics Ship Raid
The process of becoming a "Lion of the Galaxy" forced the Centauri to make some early realisations - one of these was
that logistics, while unglamorous and boring, was an absolute necessity. The Virlisi Logistics ship was just that,
unglamorous and boring in its un-Centauri like bulk
but vitally necessary to ensure the Republics war
machine remained effective.
Speed: 4
Turns: 1/45
Hull: 4
Damage: 58 / 16
Crew: 62/18
Troops: 2
Craft: 1 Razik Flight,
Special Rules: Anti-Fighter 2, Fleet Auxiliary, Jump Engine, Lumbering, Shuttles 2,
In Service: 2208
If a Virlisi takes part in a battle and is still in play at the end of the battle it generates 6RR, which can be used for repairs
only; any unspent RR following the repair phase is lost.
Vorchan Class Warship Skirmish
With its beak-like forward cabin the Vorchan looked much like the Centauri bird of prey it was named after. It mounted a
deadly plasma accelerator as its main gun with powerful ion cannon batteries for stopping power and effective short
ranged attacks. In larger battles, Vorchans usually amassed into large squadrons, utilising their speed and incredible
agility to flank enemy fleets and pound them into submission as the main Centauri fleet began to engage.
Speed: 14 Turn: 2/45 Hull: 5 Damage: 19/5
Crew: 24/6 Troops: 1 Craft: None
Special Rules: Agile, Atmospheric, Jump Engine
In Service: 2160+
Campaigns: Refits and Other Duties
Centauri Republic Fleets use the following tables for Refits and Other Duties when playing campaign games.
Narn Regime - Driven by Vengeance
Becoming a major power in the galaxy was never a plan for the teeming agrarian
inhabitants of the lush world called Narn. They were happy to live their family-based
villages on their homeworld, tending their crops and reciting the words of the prophets. It
was only through the actions of unwanted visitors that the Narn became aware of other
beings in the galaxy.
The Centauri came to the Narn with outstretched arms and welcoming smiles – all the while
counting in their heads the fortune they would make. In a very few short weeks, with the aid
of the Centauri’s advanced war and punitive technologies, the Narn were enslaved. It was a
dire time for the Narn.
The Centauri were harsh and merciless taskmasters and the Narn Homeworld was ripped
asunder from strip mining, deforestation and polluting factories. Narn were shipped off to other planets and systems
nearby to be used as labour in new production colonies – they were well suited for work and survival in less-than-savoury
conditions. Soon there were thousands of Narn across a dozen systems of the Republic.
Over decades the Narn began to steal and convert weaponry from the Centauri, breaking key components off of existing
machinery or systems to eventually construct their own elsewhere. They worked under the lash, punished severely for
their frequent mistakes and many died during the process. It was worth the effort however, as 82 years after the Centauri
landed, the Kha’Ri ordered the uprising.
It was bloody and costly to the Centauri, who were not prepared to fight against the hordes of thick-skinned ‘primitives’
they had brought to many of their colonies and essentially equipped with weapons of war. After months of bitter fighting,
the Centauri chose to pull out of the Narn systems – leaving behind factories, processors and even docked spacecraft for
the Narn to call spoils. The Narn had removed a star-borne threat from their planet although it came at a great cost.
Their beautiful Homeworld was an angry place and the Narn themselves had transformed from agrarian farmers to
bloodthirsty guerrillas – immediately ready to go into the stars after the Centauri.
Ripping out the frills and aesthetics that most Centauri vessels were equipped with, the Narn began removing secondary
power drains like sonic showers and emptying cargo bays to create barracks. Smaller Centauri ships were cannibalised
to add their weaponry to larger hulls, welding heavy bulkheads along the wide hallways – Narn were happy in small
places and would rather have more protection than room to dance and frolic. Ship reactors were augmented and clocked
over their safety regulations, the excess radiation a slight tingle to the resilient Narn.
During the rebellion the Narn had often used fighter reactor cores as makeshift bombs, levelling buildings or filling areas
with deadly radioactive debris. Once in space they realised the potential and the first energy mine projectors were
created. Originally using actual Centauri fighter-cores (allegedly on occasion including captured pilots), the energy mine
became a powerful deterrent against fighter use.
Many Narn captains had but one rule – never give, never bend and always kill the alpha first. Using the significant, but
often short-ranged weapon payloads of heavier Narn vessels, they sought to overwhelm targets by converging upon
them. It was important for Narn crews to maximise damage control with repair crews standing by as they flew directly at a
pre-designated ship or installation that had been identified as the ‘alpha.’
Everything the Narn learned about warfare, violence and cruelty they learned from the Centauri, and they knew the
strength of will that their hatred for them brings. They were prepared to withstand torrents of enemy fire as they
approached, often seemingly holding the ship together by sheer will, if it meant bringing their guns to bear on the enemy.
The Narn spread out across the galaxy from their battered home world, absorbing many worlds as the Centauri Republic
retreated, reeling from the blows of its former slaves. Angry, vengeful and desperate for resources to continue their war,
the Kha’Ri authorised the conquest of two primitive races – the Sorians and the T’lori.
Growing in power, they rebuffed the League’s invitation to join that organisation, angered that they would not join in the
righteous war against the oppressors of so many races - the Centauri. However when they attempted to bring several
other races under their “protection” they suffered several humiliating defeats and were forced to spend more time
consolidating than conquering.
Correctly reading their hunger for both vengeance and expansion, Warmaster Len’char negotiated the neutrality of the
Narn, promising both League worlds and future assistance against the Centauri.
“Galactic power?” G’Kar chuckled. “To be a Galactic power we would need, oh I don’t know,
“We have power, our fleets and ships are strong, our soldiers fearless, our commanders
cunning and brave.” Ta’Kai repudiated.
“Spare me the propaganda.” G’Kar dismissed. “Our record is as poor as a blind man in a
“Because our leadership is foolish!” the female spat. “They involve us piecemeal in small
wars, squander our strength and retreat at the first sign of difficulty! The Gaim, the
Bestine, the Balosians, the Tirrithans, we could have beaten any of them if the leaders had
remained committed.”
“Those places are a waste of Narn lives.” G’Kar countered. “Lives we will need for our
inevitable war with the Centauri.”
Flights of smaller craft may be purchased separately and used as units in their own right. Some ships are noted as
carrying one or more flights on board. These flights may be deployed at any time before or during the battle and do not
cost anything extra – the cost of these flights is included in that of their parent ships.
Any ship carrying one or more Goriths flights may replace any number of them for Breaching Pods. Breaching Pods
swapped in this way will carry a Troop from the ship – they do not include Troops of their own in the way Breaching Pod
Wings do.
Fighting Centauri: Narn vessels will never surrender to the Centauri and are immune to any effects that would
require them to surrender to Centauri vessels, such as the Stand Down and Prepare to be Boarded! special actions.
Breaching Pod Patrol (Wing of 4 flights)
Capable of transporting a platoon of assault troops across the war zone and on towards an enemy ship, breaching pods
are dangerous vehicles to deploy but a clever Admiral will balance the risk with the potential to keep an enemy on the
back foot. Plasma cutters allow the breaching pod to cut through metres thick armour plating once latched onto the hull
of a target, gaining entry for the troops carried on board.
L’Sarn Durn Base Skirmish
Several old but still functional Marcanos stations hung above Narn worlds, indeed the very name L’Sarn Durn meant
‘Honour Reclaimed’ – referring to the fact that most were constructed with minerals and metals ripped from the
Speed: 6
Turn: 1/45
Hull: 5
Damage: 36/10
Crew: 40/12
Troops: 6
Craft: 2 Gorith flights
Special Rules: Anti-Fighter 2, Command +1, Jump Engine, Lumbering, Shuttles 2,
In Service: 2217+
Sho’Kos Class Police Cutter Patrol (2 ships)
The Sho’Kos was a small, agile vessel capable of acting in both a cutter and interceptor capacity. The Sho’Kos was used
heavily in trade areas where it enforced Narn law against Raider activity and protected incoming and outgoing merchant
vessels. It was rare to find a Sho’Kos on extended patrol as the vessels were not designed for long-term autonomous
missions but they were on occasion pressed into service within large battle fleets when war came to their patrol routes.
Speed: 12 Turn: 2/45 Hull: 4 Damage: 12/3
Crew: 10/3 Troops: 1 Craft: None
Special Rules: Agile, Anti-Fighter 1, Dodge 5+
In Service: 2221+
• You may purchase two Sho’Kos Police cutters for one Patrol slot.
Thnor Class Cruiser Raid
The Thnor was designed as a classic cruiser, able to patrol the expanse of Narn space whilst being able to deal with any
enemy vessels it may encounter. Substantial armour cloaks a primitive design with decent firepower. Initially it was
intended to include a Jump Engine but as this proved impractical, the space was given over to a hanger bay giving the
ship more flexibility.
Speed: 8 Turn: 1/45 Hull: 5
Damage: 30/5 Crew: 38/5 Troops: 2
Craft: 1 Gorith Flight Special Rules: None,
In Service: 2215+
Roar of the Cen’turk, a Thnor class cruiser on patrol in the Ardun System.
Whilst not an important colony, its location near to Centauri space meant that it was heavily patrolled
and contained several military facilities. As tensions increased between the two old enemies, the
Ardun system was the target of several raids by Centauri Privateers and the Roar of the Cen’turk
scored its first kills in late 2231.
It also gave the cruiser’s commander, M’Lor, the opportunity to create a true Cen’truk drum for its
bridge – made from the skin of the overly ambitious Centauri captain.
T’Loth Class Assault Cruiser Raid
The T’Loth was a deadly addition to any Narn assault group, mainly due to huge number of troops and equipment it
brings with it into any fray. Built to support or spearhead an attack, depending on the needs of accompanying vessels, a
T’Loth could even act as a low-capability command ship.
Speed: 8 Turn: 1/45 Hull: 5
Damage: 74/15 Crew: 90/21 Troops: 12
Craft: 2 Gorith flights
Special Rules: Jump Engine, Lumbering, Shuttles 3
In Service: 2215+
T'Shon Early Explorer (T'Loth Forerunner) Raid
The aftermath of the liberation from the Centauri was a time of expansion and a desperate search for new resources,
ironically often at the expense of fellow sufferers of Centauri rule or primitives that resembled the Narn of old. The T’Shon
was a survey ship, a diplomatic envoy and where necessary, an assault ship.
Speed: 4 Turn: 1/45 Hull: 5
Damage: 65/12 Crew: 80/20 Troops: 12
Craft: 2 Gorith flights,
Special Rules: Command +1, Jump Engine, Lumbering, Scout, Shuttles 4
In Service: 2212+
If a T’Sorn takes part in a battle and is still in play at the end of the battle you may choose one destroyed enemy ship that
did not explode and generate 6RR by reclaiming its technology.
Speed: 8
Turn: 1/45
Hull: 5
Damage: 85/17
Crew: 102/25
Troops: 5
Craft: 2 Gorith flights,
Special Rules: Anti-Fighter 2, Command +1, Jump Engine, Lumbering,
In Service: 2230+
Vor’Kar Class Strike Ship Patrol
When the Narn drove the Centauri from their world they were able to capture a considerable number of warships in varied
states of construction and repair. Refitted with weapon systems within the capability of the Narn defence industries to
maintain and supply, the Vor’Kar (falcon) was one of the first ships to be fielded against their former oppressors. More
were lost in accidents than combat but a few battered survivors could still be found in rear echelon units.
Speed: 10 Turn: 2/45 Hull: 4 Damage: 14/4
Crew: 16/4 Troops: 2 Craft: none,
Special Rules: Agile, Atmospheric,
In Service: 2212+
“The Narn have a simple view on other races, either they can be used or must be avoided.
Right now we can be used.”
“Perhaps, but the Centauri made them that way, as they have done with many League
worlds. Understand the Narn and you can make them see things differently. They have an
inferiority complex, they must expand their territory and fleet even at the cost of their
quality of life. A vindictive race, but with honour buried somewhere deep down. Follow my
lead Kalika, much depends on who we will be negotiating with.”
Campaigns: Refits and Other Duties
Narn Regime Fleets use the following tables for Refits and Other Duties when playing campaign games.
The planet itself, while still a blue and green orb, was ringed in steel and dormant fire. Vast swathes of mines and gun
platforms orbited the colony along with a handful of space stations and orbital control facilities, standing out above them
all a massive Pirocia class Battlestation that would dominate any battle fought for the planet and its inhabitants. From a
distance it looked hugely impressive, but up close it was a slightly different matter. When the huge Dilgar fleet arrived,
construction teams were still crawling over the station working frantically to finish it and massive bundles of spare parts
floated beside, it waiting to be attached. It had its teeth, but unfortunately for the Abbai it wasn’t ready for a real battle.
All ships are CQ4 unless otherwise noted and all carried fighters begin the game launched. Ships (but not stations) can
be formed into Squadrons and Pentacons as required by the controlling player at the start of the game. Debris fields
count as asteroid fields in all respects. Victory goes to the last player with functional ships or stations.
Making a Stand
Tirrith, Independent Star System
When the Persephone arrived, hundreds of ships were crowded around the main planet and home of the
Tirrithans seeking fuel or shelter. Most of the ships were civilian freighters and almost every one of them had
brought refugees from Abbai space fleeing the destruction the Dilgar had brought with them. Many were from
the lost colony of Utriel, but some had come from the home system itself. The Tirrithan navy, mostly patrol
ships and light destroyers purchased from their neighbours had been kept busy regulating the traffic. Then the
Dilgar arrived and began destroying the refugees, forcing Captain DeVierre to make a fateful decision – to
intervene or leave them to die………
Deployment is as the Supply Ships scenario. All ships are Crew Quality 4 unless noted. The Dilgar may
deploy their reinforcements (but not the initial ships) in their normal Pentacon formation.
Captain DeVierre, EAS Persephone, Hyperion, CQ 5, its Starfury fighter flight is already launched.
Captain DeVierre has the Admiral abilities Inspirational Leader and Legendary Tactician
2 Markab Venua Gunships, Voice of Truth and Inspiration of Hallas
Tirrithian Forces
Space Station for VPs count as Raid
Hull: 4 Damage: 71/40/14 Troops: 1
Craft: none Special Rules: Anti-Fighter 5, Escort, Immobile, Space Station
The Dilgar
Ochlavita Destroyer (fighters launched), Jashakar Frigate, Jashakar Frigate, Jashakar Frigate
Victory Conditions
Victory points determine the winner, treating the scenario as Raid level, and last 10 turns.
The defender gains +10 victory points if the Persephone is not destroyed or crewless by Turn 10.
1st Battle for Gorash
Emperor Turhan had recently ascended to the throne and already faced a major crisis as in reparation for the destruction
of a Narn ship; the Regime claimed the Gorash system. Unfortunately for the Emperor, two noble Houses refused to
relinquish anything to the Narn and his plans for peaceful settlement were left as ashes.
All ships are Crew Quality 4 unless otherwise noted and start with all fighters launched. House Jaddo ships can not be in
a squadron with House Mollari ships.
She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, Turhan watched her eyelids flicker as she
accessed a deeper part of her consciousness.
“I see Narns surrounding Gorash, thousands of them floating in space. Their eyes are dead,
frozen in the vacuum staring eternally at Centauri Prime in unquenchable hatred. I see the
darkness that killed them all. It hungers, it wants war and death, it feeds on our hatred and
the hatred of others and it will consume all light in the galaxy. If we do not let the Narns
have Gorash they will try and take it in the future, and our people will embrace the
darkness to help destroy the Narn.”
She opened her eyes. “And by letting the darkness into our hearts, Centauri Prime will fall
into ruin and despair before this century ends.”
The Abbai fleet had been decimated, it’s few survivors were sheltering beneath the homeworlds multilayered
mine fields, satellite batteries and warstations, still considered the best defensive network in the known galaxy.
It had to be for it protected all the Abbai had left. Their colonies were gone, burned or poisoned by
Deathwalker, the majority of their military personnel drifting cold and lifeless in the space beyond their world
and their allies cut off, maybe even conquered themselves.
Nobody had heard anything from outside in months, the Dilgar jammers prevented communication and the
various probes sent into hyperspace never returned. With the jump gate cut off and only a handful of surviving
jump capable ships available to them the Abbai were forced to be highly conservative with their assets. For a
long time none of the government wanted to risk a precious cruiser on a manned mission to gather news from
the League, but after so long there was no other option.
The Abbai enter play from their table edge and must reach the jump zone to be able to activate a
Jump Engines and escape. The Abbai win if they manage to do this and at least one ship escapes
into hyperspace, otherwise the Dilgar win. The Dilgar have mined the area, deployed concealed
weapon satellites and patrol aggressively. At the start of each turn roll a D6:
1 Nothing happens .
2-3 1 Dilgar satellite reveals itself anywhere within the Blockaded Zone,
4 1D6 flights of Thorun fighters may enter play from the Dilgar Table edge. .
5 2 Jashakar Frigates or 1 Ochlivita Destroyer may enter play from the Dilgar edge.
6 1 Omelos Cruiser may enter play from the Dilgar table edge. .
Any non-Dilgar ship within the Blockaded Zone may trigger a mine, roll immediately it completes its
movement, on a 4+ it suffers a 4AD attack with the SAP and Double Damage traits. All ships in the
scenario are CQ 4 unless otherwise noted.
Dilgar Satellite
Hull: 4 Damage: 20/10/5 Troops: 1 Special Rules: Immobile, Space Station
Weapon Range Arc AD Special
Heavy Bolters 22 T 5 AP, Double Damage
Breaking the Line
Our throttles are jammed wide open and the fuel lines are locked, meaning we can’t slow down or
cut the drives without killing the main reactor.”
“Secondary thrusters?”
“Also out of action.” He replied. “Those hits caught us in just the wrong place.”
“Well I’ve got bad news, we’re about to cross the area of heaviest fighting unless we slow down or
turn around.” Tennant said flatly. “And if we survive that then we get to fly straight through the
middle of the Dilgar Navy. Then we hit a moon. So I strongly suggest you find a way to slow us
down, regain control or just turn us around. Fast.” “Aye sir.”
“So stop talking to me and get going.” Tennant said and closed the channel.
“Should we kill the reactor?” Anderson asked from his station.
“And leave us dead in space, blind and defenceless with Dilgar everywhere? Nah, its suicide.”
“So is taking a cruise through all those ships.”
“But at least we’ll take them down with us.” Tennant remarked. “Besides, it won’t happen. Have some
faith Commander, I’ve got my skirt on.”
The Nemesis is placed on the board as shown, it is adrift but with its engines locked at full thrust – it
obeys all the normal rules for being adrift but moves at normal speed and not half speed, unless
additional damage reduces its speed. Its adrift status can not be repaired but further results have no
effect. 5 Debris fields are placed as shown below, these are treated in all ways as Asteroid fields,
density 7. All ships are CQ 4 unless otherwise noted. Victory points are calculated as normal.
EarthForce Dilgar
Captain Joe Tennant, EAS Nemesis (Lady Nemesis), Remnants of the 5th Scout Pentacon
Ghost Squadron (2 flights), 4 Tiger Starfury flights, Alert, Ochlavita Command Destroyer
(Deploy within 6”) Flame 3 and 5, 2 Jashakar Scout Ships
Turn 1: The 23rd Destroyer Pentacon “Slayers” enters from their table edge
Hunter, Ochlavita Command Destroyer, CQ 5, Duty, Omelos Cruiser, CQ 5,
Furious Slaughter, Deathdealer, Impaler, Ochlivita Destroyers
Turn 2: Onset of Terror, a Mankhat Dreadnought, CQ 5, enters from the Dilgar table edge
Turn 3: 2 Markab Venua Gunships arrive from the Earth table edge.
The Trap, Comac System, Occupied Brakiri Space.
The first two Sekhmet Strike cruisers produced were quickly put into action – demonstrating their
power on several unlucky EA supply convoys. The Alliance struck back by luring the ships and their
escorts into carefully prepared traps, destroying one with ease. The second – under Battlemaster
Dal’shan provided a far more stern task evading the first ambush. When brought to battle on the
second occasion, he confirmed his reputation as a formidable captain, shattering the Lancer and
crippling both the Shannon and the Tremeraire before his vessel was destroyed.
Dilgar Forces
Battlemaster Dal’shan, Vanquisher, Sekhmet Strike Cruiser, CQ 6,
Commander Gee’sep, Tar’tef, Ochlivita Destroyer, CQ 4
Commander Sala, Tu’das, Ochlivita Destroyer, CQ 5,
Earth Forces
The Bait
The Space Race (2231 version) and 1 flight of Ghost Riders
The Space Race is set up in the centre of the map, facing in any direction the EA player chooses with
the Ghost Riders flight within 6”. The Tar’tef and the two Thorun Flights from the Ochlivita Destroyers
are then set up 18” away from the Space Race as they move to engage. The Tu’das is set up in the
centre of the Dilgar edge of the table. Both Dilgar Ships should have the Space Race in their Front
arc. The game then begins. The Vanquisher enters from anywhere along the nebula edge on Turn 1,
initially with the Space Race in its Front arc. Once the Vanquisher is activated the ships comprising
the Earth Alliance Battle Group then enter from anywhere along the indicated table edge (including
within the Nebula). All ships may declare Special Actions on entry and the three Earth ships forming
the Trap may be declared as a Squadron.
Stellar debris – the entirety of the Nebula counts as a Gas Cloud. Two additional dust clouds are
placed as shown
Victory Conditions: Normal Victory conditions apply but in addition if the Space race is captured and
the Vanquisher escapes the Dilgar win. If the Vanquisher is captured and one or more Earth ships
survive, Earth wins. The Vanquisher and the other Dilgar ships may only escape via hyperspace.
Last Gamble
That battle with the Dilgar flagship? Yes, we had a term for it in the academy. We called it a Pimp
Slap, and I think that covers it rather well.
Commodore Joseph Tennant, EAS Nemesis, 2235
Jha’dur, having met with defeat at the guns of EarthForce, faced them again in battle at Balos,
gathering the last remaining reserves of the Imperium into a great fleet numbering some 10,000
ships. Twice in battle she defeated EarthForce and its League allies, but at last, even she met her
match in the shape of the Lady Nemesis.
All ships are Crew Quality 4 unless otherwise noted here or in their descriptions in the fleet list. All
ships start with all fighters launched. Ships may start the game in Squadrons or Pentacons.
Blazing Glory, Leskarti Jump Cruiser,
Blood Wind 10 and Blood Wind 22, Delagor Suicide Frigates,
The Fleets are deployed as normal in the zones as indicated below. Four wreckage fields are placed
as shown; they count in all ways as density 8 asteroid fields. Victory is awarded to the last player
with ships on the table, even if ships still remain in hyperspace.
To die a Warmaster
“Through blood shed, honour gained, bravery displayed and loyalty assured, I hereby
promote you Warmaster Tor’han, from now until the end of your days.” He sighed. “I
apologise that that time is so near.”
“It is a great final honour, only beaten by the opportunity to give my life to destroy the
enemies of our world!” Tor’han called back. “I must act now Warmaster, while I still can!”
“Go now Tor’han, die a Warmaster.”
“Yes sir! I pray you die as a warrior, surrounded by the bodies of your foes!”
“I will.” Gar’shan stated. “Of that you can be positive.”
Pursuing vessels: Any Liberation Navy ships other than the Opportunity or Exultation which are
destroyed may re-enter play from the Dilgar entry edge fully restored to normal at the start of the next
Sacrificial Ships: All Dilgar vessels receive a +1 bonus to any CQ check made when carrying out the
Manoeuvre to shield them! Special Action.
To win the Dilgar player must first perform the Activate Jump Gate Special Action and whilst the
Jump Gate is still active, a ship with a functioning jump engine must then perform the initiate Jump
Point with the jump gate within 8” and in its front arc. The Liberation Navy player must prevent this.
If the Dilgar player succeeds, he or she wins and all ships on the table are destroyed.
Final Duel
The Liberation Navy smashed into the formidable Omelos defence grid and casualties began to climb
exponentially on both sides. Admiral Hamato took his command group to engage the lynchpin of the
Dilgar defences, the huge Orbital Command station. The Supreme Warmaster, Gar’shan took this
opportunity to engage in one final duel.
All Ships are CQ 4 unless otherwise noted and all fighters start the game launched. Orbital
Command and 7 Debris fields are placed as shown below. Debris fields are treated as
density 8 asteroid fields in all respects. As noted, the Dilgar carriers have few fighters left.
At the start of each turn the Dilgar player should roll a D6 – on a rool of (6-turn)+, missiles hidden in
the wreckage have achieved lock on and may fire. The Dilgar player then has 30AD of missiles (AP,
One Shot, Triple Damage) which may be fired at any target/s on the table in the firing phrase.
Dilgar ships automatically pass the Crew Quality check required to attempt the Give Me Ramming
Speed! special order. The last player to have an operational ship or station on the table wins.
A few minutes later no Dilgar was left alive in orbit,
just a massive collection of debris
slowly ringing the planet as it fell downwards.
2215, Dilgar scientists discover that their sun will go Nova within two decades. The decision is made
to conceal this fact from the populace in order to avoid civilian unrest and panic. The War Council
begin to prepare and militarise their people to take a new homeworld by force.
2223, 12th January: Jha’dur, having joined the Dilgar military, continues her research into diseases.
She falls foul of a bullying technician Nar’ken and rather than succumb to his abuse kills him – her
first kill.
2229, 7th March: In a test of their abilities, a substantial Dilgar fleet crushes the independent planet of
Alaca. Those that survive the invasion are enslaved and orbital weapon facilities are constructed.
2229, 8th August: A huge Dilgar force invades Balos, after swiftly overwhelming the defenders, they
proceed to bombard the planet using massdrivers, testing their new weapons.
2229, 18th August: The League of Non-Aligned Worlds meet on Tirrith to discuss the Dilgar
aggression. Only the Drazi and Abbai recognise the threat and secretly make a treaty of mutual
2229, 12th September: The Dilgar consolidate their conquest of Balos and conscript the remaining
populace as slaves to mine the abundant resources of their world. Jha’dur begins her experiments
on the population, giving a small child a sweet, infecting her with Compound 291-K.
2229, 13th September: The Supreme Warmaster decides to postpone the full invasion of the League
as intelligence reports revealed military build ups of many League fleets. He decides to wait until the
Centauri are distracted when the ailing Emperor dies, hoping to avoid them interfering.
2230, 18th September: Emperor Deraini of the Centauri Republic dies in his sleep, although many
suspect poison. Earth goes to Defcon 4, concerned that the Narn and perhaps the Dilgar may take
advantage of the situation to start wars across known space. Despite reports of atrocities by Alcan
and Balosian refuges, Earth, like the League chooses not to act, given the great distances involved.
2230, 1st October: Centauri Captain Andune, patrolling the Gorash system encounters a Narn cruiser
and immediately destroys it, increased tensions between the Narn and Centauri. Warmaster
Len’char meets with the G’Quonth’Tiel of the Narn, they agree to divide up the League between
them before later joining to destroy the Centauri.
2230, 17th October: The Dilgar attack the Abbai colony of Utriel and despite the presence of a strong
Abbai fleet and a half-finished Pirocia class battlestation, the colony is destroyed. The Space Race
barely survives the battle, escaping via a jump point created by the Syonar to Ssumssha, homeworld
of the Abbai Matriarchy.
The Drazi system of Titholis is simultaneously attacked by a fleet under Warmaster Len’char but he
meets stiff resistance and is beaten back. Gar’shan sends Jha’dur, his chosen protege to retrieve
the situation with the words “You have free reign Jha’dur, do as you will. Just make sure the offensive
gets back on schedule.” She scores a lightning victory at Latig IV, beginning to build her reputation.
2230, 30th October: The League Council meet again at Tirrith but despite the attacks on the Abbai
and Drazi, the other races refuse to aid them, reminding them that the League was set up to unite
against Centauri aggression and they have no obligations to assist in this case.
2230, 16th November: The Dilgar take the bulk of their forces – six Line Fleets and two Strike Fleets
to assault the Abbai homeworld. Massive losses are inflicted on the two races, but the Abbai hold,
the resistance co-ordinated by Drazi Ambassador Shala’dan who secretly brings in nuclear mines.
2230, 28th November: The Persephone under Captain DeVierre arrives at the Tirrith system,
ostensibly to deliver food and medical supplies but under orders to observe the Dilgar. The Dilgar
arrive in force and begin to destroy refugee ships. In response, the Persephone, assisted by local
forces and two Markab gunships engages and destroys the attacking force but is overwhelmed when
the Dilgar fleet under Jha’dur arrives.
2230, 11th December: The Narn dispatch a fleet to claim Gorash in recompense for the destruction of
their cruiser. The new Emperor Turhan, orders the Centauri Royal Navy not to interfere and House
Jaddo to evacuate its colonists.
2230, 12th December: Vice Admiral Anne Thornhill commanding Earths 9th Squadron retrieves a
small group of survivors of the destroyed Persephone, warning the Dilgar not to interfere. Jha’dur,
having observed the latter vessel in battle and with limited ships at her disposal orders her brother to
let them go.
2230, 13th December: The Narn fleet arrives in the Gorash system and engages a combined fleet
from House Jaddo and Mollari. The Centauri overwhelm the Narn vessels in a pitched battle.
2231, 10th January: Warmaster Jha’dur engages the Brakri fleet in battle in the Comac system. The
Brakiri field a formidable force, but the suspicion and lack of co-ordination between the line of battle
ships and the carriers (controlled by different corporations) led to disaster. At the same time a fleet
attacks the nearly undefended Brakiri colony at Ekalta. Both colonies are destroyed.
2231, 12th January: Jha’dur sends a Spectre operative, Dar’ro to gather intelligence on the humans
and in particular EarthForce. He uses a captured Brakiri shuttle to infiltrate the fleets of refugees and
makes his way to Earth.
2231, 14th January: The Dilgar First Strike fleet under Jha’dur catches the majority of the Hyach fleet
assembling and taking on supplies at their colony world of Yonog. Locked in orbit and with only
skeleton crews aboard, the immensely powerful Hyach vessels are quickly destroyed before they can
effectively react. The helpless colony is then eradicated.
Simultaneously, Warmaster Sha’dur assaults Brakir. The Brakiri fling all remaining ships into the
defence, including a number of Alien and Belt Alliance vessels. Again, both sides suffer huge
casualties but the Brakiri and their conscripted ally’s hold, assisted by the arrival of a small force of
Balosian warships. The Dilgar retreat to the Ice belt in the outer reaches of the system to regroup for
a second attack. However re-supply problems mean that they are unable to attack immediately and
instead blockade the planet. Before they establish a full cordon, the Space Race and the other
remaining Belt Alliance ships escape with the Balosians.
2231, 28th January: Resupplied, the Dilgar renew the assault, crashing headlong into the remaining
ships and orbital defences. They finally breach the defences long enough to allow their
bombardment ships access to the planet, despite the desperation of the resistance. Only the
sacrifice of the barely operational Corumai, ramming the last bombardment ship, prevents the
devastation of the Brakiri homeworld. The Dilgar fleet is forced to withdraw and maintain their siege.
2231, 1st February: Jha’dur moves into the Hyach home system, having lured the still substantial
Hyach battle fleet away with hyperspace decoys. Whilst her own fleet harasses the impressive
defence grid and few remaining warships, she attempts to infect the planet with a specially designed
bio-weapon. However a Hyach stealth ship detects and destroys the plague ship and Jha’dur is
forced to reluctantly resort to merely blockading the system.
2231, 19th February: The Dilgar agent on Earth is discovered and killed, in the process revealing a
intelligence network linking the Dilgar to Earth through Narn spies.
2231, 20Th February: The independent systems of Mitoc and Krish are quickly conquered by the
Dilgar. Krish has no military and can do more than evacuate everyone it can whilst the few frigates
defending Mitoc are no match for the hardened Dilgar warships. Mitoc has been singled out as the
potential new Dilgar homeworld and the Dilgar refrain from bombarding the planet when it surrenders.
A small number of the defending frigates escape into hyperspace.
2231, 12th March: Whilst Dilgar representatives meet with Earth diplomats to sign a treaty of non
aggression, the Delphi and Space Race slip into the Krish system to observe the Dilgar forces. They
discover the population has almost been eradicated and the remaining refugee ships are being used
for target practice. Earth Alliance signs the treaty, but warns the Dilgar not to breach Earth, Markab
or Mentab borders.
2231, 17th March: A Dilgar force attacks the Cascor colony at Zachai, destroying the defending
vessels and wiping out the population. Admiral Himmat of the Cascorian Navy formulates a plan to
attack the Dilgar supply ships and destroy Jha’dur’s strike fleet when it responds.
2231, 20th March: The entire Cacsor fleet goes to meet Jha’dur in battle, arriving in deep space at
the last known location of the Dilgar supply ships. Dilgar tactics and fighters counter the Cascor
fighters. Rather than fight a protracted battle, Jha’dur destroys the jump capable Cascor ships before
retreating, leaving the rest to starve or suffocate in the void.
2231, 29th March: Led by Captain Cashik commanding the Syonar, a small Abbai force attempts to
break free from their blockaded home system to try and seek a relief force. Carrying Ambassador
Itala, they begin an infamous trek across known space that would end in Earth Alliance space.
2231, 9th April: On behalf of EarthForce Intelligence, the Space Race contacts Commander Kanos,
who leads the Balosians fighting the Dilgar and arranges limited resupply operations. Ambassador
Itala arrives in Narn space and attempts to persuade them to intervene on the Leagues behalf.
Despite initially receiving encouragement from Diplomatic Attaché G’Kar, the Khar’Ri overrule him
and turn the Abbai away.
2231, 17th April: The Drazi launch Operation Retributive Strike under the command of Warleader
Stro’kath who has reorganising and training his warriors to fight the Dilgar. Having built up a huge
fleet by marshalling resources and withdrawing ships from their border with the Narn, Stro’kath
hopes to reach Omelos. The Drazi strike at occupied Fendamir, smashing into the First and Second
Line Fleets. The arrival of Warmaster Dar’sen and his Third Strike fleet prevents total disaster and a
clear run to Omelos, but the Dilgar are forced to retreat to Tithalis.
2231, 1st May: Despite lacking support from other Drazi leaders, Stro’kath leads an assault on
Tithalis, one jump from Omelos. Again the Dilgar are on the brink of defeat when salvation arrives –
this time the Home Fleet under War Captain Tor’han. Both fleets break off exhausted with the Drazi
taking several planets in the system. The First Strike Fleet under Warmaster Jha’dur is recalled to
the Drazi front, whist her brother continues the advance into the League.
2231, 28th May: Vargas, the Llort homeworld, is attacked and devastated. Warleader Stro’kath is
recalled home to Zhabar with his fleet.
2231, 4th June: The Syonar arrives at the Gaim home system, N’chak’fah and gathers more ships for
its refugee convoy. At the same time a small Narn force under Captian G’Sten arrives at the Drazi
colony of Hilak and claims it in the name of the Regime.
2231, 30th June: The Syonar reaches the Bestine system and engages a scouting Dilgar squadron.
In the course of the battle the Pyrotina and several frigates – survivors of the defenders of Mitoc,
assist them. They receive the news that N’chak’fah has fallen, the small Pak’Ma’Ra outpost in orbit
destroyed and the surface installations wiped out by mass drivers.
2231, 31st July: General Yanli of the Drazi, leads a large Dilgar fleet to Tithalis. He is lured into a trap
by Warmaster Dar’sen and his Third Strike Fleet and loses the majority of the Darzi fleet. He does
not live to see the full scale of the defeat, as when he refuses to retreat, his own ships captain kills
him before leading the remnants into hyperspace. When the Drazi fleet runs, the Dilgar Home Fleet
under War Captain Tor’han attacks the Drazi at Latig, quickly wiping out their forces but retreat in the
face of a large and unexpected Hurr armada. Jha’dur arrives at the former Drazi world of Halik and
finds a new Narn colony has supplanted and enslaved the Drazi inhabitants. Confident that the Narn
will not respond, Jha’dur takes several Narn captive and wipes out the remaining population.
2231, 3rd August: Despite an impassioned plea to the Yolu, the Ambassadors aboard the Syonar are
unable to persuade the Yolu to enter the war. They expressed sincere sympathy for the League, but
nothing more. However they meet Cy-teh of the Vree who offers to relieve Brakir – for a suitable fee
contacts the small, dejected armada.
2231, 28th August: The Space Race running Q-40, takes a short cut to Bestine and finds itself caught
up in a Dilgar assault once again. Transporting refugees, it joins a large Belt Alliance convoy
attempting to break free. Warmaster Sha’dur and the Second Strike Fleet tear through the Descari
warships but run into a more serious challenge when a Vree fleet arrives. Although the Vree had
arrived hoping to resupply rather than fight, they inflict casualties on the ships bombarding Bestine.
However as the Vree ships operate individually, the superior tactics and experience of the Dilgar
quickly turns the tables, taking a heavy toll on them before they can retreat.
2231, 31st September: At Latig Jha’dur leads the Dilgar Home Fleet and First Strike Fleet against
the main Drazi fleet under General Indriza and the entire Hurr Navy under Admiral Tak. The Dilgar
Home fleet quickly defeats the Hurr who retreat to hyperspace whilst First Strike screens them from
the Darzi. The Hurr are pursued by Jha’dur whilst the Drazi retreat to Deskartalos.
2231, 1st October: Warleader Stro’kath attacks and destroys the primary Dilgar supply fleet at Latig
whilst Jha’dur is crushing the Hurr. The Dilgar bombard the Hurr homeworld with massdrivers and
nuclear weapons.
2231, 2nd October: Ambassador Itala arrives at Markab and attempts to persuade them to join the
Vree in fighting the Dilgar. The Markab are confident that the Great Maker and their treaty with Earth
will protect them. The Syonar sets a course for Earth Alliance space.
2231, 4th October: Warmaster Jha’dur returns to Latig and allows Battlemaster Yeg’dra, former
commander of the supply ships escort fleet to commit suicide when he admits responsibility. Without
the required fuel she is unable to support Dar’sen as he attacks Deshartalos.
2231, 6th October: Warleader Stro’kath arrives at Deshartalos in time to prevent the Third Strike
Fleet completely destroying the Drazi forces. The Dilgar, narrowly avoiding a suicidal charge by
much of the Drazi fleet retreat to Tithalis once again.
2231, 19th December: The Space Race, covertly supplying the Balosians at the edge of the Eradani
system, meets the Syonar and its rag tag convoy of ships who are being pursued by a Dilgar force.
Before the Dilgar can fully engage they are warned off by the EAS Temeraire which escorts the
survivors to Eradani station.
2231, 20th December: The Dilgar War Council decides on its next move, Jha’dur advises not
invading the Markab and provoking the humans for the moment and instead suggests attacking the
Yolu. However Len’char persuades the Council to attack the Markab next.
2231, December 26th: Tiree, a Markab colony world is attacked by the Dilgar and quickly conquered.
As Jha’dur defeats a desperate Markab counter assault, Ambassador Itala addresses the Earth
Senate at Geneva to try and persuade them to stop the Dilgar.
2231, 27th December: Earth Alliance dispatches Admiral Hamato, commanding the Third and Fourth
Fleets, to Markab and the Fifth and Sixth Fleets under Admiral Ferguson to Tiree.
2232, 1st January: Arriving in the midst of a brutal battle between the Markab and the Dilgar, Admiral
Hamato orders the Digar forces in the system to surrender their vessels. Jha’dur’s answer is
predictable and in the first clash between the two fleets the Dilgar forces are badly mauled. Jha’dur
has no intention of maintaining contact with her outmatched forces and retreats to Bestine as soon as
her fleets jump engines are charged. Admiral Ferguson enters the Tiree system and begins ground
operations to liberate the planet.
2232, 10th January: Jha’dur returns to Markab leading the veteran First and Second Strike Fleets
and the Third Line Fleet. She underestimates the EarthForce ability to respond to her tactics, its
willingness to use overwhelming force and is unaware that her communication codes have been
broken. Approximately three-quarters of the Dilgar ships are destroyed and Jha’dur is badly injured
when Earth launch a massive nuclear missile barrage at her fleeing pentacons. The surviving ships
under Sha’dur retreat to Bestine.
2232, 28th January: Hamato follows the Dilgar to Bestine with Vree and Markab allied contingents
and engages the remnants of the Second Strike Fleet and the First Guard Fleet. Ordered to fight
with inferior forces by Len’char, Sha’dur performs a fighting retreat before sending most of his
remaining ships to Mitoc. As his Command Dreadnought, Conqueror is about to enter a hyperspace
vortex, a Markab Cruiser rams it and both vessels are destroyed.
2232, 16th March: EarthForce reaches and liberates N’Chak’Fah after the Dilgar garrison fleet
retreats without a fight as per Jha’dur’s standing orders. They fall back to the prepared defences at
the intended new Dilgar homeworld – Mitoc.
2232, April 26th: The Dilgar base on the former Brakiri colony at Gamma 7 is attacked to prevent it
being used to mount raids when the new EarthForce offensive begins. Ta’Kai, member of the Narn
Kha’Ri supplies Jha’dur with the co-ordinates of Earth and permission to travel through Narn space
to strike at the human homeworld. In exchange, the Narn are promised half of Drazi space.
2232, 3rd May: The Earth Alliance fleets are fully mobilised and deployed. The First and Second
Fleets remain to guard Alliance space, Third and Fourth Fleets remain as a reserve at Bestine, whilst
the Fifth and Seventh Fleets head for Ipsha space. Finally Admiral Ferguson’s Sixth and General
Fontaines Eighth Fleet, accompanied by the Vree and Markab forces enter the Brakiri home system
to relieve the siege, The Dilgar blockading forces retreat, pausing only destroy much of the remaining
mobile Brakiri forces that attempt to pursue them. The surviving Dilgar ships regroup at Mitoc.
2232, 12th May: Whilst confronting Ta’Kai at Sigma 957, G’Kar encounters a mysterious and
incredibly powerful vessel – he and his ships barely survive the experience. In return for rescuing
Ta’Kai she hands over all her secret files to G’Kar. He sends a warning to Earth that a stealth
cruiser carrying biological weapons is on its way to Earth.
2232, 13th May: Following a Vorlon directive, the Drala Fi (Black Star) and its escorts intercept and
destroy the Dilgar strike force.
2232, 23rd May: Jha’dur realises that Earth is attempting to cut off Mitoc from the rest of the
Imperium and that their new homeworld is unsustainable with too many people and too few supplies.
Despite its massive fixed defences it could only hold out for a few weeks. She turns the defence grid
on the planet, wiping out the 20 million Dilgar colonists and the surviving indigenous population.
Finally she orders the weapon satellites orbits degraded so they will crash onto the planet. Mitoc is
transformed form a paradise to a dead world. Jha’dur and her ships retreat to Tirrith.
2232, 25th May: Allied forces enter the Comac system, the Dilgar fleet retreats to Tirrith, but is unable
to evacuate their ground forces. Jha’dur informs the garrison she can not save them and gives them
one final order – “Kill as many of them as you can”.
2232, 30th May: The EAS Omega is sent to scout the defences at Mitoc and discovers the shattered
world. Of the several billion people that inhabited Mitoc before the invasion, only a few hundred
survived the bombardment. Jha’dur kills the Dilgar Emperor and takes control of the Imperium,
informing the Dilgar people that EarthForce destroyed Mitoc with nuclear bombardment.
2232, 3rd June: Admiral Ferguson and Earth’s Sixth Fleet is ordered to move through Narn space to
join with and assist the Drazi on their front. The Narn Black Fleet under War leader Du’Jen
intercepts them at Quadrant 7. Before the two fleets engage, Representative G’Kar, alerted by EA
intelligence intervenes and takes command of the Narn fleet. The human fleet jumps to Halik in
occupied Drazi space.
2232, 5th June: Warleader Stro’kath and Admiral Ferguson meet on newly liberated Halik. They
form a formidable partnership and begin to plan their joint offensive.
2232, 10th June: The EarthForce and Drazi fleets assault the Dilgar at Fendamir, defended by
Dar’Sen commanding his veteran Third Strike and the First Line fleet. The two forces skirmish but
neither gain the advantage – eventually Dar’sen orders a retreat to Tithalis.
2232, 12th June: The Liberation Navy carries out a substantial raid on the fighter production yards at
Torrith, destroying all the major factories.
2232, 28th June: The beginning of the decisive Balos Campaign. Having determined that Earth and
her allies will attack the well-fortified factories and installations on Balos Jha’dur sets a course with all
Dilgar vessels not serving under Dar’sen. Her new ‘Grand Fleet’ is substantially larger than Earth
Intelligence expects – numbering some 10,000 ships of varied classes.
2232, 6th July: Earth’s Fourth Fleet under General Benton and the Seventh Fleet under General
Henandez, with League allies including the remaining Free Balosian ships, enter the Balos system.
Aware of the substantial Dilgar ground forces dug in across the planet, they drop millions of Gaim
warriors onto the planet as a devastating first wave. The Dilgar fleet in the system is destroyed and
hundreds of thousands of allied troops are landed to begin the operation to liberate Balos.
2232, July 11th: The Dilgar Grand Fleet jumps into the Balos system and engages the Fourth Fleet in
battle driving it back towards Balos, where it manages to link up with the Seventh Fleet.
Overwhelmed and with General Benton killed aboard his flagship Zhukov, the remaining vessels
retreat to Comac. Both fleets are badly mauled, with the Fourth Fleet reduced from 500 ships to 16,
the Balosian warships are wiped out, refusing to leave their home to the Dilgar again. The allied
ground forces are driven underground with the remaining Balsoians, suffering heavy casualties as
they retreat.
2232, July 20th: Admiral Hamato leads the entire Allied fleet into battle against the Grand Fleet in an
attempt to break through and relieve the ground forces on Balos. Jha’dur unleashes the Delegor
suicide frigates from hyperspace directly into the packed formations of the Liberation Navy causing
havoc. Hamato responds with a massive saturation barrage of nuclear weapons targeted on the
onrushing Dilgar fleet. As the battle rages, a small Dilgar strike fleet launches a suicidal attack on the
main supply base for the Liberation Navy at Comac. Atlantis station is destroyed taking with the bulk
of the allied munitions and fuel reserves. Unable to defeat the larger Dilgar force, Hamato is forced
to order another retreat to avoid being completely destroyed. Sinclair and Ari’shan fight their last
duel – with both crashlanding on Balos, Ari’shan is taken prisoner.
2232, 18th August: Admiral Ferguson and the Drazi attack Tithalis to ensure Dar’sen does not join
with Jha’dur. Using the substantial fixed defences to his advantage, Dar’sen inflicts heavy
casualties on the two allied fleets but the grid is destroyed by a mass bombardment of nuclear
missiles – the last ones available to Ferguson. The Earth and Drazi then retreat to Fendamir.
2232, 30th August: The Dilgar unveil their latest secret weapon, a missile obtained from the Drakh.
After successfully testing them on uninhabited asteroids, they field test it on the Hyach colony at
Belishay, destroying the most inhabited continent. Designs are begun to be formulated for anti-ship
versions. The estimate for the initial deployment of the planet killing missiles is one month, which
gives the Allies a deadline when they intercept the transmission between Gar’shan and Jha’dur.
2232, 18th September: The final battle for Balos begins as the Liberation Navy, reinforced by Earth’s
First and Second Fleets, attacks the remaining ships of the Dilgar Grand Fleet. There is little subtlety
in this battle, with the two huge formations crashing headlong into each other, the Liberation Navy
following a last saturation barrage into the teeth of the Grand Fleet. Hamato singles out the
destruction of Jha’dur as the highest priority, rightly reasoning the fleet will fall apart without her
leadership. The EAS Nemesis is the ship that scores the killing blow on her Battlecruiser, Vendetta,
and with its destruction the last chance of Dilgar victory in the war is lost.
2232, 19th September: Secretly, a Minbari boarding team from the Windswords Clan enter the wreck
of the Vendetta and after a brutal fight, capture Jha’dur.
2232, 29th September: The Liberation Navy relieves the siege of the Hyach homeworld, releasing
their powerful ships to join them in the final assault on Omelos.
2232, 7th October: The only remaining Dilgar fleet at Tithalis is attacked by the Drazi and Earth’s
Sixth Fleet. Unwilling to sacrifice his fleet and leave Omelos unguarded, Dar’sen retreats to his
home world. As operations begin to liberate the world, Defence Minister Kalsha of the Drazi arrives
and orders an immediate attack on Omelos. Stro’kath refuses to attack without proper preparation
but many ships follow Kalsha to the Dilgar home system.
2232, 9th October: The Drazi fleet beats the Third Strike Fleet to Omelos, flings itself against the
massive defence grid and is quickly decimated. As they begin to retreat, Dar’sen arrives and
completes the destruction. Whilst the massacre unfolds, the Liberation Navy launches a covert
assault on the hidden facility creating the Shadow missiles. The Drazi ships form an unexpected if
tragic diversion.
2232, 10th October: The Abbai home system is liberated. The Dilgar begin to send sleeper ships out
into unknown space, where possible escorted by veteran ships from the Third Strike fleet.
2232, 13th October: At Tirrith, a combined League fleet take on a Dilgar fleet without EarthForce
support and win. Earth attempts to relieve the occupation of Alaca, suffering losses as its ships drive
straight into the defence grid hoping to prevent another Mitoc. As the Allied ships establish a clear
orbit, the Dilgar detonate nuclear bombs under the remaining Alcan cities and work camps, killing
most of the people who had survived the occupation. Commander Lelant finally returns home. The
League had been liberated and only Omelos now stood against the allied forces.
The Assault on Omelos – 23rd October 2232
Admiral Hamato had decided on a staged assault on the Dilgar home system, which had been
transformed into a fortress. The first wave, commanded by Admiral Broma, would consist of the
revitalised Brakiri fleet, in addition to majority of the Vree, Decasri and Cascan forces. They would
secure the Jump Gate to allow damaged ships to retreat and give supply ships easier access to the
invasion fleets.
It was hoped that a initial assault on the jump gate would also draw out the defending Dilgar vessels
so that the second wave could jump in close to the Dilgar home world, cutting them off from the
defence grid. This force would be led by those most familiar with Dar’sen, the likely Dilgar
commander - the Drazi under Warleader Stro’kath and Earths Sixth Fleet under Admiral Ferguson.
Once the mobile Dilgar forces were destroyed or at least contained, the remaining League fleets –
mostly Abbai and Hyach ships escorted by the Markab would jump into engage the Dilgar defence
grid. It was intended that their range and the shields of the Abbai would allow a dismantling of
substantial numbers of satellite and space stations. The uncommitted Earth ships would remain as a
reserve, able to counter anything unexpected the Dilgar might throw at the Liberation Navy. It was a
good plan, well thought out, considered and analysed. Like so many other plans – it would not
survive contact with the enemy………………
Wave One jumped into the Omelos System, nearly 2000 ships of a variety of types from Hyach
Dreadnoughts to Vree Scout ships. War Captain Tor’han immediately engaged them with 500
vessels of the Home Fleet as the League ships assaulted the defences surrounding the jump gate.
The Dilgar fleet initially inflicted serious casualties but were beginning to be torn apart by the time
Gar’shan ordered Tor’han to implement his first planned surprise for the Liberation Navy. Tor’han
activated the system jump gate before using his own jump engines within the forming vortex. The
gate immediately exploded, completely annihilating the first wave of ships and sending shock waves
reverberating through hyperspace. In danger of losing their Beacon locks, the remaining Liberation
Navy ships carried out an emergency jump into the system.
As the scattered ships tried to recover their formations, the Third Strike Fleet attacked, aiming to
destroy or disable the long ranged Hyach ships. Veteran Dilgar cruisers accompanied by the last
Delegor suicide frigates caused havoc in the fractured League fleets, quickly accomplishing their
assigned task. The Drazi and Earth’s Sixth Fleet quickly arrived in support, ripping into the Dilgar
formations, but it was too late.
His objective achieved, Dar’sen, under sustained fire, carried out a impressive staged withdrawal
and reformed under the guns of the Omelos defence grid to await the final assault. The Liberation
Navy likewise reformed outside the range of the Dilgar weapons and prepared to end the war.
Admiral Hamato broadcast his final message to the combined fleet and the final battle began.
“All ships of the Liberation Navy.” He intoned gravely, giving his words the weight they deserved.
“Advance into battle, destroy the Dilgar Navy, quell the horns of war and give the galaxy peace.”
There was no question of the outcome, only how many more would die before the Dilgar threat would
be ended once and for all. Slowly, the veteran ships of the Third Strike Fleet were destroyed; the
barely trained conscripts and volunteers manning the ships and stations were wiped out. Ancient
fighters and shuttles crewed by cadets were shot out the sky. Dar’sen met his end at the guns of
Stro’kath, shortly before the Deathwalker, with Gar’shan at the helm, rammed Admiral Hamato’s
flagship, sending both crashing to the planet below. Once the orbital forces were destroyed, the
Allied fleet guns turned on the military installations and weapons on the planet, until all had been
The war was finally over.
The Dilgar War novel by LC is a wonderful achievement and brought so many elements of the
Babylon 5 universe to vivid and exciting life for so many others and myself. I am more than privileged
to have several pieces written especially for this work by the Master himself. I have endeavoured to
stay true to this potent vision of life and death in the Babylon 5 universe in this work, the third major
project I have embarked upon for the A Call to Arms game. However – I urge you to read through the
novel and judge for yourself.
I am deeply indebted to Hugh Paton (Kickaha) for the wonderful ships he has painted, which can be
found throughout this project, every bit as artistic, powerful and important as the other imagery. He
has also been a continuing inspiration as well as a great source of encouragement and advice.
Extremely helpful suggestions and advice was received from Daniel Eastland (Democratus) –
including the excellent rules for Fleet Carrier Operations. The innovative new Admiral rules are from
Silvereye. Thanks to all my friends at the Kettering Games Club for there help and support.
I would like to acknowledge all the hard work put in by those who created background and rules for
AOG and the Babylon 5 Wars game for the League races. In particular Richard Bax and the
Historical Repair Team who have spent so much time and effort into continuing to expand the game
and the universes background. Much of the information on the League and their ships is taken from
these impressive and inspiring documents.
This is an unofficial modification to the Babylon 5: A Call to Arms Game (2nd Edition). It is in no way
endorsed by Mongoose Publishing or Warner Brothers. In all cases, you should assume that the
second edition A Call to Arms rules is used. This supplement is intended to be only for recreational
purpose. My thanks to all involved with Mongoose Publishing for creating the system and allowing
this project to be made.
Babylon 5, its characters, names, and all related indicia are trademarks of the Time Warner
Entertainment Co. LP. Pictures from Babylon 5 are ©1992-2008 Time Warner Entertainment Co. LP.
All rights reserved.
The vast majority of the stunningly painted models are the work of Kickaha whose attention to detail
and hard work are most inspirational.
Stunning detail on such unique and important vessels as the EAS Nemesis, Pyrotina, Stormhawk
which have tremendous attention to detail:
Kickaha scratch built and converted ships to make unique new models
See more tremendous work at
Neil (TGT) contributed an excellent job on the Cascor vessels (despite my appalling camerawork)
I have used several manufacturers to represent the varied races that populate the Babylon 5 universe
with strange and wonderful ships. These include:
As ever – this work would be just be my ramblings were it not for talented artists who are kind enough
to share their wonderful work with us for free. Many of them have plenty of other excellent images for
you to enjoy as much as I have……….. ☺ so please visit their respective pages on the internet.
The artist Jaggyd created the image capturing the principal characters for the novel.
“Deadly Shower” is by
Bogwoppet, 22140
By the time you read this I will be gone. I understand what this means to you and our children, I
know the emotions you are feeling right now because I’m feeling them too, but I can’t allow them to
decide what I have to do. There is a higher purpose than you or I, a greater task, and it is for that
reason I must go.
I had to write this goodbye because if I stood before you and told you this while looking in your eyes
I know my courage would fail me and I would not go through with it. I am not the pure warrior I
once was, I have other concerns now, I have you and our family, and for a long time you have
replaced my calling as a soldier. But it cannot be anymore, I am called once again and I cannot
ignore the orders of my soul. I must become again the man I was before I found you and give what I
have to defend our home.
I have never spoken much of the war, it is a time I find difficult to look at. You know I was a fighter
pilot and a son of the Supreme Warmaster, but beyond that I have said nothing of my past, except
that I did not kill the innocent and fought only those who could fight back. As a Doctor on Omelos
you didn’t see the worst of the war, and I wanted to keep it that way, and I still do.
I was born on Omelos, but it never felt like home, just the place I came from. It was alien to me, the
life and culture did not belong there and I sought an earlier, better time where my ideals would be
welcomed and embraced. I lived by a higher code, one of honour and courage while those around
me killed without remorse. They were my blood and my race, but they were not my people.
This is my home, this colony given to us by Earth, a place where the best of our species lives on, the
great thinkers, the compassionate, those who stood against the actions of the government and
suffered for it. We are that ancient ideal, from before the death and genocide, we are what our
people should always have been, and what one day we will be.
This is my home, this world in Earth space. This is where I belong, where we can live safely, but I
know I cannot stay. We have this home, this life, this second chance by grace of humanity and right
now they stand on the brink of extinction. The Minbari are almost to Earth itself and they will
destroy all life on that world. Their leaders have asked for every pilot and every ship capable of
fighting, to join them in battle to buy time for their civilians to flee, many of them to this hidden
I owe my life to a human, a man who I battled and duelled for nearly a year until we finally met on
the surface of Balos. He had defeated me, and we had both crashed on the planet. I was badly
injured and about to be executed when he stepped in and saved me. Without that man I would not
be alive, our children would not exist, and perhaps without my example Earth may not have
considered the Dilgar worth the effort of this Colony.
That man was killed in battle before I could repay my debt, before I could thank him and find a way
to even the scale. I still dream of flying beside him, waging some war in some far away place as
brothers in arms, not as enemies anymore, but it can never be. If he had lived I know he would be
there on the Line, ready to sell his life dearly and drag as many Minbari as he could down with him,
kicking and screaming into the next life. He cannot be there, so I will take his place on the Line
The EIA has made available six Furies, one each for the last six Dilgar fighter pilots in the galaxy,
the only six to survive the war and the Nova. We’re all going to go, we’re all going to fight and we
will do whatever is required of us to repay our debts and ensure the survival of our true home.
My heart wants to stay here and live my life beside you. I have had two lives, one ended the day I
met you, and the other began a heartbeat later. A lot of people, good people, have faced my choice
between staying home and fighting this hopeless war and they chose to fight, to stand and do all
they could to defend what they loved knowing the consequences. I stand now with them. I have
painted my fighter in the colours of my fallen brother in his honour, I will fight there filled with his
spirit and determination, and if I fall his ghost will guide me to my rest. I don’t want to go, unlike
the last war this time I have something worth living for, but it is for that reason that I must leave.
I do not think I will return as you remember me, but I will not leave you. Don’t look for me standing
on the doorstep or sitting behind my desk, look for me in the spring rain or a cool breeze in the
summer heat. Look for the first leaf falling in Autumn or a single ray of sunlight on a grey cloudy
day. I will never be far from you, or our children.
I love you with all that I have, until we meet again in that place where no shadows lay.
T he Dilgar War
This supplement for A Call to Arms 2nd Edition
covers the fleets, personalities and events of the Dilgar War
as brought to life by James Harnet in his novel of the same name.
The Dilgar
A Raiders list
with a variety of civilian and merchant vessels to prey upon.