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Failure Analysis of Primary Suspension Spring of Rail Road Vehicle

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Failure Analysis of Primary Suspension Spring of Rail Road Vehicle

Article  in  Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention · October 2018

DOI: 10.1007/s11668-018-0542-1


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4 authors, including:

Manoj Kumbhalkar
JSPM Narhe Technical Campus, Pune


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J Fail. Anal. and Preven.


Failure Analysis of Primary Suspension Spring of Rail Road

M. A. Kumbhalkar . D. V. Bhope . A. V. Vanalkar . P. P. Chaoji

Submitted: 8 April 2018 / in revised form: 26 August 2018

 ASM International 2018

Abstract WAG-9-type electric rail vehicle, of Indian For dynamic analysis, dynamic model of suspension sys-
Railways’ fleet used for goods train hauling and maintained tem is considered and analyzed using analytical method,
at Ajani, Nagpur Electric Loco Shed of central railway, has finite element method and using MATLAB Simulink
a history of frequent failure of middle axle primary inner model. The vibration response of actual suspension system
suspension spring. The study of failures revealed that this is also measured using FFT analyzer. It has been seen that
specific component fails at a very high rate. The failure the frequency of excitation and the natural frequency of the
investigation starts the experimental spectroscopy analysis system are very close to each other which has resulted into
to find chemical composition for different failed specimens suspension vibration amplitude of 6–8 mm. Fatigue anal-
of springs, and it is observed that all parameters are within ysis is carried out using finite element method to
the recommended range. Also the stiffness of primary investigate the effect of dynamic loading on the failures of
middle axle and end axle suspension springs has been suspension spring. This analysis revealed that the middle
checked on spring testing machine to measure deflection of axle inner suspension spring has finite life and due to which
spring, and it is as per recommended values. Further static spring failure occurs earlier.
stress analysis is carried out using analytical and finite
element analysis for various phases of operation of rail Keywords Indian Railway  Primary suspension spring 
vehicle like straight track, curved track and also for tractive Vibration  Fatigue analysis  Spectroscopy analysis
effort. The static stress analysis has not revealed the cause
of failure, and hence the dynamic analysis is performed.
M. A. Kumbhalkar (&)
Department of Mechanical Engineering, JSPM Narhe Technical
A rail road vehicle includes bogies, frame, suspension
Campus, Pune, Maharashtra, India elements, bushings, bearings, as well as other components.
e-mail: [email protected] The bogies, such as the one shown in Fig. 1, also represent
complex systems that include frames and wheel sets that
D. V. Bhope
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Rajiv Gandhi College
can have independent motions. The wheel sets, which can
of Engineering, Research and Technology, Chandrapur, rotate freely about their own axes, are connected to the
Maharashtra, India frame using primary suspensions, while the frame is con-
e-mail: [email protected] nected to the car body using the secondary suspensions,
A. V. Vanalkar
safety chain and secondary dampers as shown in Fig. 1.
Department of Mechanical Engineering, KDK College of The forces of dynamic interaction between the wheels and
Engineering, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India the rails significantly influence the dynamics and stability
e-mail: [email protected] of railroad vehicles due to friction between the rotating
P. P. Chaoji
wheels and the rails during motion. Clearly, a railroad
Electric Locomotive Workshop, Indian Railway, Bhusawal, vehicle system consists of a large number of interconnected
Maharashtra, India

J Fail. Anal. and Preven.

Fig. 1 Primary and secondary

spring set assembly (Courtesy:
Indian Railway)

Table 1 Technical specifications of spring set (Courtesy: Indian Railway)

Primary suspension
Particulars Unit Middle axle outer spring Middle axle inner spring End axle spring

Free length (lf) mm 258.6 252.4 238.8

Outer diameter (Do) mm 212 104 221
Inner diameter (Di) mm 149 71 149
Mean diameter (Dm) mm 180.5 87.5 185
Coil diameter (d) mm 31.5 16.5 36
No. of active coil (n) … 3.5 7.5 3
Total no. of coil … 5.0 9.0 4.5
Pitch mm 64.65 31.5 68.22
Helix angle Degree 8.15 9.10 8.062
Modulus of rigidity (G) N/mm2 78,500 78,500 78,500
Stiffness (k) N/mm 470 144 868
Maximum tensile strength (ru) N/mm2 1720 1720 1720
Yield shear strength (ry) N/mm2 878 878 878

components that experiences dependent/independent outer spring. It means that the total load of loco first acts on
motion. These components are connected by force ele- middle axle outer spring and then it acts over middle axle
ments such as springs, dampers, and bushings as well as inner spring and after that it is distributed over the end axle
joints that impose restrictions on the motion of the system springs. The technical specifications of suspension spring
[1]. sets are given in Table 1.
The axle box is attached to each of the axle on which all The problem identified in the suspension spring of
the primary springs are mounted. Each axle box has the WAG-9 locomotive is discussed as follows:
same space to mount the primary inner and outer spring,
• The WAG-9 locomotive undergoes the minor mainte-
since middle axle contains both the spring assemblies. The
nance with interval of 45 days, intermediate
outer diameter of the end axle spring is larger, and the
maintenance with interval of 90 days and major
height is lower than the middle axle outer spring in
maintenance with the interval of 18 months or approx-
uncompressed state. The inner spring is mounted only in
imately 1,50,000 km whichever occurs earlier.
the middle axle wheel set which has the composite
Normally overall of complete suspension system comes
assembly of inner and outer spring. The free height of
under major maintenance.
middle axle outer spring is 20 mm larger than the end axle
• It is reported by Electric Loco Shed, Ajni, Nagpur that
spring and also having difference of 9 mm in their
due to the failure of middle axle primary inner
respective outer diameters. The free height of middle axle
suspension springs, WAG-9 locomotive is called back
primary inner spring is 2 mm lesser than the free height of

J Fail. Anal. and Preven.

to the loco shed within 90 days and it undergoes the springs are not failed due to improper material composi-
unscheduled maintenance requiring the span of mini- tion. Hence, the cause of failure is observed to be different
mum 3 days, though only the middle axle primary inner than this and hence it is felt necessary to extend the failure
suspension spring has failed. This has increased the analysis using other techniques.
down time of WAG-9 locomotive.
• Hence based on the problem identified, the objective of
this research work is to investigate the cause of frequent Experimental Determination of Stiffness of Suspension
failures of the middle axle primary inner suspension Spring
spring and to suggest the necessary modifications to
avoid their failures. It is also proposed to receive the The recommended stiffness of suspension springs, i.e.,
feedback from Electric Loco Shed after implementation middle axle outer spring, middle axle inner spring and end
of suggested modifications. axle is given in Table 1 as 470, 144 and 860 N/mm,
respectively. It is felt necessary to determine the stiffness
of all the suspension spring experimentally [3]. A spring
testing machine of ENKAY make is used to determine the
Experimental Spectroscopic Analysis of Spring
stiffness of GBD make springs. The load is varied from 100
kgf (981 N) to 600 kgf (5886 N), and the deflection of
spring is determined. This analysis is carried out on each of
In the initial phase of investigation, it is felt necessary to
the five middle axle inner springs, middle axle outer spring
ensure the chemical composition of the failed springs of
and end axle spring. The average deformations and average
GBD make in accordance with the recommended chemical
stiffness as per loading are given in Table 2. The experi-
composition of spring material [2]. As per the data pro-
mental setup is shown in Fig. 2. The average stiffness of
vided by loco shed, the spring material is chromium
middle axle inner spring, middle axle outer spring and end
vanadium (50CrV4) having the chemical composition as
axle spring is found out to be 145, 475, 870 N/mm which is
given in Table 2. An effort is made to determine the
in close agreement with the recommended stiffnesses of
chemical composition of failed spring using spectrometer
respective springs. This analysis has ensured that the
of make WAS, model Foundrymen to ensure that the failed
springs used in the suspension system are having the rec-
springs are having recommended chemical composition or
ommended stiffnesses. This investigation ensured that the
Total five failed spring specimens of different WAG-9
locomotive are used for experimentation which has been
failed in the gap of some instances. The surface of speci-
mens is polished using emery paper of grade 80 and placed
on flat base of spectrometer. The emitted ray from spec-
trometer sparks on spring specimen, and it has provided the
results in the form of chemical composition in percentage
as shown in Table 2. From the chemical composition of all
specimens revealed by the spectrometer, it is seen that the
chemical composition of failed springs is well within the
recommended range. This investigation revealed that the

Table 2 spectrometer readings for failed middle axle inner

suspension spring
Loco no. 31097 31087 31068 31072 31105

C (0.47–0.55) 0.47 0.475 0.46 0.52 0.45

Si (0.15–0.40) 0.24 0.15 0.20 0.35 0.18
Mn (0.7–1.10) 0.90 0.74 0.81 0.93 0.82
P (0.035 max.) 0.024 0.023 0.025 0.034 0.034
S (0.019–0.035) 0.019 0.020 0.023 0.035 0.031
Cr (0.9–1.2) 1.07 1.09 1.03 0.91 0.97
V (0.1–0.2) 0.103 0.12 0.14 0.101 0.13
Fig. 2 Testing deflection of spring on spring testing machine

J Fail. Anal. and Preven.

design and manufacturing of spring is as per the given other springs, i.e., 2 mm more than middle axle inner
specifications. spring and 20 mm more than end axle springs. Later the
force acts on middle axle inner spring and after 18 mm
deflection of middle axle spring (inner and outer); the force
Analytical Stress Analysis of Suspension Spring is distributed over end axle springs. As the free lengths of
all primary springs are not equal, the forces on each spring
Primary suspension springs are mounted on axle housing are determined according to their individual deflections.
on each wheel of WAG-9 rail vehicle to absorb shocks and Total force on each spring is obtained by considering for-
vibrations. A three axle rail vehicle is divided in two parts, ces acting due to deflection from free height to maximum
viz. end axle and middle axle. The suspension springs deflection at static condition.
mounted on middle axle housing have composite assembly The vehicle passing over the curve continuously chan-
of inner and outer spring having different coil and mean ges its direction over a curve. Due to inertia, the vehicle
diameter as compared with end axle springs. tends to continue moving in the straight line, but the forced
The major part of rail vehicle is three axles, three motor change in direction of the movement by track gives rise to
Co–Co bogie assemblies. As per WAG-9 manual, an entire lateral acceleration acting outwards which is felt by the
weight of 123 tonne (1206.63 KN) of locomotive is sup- vehicle. Due to this centripetal force, the vehicle will
ported by two frame assemblies and provides a means for experience lateral forces when it travels on the curved
transmission of the tractive effort to the rails. A rail vehicle track. To negotiate the loco on curves on railway track,
is designed to withstand the stresses and vibrations only the middle axles are given the free play of about
resulting from normal rolling stock applications. An 16 mm in a lateral direction perpendicular to the direction
important function of the frame is to absorb and isolate of motion of vehicle. It should be noted that the axle does
shock caused by variations in the trackbed. The suspension not turn about the vehicle, but there is a sliding of the
systems minimize the transmission of these shocks to the middle axle which helps in negotiating the curve, while
locomotive under frame. moving on the curved track the vehicle is subjected to
The maximum stress in the wire may be computed by additional lateral force because of centripetal force which
superposition of the direct shear stress and the torsional causes the lateral force on the spring with its bending
shear stress. The maximum torsional shear stress ‘s’ occurs moment maximum at the top end. The shear stresses are
at the inside fiber of the spring and total deflection of spring evaluated for various radii of curvatures, i.e., from 175 to
‘d’ [4] as, 875 m for corresponding safe speeds of loco, i.e., from 45
8FD 4F oU 8FD3 N to 100 km/h. Also apart from safe speed, the stresses are
s¼ þ ; d¼ ¼ 4 also determined at higher speeds for each curve radius to
pd3 pd 2 oF d G
check its design limitations, but they are observed to be
To determine the stresses in all suspension springs, it is safe. The forces, deflections and shear stresses in middle
necessary to determine the forces acting on the springs for axle outer spring, middle axle inner spring and end axle
various running conditions and for various phases of spring are given in Table 3, and it indicates that the shear
operation of rail road vehicle. The forces acting on the stress has maximum magnitude of 587.91 and 586.76 N/
primary suspension springs are investigated for following mm2 for radius of curvatures of 219 and 350 m, respec-
cases. tively. Figure 3 shows the forces when the rail vehicle
1. CASE-I For Rail Vehicle Moving on Straight Track moving on the curved track. The gyroscopic effect of
2. CASE-II For Rail Vehicle Moving on Curved Track wheel with gear and traction motor with pinion has been
3. CASE-III Analysis for Tractive Effort also considered.
The force which a rail vehicle can exert when pulling a
The total weight of loco is 123 tonne (1206.63 KN). The train is called as its tractive effort and it depends upon
unsprung weight per wheel set is 3.984 tonne (39.08 KN). various factors. As per WAG-9 rail vehicle manual, TE/BE
Hence, total unsprung weight for 6 wheel sets is 23.904 meters show the readings of tractive and braking effort at
tonne (234.49 KN). Hence, the net weight distributed on all various speeds which has been recorded from the driver
axles is 99.096 tonne (972.13 KN). This net weight is cab as shown in Fig. 4. From the reading of tractive and
distributed over each of frontal and rear wheel sets through braking effort, it is observed that the tractive effort of 460
front and rear wheel frames, and hence the net weight KN is maximum during starting of vehicle and constant
distributed on each frame is 49.548 tonne (486.06 KN). while running. As per observation on locomotive during
The force corresponding to the weight of 49.548 tonne starting from rest position, the front portion of bogie frame
(486.06 KN) is acting over each middle axle primary outer gets upward and rear portion gets lowered, hence the bogie
spring as the free height of this spring is maximum than all gets tilted about lateral axis. The tractive effort is the

J Fail. Anal. and Preven.

Table 3 Comparison of analytical and FE analysis results for middle axle primary inner and composite spring at straight track, curved track and
for tractive effort
Analytical results FEA results
Shear Maximum
Force Deflection stress Deflection Shear stress in Max. shear principal stress
Spring Phase of operation (N) (mm) (MPa) (mm) plane (MPa) stress (MPa) (MPa)

Middle axle At straight track 9351.46 64.6 598.36 66.06 592.25 656.28 745
inner spring
Composite Max axial load at curved 39,631 63.77 587.91 57.92 577 690.64 892.75
spring track (due to
Composite (1) Axial load 39,631 63.77 587.91 60.205 582 737.5 966.53
(2) Lateral load at 6981.52 … … 12.92
curvature (due
to superelevation)
Middle axle Tractive effort 11,030 76.6 705.79 77.9 698.55 774.08 907
inner spring

Fig. 3 Rail vehicle on curved track

longitudinal suddenly acting force which is hauling Fig. 4 Tractive and braking effort characteristics for various loco
capacity of locomotive, and it depends on the coefficient of speeds (Courtesy: Indian Railway)
friction and weight on the driving wheels. The coefficient
of friction varies from 0.1 at high speed to 0.3 at low speed,
but in some cases it is reaches to 0.5 due to the effect of rail during starting of vehicle and about 300 KN force is acting
adhesion [5]. during running condition which will cause the additional
Therefore, this longitudinal force of 460 KN corre- deflection of suspension springs and it leads to increase in
sponding to tractive effort is acting on the bogie frame stress magnitudes of suspension spring.

J Fail. Anal. and Preven.

Fig. 5 Boundary condition for middle axle inner and composite suspension spring for rail vehicle moving on straight track, curved track and
tractive effort

FE Modeling and Analysis of Middle Axle Primary principal stresses for inner and composite suspension
Suspension Spring spring for the case of straight track, curved track and
tractive effort are given in Table 3.
Using the technical specifications of spring, FE analysis of The stresses in the inner suspension spring are evaluated
inner suspension spring and concentric assembly of inner for the three cases using analytical and FE analysis as dis-
and outer suspension spring have been carried out in cussed earlier for static load condition. Thus, the induced
ANSYS 12.0. A higher-order 3-D, 10-node SOLID 187 shear stresses and principal stresses are well below the yield
element having three degrees of freedom at each node, i.e., shear stress and yield tensile stress. Hence, the static analysis
translations in the nodal x, y, and z directions, is used for does not reveal the cause of failure and therefore it is found
FE analysis. The static structural analysis has been carried essential to focus on other factors causing the failure. Hence,
out for the earlier mentioned loading cases I, II and III. it is decided to carry out further types of analysis on the
Initially the inner spring is analyzed by considering the suspension spring like, dynamic and fatigue analysis.
loading cases I, II and III as discussed in static force
analysis. The boundary condition and FE results for inner
Dynamic Analysis of Suspension System
and also for composite spring considering forces on straight
track and curved track are shown in Fig. 5.
Determination of the natural frequencies and modes of
Further, finite element analysis is carried out for axial and
vibration of a system is known as modal analysis. A mode
lateral forces acting on the spring. Initially, inner spring is
of vibration is characterized by vibration at a particular
analyzed by considering only vertical axial forces experi-
frequency (natural frequency) of all points of the system
enced on straight track and considering tractive effort. The
[6]. An objective of study of railway vehicle dynamics is to
investigation further calls for the FE analysis of composite
develop a mathematical model describing time response for
spring for lateral loading, as composite structure of spring is
its amplitude. A six axle locomotive with primary and
subjected to axial and lateral load on track curvature.
secondary suspension system is shown in Fig. 7.
Due to centripetal force induced due to track curvature,
Primary and secondary suspension is necessary for
the rail vehicle and the suspension spring will experience
vibration isolation and absorption of shock loads. Vertical
lateral force given as,
dampers restrict rate of the vertical rebound of the loco-
Centripetal force, Fc = mV2/R = 167,556.54 N motive bogie, and rebound limit chains restrict the amount
Lateral force on each frame = 83,778.27 N of vertical rebound of the locomotive bogie. Pitch rate of
Lateral force on primary suspension bogie is controlled by yaw (longitudinal) dampers.
spring = 6981.52 N Railway vehicles are dynamically complex multibody
systems. Each mass within the system has six dynamic
The result of shear stress for inner suspension spring and
degrees of freedom corresponding to three displacements
for composite suspension spring is shown as contour plots
(longitudinal, lateral and vertical) and three rotations (roll,
in Fig. 6. The maximum shear stresses and maximum

J Fail. Anal. and Preven.

Fig. 6 FE analysis results of

middle axle inner and composite
suspension spring for rail
vehicle on straight track and
curved track for axial and lateral

rigid frame and bogie occurs by base excitation due the

irregularities in rail and relative displacements between the
wheels and the rails which are small in the sub-critical
range of velocities and, hence, the influence of the contact
nonlinearities can be neglected and, consequently, a linear
model is recommended for studying the vertical vibrations
of the rail vehicle [7, 10]. Hence to examine relative dis-
placement between primary and secondary suspension, a
model is formulated for two degree of freedom system with
base excitation.
Equations of motion for dynamic response of vehicles
can be derived which encompass the elastic and damping
forces generated by the suspension. For this analysis, the
stiffness and damping coefficients of primary and sec-
ondary suspension system are given in Table 4.
For the suspension system, a 1/4th model is used to
Fig. 7 Six axle locomotive with primary and secondary suspension
simplify the problem which involves multiple springs and
dampers. Figure 8 illustrates 1/4th model of vehicle body
pitch and yaw). Dumitriu [7] in 2015 developed the which shows suspension with primary and secondary
dynamic model involving longitudinal and lateral dampers springs and dampers attached with them and also illustrates
between frame and bogie. In WAG-9 locomotive, the pri- the free body diagram for spring forces and viscous forces.
mary suspension springs undergoes mainly the vertical The equation of motion for mass 1 is given as,
displacement. Hence, it is felt necessary to develop the m1 x€1 ¼ c2 ðx_1  x_2 Þ þ c1 ðy_  x_1 Þ  k2 ðx1  x2 Þ þ k1 ðy
dynamic model only for vertical displacement.  x1 Þ
ðEq 1Þ
Model for Vertical Vibrations of Rail Vehicle
Suspension Substituting relative displacement terms in Eq 1
m1 u€ þ ðc1 þ c2 Þu_ 1  c2 u_ 2 þ ðk1 þ k2 Þu1  k2 u2 ¼ m1 y€
Damping control in the primary suspension is applied to ðEq 2Þ
the vertical axle-box dampers to suppress the vertical
vibrations [8, 9]. The present research has the focus on the The equation of motion for mass 2 is given as,
oscillation of suspension system in vertical direction which m2 x€2 ¼ c2 ðx_1  x_2 Þ þ k2 ðx1  x2 Þ ðEq 3Þ
is responsible for the displacement of rigid frame and
Substituting relative displacement terms in Eq 3
vehicle body. In dynamic condition, the displacement of

J Fail. Anal. and Preven.

Table 4 Stiffness and damping coefficients of primary and secondary suspension system
Spring Stiffness (N/mm) Damper Damping coefficient (N s/m)

Primary middle axle outer spring 470 Yaw damper 30,000

Primary middle axle inner spring 144 Horizontal damper 70,000
Primary end axle spring 868 Inclined axle damper 50,000
Secondary suspension spring 612 Vertical damper 1,10,000

Fig. 8 1/4th model of rail vehicle with its free body diagram

m2 u€2 þ c2 u_ 2  c2 u_ 1 þ k2 u2  k2 u1 ¼ m2 y€ ðEq 4Þ Substituting Eqs 7, 8 and 9 in Eq 6.

The equations of motion for mass 1 and mass 2 are ðx2 M þ KÞqeðixtÞ ¼ 0
expressed in matrix form as follows.
      The eigenvalues are determined as follows.
m1 0 u€1 c1 þ c2 c2 u_ 1
þ detfK  x2 Mg ¼ 0
0 m2 u€2 c2 c2 u_ 2    
     k1 þ k2 k2 m1 0
k1 þ k2 k2 u1 m1 y€1 det  x2 ¼0
þ ¼ k2 k2 0 m2
k2 k2 u2 m2 y€2
 x4 m1 m2 þ x2 ½m2 ðk1 þ k2 Þ  m1 k2  þ k1 k2 ¼ 0
The natural frequency of system is determined as follows.
Homogeneous form of equation for natural frequency ðEq 10Þ
determination is given by Eq 6.
M u€ þ Ku ¼ F ðEq 6Þ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
b  b2  4ac b þ b2  4ac
Its solution is expressed in terms of generalized coordinate x21 ¼ and x22 ¼
2a 2a
vector ‘q’ as follows. ðEq 11Þ
Displacement, u ¼ qeðixtÞ ðEq 7Þ where
Velocity, u_ ¼ ixqe ðEq 8Þ a ¼ m1 m2
Acceleration, u€ ¼ x2 qeðixtÞ ðEq 9Þ b ¼ ½m2 ðk1 þ k2 Þ  m1 k2 
c ¼ k1 k2

J Fail. Anal. and Preven.

The natural frequencies of the suspensions system are 4 mm corresponding to the damper displacement band of
obtained by Eq 11 as, 6–8 mm. Thus, it can be said that the actual amplitude of
system is 3–4 mm. The amplitude ratio is given by Eq 12.
xn1 ¼ 7:92 rad/s ¼ 1:26 Hz qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
X 1 þ ð2nx=xn Þ2
xn2 ¼ 24:72 rad/s ¼ 3:934 Hz ¼ rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ðEq 12Þ
Y 2
ð1  x 2 x 2
The natural frequency for 1/4th model of rail vehicle as n x Þ þ ð2n =xn Þ

shown in Fig. 8 is also determined by finite element

analysis using ANSYS. The modal analysis is carried out By considering x/xn ratio approximately equal to 1 and
with COMBIN14 element for stiffness and damping the damping factor of 0.2306, the amplitude ratio is
coefficient of suspension system and MASS21 element determined as 2.387. From this the amplitude of excitation
for mass of body. The ANSYS model for 2-DOF spring– is determined as 1.3–1.7 mm which indicates that the
mass–damper showing natural frequencies is shown in amplitude of vibration of the primary suspension system is
Fig. 9. The modal analysis using COMBINE14 and more than the amplitude of excitation. This clearly
MASS21 element gives the natural frequencies in first indicates the rise in the amplitude of primary suspension
mode as 1.261 Hz and in second mode as 3.935 Hz which due to acute closeness of excitation frequency with systems
are in close agreement with analytically calculated natural natural frequency. The amplitude of excitation is in the
frequencies. range of 1.3–1.7 mm, and it may further increase due to
From Fig. 9, the first natural frequency of the system is irregularities over the rail surface, misalignment between
observed to be about 1.261 Hz which agrees well with the two connecting rails, due to improper leveling, etc., as
natural frequency determined analytically. The comparison shown in Fig. 10. It may also occur due to ovality, surface
of natural frequencies determined using analytical and FEA defect, flat surface, pitting marks, etc., on rail wheel.
is given in Table 5, and they are found to be in close
agreement. Experimental Investigation of Vibration Response
The natural frequencies for suspension determined ear- of WAG-9 Locomotive Suspension
lier are 1.26 and 3.94 Hz, i.e., approximately 1.3 and
3.6 Hz, while the excitation frequency is found from the A rail vehicle is the dynamic multibody system which has
experimentation as 1.3–1.6 Hz. This clearly indicates that the repeated oscillation of its suspension system due to
the natural frequency of the system is very close with the unevenness of track. The dynamic behavior of a railroad
excitation frequency which is in the band of 1.3–1.6 Hz. vehicle also depends on the vehicle mass and the
The polished damper marks show the amplitude of 3– mechanical systems, such as springs and dampers, which
interact with the wheels, the vehicle body and bogies.

Fig. 9 Natural frequency of 1/4th model of rail vehicle using ANSYS. (a) First mode (b) Second mode

J Fail. Anal. and Preven.

FFT Vibration analyzer of make SVANTEK, model responses are presented in Fig. 11. Also the power spec-
SVAN958 is used to determine vibration response in ver- trum density (PSD) value is maximum for the frequencies
tical, lateral and in longitudinal direction in the form of of about of 1.3 and 12 Hz in vertical direction.
acceleration with respect to time. The analyzer is used to The vibration response indicates the peak at frequencies
find peak value which determines the dynamic behavior of of 1.3 and 12 Hz for various sets of reading, but the peak
rail vehicle on running track. The readings are taken by frequency zone from 1.3 to 1.6 Hz is observed to be
attaching an accelerometer on the frame of WAG-9 rail common in all the sets of readings. As the suspension
vehicle in running condition at an average speed of about undergoes the forced vibration due to base excitation, it is
80 km/h. considered that the excitation frequency lies between 1.3
During acquisition of a peak value of acceleration, RMS and 1.6 Hz for most of the selected tracks. The amplitude
vibration and PSD resonance in all directions have been of excitation determined experimentally is from 1.3 to
recorded for different tracks which are observed to be 1.7 mm. The railway authorities regularly carry out the
maximum in vertical and lateral direction during running track recording, analysis and monitoring using track
condition at an average speed of 80 km/h. The responses recording cars having appropriate sensors and measuring
have been recorded for rail vehicle moving on straight devices. As per their record, the rail track unevenness
tracks, curve tracks and for various tracks. The response of values are in the range of 1.1–1.8 mm normally. The
rail vehicle suspension in the form of acceleration with amplitude of excitation of 1.3–1.7 mm closely matches
respect to time and frequency has been recorded, and its with the actual track unevenness readings ranging from 1.1
vibration response and power spectrum density for differ- to 1.8 mm. This also validates the experimentation and
ent tracks are captured in vertical, lateral and longitudinal dynamic model considered for the analysis.
direction. The peak values of acceleration are 4.81 m/s2 in
vertical direction, 4.20 m/s2 in lateral direction and 0.72 m/ Experimental Determination of Vibration Response
s2 in longitudinal direction. Also the RMS vibrations are of Rail Track
0.79 m/s2 in vertical direction, 0.62 m/s2 in lateral direc-
tion and 0.15 m/s2 in longitudinal direction. But as It is also felt necessary to determine the vibration response
discussed earlier, the analysis has more interest toward the of the rail track experimentally when the train passes over
vertical vibration of suspension system and hence vertical it. A railway track is an infinitely long uniform beam on an
elastic foundation, and it is subjected to a distributed
transverse load traveling at a certain speed along the beam.
Table 5 Comparison of natural frequencies determined using The vibration response of a railroad track under the moving
analytical and FEA of suspension system
weight of the rail vehicle is determined using FFT ana-
Natural Analytical natural Natural frequency Mean natural lyzer, and different sets of reading for various random
frequency frequency using FEA frequency tracks are obtained. The vibration response provides the
First 1.26 1.261 1.26 track frequencies for its vertical excitation due to fast
Second 3.934 3.935 3.94 moving rail vehicle. A vibration and power spectrum
response of railway track has been measured by attaching

Fig. 10 (a) Track defect, (b)

track joint

J Fail. Anal. and Preven.

Fig. 11 Vibration and power

spectrum density (PSD) of rail
vehicle suspension in vertical
direction during dynamic

Fig. 12 Vibration and power

spectrum density of rail track in
vertical direction when railway
vehicle passes over the track

accelerometer pick up on web of track. The vibration Fatigue Analysis of Suspension Spring
spectrum is obtained in vertical direction with maximum
power spectrum density for frequencies in the band of 1– As evident from earlier section, the middle axle primary
7 Hz as shown in Fig. 12. inner suspension spring is subjected to variable loads and
From Fig. 12, it is seen that the frequency of vibration of hence the fatigue analysis approach is used to investigate
rails is in the range of 1–7 Hz. This band of frequencies the failure of the spring. Finite element method is used to
also encompasses the natural frequencies of the suspension carry out the fatigue analysis. The fatigue life of a com-
system, and this finding justifies the investigation presented ponent can be expressed as the sum of two segments of life:
in ‘‘Model for Vertical Vibrations of Rail Vehicle Sus- (a) the number of loading cycles required to initiate a crack
pension’’ section. and (b) the number of cycles it takes that crack to propa-
As seen from the earlier investigations that due to gate to failure [11]. A computational model for fatigue
variation in amplitude in a cyclic manner, the spring is analysis of suspension spring has been presented. A max-
subjected to variable force. Hence, it is felt further neces- imum and minimum load is often used for simulation of the
sary to investigate the failure of middle axle inner cyclic loading in fatigue analyses on helical suspension
suspension spring under variable load by considering its spring [12].
fatigue analysis. This section discusses the finite element analysis of
middle axle primary inner suspension spring of WAG-9 rail

J Fail. Anal. and Preven.

Fig. 13 Photographs of failed primary inner suspension spring and polished rubbing marks over damper

Table 6 Fatigue life and factor of safety for inner suspension spring
Inner suspension spring
Symbol and For maximum 6 mm For maximum 7 mm For maximum 8 mm
Particulars unit variable displacement variable displacement variable displacement

Minimum deflection dmin (mm) 64.6 64.6 64.6

Minimum load Fmin (N) 9351.46 9351.46 9351.46
Maximum deflection dmax (mm) 70.6 71.6 72.6
Maximum load Fmax (N) 10,219.62 10,364.37 10,509.13
Mean load Fm (N) 9784.54 9857.92 9930.29
Alternating load Fa (N) 434.08 506.46 578.83
Wahl’s factor K 1.29 1.29 1.29
Mean shear stress sm (N/mm2) 626.46 630.77 634.72
Variable shear stress sa (N/mm ) 27.79 32.42 37.06
Stress ratio R 0.92 0.90 0.89
Equivalent shear stress seq (N/mm2) 688.07 702.66 717.89
Factor of safety F.S. 1.17 1.13 1.09
Fatigue life Cycles 1.89 9 104 1.62 9 104 1.40 9 104

vehicle using a FE tool ANSYS to find its fatigue life. analysis presented. Because of this, the variable force acts
Analytically, the forces acting on suspension springs and over the primary inner suspension spring. But the band of
shear stresses induced are determined for static condition polished surface on the damper indicates that there is the
and continued for fatigue analysis for displacement displacement of the spring in the range of 6–8 mm which
amplitude variation of maximum 6 mm to 8 mm as per the may be the cause of fatigue failure of spring. The maxi-
amplitude of vibration of primary suspension and also as mum and minimum load corresponding to the variable
per the observations of polished rubbing marks over deflection of 6 mm to 8 mm is given Table 6.
dampers. Fatigue analysis has been carried out in ANSYS A stress ratio is given as input for fatigue analysis in
considering the load ratio, ultimate and endurance shear ANSYS and parameters considered in fatigue analysis. For
limit for chrome vanadium (CrV) material. A failed middle Stress–Life (S–N) curve with low-cycle and high-cycle
axle inner suspension spring and polished rubbing marks fatigue life, S–N curve has been plotted for ultimate shear
over damper are shown in Fig. 13. strength of 1152.4 N/mm2 and endurance shear strength of
It is observed that the spring undergoes variable dis- 395.6 N/mm2. Considering fatigue strength factor as unity,
placement as observed from rubbing marks over the end equivalent alternating shear stress is determined and it is
axle dampers as shown in Fig. 13 and also as per dynamic given in Table 6.

J Fail. Anal. and Preven.

Fig. 14 FE analysis results of inner suspension spring for its (a) fatigue life and (b) safety factor

Fig. 15 FE results for fatigue

zone of middle axle inner
suspension spring showing
crack initiation and propagation
of 2–2.5 mm

From Fig. 14 and from Table 6, it is observed that the corresponds to infinite life. Thus, during the service span of
spring has maximum finite life of 1.89 9 104 cycles. While the spring, the crack initiates at the inner side of the spring
examining the failed specimen as shown in Fig. 13, it has after very few cycles of operation and it propagates through
been also observed that the cross section of failed spring the cross section.
resembles to that of fatigue failure. Up to 105 cycles the length of crack growth is estimated
Figure 15 shows the fatigue life for various regions of to be maximum 2–2.5 mm. After observation of cross
the cross section. The fatigue life varies from 10 cycles to section of failed spring, it is seen that the polished surface
105 cycles for the zone nearer to the inner side of the coil. at the failure zone has the band of approximately 3–
This region has finite life with minimum life at the inner 3.5 mm which is more than FE fatigue analysis results. The
side of the coil. The life progressively increases for the reasoning for this difference is given as follows.
cross section slightly away from the inside diameter, but When the crack initiates at the inner surface, the stress
still this region is having the finite life, while the rest of the magnitude on rest of the cross section increases due to
cross section has the life more than 106 cycles and which effect of stress concentration and decreases in cross-

J Fail. Anal. and Preven.

sectional area which further increases the induced stresses fatigue failure with crack initiation at inside diameter.
and hence decreases the fatigue life. So, as the crack pro- This has been confirmed from the observation of cross
ceeds there is possibility that the actual crack growth will section of the actual failed spring.
be more as compared to theoretical FE fatigue analysis
results due to progressive increase in stress magnitude. Acknowledgments The authors are thankful to the authority and
This analysis reveals that the spring fails due to fatigue staff of Indian Railways for their technical support and necessary
failure as it is having finite life. permissions for the experimentations to accomplish the work.

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