Reviewer in Physics

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Measurements and Units Mass – the quantity of matter of an object

contains. The SI units of mass is

Physical Quantity – refers to any numbers kilogram(kg).
used to describe a physical phenomenon
quantitatively. Density – ratio of an object’s mass and its
A physical quantity can be described volume. The SI units of density is 3 but in
g g
1. Direct measurements chemistry, density has units of or
L mL
2. Calculations of quantities that were
directly measured. Temperature – a measure of how hot or
cold an object is relative to another. The SI
I. Fundamental Quantities:
unit is Kelvin(K).
length, mass, time, temperature, current,
amount of substance, and luminous 5
Note: T c = ( T f −32 )
intensity. 9
II. Derived Quantities: T f = T c +32
area, volume, density, speed, velocity,
T K =273.15+T c
acceleration, force, pressure, work, energy,
power, frequency, etc. Heat – amount of energy that flows from
one object to another due to their
Number and Units
temperature difference. The SI units of heat
Number – the count of times a unit is is Joules(J).
contained in a quantity.
Time – the SI Unit of time is second(s).
Unit – size of a physical quantity.
System of Units: Extensive and Intensive Properties
1. English System of Units Extensive – dependent of the amount of
2. System Internationale (SI Units) substance present.
 MKS system of units Example: Mass, Volume, and Heat.
 CGS system of units Intensive – independent of the amount of
Length – the distance light travels in a substance.
1 Example: Density, Temperature, and Boiling
vacuum in of a second. The SI point.
based unit of length is meter(m). Significant Figures – number of
meaningful digits in a given measurements.
Volume – the amount of space an object
occupies. The SI unit of volume is cubic
meter (m3). In chemistry, non-SI units is 1. Non-zero digits are always
often use like liters (L) and milliliters significant.
(mL). 2. Any zeros between two significant
note: 1L = 1dm3=10-3m3 digits are significant.
3. A final zero or trailing zeros in the
decimal portion ONLY are

Vectors Representation
I. Graphical – vector is represented
using an arrow line.
e.g. 40 kph, East

II. Analytical – vector is represented

using a bold capital letter with a bar.
e.g. A = 40kph, east Three Dimensional

Properties of Vectors
1. EQUAL VECTORS: having equal
magnitude and same direction.
having a magnitude equal to the original
vector but point in opposite direction.
A A= -B

Unit Vectors Addition/Subtraction of Vectors

Vectors whose magnitude is equal to
Resultant – the sum of two or more vectors.
one and used to point a direction in
Two Dimensional

1. Graphical Method
2. Polygon Method
a. Parallelogram
b. Pythagorean
3. Component Method  The displacement is POSITIVE if
the indicating motion was in the
You can watch these videos to understand positive x direction.
more about Vectors.  Whereas it is NEGATIVE if the indicating motion was in the negative
v=1G5E_x0MgLc x direction. DISTANCE – length of the actual paths
v1uT2hU traveled Example:

HPY 121 – General Physics 1 Reviewer

Measurements, Vectors, One
Dimension Motion
SPEED – a measure how fast an object
I. MOTION IN ONE DIMENSION moves. (units: m/s, mph, kmph)
Kinematics – interested in the description of is a scalar quantity
Dynamics – branch of physics involving AVERAGE SPEED – is the total distanced
motion of an object and the relationship traveled divided by the total time elapsed.
between that motion and other physics total distance
concepts. Average speed=
total time
Motion – continuous displacement with Examples:
respect to a frame of reference. 1. A man walks 20 km in 4 hours. Find his
An object is in motion if its position changes speed.
in relation to some fixed object during a
given time.
Distance covered = 20 km
Frame of Reference – the viewpoint of the
observer of motion. Time taken = 4 hours
We know, speed = distance/time
CONCEPTS: Therefore, speed = 5 km/hr
 DISPLACEMENT 2. John drove for 3 hours at a rate of 50
 VELOCITY miles per hour and for 2 hours at 60 miles
 ACCELERATION per hour. What was his average speed for the
whole journey?
DISPLACEMENT – the length and Solution:
direction of change in position Step 1: The formula for distance is
∆ X=X f − X i
Distance = Rate × Time
Xf = final Total distance = 50 × 3 + 60 × 2 = 270
Xi = initial
Step 2: Total time = 3 + 2 = 5
Step 3: Using the formula:
total distance
Average speed=
total time
270/5 = 54 man's average velocity for the whole
Answer: The average speed is 54 miles per journey?
hour. 7−2.5 4.5
V average = = =1.5 m/ s
2+1 3


body in a certain instant of time
CONSTANT SPEED – if instantaneous ACCELERATION – rate of change of the
speed does not change. velocity
- a vector quantity
VELOCITY – a speed in any given
direction - the rate of change in ∆ V V f −V i
á= =
displacement ∆t t f −t i
- a vector quantity (units: m/s2, cm/s2, ft/s2)
- can be positive or negative (time
is always positive)  When the object’s velocity and
acceleration are in the same
total displacement direction, then the speed of the
Average velocity=
total interval object increases with time
 When the object’s velocity and
X −X i acceleration are in the opposite
V average = f
t f −t i directions, the speed of the object
decreases with time.
 A negative acceleration does not
mean the object is slowing down, if
the acceleration and velocity are both
negative, the object is speeding up.

1. A man walks 7 km East in 2 hours and
then 2.5 km West in 1 hour. What is the
 “Deceleration” means decrease in
speed, not a negative acceleration. Use the ff. formulas:
 If the line in the Velocity/Time graph 1
x=x o + v o t + a t 2
v=v o + at

x=5.0 m+ ( 15sm ) (2.0 s) + 12 ( 4.0s m )( 2.0 ) s


1 4.0 m
¿ 35 m+ ( )(4.0 s2 )
2 s
x=43 m

v=v o + at
slants to the upward right then it 15 m 8.0 m
shows a positive acceleration. v= +
s s
 If it is a flat line then it shows zero v=23 m/s
 If it is a line slanting downward right
then it is a negative acceleration.



1. v=v + at

2. ∆ x=v t+ at

3. ∆ x=v −v 2

4. x=x + v t + 2 a t
o o

Where: v = velocity at time t

Vo= initial velocity
∆ x=displacement
a = constant acceleration

1. A motorcyclist heading east through a
small town accelerates at a constant 4.0m/s2
after he leaves the city limits. At time t=0 he
is 5.0m east of the city limuts signpost while
he moves east at 15m/s. What is his position
and velocity at t=2s?
The kinematic equations that describe any
object's motion are:

The symbols in the above equation have a

specific meaning: the symbol d stands for
the displacement; the symbol t stands for
the time; the symbol a stands for
the acceleration of the object; the
symbol vi stands for the initial
velocity value; and the symbol vf stands for
the final velocity.

FREE FALL Example Problem

Luke Autbeloe drops a pile of roof shingles
 A freely falling object is any object
moving freely under the influence of from the top of a roof located 8.52 meters
gravity alone. above the ground. Determine the time
 Free fall does not depend on the required for the shingles to reach the ground.
object’s original motion.
The solution to this problem begins by the
 All objects falling near the earth’s
construction of an informative diagram of
surface fall with a constant
acceleration. the physical situation. This is shown below.
The acceleration is called the acceleration The second step involves the identification
due to gravity, and indicated by g. and listing of known information in variable
form. You might note that in the statement
GALILEO GALILEI of the problem, there is only one piece of
1564-1642 numerical information explicitly stated: 8.52
-Formulated the laws that govern the meters. The displacement (d) of the shingles
motion of objects in free fall: is -8.52 m. (The - sign indicates that the
displacement is downward). The remaining
 inclined planes
information must be extracted from the
 Relative motion
problem statement based upon your
 Thermometers
understanding of the above principles. For
 Pendulum
example, the vi value can be inferred to be 0
m/s since the shingles are dropped (released -8.52 m = (0 m/s) • (t) + ½ • (-9.8 m/s2) •
from rest; the acceleration (a) of the shingles (t)2
can be inferred to be -9.8 m/s2 since the
shingles are free-falling. (Always pay -8.52 m = (0 m) *(t) + (-4.9 m/s2) • (t)2
careful attention to the + and - signs for the
given quantities.) The next step of the -8.52 m = (-4.9 m/s2) • (t)2
solution involves the listing of the unknown
(-8.52 m)/(-4.9 m/s2) = t2
(or desired) information in variable form. In
this case, the problem requests information 1.739 s2 = t2
about the time of fall. So, t is the unknown
quantity. The results of the first three steps t = 1.32 s
are shown in the table below.
The solution above reveals that the shingles
Diagram: Given: Find: will fall for a time of 1.32 seconds before
hitting the ground. (Note that this value is
vi = 0.0 m/s t rounded to the third digit.)
d = -8.52 m
The last step of the problem-solving strategy
a = - 9.8 m/s2 involves checking the answer to assure that
it is both reasonable and accurate. The value
seems reasonable enough. The shingles are
falling approximately 10 yards (1 meter is
The next step involves identifying a close to 1 yard); it seems that an answer
kinematic equation that allows you to between 1 and 2 seconds would be highly
determine the unknown quantity. There are reasonable. The calculated time easily falls
four kinematic equations to choose from. In within this range of reasonability. Checking
general, you will always choose the equation for accuracy involves substituting the
that contains the three known and the one calculated value back into the equation for
unknown variable. In this specific case, the time and ensuring that the left side of the
three known variables and the one unknown equation is equal to the right side of the
variable are d, vi, a, and t. Thus, you will equation. Indeed, it is!
look for an equation that has these four
variables listed in it. An inspection of
the four equations above reveals that the FORMULAS:
equation on the top left contains all four
d = vi • t + ½ • a • t2
Once the equation is identified and written
down, the next step involves substituting
known values into the equation and using
proper algebraic steps to solve for the
unknown information. This step is shown
Goodluck Babies :)) We can do it ♥ ♥ ♥ I
love you all. ♥ ♥ ♥

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