Testing Machines General Features
Testing Machines General Features
Testing Machines General Features
Compression frame stability test using four strain gauge four strain gauge, bridge-type tester (stability tester or
bridge-type load cell (B.S. 1881, Part 115, Appendix. A). Footemeter).
Verification of behaviour during loading by means of Final test and calibration of a compression testing machine.
a stability tester (EN 12390-4, BS 1881 Part 115, App. Each machine is supplied complete with Tecnotest Calibration
A). Tecnotest frames are generously-sized so as to ensure Certificate.
high rigidity for the two planes of symmetry. This feature, Upon request, arrangements can be made for Official
in conjunction with the ball seating in oil bath, is a pre- Calibration by an independent laboratory authorised to certify
requisite which enables it to pass the stringent tests using the the accuracy and class of the machine.
Each machine is supplied complete with a Declaration of “CE” Compliance with the Machine Directive EEC 89/392
and subsequent amendments.
All Tecnotest compression testing machines are individually and accurately calibrated in our laboratory which issues certification
to this effect (with serial number and client’s name).
The Tecnotest range comprises machines of 1500, 2000, 3000, 4000 and 5000 kN capacities.
Choice of machine is made according to size and strength of specimens to be tested in the laboratory.
For example, if cubes measuring 200 mm/side having specific strength lower than 50 N/mm2 are to be tested a 2000 kN
capacity machine is required. In effect: 200 x 200 x 50 / 1000 = 2000 kN.
It must nonetheless be underlined that there is a current tendency to produce concrete with higher performance so it is a
good idea to choose a machine which has a higher capacity to that indicated by calculations.
Frequency of use (number of tests per day) is considered in order to choose the automatism level : obviously, a completely
automatic machine allows a faster turnover.
The next aspect to be considered is purpose of the tests: if they are performed for simple checks, on an occasional basis,
or for educational purposes, a hand-operated model may well represent a low-cost solution.
Versatility of a machine is of vital importance for a research laboratory, which probably needs to test
specimens with special characteristics.
The reading system most commonly used nowadays is the digital readout which has replaced the classic analog dial
Various forms of data processing become possible through the application of sensors and electronic control units.
Data can be displayed in numeric form, printed or processed by a computer.
In this last case the fully compiled certificate is obtained automatically.
Computerised models with feedback system and automatic load pace regulation enable the entire test to be controlled via
the software.
ASTM C 39 BS 1610 DIN 51220 EN 12390-4 UNI 6686 UNE 83304 NF P18-411
All the compression machines in the range are hydraulic. The ball seat is of the oil bath type to ensure its initial free
The compressive force is generated by a hydraulic ram alignment with the specimen and subsequent blockage
(50 mm travel) housed in a rigid, ring shaped structure. upon specimen contact, as prescribed by BS 1881 -
The ram which is made of special steel is specifically DIN 51220 - EN 12390-4.
dimensioned to obtain the maximum safety factor for each
machine capacity and ensures absolute reliability in all HYDRAULIC POWER UNIT
working conditions.
The high-precision machine finishing makes frictional forces Contains two pumps, one high capacity/low pressure
negligible and thus elevates the overall accuracy of the for the fast approach function and one low capacity/
machines. high pressure for the application of test force. Once the
specimen comes into contact with the upper platen, the
LOAD FRAMES AND PLATENS first pump is automatically excluded. The hydraulic power
unit is completed by a maximum pressure safety valve, a
Tecnotest manufactures two types of frames, an enbloc decompression valve and a special oil flow control valve
frame on its standard series and a four column structure which allows the accurate control of oil flow thus allowing
for its EUR series. precise operator control of load pace.
Whilst both meet the stringent requirements of Standard These valves were specially designed by Tecnotest to
EN 12390-4, the four column structure is more rigid and is assure required linearity and smooth operation which could
particularly suited for research purposes. not be guaranteed by models in commerce.
The enbloc structure, whilst complying with Standards, is On automatic machines the flow valve is automatically
made of welded steel components which offer optimum regulated by microprocessor although a manual override
weight/rigidity ratio and consequential economic savings. is provided for manual operation (useful for calibration
These structures are machine finished after assembly so purposes).
as to guarantee the perfect alignment and parallelism of
the thrust and counter thrust devices.
The test platens are made in compliance with the flatness,
hardness and parallelism criteria of the relative international It consists of two transparent Lexan guards fitted as
standards. Minimum surface hardness: 550 HV 30 or, upon standard. As optional, a micro-switch (which halts operation
request 600 HV (EN 772/1). if the front door is opened) while a further micro-switch limits
A wide range of testing platens for blocks and distance travel of hydraulic ram. The platens for blocks are provided
pieces is available as accessories. with adequate guards.
TEST when the unit is turned on for the following settings and
- Peak value memorisation (may be activated or deactivated)
- Specimen section
- Load rate for pacing - Calibration zeroing
- Printout of results (with optional printer AD 013)
- Re-start with the same settings or reset AD 013
The micro-printer (AD 013) which uses common paper can be connected
to the MONOTRONIC control unit. This provides a hard copy of the test
(indicating input data and results), or a list of calibration parameters,
or current load/time values. MONOTRONIC can be connected to a PC
while, with AD 050/001 optional software, a certificate of the test can be
made using Windows applications such as Excel etc.
Semi-automatic testing machines equipped with MONOTRONIC or EUROTRONIC Digital Control Units, as well as
the automatic machines which are equipped with the EUROTRONIC as standard, may be connected to a PC (having
MS Windows operating system) via an RS 232 serial port.
AD 050/001
AD 050/003