Analysis of Garrett's Ranking For Facilities of Arts and Engineering Colleges in Salem District of Tamil Nadu
Analysis of Garrett's Ranking For Facilities of Arts and Engineering Colleges in Salem District of Tamil Nadu
Analysis of Garrett's Ranking For Facilities of Arts and Engineering Colleges in Salem District of Tamil Nadu
The purpose of this study is to gather the relevant information on ranking analysis test. This study
explores the tough challenges of maintaining the facilities of the college. The study is also based on our
primary data. We collected 1000 respondents for our findings. The paper makes a comparison between
the facilities of Arts and Engineering Colleges. The Concept describes the various facets of facilities in
the colleges. We used the statistical tool like Garrett’s Ranking Test.
Keywords: Higher Education, Primary Data, Arts & Engineering Colleges, Facilities of Colleges,
Students, Garrett’s Ranking Test.
The quality of education system is closely related to the facilities offered by the college. While a college
must provide a good education, it must also provide the necessary facilities to its students to help them
study better. Nowadays, student’s opinions about all aspects of academic life are sought by educational
institutions worldwide. Such development is highly related to institutions worldwide. Universities and
Colleges becomes a place to provide services to fulfill the student’s needs. Student’s demand is at a
higher level not only in the quality of teaching but also to the condition of facilities. Thus, a strategy of
continuous improvement with regard to service quality is very important, so the student’s satisfaction
survey is a powerful tool to improve the quality of student’s life and learning. The measurement of
student satisfaction can be useful to institutions to help them to pin point their strengths and identify areas
for improvement. In this paper, the significant factor about facilities of college by applying Henry Garrett
ranking technique for ordering method is used for determination.
It measures student’s satisfaction and priorities showing how satisfied the students are as well as what
issues are important to them. The Garrett’s ranking technique score conversion formula is given as
Percent Score Percent Score Percent Score Percent Score
0.99 99 11.03 74 52.02 49 90.83 24
1 8 8
2 25 25
3 42 42
4 58 58
5 75 75
6 92 92
Rank Rank
Rank 2 * Rank 3 * Rank 4 * Rank 5 *
Factors 1* 6* Total
63 54 46 37
78 23
Infrastructure 5394
19266 13356 8154 5658 3626 3887
Facilities 7
Library Facilities 16848 12159 12420 6440 5809 1472
Canteen 9516 9702 10800 9568 6512 3220
Hostel Facilities 5772 8757 9288 10166 7733 4255
Toilet 7878 9954 6588 7268 8695 5198
Water Facilities 18954 10269 7236 6762 4366 4485
Infrastructure Facilities 53.95
Library Facilities 55.15
Canteen 49.32
Hostel Facilities 45.97
Toilet 45.58
Water Facilities 52.07
The result of the ranking of the college facilities, library facilities take up the supreme position of our
ranking analysis. Infrastructure facility is considered to be second position. It is shown in the table 5. Our
findings are that library facilities and infrastructure facilities are very significant factor of arts and
engineering colleges.
In conclusion, we analyze and discuss the problems of the college facilities. The Garrett Ranking is highly
useful. It throws a considerable amount of light on the library facilitates as well as in the fracture facilities
by the management. An analysis of Garrett Ranking technique assists the College in framing and
formulating the essential measures to join the student in both colleges.
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