Section D Endgame Studies: The 9 FIDE World Cup in Composing

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The 9 t h FIDE World Cup in Composing

Section D – Endgame studies

Preliminary award by

Oleg Pervakov

P ar ti cip an t s

D01 Prusikin M. (GER) D25 Gasparyan A. (ARM)

D02 Minski M. GER) D26 Gatti D. (ITA)
D03 Abramenko S. (RUS) D27 Raican P. (ROU)
D04 Topko L. (UKR) D28 Sochnev A. (RUS)
D05 Stavrietsky A. (RUS) D29 Kostyukov A. (RUS)
D06 Avni A. (ISR) D30 Tkachenko S. N. (UKR)
D07 Arestov P. (RUS) D31 Malyi I. (UKR)
D08 Nielsen S. (DNK) D32 Gurgenidze D. (GEO)
D09 Varitsky A. (BLR) D33 Aliev I. (AZE)
D10 Muljadi P. (USA) D34 Halski M. (POL)
D11 Sayman U. (TUR) D35 Samilo V. (UKR)
D12 Neyshtadt V. (RUS) D36 Osintsev S. (RUS)
D13 Timman J. (NLD) D37 Tarasiuk V. (UKR)
D14 Sizonenko V. (UKR) D38 Ruvalcaba J. J. G. (MEX)
D15 Mikitovics J. (HUN) D39 Østmoe G. S. T. (NOR)
D16 Egorov E. (KAZ) D40 Sergiienko A. (UKR)
D17 Didukh S. (UKR) D41 Tang X. (CHN)
D18 Campioli M. (ITA) D42 Yoo C. (USA)
D19 Dimitrov O. (BGR) D43 Sprenger J. (GER)
D20 Palazon L. G. (ESP) D44 Kozhakin V. (RUS)
D21 Pasman M. (ISR) D45 Zilberstein D. (USA)
D22 Pallier A. (FRA) D46 Ilić M. (SRB)
D23 González L. M. (ESP) D47 Hlebec D. (SRB)
D24 García C. E. (VEN) D48 Djurašević B. (SRB)
n the section D of 9th FIDE D29. The idea, although quite
World Cup, 48 studies complex, is not new. Many static
participated. Based on the Pawns that is unnecessary in the
quality of the submitted works final.
and the status of the tourney, the D32. A final “pick” is well-know
judge decided to mark a third – 16, by at least S. Belokon («Tidskrift
according to the “classical scheme”: for Schack», 1973, 1st Comm.).
Prizes, Honorable mentions, D34. Intersting final, but
Commendations, Special distinctions. unlucky intriduction. I'll give the
But at first I say about studies that author a chance to work on the
did not qualify for the award. study again.
D35, D42. Clear idea is absent:
Following studies may well be the White somehow defenced and
marked at other tourneys with at did a draw.
least Commendations or even D36. A final is quite amuzing,
higher: D07, D09, D23, D25, D27, but introduction is bad.
D30, D31, D33, D40. D38. There is second solution
4.mf6+ uh8 5.me4, but in any
Shortly about rest: case the study falls short of the
D03. A final is well-known: World Cup.
J. Timman, «Schaakwerk» II 218, D41. Mansubat with more than
1991; 120-moves forced solution. Too
D04. Weak introduction, simple tedious and not very interesting,
and uninteresting final; although a record for a study.
D10. The author wrongly D44. Unsound 7…sh7+
estimated 6-pieces-position (!), according 7-pieces-base.
despite an existence 7-pieces-base; D45. A capture of undefended
D11. The judge didn’t see any Black Rook on 1st move and
study play; another “baby pranks” sent this
D12. Too many pieces are "study" to the trash can.
involved for simple final; D46. Two sacrifices on the same
D14. A play and a final do not square do not suprass the technical
cause any emotion; shortcomings of the study.
D15, D22. Studies without ideas: D48. Unlucky introduction,
White wins without any subtles; well-known final.
D19. Illegal initial position;
D21. Many sacrifices, few Here is a proposal award.
D24. Well-known idea from
problem-genre – this idea has
nothing to do in study-genre;
1st Prize 2nd Prize
= 10+7 = 4+5

A quite playable position. White has 1.ug7 qg6+! 1...ub6 2.md3 h4

a material advantage, but Black's 3.u:h6 h3 4.d6 h2 5.mf2 b2 6.d7
threats seem more weighty. 1.s:e2? with obvious draw. 2.u:g6 b2 3.a7
qc1+ 2.ob1 qa8+ is early – Black b1s+ 4.ug7! sg1+ 5.uh8! But
checkmates. That’s why 1.mf7+! uh7! not 5.uf8? sc5+! 6.ug8 sc8+.
2.s:e2 qc1+ 3.ob1 qa8+ 4.qa6 5...s:a7. The a7-pawn cannot be
sе4! Defending a8 and g6 and delayed, so the Black has to go
attacking White Bishop and Queen – under the fork. 6.mc6+ ub6
it’s multifunctional move! 4…q:a6+? 7.m:a7 uc5! Strongest. After 7...h4
5.s:a6 sе4 6.md3 – Black loses. 8.mc8+ uc7 9.me7 h3 10.mf5 h2
5.mс2! Of course, not 5.s:е4??/ md3?? 11.mg3 Knight catches up the
q:a6#. 5...s:с2. In the case 5...s:е2 Pawn. 8.mb5! Responding sacrifice
6.q:a8 q:b1+ 7.u:b1 sf1+ 8.ua2 from the White. Now 8.mc8? u:d5
s:f7+ White is saved by 9.b3! 6.sh5+!! 9.me7+ ue4(e6) loses. 8...u:b5.
g:h5 7.g6+! s:g6 [7...ug8? q:a8+] After 8...u:d5 the Knight comes
8.mg5+ uh6 [8…ug8? 9.q:a8+] from below: 9.mc3+ ud4 10.me2+
9.mf7+ uh7 10.mg5+. Perpetual check ue3 11.mg3! h4 12.mf5+ – fork.
by Knight that cannot be captured by 9.ug7! Reti maneuver! [9.ug8?
Black Queen in view of diagonal or uc5!] 9...h4 10.uf7! And now –
horizontal pin alternately. anti-Rink! [10.u:f6? h3 11.d6 h2
Original, bright and unexpected 12.d7 h1s 13.d8s sh4+].
final with clear and untiring play. 10...uc5 11.ue6 h3 12.d6 h2 13.d7
Excellent counterplay 4...se4! and its h1s 14.d8s se4+! 15.uf7!
refutation 5.mc2!, 6.sh5+!! A great [15.u:f6? sh4+] 15...sh7+
example for a propaganda of creativity 16.ue6! [16.uf8? sh8+] 16...se4+
of composing studies. 17.uf7 – positional draw.
An easy-to-build dynamic study h:g4 4.qg3 (4...qg1 5.m:f2 q:g3
with a synthesis of two well-known 6.h:g3) 4...uh7 5.q:g4 qg1 6.m:f2
maneuvers. Mutual sacrifices and q:g4 7.m:g4 qf1 8.me3 qf4
two knight routes in side 9.ue8 d4 10.ud7 d:e3 11.m:e3
variations to neutralize the ma7 12.o:d6. 3.mh6! Now it’s
h-Pawn look nice. necessary to line a diagonal а1-h8
and to block h7-Pawn. 3...g:h6
3rd Prize 4.oc5! And now – paving the way
KLLLLLLLLM for Knight to f7. 4...qb4! But the
Black finds counterplay [4...d:c5
NOP«PO1O3Q 5.me5 with checkmate]. 5.a6!! A
NP»ºOPO¼»Q centre of the study. Logical try:
NOPO¼OPOPQ 5.o:b4? qc1 6.m:c1 d4 7.oc5 d:c5
8.md3 h5 9.g5 (9.a6 b5=) 9...f1s –
NºOP»¼©POQ why white is bad here, it will
NOPOXOP¹PQ become clear from the further
NnOPOP»POQ solution. 5...b:a6. In the case of
5...b6 6.o:b4 d4 7.o:d6 m:d6
NOPOPOPOºQ 8.me5 qe1 underpromotion comes
NPYªOPYPOQ to the rescue: 9.c8m! q:e5 10.m:d6
RSSSSSSSST qe7 11.u:e7 f1s 12.uf8 s:a6
+ 9+11 13.mf7#. 6.o:b4 qc1! 7.m:c1 d4
8.oc5! d:c5 9.md3 h5 10.g5! f1s
Storm on the board! 1.md3! 11.me5 md6 [11...h6 12.g6].
Ensuring the safety of the main 12.mf7+! [12.c8s? sc4!] 12...m:f7
trump card – a Pawn с7. 1.m:d6? 13.c8s sc4 14.sf5! And it turns
h6 2.md3 f2 3.q:d5 qfd1 4.m:f2 out that the square a6 (unlike a
q:d5 5.m:c8 qd7 gave nothing. logical try) is not available for
1...f2. 1...e:d4 2.m:d6 m:d6 3.o:d6 Black Queen. 14...d3 15.sf6#.
is weakly. 2.qf4! The beginning of Powerful combinational study
the sacrificial extravaganza. First with a point 5.a6!! The overall
of all it’s necessary to close the impression is slightly reduced by
f-line. Capturing the d6-pawn does the ponderous initial position and
not lead to success: 2.o:d6? e:d4 the presence of a number of
3.mh6 m:d6 4.c8s qfc1 5.sd8 technical variations. It is
qc7 6.m:f2 qbc1 7.s:d6 qc8+ interesting to compare with the
8.ue7 q1c7+ 9.ue6 qc6 or study of V. Smyslov (“New in
2.m:d6? h6! 3.m:e5 qfe1 4.qf4 Chess", 2000), where a Knight
f1s 5.q:f1 q:f1+ 6.ue8 m:d6+ sneaks on f7 from d1.
7.o:d6 qfc1 8.ud7 qb5=. 2...e:f4
White wins, though not without
some fuss, also after 2...h5 3.qf3
Special Prize Excellent logical study with
KLLLLLLLLM Roman theme. The author noted
that a final was already met in the
NOPOPOPOªQ study of V. Vinichenko (VIII team
NPOPOPOPOQ championship of RSFSR, 1983,
NOPOP2POPQ 1st Place). If only this... The
Novosibirsk master showed the very
NPoPOºOPOQ idea of dropping a Pawn and the
NOP»POPOPQ Roman attraction of the Bishop,
NPOPOPOP0Q however, trying to formalize it in one
move. Nevertheless, the study
NOPOP»POºQ deserves a special prize.
RSSSSSSSST 1 s t Ho n o r a b l e M e n t i o n
Graceful position; the beginning,
however, is obvious. 1.of2 c3 2.mg6 N¼»POPOPOQ
uf5 3.mh4+ ue4 4.mg2 c2 [4...uf3 NOPOP2POPQ
5.od4!] 5.oe3 uf3. It's time to NnOPO¼OPOQ
think... 6.e6!! A first logical try:
6.me1+? u:e3 7.m:c2+ ud2 8.md4 NOPOP0P¹PQ
od7+ 9.e6!? [9.ug2 oc6+ 10.uh3 NPOP¹POPOQ
e1s] 9...o:e6+ 10.ug2 od5+ NOPOPOºOPQ
11.uh3 e1q! 12.mf3+ o:f3 – and
stalemate did not take place. NPmZYPOP©Q
6...od3 7.me1+! White King will be RSSSSSSSST
in check after 7.e7? of5+! 8.uh4 = 7+6
od7 9.me1+ u:e3 10.m:c2+ ud2
11.md4 e1s+. 7...u:e3 8.e7 ob5! If White is able to save a piece,
[8...c1s 9.e8s+ oe4 10.mg2+] he will achieve a draw. 1.oa2+
9.m:c2+ ud2 10.e8s(q)! A second ud7! Without a fight, black missed
logical try: 10.md4? od7+ 11.ug2 the victory after 1...uf6 2.mg3 b6
oc6+ 12.uh3 e1s 13.mf3+ o:f3 – 3.ob4 a5 4.od6. 2.mg3 qa1 [2...b6
and stalemate did not take place in 3.ob4 a5 4.g5! a:b4 5.g6 qc8 6.g7].
view of е7-Pawn. 10...o:e8 11.md4 3.ob3. It’s a beginning of
od7+ 12.ug2 oc6+ 13.uh3 with alternating attack of bishops and
short branching: rooks on each other. 3...qdb1 4.oc3!
I) 13...e1q 14.m:c6! – Bishop is [4.oc2? qc1 5.oc3 qa6]. 4...qa3
under a fork; II) 13…e1s 14.mf3+! 5.oc2 qc1 [5...qg1 6.o:e5]. 6.ob2
o:f3 – model stalemate. qe1+ 7.ud5! Only there. Not
7.uf3? qa2 8.oc3 qg1! 9.ob3
q:g3+ 10.u:g3 qa3 or 7.uf5? qa2 While Black will capture the
8.oc3 qg1. 7...qa2 8.oc3 qc1. In c7-pawn, White needs to
the case of 8...qg1 9.ob3 qa3 a coordinate the actions of his pieces.
modest-looking Knight takes the 1.qd8 ob6 [1...u:h6 2.q:d6+
floor: 10.me4! 9.ob3 qa3 10.ob2! q:d6 3.c8s] 2.qd7+. Not
It's not too late to be wrong: 10.od2? dangerous 2.of8? o:c7 3.qd7+ in
qb1 11.oc4 b5! 10...qa5+ 11.ue4 view of 3...mf7+! 4.uf5 ug8.
qb1 [11...qe1+ 12.uf3 qb1 13.oc3 2...mf7! 3.q:f7+ ug6! [3...u:h6
qa3 14.oc2]. 12.oc3 qa3 13.oc2 – 4.c8s q:c8 5.qf6+] 4.ob3! It's not
positional draw. hard to be wrong: 4.c8s? q:c8
An original spinner featuring 5.ob3 oa5 6.of8 qb8!
King, Bishops and Rooks. Some [6...o:d2+? 7.ug4] 7.oa2 o:d2+
dissonance is introduced by the 8.ug4 ob4! 9.og7 qa8! 10.ob3
presence of an inactive Knight on qa3 11.oc4 qa4=; 4.qd7? o:c7+
the board. And, of course, it is a 5.q:c7 q:c7 with with the loss of a
pity that a point is missing. I Bishop. 4...q:c7 [4...o:c7+ 5.q:c7
remember a study by V. Korolkov q:c7 6.of8] 5.qf5! [5.qf8? oa5].
and L. Mitrofanov (Olympic White has adjusted the interaction
tourney, 1960, 1st HM), where the of his pieces, but Black is looking
only Bishop successfully "dances" for a subtle resource. 5...qb7!
with Rooks. Although it is clear [5...qc1 6.ue4! qe1+ 7.oe3 o:e3
that it is more difficult to establish 8.of7+!] 6.od5 oc7+ 7.ug4
a mechanism of a larger number of [7.uf3? qb2!] 7...qb4+ 8.of4. Not
pieces. 8.qf4? qb5! 9.oc4 qc5. 8...qd4
9.d3! o:f4 10.oe4! with victory.
Pleasant playable study.

2 n d Ho n o r a b l e M e n t i o n 3 r d Ho n o r a b l e M e n t i o n
+ 6+4 + 7+4
We walk together in a row... 4 t h Ho n o r a b l e M e n t i o n
Four (!) White pawns are ready to KLLLLLLLLM
find a new life. 1.g8s! At first it is
necessary to neutralize a Black
battery. 1...sb7+ [1...q:g8 2.d8s NP»¼OP2POQ
sb7+ 3.uc2 d1s+ 4.q:d1 qg2+ NOPOPOPOPQ
5.qd2+-; 1...d1m+ 2.uc1 q:g8
3.d8s] 2.uc2 d1s+! 3.u:d1 q:g8
4.a8s. Underpromotion does not go NOPOpOPOPQ
away yet: 4.d8m+? ud7 5.m:b7 NPOPOPOP©Q
qg1+ 6.uc2 q:a1. 4...s:a8
5.qc1+! A queen on а8 can wait.
[5.q:a8? qg1+! 6.ue2 u:d7 7.md6 NP0nOPOPGQ
u:c7] 5...ub5. In the case of RSSSSSSSST
5...ub7 6.md6+ ub6 it works + 5+6
7.c8m+! ua6 8.qa1# with Rook’s
switchback and checkmate; 5...u:d7 1.mg5+ ue7 2.sh7+ ud8
6.mb6+. 6.md6+ ub4 [6...ub6 3.mf7+ ud7 4.md8+! se7
7.c8m+!] 7.qb1+ uc5 [7...ua4 [4...u:d8 5.og5+] 5.e6+ ue8
8.qa1+] 8.c8s+ [8.mb7+? uc6!] [5...u:d8 6.sg8+ se8 7.og5+ of6
8...u:d6 9.qb6+ ue7 [9...ud5 8.o:f6#] 6.sg6+ uf8. After a
10.qb5+ ud6 11.sc5+] 10.qe6+! forced introduction, it is need to
Nice, though well-known sacrifice. look around and do prevention.
[10.sc5+? ud8!] 10...u:e6 7.oa3! Early 7.oh6+? og7
[10...uf7 11.sc4! with deadly 8.o:g7+ (8.og5? sb4+!) 8...s:g7
battery] 11.d8m+! Phoenix. 9.s:g7+ u:g7 10.e7 od7. 7...c5
11...ue7 12.se6+! [12.s:a8? [7...s:a3 8.sf7#]. 8.oc1! The
q:d8+; 12.sc7+? uf6!] 12...u:d8 safety of a King is more expensive
13.s:g8+, and Black queen than two tempos! 8...sc7 9.oh6+
eliminated. og7 10.uc1! Again, prevention.
Rich content: refusal to capture, [10.sh7? sb6+]. 10...o:h6+
underpromotions, Phoenix, [10...ug8 11.mf7]. 11.s:h6+ ug8
batteries, hunt for Queen… But [11...ue8 12.sh8+ ue7 13.sg7+
the play os quite forced. u:d8 (13...ud6 14.sg3+) 14.sf8#]
12.mf7 o:e6 13.sh8+ u:f7
14.sh7+, as if stringing the
strongest Black piece on a “skewer”
of the opened 7th rank.
Ideas of the prevention still live
on and win.
5th Ho n o u r a b l e M e n t i o n S p e c i a l Ho n o u r a b l e M e n t i o n
+ 4+4 = 6+5

1.ue8! [1.ud6? mf6] 1...g3! 1.qh3+ [1.sg1+? ud2! 2.sg5

Otherwise – a domination of qd4+ 3.uc8 me7+ 4.s:e7 sg4+]
Knight over Bishop: 1...og2 1...ud4 2.e3+! [2.qd3+? ue5 3.g7
2.mc5. 2. h:g3 of5 [2...oe6 3.uf8 qa7+ 4.uc8 q:g7 5.sd5+ uf6
mf6 4.mf2 uc7 5.me4! with 6.sc6+ ug5 7.sg2+ sg4] 2...m:e3
winning: 5...mh7+ 6.ug7 of5 3.sd2+ uc4 4.se2+! [4.s:e3?
7.mg5 or 5...md7+ 6.ue7 of5 qa7+ 5.ue6 sg4+ 6.uf6 mb4!
7.md6 od3 8.g4 me5 9.mf5! m:g4 7.sc3+ ub5 8.se5!? qa6+! 9.c6+
10.h7] 3.me5. Planning uf7 and u:c6 10.qh7 md5+; 4.q:e3? sf5+]
mg6. 3...mf6+! [3...uc7 4.uf7 ud6 4...ud4 5.sd2+! Logical try:
5.mg6] 4.uf7 mh7 5.md7+! 5.s:e3+? s:e3 6.q:e3 u:e3 7.c6
Thematic try: 5.g4? ob1! 6.md7+ mc3 8.c7 md5! 9.g7 qg4! 10.ue6
ub7! 7.mf8 mg5+ 8.uf6 me4+ m:c7+ 11.uf7 qf4+ 12.ug6 md5
9.ue7 mg5 10.me6 mh7 11.g5 13.g8s me7+ 14.ug5 m:g8 – Black
uc6 12.uf7 ud6(d5) 13.g6 o:g6+ wins, because a Rook is defended.
14.u:g6 u:e6 15.u:h7 uf7=. 5...ue4 6.q:e3+ s:e3 7.sc2+!
5...o:d7. Now after 5...ub7 6.mf8 sd3+ 8.s:d3+ u:d3 9.c6 mc3 10.c7
mg5+ White plays 7.uf6, qd4+! As compared with logical
attacking both Black pieces. try, a Black King is on d3, so:
6.ug6! mf8+ 7.ug7 me6+ 8.uf6 10...md5 11.g7 qg4 (11...qa8
mf8 9.ue7 with capture of one of 12.ue6! me3 13.ud7 md5 14.ue6
Black pieces and wuth winning. me3 15.ud7 – positional draw or
Live struggle of minor pieces is 15...mc4 16.c8m!=) 12.ue6 m:c7+
highlighted by thematic try. 13.uf7 qf4+ 14.ug6 md5 15.g8s
me7+ 16.ug5! rook devoid of
defending: 16...qf5+ 17.ug4=.
11.ue6! qe4+ 12.uf7 mb5 13.c8m! Commendation
qf4+ 14.ue8 mc7+ [14...ue4 KLLLLLLLLM
15.ue7! mc7 16.md6+ ue5
17.mf7+ ud5 18.g7 qe4+ (18...qg4
19.mg5! q:g5 20.uf7=) 19.me5! NP©nOPOPOQ
(echo-sacrifice of Knight) 19...q:e5+ NOPOPOPOPQ
20.uf7=] 15.ud7 md5 [15...mb5
16.ue8 md4 17.g7 qg4 18.uf7
mf5 19.g8m! qg7+ 20.uf8] 16.me7 NOP»POPOPQ
mf6+ 17.ue6 mh5 [17...me8 NP¹POPOPOQ
18.mf5! mc7+ 19.ue5 qg4 20.uf6
md5+ 21.uf7 qf4 22.ue6! mc7+
23.ue5 qe4+ 24.uf6 md5+ 25.uf7 NP«POPOPOQ
qf4 26.ue6, positional draw] RSSSSSSSST
18.mf5 qg4 19.uf7 qg5 20.md6 + 5+4
qa5! 21.me8 qa7+ 22.ug8!
Thematic try: 22.uf8? mf4! 23.g7 1.b4! Tied Pawns are stronger than
me6+ 24.ug8 ue4! 25.uh7 doubled ones.: 1.b:c4? ma3! 2.ma5
(25.uh8 m:g7 26.m:g7 ue5 27.ug8 oc3! 3.c6 o:a5 4.o:a5 m:c4 5.c7 me5!
uf6) 25...uf5 26.uh6 qa1 1...ma3 [1...c3 2.b5 c2 3.of4 oe5!
27.md6+ uf6 28.g8m+ ue5. 4.oe3! mc3 5.b6 md5 6.ma5! me7+
22...ue4 23.g7 uf5 24.uf8 mf6 7.ud7 md5 8.og5] 2.md6 c3 3.b5
25.m:f6 u:f6 26.g8m+! with draw. m:b5 4.m:b5 c2. Looking forward to
Five underpromotions in Knight stalemate. 5.ob8! [5.of4? oc1 6.oe5
(in solution, variations and try) (6.mc7+ ua7 7.o:c1, stalemate)
with 26-moves-fight! An epic 6...oe3 7.ob8 of4! 8.o:f4 stalemate]
5...oe5! 6.o:e5 c1s. The pawn took
canvas. But it took the author five
advantage of the chance given on the
pieces to create a logical try. Isn't
first move, but this does not save
it a bit too much? The final ratio Black. 7.mc7+. Early 7.od4? s:c5+!
"two Pawns against Rook and 8.o:c5 – stalemate. 7...ua7 8.od4!
Knight" was actively developed by sb2! [8...s:c5 9.o:c5#] 9.c6+ [9.o:b2?
A. Sochnev, so I would not be – stalemate again] 9...sb6 [9...s:d4
surprised if he was the author. 10.mb5+] 10.o:b6+ [10.mb5+? ua8!
11.mc7+ (11.o:b6=) 11...s:c7+
12.u:c7 – stalemates all around!]
10...u:b6 11.ud7 +–.
Nice minor-pieces-study. But it is
not surprising to show the abundance
of stalemates in counterplay with a
King squeezed in the corner. And the
scale of the battle is not very
Commendation Commendation
+ 4+2 + 6+7

1.mf1+! [1.f7? ob4!; 1.mf3+? 1.c7! sb7 2.qd8+. The king is

u:c2! 2.md4+ ud3; 1.c4? od8=] on necessary place: 2.ue6? sc8!
1...u:c2 2.me3+ ud3 3.md5, and 3.ue7 sf8+ 4.ue6 b1s 5.qg7+
the play branches: s:g7 6.o:g7 u:g7 7.c8s se4+
A) 3...oe1+ 4.ug4! But not 8.ud7 s:g4+. 2...uf7 3.c8q! First
4.ug5? of2! 5.f7 (5.mf4+ ue4 underpromotion. After 3.c8s?
6.me6 og3! 7.f7 od6=) 5...oc5 se4+! 4.u:e4 b1s+ 5.ud5 se4+!
6.uf6 of8 7.me7 ue3 8.mg6 oh6. the newly minted mad Black
4...of2 5.mf4+ ue4 [5...uc4 6.f7 Queen successfully takes out the
oc5 6.uf5] 6.me6 oe1 7.mc5+ White King in the corner: 6.u:c5
ud5 8.f7; sd5+ 7.ub6 sb5+ 8.ua7 sb6+
B) 3...od8 4.me7 ue4 5.ug5! 9.ua8 sa7+! 10.u:a7 stalemate.
ue5 6.mc6+; 3...s:c8 4.q:c8 b1s 5.d7 sb6!
C) 3...od2 4.uh5! oc1 5.mb4+ 5...sd3 6.d8s s:c3+ 7.ud6 sd3+
uc4 6.f7. 8.uc6 sf3+ 9.sd5+. 6.d8m+!
Interesting enough content for a Second underpromotion (6.d8s??
six-pieces-study. The white King se6#). 6...ue7 7.mc6+ ud7
chooses the correct square three [7...uf7 8.ud6 sb8+ 9.qc7+!
times, and the Knight twice cuts cross-check] 8.qd8+ uc7 [8...u:c6
off the Bishop from the Pawn along 9.qd6+] 9.oa5 +–.
the a3-f8 diagonal. Another interpretation on the
theme of two underpromotions in
Rook and Knight. The White King,
like a tiger in a cage, looks at what
is happening, realizing what
awaits him in the corner a8.
Commendation Commendation
= 5+6 + 7+5

1.b6 mc4! Diversion a Bishop 1.ob4+! [1.se8? qb6+! 2.uc7!

from diagonal b1-h7. Early 1…g2 sg7+ =; early 1.q:a6+? q:a6
2.qh3+! ug5 3.b:c7 g1s 4.c8s. 2.ob4+ u:b4 3.qb2+ u:c5=].
2.o:c4 [2.b7? me5! 3.b8s mf7#] 1...u:b4 2.qb2+ ua5 3.q:a6+!
2…g2 3.qf1! [3.qh3+? ug6 – now q:a6 4.se8! qa8+! 5.u:a8 oe4+!
the square g6 is not under attack] 6.s:e4 [6.ub8? sf4+ 7.uc8 of5+
3…f3! [3…g:f1s? 4.o:f1 qg7 5.b7] 8.ub7 oe4+ 9.c6 o:c6+ 10.s:c6
4.b:c7 q:c4 5.qa1! Logical try: sb8+! with stalemate] 6...sc6+!
5.qe1? q:c6 6.qe6+!? q:e6 7.c8s [6...sa6+ 7.ub8 sa7+ 8.uc8!]
g1s 8.s:e6+ sg6 (zz WTM) 7.ub8! (7.s:c6 stalemate) 7...s:e4
9.se3+ sg5 10.se6+ uh5 8.qa2+ ub4 9.qa4+! u:a4
11.sf7+ ug4. 5…q:c6 6.qa6! 10.mc3+ ub4 11.m:e4 +–.
q:a6 7.c8s g1s 8.s:a6+ sg6 “Children's firecracker” for the
[8…uh5 9.sh6+! u:h6 stalemate] New Year for novice chess players.
9.se6! (zz BTM) 9…s:e6
stalemate or 9…f2 10.se3+ with
losing of Pawn.
Five-pieces-zugzwang that is
formalize according to all canons –
with the try. It is surprising that
so far it has not attracted the
attention of other composers –
apparently, not so interesting.
Special Commendation
+ 4+8

Fun initial position. What

reminds you? To me personally –- a
rocket. Well, yes, 60 years after all
the first flight of Yuri Gagarin into
space! 1.mh3+! 1.sb6+? ug3
2.sg6+ uf2 3.mh3+ ue3 4.sb6+
ud2; 1.ug5? qd1! 2.mh3+ ue1
3.sc3+ qd2 4.qa7 oe7+! 5.uh6
of8+ 6.ug5 oe7+; 1.md5? qh1!
2.sd4+ ug3 3.sf4+ uf2 =.
1...ug3 [1...ue3 2.sc3#] 2.ug5!
oh5! [2...oh6+ 3.s:h6] 3.mf2!
oe7 [3...oh6+ 4.u:h6] 4.s:e7
[4.q:e7? s:f2] 4...s:f2 5.q:f2. But
not 5.se5+? uh3 6.q:f2 qgf1!
7.se3+ uh2 8.u:h5 q:f2 9.s:f2
qh1. 5...qgf1! [5...u:f2 6.sc5+
uf1 7.sf5+ of3 8.s:f3#] 6.se4!
u:f2 7.sd4+ ug3 8.sh4+ uf3
9.sf4#. Special distinction – for a

August 16, 2021

Oleg Pervakov

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