Classification of Av Aids: Unit-Vi
Classification of Av Aids: Unit-Vi
Classification of Av Aids: Unit-Vi
Audio visual aids are the different types of tools that appeal to the sense of hearing and vision and
are used in classrooms for presentations of a variety of information.Audio visual material must be
seen in their relationship to teaching as a whole and to the learning process as a whole, until teacher
understand the relationship between audiovisual material and teaching learning process. Audio visual
aids is on instructional device in which the message can be heard as well as seen. Audiovisual aids
are multisensory material which motivate and stimulate the individual. Audiovisual aids sensitive
tools used in teaching and as avenues for learning more concrete socialistic and clarity. Provide
significant gain in thinking and reasoning. Audio visual aids are sensitive tools used in teaching and
as avenues for learning. These are planned educational materials that appeal to the senses of the
people and quicken learning facilities for clear understanding.
Audio visual material should function as an integral part of the educational programme.
Audio- visual aids should be centralized, under specialized direction and leadership in educational
An advisory committee should be appointed to assist in the selection and co-ordination of audio-
visual material.
Audio visual educational programme should be flexible.
Instructor have to help the students how to use audio – visual aids.
Legal aspects should be considered in the production and the utilization of educational
communication media.
Audio visual material should be carefully located to eliminate duplication ,easy accessibility and
convenient use .
Budget appropriation should be made regularly for audio visual education program
Periodic evaluation should be done to assess the function of utilization and expenditure of the
Audio-visual aids are multisensory materials which motivates, classifies and stimulates the
individuals. It makes dynamic learning experience more concrete, realistic and clarity, establish, co-
relate and coordinate accurate concepts, interpretations and appreciation and enables him to make
learning effective, interesting, inspirational, meaningful and vivid. It provides significant gains in
informational learning, retention, recall, thinking and reasoning, activity interest, imagination, better
assimilation and personal growth and development. Audio-visual aids are added devices that help the
teacher to clarify, establish, correlate, and co-ordinate accurate concept, interpretations, and
appreciations and enable him to make learning more concrete, effective, interesting, inspirational,
meaningful and vivid.
According to KP. Neeraja‘an audio-visual aids is an instructional device in which the message
can be heard as well seen’.
According to Kinder, ‘audio-visual aids are any device which can be used to make the learning
experience more concrete, more realistic and more dynamic.
Various classifications are given for audio visual aids according to the projection by various authors
1) Classification of A. V Aids
Audio aids
Visual aids
Audio visual aids
2) Classification of a-A-V aids
Auditory aids
Visual aids
Projected aids
Audio-visual aids
Aids through activity
Traditional media
Classifi cati on of A-V aids
Visual aids
Projected aids
Non-projected aids
Graphic aids
Display aids
3D aids
Audio aids
Activity aids
Big media
Little media
1) Classification of A-V Aids
Audio aids:Audio materials are those which can be heard.
Ex: radio,mike, Gramophone ,IPODS, tape recorder, Walkman, headphones.
Visual aids
These are helpful to visualize the things.
Ex: graphic aids, 3d-aids, display boards, and print material.
Audio visual aids
These aids can be heard and seen simultaneously.
Ex: projected aids, TV, films
3) Classification of A-V aids
Simple A.V aids: It includes graphic aids, display boards, 3d-aids, print material…etc.
Sophisticated A.V Aids: Includes audio- visual aids.
A)Auditory aids
Eg: radio, recordings, phonograms, megaphone, microphone, gramophone.
B) Visual aids
1) Non- projected/un-projected
Eg: models, 3D materials, pictures, charts, flannel graphs, boards, cartoons, maps, flashcards,
illustrations, posters.
2) Projected aids:
Eg: epidioscope, slide projector, OHP, film projector, opaque projector.
C)Audio-visual aids
Eg: T.V, Video, sound motion pictures.
E) Traditional media:
Eg: puppets, dramas, folk soups and folk dance.
1. Visual aids
Projected visual aids:
Opaque Projector: It is very useful means for using reflected light to pick up the image or for
projection of flat pictures, diagrams, maps to a screen in enlarged form so that the entire group can
see them.
Film Strip:
The film strip is a continuous strip of film consisting of individual frames or pictures arranged in
sequence, usually with explanatory titles. Each strip contains from 12-18 or more pictures. It is a
fixed sequence of related stills on a roll of 35mm film or 8mm film.
The Slide Projection: A slide is a small piece of transparent material on which a simple pictorial
image or scene or graphic image has been photographed or reproduced otherwise. Molded slides
range in size from 2*2 or 4.5*4 inches.
Over-Head Projector: It projects transparencies with brilliant screen in eyes suitable for use in a
lighted room. The teacher faces the class as he uses OHP, and the class views the projections.
The still picture gives anillusion of space, the observer receives the impression of reality, hence it
is known as 3D photograph. The stereo film is a double photograph made by the stereoscopic
cameras, the 2 photographs being taken from a slightly different angle. The 2 pictures are enlarged
and merged into one view when seen through the lenses of the stereoscope.
It can project images or printed matter or small opaque subjects on a screen or it can project images
of a 4”*4” slide. Through epidioscope, we can project slides or objects. It works on the principle of
horizontal straight line projection with a lamp, plane mirror placed at 45 degree angle over the
projects or reflects the light so that it passes through the projection lens forming a magnified image
on the screen.
Exact visual recordings of things which will occur in real life situations.
Illutrations: Non photographic reconstructions of reality e.g. drawing, painting, sketching etc.
Blackboard: It is helpful in meeting and group discussions. It is one of the most valuable device for
making instruction concrete and understandable when it is used properly.
Black board can be prepared with a piece of plywood about 30”*40” paint the plywood with
blackboard paint.
Bulletin Board
It will be for both informational and educational purposes. It is a simple device placed either indoor
or outdoor, kept in a suitable place. It can provide a suitable for the display of all kinds of creative
work of the students.
Flannel Board
Fixed Board
Movable Board
Three dimensional representations of real things, they reduce large object to a size convenient
for observation and produce interior view of objects which are normally covered or are otherwise
Model:It is a life size miniature or over size or original size whether workable or not, whether it
differs from or not from original size of an object to be studied, which is very useful in teaching
models are substitute for real things.
It emphasizes the functional relationship between the device reality and its workability. Eg: an
artificial kidney to demonstrate dialysis.
Part of real objects taken from the natural setting. It is a sample that shows quality or structure.
Eg: section of lung.
Mould can be made up of plastic material to stimulate some life object. Eg body which shows
evidence of trauma.
Simple sheet of paper folded to make a full page of printed matter on simple side.
Pamphlets: Paper can be folded into two or three or five, the matter will be printed either on single
side or both the sides.
The briefing of a session in a single sheet, use simple, clear language with short sentences. If
needed sketches, graphs should be drawn and labeled.
Flash Cards:
Small impact cards which flashed before the class to bring any idea.
10”*12” or 22”*28” in size.
Used for small group not over 30 people.
Provides variety and activity in the class.
The message can be brief, it may be simple line drawing or photographs or cartoons.
10-12 cards can be used for one talk.
It is good substitute for first hand experience. It varies from a simple printed card to a complicated
and artistic design. It should be always a part of campaign, it will serve first to inspire people and
lastly it will serve as a reminder to the group.
Diagram: It is a simplified drawing designed to show inter relationship primarily by means of lines
and symbols. Eg stick figures, science figure, geometry, facial expression drawing can be drawn by
hand to convey a variety of ideas, concepts and situations.
These visual symbols used for summarizing, comparing, contrasting or performing other
services in explaining subject matter. Diagnostic representation of the facts and ideas, a chart is a
combination of pictorial graphic, numerical which presents a clear visual summary.
Graphic representation of the earth’s surface or portions of it are termed as maps. These are flat
representations of the earth’s surface, which convey the information by means of lines, symbols,
words and colours
Globe:Three dimensional representation of the earth in a spherical manner. We can see the physical
unity of the world, the relation of one part to all rest and the direction of one part of the world relative
to another.
Graphic Materials:
It is a combination of graphic and pictorial material designed for the orderly and logical
visualizing of relationships between key facts and ideas. It includes graphs, charts, maps and
It is a metaphysical presentation of reality. It makes learning more interesting and effective as
it creates a strong appeal to the emotions. The cartoon is an interpretive illustration, which uses
symbols to portray an opinion, a scene or situation.
Puppets can serve as an effective aid to learning. They can be made to illustrate lessons, events
of tales in an interesting and vivid manner if they are accompanied by effective narratives. It is
necessary to have a great deal of action in puppetry as well as plenty of music dancing
Hand Puppets
String Puppet
To communicate information and findings of research study in an accurate, brevity and clarity from
the articles can be published.
Museum: It is made up of materials used in classroom teaching which in many cases are collected,
classified and exhibited by students with or without the help of a teacher.
It provides an environment of reality learner’s point of view is the main criterion in the selection of
The educational media are the objects that help in teaching and learning activities and enhance the
delivery of knowledge to the learners. In other words, educational media are learning devices that help
the teacher clarify, establish, correlate and co-ordinate accurate concepts and interpretations to make
learning more concrete, effective, interesting, meaningful and vivid.
Audio educational aids are popularly known as auditory aids and are considered significantly
important educational aids because of their access, cost effectiveness and easy operability. Audio
educational aids are very popular in language learning strategies.
Audio aids is an instructional device in which message can be heard
Tape recorder
Disc recorder
Language laboratories
Radio is a wireless transmission of signals through free space by electromagnetic radiation of a
frequency. Process of radio-electromagnetic waves that have the capacity to transmit music, speech,
pictures and other data invisibly through the air, many devices work by using electromagnetic
waves including radio
Emotional impact
Conquest of time and space
One way communication
1.To develop increased skills in listening, participation and evaluating what is heard.
2.To set the stage for students discussions by presenting options of outside experts from remote
3.To provide interest and varied sources of new knowledge and to the development of appreciation
and attitudes.
4.Radio can help the nurse with background and understanding for listening attentively.
A tape recorder is a portable electronic gadget used to record, reproduce and re record sound on a
magnetic tape. This device can be used without any problem by anybody by operating the press
buttons attached to the recorder, viz stop , play, wind, rewind, record pause and eject.
An audio tape recorder, tape deck, reel-to-reel tape deck, cassette deck or tape machine is an
audio storage device that records and plays back sounds, including articulated voices, usually
using magnetic tape, either wound on a reel or in a cassette, for storage. In its present day
form, it records a fluctuating signal by moving the tape across a tape head that polarizes the
magnetic domains in the tape in proportion to the audio signal.
The use of magnetic tape for sound recording originated around 1930.
Magnetizable tape revolutionized both the radio broadcast and music recording industries.
However, as of the first decade of the 21st century, analog magnetic tape is largely being
replaced by digital recording technologies for most sound recording purposes.
Prior to the development of magnetic tape, magnetic wire recorders had successfully
demonstrated the concept of magnetic recording, but they never offered audio quality
comparable to the other recording and
Can be used for students to acquire singing ability, deliver a speech properly and recite a
poem in a right way.
Can be used for reviewing a lesson already presented
The teacher must maintain a tape recorder cassette library on particular subject which could
be used later by the teacher or other faculty members.
Tape recorders are commonly available educational aids that are economical as recording
tapes can be used multiple times and erasing and re recording are also possible.
In language learning, a tape recorder is very useful because spoken conversation can be
recorded and replayed for correcting
A tape recorder can be used for physical exercises, yoga or meditation accompanied with
relevant music.
It could be used for recording interview talk, discussions of various experts, which could be
later used for teaching purposes.
The teacher must be familiar or practiced the basic function of the tape recorder before using
it in classroom setting.
Proper function of the tape and recorder cassette must be ensured by the teacher before final
use in the classroom
The teacher must prepare, customize and practice the tape recorded lesson before use in the
actual class.
The teacher must prepare tape recorded material and catalogue it properly.
Recorded cassettes of interviews or discussion can become as evidence of facts having high
legal value and may be used in case of disputes
Most sound recordings for records prior to the 1950s were made by cutting directly to a master disc.
Recording via magnetic tape became the industry standard around the time of the creation of the LP
format in 1948, and these two technological advances are often seen as being joined, although 78
rpm records cut from tape masters continued to be manufactured for another decade.
In the late 1970s, a small number of albums recorded direct-to-disc began to appear again on the
market and were marketed as "audiophile" editions, promising superior sound quality compared with
recordings made using the more common multi-track tape recording methods.
Technically, direct-to-disc recording is believed to result in a more accurate, less noisy
recording through the elimination of up to 4 generations of master tapes, overdubs, and mix
downs from multi-tracked masters.
Losses resulting from conversion of the signal into digital form and its reconversion into
analog may also be avoided, although some modern disc cutting equipment makes this step
Although the spontaneity of performance is preserved, no overdubbing or editing is possible.
It becomes more challenging for the musicians, engineers and producers, whose
performances will be captured "warts and all".
Some artists also maintain that musical instruments may drift out of tune: it is not possible to
keep musical instruments in tune for the length of the LP side
Phonogram Inc. was started in 1962 as a unit of the Gramm-phone-Philips Group (GPG) A
joint Venture of Philips N.V. of the Netherlands and Siemens A.G. of Germany.
Phonogram was the name of a parent company that owned and or distributed many different
record companies. In 1972, Phonogram was merged with Polydor Records into PolyGram.
Following PolyGram's acquisition of Mercury in the U.S., they changed the corporate name
of Mercury Record Productions, Inc. to Phonogram, Inc.
A phonogram is a letter or combination of letters that represent a sound. For example:
ck is a phonogram that says /k/ as in clock.
s is a phonogram that says /s/ as in sat or /z/ as in has.
oy is a phonogram that says /oi/ as in boy.
List of the Phonograms
Here are the basic phonograms, listed in alphabetical order:
F g H I J
P Qu R S T
Z Ai Ar Au Aw
Ay Ch Ci Ck Dge
Ea ear Ed Ee Ei
Eigh Er Ew Ey Gn
Ie igh Ir Kn Ng
Nk Oa Oe Oi Oo
Or Ou ough Our Ow
Oy Ph Sh Si Tch
Th Ti Ui Ur Wh
Phonograms Work
In spelling, each sound in a word is represented by a phonogram. Let's take the word past. If you
pronounce the word slowly to hear the individual sounds, you will hear four different sounds:
/p/–/ă/–/s/–/t/. For each sound, we write down a phonogram: p a s t.
That was an easy example. Here are some more examples:
The word big has three sounds (/b/–/ĭ/–/g/) and three phonograms (b, i, g).
The word bridge has four sounds (/b/–/r/–/ĭ/–/j/) and, therefore, four phonograms (b, r, i,
The word high has two sounds (/h/–/ī/) and, therefore, two phonograms (h, igh).
Gramophone might refer to:
A phonograph, the first device for recording and replaying sound. The two names were
originally those used by rival manufacturers.
Gramophone record, a disc shaped analogue sound recording medium
Gramophone (magazine), a British publication devoted to classical music
Gramophone Company of India, the former name of Sa Re Ga Ma, an Indian record company
Berliner Gramophone, incorporated by Emile Berliner in 1892 in Washington, D.C. as the
United States Gramophone Company
Gramophone Award, an award given to the best in the classical music recording industry and
Gramaphone Records, a music store in Chicago, known as the hub of House Music in that
Gramophone (film), a 2003 Indian film
MEGA PHONE: A megaphone, speaking-trumpet, bullhorn, blow horn, or loud hailer is a portable,
usually hand-held, cone-shaped acoustic horn used to amplify a person’s voice or other sounds and direct it
in a given direction.
The megaphone increases the volume of sound by increasing the acoustic impedance seen by
the vocal cords, matching the impedance of the vocal cords to the air, so that more sound
power is radiated. It also serves to direct the sound waves in the direction the horn
Woman using a handheld electric megaphone at a demonstration in Portugal.
Electric megaphones use a type of horn loudspeaker called a reflex or reentrant horn. The
sound waves travel in a zigzag path through concentric widening ducts (b, c, and d).
The language laboratories are an audio or audio-visual installation used as an aid in modern language
teaching. They can be found amongst other places, in schools, universities and academics. Perhaps
the first lab was at the University of Grenoble in 1908.In the 1950s until the 1990s, there was tape
based system using reel to reel or cassette. The original language labs are now very outdated. They
allowed a teacher to listen and manage student’s audio via a hard-wired analogue tape deck based
system with sound booths in fixed locations.
Language laboratories allowed a teacher to listen and manage student’s audio via a hard-wired
analogue tape deck based system with sound booths in fixed locations.
Visual aids are an important tool because different people respond to different learning
modalities. Visual aids also add interest to a discussion. In order to effectively use visual aids, one
must learn from experience what will and won't work for an audience or group of students. Visual
aids can take many forms and be presented in many formats. They may be used in different settings,
from classrooms to board rooms, and anywhere that information is relayed to audiences on a regular
The use of objects as visual aids involves bringing the actual object to demonstrate on during
the speech. For example, a speech about tying knots would be more effective by bringing in a
Pro: the use of actual object is often necessary when demonstrating how to do something so
that the audience can fully understand procedure.
Con: some objects are too large or unavailable for a speaker to bring with them.
Display the title of the presentation
Define particular technical terms or units
Indicate a structure to your presentation by listing your main points
Display an image which encapsulates your theme(s)
Highlight new points with an appropriate image or phrase
Indicate sequence by linking points together
Offer evidence from your research to support your argument.
Visual aids are of two types which includes non-projected or unprojected aids and projected aids.
Non-projected aids are those which require no projection material or any electric;
models,3D materials, pictures, charts, boards, cartoons, maps, flash cards, illustrations and
Projected aids are those which require projection material or any electric material.
eg; epidiascope, slide projector, over head projector, film projector, opaque projector.
It is a life size miniature or cover or original size. They are substitutes for real things. Models
are concrete objects made up of clay, pulp, cotton, cardboard, thermocoal, cloth, wood etc.
-It simplifies reality and direct meaningful learning
-Enables us to reduce/enlarge objects to an observable size
-It provides the correct concept of all real object like dam, bridge etc
-A working model explains the various processes of objects and machines
-It promotes creative interest among pupils.
A.Scale model- A scale model is a smaller replica of a larger object. These representations are often
used for visual aid or testing the design of an object, such as a vehicle or building, in an early stage
of development.
C. Working models-
A model of an actual or proposed machine that can do on a small scale work which the machine
itself does or is expected to do.
D. Cross-section model-
A section formed by a plane cutting through an object, usually at right angles to an axis.
It is an arrangement of communication media designed to inform the observer about a
subject. Educational exhibit offers an interesting and unique manner of combining multiple media
into a small area. It provides an opportunity for learner for own creative participation and
developmental thinking.
Peaking opportunities alongside expert panelists
Prominent branding and the chance to distribute marketing material
Running a seminar on a specifically tailored subject area
Written or broadcast interviews and features, allowing credible product promotion
Opportunity to poll summit website visitors on matters of commercial interest.
Mock-up, is a scale or full-size model of a design or device, used for teaching, demonstration,
design evaluation, promotion, and other purposes. These are the devices which are imitations of real
things. It emphasizes the functional relationship between the device reality and its workability.
A biological specimen (also called as biospecimen) is a biological laboratory specimen held by a
biorepository for research. Such a specimen would be taken by sampling so as to be representative of
any other specimen taken from the source of the specimen. It is a sample that shows quality of
Mould can be made up of plastic material to stimulate some life; body which show
evidence of trauma, infection, disease and surgical intervention.
Objects are brought into natural setting in the class room to supply the type of
sensory experience that will make instruction more meaningful, vivid and impressive.
It is a three dimensional scene in depth incorporating a group of modeled objects and figures
in a natural setting to illustrate central theme on concept. The diorama scene is setup on a small stage
with a group of modeled objects kept on the forehead which is blended into a painted realistic
background .
Flash cards are used for the presentation of an idea in the form of posters, pictures, words and
sentences. Flash cards are small cards of generally 25 x 30 cm size which are shown for a few
moments before the class to send across a message or impart an idea. They aim to develop the power
of observation, identification, quick comprehension and retention.
Flash cards exercise the mental process of active recall.
Used for the drill in various subjects.
Used for reviewing a lesson with students.
Used for small groups not over 30 people.
Easy to carry.
Made out of cardboard or any other thick material.
Write the content on it (either in free hand or using stencils and sketch pen).
The height of writing is approx. 5 cm so that the whole class can see the flash card properly.
It is advisable to make a rough card on an ordinary paper first and then transfer it on the chart
paper or cardboard flash cards.
10-12 cards can be used for one talk.
“A poster is a pictorial device designed to attract attention and communicate a story, a
fact, an idea, or an image rapidly and clearly.” A poster is a “placard, usually pictorial or decorative,
utilizing an emotional appeal to convey a message aimed at reinforcing an attitude or urging a course
of action”.
Presents a single idea or a subject forcefully.
Publicizes important school and community events and projects.
Adds atmosphere to the class-room.
Captures attention by some attractive feature and thus convey the message attractively and
Motivates the class.
Strong lasting impression.
Satisfies the viewer emotionally and aesthetically.
Poster is a simple and dynamic medium at a glance of presenting a message in a compact
1. Decide the theme.
2. Decide the most suitable words to provide a title or a slogan.
3. Sketch some layouts and decide o n the best.
4. Gather all needed material to prepare the poster.
5. Prepare the lettering.
6. Add desired objectives.
7. Give the finishing touches and erase the smudge marks.
The Motion pictures on illusions of reality that makes it one of the most powerful pictorial tool for
education. The motion picture film carriers both visual and auditory information. The motion picture is
considered also to be one of the most important sources of social influence today. The motion picture is a
powerful tool because of it’s:
Unique versatility.
The viewer sees motion that can be recreated.
Time factor can be controlled in any series of went.
Objects can be enlarged or reduced.
Educational value of Motion Picture
1. It enriches the learning process and leads to greater all round achievement.
2. It directly modifies beliefs in desirable directions and causes students seek additional information
about subject studied.
3. It helps in the improvement of educational achievement by different subjects.
4. It compels attention.
5. It makes the experience almost first hand.
6. It is an edited version of reality.
7. Motion picture can control the time factor in any operation or series of events.
8. Motion picture can make distant past and the present relieve in the classroom.
Uses of Motion Picture
Films can teach factual materials effectively over a wide range of subject matter, ages, abilities,
and conditions of use.
Films can be effective in teaching perceptual motor skills.
Films can be made more effective as learning tools through the use of various teaching
Purposes for which Films may be Used
To provide a background of sensory experience.
To provide concrete experiences which serve as a basis for thinking, reasoning and problem-
To provide an easily accessible fund of knowledge which stimulates interest and motivates the
students to further study and learning activities.
Television is the electronic means by which sound and light energy are transmitted from one
place to another. Television is a multidimensional and general medium of communication. It is an
instruction of encoding, transforming, transmitting, projecting or re-transforming and then presenting
the encoded patterns of meaningful information.
Two kinds of licensed television stations:
A. Commercial
B. Educational
Educational television:
1) Instructional television
2) Enrichment television
Instructional television-boardcasts designed to aid instruction i.e. it is planned in relation to
educational objectives and is presented in an orderly and sequential arrangement of learning
Enrichment television- designed towards enriching learning, but is not directed towards any
particular course of study nor is it presented in any particular learning sequence e.g. demonstration of
nursing procedures.
1. Total Television
* Only direction that he receives is through instructions given in the telecast, the syllabi, the
books, etc.
* The student must be highly motivated and sufficiently mature to direct his own study efforts.
* Image association.
* Image transportation.
Pre-recorded videotapes can be played through TV in the classroom. Video films on
educational topics shown through TV in the classroom. The arrangement is compact and requires
little space and time for manipulation.
Control of the equipment and the learning process is placed in the hands of the learner
through control over the mechanics of the machine i.e. stopping, starting, timing, reviewing and
previewing and consequently the capacity to order the sequence of events, controls the rate of
learning and facilitates practices sequences.
The Advent of Computers in Educational Technology
•Greatly revolutionized teaching methodologies and strategies
•There is a chain of changes: in the role of teachers; in the modes of learning among students; in the
curricular offerings; and in the content in all the three levels of education.
Thus it is imperative that computer applications be a part of the preparation of the students in
teacher education.
“A Computer is an electronic machine that can solve different problems, process data, store & retrieve
data and perform calculations faster and efficiently than humans”.
Advantages of the Computer in Teaching and Learning
Lucido and Borabo (1997) gave the following advantages of using the computer:
1. It allows students to learn at their own pace by having control over the rate and sequence of learning.
2. Learning is reinforced by way of high speed personalized response.
3. Color, music, and animated graphics add realism and appeal to drill exercises, laboratory activities,
simulations and others.
Disadvantages of the Computer in Teaching and Learning
1. Computerized instruction is relatively expensive. The cost and benefits must be assessed to ensure optimal
2. Creativity may be stifled if creative original responses are ignored by the linear, lock-step control learning
process in the case of run-of-the mill computer instruction materials.
Projected aids are those aids where a bright light is passed through a transparent picture, and
by means of a lens, an enlarged picture is thrown or projected on the;epidiascope,
stereographic projector, LCD, film projector, opaque projector, slide projector, microfilm, motion
It can project images or printed matter or small opaque objects on a screen or it can project
images of a 4*4 inches slide.
It is very useful means for using reflected light to pick up the image or for projection of flat pictures,
diagrams, maps to a screen in enlarged form so that the entire group can see them. The opaque
projectors will project and simultaneously enlarge directly from the original, printed matter, all kinds
of written or pictorial matter in any sequence derived by the teacher. It requires a dark room, as
projector is large and not readily movable therefore their usefulness is limited.
a) Provides greater enjoyment in learning
b) Stimulates more rapid learning
c) Increases retention, larger percentages and longer retention
d) Makes teaching situation adaptable to wider range
e) Compels attention
f) Enlarges or reduce actual size of objects
g) Brings distant past and the present into the classroom
h) Provides an easily reproduced record of an event
i) Influences and change attitudes
stimulate attention
arouse interest
clarify information
help student to retain knowledge for a longer period of time
to introduce subject or topics
present specific information
test knowledge and ability
review instructional problems
facilitate cooperative student-teacher participation in problem solving
The epidiascope is a type of opaque projector developed in the early years of the 20th century
which can project images or printed matter on a screen. Unlike the episcope or epidiascope, which
have the ability to project opaque images only, epidiascopes can project images of both transparent
and opaque images. This quality made the device especially useful in educational circles for most of
the century.
The basic functionality of the epidiascope involved harnessing the power of light to create the
images. In the earliest models of the epidiascope and other similar projectors, limelight was used as
the medium. The light would be directed downward onto an object, creating the image. To focus the
light and create a viable image, a series of lenses or mirrors would be used to direct the image onto a
screen. While somewhat costly to produce at first, theepidiascope became more affordable as the
device was refined. Along with commercial models, low powered versions were produced and
marketed as toys for school age children.
By the middle of the 20th century, the typical epidiascope was produced using incandescent
light as the source for creating the image. Desktop models of the device were in common use in
schools and colleges across the globe. Within a few years, halogen lamps began to replace the
incandescent bulbs, providing an even sharper projected image.
Applicability of epidiascope:
Epidiascope is an instrument which can project images or printed matter or small opaque on a
screen. With the help of epidiascope any chart, diagram, map, photograph and picture can be
projected on the screen without tearing it from the book. It works on the principle of horizontal
straight line projection with a lamp, plane mirror and projection lens. A straight light from the lamp
falls on the opaque object. A plane mirror placed at an angle of 45 inches over the project reflects the
light so that it passes through the projection lens forming a magnified image on the screen.
A slide projector is an opto-mechanical device to view photographic slides. Slide projectors
became common since the 1950s as a form of entertainment; family members and friends would
gather to view slide shows. In-home photographic slides and slide projectors have largely been
replaced by low cost paper prints, digital cameras, DVD media, video display monitors, and video
continuous automatic display for close viewing. This form of projection also avoids the audience
interrupting the light stream by casting their shadows on the projection or by bumping into the
3. LCD:
It is a variant of slide projector that is used to display images to audience. It provides face to
face teaching situation.
audience reach
user friendly
sequence of materials
image is clear because it is directed and reflected
easy to show step by step
material can be prepared easily
can get all advantages of black board with chalk dust
can be used for developing a theme at a time
easy to operate and maintain and manage
resolution problems
cost to replace bulbs
displaying material
outdated technology
A film projector is an opto-mechanical device for displaying motion picture film by
projecting it onto a screen. Most of the optical and mechanical elements, except for the illumination
and sound devices, are present in movie cameras.
The device may be used as a slide projector or as a film strip projector. Instead of using
different slide for different topics or more slides for one topic, one strip or piece of still film is
prepared. Slides produced on films are called film strips. It usually consists of 40 to 100 separate
pictures related to a particular subject, topic or theme. These pictures may be connected with
series of drawings, photographs, diagrams or combination of these. The film strip projector is a
recent development and it is growing to be a more popular means of pictorial representation.
A machine for projecting opaque objects, as books, on a screen, by means of reflected light.
The still picture gives an illusion of space, the observer receives the impression of reality and
hence it is known as 3D photograph. The stereo film is a double photograph made by the
stereoscopic cameras, the two photographs being taken from a slightly different angle. The two
pictures are enlarged and merged into one view when seen through the lenses of the stereoscope.
The stereographic projection is a particular mapping (function) that projects a sphere onto a plane.
The projection is defined on the entire sphere, except at one point: the projection point. Where it is
defined, the mapping is smooth and bijective. It is conformal, meaning that it preserves angles. It is
neither isometric nor area-preserving: that is, it preserves neither distances nor the areas of figures.
Intuitively, then, the stereographic projection is a way of picturing the sphere as the plane,
with some inevitable compromises. Because the sphere and the plane appear in many areas
of mathematics and its applications, so does the stereographic projection; it finds use in diverse fields
including complex, cartography, geology, and photography. In practice, the projection is carried out
by computer or by hand using a special kind of graph paper called a stereo net or Wolff net.
Stereograph is a stereogram generator that produces exclusively true color graphics. It offers
special features to increase the quality of art work such as anti-aliasing and zoom. Both of them
destroy the clear appearance of level transitions in the third dimension that result of low resolution
modes like stereo grams that fit into a computer screen. For the human eye this resolution is anything
but great and it realizes even microscopic differences.
Microforms are any forms, either films or paper, containing micro reproduction of documents
for transmission, storage, reading, and printing. Microform images are commonly reduced to about
one twenty-fifth of the original document size. For special purposes, greater optical reductions may
be used. All microform images may be provided as positives or negatives, more often the latter.
The medium has numerous advantages:
It enables libraries to greatly expand access to collections without putting rare, fragile, or
valuable items at risk of theft or damage.
It is compact, with far smaller storage costs than paper documents. Normally 98 document
size pages fit on one fiche, reducing to about 0.25% original material. When compared to
filing paper, microforms can reduce space storage requirements by up to 95%.
It is cheaper to distribute than paper copy. Most microfiche services get a bulk discount on
reproduction rights, and have lower reproduction and carriage costs than a comparable
amount of printed paper.
It is a stable archival form when properly processed and stored. Preservation standard
microfilms use the silver halide process, creating silver images in hard gelatin emulsion on
a polyester base. With appropriate storage conditions, this film has a life expectancy of 500
years.[12] Unfortunately, in tropical climates with high humidity, fungus eats the gelatin used
to bind the silver halide. Thus, diazo-based systems with lower archival lives (20 years)
which have polyester or epoxy surfaces are used.
Since it is analog (an actual image of the original data), it is easy to view.
Unlike digital media, the format requires no software to decode the data stored thereon. It is
instantly comprehensible to persons literate in the language; the only equipment that is
needed is a simple magnifying glass. This eliminates the problem of software obsolescence.
It is virtually impossible to mutilate. Users cannot tear pages from or deface microforms.
It has low intrinsic value and does not attract thieves. Few heavily-used microform
collections suffer any losses due to theft.
Prints from microfilm are accepted in legal proceedings as substitutes for original documents.
The principal disadvantage of microforms is that the image is (usually) too small to read with
the naked eye and requires analog or digital magnification to be read.
Reader machines used to view microfilm are often difficult to use, requiring users to carefully
wind and rewind until they have arrived at the point where the data they are looking for is
Photographic illustrations reproduce poorly in microform format, with loss of clarity and
halftones. However the latest electronic digital viewer/scanners have the ability to scan in
gray shade which greatly increases the quality of photographs, but they still can not duplicate
the nuances of true gray shade photographs -due to the inherent bi-tonal nature of microfilm.
Reader-printers are not always available, limiting the user's ability to make copies for their
own purposes. Conventional photocopy machines cannot be used.
Color microform is extremely expensive, thus discouraging most libraries supplying color
films. Color photographic dyes also tend to degrade over the long term. This results in the
loss of information, as color materials are usually photographed using black and white film.
The lack of quality and color images in microfilm, when libraries were discarding paper
originals, was a major impetus to Bill Blackbeard and other comic historians' work to rescue
and maintain original paper archives of color pages from the history of newspaper comics.
Many non-comics color images were not targeted by these efforts and were lost.
When stored in the highest-density drawers, it is easy to misfile a fiche, which is thereafter
unavailable. As a result, some libraries store microfiche in a restricted area and retrieve it on
demand. Some fiche services use lower-density drawers with labeled pockets for each card.
Like all analog media formats, microfiche is lacking in features enjoyed by users of digital
media. Analog copies degrade with each generation, while some digital copies have much
higher copying fidelity. Digital data can also be indexed and searched easily.
Reading microfilms on a machine for some time may cause headache and/or eyestrain
Flat film :
105 x 148 mm flat film is used for micro images of very large engineering drawings. These
may carry a title photographed or written along one edge. Typical reduction is about 20, representing
a drawing that is 2.00 x 2.80 metres, that is 79 x 110 in. These films are stored as microfiche.
Microfilm :
16 mm or 35 mm film to motion picture standard is used, usually unperforated. Roll
microfilm is stored on open reels or put into cassettes. The standard lengths for using roll film is
30.48 m (100 ft)for 35mm rolls, and 100 ft, 130 ft and 215 feet for 16mm rolls. One roll of 35 mm
film may carry 600 images of large engineering drawings or 800 images of broadsheet newspaper
pages. 16 mm film may carry 2,400 images of letter sized images as a single stream of micro images
along the film set so that lines of text are parallel to the sides of the film or 10,000 small documents,
perhaps cheques or betting slips, with both sides of the originals set side by side on the film.
Aperture cards :
Aperture cards are Hollerith cards into which a hole has been cut. A 35 mm microfilm chip is
mounted in the hole inside of a clear plastic sleeve, or secured over the aperture by an adhesive tape.
They are used for engineering drawings, for all engineering disciplines. There are libraries of these
containing over 3 million cards. Aperture cards may be stored in drawers or in freestanding rotary
Microfiche :
A microfiche is a flat film 105 x 148 mm in size, that is ISO A6. It carries a matrix of micro
images. All microfiche are read with text parallel to the long side of the fiche. Frames may be
landscape or portrait. Along the top of the fiche a title may be recorded for visual identification. The
most commonly used format is a portrait image of about 10 x 14 mm. Office size papers or magazine
pages require a reduction of 24 or 25. Microfiche are stored in open top envelopes which are put in
drawers or boxes as file cards, or fitted into pockets in purpose made books.
Ultrafiche :
Also called 'ultramicrofiche' is an exceptionally compact version of a microfiche or
microfilm, storing analog data at much higher densities. Ultrafiche can be created directly from
computers using appropriate peripherals. They are typically used for storing data gathered from
extremely data-intensive operations such as remote sensing.
A film, also called a movie or motion picture, is a series of still images on a strip of plastic
which, when run through a projector and shown on a screen, creates the illusion of moving images.
A film is created by photographing actual scenes with a motion picture camera; by
photographing drawings or miniature models using traditional animation techniques; by means
of computer animation; or by a combination of some or all of these techniques and other visual
An overhead projector is a very basic but reliable tool used to display images onto a screen or wall. It
consists of a large box containing a cooling fan and an extremely bright light, with a long arm
extended above it. At the end of the arm is a mirror that catches and redirects the light towards the
A projector capable of projecting enlarged images of written or pictorial material onto a screen or
wall from a transparency placed horizontally below the projector and lighted from underneath.
This type of projector can be used to enlarge images onto the screen or wall for audiences to view.
Transparencies can be placed onto the base to be viewed by both the audience and the speaker. The
device was once a common feature in both classrooms and business meetings, although it has seen a
decline in use as more sophisticated computer based projectors are favored.
It is vivid and interest catching
No need to black out the room
Teacher faces the students while discussion.
It is mobile.
Easy to use.
Complex diagram can be taken photocopy on transparency.
Useful in instructing large group.
Can be used to focus audience attention.
Less expensive.
It is flexible tool for teaching.
Bulky and difficult to carry.
Use on & off switch to focus attention
Totally depend on electricity.
Can serve as distracter.
Single image that is seen by the means of a light passing through a visual project, usually
given to those materials which are projected in the overhead projector.
A transparency is a thin sheet of transparent flexible material, typically cellulose acetate, onto which
figures can be drawn. These are then placed on an overhead projector for display to an audience.
Many companies and small organizations use a system of projectors and transparencies in meetings
and other grouping of people.
Uses of transparencies are as varied as the organizations that use them.
To illustrate a point or problem.
To brief engineers and relevant person.
Graphic Aids emphasize the use of concrete or non-verbal experience in the learning process.
The produced in the form of some instruction materials, visualize simple ideas and facts. Graphics
are material, which indicate and illustrate ideas, objects, concepts and process boldly, clearly and
vigorously, effectively, eliminating non-essentials through a synthesis of drawings, pictures and
words. It is a forceful shorthand language.
The use of graphic aids in the classroom has become an important teaching strategy in education. As
educators learn more about how to reach all types of learners, the use of graphic aids assists in
differentiating instruction, giving students greater access to content, and helping students to achieve
greater comprehension of new information. There are a multitude of graphic aids which can be used
in today's .
To attract attention
To convey meaning clearly and facilitate learning
They make impact on learner
They have universal appeal and their educational values are manifold.
Helps in organizing knowledge and increasing communication skills.
Graphic materials are usually 2-D. Many of them can be projected through an projected or from
strips and slides.
o Cannot be used for larger groups
o Misconceptions can occur
o All ideas cannot be expressed
Posters Maps Still pictures
Charts Comics Flash cards
Diagrams Graphs Illustratrions
Techniques of Simple Drawing :
1. Make several circles over or shapes that could go for head.
2. Draw two small circles for eyes near the picture. Put two dots on the side of the eyes.
3. Place the nose, any shape slightly below and between the eyes, point the direction where it is
supposed to look.
4. The face of the mouth generally gives the necessary expression.
5. The eyebrow will add emphasis, but it can also be omitted.
6. Add few lines for hair and two half circles for ears at the level of the eyes.
7. Try the rest of the body.
8. It is ready for action to emphasis your teaching.
1. Stick figure is easy to draw. They can be made to express everything that you need in your
wailing illustrations.
a. Draw straight line for back bone
b. For head, draw circle
c. Arms and legs straight lines according to actions.
d. Figure complete ready for action.
2. Use symbols to emphasis good teaching.
3. You can create wonders with first stroke as your pencil to express facial expressions.
Definition :
It is a metaphorical representation or character of a persons, idea or situation that is
designed to influence the public opinion.
It Makes your eyes hurt
You are at risk of being yelled at by your parents (take it from a kid) > If you get
addicted to cartoons, you don't have homework time, which results in bad grades, and
of course stress.
It may be defined as a form of cartooning in which some comic characteristics enacts a story in a
sequence of closely related drawing designed to entertain the people
A chalkboard or blackboard is a reusable writing surface on which text or drawings are made
with sticks of calcium sulfate, known, when used for this purpose, as chalk. Blackboards were
originally made of smooth, thin sheets of black or dark grey slate stone. Modern versions are often
green or brown and are thus sometimes called a green board or brown board instead.
A blackboard can simply be a piece of board painted with matte dark paint (usually black or dark
green). A more modern variation consists of a coiled sheet of plastic drawn across two parallel
rollers, which can be scrolled to create additional writing space while saving what has been written.
The highest grade chalkboards are made of a rougher version porcelain enameled steel (black, green,
blue or sometimes other colours). Porcelain is very hard wearing and chalkboards made of porcelain
usually last 10-20 years in intensive use.
1. It makes group instruction more concrete and understandable
2. If it is used properly,it can set standards of neatness, accuracy and speed.
3. It can restore the attention of the group.
4. It can be a mean of motivation and interest.
5. It can be used for recording the progress and status.
It will be for both informational and educational purposes. It can motivate, supplement and euricle
learning, stimulate thought. It employs intrinsic motivation through the medium of interest, curiosity
and desired for knowledge.
It is a simple device placed either indoor or outdoor, kept in a suitable place. It can provide a suitable
for the display of all kinds of creative work of the students.
Uses of Bulletin Board:
1. To communicate the ideas.
2. To describe the ways of doing a particular item.
3. To follow up instruction on things demonstrated and emphasized.
4. Photographs to show local activities.
5. To motivate the learner.
6. To provide information.
7. Add variety to the classroom activity.
Principles in the use of Bulletin Board:
1. A board for posting notices should be kept separate from those for current events.
2. The contents of the boards should be organized around a central theme of content and materials
should be dated to ensure that it does not remain or longer than desired.
3. The appearance must be neat, orderly and in an attractive manner.
4. The material should be changed frequently and systematically to encourage interest.
5. Crowding of display materials should be avoided.
6. The contributions should be well labeled.
7. All materials should be organized in an attractive manner.
8. The bulletin board should be kept a little above the eye level.
Types of Bulletin Board:
1. Flannel Board
2. Magnetic Board
3. Fixed Type
4. Movable type
5. Folded type
5.GRAPHIC MATERIALS : It is a combination of graphic and pictorial material designed for the
orderly and logical visualizing of relationships between key facts and ideas. It includes graphs,
charts, maps and diagrams.
6.DIAGRAM : It is a simplified drawing designed to show inter relationship primarily by means of
lines and symbols. E.g. stick figures, science figure, geometry, facial expression drawing can be
drawn by hand to convey a variety of ideas, concepts and situations.
7.CHARTS : These visual symbols used for summarizing, comparing, contrasting or performing
other services in explaining subject matter. Diagnostic representation of the facts and ideas, a chart is
a combination of pictorial graphic, numerical which presentsaclear visual summary.
Purposes of Charts:
For showing relationships by means of facts and figures.
For presenting the material symbolically.
To show continuity in process.
For presenting abstract ideas in visual group.
For showing development of structure.
For creating problems and stimulating thinking.
8. GLOBE: Three dimensional representation of the earth in a spherical manner. We can see the
physical unity of the world, the relation of one part to all rest and the direction of one part of the
world relative to another.
9.GRAPHS: It depicts numerical or quantitative relationship or statistical data are presented in the
form of visual symbols. Exact specifications depict specifically quantity data for analysis comparison
and interpretation
1. Pie graph
2. Bar graph
A bar chart or bar graph is a chart with rectangular bars with lengths proportional to the values that
they represent. Bar charts are used for comparing two or more values. The bars can be horizontally or
vertically oriented. Sometimes a stretched graphic is used instead of a solid bar. It is a visual display
used to compare the amount or frequency of occurrence of different characteristics of data and it is
used to compare groups of data.
3. Line graph
In a graph theory, the line graph of an undirected graphG is another graph that represents the
adjacencies between edges of G. The line graph is also sometimes called the edge graph, the adjoint
graph, the interchange graph, or the derived graph of G.
4. Pictorial graph
Graph is a pictorial representation of Data.
5. Histogram or column diagram
Many digital cameras have a histogram that is viewed on the LCD or electronic viewfinder. The
histogram provides an indication of whether or not an image is properly exposed so that you don't
lose detail in the shadows and highlight area. If the histogram indicates that an image is not exposed
properly, change exposure settings and retake the picture.
6. Frequency polygon
Frequency polygons are a graphical device for understanding the shapes of distributions. They serve
the same purpose as histograms, but are especially helpful in comparing sets of data. Frequency
polygons are also a good choice for displaying cumulative frequency distributions.
Printed matter is a term to describe printed material produced by printers or publishers, such
as books, magazines, booklets, brochures and other publicity materials and in some cases,
newspapers. Because much of this material is mailed, it is also a category of mail , accepted for
delivery by a postal administration , that is not considered to be first class mail and therefore
qualifies for a special reduced printed matter postal rate . depending on specific postal regulations of
the country , it usually non-personal correspondence and printed in multiple quantities. Most postal
authorities do not permit additional services , like registration or express services , to be added to
items mailed as printed matter. In the postal convention between the united states of America and
Republic of Mexico , proclaimed on June 20 , 1862, terms were specified relating to the rates of
printed matter between the two countries. The rate was one cent for every ounce or fraction of an
A pamphlet is an unbound booklet (that is, without a hard cover or binding). It may consist of
a single sheet of paper that is printed on both sides and folded in half, in thirds, or in fourths (called a
leaflet), or it may consist of a few pages that are folded in half and saddle stapled at the crease to
make a simple book. In order to count as a pamphlet
The pamphlet has been widely adopted in commerce, particularly as a format for marketing
communications. There are numerous purposes for the pamphlets, such as product descriptions or
instructions, corporate information, events promotions or tourism guides and are used in the same
way as leaflets, brochures.
A handout is a paperbased resource used to support teaching and learning which can free
students from excessive notetaking or supplement information not easily available elsewhere. Ideally
it should aid learning and may increase attention and motivation and help students to follow the
development of an idea or argument. The first task therefore is to clarify the aim in using any
handout. The desired outcome will affect the information, its quantity, presentation and, crucially,
when you distribute it.
Uses of handout
There are several reasons for using a handout. It can:
provide definitions for the more jargon ridden subjects;
provide background information or detailed information, e.g. statistics, which are not readily
available elsewhere;
put forward a point of view;
outline a course of action;
pose conceptual questions;
provide a case study for problem solving or discussion;
provide a complex diagram rather than students copying from the OHP;
give a step by step instruction for teaching a skill or running a laboratory exercise;
outline the session with a series of bullet points per topic area;
produce a hard copy of the transparencies used by reducing the print size of your overhead
transparencies which can be printed down one half of the page, allowing students space to
add their own comments or questions alongside.
General Principles of Handouts
Reading handouts: give students activities to complete or questions to answer whilst reading
(this helps concentration), e.g. list four points X makes about Y; identify two/three key issues
in this section; what further questions do you need to ask to understand this
Use the what, how, why, when and where questions as appropriate.
Avoid long, dense handouts. Make them look attractive: leave spaces etc.
Make sure the appearance of the material is up to standard. Try to keep handouts as concise
as possible.
If, after considering the alternatives suggested, you find it necessary to photocopy substantial
extracts from books, have you remembered to check the issue of copyright? If you think you
may be infringing the law, consult the guidelines which are displayed by photocopiers.
Print size: use the smallest print size which is manageable for the average reader
Types of Handouts
Uncompleted or gapped handout: this is a handout with gaps which students fill in.
the handout contains key points which will be the same for all students;
the student has to listen actively to complete the notes;
it spares student tedious note making and thereby should generate greater concentration on
the lecture;
partially provides correct information but relies on the students completing the information
either from the lecture itself, or from further reading thus removingthe passive element in a
situation where all the information is provided.
complete the plotting of a graph
complete the labelling of a diagram (Note: complicated diagrams are best provided on a
handout rather than an OHT)
under a heading, ask students to complete half a dozen lines of notes.
incomplete calculations which the student must finish.
complete a flow chart for a process.
Skeletalnotes: literally the bare bones of a session (key statement, a definition, a diagram) with
gaps/spaces and omissions to be completed by the student. The advantages are similar to the gapped
Worksheets: questions, problems which the student must answer or solve.
o Laboratory sheet: a set of instructions to be followed.
o Briefing sheets: this could cover how the students are to approach a case study, a role
play or simulation.
Essential information is given to all students and is available for reference.
Information sheets: there are several areas of the institution where a guide would be useful,
e.g. administration of the course (term dates, semester dates, assessment hand-in dates etc.); a
teaching scheme for the module; computer and library information - the list is a long one!
A written or printed work consisting of pages glued or sewn together along one side and
bound in covers.
1.Books are portable, durable, infinitely re-printable, and require no batteries or electricity. 2.Books
can go with a person anywhere, and be read everywhere. One can reference a book easily with tabs,
marks, notes, underlines, or highlights. Books are easily shared or transferred as gifts and loans.
3. Books are inexpensive and readily available nearly everywhere.
4.Books can be stored easily. Books can be translated easily. Books allow the reader to set their own
pace and flip back and forth between pages for easy reference to other passages.
5.A book is often of immeasurable value in relation to its cost.
1. They can wear out.
2. They can become outdated and need to be updated.
3. They can be lost.
4. They cannot be understood in any language except ones they are available in.
5. Not everyone can read, so those who are illiterate cannot use them.
A printed sheet of paper, sometimes folded, containing information or advertisement
1. Lots of information, brief, colourful, mind and eye catching.
2.Relatively cheap to produce.
3. Can be left anywhere, in waiting rooms, post boxes, shopping centres.
4.Inclusion of phone number or address can lead to future contact.
1. People may think of the leaflets as junk mail and not pay attention to them.
2. Sometimes the leaflets can become outdated and the prices listed on the leaflets may become
invalid if the leaflet/mail is kept for a long period of time.
3. It can be time consuming to create a design for the leaflet and the information that it contains
therefore there may be a need to make sure that all of the leaflets are printed accurately with no
A periodical publication containing articles and illustrations, typically covering a particular subject.
More targeted: specific magazine titles appeal to specific target groups more so than a
newspaper advert.
Long Life: magazines have a longer “life” than newspapers; they sit about in doctor’s waiting
rooms, magazine racks and with collectors.
Pass-on readership – people may pass magazines on to their friends and family which will
increase exposure of your advert
Status – some magazine titles are well respected in their field, so an advertisement in these
will increase your product/service’s prestige by association.
Deadlines months in advance – magazines often require the ads to be submitted weeks or
months in advance. This means you have to ensure your marketing strategy is in place well in
advance. It also means that testing adverts can be a lengthy process!
Cost of testing – colour artwork can be more expensive, so small tests are often uneconomical
Regional testing – can’t often be done as magazines area often national
Graveyard – your ad runs the risk of being shovelled into the graveyard of ads in the back of
the magazine unless you pay for premium positioning.
The articles is about the journal as a written medium. For other uses , see journal (disambiguation).
A journal (through French from Latin diurnalias , daily) has several related meanings :
A daily record of events or business ; a private journal usually referred to as a diary
A newspaper or other periodical , in the literal sense of one published each day
Many publications issued at stated intervals , such as magazines , or scholarly journals ,
academic journals , or the record of the transactions of a society , are often called journals .
although journal is some times used as a synonym or “ magazine”, in academic use , a
journal refers to a serious , scholarly publication that is peer-reviewed. A non scholarly
magazine written for an educated audience about an industry or an area of
professional activity is usually called a professional magazine .
There are mainly two types:
A public journal is a record of day-by-day events in a parliament or congress. It is also called
minutes or records
The term “journal” is also used in business :
A journal is a book or computer file in which monetary transaction are entered the first time
they are processed. This journal lists transactions in chronological sequence by date prior to
a transfer of the same transactions to a ledger in the process of bookkeeping
Narrations or equivalent to a ship’s log, as a record of the daily run, such as observations,
weather changes, or other events of daily importance.
Quick distribution of scholarly research. There is no need to wait for months, for example for
an article to fit with the theme of a journal before it can be published.
Free world wide access for large audience. This way makes it possible for people without
connections to scholarly institutions to have access to results of scholarly research.
Greater visibility of scholarly output for both the researcher and the research institutions. This
can have a status heightening effect.
Research shows that open access publications are cited more often on the average than closed
Efficient achieving and availability
Guaranteed sustainable storage and accessibility
Prestige, faculties and management teams often base their evaluation of a scholarly and the
value of research on citation indices and the journal impact factor of the scholarly journal in
which the researcher published. This mentality must change before open access can replace
the traditional form of publishing.
Quality control. In contrast with the strictly regulated process of peer review, quality control
differs from one publication to the next in open access. The quality control is especially low
in repositories; some repositories also contain dissertations as well as theses. The method of
quality control in open access journals vary greatly.
APCs (Article processing charges). Open access journals often ask for APCs, which are
meant to be paid by the author or the scholarly institutions. Consequently, new scholars
(primarily) are not in the financial position to publish in open access journals.
Fewer options among journals with status or high impact factor.
Traditional teaching is concerned with the teacher being the controller of the learning
environment. Power and responsibility are held by the teacher and they play the role of instructor (in
the form of lectures) and decision maker (in regards to curriculum content and specific outcomes).
They regard students as having 'knowledge holes' that need to be filled with information.
In short, the traditional teacher views that it is the teacher that causes learning to occur
learning is chiefly associated within the classroom and is often competitive. The lesson's content and
delivery are considered to be most important and students master knowledge through drill and
practice (such as rote learning). Content need not be learned in context. The most common seating
arrangement used by the traditional
The teaching role in a student-centered learning environment is, at most, one of facilitator and
guide. The students are in control of their own learning and the power and responsibility are the
students concern. Learning may e independent, collaborative, cooperative and competitive. The
utilization and processing of information is more important than the basic content. Learning takes
place in relative contexts and students are engaged in constructing their own knowledge.
The teacher that utilises this method effectively is constantly on the move. They may be
engaged with the students as a classroom collective, individually or in groups. Their involvement
would include questioning, disciplining, guiding, validating, monitoring, motivating, encouraging,
suggesting, modelling and clarifying.
A puppet is an inanimate object or representational figure animated or manipulated by
an entertainer, who is called a puppeteer. It is used in puppetry, which is a very ancient form
of theatre. There are many different varieties of puppets, and they are made of a wide range of
materials, depending on their form and intended use. They can be extremely complex or very simple
in their construction.
1. Hand Puppet
2. Rod Puppet
3. Shadow Puppet
4. String Puppet (Marionette)
Puppets plays must be based on action rather than words
Keep plays short, puppet must be skillfully manipulated.
Do not omit the possibilities of music and dancing as a part of the puppet show
Adapt the puppet show in all respect to your audience. The age, background and tasks of the
pupils must be related to the types of puppets used and to play itself.
Do not hesitate to adapt the puppet play. There is no value in sticking to the text. If by
departing from it you can add interest and points to play.
The Hand Puppets are puppets controlled by one hand which occupies the interior of the
puppet. The Punch and Judy puppets are familiar examples of hand puppets. Larger varieties of hand
puppets place the puppeteer's hand in just the puppet's head, controlling the mouth and head, and the
puppet's body then hangs over the entire arm. Other parts of the puppet (mainly arms, but special
variants exist with eyelids which can be manipulated; the mouth may also open and close) are usually
not much larger than the hand itself. A sock puppet is a particularly simple type of hand puppet made
from a sock.
A Rod Puppet is a puppet constructed around a central rod secured to the head. A
large glove covers the rod and is attached to the neck of the puppet. A rod puppet is
controlled by the puppeteer moving the metal rods attached to the hands of the puppet and
by turning the central rod secured to the head.
A shadow puppet is a cut-out figure held between a source of light and a translucent
screen. Shadow puppets can form solid silhouettes or be decorated with various amounts of
cut-out details. Colour can be introduced into the cut-out shapes to provide a different
dimension and different effects can be achieved by moving the puppet (or light source) out
of focus
The craft puppetry is an effective aid to learning
It develops co-operation among children
Children develop their imagination by providing the puppets with speech.
Children increase their manual dexterity through manipulation.
Puppet playing helps children express themselves more freely because they are separated
from the audience by a serene.
It needs special training for manipulation of puppets and marionettes to convey ideas.
Ideas conveys through puppet show can be misinterpreted by the audiences.
It require to keep in mind the age, background and task of the student
Puppets play with too much action takes away the attention of the audience.
There are certain learning situations in which student’s participation through direct experiences can
be easily incorporated and these are called Activity Aids.
There four important activity teaching aids.
1. Field trips
2. Demonstrations
3. Experiments and
4. Dramatization.
1.FIELD TRIP: A field trips is defined as a planned visit of a group of students outside the normal
classroom to get the first hand educational experience.
Field trips are not the pleasure trips rather they are educative and informative trips and should be
planned in the way only
1. “Any teaching and learning excursion outside the classroom”.
2. A group excursion for the purpose of first hand observation, as to a museum, the woods, or a
historic place.
3. A trip by a scholar or researcher to gather data first hand, as to a geological, archeological,
anthropological, or other site.
4. Field trips can be considered as one of the three avenues through which science can be
taught-through formal classroom teaching, practical work and field trips
To make a connection between reality and theory.
can be used as an introduction to unit or a culminating activity
To provide an authentic learning experience.
Exciting, students eager to meet and interact with others in outer areas, memorable life
They can experience all five sense e.g., see, touch, feel, smell and taste
Students remember the field trips because they learn new by using different methodology.
A valuable tool in the extension agent’s educational tool box.
Provides participants with firsthand experience related to the topic or concept being discussed
in the programme.
Provide unique opportunities for learning that are not available within the four walls of a
Have a sound pedagological for the field trip. Students should be prepared for learning
outdoors, because of the pre-trip activities you have done. Parents should be informed of
where you are going and what mode of transportation and of the number of adults per
students will be along. Visit the site in advance and find any possible danger areas.
Discuss with the total group the organization of the program, specified objectives and
activities to be carried out.
Prefer to have activities for the students to carry out at different places at the site.
Pre-trip stage:
The administration component.
Involves all the steps taken by the field trip organizer to arrange the logistics of the field trip.
Securing permission from appropriate administration, organizing transportation to and from
the field trip location, contacting the field trip location to verify the schedule and activities
and obtaining signed permission slips from parents/ guardians of youth attending the field
Planned and effectively organized, Check for school/board policy on field trips, students to
supervisor ratios, fund raising, involve the students from the plan of action as much as
possible, involve school principal and vice-principal (authorities) and management (private
Prepare a checklist to ensure that all task are completed (e.g., booking facilities and
transportation, parental notifications, medical forms, supervision, safety precautions,
emergency information and have the school administration sign the checklist once completed.
Be sure to visit the site ahead of time in order to plan for safety, resources and resources
personnel facility.
Plan on route activities to enrich their experience during the field trip.
Provide parents with rationalization for the field trip and trip itinerary.
The instruction component
The pre trip stage is critical on preparing participants for the experience. Participants,
especially youth, often have high levels of anxiety when going on a field trip. Often a field
trip is the first experience a person has with a particular location.
Pass out permission slips and an information sheet for students including due dates for
money and signed forms and the cost and details of your trip.
Collect money and keep a careful accounting.
Create student groups.
Create a lesson for students to complete in conjunction with the field trip.
Work sheet with questions to answer while at the destination, an essay that they must
complete upon return or some other activity.
On field trip day, get to school early. Make sure you have all required forms ready to go. If
you need to get lunches from the cafeteria, make sure you have these also. Debrief
concerning the field trip the next day after you return. Talk about the group impressions and
what students learned.
1. The role of the participants
It is accomplished by establishing a field trip agenda and sharing this agenda and field trip
objectives with the participants. It starts with a brief amount of free time for the individuals to
explore the field trip site on their own.
A whole group guided tour: During the tour , the organizer can point out specific items that
relate to the educational goals of the field trip.
A small group learning activity : working in pre assigned groups of two to three participants
can complete an activity such as a short worksheet .
Throughout the field trip , the organizer should be actively engaged in teaching activities.
Should also initiate discussion and function more as facilitators and guides rather then
directors, which can increase student interest and learning .
Debriefing activity: participants should be encouraged to share and discuss their experiences.
They should also be given an opportunity to identify problems encountered during the field
Culminating activity : this activity should give participants an opportunity to apply a content
knowledge they gained during the field trip.
Field trips are not the pleasure trips rather they are educative and informative trips and
should be planned in the way only.
Depending on the place of place of visit and its duration, there are four types.
Local school trips: It’s a trip within the school. Eg: Taking students to the library.
Community trip: It’s a trip made to nearly place. Eg. A trip to a local zoo, local park and
garden, local museum, etc.
Educational trip: It’s the trip made to a distant place requiring more than one day. Eg. A trip
to far off historical city.
Field trips are valuable aids to what students curiosity about natural and made processes and
Field trips develop proper attitudes and social skills among children.
Limitations of field trips:
A field trip can be only an occational activity.
They can be expensive and many schools can only ill afford such efforts.
It is a performance to show a process or activity to others. The correct use of various devices and
instruments are to be demonstrated to the students for proper handling by them.
“A demonstration is an activity to show “how” and providing proofs for a process or happening”
Eg: to show how to give N.G tube feeding
To demonstrate experiment and procedures
To revise or review procedures to met a special situation
To demonstrate a procedure at the bed side
To introduce a new procedure
To teach a patient about the procedure .
Preplanning: The teacher must plan the sequence in which he will inject in his commentary
and verbal information.
Rehearsal: The teacher must try out the demonstration for his own sake.
Performance: It should be slick to the point and with proper explanation of key concept.
before the demonstration keep everything ready and be well organized
place the pieces of equipments for demonstration high enough for everybody to observe
present the information sequentially stressing the main ideas
let the demonstration proceed smoothly without interruptions
ask questions from the students regarding what they have observed
if the students have not understood certain ideas during the demonstration , the do it again
summaries the main points after demonstration
allow students to perform after demonstration is over
The teacher must ask questions and discuss what has been observed by students.
Good for acquiring and perfecting operational skills.
Engage students attention and operation.
Correlate theory with practical.
Enable the learner to do step by step the procedure in a systemic way.
Monitoring the learners is easy for the teacher.
Teacher can supervise less number of students in a single laboratory session
More time consuming
Expensive in terms of time , personal and equipment.
Feasibility of acquiring competence is difficult
It is a learning activity in which students collect and interpret the observations using measuring
instruments to reach some conclusions. The results of the experiments should be based upon cause
and effect of relationships and conclusions from the observations.
“It is a learning activity in which students collect and interpret the observations using measuring
instruments to reach some conclusions. The results of the experiments are invariably used as
instructional aids as the encourage learning by doing.”
Eg: Verifying Boyle’s low of gases. Finding relationship between family size and literacy.
1. Object of the experiment.
2. Apparatus required
3. Procedure or methodology
4. Observation for data
5. Treatment of observation or data. i.e-computations to be used
6. Results or conclusion
7. Precautions
8. Ideas for further work
The teacher can individually attend students.
Make students regular, patient and punctual.
Build scientifically attitudes, observational power and ability to draw the conclusions.
It is a very potential methods of keeping the classroom instruction lively and interesting.
Drama is the specific mode of fiction represented in performance. The term comes from a Greek
word meaning “ action”, which is derived from “to do”.
Role playing: The players act out the characters based upon their own knowledge and
impressions of a small incident. This act requires no script and rehearsal. Eg. Acting out a
family scene.
Play lets: The players stage a small play lasting for ten to fifteen minutes with a script
preparation and costumes. Eg. Story of snow white and seven dwarfs.
Pageant: The players present a colorful enactment of a phase of history with the period
costumes. Eg. the story of Indian freedom struggle being staged.
Pantlomne: The players present a scene in which characters act out loudly with expressions
and gestures but do not speak. Eg. a street scene in which objects and some characters are
shown by gestures
Tableaux: The players neither talk nor they act but they only pose different actions. Eg. a
factory scene with workers action posed with commentary from the background and spotlight
shifting from posed with commentary from the background and spotlight shifting from one
pose to another.
Makes learning a pleasure.
Makes student creative, sensitive and alert.
Very helpful in nursing education in selected situations.
There are two main approaches
2. De-centralised
1.Projected room
2.Darkening facilities
3.Displaying and working place
4.Graphic aid room
5.Self Instructional facilities
6. Dustproof,sound proof, adequate spacing
1.To assist with subject matter specialist with the selection and evaluation the material
2. Purchase and produce materials recommended
3. To categorize all material all issue the list of o purchase repair and maintain all equipment
5. To inspect repair and maintain equipment
For repairs and replacement and maintenance regardless of size of the school system there
must be center location where teacher can go for assistance material and equipment.
The managerial function of staffing involves manning the organization structure through proper and
effective selection, appraisal and development of the personnels to fill the roles assigned to the
According to Theo Haimann, “Staffing pertains to recruitment, selection, development and
compensation of subordinates.”
Staffing Function
1. Staffing is an important managerial function- Staffing function is the most important
managerial act along with planning, organizing, directing and controlling. The operations of
these four functions depend upon the manpower which is available through staffing function.
2. Staffing is a pervasive activity- As staffing function is carried out by all mangers and in all
types of concerns where business activities are carried out.
3. Staffing is a continuous activity- This is because staffing function continues throughout the
life of an organization due to the transfers and promotions that take place.
4. The basis of staffing function is efficient management of personnel’s- Human resources
can be efficiently managed by a system or proper procedure, that is, recruitment, selection,
placement, training and development, providing remuneration, etc.
5. Staffing helps in placing right men at the right job. It can be done effectively through
proper recruitment procedures and then finally selecting the most suitable candidate as per the
job requirements.
6. Staffing is performed by all managers depending upon the nature of business, size of the
company, qualifications and skills of managers, etc. In small companies, the top management
generally performs this function. In medium and small-scale enterprise, it is performed
especially by the personnel department.
Professional staff checking indent
1. K.Tryphena Sheeba, “Communication and Educational technology”, 1st edition, Frontline
2. Journal of science Education & Technology.
3. Journal of Indian Education.
4. Journal of progressive Education.