Addressing The Hazards: of Data Omission
Addressing The Hazards: of Data Omission
Addressing The Hazards: of Data Omission
T HE U.S. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH to make MSDSs more useful references for process hazards analy-
Administration’s (OSHA’s) Hazard Communication sis (PHA).
Standard (HCS) (29 CFR 1910.1200) is intended to promote Companies where hazardous chemicals are used are mandated
safety in the workplace by providing workers with information by HCS to communicate hazard information to workers in four
about the physical and health hazards posed by the chemicals they ways. First, organizations must maintain a list of hazardous chem-
handle or to which they may otherwise be exposed (1). However, it icals that they use. Second, companies must maintain copies of the
does not encourage companies to develop physical hazard data — MSDS for each of these chemicals and make them readily acces-
including fire, explosion, and reactivity hazard data — beyond sible to workers in the work area where the chemicals are used.
those explicitly listed in ANSI Z400.1 (2), even when those data Third, companies must provide training to workers about physical
are likely required for safe manufacturing of the substance. If these and health hazards in the workplace, including: 1) explaining the
data are not developed by the manufacturer and are not otherwise hazards posed by hazardous chemicals; 2) instructing workers in
readily available from the scientific literature, they are unlikely to how to understand MSDSs; 3) describing methods for safe han-
be included on material safety data sheets (MSDSs). dling of hazardous chemicals; and 4) demonstrating suitable pro-
Thus, MSDSs do not often serve as a useful reference doc- tective equipment.
ument for conducting process hazards analysis as required Finally, when hazardous chemicals are transferred from ship-
under OSHA’s Process Safety Management (PSM) standard ping containers to smaller containers, these smaller containers
(29 CFR 1910.119) (3), including fire and explosion hazard must be properly labeled in accordance with the specific require-
assessments and chemical reaction hazard assessments, and ments of the standard.
under the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s)
Risk Management Plan (RMP) program (40 CFR 68) (4). This Addressing health and physical hazards
is clearly an inherently hazardous situation, the implications Despite the fact that the standard addresses both physical and
of which are discussed herein. health hazards in the workplace, OSHA and the regulated com-
This article discusses data that would be useful for companies munity have seemingly focused for the last 10 years on health
to include on MSDSs, including flammability and reactivity data. hazards under the HCS, including on MSDSs. For example,
In addition, OSHA and ANSI need to provide more explicit guid- many MSDSs include numerous pages of toxicological data and
ance as to which specific fire, explosion, and reactivity data should ecological data, i.e., environmental fate and transport. In con-
be included on MSDSs and protect companies providing such trast, MSDSs often contain relatively little data or information
data from liability due to the improper application or interpretation about fire and reactivity hazards posed by hazardous chemicals.
of these data. The objective of the additional guidance should be Unfortunately, the omission of such data is permissible under
explosible at its nominal particle size, e.g., greater than and powders with relatively higher melting points can pro-
400–500 mm. However, dust finer than this size that is vide greater thermal insulation as layer thickness increases.
evolved may be explosible. Accordingly, the manufacturer As a result, less heat can be dissipated from the particles
of this bulk solid or powder may include a suitable warning closest to the heat source.
on the MSDS: “Dust evolved from bulk solid may form Should a supplier be liable for injuries and damages
explosive dust-air mixture.” incurred by a customer when providing in the MSDS the MIT
But what if the manufacturer reasonably interprets ANSI of a dust layer as determined in accordance with ASTM E-
Z400.1 and wishes to include data describing the conditions 2021 if the customer or its employees are harmed by a fire or
under which the dust is explosible for purposes of aiding cus- explosion during use of a product, even though the supplier
tomer PHA? For example, the ignition sensitivity of a dust could not reasonably foresee that the customer would allow
cloud is described by its minimum ignition energy (MIE) and accumulations of combustible dust exceeding a thickness of 5
minimum (auto-) ignition temperature (MIT or MAIT). mm on hot equipment? What obligation does the customer
The MIE describes the sensitivity of an explosible dust cloud have to reasonably interpret the MSDS data, i.e., to limit accu-
to ignition by electrical arcs and electrostatic discharges, and can mulations of combustible dust to less than 5 mm or preferably
be determined in accordance with ASTM Method E-2019. The eliminate them altogether.
MIT describes the sensitivity of an explosible dust cloud to igni-
tion from hot surfaces and can be determined in accordance with Additional data to consider for MSDSs
ASTM Method E-1491. Considered together, the MIE and MIT Questions may also arise regarding which data are the most
describe the sensitivity of a dust cloud to ignition from frictional useful and relevant to include on the MSDS to describe physical
and impact sparks, such as that which may occur in rotating or hazards. For example, ANSI Z400.1 indicates that AIT and
moving metal equipment in the event of maloperation or failure. decomposition temperature should be included in Section 9 of
These methods generally recommend that testing be per- an MSDS. For combustible dusts, does this mean the MIT of a
formed for a sample fraction having a gross particle size less than dust cloud and/or MIT of a dust layer, or another property —
75 µm (200 ASTM mesh), since this is the fraction most likely to namely the spontaneous ignition temperature (SIT), which can
remain suspended in the form of an explosible dust cloud. Thus, a be determined, along with FIT, in accordance with ASTM
manufacturer may be inclined to include the MIE and MIT for Method D-1929?
<75-mm dust on the MSDS for a combustible bulk solid. SIT is the temperature at which approximately 3 g of a solid
However, what if the customer grinds or mills the solid? The substance will glow or ignite solely in response to the prevailing
MIE and MIT of a dust cloud generally decrease as particle size environmental temperature. The method does not distinguish,
decreases, so the MIE and MIT may be lower during and after however, between ignition of the solid sample and ignition of
grinding or milling. Consequently, additional precautions may be flammable vapor that may be evolved. Further, even the SIT, MIT
required to minimize the risk of fire and explosion during these of a dust cloud, and MIT of a dust layer may not represent the
operations beyond those that may be suggested by the MSDS data. lowest hot-surface temperature capable of posing a hazard to a
The MIT of a dust cloud is analogous to the autoignition substance.
temperature (AIT) for a gas or vapor, which is presently one Often, the maximum safe exposure temperature for a substance
of the physical hazard data recommended by ANSI Z400.1. should be based on its self-accelerating decomposition tempera-
While the AIT of a gas or vapor evolved from a combustible ture (SADT) or self-heating onset temperature (To) — i.e., the
liquid is sometimes included on the MSDS, the MIT of a temperature at which self-heating commences. These are likely
dust cloud rarely is. Perhaps this stems from the fact that it what ANSI means when it refers to “decomposition temperature”
could be confused with the MIT of a dust layer, which can in Section 9 of ANSI Z400.1. The SADT and To are important to
be determined in accordance with ASTM E-2021. The MIT know for PHA purposes because they represent the temperatures
of a dust layer describes the sensitivity of a 5-mm dust layer at which substances will continue to decompose or self-heat
to ignition from hot surfaces. respectively, even if the source of heat that initiated these reactions
The inclusion of both the MIT of a dust cloud and MIT is subsequently removed.
of a dust layer would be useful for a PHA. For example, the Self-heating occurs when the rate of heat generated by oxida-
maximum safe exposure temperature for a substance should tion exceeds the rate at which a bulk solid or powder can dissipate
in some applications be based on the lower of the MIT of a heat to the environment, even in the absence of an increase in the
dust cloud and MIT of a dust layer, less a suitable safety ambient temperature. This increases the temperature of the sub-
factor. Specifically, it is generally recommended that sub- stance and, as a result, increases the rate of oxidation. The reaction
stances not be exposed to temperatures exceeding two-thirds rate can increase by two- or three-fold for every 10°C increase in
of their MIT (or AIT). the reaction temperature (6). Ultimately, the temperature of the
However, in the same way that the MIT of a dust cloud substance can exceed its AIT or MIT, causing it to ignite and burn.
is a factor of the particle size and moisture content of the The period for which a bulk solid or powder must be
dust, the MIT of a dust layer is a factor of the thickness of exposed to its To for self-heating to commence is known as
the dust layer on a surface. While ASTM E-2021 recom- the induction time. Self-heating of bulk solids and powders is
mends testing a 5-mm-thick (100-mm dia.) dust layer, it is a form of relatively slow combustion (oxidation) that can
known that ignition temperature generally decreases as occur over hours, days or even weeks. In contrast, the MIT
layer thickness increases. This is because many bulk solids describes the temperatures at which a dust evolved from such